• Published 19th Feb 2020
  • 1,220 Views, 34 Comments

Canterlot's Savior - Subsistence

Evil brown yaks have arrived through the portal. Twilight Sparkle calls on her relative, John Wayne Cousins, to wipe them out. After that, they learn the yak invasion was just the beginning, and there is a greater plot afoot.

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Chapter 3: Facing the brown yaks

I decide to go to sugercube corner to get something to eat. It is my fave place to eat because the Food is good and the place is really comfortable to eat in. But this time I couldn’t go in to Eat. I walk to the counter and I buy a donut from Mr. Cake and I eat it on the way to the Stadium.

Putting my hand on the front of the motorbike I channel my Lightning Bolts into it and it became faster and I can go at almost 100 miles per hour. I drive down the streets avoiding cars and pedestrians then I reach the stadium in only five minutes.

I get off my bike and wave my fingers and it disappears, Twilight is already waiting their for me a sniper rifle in her hands, it is a PSG 1 just the one Snake used on Shadow Moses Island.

“Nice weapon choice” I tell Twilight. “What are they doing now”

“There tearing the place into bits” she answered. “But I got my sights on them so when your ready let’s take them out.”

“I will go in from the front with my Lightning Bolts. You go up to the roof and snipe them.”

“Will do John” Twilight said. “So how was your Date with Sunset yesterday?”

“It was nice we did a lot of fun things and we enjoyed ourselves” I say. “She’s really hot. Hotter than any girl I’ve Ever Seen.”

“It’s good you like her John. Sunset’s been through so much is good that she has someone to love her now.”

“Yes I know what its like to been through a lot,” I say.

I never knew my parents and when I was young I lived with Twilight and her family but then they sent me away to train my skills because of some prophecy that was related to me. Solaire had been my first teacher and I have to say my favorite, he was a Personal friend of Twilight’s father. He had come to know him after a Warp in time happened and sent him to our World. They had been fast friends and he agreed to teach me because he saw the potential in me to be able to save Canterlot one day. None of us knew what it meant but maybe know we know what it means because of the herd of ugly yak. I had also met Nathan Drake when I was training with Solaire who took a liking to me and then thaught me how to shoot with guns and how to climb anything. After that I met the Boss, the woman famed for teaching Big Boss, and we managed to save her before she could get killed in the fight with Big Boss. In return she thaught me how to fight with my Hands. It was called CQC close quarters Combat and I got really good at it. My relatives introduced me to Gandalf after this and he decided to teach me some tricks of Magic, I could use magic to create anything I wanted. I enjoyed my time with all my teachers and they also enjoyed teaching me, now that I think of them I miss them too.

During all my training I had thaughts of my parents and have wondered who they were, even Twilight and her family didn’t know who they were, they only knew I was a relative and so they took me in when they found me. But i will think more about that later because now there are yaks to fight and I like to fight things because they help me with honning my awesome skills.

But I think back to Cream and what she is doing at my house because if we don't stop the yaks here and now then Cream might be in danger and Sunset would be to.

“I must do this for Sunset” I say to myself. I will keep Sunset safe and sound even if it means I have to Kill all the yaks.

Suddenly I hear loud screeching sound and I look up. There above my head is a nazgul flying around.

“John do you see that?” Twilight asks me. “What is that?”

“Their a nazgul get down!” I pull Twilight with me and we run to the side of the building.

The flying nazgul flies around and the yaks don’t seem bothered by it meaning that they are probably working together which is bad.

“What do the yak want from the nazgul that their working together?” I ask

“I don’t know John” Twilight replies. “But nazguls are Strong. If the yak are teamed with a nazgul then I am not Sure we can beat them”

“It must mean that Sauron is back” I say.

I had faced sauron back when Gandalf was training me. Frodo had been trying to get the Ring to Mordor and I had decided to team up with Gandalf to help them. He said I couldn’t be found by the others on the journey so I secretly helped from the Side. When Frodo was in trouble with fighting Golem, I used a bit of my magic and knocked Golem off into the lava where the Ring was destroyed and Sauron, I also went to the undying lands but came back because I had more Duties to do at the time. But now Sauron was back and he was teaming up with the yaks for some reason.

“Sunsets counting on us to beeat the yaks” I tell Twilight. “I will fight the nazgul. You hold the yaks in the perimeter”

“Right” she said. Twilight pulled back the slide on her sniper loading a bullet into the gun.

As Twilight climbed to the top of the stadium I stand my ground and walk out into the open to face the nazgul. It swirled and flew above me then without Warning it dived towards me with its arms raise to grab me.

“Oh no you don’t” I say and take out my lightsaber and swing at it. I had found one when I was wandering the beach one day. It is the same one as Anakin’s lightsaber and since then I have also thaught myself how to use it and I became quite good at it.

I slice off one of the nazguls hands then I do a spin around and I throw a Lightning Bolt at its face. In that instant it sparked and then disintegrated.

“Yeah” I shout. “Don’t mess with John Cousins”

I can hear Twilight shooting the yaks with her sniper rifle and I run over to help her to fight the yaks. They were trying to climb up to her spot but they had hooves so their not good at climbing.

I Lightning Bolt the closest one to ash then I jump on the second and pull its horns and that makes it kick another yak in the face and broke its jaw. I make my yak run into the rest and the ones I miss I finish off with Lightning but I rarely miss.

Twilight helps me finish off the other yaks that are further from me with her sniper and she was very good at aiming. She hit almost all off them in the head, Killing them instantly.

“Good job Twilight!” I say.

“Thank you John” she answered.

One of the Yak ahead had a wooden staff and from its staff it fired a Bolt of fire at me. I quickly leap off the yak I was on and it was set on fire as I flew in midair onto the bleacers where the yaks couldn’t climb on.

“You use magic huh?” I ask it.

“Yes,” it answered. “I trained in the mystical fire magic arts by my king Henry.”

I laughed. A yak called Henry. It was funny.

“Your magic won’t save you from mine because you come to take my world so I will have to take your life.”

The yak fired a Fireball at my, but I somersault to the next bleacher behind me then I grow a Lightning Bolt in my hand and throw it. The yak shot a Fireball at me and the fire and lightning hit each other in the air and creates a big explosion.

More Yak began to charge about but Twilight shot them with her sniper and I also use my Lightning to take them out, making them into ashes.

When the explosion cleared the wizard yak was now floating towards me with his magic and he fired four Fireballs at me. I skillfully jump and somersault away from each one, Everything was like in slowmo and when I had dodged them all I made a Lightning Stake in my hand then I dashed at the yak with all my strength.

“Yaaahh!!!!!” I shout making the yaks afraid of me. I throw a Lightning Spear at the wizard yak and it hit him, making the wizard yak esplode in a big flash. I hear the Other yaks all around me and they are panicing like crazy because of me and my awesome skills at fighting.

Taking out my lightsaber I swing it above my head, making a tornado with my force powers which I also have from training with Luke Sky Walker at his jedi temple. Luke told me I had the highestt midclhorian count in the history of the jedi, that is why I learned advanced skills really fast which surprised me. Using my force tornado I send it at the yaks But they are all over the place and not easy to pick them all up but I do it anyway because I’d been training this skill for so long and I’ve managed to master it. I am actually jedi master John Wayne Cousins, Luke gave it to me before I had been sent off to train under Gandalf but I don’t like to use my full title unless I’m with other jedi or Sith because I don’t want people to know what I am capable of immediately.

“What are the yaks Planning here” I say to a yak that has fallen from my force tornado and landed on the ground in front of me. I point my lightsaber at its face. “Tell me or I will kill you”

“Your world will be our.” it said to me. “You cannot stop King Henry he will bring ruin to your world and then he will take over and rule as king of your world. You will enjoy your world while you can. I will say nothing.”

“Thing is you have told me a lot” I smirk. The Yak gasps in shock. “How did you trick me into telling you?” the yak says. In horror.

“Jedi mind trick.” I say and tap my head with my right index finger. “Oldest trick in the book. Now you will either go to prison or you will die.”

“I rather die then go to prison!” The yak spat at my face.

“okay,” I say then I create a Lightning Stake in my left hand and threw it at the yak below me. It turned into ash below my feet and I now watch it get blown away in the wind.

“John your alright” Twilight says as she drops down from her sniping spot. “Did you get any information about the Yaks and there invasion?”

“Yeah” I say with a cool tone. “The Yak king Henry is trying to invade earth with his Army of yaks. But we will stop them won’t we Twilight?”

“Of course we will. And then we’ll rescue Celestia and Luna too.” Twilight said. “We’ll send them back to Yakyakistan packing.”

“Yes,” I reply. “Anyway, shall we get something to eat. I’m Hungry.”

“Sounds like a plan John” Twilight agrees and we head off from the Stadium.

Author's Note:

Still needs work I'll work on it next chapter.