• Published 14th Feb 2020
  • 1,282 Views, 3 Comments

Dragon Brides - LucidDreamer

A mare's life gets upended when she summons a dragon.

  • ...

Chapter 01

Author's Note:

Dragonfire2lm: We wanted to get something done for Valentine's. This started off as a Dragon Booster crossover. It evolved into something more original. Was planned to just be this one chapter. We left it incomplete because we might come back to it. I hope you enjoy.

Sanguine Dream: It was fun talking through this story idea, and how it evolved from a simple crossover. I am happy that we got it done on time. Side note: I like writing descriptions.

In the seaside town of Seapony Shore, work was winding down. The fisherstallions at the docks were tying up their boats for the night. Market stands were emptied, and their produce loaded into carts. Farm ponies stacked the last of their daily harvest. And store owners locked their businesses for the evening.

Everypony was finishing early, in fact. It was the Eve of the Summer Sun Celebration. Not only that, but it was time for the Yearly Choosing. The Choosing in which six mares see if they are worthy enough to summon a dragon. First came The Choosing, which had varying results depending on the year, then came the night of celebration leading to the actual Celebration at the dawn of the new day.

Most ponies were making their way to the town hall. It was potentially a big moment for the mares of the seaside town.

One mare however, could give fuck all. Skydancer the pegasus was nestled in her corner of the library. She had a pile of books to the left of her and a pile of books to the right of her. Books finished and even more books to read. She planned on spending the evening at the library, at least until the librarian forced her out.

“Sk-eye~” An overly happy voice sing-songed through the stacks, causing the pale blue-coated mare to give a small start.

“Huh. What?” The ginger-maned mare blinked and looked around. She adjusted her glasses, allowing her good right eye, bearing a yellow iris, to adjust to the candle light. The dim candle light. The candles she’d brought were virtually stubs with a nice puddle of wax at their bases.

A bright green head poked around a bookshelf. The mane of blond curls, covering the mare’s eyes were pushed back with a hoof, revealing bright purple eyes.

“There you are! I knew you’d be here!” Fluffy Blossom the earth pony grinned at her friend. “Come on, the shebang is about to start, we can’t miss it. I wanna go laugh at the mares who guss themselves up for nothing.”

“Floof. That’s rude.” Sky rolled her eye and shook her head. “Who’s catering?”

“The Apples and the Swordfish. So more than enough fish foods for my shameless carnivore.” Fluffy, Floof, replied with a giggle.

“You mentioned apples, I’m down.” Sky said bluntly, getting to her hooves.

“Apple foods, and fish foods. Pegasi are gonna eat like kings.” Floof said with another giggle as the pegasus started putting away the various books she’d stockpiled. “So, what have you focused your entire brain power on this time? Wereponies? Deer demons? Gearforged simians?”

“Deer demon. Again.” Sky paused and pointed a hoof at Floof. “And don’t start.”

“Oh I wasn’t going to say anything.” Floof replied, raising her hooves defensively with a sly smile. “It’s just, you have so many fantastical husbands, I’m surprised they haven’t started fighting over you yet.”

“If only.” Sky snorted as she finished putting away the piles.

“No, no. It’s fine. You can only find love in the arms of some demon or creature. No living being could satisfy you.” Floof said with a drawn out, very dramatic sigh.

“Are you trying to make me feel bad?” Sky narrowed her eye at her.

“No, I’m just stating the obvious. Though you never know, maybe a ship will come someday and bring a stallion who’s just as… imaginative as you are.” Floof teased. “This library could use more patrons anyway.”

“Right… Do you think we’ll actually see a dragon this year?” Sky asked, flapping her wings to blow out the candles. “It’d be nice to not rely on those magic charms just to get off the ground.” She motioned to the hair-tie in her mane, which was inset with a small blue jewel.

“True. Pity the mare who has to go around with her dragon and let him recharge the town’s stuff.” Floof shrugged. “Ready?”

Sky shrugged into her saddle bags, latched them in place, then nodded. “Yeah.”

“Right. To hilarity and food.” Floof said with a grin, setting off towards the front door with the pegasus trailing behind her.

Ponies milled about the town hall, eating the various fish dishes and apple desserts while chatting and joking about the coming announcement. Sky had a plate full of fish sticks. (Fish meat, battered in bread, then baked.) She didn’t particularly care that she had to go to the foal’s food table to get them, they were good. Floof, on the other hoof, was on her fourth piece of apple crumble.

Sky finished clearing her plate and set it on the tray for dirty dishes, then paused to consider what she wanted for dessert. As she was doing so, Mayor Sunrise Storm, A blue-gray earth pony with oddly fin-like ears (Rumors said that he was descended from sea ponies.) cleared his throat. “Fillies and Gentlecolts, it’s an honor and a privilege to see you all here again.” The stallion said with a smile. “One lucky mare has been chosen to take part in this year’s Choosing. Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Light have already been selected. One lucky mare gets the high honor of being the Mare of Darkness.”

There was an excited chatter throughout the hall. Floof poked Sky. “Hey, what if it was me? I wouldn’t mind laying a dragon.”

“Hmmm.” Sky replied, only half-paying attention as she stared at the dessert table. “Hmmm? What?” She looked over at Floof. “You say something?”

Floof snorted. “Pffft, of course.” She shook her head. “It’s nothing. The Mayor’s just gonna pull the name of the Dark Dragon Bride for this year.”

“Oh, somebody actually got picked this year.” Sky blinked and looked up towards the stage.

The Mayor put his hoof on a large box, shook the box, then stuck his hoof in said box. “And… The lucky mare isss….” He paused, clearly for dramatic effect. “Miss Skydancer!”

The room was silent. A few ponies blinked stupidly, then looked at the bewildered mare.

“Me?” Skydancer asked bluntly.

“Her?!” More than one mare snapped, evidently unhappy with the selection.

“Skydancer! Come on up to the stage!” Sunrise said with a happy smile.

Sky started towards the stage, causing the crowd to part for her. She tried to keep a straight face, but her confusion was still quite evident.

“Congratulations.” Sunrise said with a smile, he gave her a playful wink of his silver eyes as she stood next to him. His voice lowered to more of a speaking volume when she stopped next to him. “What a surprise. I’m sure you’ll do just fine in Canterlot. If it’s anything like the previous years, you’ll head to Canterlot, nothin’ will happen, and y’all can come right home. Nothin’ to worry about.” He raised his voice and addressed the crowd. “Give her a round of applause!”

The crowd stomped their hooves, but some seemed half-hearted. Floof seemed to take exception to this and made it her mission to out stomp everyone else in the hall. Which she did, much to the nervousness of the ponies around her.

“Oh this is so exciting! My best girl! My best girl is gonna have her very own dragon husband!” Floof hadn’t stopped gushing since they’d boarded the train to Canterlot. Why had the mare gone with the pegasus, in not so many words, morale support.

“No one’s summoned a dragon, let alone a dark dragon, for a few years now. I mean, you have Rarity and Spike in Ponyville, but that was… how long ago?” Sky asked the giddy mare.

“Oh them? The Ponyville Power Couple? They were… What, five years ago?” Floof hummed as she seemed to be lost in thought. “Yeah, I think five years. Ponyville get’s all the good stuff. Probably ‘cause it’s closer to Canterlot, and ‘cause it’s like smack dab in the middle of Equestria. But what does a port town like ours get? Nothin’.”

“I mean, we have good food.” Sky offered.

“You have a point.” Floof pointed a hoof at her. “I’d like to see Ponyville have a good harvest of fish in the middle of the country.”

“However, they’re known for their apples.” Sky countered.

“We have apples too! And we also have Apples, so it’s not like they’re any more special than we are. Those Apples just happened to help start Ponyville, though….” Floof pouted. “Dammit.”

“I heard they have a tree library.” Sky commented. “I wanna go see it when all this is done.”

“Fine, we can stop off at Ponyville to see the library before going home.” Floof rolled her eyes. “But if I go to the library with you, you have to come to the Ghastly Gorge with me.”

“Aren’t there Quarray Eels there?” Sky asked.

“Pfffft! We’ll be fine!” Floof waved away her concerns. “I just wanna look down the Gorge, that’s it.”

“Why aren’t you the one with wings?” Sky asked.

“I ask my mom that every day.” Floof snorted. “Maybe I should invest in a gyrocopter. A good one, that doesn’t break every hour on the hour.”

“Maybe. Say, we could go hiking in the White Tail Woods after the Gorge.” Sky offered another suggestion.

“Oh, look at you wanting to go out for once.” Floof teased. “Sure we can. That’d be nice and peaceful. Heck, we can make a day of it. Just exploring town and sightseeing.”

“Yeah.” The other mare nodded.

Canterlot was beautiful. Very much a city of ivory towers and marble streets. Or at least, that’s what it felt like. Everything was almost overwhelming for the bookish mare, and she was quite happy that her outgoing friend had decided to come with her. Additionally, on their way to Canterlot Castle, Floof noticed something.

“You okay?” Floof asked. “All the mares are staring at you.”

“Huh?” Sky blinked and looked at her friend. “What now?”

“All the mares are looking at you.” Floof gestured at the five mares, and their escorts, who happened to be looking at the pegasus. “They’re like twenty. Can’t be older than, like, twenty-one. Maybe they think you’re too old for this.” She shrugged. “It’s not like you asked for this, unlike some mares I could mention.” She shot a look at the mares, who quickly looked away.

“I’m twenty-seven.” Sky groaned. “I don’t give a shit.”

“Well, somepony had to stop them glaring gilded daggers at you. Fuckin’ snooty mares, with their families and their money.” Floof grumbled.

“That’s rude, if they have something to say, they can come up to me and say it.” Sky frowned at her friend.

And yet, nopony did. And the trot to the castle continued without incident.

Once at the rather imposing castle, the mares were herded off to a large hall, where they were met by all three Princesses. Celestia stood front and center on a small stage, flanked by Luna and Cadence. The Canterlot Guard Captain, Shining Armor, was just behind the Princesses, specifically, right behind Cadence. The sight of all three Princesses made most mares completely silent.

Floof was not most mares.

“Shit they’re tall.” Floof said under her breath. Thanks to the acoustics of the room, that phrased happened to echo around the room. Sky gave a long-suffering sigh, yet she swore that Celestia was smiling at the comment.

“Thank you all for coming, some of you quite a long way, I’m sure.” Princess Celestia said, immediately getting everypony’s attention. “As you all know, we rely on the Magic of Dragons for both our magical abilities, and the talents that make us stand out from one another. Without their aid, Equestria would certainly be a dark and dangerous place. To this end, you fine mares have been selected to see if you’re one of the few that can uphold our pact with Dragonkind. I speak for all of Equestria today, when I say that I hope that one of you can renew our pact and secure Equestria’s future.”

The room was silent.

Princess Luna stepped forward. “When we call your name, you will go and meet with the Chronicler. After that you will go to the selected room and touch a dragon scale to see if you have the unique qualifications that a dragon looks for. For now, simply wait until your name is called.”

Sky sat in a provided chair, simply waiting and letting her mind wander.

“You nervous?” Floof spoke up. “I mean, you could be married by the end of the day.”

“Yeah right, what kind of dragon would be interested in me anyway.” Sky snorted a laugh. “I spend most of my day reading, that is all I do when I’m not writing my column for the paper.”

“No! Don’t remind me of work! This is our vacation!” Floof whined loudly.

“Did I tell you about the fan mail I got last week?” Sky asked.

“Uuuuugggghhhhhh…….” Floof groaned out slowly sliding out of her chair.

“Honestly, it was super cute.” Sky grinned. “It was from one of the high schoolers.”

“Fine… What was it?” Floof sighed and righted herself, sitting up straight.

Sky brightened. Sitting up straight and smiling at her friend, she started. “It was really sweet. Apparently this little filly likes my stories. Like, she looks forward to them every week. I like helping people.”

“If you like helping people, then I believe the life of a Dragon Bride would suit you well.” A voice made the pair blinked. Standing in front of them was Princess Luna. The deep blue mare, with a mane like a patch of the starry night, was smiling at the two of them.

“Epp! Princess Luna! I am so sorry for… Anything that could be construed as offensive!” Floof immediately babbled.

Sky, on the entire opposite end of the spectrum, was beyond chill at this point. She had run out of fucks to give by the time they made it to Canterlot, thus a random Princess was barely registering. “Hi.”

“Hello Skydancer, Fluffy Blossom.” Luna nodded at the pair of them. “I for one, am happy that you were selected. Skydancer that is. You have the most imaginative dreams, and I rarely have to dispel any nightmares. It’s quite refreshing to be perfectly honest. What is it about Seapony Rock that makes ponies not have nightmares?”

“Uhhh… Maybe because we’re located in the North Luna Ocean? Your name gives us some kind of protection?” Floof offered.

“I dunno, I just like reading.” Sky shrugged.

Luna actually giggled. “Perhaps I should visit your town some time. Being surrounded by nobles, can be a bit… grating.”

“I can only imagine Princess.” Floof nodded.

“Perhaps, were you to summon a dragon, I could accompany you as a sort of tutor.” Luna said with a small smile. “But, of course, one would have to choose you.”

“I dunno if I’d be able to handle that.” Sky admitted. “I mean, the implications and all.”

“What, scared that the media would think that your dragon is boning three mares, one of which is a Princess? Or is that too much for Miss Prude?” Floof smirked at her friend.

“Damn right, I’m a prude. What kind of dragon would want a prude for a wife?” Sky shot back.

“One that has a great amount of patience, or one that desires to tear down the prudeness as it were.” Luna replied. “Perhaps both.”

“I’m nothin’ special, but… eh?” Sky shrugged.

“Skydancer.” Came a call from the far end of the hall.

“That’s you.” Floof said, grinning. “Go get ‘em!”

“Good luck Skydancer.” Luna gave the mare a small bow.

“Ummm… Thanks?” Sky said as she got up.

Sky trotted up to a rather bored looking stallion behind a desk. “Name?” He asked in a dull monotone.

“Skydancer.” Sky replied.

“Race.” He said glumly.

“Pegasus.” She said flapping her wings a little.

“Cutie Mark.” The Chronicler continued, scratching away at a scroll.

“A cloud with a silver lining.” Sky said. The Chronicler blinked, looked up at her, blinked again, shrugged, and scratched at his scroll.

“Age.” He stated.

“Twenty-seven.” Sky replied.


“Four feet. Four inches.” Sky said with a small sigh.


“Forty-five point three kilos.” She replied.

He paused. “In pounds please.”

There was a pause. She shrugged. He sighed and pulled out an abacus. “Mmmmph. Metric system.” He grumbled. “Mmmm one-hundred pounds.” He gave her a brief look over. “Coat. Sky Blue. Mane. Orange. Eyes… Mmm. Right eye. Yellow. Left eye. Blind.” He stated and seemed to be finished. “Alright. Thank you for your time. You may continue into Room Six.” He gestured down the hallway.

She nodded and trotted down the hallway. There were clearly numbered doors. She could hear things beyond the door like. “Oh great dragon, please take me as your bride.” Or. “Please. My town really needs this.”

She hummed as she got to room six. Opening the door revealed an empty room, save for a pedestal on which sat a black scale. The whole room was lit with a purple light. She stepped in and shut the door behind her.

“Whelp. Let’s get this over with.” She paused. “I hope one of the others can summon one.”

She trotted towards the pedestal and paused. Shrugging, she reached out and put a hoof on the scale.

Nothing happened.

She glanced around the room. “Uhhh… Hello? Dragon?” She asked aloud. She honestly expected at least something when she touched the scale.

“Hullo?” Her question seemed to echo around the room.

‘Mmmmph. What? Oh! Oh, hello, what do we have here?’

She blinked. That wasn’t exactly heard, but more felt, or even more accurately, thought. “Oh so that’s what telepathy is.”

Finally! Somebody remembers the correct terminology. I like you already.’

“Hi. I’m Sky. Who is this?” Sky asked aloud.

‘This is Ordem, The Voiceless. Though I have other titles.’

“Are you a dragon?” She asked. “‘Cause I’m kinda here to summon a dragon. … I think… At least, my name got picked soooo...”

‘Well yes. I am a dragon… technically.... Mmmm. Yes, I am a dragon.’

“Technically?” She blinked. “What do you mean technically? You are a creature with enough magic to power our world, that takes the form of a dragon when crossing over, right?”

‘Ah HA! Again with the correct terminology. Wonderful. Honestly, Sky, you’d be surprised how many entities think we’re just dragons. It’s quite irritating.’

“I mean… we do have books on the subject.” Sky commented.

‘And you’d be surprised how many air-headed mares don’t read. Or try to over-dramatize the whole affair. Or try to appeal to my baser nature. I mean, I won’t turn down a good flank, but there’s more to this than that.’

“Of course, I me-” She paused. “Holy shit I’m talking to a dragon. Holy… Shit…”

‘Well, yes. I thought that this was already pre-established. At least you’re not fainting. Last mare that fainted got dragged out and I couldn’t tell the blasted overseers that she was chosen. Once I cross over, I can communicate with anyone freely, but right now? Right now it’s just the two of us.’

“So have you been summoned before? I know some of the older dragons return to their world when their brides die. Not everyone accepts the Gift of Immortality.” Sky asked, genuinely curious.

There was a chuckle in her head. ‘Yes. I have been. However, it has been quite a long time since I walked the mortal realm.’

“And here I thought I was special.” She said with a small point. “Soul-Mate connection, my arse.”

‘Please, Sky, You can have multiple Soul-Mates. Once your mate passes beyond the Veil, the connection resets, as it were. I have not had a Soul-Mate in over a thousand years, give or take a century.’

“That’s all fine and dandy for you, but what about us?” Sky asked. “We’re the ones who basically have to give up everything for the sake of keeping our world going. If we don’t accept a gift of immortality, we only have that one life. Whereas, you can just go back, go home and wait for someone new to show up.”

‘Oh, you think it’s that easy? Do you honestly believe that we just instantly forget our past loves? Or that we don’t have to watch our loved ones grow old and die? We are not so far above you to be heartless, Skydancer. Far from it. We long to return to the mortal realm, and we jump at any chance we can get. We desire physical form. We delight in life and all the experiences that life entails. Food, drink, sex, simply being able to legitimately sleep, we desire the things of the mortal realm to a degree that you mortals might not be able to comprehend.’

“Either way, Dragon Brides are kind of tragic. Either they tie themselves to one dragon forever, via a gift of immortality, or they remain mortal and allow the dragon to return at a later date.” Sky commented.

‘I agree. The whole process is tragic. Yet, it is not on us. We didn’t decide to start this tragedy. Those entities and mortals of ages past made a pact, not thinking of their futures, simply thinking of the now, and in turn, tragically damned numerous people to sad ends. Yet… perhaps it is not the end that was meant to be worried about, but the journey of the couple that should be experienced, lived. Like many things, I suppose, it is about the journey, not the destination.’

Sky hummed and furrowed her brow, pouting a little in thought.

‘You’re thoughts are scattered, what are you searching for?’

“There’s a reason why the Gift of Immortality is a thing in the first place.” Sky spoke. “If I summon you, you’ll probably offer it eventually. And I’m just sitting here, wondering if it’s a good idea to accept or not, let alone the other implications of being a Bride.”

‘By other implications, I assume you mean powering your town various devices, or perhaps, producing offspring? Worry not, the former is easy, and the latter can be waited on. I am not so controlled by my body that I cannot hold off. Mmmm… I say this… yet… Mmmmph. No matter.’

“Good luck doing anything with me, I’m a prude.” Sky said bluntly. “So, how do I summon you?”

‘You don’t. I simply had to talk to you long enough to find you.’

“So, multiverse theory is true then?” She asked.

‘In a manner. Less Multiverse, and more a Web of Planes connected to yours. Ours is simply closer to yours on the Cosmological Scale, then again everything is if you pull back far enough. I simply needed to zero in on your magical signature.’

“Cool.” She said with a shrug.

‘Now, stay calm. Things might get a bit weird.’

“Okay.” She nodded.

The room seemed to darken. The difference between light and shadow grew into stark contrasts. There was a strange, eerie and uncomfortable hum in the air. A black spot appeared on the floor underneath the pedestal.

‘You may want to back up.’

Sky did just that, backing towards the door.

The black spot grew and the pedestal seemed to fall in to whatever it was. It expanded out until it was a large inky black circle of… something.

A pair of glowing, deep electric blue irises seemed to appear in the blackness. They blinked.

‘Well aren’t you fetching.

Something rose from the blackness. The entity was shrouded in inky blackness.

It. He. Was four legged. Long-angled legs like a reptile, each foot ending four toes with long, sharp-looking claws. Strange sails, like the fins of a fish, protruded from the backs of his forelegs between the claw and the second joint. The same was for his back legs. A sleek barrel with a wide chest. A long, straight tail. It bore a fin-like sail, like a large fan, that came out of the tip. Boney ridges ran from the base of his spine all the way up to the back of his head. He had a short neck, leaving little room between his chest and his head. Said head was sleek yet bumpy, honestly it reminded Sky of a snake. There was a small frill ringing his head, from the back of his lower jaw and around the back of his head. He bore bony ridges above his large, round eyes. She couldn’t see if he had nostrils.

Then he shook himself like a dog. The inky substance splattered everywhere then seemed to evaporate as the inky pool shrank and disappeared.

Sky could see his coloring now. Not much had changed. He was mostly black. Yet the membranes of his fins and frill were a deep purple. Two lines of purple ran from the tip of his tail up his sides and stopped right at his collarbone. Another line ran from the shoulder of each leg and ran down to end at the ankle, only to merge with the purple that made up his feet, sans each black claw.

His snake-like eyes blinked, showing well hidden eyelids. A forked tongue flicked out of the invisible line that was his jaws. The frill around his head seemed to pop open like the sail of a boat catching the wind.

‘Ah. Flesh is so delightfully confined. Like a warm hug.’ Ordem’s eyes focused on Sky. ‘Hello wife.’

Sky blinked. “What. Oh. Ooooh. Right. ….. Shit.”

‘Shit? Why?’ He tilted his head to the side a little. ‘Mmmm, and I know what I said earlier, yet now that I am within flesh that can feel, you look quite desirable. However, t’is too soon for such things.’ He paused and sat on his haunches, he lifted a claw and tapped his chin. ‘What is the phrasing, not until the third date?’

Sky blinked. Speechless.

Ordem shook his head suddenly. ‘Sky. Skydancer. You’re too loud. You’re thinking too loud. Calm down.’ The dragon plodded over to her, sat on his haunches again, and simply placed a somewhat heavy paw on her head.

She tried, and failed to calm down. That made her upset, which only made her more upset. She was clearly spiraling into panic.

‘Sky, why can’t you express emotions?’ He asked. ‘Or, more accurately, why aren’t you allowed to express emotions?’

“I don’t know anymore…” She choked out a sob.


Suddenly she felt very tired.

She shook her head roughly. “No. No. I am fine. I will be fine. Nope.”

‘Clearly you’re not. You are overwhelmed and on the knife edge of a breakdown. This is the quickest way to stop that.’ Ordem explained, lowering his head to meet her eyes. ‘This or I could rut you until you can’t think any more.’ He said matter-of-factly.

“No! I’ll be fine. This has happened before. This is fine. I’ll be okay eventually.” Sky said, half-babbling.

‘Mmmm… If you’re sure.’ He lowered his head further. ‘Do you want to ride me?’

“Wouldn’t that be demeaning?” She asked.

‘I, the husband, offered to carry his distressed wife as she is unwell.’ He replied with a tilt of the head.

“Okay… Fine.” She said, notably starting to calm down.

He lowered his front half. Sky spread her wings to balance herself as she climbed onto his back. He rose slowly and the door opened with neither of them touching it.

‘Right. Now. What was the procedure again?’ Ordem asked. ‘I have the strongest urge to parade you through the castle, though the nobility might take exception to that.

“Let’s just go find the Princesses, my friend should still be with them.” Sky said with the smallest of groans.

‘Ah. Of course.’ Ordem nodded and plodded out of the room. He swayed his head left and right, then turned left to proceed down the way that Sky had previously come down. They plodded up to the Chronicler, who looked up. The stallion blinked at the pair.

“Skydancer.” He said while filing through scrolls. “Ah. Here we are. Dragon?”

‘Ordem Vulomnahlotdrem, Dragon of Darkness and Shadow. The Voiceless, King of Darkness, Lord of Peace, and Lord of Death in respect to my titles. Age, five-thousand and twenty-six. Height, Six feet, seven inches. Weight, two-hundred and fifteen pounds. Notable markings, purple lines on legs, on either side of my barrel, and on the membranes of my sails. Anything else?’

“No. Thank you sir.” The Chronicler said as blandly as he had with Sky.

Ordem nodded at him. ‘And thank you for your diligence.’

The pair plodded past the Chronicler and proceeded into the hall. The hall itself seemed mostly empty. There were a couple waiting mares, who immediately looked up as the dragon entered the room. Beyond them-

“SKY! YOU DID IT!” Floof came sailing at the mare on the dragon’s back.

For a moment Sky wondered why Ordem didn’t do anything to stop the flying earth pony on a collision course with herself.

‘Why would I? She is your friend.’

Sky was immediately glomped as the pegasus was wrapped in a very tight hug by her fluffy friend.

“Ow.” Sky grunted.

“My girl summoned a dragon! And a pretty one at that! Oh, I am so happy!” Floof babbled and she continuously nuzzled Sky’s face.

‘Excuse me. I am not pretty.’ Ordem said with an audible huff.

“Yes you are.” Sky retorted.

‘Fine. I guess I’m pretty now.’ Ordem rolled his eyes.

“Oh goodness.” The three’s attention was pulled to the rooms entrance, where the Princesses had just entered.

“Oh no… Him…” Princess Celestia seemed to wilt in as she went entirely deadpan.

The other two however…

“ORDEM!” Luna and Cadence cried in unison as they bolted across the room over to the dragon.

‘Lulu! Cady!’ Ordem said with an audible gasp. ‘It’s been…. Years!’

Both Princesses were acting like fillies.

‘Lulu it’s been a thousand years! And Cady! You’ve grown up! Last I saw you, you were just a filly.’ The dragon nuzzled each of them in turn.

“So does this mean we’re not going to Ponyville?” Sky asked.

“On the contrary, Skydancer!” Luna announced. “That is exactly where we are going.”

“We?” Sky asked.

Sky grimaced at the sudden teleport, also blinking rapidly to adjust to the brighter light.

“Ponyville!” Luna announced. “Specifically, Carousel Boutique, home of Rarity Belle and Spike.” The dark alicorn gestured a hoof at the building. It looked like it had once been a circular building designed in the style of an actual carousel, yet there was a massive, multi-story attachment to one side, built in the same style, but quite larger with what looked like three additional stories.

“I believe we are expected.” Luna trotted up to the door.

“Oh, we get to meet Rarity!” Floof said excitedly.

‘Spike. Good lad. Stong, even for an Earth Dragon.’ Ordem nodded, plodding up behind Luna.

Sky… simply went along with whatever was happening.

The front door opened and a pale white unicorn mare, with a purple mane, with one streak of gray and styled into a large curl, appeared in the doorway. “Luna! What a pleasure and- Oh! Wonderful, I see you’ve brought a new Bride. Hello, my name is Rarity Belle.”

Ordem lowered himself so Sky and Floof could step off. Floof stayed next to Ordem and Sky.

Sky waved. “Hi. I’m Sky.”

“A pleasure dear, but please, you don’t need to stay out here. We have another entrance, I will meet you there.” Rarity said with a smile as she shut the door.

“Right. A misstep on my part, I brought us to the wrong entrance. No matter!” Luna immediately trotted away and started around the building, causing the other three to chase after her. They were led to the other, larger building. There was a set of large sliding doors, like those of a barn, that were already open. Inside looked like a cross between a pony-style room and a barn.

A large purple dragon sat on what looked like an armchair made out of solid stone. He was very different from Ordem. His hindlegs were short, yet were thickly muscled. His forelegs were long and bulged with muscles, they were more like tree trunks than limbs. His whole torso virtually rippled with muscles seemingly barely contained by his scales. He bore a short tail with a spade-like spike at the end. His head had more of a squashed face, rather than the sleek head of Ordem. His lower jaw jutted out in a notable underbite and seemed more bone than scales, even having jagged ridges that mimicked teeth. Most of his body was covered in purple scales. Yet his underbelly and the underside of his tail were covered in green plate-like scales. Large, triangular, green spikes ran from the top of his head and all the way down to the tip of his tail. The spikes running down his spine were larger than the rest. Additionally, his eyes were a bright emerald green, and had slit pupils like a snake.

Spike gave a barking huff as he got up. Ordem gave the same sound, accompanied by a nod.

‘I greeted him in our tongue.’ Ordem explained to Sky as he plodded over to the other dragon. Spike was taller but that was due to his more upright posture. There was the sound of a door in the back and Rarity came around a corner.

“Oh good, you did find your way here.” The white mare said with a smile.

“Wasn’t hard, we followed Luna.” Floof gestured at Luna who was almost giddily observing the Dragon’s growls and barks at each other.

Sky trotted over to Rarity. The white mare smiled at the pegasus. “I suppose you have some questions? Oh, and do come in.” She gestured to the small hallway behind her. “They can get reacquainted.”

Floof had trotted over to stand by her friend.

“Okay. Sure.” Sky said with a small shrug.

Rarity nodded with a smile and turned towards the hallway. Said hallway led to a door, which, in turn led to a comfy lounge. The carpet was a light purple. The walls were a darker purple, like Rarity’s mane. In the middle of the room was a set of blue chairs in a circle around a coffee table. On said coffee table sat a tea set, the pot already steaming. A yellow pegasus with a flowing pink mane sat in one of the chairs sipping tea. On noticing the three enter, she gave a soft. “Oh. Hello.”

Rarity led the two mares to the chairs and gestured for them to sit down. “Please, make yourselves comfortable.”

Floof did just that. “Hell. I’m Fluffy. You can call me Floof. I’m Sky’s morale support.”

“Hi, I’m Skydancer, the new Dragon Bride. I have no idea what I’m doing.” Sky said, taking a seat herself.

“I’m Fluttershy. I know exactly how you feel. I was there when I got Discord.” The yellow mare said with a smile.

“It’s not all that complicated, darling.” Rarity said with a smile. “In terms of actual work, your dragon will do everything, you just have to be there.”

“Work being, charging stuff, I assume.” Floof commented.

“Yes. Exactly.” Rarity nodded.

“Beyond that, when you’re both ready, you can start having babies.” Fluttershy said with a smile. “Little dragons are so cute.”

“Not to be rude, but have you two actually…” Sky asked, letting the question hang.

“Oh darling, regularly. Vigorously.” Rarity said with a laugh and a small blush. “Spike is head over claws for me and that makes it all the better.”

“Discord’s the same, though Discord’s also kinky, whichisn’taproblematall!” Fluttershy said quickly. “It was surprising, but a good surprising.”

“Okay. What about kids?” Sky asked.

“Discord and I have had a few. They’re still relatively young though.” Fluttershy smiled.

“Spike and I have had one and he’s been full grown for some time. He’s not ready to cross over yet however, he’s something of an adventurer.” Rarity said with a giggle.

“Okay, is there a process? Are steps to this? I mean, I don’t even understand pony dating stuff, let alone, whatever this is.” Sky said gestured a hoof around.

“Darling, there isn’t a manual. Each couple is different. Yes, you two are married, as to the rights of the Binding, but beyond that it’s like any relationship. It builds like any relationship, and progresses as fast or as slow as you two are comfortable with.” Rarity said with a warm smile. “And dear, if you ever need an ear, I am here to talk.”

“Same with me.” Fluttershy nodded.

“I don’t know why I was picked, I’m not special. I’m the weird mare in town who cares more about fictional characters than people.” Sky explained.

“We don’t know why any of us were picked.” Fluttershy spoke up. “Maybe it’s destiny, or maybe our dragons are just quirky.”

“You could always ask your dragon.” Rarity nodded.

“Okay, aside from that, any advice?” Sky asked.

“Talk to him. He’ll tell you how he’s feeling.” Rarity smiled.

“Unless he’s like Discord, then he actually will.” Fluttershy giggled. “Oh, I should’ve asked. Can he talk?”

“Yeah.” Sky said bluntly. “Is it different for other dragons?”

“Darling, I have to admit I’m jealous. It took me months to actually start getting a feel for Spike. Once we bonded enough I could feel what he was feeling. Most dragons are simply empathic to a degree. But one’s like Discord and yours. They are telepathic, in both your cases more than that.” Rarity explained to the pegasus.

“Well at least this makes things easier I guess.” Sky shrugged.

“Again, if you ever need a mare to listen. We’re here for you. We’ve been through it all.” Rarity reiterated.

“What do I do about my job?” Sky asked.

“Well that depends, what do you do?” Fluttershy asked.

“I write short stories for the town newspaper.” Sky replied. “I know I’m going to get a monthly stipend from the crown, I just don’t know what I’m supposed to do now.”

“Sky, you do what you want, or really feel. If you want to maintain your town, write for the newspaper and just enjoy time with your dragon, then that’s perfectly fine. No one expects you to try to save the world.” Rarity said with a nod.

“Or, you know, you could go on one of those adventures you read about.” Floof said with a snort.

“Dear Celestia, my life is a shojo manga.” Sky deadpanned.

“Oh, you too?” Fluttershy asked, perking up.

“I swear I got dumped into Ancient Dragon Bride.” Sky said to the yellow pegasus.

Fluttershy happily gasped.

“My ears were burning.” A voice spoke up as a tall, snake-like thing appeared just behind Fluttershy’s chair.

Sky had seen the stained-glass windows of him in Canterlot. When Fluttershy mentioned Discord, she meant Discord.

“Breaking in the new Bride?” The chimeric “dragon” said with a grin. “Teaching her all the things she needs to know?”

“Discord!” Fluttershy scolded. “What have I said about showing up unannounced?”

Discord wilted a little and sighed. “I’m supposed to knock first.”

“Yes. And now it’s too late for that, so introduce yourself mister.” Fluttershy pointed a hoof at Sky and Floof.

“Yes ma’am.” Discord stepped around the chair and gave a flamboyant bow. “I am Discord, Dragon of Darkness, Chaos, Madness, and Entropy. A pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“He’s so much better now.” Rarity commented to Fluttershy.

“Hi, I’m Skydancer.” Sky said. “I’m the new Bride.”

“And I’m Floof, the Bridesmaid.” Floof grinned.

“No, you are not!” Sky stared at her flatly.

“Fine! Best Friend.” Floof snorted.

‘Brother!’ Came Ordem’s voice from somewhere.

“Ordem!” Discord gasped happily. He raised a griffon talon and snapped. Ordem was suddenly in the room, in Sky’s lap, and was now the size of a small dog.

The dog-sized dragon leapt off Sky’s lap and leapt into Discord’s waiting arms.

‘Little Brother I have missed you!’ Ordem said happily nuzzling Discord’s face.

Little brother?” Fluttershy asked. “I thought you said you were the bigger brother?”

“Yes. Bigger. Like this.” Discord held out the small dragon with his paw and talon under the dragon’s shoulders, like he was holding a cat. “Now if you had specifically asked older brother, I’d’ve given you a different response.”

“See, I always have to watch my phrasing around him. He’s like a Genie.” Fluttershy sighed and gestured to the chimera.

“Okay.” Sky blinked with a shrug.

Ordem flailed and leapt out of Discord’s limbs, and lightly floated down to sit in Sky’s lap. ‘I will take this opportunity while I have it.’

Sky looked down, stared for a moment, then tentatively hugged him. She got a growl of approval in response.

“Awww…” The other mares cooed.

“Gag.” Discord grunted. “Brother we will catch up, all this sap is killing me.”

Ordem rolled his eyes as the chimera made to leave, through the door this time.

“Well screw you too.” Sky said to the retreating being.

There was a snap and Ordem was suddenly gone. There was a ~wumph~ that came from the barn room.


“And this is what I get for trying to be brave.” Sky pouted.

“And I think we should probably move on so Sky can relax and she and Ordem can bond.” Floof said getting up.

“Of course dears.” Rarity nodded. “My door is always open.”

“Same.” Fluttershy smiled as the pair got up. “Don’t worry, I’ll talk to Discord about being so rude.”

‘I know she wanted us to bond, yet Floof left us quite quickly.’ Ordem commented as the pair plodded through Ponyville, simply seeing the sights.

“Eh, we’ll find her later.” Sky shrugged. “It isn’t the first time she’s done this.”

‘And yet, she hasn’t actually left. She’s observing. Something about shipping fuel.’ Ordem commented.

“Yeah, she does that. Do you understand modern day slang? Or at least, the slang that we would use?” Sky asked. “Because Shipping in this context doesn’t mean actual ships.”

‘I am aware. Psychic. Telepath. I can basically pick up on things by just passively absorbing information from people’s heads.’ Ordem said with a nod.

“Cool. Wanna go get something to eat?” Sky paused for a moment. “What do dragons eat?”

‘We can eat practically anything. Though different dragons can have different preferences.’ Ordem explained. ‘What do you want to eat?’

“I wanna cheeseburger and chips.” Sky said with a nod.

Fast food it is then.’ Ordem nodded.

A black and purple dragon sat on his haunches outside the front of Burger Princess. Sky had gone in to get food for the two of them. Which left the dragon patiently waiting. He got more than a few stares, but that was entirely to be expected. What he did not expect, however, was a purple unicorn to sit on her haunches not a few feet from him, pull a book and quill out, and start taking notes.

He watched the strange mare with the deep blue mane, with a purple and pink strip, and a six-pointed violet star cutie mark, as she silently scribbled in her book. She occasionally looked up only to return to scribbling moments later.

‘Can I help you?’ Ordem asked.

The mare perked up and looked around.

‘Over here.’ The dragon waved a paw.

The mare caught sight of the movement. Her eyes widened.

It was at that moment, that Sky came back out with three bags of food, all held in her wings. “Okay.” She started when getting close to the dragon. “I got a burger and chips for me, and the rest is for you, because I didn’t know what you’d like or wanted.”

She set the bags down and pawed around in them until she pulled out her food. As Ordem started to levitate out the various foods, she noticed the other mare and asked. “What’s going on?”

‘I’ve had an observer.’ Ordem commented as he looked over each of the different things, sniffed them, unwrapped them, and took small, testing nibbles.

“Huh.” Sky sat on her haunches, set her small container of fries down, and unwrapped her burger. She took a bite out of her burger and hummed.

‘Indeed.’ Ordem replied, dropping a burger into his maw.

“Excuse me.” A voice spoke up, which Sky only half-paid attention to. Sky was mostly focused on her food. She gave a grunt and looked over at the mare with a blink.

‘Yes?’ Ordem looked at the mare as he upturned a container of salad into his mouth.

“Are you a new Dragon Bride?” The mare asked, trotting over.

“Yup.” Sky commented between bites of food.

“And he’s…” The mare gestured at the dragon.

‘Ordem.’ The dragon nodded, throwing a couple burgers into his mouth and swallowing. ‘And you are?’

“Oh. Right. Sorry. I’m Twilight Sparkle.” Twilight said with a nod and a smile.

“Cool.” Sky said, halfway through her burger.

Twilight’s eyes flicked between the pair.

‘Do you need something?’ Ordem asked the mare.

“What’s it like?” Twilight asked.

‘Pardon?’ Ordem blinked blankly as he tossed a couple more burgers into his maw.

“What’s it like being a Bride, or a dragon?” Twilight asked, sounding curious.

“Daunting.” Sky said, taking another bite out of her burger.

‘What’s it like being a pony?’ Ordem asked the mare. Sky snorted a laugh.

“What?” Twilight blinked. “What kind of question is that?”

‘Exactly.’ Ordem nodded, dumping a whole container of fries into his mouth.

“Try being more specific.” Sky said, finishing the last of her burger and picking up her container of fries. On eating one. “Mmmph, too much potato, not enough salt.”

“Well…” Twilight seemed to think for a moment. “Huh… Hmmmm…”

‘Did you not plan for a meeting with a dragon today?’ Ordem asked, tilting his head to the side.

“Not one that can talk back!” Twilight sounded exasperated. “I have too many questions.”

‘Pick one.’ Ordem said simply.

“I got one.” Sky offered, slowly sucking a fry into her mouth. “You got any hobbies?”

“Books. Reading.” Twilight hummed. “Magical theory and application.”

‘And how’s that going for you?’ Ordem asked.

“Quite well. I have over two-hundred different spells I can cast at will, and I have quite a few books on theory at various stages of writing.” Twilight said with a nod and a smile.

“Two hundred spells? Neat. All I can do is weather management and water walking.” Sky shrugged.

You can water walk? That’s really difficult, especially for a pegasus.” Twilight gaped at the mare.

“I figured it out as a foal because nobody said I couldn’t.” Sky shrugged again.

“That’s impressive.” Twilight grinned. “How’d you do it?”

“Clouds are water. That’s all there is to it.” Sky shrugged yet again as Ordem finished up the last of his foods.

“What?” Twilight blinked. “But… That… That’s not… Huh?”

“I dunno.” Yet another shrug from Sky.

‘Finished?’ Ordem asked as he looked at the mostly empty fry container.

Sky fished out the last couple fries, ate them, and Ordem hucked his collected trash ball into a garbage can near the door. “Now I am.” Sky said, then looked over at Twilight. “Hey, do you know where the Library is?”

“Huh? The library?” Twilight blinked. “I live there.”

‘That probably means she does.’ Ordem commented, getting to his feet.

“Cool, can you show us the way? I’d like to see if there’s anything I need to keep a lookout for when we head back home.” Sky paused. “Or maybe see if I could buy them in Canterlot while we’re still there. Either way, books.”

“Sure. I mean, of course. Follow me.” Twilight smiled and started to trot away.

Sky looked at Ordem, and Ordem tilted his head towards the mare in reply. Sky shrugged again and the two followed the mare.

‘So, did you find everything you were looking for?’ Ordem asked as he plodded out of the surprisingly large library doors. He even had a couple saddlebags worth of books hanging over his back.

“Please. Keep these ones. Nobody ever reads them. Seriously, it’s all farmer’s almanacs with these ponies.” Twilight said, following the pegasus out.

“You had the entire collection of Super Gearmech Simians!” Sky was surprisingly loud, now baring her own set of saddlebags across her back.

“They were just gathering dust.” Twilight shook her head with a smile. “And yes, they are the entire run, including the hard to get last four volumes. Fun Fact, it was such an underground hit that the company running the Equish translation of the volumes for Equestrian release had to get the rights to the last volumes due to the outcry from them leaving a cliffhanger.”

“Oh, I know!” Sky grinned happily. “I’m the editor for the fan newsletter.”

“Huh. That’s very nice.” Twilight blinked, shrugged, and continued smiling at the exuberant mare.

‘It’s rather nice to see her so excited about something, especially about something fictionally. I was beginning to think she was entirely logical.’ Ordem said with a huffing chuckle.

“Oh, buddy, just wait till you see the fanfiction.” Sky grinned, bouncing on her hooves a little in excitement.

“I’m planning on starting a fanfiction section, I just need to talk to all the distributors.” Twilight chuckled. “Where are you two headed next?”

Ordem simply looked at Sky.

“You’re getting a fanfiction section?!” Sky gasped, her wings popping open in excitement. “Can we move here?”

‘Ahem… Darling…’ Ordem spoke in a very recognizable voice, to the pegasus at least. ‘We need to stay in your little town. There’s rules on moving. With your sway as Dragon Bride, I’m sure you could pull for a larger and/or better library.’

Sky shivered a bit and stared flatly at the dragon. “You did that on purpose.”

‘Surface thoughts are easy to read.’ Ordem shrugged. ‘That was going through your head on loop the moment you found those books and graphic novels about Tartarus.’

“I’m not following.” Twilight blinked.

“It’s a series about rehabilitating the inhabitants of Tartarus. I’m a huge fan of one of the characters. That’s all.” Sky explained.

‘Yes. A huge fan. Did I mention that I can read emotions too?’ Ordem actually smirked at the pegasus.

Sky wilted a bit. “Sorry.”

Ordem leaned in a bit. His “voice” was quieter in her head. ‘Don’t apologise. I have more than enough fuel to help us consummate our relationship. Whenever that may be.’

Twilight looked between the pair. “I have a feeling that this just got private. So, you two have a nice day, and I hope to see you again some time.” Twilight said with a small blush and backed into the library, before shutting the door.

Okay!” Sky said loudly with a notable blush. “Let’s go find Floof and head back to Canterlot!”

“Oh hey you two.” Floof spoke up, causing the pair to look over at the mare trotting towards them. “I thought I’d find you here. How was your day in Ponyville?”

‘Enlightening.’ Ordem nodded.

“Good.” Sky smiled. “I think?”

‘Good? My dear, you nearly wet yourself at the SGS collection.’ Ordem said with a playful huff.

“SG- WHAT?!” Floof’s eyes bugged out.

“Ah! I finally found you. You wandered off after your time at Lady Rarity’s and I have had a devil of a time searching for you.” Luna virtually pranced up to the three of them.

‘Lying does not become you, Lulu.’ Ordem tilted his head a bit at the mare.

Luna immediately deflated. “Celestia was Honesty. Yes, I admit I was following you with, Fluffy over here, the whole day. We were watching how you two interacted.”

“Hey!” Floof snapped out of her fan freak out to yell at the Princess.

“I find it encouraging, what with how much time you spent in the library. Though I did not know what you two read together.” Luna shook her head with a smile as she brightened.

Sky took a deep breath in as her eyes widened. “We were reading the first Doctor Whooves novel adaptation! It was greeeaaat…”

‘I cannot understand why creatures are afraid of inanimate objects shaped like living creatures.’ Ordem shook his head.

“Ponyquins are freaky, mare.” Floof shivered a bit.

“Indeed! Perhaps they bear a similar resemblance to The Statue- Oh! Wait! I was not supposed to share that information. Tia will give me quite the tongue-lashing were I to tell her, so perhaps we can forget my mis-speaking?” Luna asked with an embarrassed blush.

“Wait- Weeping Alicorns are real?! What else is real?!” Sky gaped at the mare.

“No, no, no. We are not going down this rabbit hole. Let’s just go back to Canterlot and relax for the evening. Maybe we could go get dinner.” Floof said waving her hooves.

“Ah yes. And these two have the paperwork and official proceedings to finish up.” Luna nodded and glanced between the pegasus and dragon.

“I don’t have the best eyes, I’m not good with paperwork.” Sky winced a little rubbing the back of her head with a hoof.

‘Worry not, I have been known for my calligraphy. I would be honored to help my Bride.’ Ordem said, puffing his chest out a bit.

“Okay. Thanks.” Sky nodded at him.

“Yes. Wonderful. Now, step closer. I need to be sure I have all of you.” Luna instructed.

“Now that all of that official business is done with,” Celestia said as Luna, Cadence, Sky, and Ordem all sat around a table in the tea room. “We can now move on to other matters, namely, your duties.”

Ordem yawned.

“Okay.” Sky nodded.

“Ordem is a walking generator. Once the town is fully charged. Which may take some time depending on the size of the town, the number of inhabitants and items, and the time it would take for Ordem to rest were he to actively channel his magic to make the process go faster.” Cadence explained. “Beyond that, you would move on from your town, to the next town that doesn’t have access to dragon magic. Don’t worry, you’ll get an advisor to help coordinate things once you return home and get settled.”

“To clarify,” Luna spoke up. “You’re dragon passively bleeds magic as it were. This seeps into the ground and refills the leylines beneath the town. As the leylines refill, magic will return to the populace and items would automatically recharge over time. Leylines can stay filled for quite some time before they need recharging.”

‘Does all of this make sense, Sky?’ Ordem asked.

“Yeah.” Sky nodded.

“Oh, and some ponies might want Ordem to recharge certain things for them directly. Your coordinator will have a pricing list for such things, unless you’d rather do such things for free.” Luna said with a nod. “Pocket bits are never a bad thing, in my opinion.”

“We’d have to make the prices cheap, if we do charge.” Sky hummed. “Magic is a necessity not a luxury.”

“That is fully adjustable by your coordinator.” Cadence said with a smile.

‘You poor girl.’ Ordem commented, nuzzling the top of her head.

“Beyond this, you two are free to do what you want in whatever location you are staying. Within reason and the law, of course.” Celestia said with a small giggle.

‘So, find the nearest library and sit.’ Ordem barked a small laugh.

“Hey, I do other things! We could go ummm…. Check out local food places.” Sky offered.

‘Oh? Perhaps this Bride will start a food review column.’ Ordem huffed a chuckle.

“That actually sounds fun.” Sky smiled.

“I am very glad you are planning, but you have a long train ride back tomorrow morning.” Celestia spoke up warmly. “You may want to get some rest.”

“That sounds like a good idea.” Sky nodded.

‘Apparently it’s just us two for the night. Floof requested another room, for whatever reason.’ Ordem announced as he plodded away from the door.

“Apparently it’s because I snore.” Sky said with a sigh.

‘I’m sure it’s not that bad.’ The dragon shook his head as he plodded over to the bed.

To Sky, the room was a bit much. There was the door to the hallway that was the guest quarters. A soft bright red rug covered most of the floor. To the left of the Hallway door, was a large closet, probably used for winter clothing storage. Next to that was a trunk filled with boots. The wall to the right had a doorway leading to a bathroom (which contained two sinks, more towels than were necessary, and a huge jacuzzi-style bathtub, that was honestly like a small pool.). Next to that was the Princess-sized bed. Which took up the rest of the wall. It was big enough to fit two Ordems, at least. At the foot of the bed was another trunk. The next wall had a large set of double doors that lead out to a balcony, on which sat a pair of chairs and a small table. The last wall bore two bookshelves filled with various titles, between which was a large fireplace, that was softly crackling and making the room comfortably warm. Both their saddlebags had been left by the trunk at the foot of the bed.

‘Mmmm, these rooms are a tad gaudy, but the bed seems nice.’ Ordem commented, looking at the coats and dresses within the large closet.

While he did that, Sky wandered over to the bathroom. “I could swim in this.”

‘Mmmm true. Would you like a bath?’ Ordem asked.

“I haven’t had a proper bath in years. I only have a shower at my place.” Sky glanced over her shoulder at him.

‘You’re free too.’ Ordem nodded, before plodding over to the trunk at the foot of the bed.

“I think I might, yeah.” Sky said as she adjusted the various different taps.

‘Let me know if you want me to join you.’ Ordem said as he opened the trunk. Only to be met with the sight of a pile of socks and panties in various shades of blue. There was a note on top. To Sky: From Luna.

Ordem blinked and shut the trunk. ‘Well that’s inappropriate.’ He mumbled to himself.

“Hey, can you help me tie my mane up?” Sky asked, causing the dragon to perk up and plod into the bathroom.

‘Of course, what am I doing?’ He asked, plodding over to her.

Sky held out a couple of mane ties with her wings. “Can you do a bun?”

‘Absolutely, nothing stylish I assume.’ He asked.

“Nah, just don’t want to get my mane wet.” She shook her head.

‘Very well.’ He nodded and managed to corral her mane and tie it into a nice bun, before keeping it together with the pair of mane ties. ‘There you are. Now, shall I leave?’

“Do what you want. I gotta get used to this eventually.” She shrugged.

Ordem proceeded to check the water level, do some mental math, then turned off the taps. Then he stepped into the tub and sat down. He hummed at the hot water. ‘Very nice.’ He sighed as he relaxed. Then he looked down at Sky. ‘How do you like it?’

She’d trotted over with a bottle of fur wash, mane wash, and a washcloth, all held in her wings. She set all three on the edge of the tub, then stepped in, only to find that she could actually swim in the tub. Her wings immediately splayed out to rest on the water. “Well, this is something. I think I might need help.”

He tilted his head to the side. ‘Help?’

“This is basically a pool, I don’t know if I’ll be able to properly bathe in here.” She gestured a hoof around as she floated.

‘Yes. You have a point. What would you like me to do?’ He asked with a nodded and a small huffing chuckle at the floating pegasus.

She seemed to think for a moment. “Maybe I should just soak instead?”

‘Whatever you wish.’ Ordem nodded once again and just watched the mare float. ‘And I will enjoy the water.’

“Today has just been nuts. I’m still kinda out of sorts.” Sky said aloud.

‘I can understand that.’ He shifted a little so he could keep his eyes on her. ‘And here I was going to ask if it had sank in. Yet, this is a process. We will have to get used to each other, and thankfully, we have all the time in the world.’

“It’s like ripping a band-aid off, part of me is telling me to just stick my head in the sand and ignore everything, but I know that’s not the best thing to do.” Sky said with a small sigh. “I’m used to just sticking my nose in a book until things go back to normal, or until I could solve the issue myself. Not that this is an issue, but, this is not what I was expecting today.”

‘I see.’ He nodded. ‘I was not expecting to return either. Yet, your normal plan for issues is oddly applicable still. Just find a cozy place to read until the town is fully charged. However, can you spend days reading? I wouldn’t be surprised, yet I am curious.’

“Provided I don’t have to worry about my job, I could spend months reading, only going out to get food.” She replied, still floating around the dragon in a slow circle. “But, that’s not the main issue. You’re a person, holing myself up while you sit there like a generator just wouldn’t be fair to you.”

‘Well you’re quite the sweet one.’ Ordem huffed a chuckle. ‘And what would you want to do to remedy that then, Skydancer?’

“I don’t know, what do you like to do? I know fuck all about you.” Sky said honestly.

‘I like to experience things, as strange as that sounds. I like living. Taking a walk, laying in a field of grass and watching the clouds, eating good food, making friends, learning about my partner and their quirks, eventually fucking. There is so much out there that life has to offer and I jump at any opportunity given. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Experienced. Perhaps I could help you get out of your books and start an adventure of your own.’ He finished with a rumbling sigh.

“Adventure. Really?” She deadpanned.

‘T’was meerly a suggestion.’ He dipped his head. ‘Then again, anything can be an adventure with the right mind set. Oh no, we are out of milk. Let us go procure the bovine juice from the farmer. He finished with a barking laugh.

Sky giggled. “Then again, it’s not like I can pretend to be a mare in the middle of nowhere anymore.”

‘Well… You could, but I don’t know if you’re into roleplaying.’ Ordem scratched at his chin with a claw.

“Oh ha ha, very funny.” She rolled her eyes.

‘Yes, yes. You’re a prude. I remember.’ He chuckled with a nod. ‘This can be a conversation for a later date.’ He shook his head. ‘Back to the topic at claw. Do not be surprised if I proudly show you off around town. I enjoy showing off my partners. Not to gloat mind you, but for them to know that they are special and loved.’

“I don’t mind you doing that, it’s just that some people could end up causing problems. I don’t exactly look like a typical Bride, or act like one for that matter.” Sky commented.

‘While true. It is not for others to decide. Nor should you care about the opinions of those who are jealous that they were not chosen. Their fury is like wind against a mountain. No matter how much the wind blows, the mountain will not fall. No matter how much they wish to be a Bride, you are and they are not. Should things get physical, I am here.’ Ordem said with a deep growl.

“Oh, folks like that can take a long walk off a short pier. S’not them I’m worried about.” Sky started. “There was this religious family I knew growing up. They worshiped dragons and had the common belief that if you didn’t fit in or followed the rules, you’d go straight to Tartarus when you die. Do you know what it’s like being told that you’ll go to Tartarus just because you like something you like. Wasn’t anything that bad either, just some Neighponese manga. It’s the religious nutters I’m worried about, saying I’m not worthy.”

Ordem blinked. ‘Were they to say anything, or try anything, ther response would be. I cannot hear you over the roar of the dragon I’m riding on. They can complain all they want about who’s worthy and who’s not. Their opinions on worth do not concern me, nor should they concern you. It was my decision to Wed you. And as far as zealots are concerned they can go… Hmmm… good enough insult…. Sit on a cactus?’

“Heh. Alright then. I guess I’m just overthinking things. I do that a lot.” Sky chuckled.

‘I have a feeling that I will be pulling you back and calming you down if you overthink too much. I look forward to it.’ He chuckled again, lightly bumping the mare’s back with his snoot. ‘You are quite the fascinating creature, Skydancer.’

“How so?” She asked.

‘You seem to have a strong and imaginative mind. Perhaps to your detriment at times, yet it only makes me want to plumb the depths of your thoughts. Your ideas. Your wants and desires. In short. I want to know you.’ The dragon said with a rumbling hum.

“I mean, I’m pretty simple when you get down to it. I like good food, a good story, and for people to genuinely get along.” Sky shrugged. “Oh, and to share what I like with others.”

‘Oh, you’re like one of them.’ The dragon melodramatically rolled his eyes.

“Like one of what?” The pegasus deadpanned.

‘The Reverse Gatekeeper. Instead of Guarding a way, you wait until people come along and try to convince as many people as you can to come with you into whatever you are particularly into at the time.’ Ordem blinked at her blankly.

“To be fair, I get to know them first, and they always have a choice. I’m not going to push them if they say no.” Sky pointed a hoof at him.

‘Mmmm… Passing thoughts of mechanical simians and devilish reindeer say otherwise.’ The edges of his mouth twisting into a smirk.

“Well I usually keep that to myself.” She said bluntly.

‘Oh, I’ve felt how much you keep it to yourself. Floof was right, you need a good stallion, or dragon in my case, in your life.’ He huffed a chuckle.

She blinked. “Wait. What?”

‘My dear. I am a psychic dragon. You’d be surprised how quickly I can register certain thoughts. And you, my shut in, have quite the thoughts about certain fictional characters.’ He said with another huff. ‘Yes, mostly that is simply… shipping fuel, yet do not pretend that you don’t think about those specific fanfictions that you keep under your bed. Even if you’re not aware you’re actively thinking about them.’

She deadpanned. “I bring that stuff out once in a blue moon, and It’s not like I actually do anything with it.”

‘Mmm, you have a point. I concede the argument.’ Ordem nodded. ‘Yet, you have a husband now, thus, you won’t necessarily need those stories any more. Not that I’d demand them gone, I’m simply saying… Flesh and blood dragon husband.” He gestured a paw at himself.

“If you made me ditch my fanfiction, I would fight you. Well, not really, but I’d be very angry. Why can no one appreciate the written word? It’s all magazines and models and ugh…” Sky grumbled.

‘Perhaps different people have different things that work for them. You have a wonderful imagination, thus you can visualize everything that much easier. Some prefer actual visualization as it were. Tartarus, some simply enjoy the company of very specific people.’ The dragon bobbed his head back and forth as he spoke. ‘And no, I do not mind if you enjoy shipping yourself with people that are entirely, or mostly, fictional.’

“Wait- mostly? Some are actually real?” Sky asked.

‘Yes, but I am not saying who, nor am I saying to what extent.’ Ordem smirked at her again.

“Why not? I’d just friend zone anyone who was actually real anyway. As much as a herd would be fun, I’m not stupid.” She explained.

‘Oh, I suppose. Alastor is an actual half-demon. I only made the connection when you showed me the Happy Hotel novels.’ He said with a sigh.

“So, real person and not just a guy doing a voice? Because they did start with a radio play adaptation.” Sky asked.

‘I would have to listen to it to find out if the voice actor is him or not. Who knows, I might find out that the entire cast are playing themselves.’ Ordem rumbled a chuckle.

“Well fanfiction is just fanfiction, and I wouldn’t mind getting the VA’s autographs.” She shrugged. “Even if it is them, people are still people, respect comes first.”

The dragon nodded. ‘A good way of thinking.’

Sky laid under the cool sheets as the warm summer air drifted in from the open balcony door. Ordem did take up at least half of the bed by himself. Sky however, couldn’t sleep, despite the lateness.
‘Bit for your thoughts?’ Ordem’s voice spoke up in her head, though the dragon himself didn’t move.

“Eh… Just can’t sleep, it’s just one of those nights I suppose. I’m not keeping you awake, am I?” She asked.

‘Not at all. I am simply waiting for you to sleep first. You know, if you want, you could cuddle against me. I am quite cuddleable, or so I’m told.’

“Okay.” She said, scooting over to snuggle against the dragon’s stomach. A foreleg immediately laid over her, just heavy enough to feel comfortably warm.

‘Let me know if I need to adjust at all.’

“I’ll let you know.” She replied.

‘And yet your mind is still buzzing.’

“Well it’s just how we were reading Doctor Whooves today, right?” Sky started. Ordem nodded. “Well it’s just, funny really. Sort of put things into perspective. Think about it, age old alien, some random mare off the street, and all the wonders of the universe before them.”

‘How delightfully poetic. I have a feeling that this is going to be quite the story indeed. Well, one day, when someone decides to write about a simple mare from a fishing village and a dragon from another dimension. Ah. What am I saying?’ Sky felt his head shake. ‘I know it’s been done to death.’

“Still you gotta admit, the parallels are there, and it helps me deal with all of this.” She said with a small snort.

‘Whatever helps you cope or adjust. I will be here.’

“Well, this morning I was all like what do I do, what if I mess up. Now I’m like, this is gonna be fun. Because, the thing is, no matter what happens, The Doctor always has faith in his companions, he thinks they’re brilliant, and the same could be true for a Dragon and his Bride.” Sky sighed. “Eh, what do I know?”

‘You are wise for your age, Sky. I appreciate that. Now, close your eyes. I think it’s time for you to sleep, so we can see what adventure tomorrow holds on waking.’

“I’m not wise. I just do a lot of reading. And I’ll fall asleep eventually. It just takes a bit.” The mare did close her eyes however.

‘Very well.’ Ordem replied. ‘I will stay with you until you drift off.’

“Night, Ordem.”

‘Night, Sky.’

Comments ( 3 )

Well, a Lot of world building, and a premise thats promising to follow.

Still, whatever you manage to do, you have what you have done to bring thoughts and pleasure to readers.

Take it easy. :pinkiehappy:

‘Right. Now. What was the procedure again?’ Ordem asked. ‘I have the strongest urge to parade you through the castle, though the nobility might take exception to that. ’

That's just another reason to do it :trollestia:

“What?” Twilight blinked. “What kind of question is that?”

The same kind of question that you asked :moustache:

“What?” Twilight blinked. “But… That… That’s not… Huh?”

It makes a lot of sense when she says it like that doesn't it :moustache:

‘Apparently it’s just us two for the night. Floof requested another room, for whatever reason.’ Ordem announced as he plodded away from the door.

Probably because she wants you two consummate your marriage and then hear aaaalll about it... or just hear it I don't know :moustache:

‘Oh, I suppose. Alastor is an actual half-demon. I only made the connection when you showed me the Happy Hotel novels.’ He said with a sigh.

...this is a reference to Hazbin Hotel isn't it :trollestia:

Yup, Hazbin Hotel reference. Other references in the chapter include Doctor Who and Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!

Ordem's design is inspired by fanart of Beau from Dragon Booster.

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