• Published 13th Jun 2020
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Cinematic Adventures: The Spongebob Squarepants Movie - extremeenigma02

The Cutie Mark Crusaders feel like they aren't being taken seriously by anypony because they are children. To prove themselves, they join the Mane Six on a new adventure to the town of Bikini Bottom where they meet a very energetic talking sponge

  • ...

Shell City

Eyes begin to stir, and moans leave their lips, as three little fillies woke up to find themselves lying on a lumpy bed of pink, red, blue, and yellow rocks. Their eyes tried to adjust to the bright light shining above them, as if this were the first trace of daylight after a period in the dark. By the time their vision adjusted, the three sea-fillies took a moment to search their surroundings swimming around.


“OW!” Apple Bloom groaned.

Her two friends turned as Apple Bloom felt an invisible wall in front of her. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle then searched around, feeling the exact same surface. As their heads turned around, they realized they appeared to be in a giant glass bowl, filled with water, inside some form of cabin or shack. Suddenly, they remembered what happened and turned to the side finding SpongeBob and Patrick fast asleep on a bed of tank pebbles across the way.

“Guys!” Scootaloo yelled to them. “Guys, wake up!”

SpongeBob and Patrick both shot their eyes open, sitting up.

“Huh?” SpongeBob grunted, rubbing his head.

“Are we dead?” Patrick asked.

“I don’t think so,” SpongeBob answered.

“No, we’re not dead,” Sweetie Belle called out. “But we are definitely in huge trouble.”

“We’re all in a big ol’ pickle!” Apple Bloom added.

SpongeBob inspects the scenery inside the giant tank, picking up a few of the rocks, which to him looked pretty strange.

“Artificially colored rocks?”

Patrick also picks up one rock, but instead of observing it like his friend, he just threw it in his mouth and eats it.

“Mmm… Strawberry.”

“Patrick, that is just way beyond gross,” Scootaloo cringed.

“Ah’ve eaten my fair share of strange concoctions,” Apple Bloom agreed. “But even ah think that’s just… Yuck!”

“You can say that again,” Sweetie Belle gagged.

SpongeBob got up, stretching his limbs.

“Well, let’s go, girls. I don’t know where we are, but—”

“SpongeBob wait!” Sweetie Belle called.


Too late. SpongeBob had walked right into the giant invisible glass wall of the fishbowl.

“What is this?” SpongeBob asked.

“It’s some kind of wall of psychic energy,” Patrick said, tapping the glass.

“No, Pat, it’s a giant glass bowl!”

“We’re all in fishbowls!” Sweetie Belle explained.

“Now ah know how mah old goldfish, Mr. Gillson, felt bein’ stuck in a giant bowl,” Apple Bloom said, randomly.

SpongeBob looks around, trying to see if there was a way out of their predicament. Least to his relief they weren’t alone. Because aside from their three friends, who were merely stuck in another bowl, his eyes spots something else.

“Hey girls, there’s some fish folk!” SpongeBob pointed.

In fact, the place had more fish folk than Goofy Goober’s Party Boat on its busiest night! There were fish all over this shack.

“Oh thank Celestia!” Scootaloo sighed in relief.

“Hey y’all!” Apple Bloom called out. “Can yah help us outta here?!”

“Please!” Sweetie Belle yelled. “We need your help!”

“Hey! Over here!” SpongeBob waved.

“Hey!” Patrick cried, jumping up and down.

But all the fish just stared straight ahead, as if they were ignoring them.

“Hey, you guys?! Help!”

“A little help here!” SpongeBob shouted. “We’re stuck in this—”

Then, all at once, SpongeBob’s eyes bugged out when he realized exactly what was going on. All the fish in this place were completely lifeless, knick-knacks on shelves and nooks. There were some seahorses like the CMC but bigger, a puffer fish, even fish dressed like a mariachi band. But they all had ‘one’ thing in common.

“Wait a second,” SpongeBob said. “Those fish! They’re all… All… All dried up!”

“S-S-So y-yah mean?” Apple Bloom shook.

“Yep, those fish are… Dead.”

Dead…?” Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle repeated.

The three girls huddled together, while SpongeBob and Patrick held onto each other while shaking in fear. It was at this moment, however, that they all felt they weren’t alone. Slowly turning around, they all stared right into the fact of the giant scuba Cyclops, the beast who kidnaped them, spying on his prisoners.

“AAAAHHHHH!!!” They all screamed.

They all swam around their fishbowls, screaming in terror, while a deep, booming laugh from the Cyclops shook the walls of their prison. The giant monstrous scuba diver walks toward the far corner of the room, as they all stared in sheer horror.

“What’s he gonna do with us?” SpongeBob cried.

“Ah don’t know,” Apple Bloom shook. “But it ain’t gonna be good.”

“Why did we even come on this adventure in the first place?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I wish we’d just stayed home,” Scootaloo quaked.

They watched as the giant takes out a small toolbox and opens it.

“OH NO!” SpongeBob yelled, trembling. “He’s going for his evil instruments of torture!”

The Cyclops soon takes out a bottle of glue and another bottle with plastic google eyes.

“Glue?” Apple Bloom shrieked.

“Googly eyes?” Scootaloo trembled.

Stuttering gibberish, Sweetie Belle’s eyes roll back, and she leans backward as if to faint. But being underwater, she was floating to the top of the bowl till the two girls pulled her down.

They all watched with dread, as the giant glued a pair of googly eyes onto a dried-up clam. He then puts a hat on the clam’s head and a tiny plastic phone onto the little dried-up guy’s hand. Sweetie Belle recovers just as she sees the man add the finishing touch.

“Wut is he doin’?” Apple Bloom asked.

“He’s making a humorous diorama of…” SpongeBob began.

Finally, the giant hunt a little paper sign around the clam’s neck which read—

Alexander Clam Bell?!

The poor sponge, starfish, and sea fillies couldn’t believe their eyes at what they were witnessing.

“Guys, he’s killing sea animals and making them into smelly knickknacks!”

“And I think we’re next!” Sweetie Belle screamed.

“You think so?” Patrick asked.

By then, the giant reached into the fishbowl and pulled Patrick out.

“Paaaaaatrick!” SpongeBob and the CMC yelled.

Then another hand reached in, clutching the poor sea sponge.


“SPONGEBOB!!!” Apple Bloom screamed.

“PATRICK!!!” Sweetie Belle bellowed.

“NOOOOO!!!” Scootaloo cried out.

The giant drops the two boys onto a table, directly under a bright, hot light of the heating lamp. Instantly, Patrick and SpongeBob started to sizzle under the intense heat.

“The heat is so intense from this lamp that I can’t move,” SpongeBob said, weakly.

“Tell me about it,” Patrick said, practically parched.

They heard the Cyclops laugh and stomp away, but they could not escape. The heat from the light slowly dried them out and the boys were growing weaker by the minute. The Cyclops laughed maniacally, as he loomed over the CMC. The girls shivered and held onto each other, fearing he was coming for them. He slowly reaches his hand toward the girls, as they closed their eyes anticipating for the worst.

But nothing happened… As the girls slowly lift their eyes, to see the Cyclops’ hand was only inches away. Yet he just stood there, staring at them through his helmet and not making another sound. Then, before their eyes, he slowly reels his arm back and turns around. He picks up a book, and steps into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

“Phew!” The girls sighed in relief.

“That oughtta give us just a little bit of time,” Apple Bloom spoke.

“This doesn’t look too good, Patrick,” SpongeBob spoke weakly.

The poor undersea sponge barely had a voice, as if he hadn’t had a drink in centuries.

“You mean we’re not gonna get the crown, save the town, and Mr. Krabs?” Patrick asked weakly.

“I don’t even think we’re gonna be able to save ourselves, buddy.”

Just then, SpongeBob’s arm snapped off, falling onto the desk. The girls cringed at the sight, as they watched helplessly from their imprisonment. Patrick, with little strength he had, grabs for the arm, and carefully placed it back onto SpongeBob.

“Thanks,” SpongeBob said, turning to Patrick.

“Don’t mention it,” Patrick thanked.

All the while, the girls could only watch sadly. The very lives of their dear friends were slipping away and for all they could do, all seemed fruitless.

“There’s gotta be a way outta here!” Apple Bloom said, worriedly. “We can’t sit here doin’ nothin’!”

“Even if we got out, there’s no way for us to turn back into ponies!” Sweetie Belle pointed out.

“But we can’t them die!!!” Scootaloo shouted, streaming tears. “We just can’t!”

But by this point, the majority of the trio had stopped talking. They were busily listening to possibly the final conversation between SpongeBob and Patrick.

“Well, it looks like what everybody said about us is true, Patrick,” SpongeBob said, sadly.

“You mean that we’re attractive?” Patrick asked.

“No, that we’re just kids. A couple of kids way over their heads!”

The group shook their heads hearing such talk, especially coming from SpongeBob SquarePants.

“That’s not true!” Scootaloo exclaimed. “You’re the bravest guys we’ve ever seen!”

“Scoots is right!” Apple Bloom added. “You guys are just as courageous as any grown up we’ve met in our lives! And that’s saying a lot… WAY a lot!”

“Thanks for trying to cheer us up girls,” SpongeBob thanked, sadly. “But… We were doomed from the start. I mean, look at us! We didn’t even come close to the crown; we let everybody down. We failed.”

‘But you failed no one!” Sweetie Belle said, sympathetically. “We all did the best we could. No pony or sea creature can ever take that away from you.”

While the fillies tried to reason with the two, Patrick stared blankly toward something.

“Shell City…” Patrick said to himself.

“Yeah, we never made it to Shell City,” SpongeBob agreed.

“Shell City…”

“Exactly, buddy. Yeah, the place we never got to.”

“Shell City…”

“Okay, now you’re starting to bum us out, Patrick.”

“No, look at the sign!”

All at once, Patrick pointed the group toward something above. Before their very eyes, it was a sign they failed to notice before which read:

’Shell City: Marine Gifts and Sundries’.”

“Shell City is a gift shop?” SpongeBob asked confused.

Suffice to say, the three little fillies were just as surprised as their spongy friend.

“I thought this would be an actual city!” Scootaloo said.

“But if this is Shell City, then where’s the…?”

As SpongeBob lifts his head, the girls turn their faces to his direction. Happiness beamed before their eyes when they saw the…

“CROWN!!!” They all exclaimed.

Sure enough, there it was: King Neptune’s crown, in all its glory, sitting on a cushion. The fillies cheer, hugging each other in their fishbowl, while SpongeBob and Patrick smile with glee. There was pure joy in their eyes.

“Neptune’s Crown!” SpongeBob said. “This is Shell City!”

Satisfied, their heads slammed back onto the desk. Suddenly, it did not matter how dehydrated they were. All that mattered, in one moment, they found what they were searching for: ‘Shell City’ and the crown.

“Pat, we did make it!” SpongeBob sighed.

“Yeah, I guess we did!” Patrick said, happily.

The two best friends, with little strength they had, turn their heads toward the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

“Sweetie Belle… Scootaloo… Apple Bloom…” SpongeBob began, teary-eyed. “Can you make a promise to us?”

“Yes, SpongeBob,” Sweetie Belle answered, tearfully.

“Anything…” Scootaloo whispered, sadly.

“What is it?” Apple Bloom asked.

“When we die… Which will be very shortly… Please get the crown back to Neptune. Stop Plankton and Cozy Glow, Bikini Bottom… Needs you now.”

The crusaders struggled not to cry, making it hard for them to answer. But they nod their heads, doing their best to offer a reassuring smile.

“We’ll get the crown back, SpongeBob,” Sweetie Belle assured. “We promise.”

“Good…” SpongeBob sighed, happily. “I know you all can do it… I mean… We did all right for a couple of goofballs…”

SpongeBob and Patrick smiled, as they both shed a single tear, which slithered down their bodies before joining together to form a heart.

SpongeBob (Sings):
I’m a Goofy Goober, yeah!

Patrick was quite surprised, hearing SpongeBob sing. The tone was weak, but still he gave it his all. Eventually, SpongeBob joins his best friend in singing their favorite song… One last time…

SpongeBob & Patrick (Sings):
You’re a Goofy Goober, yeah!
We’re all Goofy Goobers yeah!
Goofy… Goofy… Goober… Goober… Yeah…

Before the very eyes of the Cutie Mark Crusaders, SpongeBob SquarePants and Patrick Star shriveled up till only a normal sponge and a normal starfish laid before them. The girls, shocked beyond words, began to cry and their tears floated to the surface. Their new best friends, having died before their very eyes, it was too much to bear.

“SpongeBob… Patrick…” Scootaloo wept.

Poor Scootaloo cried as she never cried before. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom bawled together. They couldn’t believe something this bad could happen to two of their friends.

“It ain’t fair!” Apple Bloom sobbed.

“It can’t end like this!” Sweetie Belle cried.

“There must be a way to fix this!” Scootaloo wept.

As the three fillies continued to cry, they had no idea they backed into the glass wall and caused the bowl to shake. They quickly stopped crying for a moment when the realization hit them. They all bump the wall again and sure enough the bowl started to rock to the side. All at once, an idea came to them.

“Girls, we gotta ram the wall as hard as we possibly can!” Apple Bloom said, determined.

“Yeah, we’re getting out of here right now!” Sweetie Belle nodded.

“We can still save our friends!” Scootaloo added.

The Crusaders, joined together, backed to the far side of the bowl and with as much force as possible, they swam at top speed to the other side and knocked hard against the wall. The force caused the bowl to move towards the edge of the table it sat on. Seeing their plan was working, they repeat their process until eventually the force pushed the bowl off the side of the table and it shattered to a billion pieces.

Fortunately, the girls were all right as the water splashed everywhere, even towards the electrical outlet the lamp was plugged into. This caused a short-out and the lamp shuts off, as smoke rose toward the ceiling.

“Girls look!” Apple Bloom said loudly.

The girls all looked toward the ceiling, as the smoke caused the sprinklers to turn on. Water rained down on everything in the store – including SpongeBob and Patrick. Their bodies soaked up the water, and in no time the two Goofy Goobers woke up! SpongeBob looks down at his hands, just as soft and spongy as ever.

“Hey, we’re alive!” SpongeBob exclaimed.

“But how?” Patrick asked.

“Down here you guys!” Scootaloo called.

SpongeBob and Patrick looked over the edge, their eyes see the three sea fillies on the ground by the broken fishbowl.

“Girls!” SpongeBob cheered. “You did it!”

“We couldn’t let y’all die,” Apple Bloom said.

“We love you guys so much,” Sweetie Belle smiled.

“You’re our best friends,” Scootaloo added. “We couldn’t bear to lose you.”

SpongeBob and Patrick both smiled at them, completely touched by their words of friendship.

“Thank you, girls,” SpongeBob thanked them. “There’s no way we could have done this without your help.”

“Come on, every pony,” Apple Bloom said determined. “Let’s get that crown!”


The boys jump down and ran across the wet floor towards the podium where the crown rests. Water still poured down from the sprinklers, as the group made their way to the crown and tried to lift it.

“On three, guys!” SpongeBob cried. “Ready?”

“Ready!” The girls and Patrick said, in unison.

“One… Two… Three!”

The crown flew into the air, with all of them still hanging on. SpongeBob was taken by surprise.

“Hey, it’s lighter than I thought,” SpongeBob said.

“Yeah, it’s almost like we’re flying!” Scootaloo added.

“Uh… Guys…” Sweetie Belle spoke, wide-eyed.

Then, they realized neither of their feet touched the ground. SpongeBob blinked, and when he opened his eyes again, he was staring into the face of the Cyclops and so were the others.


The giant held the crown in his enormous hand. When he saw SpongeBob, Patrick, and the CMC hanging there, he was mad.

He roared angrily, toward the two stupid sea creatures and three little seahorses who wrecked his shop. He was ready to squash them when suddenly he hears a sound from outside. The window of the shop shatters to pieces as the Mane Six and Spike, assuming their original forms, jump through the window.

“Let… Them… Go!” Twilight demanded.

“You’re going down, you giant idiot!” Rainbow growled.

The Cyclops turned toward them, roaring in anger again. Now a group of multi-colored mini horses (And a Dragon?) bust through the window of his store. He marched over, intent to grab them. But Twilight and Rarity charge their horns and blasted a huge explosion of magic throughout the room. When the light cleared, the room shook intensely.

“What’s happening?” Patrick asked.

“I don’t know,” SpongeBob answerd.

“Guys, look!” Spike pointed.

The entire group, even the Cyclops looked around the room in shock. All the sea animals he dried up, all 1,007 sea creatures, came to life including: The pufferfish, the mariachi band, the seahorses, 3 starfish bearing a strong resemblance to Patrick, some octopi, and jellyfish, even 3 lobsters strongly resembling Mr. Krabs and Larry the Lobster, reaniminated and staring angrily at the Cyclops…

The narrators take a deep breath and adjust their fingers…

A swordfish, a yellow fish, a hammerhead, a light blue fish, three starfish, an indigo fish, an octopus, and a golden fish appear in the foreground, growling at the cyclops.

“Whoa…” Rainbow Dash said. “Now that’s… Awesome!”

“Oh my!” Fluttershy gasped.

A lobster taps the Cyclops’ shoulder, drawing the Cyclops’ attention. The lobster pulls out some google eyes and a tube of glue.

“Uh oh…” The Cyclops said.

The lobster sprays glue into the Cyclops’ eye. He falls over as the sea creatures start attacking him. The puffer fish puffed up and stuck him with their little points. The sea horses neighed and stomped over the giant. The clown fish attacked his shins; the clams snapped his butt and made him yelp. And the Mariachi fish… They just shrug and continued playing. All the while the Shell City sea creatures continued to snap, gash, finned, pretty much beating up the cruel one-eyed monster who tortured them.

“I heard of a ‘fish frenzy’, but this is ridiculous!” Pinkie joked.

“Come on, every pony!” Twilight yelled. “Let’s get out of here!”

“Uh… Twilight?” Apple Bloom calls out.

Twilight stops and looks down, noticing that the Cutie Mark Crusaders were still the size of little sea fillies.

“Oh… Right,” Twilight replied, with a sweat drop.

Using her magic, she is able to revert the Cutie Mark Crusaders back to pony size… Or at least ‘foal-sized’. Now the group make their way out of the shop, while SpongeBob and Patrick grab for the crown and meet up with the group at the dock.

“How do you like that?” Pinkie replied. “We started this adventure on the beach and here we are!”

“SIS!!!” Apple Bloom cried.

“RARITY!!!!” Sweetie Belle shouted.

Their older sisters, especially Rainbow Dash, turned as the Cutie Mark Crusaders raced toward them and the older ponies opened their arms out. They laughed and cried, as Applejack and Rarity hugged their little sisters and Rainbow Dash, ignoring her own tomboyish attitude, lifted Scootaloo into the air before drawing her in for a hug.

“I thought I would never see you again my little gemstone!” Rarity cried, kissing her sister’s forehead.

“Oh sugarcube, yer safe!” Applejack smiled.

“We’re so sorry we worried you,” Scootaloo cried. “We just thought—We just thought—”

“It doesn’t matter right now,” Rainbow interrupted. “We’re together again squirt.”

As reunions were in order, Twilight smiles as families came together before looking down as SpongeBob and Patrick approached with the crown.

“We’re so glad you boys are all right,” Twilight said.

“Yeah, well you can thank your friends over there,” SpongeBob replied, acknowledging the CMC. “We’d have been goners if they hadn’t rescued us.”

Suddenly, all was quiet. The older sisters, even Rainbow Dash, looked down toward the CMC in shock.

“You… Saved their lives?” Rarity asked.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders turned toward each other before facing the older ponies.

“We’re sorry we tend to cause trouble, big sis,” Apple Bloom spoke, shuffling her hooves. “We wanted to prove we can be big ponies, but we keep messin' things up.”

“But our friends were in danger and we couldn’t wait for you to rescue us,” Sweetie Belle added. “We had to save ourselves so we could prevent those two from dying. We just had to do something.”

“Please don’t be mad,” Scootaloo spoke softly.

The ponies look toward each other for a moment. Then they turn back to the Cutie Mark Crusaders with warm smiles.

“No… We’re the ones who oughtta apologize,” Applejack sighed, pulling her hat off. “I know I always treat you like yer still a baby, but I can’t stop ya from growin’ up no matter how hard I try.”

“What you did for those boys was the bravest thing you girls have ever done,” Rarity added, turning to Sweetie Belle. “I'm glad you came along.”

“And I couldn’t be any more prouder of you, little buddy,” Rainbow Dash spoke, ruffling Scootaloo’s mane.

“Well done girls,” Spike nods with a smile.

The ponies resume hugging each other, as SpongeBob and Patrick look on with teary eyes. But then a thought came to the girls.

“Say… How did you guys get here so fast anyway?” Scootaloo asked.

“Oh! Well we actually had some help,” Twilight explained, turning around. “Our ride’s just over… Huh?”

Twilight Sparkle motioned toward a boat near the dock when her eyes went wide. There was the rowboat that the whole group took to get to Shell City, but a certain ‘pirate’ was missing. They rush toward the rowboat and find a single note left on the seat.

Gone to Lunch,” Twilight read. “Be back later!!!

“Aw, come on!!!” Rainbow Dash groaned.

“Yeah, talk about a waste of a cameo,” Pinkie Pie replied. “A shame, that Patchy the Pirate guy seemed very nice.”

“Who’s Patchy the Pirate?” SpongeBob asked.

“Never mind, never mind!” Rarity interrupts. “We got to get the crown back to Bikini Bottom and we don’t have time to wait!”

“But it was a long way to get here from Bikini Bottom,” Fluttershy points out. “We’ll never get back in time!”

“Wait! I have an idea!” SpongeBob speaks up. “Patrick, you still have that bag of wings?”

“I sure do!” Patrick said.

Patrick shows a lump on his butt. He and SpongeBob laughs, even the CMC get a chuckle out of it… Until Patrick pulls out the bag.

“Here you go.”

The laughing stops immediately, as SpongeBob and the ponies stare at the lump with wide-eyed. Rarity, on the other hand, couldn’t stop her one eye from twitching.

“Ah bu… Ah bu… Ah bu… Ah bu… Ah bu…” Rarity muttered.

“What?” Patrick asked, confused.

“Nothing, nothing!” Twilight interrupts. “SpongeBob, please go over the instructions.”

“Right!” SpongeBob salutes, reading the instructions. “Let’s see, it says here, ‘Step One: Point bag away from home.’”

“Okay,” Patrick says, pointing the bag away.

“’Step Two: Plant feet firmly on ground.’”


“’Step Three: Remove string from bag releasing the winds.’”


Patrick pulled the string tied around the bag. A rush of wing explodes from the bag, the force snapping the sack out of Patrick’s hand, and it sailed away like a balloon full of air! Patrick stared at his empty hands in surprise.

“Well, that sounds simple enough,” Twilight replied, obliviously. “All we have to do is hitch a ride on the boat, use the winds for extra speed, and we should be back in Bikini Bottom just in time to return the crown to King Neptune.”

“Sounds like a plan,” SpongeBob nods, tucking the note in his pocket. “All right, Pat. Let’s do it for real.”

“Uh, SpongeBob?” Patrick spoke sheepishly.

SpongeBob and the gang turn around, as Patrick points to their bag. There was the bag of wings, hurling through the sky, far out to sea like a deflated balloon. It was heading toward Bikini Bottom and home – without them!

“NOOO!!!” The ponies and Spike shouted.

They chase after the bag, but it’s too late… The now deflated bag had now fallen into the water.

“What did you DO, Patrick?!” Twilight asked.

“I’m sorry, I made a booboo!” Patrick apologized, tearfully. “I was... I just thought... I was following the instructions… And the bag got loose… It was an accident! Please, I’m so sorry.”

“Oh, no!” SpongeBob cried. “How will we ever get back to Bikini Bottom now?”

The group sighs, their heads hanging loosely, as their one chance to get back safely was now gone.

“I can take you there,” A friendly voice said.

The gang suddenly look up spotting a man running toward them across a white sandy beach. The man’s head was a mass of black curls, his face rugged and tanned, muscles hard and rippling. He wore a bright red swimsuit and carried a flotation device. His smile brighter than the California sun.

“Who are you?” SpongeBob asked.

“I’m David Hasselhoff,” The man in the swimsuit replied.

“GASP!!!” Pinkie shouts, wide-eyed. “Special Guest Star David Hasselhoff?!”

Random cheering and applause is heard, as David Hasselhoff looks around and smiles at an unseen audience. A clipboard with an autograph paper is handed to him, but he just smiles and pushes it aside with a shake of his head. There was even a random ‘Hooray!” heard in the background.

“Um, Mr. Hasselhoff, sir?” Fluttershy spoke shyly. “Do you know how a steer a boat?”

“Boat?” Hasselhoff laughs heartily. “The way we’re going, we won’t need… Boats.”


Moments later, the buff lifeguard swims like a torpedo toward Bikini Bottom with mighty strokes. Upon his back were SpongeBob, Patrick, and even their ponies friends…


… And Spike… Resuming their sea-pony forms so they could join their friends. And with the group, King Neptune’s crown safe within their grasp.

“Go, Hasselhoff!” SpongeBob shouted.

“Next stop, Bikini Bottom y’all!” Apple Bloom shouted.

“YEE… HAW!!!” Applejack cheered.


Sometime earlier, Patchy the Pirate had just returned to his boat by the boardwalk. He slurps an ice-cold soda in one hand and pierced to his hook is a hotdog with all the trimmings.

“I’m back!!!” Patchy cried. “Sorry, I’m late! You won’t believe how long that line was—”

But as Patchy the Pirate looks around, not a trace of a pony or dragon, not even a little yellow sponge, was around to be seen.

“Huh… I thought they’d have found SpongeBob by now…”

“YEE… HAW!!!”

Confused, Patchy turns toward the ocean seeing an object zooming away at top speed. Hurling his hotdog aside and dropping his now empty cup, he takes out a tiny telescope from his coat pocket and positions it to his one eye. Adjusting the lens, he spots a man in a red swimsuit zooming far across the sea. And on his back, SpongeBob and all his friends riding in the distance with the crown.

Wide-eyed, the telescope dropping from his one hand, Patchy clenches his fist like an anime star.
