• Published 23rd Feb 2020
  • 808 Views, 10 Comments

Tales of the Canterlot High Duelists - Brony-wan-kenobi

Originally my entries to the Duelist of Canterlot High, an alternate versions of DrakeyC's Yugioh series

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Fiery Makeover Part 2

It didn’t take long to find a place for the two girls to duel. With the gym being occupied by the basketball team as well as the wrestling team and the weather outside being pleasant, it was decided that they should take this match on an empty field. Thankfully, the track team was out on a race, providing the two girls with a perfect spot to duel. Around them, the soccer and baseball teams were hard at work with their own practices meaning that they would be focusing on that rather than watching this match. If they did stop, the coaches would undoubtedly raise a stink.

Standing in the middle on the grassy field, Rarity raised her duel disk. It was a tad hard for her to fathom the extremes this girl was going just to avoid a makeover. She had never seen a girl put up such a fuss at getting a free spa treatment and a free attire made by her before. Well, maybe once or twice from Rainbow Dash, but that was an exception. Honestly, all she wanted was to help her shine…and maybe promote her own skills just a tad. However, she felt like this was in the bag. She had never seen Moondancer duel before and was very confident in her own skills as a duelist. She had, after all, gotten to the top eight at the Autumn Crown. Still it never hurt to be prepared for anything.

“Opponent detected. Streaming data.” Came the mechanical voice of the duels disks in unison after they had inserted their decks. “Duel mode set. Initiating. Commence duel?” Rarity pressed the button on her duel disk to accept with Moondancer doing the same.

-Rarity’s Life Points: 4000-

-Moondancer’s Life Points: 4000-

Rarity looked down at her duel disk as she heard a beeping noise. The order of the duel had been set with her going second.

Turn 1: Moondancer

“I draw,” announced Moondancer as she drew her first card. “Not a bad opening start. I’ll start by summoning the ‘Defender of Nephthys’ in attack position.”

As Moondancer placed her card on the card tray there was a pillar of flames that appeared on her field. As quickly as they appeared they vanished, leaving a young woman hovering in the air who slowly descended until her feet touched the ground. The woman had nicely tanned skin with long, whitish blond hair along with bright golden armor that protected her chest, shoulders, hands, and legs. Underneath that armor she wore a black, skin tight attire with a flowing white cape with a red inside. In her had was a golden sword that reminded Rarity of a flaming feather. (1400/200)

“I activate the effect of my Defender,” announced Moondancer as she threw out her hand. “Once per turn, I can destroy one card in my hand in order to special summon one other level four or lower ‘Nephthys’ monster from my hand. So I’ll destroy my Matriarch of Nephthys in order to special summon my ‘Disciple of Nephthys’ in defense mode.”

As Moondancer sent the card from her hand to the graveyard, another pillar of flame appeared; unveiling a young girl with slightly darker skin than Defender. Disciple wore an odd looking hat which Rarity had never seen before, looking crudely bird-like and hiding most of her braided black hair. Adorning her body was a mostly red outfit that had a single feather in the middle of her skirt whose sleeves were separate from her blouse, starting at her elbows. (0/2000)

“With Disciple out I can now activate her ability,” stated Moondancer calmly as her monster took a knee. “By destroying one card from my hand I can add any ‘Nephthys’ monster from my deck to my hand. So I’ll destroy my Chronicler of Nephthys in order to bring my Devotee of Nephthys to my hand. Finally I’ll place one card face down and end my turn.

‘Nephthys,’ thought Rarity as she watched Moondancer’s face down card appear on the field. ‘I’ve never heard of such an archetype. I will admit that they are certainly more appealing to the eyes than most decks run at this school. Still they seem to be rather self destructive and their effects don’t seem all that great. It’s no wonder she never competed in a tournament before.’

Turn 2: Rarity

“I guess it’s my draw then,” announced Rarity. After drawing her card, she looked at it for a moment before smiling. “Well now, I suppose I’ll play the spell card ‘Terraforming’. With this card I can search out any field spell in my deck and add it to my hand. I’ll choose ‘Ancient City – Rainbow Ruins,’ followed by activating it.” Still smiling, Rarity gracefully opened up her field card tray on the side of her duel dick before gently placing the card in it.

At once, the area around the two girls began to shimmer and change. No longer were they on the track field but in a Greek Coliseum packed with ancient Greeks in the stands. Over and over the crowd began to chant Rarity’s name as a brilliant rainbow arched above her.

“Now, now darlings,” said Rarity with a blush, holding her cards over her face like a fan. Looking across the field, she saw that Moondancer was giving her an un-amused expression with a single eyebrow raised.

Rarity sighed. “Please darlings, save some of those cheers for later. After all you haven’t seen anything yet! I’ll summon my ‘Sapphire Pegasus’!”

Appearing on Rarity’s side of the field was a large, white pegasus with blue gems in each of its wings and a large blue horn protruding from its forehead. (1800/1200)

“When my gorgeous pegasus is summoned to the field I can add one of my lovely gems to my spell and trap card zone. So I think a nice Emerald Tortoise would help make the place look more dashing. Wouldn’t you agree?”

“Not really,” sighed Moondancer as a large chuck of green crystal appeared on Rarity’s side of the field. She then pressed a button on her duel disk causing her face down to be revealed. “I think activating Torrential Tribute would be more fitting. When a monster is summoned to the field, this cards effect destroys all monsters on the field.”

From Moondancer’s trap card came a flood of highly compacted water. Like white water rapids, it surged across the field washing away everything in its path and destroying it.

“Well that was rather rude,” said Rarity as the water subsided. While feeling glad that it was just virtual water, not able to ruin her makeup, she did notice something odd. Floating around Moondancer’s side of the field were flakes of ash. Frowning, she pressed a few buttons on her duel disk to see if there was anything on the field or an effect on the field caused by her monsters. Finding nothing the girl shrugged.

“Since my Pegasus was destroyed, it becomes a gem in my spell and trap card zone,” continued Rarity as she gestured to the blue gem that was on her field. “But it won’t be there for long! I play the spell card ‘Crystal Promise’ which lets me revive one of my Crystal Beasts in my spell and trap card zone. So lets welcome back Sapphire Pegasus!”

Once again Rarity’s steed returned, snorting and kicking the ground as its wings extended outwards.

“And, like before, I can add another one of my Crystal Beasts from my deck to my spell and trap card zone. I believe I’ll go with my Topaz Tiger. Now, attack her life points directly!”

At its mistress’s command, Sapphire Pegasus flew into the sky, pointing its horn at Moondancer as it did so. From its position, a beam of blue light fired from its horn and struck Moondancer in the side which caused a hand to raise to the area she had just been struck.

-Moondancer Life Points: 2200-

“I think I’ll place one card face down and end my turn,” said Rarity as she slipped the card into the appropriate spot. She then looked up at Moondancer who had a hand on her deck, ready to draw with her eyes closed. She stood there, not saying a word or moving. Then, she suddenly opened her eyes showing an intensity that caused Rarity to take a step back.

“Tell me Rarity, how much do you know about Nephthys?” asked Moondancer, still not yet drawing her card.

“The archetype?” said Rarity, slightly confused. “I will admit, not much.”

Moondancer shook her head. “No Rarity, I’m not talking about the Egyptian Goddess. Goddess of the air and protector of the dead. She is also the sister of the protector of life, Isis, and the two often worked together. At least, that’s what historical texts suggest. Because of this she was associated with both life and death like a phoenix.”

“Uh, what does that have to do with anything?” asked Rarity now clearly confused.

Turn 3: Moondancer

“Let me show you! I draw!” As Moondancer drew her card, the ashes on her side of the field ignited. Before Rarity’s eyes flames spread rapidly across Moondancer’s side of the field until it was completely covered.

“What is going on?” demanded Rarity as she felt the heat before her. Nearly at the point of sweating, she wondered how Moondancer could stand there with that sweater on.

“When my cards are destroyed by card effects, they gain an additional effect that only activates during my standby phase,” replied Moondancer. “First is my Defender, who destroys one Nephthys card in my deck. So I’ll choose my Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys. Then comes my Disciple, who lets me add one Nephthys spell or trap card from my deck to my hand. So I’ll be adding my Rebirth of Nephthys to my hand. Following that is my Chronicler whose effect allows me to add one Nephthys card in my graveyard to my hand. So I’ll be taking back my Defender. Lastly, my Matriarch returns to the field in defense mode!”

As the fires began to die, a woman appeared on the field with flames spreading behind her arms like wings. She was dressed in a white gown with golden wrappings around her exposed feet and arms. On her head was a headdress that again bore a striking resemblance to a bird, helped in part by the draping that went down her chest ending in red feathers. (600/600)

Rarity frowned as she looked at Moondancer’s side of the field. ‘That must have been why she activated that trap card,’ she thought. ‘She wanted those extra effect to help reinforce her side of the field. Still, it doesn’t look like it helped her all that much. Thankfully, I’ll have my face down card to help protect me just in case.’

“Now that that’s done, I play the spell card: ‘Pre-Preparation of Rites’!” announced Moondancer as she held up her card for Rarity to see. “This card allows me to add one ritual spell card from my deck to my hand as well as one ritual monster whose name is listed on the card. So I’ll be adding another copy of my Rebirth of Nephthys along with Cerulean Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys.” Moondancer paused to take the two cards out of her deck, holding onto them for a moment before adding them to her hand while her deck auto-shuffled itself. “Now I’ll activate Rebirth of Nephthys; tributing the Matriarch on the field for the Devotee of Nephthys in my hand!”

As Moondancer slid the ritual spell card into her spell/trap card slot, the ground began to break apart behind her. Erupting from the stone bricks of Rarity’s field spell came a stone temple which on top of sat the giant statue of a creature that was mostly bird like. It stood on its talons, wings somewhat outstretched on a rounded body with a long neck, its head looking down at Moondancer. Yet the creature also had two small arms for some reason. Leading up to the stature was a flight of stone steps with flaming basins helping to light the path.

“Your faith has now been witnessed by the goddess,” chanted Moondancer aloud, the flames in the basins rising as a blue light began to escape for the cracks in the stone statue behind her. “Be not afraid as you receive her blessing for death and rebirth. Ritual Summon Level Two: ‘Devotee of Nephthys’!”

The flames grew brighter and larger as at the same time light from the statue hit the Matriarch of Nephthys causing her to vanish before Rarity’s eyes. As the statue began to fade away a new woman appeared on the field. Instead of the whites and golds Rarity had seen thus far, this monster wore an attire of blue with matching wrappings around both her feet and arms. Her headdress became more elaborate with a bird’s face sticking out of the top with a bright blue feather in the middle. Long wrapped blue tassels flowed down her sides ending with flat light blue cloth. Finally, behind her were blue flames that looked like a long teal feather. (1200/1200)

“Now I can activate my Devotee’s effect,” continued Moondancer. “When it is ritual summoned, I can go through my deck and summon from it one Nephthys monster. So I will bring out my ‘Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys’!”

“You can what?” gasped Rarity as she held a hand over her mouth while Devotee raised a hand to the sky.

She watched as blue, flaming feathers began shooting to the sky where they then positioned themselves into a circle. As Devotee grinned beneath her headdress a golden creature flew out of the circle leaving behind a trail of flames as it did. To Rarity, this thing looked like a machine but after looking at her duel disk she saw that it was a winged beast. Its plated body reminded her of the statue that had been used to summon Devotee, but its arms were more human like than what she had seen before with glowing green eyes. The Sacred Phoenix let out a piercing screech causing Rarity to bring her hands to her ears. (2400/1600)

“This is an older card than what most people play today,” said Moondancer as she looked over at her Phoenix fondly. “But I will admit that I have a soft spot for it. So much so that I have three of them in my deck. But, that’s not its ultimate form. Allow me to show you its true might by playing another Rebirth of Nephthys to bring out my best monster!” Rarity’s eyes widened in shock as once more the temple rose from the ground.

“Oh great beast of the underworld, hear my call. Spread your wings and soar from the ashes of the nether flames into the world of the living. Ritual Summon! Level Eight: ‘Cerulean Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys’!”

As the golden Phoenix vanished, a blue one took its place above Moondancer’s head. Yet it was larger with ghostly blue flames coming out of its wings as well as replacing its tail feathers. (3000/1000)

“My Cerulean Sacred Phoenix has his own effects as well,” said Moondancer calmly. “During my main phase I can destroy Nephthys cards in my hand to destroy an equal number of cards you control. I’ll use this effect now; destroying the Defender in my hand in order to destroy your Pegasus.” At that, the flames around Cerulean Sacred Phoenix grew more intense as Moondancer sent a card from her hand to the graveyard slot. Before Rarity knew it, those same ghostly flames appeared around Sapphire Pegasus as it became a gem in her spell/trap card zone.

‘This certainly isn’t good,’ thought Rarity as she looked over at her trap card. ‘I had thought that Crystal Pair would have offered me some protection as well as giving me another Crystal Beast on my side of the field. But I can’t activate it now! And with four of my spell/trap card zones filled I find myself in a bit of a bind.’

“I am aware that when you have at least two Crystal Beasts in your back row, you will take half the damage you normally take,” said Moondancer calmly before pointing at Rarity. “So this will not do as much damage as this combo normally does. Still, I attack with all my monsters at once!”

On her command, Moondancer’s Sacred Phoenix launched a flamethrower of blue fire around Rarity, causing them to reach high into the air. As she stumbled around in the heat, Devotee jumped past the flames and into her field of vision. Noticing that Devotee’s dark hands were now covered in blue flames, Rarity moved her hand to try and protect herself. However she was too slow as Devotee grabbed Rarity by the head for a moment causing her to cry out.

-Rarity Life Points: 1900-

“With that done I end my turn,” said Moondancer as Devotee jumped back to Moondancer’s side of the field. Rarity, who was panting from the attack, looked up in time to see Devotee vanish from the field. “At this time, Devotee is destroyed and sent to the graveyard as cost for the effect she used earlier.”

Turn Four: Rarity

“Is that so?” asked Rarity slowly as she righted herself, bringing a hand to her deck. “Well, one less monster to deal with then. I draw!” After drawing her card, she looked at it briefly before adding it to her hand. ‘One less monster indeed. An easy target that I could have used to deal a good amount of damage to is gone. But I still have options. Thanks to having three Crystal Beasts in my spell/trap card zone I can negate any spell or trap card she activates. So if she thinks she can use another ritual card she’ll have another thing coming. Now, time to thin her life points a tad.’

“I’ll start by playing the spell card: ‘Crystal Beacon’!” declared Rarity as she slid the card into her duel disk. “If I have at least two Crystal Beast cards in my spell and trap card zone I can special summon one Crystal Beast from my deck. So make way ‘Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth’ in defense mode!”

Appearing next to Rarity was a large, grey mammoth with four tucks and an oval chunk of amber in its forehead. (1700/1600)
“And that darling is my special summon. Now I’ll normal summon my Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat in attack position!” Leaping onto the field on the other side of Rarity was a large pink, panther-like cat with a gold colored breast plate with a large purple amethyst in its middle. (1200/400)

“Now for my attack,” said Rarity as she gestured towards her cat. “While my Amethyst Cat doesn’t have nearly enough attack points to take down your Phoenix, by cutting its attack points in half she can attack you directly! So go now!”

Amethyst Cat instantly leapt into the air, claws extended as it flew over the fire bird. Moondancer only had enough time to look up before the claws came down, crying out as her life points dropped.

-Moondancer’s Life Points: 1600-

“That puts us a tad closer,” said Rarity with a nod as she surveyed her side of the field. Right now she still had a space for one of her Crystal Beast monsters plus her trap card. Then there was her Mammoth who had a power to redirect any attack launched against another Crystal Beast to itself. Meaning that if Moondancer tried to attack her Cat with her remaining Phoenix, Mammoth would take the hit and she would receive no damage. “I end my turn.”

Turn Five: Moondancer

“Then I’ll draw,” announced Moondancer. After drawing her card, flames began to reappear on her side of the field, dancing wildly and confusing Rarity.

“These flames again!” gasped Rarity.

“That’s right,” replied Moondancer as a small smile appeared on her lips. “But it’s not just from my Defender. Remember, that same card destroyed a card in my deck last turn. It was the another Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys.”

“Oh, right,” sighed Rarity as her shoulders slumped. She then let out a gasp as the flames began to move onto her side of the field, like wave after wave as they edged closer to her.

“Now, my monsters effect activates during my standby phase,” said Moondancer as she folded her arms. “First, with my Defender I’ll destroy my last Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys sleeping in my deck. Next, the effect of the Sacred Phoenix I sent there last turn. If he was destroyed by a card effect he now returns to my side of the field. When that happens all your spell and trap cards are destroyed!”

As she said that, a Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys erupted from the ground, causing the last wave of flames to grow larger and hit her back row. All of her gems caught on fire before exploding violently as did her face down and equip card. The false audience in her field card gasped in horror, some fled but the area remained.

“Not all my cards were destroyed,” said Rarity. “Since I still had at least one Crystal Beast in my spell and trap card zone, it remained safe from that horrible effect.”

“I am aware,” said Moondancer as a red chuck of crystal appeared on Rarity’s side of the field. “I’ve watched you duel plenty of times in the past. So I have a firm grasp on how your deck works.”

Rarity sighed a bit at that, hand going to her head as she did so. “Let me guess,” she said as she gave the girl in glasses a deadpanned look. “You have calculated the perfect formula on how to defeat me or something like that?”

In response, Moondancer’s eyes widened quite a bit before narrowing. “Are you serious with that old cliché?” she demanded as she hands went to her hips. “Just because I love to study and do well in school doesn’t make me a robot who thinks she can calculate for everything under the sun! In fact scientists get a bad rap for the way they are depicted in the media. They may live for science but they’re still human with thoughts and feelings like everybody else!”

“Oh…well…” stammered Rarity, a little taken aback by this.

Moondancer turned a little to her side, her head fixed towards Rarity as she crossed her arms. “Let me guess, you’re also wondering why I’m not using a Lunalight deck because my name happens to be Moondancer,” she demanded. “Or a machine type deck like Cyber Dragons because, being smart, I should use them? Agh, that really ticks me off!” Moondancer then let out a sigh. “It’s always the same.”

“Is that why you didn’t compete in the Autumn Crown Tournament?” asked Rarity as she thought about it. Moondancer was certainly giving her a run for her money. With this much skill she could have done very well for herself, perhaps ranked in the upper part of the top sixteen.

“Partly,” said Moondancer as she straightened herself a bit. “The main reason was I didn’t want the bother. If I did duel in a tournament or on a more regular basis and did well, then I would be bothered all the time by people who wanted to take my spot. Meaning less time to study and do the things I want. So I’d rather sit in the crowd, watching and rooting on other duelists and studying in-between interesting duels. The only time I duel is when I feel like I have to.”

“Now then, Sacred Phoenix take out her Amber Mammoth!” The Phoenix gave a loud screech before sending a wave of flames at Rarity’s monster and destroying it.

“The effect of my Amber Mammoth now activates, allowing it to become a continuous spell card in my spell and trap card zone,” announced Rarity as a piece of amber appeared on her side of the field. “With that, my field spell is now protected and can’t be destroyed.”

“Like I said, I know how your deck works,” replied Moondancer. “I also knew about the attack redirection ability of your Mammoth. I suppose there was a chance you could have forgotten to use it, but I doubt that. In any case, I’ll attack your Cat with my best card!” Another blast of flames, this time blue, went flying towards Rarity’s last remaining monster destroying it as it cried out.

-Rarity’s Life Point’s: 100-

“With that, I end my turn,” said Moondancer. “During my next standby phase, Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys will rise from the graveyard and destroy all your spells and traps. All that you will be left with will be a useless field spell. So make your last move.”

Turn Six: Rarity

“It’s not over yet dear,” said Rarity as she drew a card. She looked at it, smiled, and then put it into her duel disk. “I activate the spell card: ‘Rare Value’! Since I have two or more Crystal Beast cards in my spell and trap card zone, you get to pick one to be destroyed. Then I get to draw two cards.”

“Hmm,” went Moondancer as she looked at the two cards. “Not much of a choice. I suppose I’ll have your Mammoth destroyed.”

Rarity nodded as she removed the card from her tray, the amber gem on her field vanishing as she did so. Slowly, she drew two cards from her deck and looked at them. Her eyes widened. ‘Not what I was hoping for,’ she thought as she looked up. ‘But it will do just nicely.’

“I activate the spell card ‘Crystal Blessing’,” Rarity announced as she held up her card. “With this I can select two fine Crystal Beast monsters in my graveyard and place them in my spell and trap card zones. So I’ll bring back my Amber Mammoth and Emerald Tortoise.” As she said that, two more gems appeared on her side of the field. “That makes three gems for me. But why stop there when I can play my ‘Crystal Bond’? This spell card allows me to add one Crystal Beast monster to my hand as well as placing one Crystal Beast with a different name into my spell and trap card zone. So to my hand I’ll take my Ruby Carbuncle. Then, I’ll place my Cobalt Eagle into my back row. Now, since I have a total of four Crystal Beasts there acting as continuous spell cards I can use the effect of my field spell to draw one card.”

“Trying to draw your Rainbow Dragon?” asked Moondancer as Rarity drew her card. “Even if you were to be lucky enough to draw that card, it wouldn’t matter. It’s special abilities can’t be used on the turn its special summoned. You would be able to do a large amount of damage, but not enough to win.”

“Perhaps, but that’s not what I’m planning darling,” said Rarity with a smile, causing Moondancer to take a step back in surprise. “I play the spell card: ‘Crystal Abundance’!”

As Rarity played her spell card, the gems in her spell and trap card zone began to float into the air and move to the outside of the field. They then began to move in a circle, spinning around faster and faster while rainbow colored lightning began to dance between them.

“What is this?” demanded Moondancer as she looked around. “I’ve never seen you use this card before!”

“I only have one copy of this card in my deck, so it’s not a card I draw into all that often,” admitted Rarity. “But it is useful. When I have four Crystal Beast monster’s in my back row, I can send them to the graveyard in order to send all other cards there as well. And, since it’s a non-destruction effect, your monster’s effects won’t activate!”

At that moment, there was a blinding multi-colored light forcing both girls to cover their eyes. When they lowered their hands, they were back on the empty track field.

“I’ll still have a Sacred Phoenix returning my next turn,” stated Moondancer forcefully.

“I am aware,” said Rarity who was still smiling. “Good thing my spell card has another effect. I can bring back Crystal Beast monsters back from my graveyard to the field equal to the number of your cards that were sent to the grave. That means I can bring back two monsters. So welcome back Sapphire Pegasus and Topaz Tiger!”

At once, Sapphire Pegasus appeared on the field along with a white tiger with a horn on its head. (1600/1000)

“Now I enter my battle phase and end this duel!” declared Rarity as she held out her hand. “Both monsters, attack her directly!”

Like at the beginning of the duel, Sapphire Pegasus flew into the air before firing a beam of blue energy at Moondancer which knocked the girl down. Before she could get to her knees to get back up, the white tiger was standing before her and brought its claws down upon her.

-Moondancer’s Life Points: 0-


The next night, Rarity did her best to remain hidden behind some bushes by Moondancer’s home as she waited for her boyfriend to show up. She was so giddy that she wasn’t too bothered by the possible grass stains on her clothing or the leaves in her hair. Because this moment would all be worth it!

True to her word, Moondancer had submitted to Rarity’s desire to have a complete makeover after their duel. Firstly was a trip to the spa. For some reason, Moondancer had referred to it as a torture chamber. All they did was a little, teeny-tiny hot wax treatment on her face, seaweed wrap, a facial mask, as well as a few other things that were included in the elite treatment package that she got for her. When Moondancer left, her skin was now flawless with thinner eyebrows. With that done, Rarity made sure her hair got the treatment it desperately needed so that it would shine brightly in the most healthy way possible.

While all that was being done, Rarity was hard at working making Moondancer the perfect dress imaginable! Several designs were created by Rarity and quickly rejected by Moondancer for various reasons. Some of these reasons Rarity understood and felt ashamed that she thought they were good. Too skimpy. Too 80’s. Too many flamingos. That last one even Rarity didn’t know what she was thinking when she created it! But there were other’s Rarity just didn’t understand why Moondancer didn’t like them. Still, in the end they were able to come up with a compromise. The fashionista worked through the night, forgoing sleep just to make sure it was ready in time for the date.

The sound of steps walking down the sidewalk alerted Rarity to the presence of someone nearby. Hopefully it was her boyfriend this time and not another person walking their dog. Or a police officer coming to find out what she was doing here in some bushes. Again. Looking onward, she spotted a…scruffy looking boy in some shabby clothing as he made his way towards Moondancer’s home. Rarity frowned a bit as he walked over to the house, silently hoping he wouldn’t take too long. She was here to see her magic at work.

About a minute or so after knocking on the door, the teenage boy was greeted with the magnificent presence of the new and improved Moondancer. Her hair was now properly combed, flowing down the back of her head elegantly. The girl’s face was smoother and lacked those awfully tacky glasses, replaced with contacts. Her dress was the same purple color as her former sweater, having only a single strap along with a row of white diamonds positioned in the same manner as her cutie mark. All in all, she looked absolutely stunning even as she squinted slightly at the boy.

“H-Hey Hunter,” she said meekly.

Rarity couldn’t see Hunter’s expression as his back was facing her, only able to notice his head tilted slightly. “A little overdressed for the movies dont’cha think?” he asked.

Moondancer sagged a little. “Sorry, I got roped into a makeover,” she said with a sigh. “I just hope I can watch the movie with these contacts.”

Hunter chuckled a bit as he opened up his jacket and pulled out a pair of those same glasses she normally wore. “These might help,” he said as he handed them over. Moondancer smiled at this as she quickly took out her contacts and put on her glasses.

“Ahh, much better,” she said as the two began to walk down the street. “Let’s hope we can get to the theater in time. I don’t want to miss the first kill fodder get what’s coming to him again.”

“I’m sure we’ll make it,” Rarity heard Hunter say as they moved away. “You look nice by the way. But, to be honest, I like you better the way you normally look.” As they continued to move out of ear shot, Rarity remained where she was with her mouth hanging open.