• Member Since 20th Sep, 2018
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

The Blue EM2

Glad to be here at last.


This story is a sequel to A Moonlit Transformation

Princess Luna, or rather Jimmy Hook, has succesfully returned to Equestria, and has settled back into her role as Princess of the Night. However, odd circumstances and a strange visitor cause Luna to reconsider whether her fantasy of living as her favourite character is worth it.

NOTE: It is crucial that you read A Moonlit Transformation before reading this, or else the story won't make much sense.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 116 )

I can see why. Cadence is so much fun to write.

Researching all the attire was fun too (and coming up with character names).

Well, that's all I can think of for now.

You shall find out tomorrow.

This was what I meant by developing Hook as a character.

The rivalry with Steimer.

And all that.

That deserves a story all too itself.

Okay, my favorite part in this chapter? Meeting Cozy Glow in the Dream Realm <3 :heart:

OK then. And the character development that I gave to Captain Hook?


(Not that Captain Hook!)

Nobody else has shown much interest.

"With great power comes great responsibility,"

Heh, gotta love how Stan Lee used that quote in the Spiderman franchise X3

Greetings, my lady. I trust this is to your approval?

So transformation also gives out the powers? Cool

So this also teleport him too?

It may not end as you expect...

Third, whom is spreading that rumour again? The last transfer of power from Laurelore to myself was chaotic enough. In these troubled times, stability is needed for the people, and a change in power would not facilitate such stability, irrespective of Twilight Sparkle's achievements or not.

Man, if Canon!Celestia acted more reasonable, that would make things a whole lot easier and make it so that the writers never used Lauren's original vision. :ajsmug:

I put that in there especially for you.

Besides, switching power for a neurotic, flanderized bookworm is mighty irresponsible.


Now Celestia knows how wrong she is. XD

I applaud the writing team for holding true to Faust's vision, but it was done so poorly.

Thanks. Now to wait on the Hookmeister.

Nice chapter, now I'm addicted to it

Joimmy has plenty in that field.

You may wanna check out 8 Magic Nights. That has Tom, Jimmy and Katrina at WDW.

I will say this to loosely echo Misty's Comment: Perfect ending all the way. X3 :yay:

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