• Published 17th Feb 2020
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Twilight Sparkle is an Espeon Now - Starscribe

Twilight wakes up one day, and she isn't a pony anymore. If she were the only one, things might not be so bad. She isn't.

  • ...

Chapter 11

Ever since meeting Twilight for the first time several years ago, Rainbow had seen Equestria go through some pretty awful things. Some part of her wondered if it was her fault that the creatures around her were suffering so much, if maybe all the monsters and demons of the world would just leave everypony alone if they'd stayed at home in Ponyville and not made too much noise. Not that Rainbow was the sort of pony to accept that outcome, even if it would have kept Equestria safe. It was just one of those things on the list to keep her up at night.

She'd seen Equestria with all its magic drained (twice!), she'd seen Ponyville enslaved by an insane magician. She'd seen Canterlot invaded and probably lots of other little disasters that she could barely remember. Like that time the country had suffered through eternal night for a single evening.

But no destruction was so complete as when the Eevee got loose.

Twilight's desperate plan to drain their world of alien influence required rare materials from all over the world, and of course she was one of the ponies leading the charge to bring them back. It didn't matter if she couldn't fly anymore—as far as she knew, nopony could. That meant she had ample opportunity to see a great deal of Equestria. Her membership in the Wonderbolts meant she knew what each little town and village ought to look like. Unfortunately for everywhere she visited: it seemed that none had been spared the Eevee.

Her first mission was simple enough: make it to Appleloosa, and bring back a tub of one of the strange minerals they mined there, something called "Yellowcake." Difficult enough on its face, since the trip would lead her straight into some of the hottest, driest parts of Equestria. If only Applejack would've come along, instead of worrying so much about the farm. Couldn't she tell that farming apples would be the least of everypony's worries when they were all foxes now? Could foxes even eat apples?

Rainbow never would've stood a chance to walk all the way there, probably not even while she'd been a pony. But they still had the trains, it would just be quite a bit harder to get them moving. When they finally arrived...

At first it looked like the entire town was abandoned. Not a single pony was waiting for them at the station. When Rainbow finally emerged, she found only peering eyes from within buildings. The “Eevees” hadn't all died or anything, Rainbow knew a town in trouble when she saw it. She stayed in the town for as little time as possible, hopping back into the train and promising the poor souls left behind that they "planned on fixing things within two weeks." A feeble promise, but it was all she could offer.

She could only imagine how awful things would be in a big city like Manehattan. Thousands of ponies, all stacked up in skyscrapers, relying on huge machines to keep the water and food flowing. It was an apocalypse, albeit the cutest apocalypse they'd ever seen.

Rainbow made a few more trips for supplies, sometimes joined by one of her friends. Fluttershy in particular seemed fascinated by the potential implications of a world "run entirely by animals." Mostly the implications were that the animals ran, scavenging for what food they could, and tried very hard not to burn their towns down. There were no fires as Rainbow made her brief tour around the country, but there was no telling how long that would last. Not using their new powers was like... staying trapped on the ground. Rainbow couldn’t deal with it, and she suspected that most of the others couldn't either. It was only a matter of time before they were forced to release that magical energy, often catastrophically.

By the time Rainbow was making her way back from Canterlot, she had been a fox for nearly two weeks. The train barely even made it back into the station, limping along with screeching breaks and wheels that were messed up in some way or another. Rainbow emerged from within like a creature who'd just survived a war, glancing over the back of the train and surveying the damage. Canterlot had been the worst place they'd been so far—the city wasn't the largest in Equestria, but even so it was in utter chaos. The side of the train had been melted, either by the lightning of one of the yellow foxes, or maybe the flames of one of the orange ones.

Engineer Coupling Rod clambered out of the engine a moment later, removing a tiny pair of goggles. Perhaps fittingly, he was one of those fluffy, fiery foxes like Applejack. But he hadn't tried to attack her during any of their trips. "Miss Dash, I think that's about done it for old 38 here. We just haven't had the tools, and there are some replacement parts she needs. Hate to be a disappointment, but she's stuck. Not for every princess in Equestria could I get her moving again."

Rainbow nodded. She didn't get much closer to him—she'd learned by now that fire foxes didn't respond well to water ones. The reverse wasn't so bad, though she certainly didn't enjoy being dried out. "You did good, Coupling Rod. I'll tell Twilight that we don't have your train anymore. But I remember her saying something about being nearly done. Those crystals we brought in from the palace might be the last we need." She groaned, shaking herself out. Filling a large tub on the train had made travel not the worst, but it was no river. Just keep going a little longer. Bring in this last load, and you can go relax. One more shipment, and it was in the paws of the princess, where it should be.

Rainbow couldn't bring up so much stuff on her own. It had taken half a dozen foxes to pull the cart through Canterlot, though half of those had just been volunteers protecting them from attack. Ponyville was in much better shape. "Hey!" Rainbow hopped up on a pile of boxes near the train station, puffing out her chest. "I've got the last cart of stuff the princess needs for the cure! Who wants to help me?"

Here in Ponyville, the Eevees hadn't yet resorted to hiding in dark corners and fighting. Well, they did fight, but not very often. Rainbow hadn't heard of anypony getting seriously hurt, anyway.

Foxes emerged from all over the square, bounding over to line up in front of her. She recognized many of them from her years living in Ponyville. There were the flower sisters, all as leafy as Fluttershy. There was Big Mac, dark with little apples in yellow outline instead of orange like Applejack. The Mayor had her ribbons and bows, somehow moving as though they were alive. Rainbow never let her volunteer, just to be safe.

It took a good while to get the cart ready to pull, packed so full of delicate crystals as it was. These weren't tubs of powder that could be easily scooped back in—if they broke these, Rainbow wasn't sure where else they'd be finding magic crystals. Twilight might know, but... how many could there be? Without unicorns to recharge them, it was only a matter of time before all of Equestria ran out.

They'd attached a thick rope to the front of the cart, down near the axles instead of up top. Lots of little ropes trailed away from the big one, where foxes could grab on to help pull. Rainbow picked volunteers who had helped with this before, then walked backward at the front of the group. "Okay everypony... pull!"

As they crossed through town, foxes emerged from their homes to watch. Life in Ponyville hadn't been entirely stopped in its tracks. It was hard to say what was different about her hometown that none of the other places in Equestria had going for them. Maybe having the princess in town to tell them all not to worry? Or maybe it was just that Ponyville had survived so many disasters that another one wasn't much of a change. There were no playfights going on in the streets, no houses burned down, though there were some signs. Here a part of the ground had been melted into fulgurite by a lightning-fox, while there were holes in the wall like the ones that Rainbow herself had made.

All and all, life in Ponyville went on. The market was full, creatures still came to trade, and did their best to work. As they passed through town, Rainbow waved weakly to Muffins as she went through her delivery routine—now without her wings. But the pegasus had never been a very good flyer to begin with, so realistically it wasn't even much of a change. She had scales and a huge tail like Rainbow’s own, though at least in her case it didn’t seem like she’d been made any worse a flier for her transformation.

Muffins stopped to wave back, grinning stupidly at her. Amazing how little she'd changed despite the whole world unraveling around her. Even as Rainbow watched, she dropped a whole bundle of letters into the wind, and they drifted away. Rainbow winced, but made no move to help. They had something far more important here than a few letters. Who's even still writing those right now? The whole world is foxes, and there's no way the post goes further than Ponyville. Just meet up and talk if you want to see somepony so badly.

Finally they reached the castle. It still had guards, though they wore none of their old armor. Rainbow had thought the whole idea of having the royal guards continue their patrols was incredibly silly, until she saw what some of Equestria's other cities looked like. She only nodded to them now, not giggling even a little at their attempts to look imposing while wearing no armor and being foxes.

Twilight always seemed able to tell when Rainbow was returning, because she was out the door before they'd even finished getting the cart inside. "Oh good, you're here! Thaumic energy storage... perfect!"

Like everypony else, Twilight had and hadn't changed with her time as a fox. Her body no longer smelled like her lavender shampoo, but rather like some natural mix of the cat-grooming she did. She went through long stretches of manic activity, then just as much napping in the sun. Rainbow's arrival with her ingredients seemed to be a trigger for “manic activity.” Thank Celestia Applejack isn't more like you. Spending any time with her would be a nightmare. “Everything we could find in Canterlot," Rainbow explained. "I don't know if it's as much as you wanted. It wasn't... We didn't exactly have the time to sit around and count."

Twilight frowned, lifting one of the identical boxes down from the cart as easily as she'd done as a unicorn. The box was paper-thin, and literally packed with sawdust. She opened the lid, pulling out the single crystal inside. It glowed a bright purple, pulsing slightly like a heartbeat. "It will have to be enough," Twilight declared. "We don't have the time to keep searching. Uninsulated thaumic storage like this has a half-life, and we're rapidly approaching it. If we spend two more weeks looking for crystals, we'll lose more energy than we gain, even if we bring in more carts just like this." She replaced the crystal, then turned to the not-ponies lined up at the rope. "You've all done a great job!" she called confidently. "Thanks so much, I can take it from here!"

They broke apart, spitting it out. Bon Bon, now another cream-colored fox with leafy mane, was brave enough not to back away immediately. "Will you be curing us soon, Princess?"

Twilight hesitated a moment, though at least she didn't look confrontational. Twilight was one of the few creatures Rainbow hadn't seen get into physical conflicts over dominance. Rainbow herself was not on that list. "Yes. We'll be doing the spell at midnight tonight, when the world-boundaries are thinnest. Whether we'll all be stuck like this forever... you'll know tomorrow morning. It all looks good now, though! Tell your friends! Cure is just around the corner!"