• Published 19th Mar 2020
  • 1,688 Views, 581 Comments

Yugioh EQG: Ω Zenith - Banshee531

The Double X has come and gone and everyone's getting back to a normal life. But before they can relax, enemies old and new appear with a dark agenda. Will our heroes prevail, or is our world doomed to oblivion. It's time to Duel.

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Turn 42: Dimensional Over-Link

"AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHHH!" Midnight screamed, clutching her head as her life points hit zero.

Flash was panting as his monster flew back to him, watching as his girlfriend withered around and cried out. But before he could say anything else, his hand suddenly lit up again and heated up. "Augh!" He clutched the hand as the mark appeared, "what-" He didn't get to finish as the mark suddenly unleashed a shockwave that flew out in all directions.

When it struck the earth, everyone who saw it was worried Zeronull had done something until it passed over them and they felt nothing. "What was that?" Tempest asked, only to notice a leaf that had fallen from a nearby tree floated down in front of her.

"Wait," Grand pointed to the leaf before looking down at his watch and saw it ticking. "Time's started again."

"What does that mean?" Sweetie asked, only for Cold to get an alert on his Duel Disk.

"What's this?" He tabbed a few keys until he got his answer, "no way."

"What is it?" Misty asked, seeing a smile appear on Cold's lips.

"The Zenith Generators are starting to lose power." Everyone's eyes went wide hearing this, the lot of them looking back up at the Shadow Gate.

Flash watched as Midnight suddenly stood slumped as her Deck began to glow.

Then, one by one, the cards from her Duel Disk flew off of it. They floated up and circled her, while her Zeronull card floated right above her with the Zenith Dragons circling it. Then, one by one, the cards burst into flames. Midnight soon found herself in a cocoon of fire, as all but her dragon cards turned to ash.

But once the last card was destroyed, the seven doomsday cards followed suit. Each Zenith Dragon card's corner ignited and spread to the rest of them. At the same time, loud roars echoed through space and made Flash turn to see the Zenith Dragons in sight were slowly disintegrating from the tail up.

Each one let out cries of pain and anger as their cards were destroyed, with them following suit and turning to stardust.

Then, finally, the Zeronull card began to burn up. At the same time, his body slowly began to fade away and turn to specks of light that began to vanish into the darkness of space. Flash couldn't help but smile at this before turning to Incarnate, who nodded back before vanishing. Flash then glanced back at his defeated foe. "It's over Zeronull...you've lost."

The outer god was silent as all but his head vanished, but that was soon to follow. "Over?" The Duel Monster then asked, shocking Flash. "It's not over until I say it's over." His head began to vanish. "I may have lost, but I can still finish what I set out to do." With that, he vanished into the ether.

At the same time, Midnight's Omega symbol hand mark exploded off her hand and her hair returned to its normal state along with her glasses. It was then she began to fall towards the ground, Flash quickly rushing across the battlefield to catch her before she hit the ground.

He slowly lowered himself to his knees and placed her in his lap. "Twilight?" He whispered, "please be alright." After a few seconds, Twilight let out a moan as her eyes began to open. The first thing she saw was Flash's worried expression, causing her eyes to tear up as she placed a hand up onto his cheek.

"Flash." Flash started tearing up himself, a smile appearing on his lips. Before either of them could say anything else, Flash pulled her up and kissed her on the lips. Twilight quickly reciprocated the kiss, the two staying like that for a good thirty seconds before pulling back and smiling at one another.

But before they could truly celebrate, something caught their attention. A light, coming from the Zenith Generators. The two turned to see differently coloured bolts of lightning beginning to spark within the orbs and grow stronger and stronger by the second. "What's going on?"

"I don't-AUGH!" Twilight clutched her head as her memories began to come flooding back, the girl beginning to remember everything that Midnight had done. That included a certain fail-safe. "Oh no." Flash looked down at her in confusion as a look of horror appeared on her face.

"Energy levels are building," Cold stated after detecting the energy spike. The others began to worry.

"What does that mean?" Rainbow asked.

"I thought Flash won and the Zenith Dragons were destroyed?" Soarin inquired.

"He did and they were," Sunset nodded after taking out her own Duel Disk and using it to see the energy levels for herself. "But it looks like the possibility of losing is something Midnight and the Zealots considered."

Cold nodded. "The generators weren't just using the Zenith Dragon's power to create a Shadow Gate. They were also storing it. And now that stored power's beginning to build up."

"And it won't stop until it hits critical mass," Misty realised. "And when that happens..."

"They'll unleash a shockwave so powerful that it'll likely wipe out all life on earth," Twilight finished explaining.

Flash frowned hearing this, then looking into the Shadow Gate. Said gate was quickly closing, but wouldn't do so for a good few minutes. "What about the Duel Monster Spirit World?"

"It'll be hit too," Twilight explained. "The energy will be sent through the Shadow Gate and hit the planet too. It won't be as powerful, but it will do some damage. The only possible way to survive this would be in a bomb shelter. Midnight wanted to make sure that even if she lost, she would go down fighting."

Flash picked himself up and stared at the machines that would likely bring about the earth's destruction. But before he could start feeling hopeless, something Sombra had told him in the Duel Monster Spirit World came flooding back to him. And with it, an idea formed in his head.

Twilight watched as Flash took off his Duel Disk and removed two cards from his deck. He then held on up as his mark reappeared, "Vail Pixie!" The card glowed for a moment before that light shot off the card and took shape, then faded to reveal the silver skinned fairy in white glowing.

The Duel Monster turned to Flash and looked worried. "Flash," she flew down, "what do we do? If we don't stop these things, then both worlds are gonna be destroyed."

"I know," Flash nodded. "Don't worry, I have a plan. First," he turned to Twilight, "I need you to make a portal back to earth. This piece of land won't last much longer." To prove his point, the pyramid's structure began to crack and crumble.

Vail Pixie nodded as her mark began to glow, the fairy holding out her hands and causing a portal to form in front of her. As she did, Flash moved over to Twilight and handed her his Duel Disk after returning Vail Pixie's card. "What are you doing?" She asked while taking the device, Flash picking her bridal style and carrying her towards the portal.

"I need you to look after those cards. What I'm gonna do is...risky. I can't risk them like that again."

"Risky?" Twilight asked, both she and Vail Pixie looking confused as he reached the portal. "What are you planning on doing?"

"Sorry," Flash told her, "no time to explain." He stared at Twilight's face for as long as he could, the girl wondering why he was focusing on her so much. Then, he gave her one final kiss before throwing her into the portal.

"FLASH!" She cried as she was thrown into said portal, Flash then reaching up and grabbing Vail Pixie before doing the same to her before the portal vanished.

The two cried out as they fell flew through the tunnel. Then, in a flash of light, both of them suddenly found themselves landing on the ground. Twilight groaned at this, then grunted as Vail Pixie landed on her chest. "Ow."

"Sorry," the Duel Monster told her as the portal they came out of vanished.

"TWILIGHT!" She heard a familiar deep voice cry out, the girl using all her strength to sit up and look around to see her brother rushing towards her with Cadance. Vail Pixie leapt off of her as the two knelt down besides her and pulled her into a hug. "You're alright!"

"Shining!" Twilight began to cry as she hugged them back, "Cadance."

"Thank goodness," Cadance was tearing up. "We were worried he'd never see you again."

It was here that the other reached them, Misty spotted her childhood friend. "Vail Pixie?" The fairy turned to her, "how are you-"

"Flash summoned me," she replied. "He needed me to bright Twilight back."

"But where is Flash?" Trail asked her, "why didn't he come with you?" Vail Pixie replied by turning to look up at the sky, the others following her line of sight towards the Shadow Gate.

Twilight tried to push herself back to her feet, Shining and Cadance helping her. "Flash. Be careful."

Back on the now collapsing pyramid, Flash stared up at the Shadow Gate as the generators built up more and more power.

He then held up the last card in his possession, the teen staring down at Flash Heart Dragon Alpha. As he did, the mark on his hand glowed again and he suddenly found his mind being teleported into a mental space. He was standing in front of an image of his world, while sensing someone else behind him.

Flash Heart was standing with his back to Flash, staring at the image of his own world. The two continued to look upon the worlds that were doomed if they didn't do anything, which made them both understand what had to happen.

"No matter what happens," Flash Heart told his partner. "This may very well be the very last time our worlds will be directly connected with one another, because of the path we have created and the bond that ties us both together."

"Maybe," Flash smiled, "but I still have faith in the dream you and I shared. Of a future where our two worlds will be joined together, as one." The two turned towards one another, a smile on both of their faces. "But simply dreaming it won't make it come true. That future has to be shaped by those who want it to happen, whether that's the two of use or someone else. The perfect world the Zealots wanted is something that can only be created with our own efforts."

Flash Heart nodded back. "But before that, we need to make sure that's still a world to turn into that perfect world."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Flash smirked as the two of them suddenly warped out of the mental space, the Duel Monster Spirit of Flash Heart appearing behind his partner on the pyramid as they stared up at the Shadow Gate. Flash then raised his hand to his chest as the mark glowed brighter and his hair turned white, while Flash Heart moved its hand towards the mark on its chest.

"NOW IS THE TIME TO UNLEASH THE POWER BORN FROM OUR BOND!" They both yelled in unison, their marks glowing brighter and brighter. "FUSE THE BODIES! SYNCHRONISE THE MINDS! OVERLAY THE SPIRITS!" The light from their marks spread to the rest of their bodies and glowed even brighter, "LET OUR STRENGTHS BECOME ONE!" The light exploded off of them with enough force that it caused the remainder of the pyramid to be disintegrated, while the two unleashed their final cry. "DIMENSIONAL OVER-LINK!"

Back on earth, everyone suddenly found themselves staring at a bright light that had appeared in front of the Shadow Gate and completed blocked it out.

"What's happening?" Sweetie asked, "is this it? Are they exploding?"

"I don't think so," Cold shook his head before getting an alert on his Duel Disk. More information from being filtered in from the main computer, which had just finished analysing the energy it had just sensed. "I'm detecting high level of Ener-D." The others turned to him, "higher then we've ever recorded before."

"What's happening up there?" Sunset asked, while Twilight just smiled and stared back at the light.

"Flash. That's what's happening." Everyone else smiled as they looked back up at the sky, all giving their silent support to Flash and pray that he can find a way to save them one last time.

"GO GUYS!" Vail Pixie cheered, giving her support to boy both and monster.

Back in space, the light slowly began to dim until it faded to reveal the result of the Dimensional Over-Link.

There floated not Flash, or the spirit of Flash Heart, but the fully embodied form of Flash Heart Dragon Alpha. It wasn't a hard light hologram like with an ARC system, or some magical spell. It was the Duel Monster's spirit, given physical form by using Flash as a conduit. This was the miracle brought about by the bond Flash and his dragon shared, with Harmonica's power giving them this chance.

But it wasn't Flash Heart in the drivers seat of this body, but the Duellist. Flash opened his eyes and looked down at his body, seeing he truly was wearing the metal skin of his ace. "Wow. I can feel the power of Flash Heart welling up within me." He then looked up and saw the energy inside the generators was growing more and more powerful. "And I'll need every ounce of it to stop those things." With that, Flash's boosters ignited and he was sent rocketing forward.

The monster formed human shot through space faster then any rocket, heading towards the first Zenith Generator. And as he got closer, he pulled his fist back and braced himself. "For earth. For the Duel Monster Spirit World. For EVERYBODY!" With that, he reached the Zenith Generator and threw his fist forward.

The giant glass orb shattered into an infinite amount of pieces as Flash Heart Dragon flew into the energy it had been storing.

"What's he doing?" Rainbow asked, the lot of them having watched the Ener-D signature move towards the Dark generator.

The signature then overlapped with the energy signature of the power stored within said generator, everyone fearing Flash had done something insane. And their fears were correct when the energy signature began to move away from where the generator had been. "He's not..." Cold looked flabbergasted, the others turning towards him.

"He's not what?" Spike asked, while the more science savvy members of the group put the pieces together.

"That's insane!" Sunset cried.

"That's my son," Misty smiled in amazement and bemusement.

"Does someone wanna tell use what the heck's going on?" Adagio asked.

Twilight smiled, "Flash destroyed the generator and is containing the energy it was building up." As she said this, the signature drew closer and closer to the Light Generator.

Flash Heart Dragon Alpha continued flying the millions of miles between the generators. As he did, he was now glowing a bright purple energy that was leaving a trail of purple light flowing behind him.

He eventually grew closer to the second generator, which was filled with a yellow light, Flash pulling the dragon's robotic fist back until he reached the orb and then threw it forward. The glass shattered like before and Flash propelled forward into the light, which began to mix with the purple light as he shot through it until flying out of the other side and pulling the light energy behind him.

Once again he was crossing hundreds of miles in mere seconds until he reached the Water Generator and struck it as well. The blue light was pulled into his wake and mixed with the other two, Flash Heart Dragon Alpha shooting forwards again and heading for the Fire Generator.

"What's he even planning on doing?" Soarin asked as they watched the energy signature get closer and closer to the Fire Generator.

Sunset nodded. "Even if he manages to destroy all the generators, that energy's not just gonna disappear. Unless he's able to fly all the way to Mars, that energy is gonna hit the earth."

"He'll find a way," Misty told them. "He's my son and the one chosen by Harmonica. He'll find a way to save our worlds."

"I hope you're right," Gilda told her as the signature overlapped with the Fire Generator signal. "Because I don't want the last thing I do in my life to be looking at a screen."

Cold nodded. "If even one of those Generators explodes before he can stop them, the energy wave will be enough to wipe out all life on this side of the planet. And the force of that energy will send the other side back to the stone age."

"He'll think of something," Twilight assured her with absolute faith in her voice.

"They both will," Vail Pixie nodded.

Flash shot out of the red energy and dragged it behind him, seeing he only had two more generators to get to before they exploded.

As he flew, he felt his body begin to strain at the amount of power he was now containing within him. Even with the light coming off of him as he flew, it was drop in the ocean compared to what was within him. And he still had to more to go. "Come on!" He cried as he got closer to the Wind Generator, "keep it together!" He slammed into the generator and shattered the glass before flying into the green energy, absorbing it into him and shooting out towards the final generator. "So...hot."

"You can do it Flash," the teen moved into his mental space and looked back at the real Flash Heart. "I'm with you." He placed a hand on his shoulder, "we'll bare this burden together."

Flash smiled back before leaving his mind and looking towards the final Zenith Generator, then back at the quickly closing Shadow Gate. They didn't have much more time. "RAAAH!" He cried as his boosters exploded once more, pushing him through the vacuum of space.

He got closer and close to the Zenith Generator, but felt wave after wave of energy shoot off of it as it drew closer and closer to critical mass. "You're not taking our future!" Flash yelled as he fought through the energy and finally reached the orb before shattering it with Flash Heart's fist.

The brown energy shot out and was absorbed into his body, mixing with the others to turn into a rainbow of light that wrapped around him.

Flash's entire body was screaming, but he refused to let the energy out yet. There was only one place he could safely release it.

Flash turned towards the Shadow Gate and saw the portal was getting smaller and smaller with each passing second. He didn't have long. But between him and the portal, the debris of the destroyed generators had morphed into an asteroid field that would take too long to go around. Flash only had one option.

"LET'S GO!" Flash screamed as his boosters ignited again and he was thrown towards the debris field, the transformed Alpha Zealot zigzagging around the large hunks of metal and glass.

"That's it," Flash Heart Alpha told him. "Keep going. Don't let anything stop you."

"Right!" Flash replied as he dodged one piece of metal and landed on a long strip, which he used his wheels to shoot across before flying off the end. A few smaller pieces were in his way, but Flash easily slammed them away without losing any momentum. But then a larger chunk suddenly appeared in front of him, "no!" He couldn't move in time and slammed into it, feeling himself getting knocked backwards.

"Don't give up!" He heard Harmonica's voice, "everyone's counting on you." As she said this, more voice echoed through Flash's ear.

"Flash," Vail Pixie whispered.

"Flash," Trail, Misty, Scootaloo, Grand spoke out.

"Flash!" Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Spike and Sunburst cried.

"FLASH!" Cold, Sunset, Starlight, Tempest, Tidal, Soarin, Gilda, Thorax, Marble, Maud and the Dazzlings all began to scream in unison.

Then, one final voice spoke up. "You can do it Flash," Twilight told him. "I believe in you."

Flash Heart Alpha's eyes began to glow again as he heard everyone's voices, the robotic dragon spinning around midair and planting his feet into another piece of metal. "Like I'd ever give up!" His boosters exploded again and he rocketed off the metal towards the Shadow Gate. "Everyone's put their trust in me and I won't let them down!" He barrelled through any object that got in his way, moving faster then he or Flash Heart ever thought possible. "And I am not gonna let you destroy our destiny." He finally got through the debris field and now had a clear shot towards the Shadow Gate, but the portal was now only seconds from closing. "This is for...OUR FUTURE!"

He felt his body beginning to crack as he got faster and faster, the energy within him reaching the point where it could no longer be held. But as the portal was about to close, Flash Heart Dragon Alpha shot inside of it seconds before his boosters finally gave out.

Flash felt himself beginning to drift helplessly through the void as both the portal to earth and the Duel Monster Spirit World vanished. Now it was safe.

Flash smiled as he finally let go, feeling the energy within him explode. "Thank you, everyone. You'll have to take it from here."

"You're not alone," Flash Heart told him. "We'll do this together." Flash felt the dragon's spirit hands wrap around him as his body gave out, the energy of the six Zenith Generators free to explode and harm nothing.

"What happened?" Spike asked as Cold stared at the screen, "where'd the energy go?"

"I... I don't know," Cold replied while looking up at the sky and seeing the Shadow Gate had vanished. "He couldn't have... could he?"

"What did he do?" Tempest asked him.

"Where's my brother?" Scootaloo asked with a face of annoyance and worry. Misty, Trail and Grand all shared a look, the lot of them beginning to put the pieces together. Misty turned to Vail Pixie, the two locking eyes as the Duel Monster looked close to tears and pulled away. This made Misty's breath hitch.

Twilight had a terrified look on her face, as she too had figured out what Flash had done and tears began forming in her eyes. "Flash," she hugged herself as Cadance pulled her closer. The others, seeing this reaction from her, feared the worst as Cold finally explained.

"Flash couldn't let the energy out or it would have still destroyed the world. And he couldn't contain it. So he used the Shadow Gate."

"You mean he went to the Duel Monster Spirit World?" Gilda asked, the others starting to think he had doomed one world to save theirs.

"No," Twilight shook her head as he pulled away from Cadance. "Don't you get it? There was only one place he could safely let the energy out without destroying both worlds. The Void." Now the others realised what she was getting at.

"No," Scootaloo shook her head, "please don't say it."

Cold frowned as he looked down at the ground, "he flew into the Shadow Gate as it closed and unleashed the energy within the void. It was the only way he could stop it from destroying both worlds."

"But that means..." Sunset couldn't finish sentence.

"Vail Pixie," Scootaloo turned to the Duel Monster. "You have to save him. Open a breech. Bring him back."

Vail Pixie continued to tear up, "I can't. I don't have enough power to open a breech. And even if I did, I can't make one that goes into the Void. Only an outer god like Zeronull could do that and survive." Everyone began to let the information set in, Sunset, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Rarity, Sonata and Cadance beginning to tear up while others were fighting to keep from doing so.

"Flash," Spike whispered as Thorax and Sunburst put a hand on his shoulder.

Misty and Trail hugged, Misty crying into his chest while Grand looked down at the ground. Rainbow was clenching her fist while Applejack began slamming her fist into the wall of the stadium. Shining was looking as grim as Grand and Gilda was even close to tearing up, while Adagio and Aria appeared deeply saddened by Flash's loss.

"Flash," Scootaloo was also crying as Applebloom and Sweetie rushed over to hug her.

"Amigo," Tidal shook his head, "why did you have to be so selfless." Tempest leaned against a wall, putting her hands into her face while Soarin and Starlight just stood there unable to move.

Twilight, meanwhile, fell to her knees and wrapped her arms around herself and started crying hysterically. Mentally, she was telling herself that this was all her fault despite knowing that wasn't true. They should have been celebrating for the world's victory, but none of them felt like celebrating with what that victory cost. However, that feeling would soon change.

A small speck of light suddenly appeared in front of them, so small that nobody noticed it at first. But then, Tempest looked up and caught a glimpse of the light. She turned to the others, "guys!" Some of them turned to her and saw she was looking at the sky, then followed her gaze and saw it too.

The light started growing brighter, causing more people to look up at it as it got larger and began to take shape. That shape became one they were all very familiar with, shocked expressions beginning to appear on their faces. "It can't be," Misty whispered.

The only one not looking at the light was Twilight, until that very moment. She slowly shifted her head up until it saw the glowing shape, right as the light began to fade to reveal Flash Heart Dragon Alpha.

The robot was hovering above the shocked crowd with its hands cupped, then began to float until he touched the ground and knelt down. At the same time, Twilight stood up as a small speckle of hope appeared in her heart. Then, Flash Heart placed what it was holding in its hands on the ground and everyone saw it was a body.

"FLASH!" Twilight broke out into a run and rushed towards him, the other behind her as she knelt down besides him and started checking his vitals. She placed an ear onto his chest and waited for what felt like an eternity, but eventually heard the telltale beating of a heart. "He's alive!"

Everyone cheered hearing this, others breaking out into tears of joy while hugging those closest to them.

The commotion seemed to awaken Flash as he let out a moan and slowly open his eyes, the teen looking around and seeing Twilight smiling down at him. "Twilight? Where...where am I?"

"You're back on earth," she smiled while wiping her eyes of tears. "You big idiot." She hugged him tightly, "I thought I'd lost you."

"I'm sorry," Flash hugged her back. "I...I had too-"

"I know," she replied before pulled back. "That's why I love you." She kissed him, the others smiling at this until they pulled away. Flash smiled back at her before realising something.

"But how am I here?" He looked back at Flash Heart, "Did you-" He stopped when he saw his dragon shake his head, Flash telling he was just as confused as him. He then turned to Vail Pixie, who also shook her head. "Then how are we alive?"

The answer came with a sudden Flash of light, making everyone almost go blind before turning towards it. "I can answer that." Flash's eyes went wide as he heard the voice, the teen pushing himself back up.

"Harmonica?" The others were shocked to hear this, turning back to the light as it dimmed to reveal the glowing figure. Each of them was amazed to see Zeronull's pure opposite, the one they had to thank for giving them the chance to fight back against Zeronull's evil. "How are you here?"

"The seal holding me used Zeronull's power to do so, the same way my power was used to trap him. And while he escaped his seal, I was unable to leave the one that sealed me whilst he remained and had power to feed the seal. But now Zeronull is gone and the seal holding me weakened and eventually broke, freeing me. Once I was freed, the first thing I did was save the ones who were willing to sacrifice everything to protect their worlds"

"You saved Flash," Cold realised.

"Yes," the glowing figure nodded. "I wish I could have been of more help before now, but I hope this makes up for my absence."

"Are you kidding?" Twilight asked. "You've done more then enough. It's thanks to your power that Midnight had to Duel Flash. If you hadn't done that, there's no way he and the others could have stopped him."

Flash nodded. "And it was your power that helped me stop the Generators."

"But you had to risk your life in order to stop them," Harmonica told him. "And I thank you for stepping up in my stead and protecting these beautiful worlds. My Alpha Zealots." As she said that, the mark on Flash's hand appeared one last time. He looked down at it, seconds before it exploded off his hand. "Thanks to you and your friends, the world is safe from Zeronull and his Zealots. Never again will they threaten this or the other world." As she said that, her form unleashed a mighty light that blinded the lot of them.

When they opened their eyes, they all realised they were in the Duel Monster Spirit World.

"This is..." Starlight whispered.

"Incredible," Sunburst pushed his glasses up his nose. As he did, he and the others noticed they were covered in a white aura that glowed off their bodies.

"Each of you have helped play a role in protecting this world," Harmonica explained. "For that, you will all go down in history. That, I am sure of." As she said that, the humans noticed something coming over a nearby hill. It was all their ace monsters, marching towards them with smiles on their faces.

Cold spotted Sombra and smiled at his brother, while those like Pinkie, Spike and team Crusaders suddenly rushed forward to greet their friends. Soon enough, everyone and their Duel Monster Partners were together and happily embracing one another.

Twilight was hugging Twilight Warlock while Alicorn rubbed her head into her chest, while Rainbow and Gilda were fist bumping Battle Wing and Harpie Lady Zephyr. Soarin had been picked up by Assault Convoy and Spike was sitting on Blazelord's shoulder. Sunburst was shaking his monster's hands while Starlight and Leo were hugging.

"Well done little brother," Sombra told Cold. "You've done our family proud."

"Thank you," Cold nodded. "But it wasn't just me," he turned to the others as he and Sombra smiled. "We all worked together and because of that, our world is safe."

Those hearing that smiled while Flash turned to Harmonica. "You said Zeronull and his Zealots are gone. Does that mean our worlds are safe, forever?"

"Alas, it is not that simple." Everyone frowned hearing this. "Though the world is safe for now, that peace will not last. As long as there is good, then evil will also exist. It may happen tomorrow, or a hundred years from now, but eventually an evil will arise and threaten your worlds again. And when that happens, it'll be up to you or the future generation to fight back against the evil."

"We understand," Cold nodded before turning to the others. "That's why we have to work the best we can, in order to be ready for when that evil comes."

The others nodded as Flash smirked and stepped forward. "We won't just prepare to fight any evil that shows up. We're gonna work to build a better future. One where both humans and Duel Spirits can live together in peace. And when evil rears its ugly head, we'll be there to protect that peace no matter who or what tries to destroy it." They all smiled and nodded as a light suddenly appeared behind them.

"It's time for you all to return to your world. Go in the knowledge that your actions today and in all the days leading up to this moment will never be forgotten. And continue to work towards the perfect future you envision." Everyone nodded and turned back to their Duel Monster aces, many sharing hugs, high-fives and fist bumps before they began to make their way through the portal.

"Goodbye brother," Sombra hugged Cold who hugged him back. "Hopefully, the next time we meet won't be due to such dire circumstances."

"I hope so too," Cold nodded before they pulled away and Cold headed into the portal. Eventually, Flash was the only one yet to enter the portal. He watched as Flash Heart and Vail Pixie moved over to the Duel Monsters, as the aura around them vanished to show they had fully crossed over.

"I guess this is it," Vail Pixie frowned before Flash patted her on the head.

"For now," he told her. "But I'll be seeing you again. Don't forget, we're gonna find a way for humans and Duel Spirits to live together. And knowing my luck, something else might just pop up that needs me to stop it with your help."

Harmonica chuckled. "I do not think you need to worry much about that. I believe that your time as these worlds destined protector has come to an end. Enjoy your life, but be ready. Even if you're not the one saving the world next time, the one who is may require your guidance. The future is a mass of millions of uncertainties. You may never need to risk your life again, or you might have to do so within the week. Always remember to be ready, but to live your life to the fullest and remember everything you have learnt during your adventures."

Flash nodded before heading towards the portal, glancing back at his friends and giving them one final wave before stepping through the portal. The Duel Monsters gave him the same wave and the next thing he knew, he was back outside the stadium with everybody else.

They looked back at where Harmonica had previously been and saw a light that shot into the air and exploded like a firework, raining bits of light down upon them before fading away. Everyone simply stared at where it had been, some expecting something else to occur. But when nothing did, they all looked at one another.

"So," Soarin spoke up, "that's it? It's over?"

"I believe so," Cold nodded. "The door between our world and the Duel Monster Spirit World has closed."

"For now," Flash smiled. "But who knows. Maybe one day, we'll get to go back to that place. And hopefully, next time we won't have the fate of the world hanging on our shoulders."

"So what do we do now?" Applebloom asked, she and the rest of the Crusaders all looking confused.

"We do what Harmonica told us," Adagio smiled. "We live our lives. And be ready for the next time someone or something gets any ideas about world domination or destruction." She turned to her sisters. "From now on, we'll stick together and help the world see how amazing we are." Aria and Sonata smiled and nodded, Sonata even clapping her hands together.

Thorax turned to Spike, "I need to get back to Changeland. No rest for the royals." Spike smiled back and nodded.

Marble turned to her sisters and smiled a tearful smile. "I just wanna go home. I wanna see mother and father. Limestone too." Her sisters smiled back and pulled her into a hug.

Starlight and Sunburst smiled at one another, both knowing that whatever future lay ahead for them, they would face it together. Team Wonderbolt simply smirked with Rainbow giving the two a thumbs up, the three having their own plans for the future. Applejack, Rarity and their sisters smiled at one another, the lot happy they could get on with their lives. Cadance and Shining held hands, happy the world was safe and that they would get to see their daughter grow up. Fluttershy and Sunset shared their own smiled before looking up at the sky, knowing their own futures were filled with infinite possibilities.

Cold, Grand and Tidal shared a smiled before turning towards the Sentry family. Trail moved over to Misty and Scootaloo before pulling them in close. "Now we can get on with our lives and be a proper family. They all nodded and then turned to Flash, who stood next to Twilight and stared up at the sky.

"Did you ever think it would be like this?" Twilight asked, "when you first got your deck. Did you ever think your life would turn out this way?"

"Not in a million years," Flash smiled before taking out his Flash Heart Card. "When we first met, I was nothing. Barely a shadow of a person, with no friends and no ambitions of my own." He then smiled up at the sky. "But since then, my life as become so incredibly amazing. I don't regret a second of it." He turned to smile at Twilight, then back at all the people he called his friends and family. "Or regret meeting any of you." Everyone smiled back before Flash turned to look back at the sky, pulling Twilight close to him.

"No matter what people say or do, our futures belong to us. And it can be whatever we want it to be."

Author's Note:

Well, it's over. The evil that threatened the whole universe is finally gone. But don't worry, this isn't the end of the story. There's still one final chapter. But what will it entail?

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