• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 1,492 Views, 23 Comments

A Riddle or Twelve - Idsertian

In the run up to Applejack's birthday, Rainbow Dash issues a challenge with a secret agenda.

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Day 4

If asked at this precise moment, the one thing Applejack would say was at the forefront of her mind was:

“Why… in the hay… is Fluttershy’s sanctuary… so dang far from the town?”

A lone fence post, long since stripped of its brothers, served as a rest stop for the exhausted mare as she opined to the world at large. It never used to be like this. Back in the day, she could walk all the way out here and back to the farm without breaking stride. Life, or more accurately age, had a definite way of sneaking up on a pony.

As she caught her breath, Applejack rubbed her aching knee and looked out over the path ahead. Not far now, she could see the sign for Sweet Feather Sanctuary just up ahead. She took the opportunity to re-read the clue she’d found at the statue the day before:

‘Residing with a trio of eclectic selection; your next clue is in a place of protection.’

Deciding that the answer hadn’t changed in the time it had taken her to walk all this way, she pushed off from the post and continued on down the path towards her destination. Ordinarily, she wouldn’t really contemplate coming all the way out here, but the entire week had been a little extraordinary, thanks to Rainbow.

After waking up, Applejack had unfurled the scroll and spent the morning mulling over the riddle, concluding by noon that the answer lay at Fluttershy’s animal sanctuary. She wasn’t entirely sure what the “trio of eclectic selection” was, but the only place of protection she knew of was Sweet Feather Sanctuary. Combined with the fact that she now knew that all of her immediate friends were involved with this game of Rainbow’s, Applejack figured the answer lay with Fluttershy in some manner. After a short time walking, she turned off the main path and entered the sanctuary.

Idyllic as ever, Applejack knew Sweet Feather Sanctuary as the place where Fluttershy kept a whole bunch of animals of all kinds together, and somehow kept them from eating one another. Despite the winter, creatures both great and small, furry and scaly, scurrying and flying all lived in harmony; resting and recovering from all manner of ailments in several different habitats, and in the middle of it all: A demure yellow pegasus with a pink mane and tail. And apparently, a zebra.

Sat with Fluttershy in the middle of the sanctuary was Zecora, both of them on a checkered picnic blanket and wrapped in scarves to ward off the cold air. A flask was between them, each of them holding a cup of something steaming. Applejack couldn’t smell it from where she stood, but knowing Fluttershy, it was tea of some kind. Of course, where there was Fluttershy, there was almost certainly-


Something small and white shot past Applejack, missing her muzzle by mere inches. She whirled to her right, already scowling at the familiar, mischievous voice.

“Discord!” she cried out, angrily.

The draconequus stood near the brook that ran through the sanctuary, dressed in full golfing gear, a bag of clubs at his side. He was already lining up another shot from a row of tees in front of him, aiming at a portal hovering over the brook. A chaotic network of portals was spread out around him, the golf ball that narrowly missed Applejack apparently having emerged from one of them. As he swung, Applejack’s interjection caused him to slice the air above the ball, missing entirely, the club swinging around uselessly behind him.

“That nearly hit me!” she yelled again. He turned to face her, a mild look of irritation on his pony-like face.

“Oh, Applejack, really…” he admonished. “And in the middle of my backswing, too!”

“Y’all are gonna hurt somepony goin’ on like that!” She turned and stalked off towards Fluttershy and Zecora, cursing under her breath. Even though Discord was supposed to be Fluttershy’s friend, and by extension her own, Applejack still didn’t fully trust him. His occasional antics didn’t help, either.

“But I yelled fore!” he called after her. Applejack ignored him. She’d learned long ago that attempting to argue with Discord was a largely futile endeavour.

As she headed for her pony friends, there was a white flash at her side and Discord appeared, immediately conciliatory.

“Oh dear, Applejack, I do believe I’ve upset you. Here, let me make it up to you.”

Before she knew what was happening, there was a click, a flash, and Applejack found herself seated on a pouffy cushion in front of Fluttershy and Zecora, both of whom seemed startled at her sudden appearance. A cup and saucer appeared from nowhere and the flask levitated itself over, pouring tea into it. Discord himself appeared next to Fluttershy, apparently reclining on nothing and sipping a cup of his own beverage.

“There, I do hope that makes up for this little misunderstanding,” he said, drinking the cup and throwing away the liquid, which smashed somewhere. Applejack just eyed him.

“Fine, whatever,” she conceded, if for no other reason than to get him out of her hair.

“Oh dear, what happened?” Fluttershy asked, looking between the two, the loops of her mane bobbing around behind her lotus-shaped hair comb.

“Oh, nothing really,” Discord began, waving off the concern. “Just a tiny little almost-accide-”

“He nearly hit me with a golf ball,” Applejack interrupted flatly.

“Nearly being the point here,” spluttered the draconequus.

“Discord!” Fluttershy exclaimed firmly. “Were you playing chaos golf in the sanctuary again?!”

“I made sure all the portals were pointed away from the animals this time!”

“Discord…” Fluttershy said, pointedly. Discord sighed.

“Fine, fine. No more golf in the sanctuary.” Discord made a point to look put upon. Fluttershy coughed pointedly and nodded towards Applejack.

“And I’m sorry, Applejack,” he continued, once again looking slightly put out, but at least sounding somewhat sincere. It would have to do.

“It’s fine, Discord, just forget it,” Applejack said, opting to move on. She lifted the cup of tea to her muzzle, taking a sniff of the sweet smelling drink. She took a sip and swallowed, letting the heat warm her insides. It was surprisingly good.

“This is pretty good,” she declared. “What is it?”

“Oh, Zecora brought it,” Fluttershy answered. “It comes from the zebra lands. I think it’s called Zebrican Hardwood?” She looked to the zebra for confirmation.

“Indeed you are correct, my dear Fluttershy,” Zecora confirmed with a nod. “But the picking must be quite select, or else your taste buds wil cry.” Applejack raised an eyebrow.

“Er, apparently it’s very bitter if you pick the plants too young,” Fluttershy clarified. “Their stems have to be as hard as wood, or the drink will just be bad.”

“Well I’d say whoever picked this batch got it right,” Applejack said, taking another sip, enjoying the warming sensation as the drink made its way to her stomach.

“It is good to see another pony enjoy it so,” Zecora chimed in once more, smiling. “Most take one look and simply say no.”

Curious, Applejack looked down at the cup. The liquid inside was a vibrant blood red. No wonder ponies would be reluctant to try it, it looked like anyone who drank it was a vampire.

“Whoa,” she stated simply. “I can see why.”

“So,” interjected Fluttershy. “What brings you all the way out to Sweet Feather, Applejack?” The orange earth mare gave her a skeptical look.

“I think you know,” she replied, reaching into her hat and passing the previous day’s scroll to her. Fluttershy unfurled it, reading it quietly whilst her two compatriots peered over her shoulder. She smiled apologetically.

“You’re right, I’m sorry,” she said, returning the scroll. “Rainbow made us promise to ask first.”

“Yeah, it was the same with Pinkie and Rarity,” Applejack nodded, taking another mouthful of tea. “I don’t suppose y’all can give me a hint on where to start? Clue wasn’t exactly forthcomin’ on where the next scroll might be.” Fluttershy shook her head.

“There’s no scroll.”


“Oh yes,” Discord piped up from his mid-air recline. “From now on, there are no scrolls. Instead, you have to answer the riddles directly, or you can’t progress.”

“Are you-,” Applejack blurted out, before catching herself. “You know what? I should’a seen this comin’. This is exactly like Rainbow to throw in some kinda curveball.” She saw Fluttershy nod in agreement, giggling slightly.

“Yes, she did mention she thought too many scrolls would be “boring”,” she said, making air quotes around the last word. “Are you ready to start?”

“No time like the present, I suppose,” Applejack said with a nod.

“Good! Then let’s begin,” said Discord, a single clap punctuating his sentence. “Zecora, I do believe yours is the first riddle?” The zebra nodded and turned to Applejack.

“To walk from this place burden free, you must answer us these riddles three,” she said. “She has faced lots of peril, surviving many a fight; but what do you think gives Rainbow a fright?”

Applejack furrowed her brow in thought. She didn’t think there was anything that Rainbow Dash would readily admit to being scared of. Upset about, maybe, like that whole incident with Tank, but scared? The closest she could think of was that time the two of them were in the Castle of the Two Sisters, and good luck getting her to admit that, even now. The pegasus was almost image personified; she’d sooner die than have anypony perceive her as less than perfect. Even in all the years they’d been together, Applejack had never really managed to get her to open up about her fears, Rainbow preferring to maintain her tough persona. It was one thing that had frustrated her all this time.

“Don’t suppose I can come back to this one?” Applejack asked hopefully. Zecora shook her head, her golden earrings swinging to and fro.

“Sequential questions are the pretext, you must answer the first before tackling the next.”

“Right,” said Applejack, disappointed, but not surprised. She hadn’t really expected it to be that easy. Except… maybe it was?

As she searched the furthest corners of her mind for answers, a thought struck her. What if Rainbow had already answered the question, in her own way? Over the past few days, she’d left little reminders of their journey together. Of time they spent together, how they grew close, and how they became a couple. The box, the riddles, the locations… particularly the statue…

What if Rainbow was saying, in a spectacularly overblown and Rainbow Dash kind of way, that she loved her? It didn’t make a whole lot of sense, especially since they said that exact sentiment to each other on a regular basis, but it had a certain logic if Applejack considered a rather odd conclusion. It was one she wouldn’t ordinarily come to, but when she took into account that the answer to the riddle the day before hadn’t been as literal as she first thought, then it quite possibly meant that the answer was:

“Me,” Applejack said. She looked up at Zecora, butterflies flitting around in the bottom of her stomach. “The answer is the idea of losing me, right?” To her relief, Zecora smiled and nodded.

“That is the answer, my dear pony friend. I would like to ask, how you came by it in the end?”

“I don’t think I would’ve, normally,” Applejack explained. “Except yesterday’s riddle got me thinkin’ that Rainbow’s trying to say somethin’ with this whole game. And I’m beginnin’ to think it’s about her feelin’s for me.”

“How interesting you thought of this yesterday, I wonder if our Rainbow has given her game away?”

“I don’t think so, Zecora,” Fluttershy interrupted. “Remember, she was very adamant she didn’t want to give away what the… present was, too soon.” She glanced at Applejack as she paused, clearly considering her words.

“Okay, hold on,” Applejack said, pointing a hoof at Fluttershy. “You, I get. But how’d Zecora and Discord get in on this?”

“Oh, well I sort of recommended Zecora to help with the riddles, since she naturally speaks in rhyme,” Fluttershy explained. “As for Discord… Well…”

“I overheard Fluttershy trying to come up with ideas, and asked her what she was doing,” Discord finished for her. “When she explained, I was so moved, I offered to help. And, after all, I do love a good game.” He grinned and drummed his claws together, their clicking setting Applejack’s teeth on edge slightly. Whether the gesture was out of enjoyment or potential mischief, she couldn’t quite tell.

“Uh huh, we all know that,” Applejack deadpanned.

“Now now, Applejack,” Fluttershy admonished, gently. “Discord has been on his best behaviour for a very long time. And when I told him how important this was to Rainbow Dash, he promised not to ruin any part of it.”

“It’s true! A game’s rules are one of the most sacred things I live by!” The draconequus put his lion’s paw to his chest, and raised his eagle’s claw in the air, as if to emphasise.

“Okay, fine, I get it,” Applejack said, capitulating. “Forget I said anythin’.” She took another drink from her cup, the tea somewhat cooler by now. “So who’s got the second riddle?”

“Um, that’s me,” Fluttershy answered, straightening up slightly. She quietly cleared her throat before speaking.

“Touch it uninvited, you’ll be put in a sling, but touch when you’re close, and they’ll be your plaything.”

The pegasus blushed slightly, looking away from Applejack and trying to hide her face with her teacup. Confused by her friend’s reaction, the farmer cocked an eyebrow at Zecora, who simply shrugged. Applejack turned to Discord, but he held up a claw before she could say anything.

“Ah-ah-ah, no helping, remember?” he said with a smirk. Applejack huffed. All she wanted to do was find out what was bothering Fluttershy. Instead, she resigned herself to focussing on the riddle.

It seemed like utter nonsense, but she supposed that was the point. She understood what a sling was, but she couldn’t think of anything that would put you in one if you touched it. Unless it was a monster? But most of those usually just ate a pony, instead of simply injuring them. The getting close part didn’t make sense, either, since you’d have to be close to touch one in the first place, and she really didn’t know how that would tie in with the last part.

Frustrated for the moment, Applejack took another swig of her tea. The drink was ice cold now, making the taste almost sickly sweet. She shuddered as it slid down her throat, the taste and consistency almost making her gag.

“Blech,” she spluttered, flinging the cold remnants of her drink into the grass. “That’s gone cold. Have y’all got a top up, please?”

“Of course,” Fluttershy said, setting down her own cup. Her cheeks had returned to their normal yellow colour. She picked up the flask with her wing, reaching out and pouring more of the red tea into the farmer’s cup.

“Thanks,” Applejack said with a nod. She raised the cup to her lips and drank. As she did so, Zecora picked up her own cup.

“Applejack’s cup is not the only one gone cold, I would take more, if I may be so bold.”

Without missing a beat, Fluttershy began pouring the tea, ultimately upending the flask as its contents ran out. As she sealed the container and placed it back down, Applejack was rather surprised to see Zecora suddenly lean in and quickly nuzzle Fluttershy’s neck.

“Oh! Zecora!” Fluttershy gasped. “Applejack’s right there!” Though the pegasus protested, she giggled nonetheless, only half-heartedly trying to push the zebra away. It was then that Applejack realised just how closely the pair were sitting together, their haunches almost touching. The glimmer of understanding flickered in her mind.

“She is also a pony involved with a pegasus, I do not think she will make much of a fuss,” Zecora said, smiling warmly at Fluttershy. She turned and gave Applejack a playful wink.

As the two of them straightened up again, Fluttershy folded her wing back against her side, but not before Applejack saw her run the tip gently down Zecora’s side. It was quick, almost too quick to see, and only a trained eye might have spotted it.

Or a pony with a pegasus marefriend. Another, fainter, glimmer flashed in the recesses of her memory. She grinned.

“Well, pick my apples and call me a bushel!” Applejack exclaimed, looking between the pair. “I didn’t know y’all were a thing!”

“Well, um, we weren’t, until maybe a month ago,” Fluttershy admitted, her blush returning full force. “It just sort of… happened, though I’m glad it did.”

“I must admit that I agree, and that for a long time, Fluttershy has meant much to me.” Zecora drew herself closer to Fluttershy at this, pressing their sides together. She nuzzled the pegasus again, delivering a quick kiss to her cheek this time.

“Oh, stop it, you,” Fluttershy giggled, returning the kiss and draping a wing over Zecora’s back. The pair’s display of affection for each other warmed Applejack’s heart, perhaps more so than her tea.

“Aw, you two are adorable together! I’m happy for y’all,” she said, smiling warmly at them both. A thought occurred to her, and she glanced up at Discord who was occupying himself with a newspaper that was both upside-down, and back to front.

“And uh, Discord ain’t no trouble about it?” she asked in a low voice.

“Oh, no. He’s quite supportive,” Fluttershy said equally quietly, shaking her head. “He’s been a dear about the whole thing.”

“Oh good. I was worried he might be a little… clingy?”

“No, Applejack. I told you, he’s been very well behaved.”

“What are we whispering about?” Discord suddenly materialised next to them, glancing from one to the other expectantly. Applejack jumped at his appearance, nearly spilling her tea.

“Er, nothin’!” she said hurriedly, hoping she didn’t sound too suspicious. Apparently, she was successful, as Discord hopped up into the air and reclined once more against empty space.

“Oh goody!” he exclaimed, stretching luxuriantly. “I do love nothing. It’s my second favourite thing to do, right after chaos. Perhaps when you’re done, you could hurry up and solve the second riddle?”

“Discord! That was rude!” Fluttershy snapped. “At least give Applejack time to think!” She turned back to Applejack and gave her an apologetic look. “Sorry about that, he’s just impatient. He has the third riddle, and you know how he loves those.” Applejack smirked and nodded.

“Yeah, I guess I do,” she said, raising her cup to her lips. “Good thing I already worked out the answer a few minutes ago,” she added smugly before taking a sip.

Applejack watched as her three companions’ jaws dropped simultaneously. Discord was the first to recover, finally managing to splutter out a question after a few seconds.

“How did you work that out so quickly?”

“Eh, to be honest, Fluttershy sort of gave it away,” Applejack answered with an apologetic smile at the pegasus.

“I did? Oh dear, Rainbow Dash is not going to be happy…” The pegasus started nervously chewing on a hoof.

“Relax, Fluttershy, she ain’t gonna be mad. Besides, I would’ve gotten it eventually.” Applejack swigged another mouthful of tea. “I just had to remember what I said about Rainbow Dash earlier. And maybe stop thinkin’ so literally.”

“But, um, how did you get the answer from me?” asked Fluttershy.

“Your wings,” Applejack said simply, gesturing towards her with her cup.

“My…? Oh, darn it.” Fluttershy glanced at her wings, a look of realisation crossing her face. Applejack just laughed.

“Heh, y’all forgot I can read what them things are doin’, now, didn’t you?” She chugged the last of her drink and set the cup down. “I saw you touch Zecora with your wing. It’s the exact same thing Dash does when we’re together.”

Fluttershy started turning red for a third time since Applejack’s arrival, clearly embarrassed that her affectionate display hadn’t gone unnoticed. Applejack continued.

“Of course, that’s not the only thing I know. Or rather, remember. See, a little while after we got together, Rainbow let me in on how y’all are pretty private about your wings. If a pegasus touches you with one, or lets you touch ‘em, then you can guarantee that they like you a whole bunch.” Fluttershy’s wing flexed subtly over Zecora’s back. It almost escaped Applejack’s attention. Almost.

“And apparently, wing massages are super relaxin’,” she continued. “But if you’re stupid enough to touch ‘em without permission, well… if any pony was gonna put another in a sling for that, I can see it being Rainbow.” The farmer chuckled to herself.

“Of your pegasus knowledge, praises I must sing,” Zecora said after a moment, looking amazed. “You recalled all that from the movement of a wing?”

“More or less,” Applejack answered simply. “Havin’ a pegasus marefriend for so long helps, too.”

“This is all very nice,” Discord said from his airborne recline, a distinct air of impatience surrounding him. “But I do believe this means it’s my turn, now?” Applejack held back a smirk as she watched Fluttershy roll her eyes. Next to her, Zecora covered her mouth with a hoof as she failed to stifle her own.

“Yes, Discord, it’s your tur-” Fluttershy began, only to be interrupted as the draconequus suddenly burst into life.

“Oh, goody!” he exclaimed, somehow leaping even further into the air than he already was. “I’ve been waiting all day for this!”

“Really? We couldn’t tell,” Applejack mumbled under her breath. Discord, apparently not hearing her, landed upright on the ground before continuing.

“I specifically helped craft this rhyme,” he said proudly, drawing himself up to his full height. “It has just the right amounts of crypticness and obviousness, if I do say so myself. Even a touch of familiarity. I think you’ll rather enjoy it.”

With that, Discord suddenly disappeared from view, immediately reappearing next to Applejack and slithering through the air around her as he recited his clue.

“To travel from friend to friend, this was her plan; now find the magical gem back where you began.”

With a bright flash, the draconequus was back in his invisible recliner, drinking yet another cup. Literally. Annoyingly, Applejack had to admit that he was right about one thing; the rhyme was familiar.

“Wait a second… That’s the riddle you gave Twilight and the rest of us back when you first got free!” She pointed a hoof at him as she said this, as if to accuse him of something, but exactly what she wasn’t sure. Stealing his own material, maybe?

“You’re absolutely right,” Discord replied, scrunching his drink like a can and throwing it away. “It seemed fitting, somehow. Did you enjoy it?”

“I ain’t enjoyin’ the reminder of that little adventure, I can tell you.”

“Oh dear. Well, perhaps it will cheer you up to know that this clue will lead you to your destination tomorrow?”

“Not exactly,” Applejack retorted, though not with any particular venom. “Anyway, I ain’t gonna need until tomorrow. I can already take a darn good guess as to where, or more exactly, who it leads to.”

The confidence Applejack felt when she said this faltered when she saw Fluttershy exchange knowing looks with Zecora and Discord.

“Oh, really?” the pegasus asked, her tone uncharacteristically cocky. The way she spoke sent a spike of doubt into Applejack’s gut. She didn’t like the sound of that.

“Uh, yeah?” she said, now more than a little unsure of herself. “It’s obvious it’s Twilight. All the other riddles have led me to each of you, and Discord’s clue literally says “from friend to friend”. Not to mention that Twilight’s cutie mark sorta looks like a gemstone shaped like a star.”

“Oh, we all knew it’d be obvious who was next on the list,” Fluttershy said teasingly. “That’s not what this riddle is about.”

“Then what-”

“Ah-ah,” Discord interrupted. “Remember, we can’t help you. All we can tell you is that this riddle is… slightly different in meaning to any of the others.”

“And just so that you are not unsure, this riddle is much harder than the ones before,” Zecora chimed in.

Applejack considered what she’d just been told. She’d thought the no scrolls revelation earlier had been a curveball, but this was the real one. Suddenly changing the meaning of the riddles, then taunting her about it through her friends was a dirty trick, and one that fit Rainbow Dash’s sense of humour perfectly. Get her used to how things were going, then change the rules of engagement at the last second. Well fine, if that’s how she wanted to play. Applejack drew herself up.

“If Rainbow thinks I’m gonna be scared off by a hard riddle, then she can think again,” she declared. “I ain’t givin’ up that easy! I’m gonna solve this riddle, and I’m gonna make her eat that darn hat!” She got to her hooves, determined.

“Now, if y’all will excuse me, I got some thinkin’ to do.” She turned and made to leave, but stopped short. With a slightly awkward look back, she nodded to Fluttershy and Zecora.

“Uh, thanks for the tea.”

“You’re welcome,” Fluttershy said with a smile. With that, Applejack started walking, heading for the sanctuary’s sign and the road home.

“Good luck!” Discord called behind her, after a moment. Without looking behind, she gave a half-hearted wave back.

As she plodded along the road away from the sanctuary, Applejack pondered what she was going to do tomorrow. With the new riddle apparently not being the same as the others, it was like she was starting afresh, only this time with a harder problem than before. One thing was for sure, if she was going to out-think Rainbow and the rest of her friends, she was going to have to try harder than she had all week.

Applejack headed home.