• Published 5th May 2020
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The Day that Lasted Forever - Homeshine

"Home is a part of the Soul". This is written in Gold above Home for Wayward Youngsters; giving a temporary Home to two fillies, named Celestia and Luna, after The Sun has ... stopped.

  • ...


"But it's so early!" a sleepy-eyed Celestia stepped onto the castle balcony.

"Because that's when the Sun comes up, isn't it? You girls had a late night!" Princess Platinum responded, brushing Luna's hair as Luna sat up and tumbled out of bed, rubbing her sleepy eyes with one hoof.

"Might as well get it over with," The two barely-awake fillies soon clapped their horns together and prepared to raise the Sun. It happened exactly as the lowering of it, and the raising of the Moon, had happened the previous... night, for lack of a better word.

"We set it to 8 o'clock," Celestia turned and faced Princess Platinum, "is that good? or should we set it to noon or something?"

"That should be good for now. Remember, this is temporary until we can fix the Sun and Moon."

"Can we go back to sleep?" Luna asked with a TUMPF as she hit the pillow again. "I'm tired."

"Unfortunately, no. If you sleep now, you won't be sleepy at bedtime, and then we'll have this whole problem over again. Early to bed and early to rise, and ... all that."

Celestia giggled, "Because you've forgotten the rest."

"Oh, silly," Princess platinum gave Celestia a tickle at that, playing all the part of a doting Aunt. "Unfortunately, even Pega-corns need to learn things, so I've set you up with Clover the Clever for the day, so be good and-"

"An' Earth Ponies!" Luna interrupted. "We're all three!"

"Yes, well, we'll need to find something to call you later, but until then-."

Celestia suggested, "How about 'All-icorns?' Because we're all three?"

"Yes, you are, and ... " She stopped, then started again, "You've given me a brilliant idea, so get to the books!"

* * *

Clover asked Princess Platinum as they walked down the castle promenade, "Do you really think the other two tribes will go for it?"

"Of course! They don't know that The Two Sisters are related to us. They're members of all three tribes, so it only makes sense to make them Queens. That way, none of the tribes will think we're showing favoritism. It's perfect!"

"But they're just children!"

"That's simply it! The other tribes will underestimate them. Both their intelligences far exceed their ages, anyway. Don't worry, I've done palace intrigue before; I know how it's done."

"If you say so. I prefer sticking to the books. Come in, children. Today, we're going to learn about history!"

* * *

"I can't see that the Limbo spell on your Home has done anything to the Sun." Princess Platinum said to Homeshine, her next stop on her eternally busy schedule.

"Well, you're the expert."

"Actually, * I * am the expert" Starswirl the Bearded interrupted. "But at any rate, no, the two instances of Limbo have nothing to do with one another. More's the pity; I thought there was a chance we might solve this easily before lunch, but it wasn't to be." He smiled at Homeshine. "Feel free to pack it up whenever you wish."

"Of course, it can stay here as long as you like. You are still our guests, after all. And the girls so look forward to-"

The ground shook with a mighty earthquake. Pots and pans clattered and fell to the ground. Then everything was still.

Princess Platinum began, looking over one shoulder, "That sounds as if it came from...

" ... the girls!" Starswirl finished for her, as all three of them trotted off in that basic general direction.

* * *

The big red metal door burst open with a CLANG with two unicorns, horns glowing at the ready, and a pegasus already in midair, in a battle dive formation; to see two ashen-faced fillies coughing in the smoky haze of what was very recently their classroom.

"I think we did it wrong." Celestia said to no one in particular.

Luna coughed in agreement.

"What in the name of King Cosmos happened here?!" Starswirl demanded.

Clover the Clever answered the demand, "Well, we were learning about a spell nexus, and Celestia said that she could use it to focus her Sun powers and then ... well I'm not entirely sure what."

Homeshine raised one hoof, "Could you translate that sentence for the pegasus?"

"We blew it up." Celestia deadpanned, as Homeshine came in for a landing. "We're okay; the room's not in such great shape, though," as they looked around at the still-settling bits of paper and other detritus of their (former) classroom.

"And I think for a brief moment I was a potted plant," Clover continued. "I'm not exactly sure. It was an incredible burst of spell energy, at any rate. I'm glad we were down here in the basement, where most of the explosion was muffled. Who knows what would have happened if we'd had the classroom elsewhere, closer to the outside."

"If you don't mind," Starswirl turned to Princess Platinum, "I'd like to make these two my personal protégés while they're here. They need to learn how to focus their magic, if it's going to be their special talents. Why, they might someday outshine even me."

"Not Homeshine? She was going to teach us to fly s'more!" Luna begged, grabbing one of Homeshine's hooves.

"I'm sure Starswirl is much more practiced in magic than I am. And that is what you need to learn more of, if we're ever going to figure a way out of... whatever this is."

"Actually," Clover suddenly jumped, as an idea struck her. "The Limbo Spell around your Home makes it the perfect place to practice oversized magic! No explosion can go beyond its pocket universe. We'll still be teaching it, of course."

Homeshine as far as, "I'm not sure that's a good idea-" before the little ones' pleading eyes overcame her resolve. Homeshine continued instead, "-but I suppose I could drop in, in the afternoons, for the Flying Lessons."

Clover piped up, turning to Princess Platinum, "See? Everything works itself out, if we deal with it one step at a time."

Princess Platinum laughed at that, "I see that you're right, deary. Well done! Come along, girls, I have two other ponies for you two girls to meet over lunch. Chancellor Puddinghead and Commander Hurricane, who is in a much better mood from yesterday." Princess Platinum stopped for a second, then turned, "but first; perhaps it would be better if you set the Sun to noon. It would seem weird having lunch on the veranda and having it still be the crack of dawn."

The sisters obliged.

Author's Note:

Remember, this is pre-friendship Starswirl, before he met the Mane six. He's prone to be a bit ... grandiose.