• Published 9th Aug 2020
  • 2,622 Views, 45 Comments

Avenging Sun - Fullmetal Prime

And there came a day unlike any other, when two remarkable people met. Both former wrongdoers. Both framed for crimes they didn't commit. Both forced to run from people they thought they could trust. Both finding a place in a remarkable group.

  • ...

#3 Planted Seeds

Eventually the girls fell asleep shortly into their third movie, Sunset didn't even have the chance to message Twilight. Despite this they woke up bright and early the next morning, thanks to a combination of Applejack's habit of getting up at the break of dawn and Rainbow Dash's lack of organizational skills.

Recovering from their rude awaking, the girls went down stairs finding Bow finishing off six breakfast plates for them. While they ate, Sunset pulled out the textbooks she popped home for yesterday evening, planning on doing as much revision as possible before the her test. Rainbow and Applejack were evidently in the same boat and asked her for some help.

Pinkie, having finished her breakfast at speed worthy of a Silly Sympathy cartoon, was currently whipping up a quick batch of her special pancakes. Rarity meanwhile was scrolling through her many, many social media feeds while asking Fluttershy's opinion on something when something in particular warranted an "Oh my."

"What's up, Rares?" Applejack asked, leaning over the girl's shoulder.

The fashonista turned her phone to the group, showing her MyStable feed.

"Oh. My. Gosh," Pinkie was shocked. "Songbird Serenade's tour has been cancelled?!"

"What? Oh! No, this."

Rarity scrolled up the feed then showed her phone again to the group. The post was a photo of a 'Welcome To Canterlot City' road sign with a sizable dent in it.


"What happened?"

"Maybe a branch broke off a tree and hit it," Fluttershy offered.

"Wind hasn't been that bad lately," Rainbow pointed out mouthfull.

"Swallow, dear," Rarity chastised. "I'd wager it was a group drunken hoodlums."

"How would a bunch of 'drunken hoodlums' do that to a metal road sign?"

"They would find a way, Rainbow."

"You speaking from personal experience?" Applejack teased, getting an unamused look.

"Hardly. I've heard some... wild stories about my father's exploits with his friends in his youth. Stories I wish I could forget."

"Maybe it was Santa!"

The girls turned to Pinkie Pie.

"Santa?" Applejack asked.

"Uuuuh-Huh! I bet he got blinded by all the snow."

"And Santa came to Canterlot in May," Rainbow carried on. "Because why?"

"Just look outside," Pinkie pointed out the window to the snow covered garden. "His super secret spy elves probably got confused."

"'Spy elves'?" Rarity placed her head in her hand and leaned on the table.

"Duuuuh? How do you think he keeps tabs on over two billion boys, girls and others?" Pinkie rolled her eyes. "Even holiday spirits need to adapt with the times."

While everyone else became enraptured in an ensuing lecture on Pinkie's theories of how St.Nick could modernise his operation, Sunset stared at the ruined sign her mind picturing scratched purple paint.

Clint woke up to the shrill sound of an alarm clock. An alarm clock up on the loft.

Groaning, he pulled himself of his host's couch having decided not to take the sore back rather sleep in the teenager's bed. Barely resisting the urge to resort to his go to solution, he forced himself up the ladder and upon reaching the now shrieking clock, gave it a hard slap shutting it up.

With that out of the way, he made his way down to the cupboard his red haired host kept her food.

Who needs this much oat cereal?

He retrieved a box and a bowl then took a seat on a stool, which shook at the slightest move. He turned and regarded the space his sky-cycle currently occupied.

He glanced around the shed. He'd give the kid this, it wasn't the worst hideaway he had ever seen, a lot of repurposed old furniture, camping equipment, a few portable heaters and the old shed was surprisingly inhabitable.

Kid was resourceful and smart, if the books laying around were any indication. However, that made him scratch his head as so why she was hiding in this dump, though he did have a theory or two.

He reached over to a chipped fruit bowl for an apple, when a jolt of pain in his sides reminded him he needed fixing up as well. Once the pain settled and he retrieved the red skinned treat, Clint turned to the table and started going over what he picked up from the safe house in tranquillity.

Some old trick arrows, most which were either broken from the crash or too old but he could reuse some of the heads.

A few hundred dollars cash.

A fool proof disguise.

And finally, the entire reason he risked breaking into the safe house in Tranquillity and the easiest sure fire way he knew to get SHIELD of his back.

The Rainbooms hurried into the school, covered in snow and water from a brief conflict between snow forts Awesome and Party On, laughing all the way.

"Oh God!" Rainbow shouted between laughs. "Did you see the look on Ms Cheerliee's face? I swear I saw steam coming off the back of her head."

"Ah was more concerned with the death glare she was giving us."

"You really should be more respectful, Rainbow," Rarity said as she pulled a few specs of white from her hair. "We're lucky she only told us to get inside."

"Said the girl who kept getting everyone in the back. How exactly is that good manners?"

The fashionista held up her head, "There is a time and a place to ladylike and the battlefield is no such a place."

"Quoting your detective stories ain't getting you out of this."

"Wah wah!"

"Huh?" Rainbow spun round to the hall, but could see who said it, none of the students were looking her way.

"We were up so late last night," Fluttershy flipped through the pages of a notebook. "I hope I studied enough."

"You'll be fine, Fluttershy," Sunset assured. "I can go over your notes with you later if you want."

"Oh! That would be great. Thank you, Sunset." The pinkette smiled before turning apologetic. "I'm sorry we didn't get to watch your movie."

"It's cool. Always next time."

"After Sunset's, we're watching my movie," Rainbow chimed in, to which Rarity cleared her throat.

"Actually, Rainbow, I believe Applejack was next."

"Fair's fair, Dash," the farmer nodded.

"C'mon, I'll trade ya."


"Pokémon battle it for, ya for it," she nudged the farmer in the side with her elbow. "C'mon, full on Six V. Six."

"Ha! No."



"Coin toss."


"Arm wrestle?"

The group all stopped and turned to the athlete, varying degrees of disbelief on their faces.

"Seriously, now?" Applejack asked.

Rainbow stared at her with an unreadable look, then suddenly, she was on her knees in front of her gripping her shirt.

"Please! I've been dying to watch the new animated Daring Do movie for weeks! I need to watch it A.S.A.P!"

"'Weeks?' Why didn't you watch it on your own?"

"Because she made me pinkie promise not to!"

Rainbow pointed at Pinkie, who responded in her usual cheery tone. "And no one breaks a pinkie promise....ever."

"...She's got you there, Dash."

"Please!" Rainbow resumed begging, pulling Applejack closer to the ground. "I can't take the wait anymore!"

"Must have missed her flight."


Rainbow jumped to her feet and looked around. "You guys heard that?"

"Heard what, darling?"


Rainbow again spun around and again just saw a crowd of students.

"Alright, that I heard," said Sunset with Fluttershy nodding in agreement.

"Okay, what's the deal? Why is everyone making... crying noises... at... me." Rainbow's eyes widened. "No."

"What's wrong, Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked.

"Ya'll turning paler then a flea who just saw the dogs bathtub*."

"Flight Crybaby Crash attempting to take off."

"No no no."

"Rainbow Dash!" The six girls stopped and saw Scootaloo came running up to them, holding up her phone.

"Scoots, please tell me you're not going to say what I think you're gonna say," Rainbow begged.

Scootaloo's mouth snapped shut and she avoided her honorary sister's gaze. Said sister, dug out her own phone and went to Anon-A-Miss' page.

Did you guy's know Rainbow Dash, wouldn't stop crying after her first plane ride. The big bad sportstar is a Total. Crybaby😭. want some tissues lolololol😆

Rainbow stared at the screen then after a few seconds to process what she just said she asked the only question that really mattered. "How?!"

"It's just like my old nickname."

"How did she find out?" Fluttershy asked

Before the conversation could continue the bell rang.

"We'll have to worry about this later," Sunset put a comforting hand on Rainbow's shoulder before walking down the hallway with Fluttershy and Applejack. "See you girls later."

Rarity and Pinkie Pie went the opposite direction, then paused when they noticed Anon-A-Miss' latest target hadn't moved from where she was standing. Her little sister looking up with concern.

"Coming, Rainbow?" the fashioniesta asked.

“Y-yeah, just give me a second.”

As her friends headed off, Rainbow looked back at her phone.

"Why are they doing this?"

"I don't know, but she obviously thinks it's fun to mess with you," Scootaloo shrugged. "But how'd she know. I mean you don't invite a lot of folks home, so where'd they get it form?"

Scootaloo turned and hurried down the hallway, then ducked behind a corner. She peaked round, seeing familiar spectrum coloured hair walking away. She then pulled out her phone started typing excitedly.

"Damn it!"

Clint threw the trick arrow into the bucket of water on the table, black smoke rising out.

"Well, there went about an hour's work."

He looked to the opposite side of the table, finding pile of broken pieces of metal, wires and other scrap.

"Well so much for getting more gear from the safe house."

There were salvagible parts sure but he still needed new ones and his arrows weren't all he needed parts for.

He looked over his shoulder at the his sky-cycle under the loft, that was his host's bedroom. There was no way about it, he'd have to risk Las Angeles. Sure he might be able to get it flying for short trips but to get it back in full working order, he'd have to risk the most camera filled city on the planet.

That however would have to wait until he'd healed up and got his bike in decentish condition. Until, then he had to lay low and as he gather supplies. At the moment though, he had a trick arrow to disassemble.

He picked up a screwdriver and aligned it with a tiny screw on the side of the casing.

"Hey, 'Bruno'."

The tip just missed, digging into the table. Letting out a relieved breath, he turned and glared at the interruption. Not Widow who was currently smiling sheepishly in the doorway.

"What are you doing here?"

"...I live here?"

"I mean now," He picked up another trick arrow and screwdriver. "Thought you said you'd be away all week."

"Well, yeah but I'd figure I'd check on you."

She noticed the pillow and blanket.

"You slept on my couch?"


"Something wrong with my bed?"

"And I don't want to sleep in a teenager's bed or get blood on the sheets if my wounds reopen," he answered as he took the arrowhead apart. "Sides, I'd rather not deal with the ladder."

"Okay, fair points," she tilted her head from side to side. "So, still don't want me to take you to someone?"


"Doesn't have to be a doctor. A friend of my has medical training, she'd probably do a better job then me."


Clint continued to tinker, while his host stared at him with an unsure look until he sighed in annoyance and looked up at her.

"Look if me being here is a problem, I can find somewhere else."

"It's not," she assured with her hands up. "Just... trying to make small talk."

He stared at her for a second before going back to tinkering with the arrow. Not Widow awkwardly tapped her hands against the table, then leaned over to look past him at the strange vehicle under the loft.

"Kind of surprised, you're not working on your bike."

"Did. Decided to take a break."

She looked at the row of trick arrows and picked one up looking it over.

"Never seen arrows like this. You made these?" Sunset asked as she prepared to give the arrow's cylindrical head an experimental tap but her barn guest's hand shot out and grabbed her wrist before she could.

"Yeah, I did. Now, put that down. Unless, you want your eyebrows burnt off."

She gently placed the arrow back on the table. Clint removed his hand from her wrist and resumed disassembling another arrow head. Sunset, leaned against the table tapping the toes of one her boots against the floor, watching him work before turning her gaze to the wall that supported the loft.

"Sooo, your bike..."

"What about it?"

"Can it..."

He glanced up, she nervously glanced away, afraid to look stupid, he guessed.

"Can it what?" he asked, humouring her.


"Can't really call it a 'sky-cycle' if it couldn't,' he answered turning back to the arrowhead.

Her smile turned giddy at the confirmation, waiting for him to continue.

"Where'd you get?" she asked when he didn’t.

"A friend made it," he answered, pulling some kind of canister out of the projectile on the table.

She blinked. "Is that friend Tony Stark?"


"They do commissions?" she asked, half serious, and waited for him to reply.

When he didn't, she went over to the vehicle, and found the sky-cycle partially disassembled, a knocked over tool box and a pile of metal and wire.

"You need parts after your crash?" She turned back to her guest. "I know a guy."

"'You know a guy?'" the archer turned to her with a disbelieving look. "Really?"

Not Widow gestured around the shed. "Where'd you think I got half this stuff?"

Hawkeye shrugged. "Robbed a garbage dump?"


Again, a brow was raised and Sunset hung her head.

"Okay, some of it," she looked back up. "But seriously, if you need parts for your bike," She point at the table. "He's your best bet."

"You seriously think I'll find spare parts for a sky-cycle, a one of a kind machine, at the local junker?"

"Maybe?" Not Widow shrugged. "He's got almost anything. It's actually kind of scary... at the very least he might have parts you can use for your other toys."


The teen pointed to the small pile of broken arrow shafts on her table.

He sighed, "Okay, I know this game. What do you want?"

She shook her head. "Nothing. I just want to help."



"You want a ride on the flying motorcycle, don't you?"

"No.... okay, yeah, but mostly I want to help."

"And the reason you're helping, aside from said ride, is why exactly?"

She shrugged. "Figure it out."

The two stared at each other, then Clint sighed, then plunged his hand to the bucket pulling out several blackened pieces of scrap. "Well, it beats trying to salvage these."

"Okay, but give a me a list and I'll-"

"Just tell me where to ago."



"No. You were exhausted and half dead when I found you," before he could argue she cut him off. "You collapsed before you could finish a sentence, are covered in wounds including a few that were bleeding like crazy yesterday, and it’s freezing out. I'm not letting you walk around town in the cold. Besides, I hate to tell you but a purple... whatever that is, isn't exactly going to blend in."

"You really think I don’t know that?” he asked standing up. Then walked over to the couch and threw on...

"A trench coat and a fedora?" her eyes blinked rapidly trying to comprehend the idea. "That's your fool proof disguise?"

"Hey, it works."

"Yeah, no. There's a store along the way we can nip in and get you some real clothes."

"Which would need me spending money I could spend on stuff I need more, when this old trick works just fine.”

His host folded her arms and adopted a smile.

"Riiight, because a teenage girl walking around with a full grown man in a concealing trench coat and hat isn't going to raise any alarms."

He opened his mouth to argue then shut it and sighed.

"Great," she clapped her hands. "Let me just grab some things first."


The store was no Carousel Boutique but Sunset wasn’t complaining. While she had every confidence in Rarity's selections, the last thing she needed was Anon-A-Miss posting about her hanging out with ‘Bruno’. Especially, one in a bright colourful costume, the school rumour mill would have a field day.

Speaking of the man in question, he was currently in one of the changing rooms, reluctantly trying on some clothes she picked out after she had to actually push him in.

"You okay in there?" Sunset called into the changing room.

"I'm fine."

"You're sure?"

"I'm AH! fine!"

While 'Bruno' changed, Sunset browsed through a selection of leather jackets, occasionally picking one out and holding against her as she admired it in a mirror.

” Oh, Van Dyne Designs why must you taunt me, so?"

"You almost done in there, 'Bruno?" Sunset called; having gotten bored of eyeing clothes she couldn't afford.

"Oh, I'm done. But no way I'm coming looking like this."

"You'd rather walk around in a beaten-up circus costume?" she said, standing closer to the changing room.

'Bruno' didn't reply.


"I'm thinking about it."

"Just get out here!"

The curtain pulled back and 'Bruno' stepped out, wearing the clothes she had picked out. A white and black hoodie with purple highlights over a shirt of the later colour, with purple gloves and black a purple boot.

"Hey! Not bad! I've only picked out clothes for a guy once, but I think I did a decent job," she brought a hand to her chin admiring her picks of clothing, though the poor guy wearing them didn't seem too happy. “What’s wrong?”

"I feel like a reject from Squadron Sophomore."

"Oh, I love that game!"

Sunset smiled while the archer scowled.

"Do you really need to be so negative?"

''Bruno'' raised a brow and gently, tapped the injured part of his arm.

"Fair point," Sunset conceded. "But, hey, at least now you'll attract less attention."


As the archer grumbled, Sunset walked over to a nearby a stand.

"Here, try these."

She held out a pair of purple mirrored sunglasses, which 'Bruno' took briefly shooting he a questioning look before putting them on.

"I'm not really a fashion expert, I leave that up to a friend of mine, but honestly, I think you rock it, " Sunset gestured to the mirror she had been admiring herself and the jackets in. "Besides, it can't hurt have another set of clothes. Or at least fresh ones."

'Bruno' shot her a frown for that last comment then turned back to the mirror.

"Subtler then walking around in a mask, anyway," he begrudgingly agreed, then gave his reflection another look and smirked, striking a few poses. "And I do make this look good."

Sunset rolled her eyes and walked past the man, throwing the hood over his head as she went.

"Come on, I've got to get to my friend's house soon."

After paying for the clothes, which came to a price that neither would like to repeat, Sunset led him down the street and through a few alleys. As they went, she assures him about their destination. Her efforts didn't seem to improve his mood, though having him pull a little red wagon like a cartoon toddler probably didn't help.

"Kid, you realise I'm just humouring because you gave me a place to crash, right?"

"Oh, I know, but trust me, if you want parts to get your bike working, this is the place to go."

'Bruno' took one look at the sign of the establishment, housing parts for his one-of-a-kind ride. He was not impressed.

"'One Man's Scrapyard Another's Restored and Refurbished Items?'" he turned to her. "Seriously?"

"Hey, it's this or keep tinkering with gizmos that are falling apart," she replied, walking across the street to the store.

"Treasure Trash!" Sunset called, one they were inside. "You in?"

"Give us a minute!" A deep voice called from somewhere in back.

"His last name is 'Trash?'"




"Well, that's a good sign."

Sunset gave him a look then walked up to the front desk as a door to the back of the building opened.

An older man, with long dark grey hair with a few streaks of blonde pulled back in a tail, stepped out. Dressed in torn jeans and t-shirt of a band neither of his customers had heard of. On his left forearm, he had a tattoo of a bejewelled, sparkling silver bracelet or necklace with dents and cracks.

Once his rust-coloured eyes saw Sunset, he held out his arms and smiled.

"Ah, Miss "Summer"! Long time."

"Hey, Treasure."

"So, what can I do for you? Got more scrap to sell?" his smiled took a sharper edge. "Or you here to wager?"

Sunset shook her head.

"Not today. My friend here needs some parts," she pointed a thumb at 'Bruno', who waved at the old man. "Told him you were the guy to see."

"Parts, huh?" Treasure Trash stroked his beard. "What kind?"

"Ideally? The kind that work."

"Fair enough," Treasure Trash laugh. "But seriously, got any specific in mind?"

'Bruno' pulled a folded-up piece of paper out of his new hoodies pocket and handed it the old man. Treasure took out a pair of glasses and unfolded the paper, which seemed to take up a full a4 sheet.

"Hmm," Treasure ran a figure through his beard.

"Well, you got them or not?" Sunset elbowed his arm at the comment. "Hey!"

"Give him a second."

"Thank you, Miss Summer, but I can take care of myself," He smiled at Sunset before turning to her companion. "Alright, Mr. Rude, I'll have a look in the back see if we have anything you're after. And since you have such little faith in my stock, I'll even half the price."

"This'll be interesting."

"Hey, I got most of my stuff from this guy, including the couch you love so much. It's what he does, he goes through the stuff people just throw away, fixes it up if he can and sells it. At pretty good prices too, I got my laptop here good as new, at a third of the price for a for a new one."

"Kid, not matter how you build it up there's no way in hell that this small-town junkyard is going to have anything close to what I need and if they do there's no way it's going to be that easy."

Ten minutes later

"Not one word."

"I didn't say anything," Sunset replied unable to keep the smile off her face as she and the grumpy bowman pulled a wagon filled parts, including some she was pretty he had put on the list just to mess with her.


"Though I kind of wished I bet money right now," she snickered.

"Don't you have a sleepover to get to?"

Sunset came to a halt and turned to a digital clock on display in a shop window. Sure enough, the sleepover of the night would be starting soon.

"Shoot!" she pocketed her phone and grabbed his arm, gently and below the injury. "Come on, if we hurry, we can get back to the shed-"

"Whoa, easy kid!" we waved her off. "Just go."

"Sure, you can manage?"

"No sweat," He hit his chest, over his heart to assure her, an action he quickly regretted but he waved her off when she went to help.

"I've yet to see proof."

"Haha. I'm not a toddler. I can find my way around a few streets."

She didn't seem impressed. "What store was the bus stop we get off at in front of?"

His smiled disappeared and his eyes shifted from one corner to the other. ".... Quills and... Mattresses?"

Sunset's expression was anything but assured.

"Look just go. I can get back on my own. Besides," he turned and bent over the wagon, letting out a quick hiss of pain, and pulled out a part. "The sooner, I get back the sooner you get a ride of the flying bike and I'm out of your hair."

"You don't have to-"

"So, you don't want a ride?"

"I never said that."


He pointed, down the street and Sunset turned around planning on doubling back to a bus stop they passed.

"Hey, kid," she stopped and turned round to her guest. "Thanks."

"No problem," Sunset smiled which he returned with a small one of his own. "So, am I still going to have to call you 'Bruno' or..."

"Don't push your luck," the archer spun round, walking down the street with his little red wagon.

The former unicorn laughed to herself then turned and walked to the bus stop. She briefly glanced back at her house guest.

Then pulled out her phone, then opened her contacts and held it up to her ear. After a few seconds the call was answered.

"Hey, AJ. I was just wondering. You wouldn't happen to have a spare bow around, would you?"

Flash half hummed, half sang along to the song currently playing from his speakers, as he went through his closet. Pulling out clothes most he of which he placed in neatly ordered piles a few he placed in the suitcase currently sitting on his bed.

"Flash!" A voice called from downstairs. "Dinner in ten minutes!"

"Okay!" he called back.

"You are cleaning up in there, right? The music isn't just a cover?"

"Yes, Mom! I am," he rolled his eyes and smiled in reply.

"Good! I want this house shining like a diamond before we leave!"

"I can only do my best!"

"That's all I ask!"

Resuming his task, he pulled out a stack of shirts and, to his surprise, found a box sitting at the back of the shelf.

"How did you get there?"

He pulled the box out and lifted the lid.

Author's Note:

* My first attempt at a countrism, as bad as I thought?

Sorry for the time between updates work has been brutal.