• Published 25th Feb 2020
  • 1,747 Views, 12 Comments

Fun with the Dazzlings - mandy1412

After a little accident, Sunset and the rest of the Rainbooms have a little encounter with a certain group. It’s the Dazzlings, you already know how this goes.

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Accidental Meeting

In a Hospital room, a red-haired girl laid in bed, unconscious, gradually Sunset Shimmer started waking up from her slumber, she struggled, but eventually, she managed to sit up, huge bags under her eyes, and a look of utter pain, looking like a truck just ran over her.

“Ughhhh” she grunted trying to focus her vision around her, soon enough it focused on a very white and thick object where her leg should be “Wait, is that a -?” She questioned while looking at her new cast on her leg. “Fuck me!” Sunset cried raising her arms trying to facepalm but sadly she didn’t notice another surprise was waiting in her other arm, hitting herself directly in the face with it.

“OUCH!” she lowered her arms and looked at her other new cast in her left arm. “REALLY! UGH!” she cried again, collapsing in her bed.

Without notice, the door to her room burst open revealing a group of girls trying their best to all get inside the room at the same time without much success. “SUNSET!” the girls screamed at the patient in front of them.

“AAAAH!” Sunset jumped at this sudden intrusion “GIRLS!? What are you doing here?”

Finally, after a little ruffling and shoving, the girls passed through the door, some of them falling but quickly getting up, the group rushed to the bed surrounding Sunset with worry.

After they all got in their places Rarity exclaimed “Darling! Oh, goodness gracious you are alright, we rushed as fast as we could when we received the news.”

Sunset looked at her friend in confusion “News? What are you talking about? What happened?”

“OH NO! SHE DOESN’T REMEMBERS!” Pinkie Pie jumped from her place getting directly into Sunset’s face, “Did she get her memory removed by that rock thingy again?!”

Rainbow Dash replied. “But, we broke that thing!”

Sunset pushed Pinkie out of her face with her good hand “GIRLS! Don’t worry, I didn’t forget about you, I just want to know what happened”

“Are you sure Sunset? Tell me what my name is! NO, WAIT, what is your name?!” Pinkie was quickly pushed again aside but this time by Applejack “Hold there partner, Ah think she remembers us. Besides, how can you ask her name when you just told her ?”

“Ups, sorry.”

“I’m fine girls, well except for these things.” Sunset announced while holding her arm and leg so the rest could see her new accessories.

A light tremor of gasps, cries, and the odd groan made its way through the room.

Sunset relaxed and put back her extremities “I just want to know what happened, the last thing I remember was having fun with you girls at Rarity’s place.”

Twilight was the one to ask “Really? you don’t remember anything after that?” Sunset responded by shaking her head to the girl.

“Well, after a few rounds of trying some clothes and having fun you remembered something really important and had to rush to your apartment, an hour later we received a call from the hospital that you had an accident, we rushed as fast as we could to the hospital and now we are here.” She finished by fixing her glasses in place.

“Uh.” Sunset pondered “I truly don’t remember anything, did I have anything to drink?”

Rarity was the one to respond this time “It was 11 a.m. Sunset, and even if you drank, we wouldn’t have let you drive.”

“You are right, wait, where is my phone?” Sunset started trying to find her phone in her clothes but quickly realized that she was in a hospital gown “WAIT! WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES!”

“I think they had to take it away, they were probably ruined, and your phone too.”
Pinkie pie jumped again “YEAH, we tried to call you but your phone cut straight to not available, it probably got smashed in the accident.”

Sunset slumped back in the bed “Damn it! I had to work non-stop to get enough money for it.” Sunset got back again and pointed at her friends “and we are NOT talking about my favorite jacket.” she put the grumpiest face she could, yeah, this day couldn’t get any worse.

“UUUUUGGGGHHHHHH!” a huge growl came out from the other side of the room, behind a big curtain that separated the room, strangely, no one noticed it before.

“What was that!?” Twilight exclaimed Fluttershy ran behind Applejack using her as a human shield from whatever was behind the curtain. The rest looked either shocked or scared of the almost animalistic sound that came from the other side of the room.

Silence rapidly took place in the room, no one tried to make fast moves in fear of waking the beast. With caution in her steps, Rainbow Dash approached the drape and with a huge pull she drew the curtains open, and the origin of the growl was revealed.

A pink-skinned girl was lying down in another hospital bed, she was pressing a pillow to her face like trying to smother herself with the pillow with no result, her face was obscured but her long violet hair, with aquamarine highlights, was spilling from the sides of the bed.

Almost everyone recognized immediately the girl, Gasps and shocks were quickly shared by the group “NO” “Is she?” “Oh, my.”

“Who is she?” Twilight asked confused, looking around the group trying to understand the response to this revelation.

“The DAZZLINGS!” Sunset shimmer responded to her, she straightened back in bed without taking her eyes out of the unexpected company.

“Wait, the sirens?” Twilight asked in confusion “I expected them to be more-” she motioned to the girl that was still trying to smother herself with the pillow “-intimidating.”

“Well, maybe we would be more intimidating if your friend didn’t run us over with her bike.” A new figure appeared in the door looking over at the biker with a stare that could melt iron. Adagio dazzle stood at the door, her giant orange poof of hair behind her obscuring any light that could enter through the door.

“Eeeeeeep” Fluttershy left a squealed at this and tried to hide even more behind the cowgirl. The rest of the girls either looked more scared or angry at this revelation.

Adagio turned to the shy girl that was trying to disappear from the room “Calm yourself wallflower, we are here for my sister not for any of you, except ...”

Adagio once again turned back to Sunset. “We are gonna exchange information with you later, but I’m not gonna rush, you are not exactly gonna run away with this.” She punctuated that last part while pointing at the casted leg “I’m just gonna visit my sister that you tried to spread on the road with your bike.”

Before Adagio could turn around and finish her perfect entrance a blue blur dashed in front of her almost making her trip but totally ruining everything, like always.

“ARIA!” Sonata in an instant was at the side of Aria, picking her up and hugging her the best she could, her right arm was in a cast as well held in place with a cloth that went around her neck
“Ari? Why do you have a pillow in your head? Wait, are you dead?”

“No, I’m not dead, STUPID, I was just trying to finish the job that bacon-hair over there started.”
Adagio got to her other side of the bed and picked the pillow from her head “Please, like she could kill you even if she tried, remember the Spanish Inquisition? Not even a bunch of religious freaks could touch you.”

Aria smirked at this remembering better times “That’s because I expected them, and we had the gems too, but this bitch took us by surprise, and by the way bacon bits.” She motioned to Sunset taking her attention. “Next time that you want to do this stunt, do it faster and with a car! IF there’s gonna be a next time after I get out of this bed.”

“Listen, I don’t know what happened, but I wasn’t trying to kill anyone.” Sunset responded, “Even if I don't like you, It would be hypocritical of me to think any of you couldn’t change” Sunset started lowering her eyebrows in suspicion “or maybe you were planning something, I can’t completely trust you, you know?”

Adagio Picked up on this and responded. “Yeah, we TOTALLY made a plan in which at least one of us ends up in the hospital.” She said with no sarcasm at all. “We are evil, Shimmer, not stupid.”

Sunset gave up and crashed once again in her bed, raising a hand to her face. “Listen, we can work this out later, at least if it was my fault I know no one got truly hurt, at least innocent people.”

Adagio stared once again at Sunset, which the latter responded. “You know what I mean.”

The angry atmosphere was quickly cut off by Sonata. “Wait, is that? PINKIE!” in an instant Sonata crossed the room to hug the pink girl, the other returned the hug with as much energy “Nata! I’m so happy to see you!” She noticed the cast in the bluenette’s arm. “Hey, can I sign your cast?”

“OH YEAH, in fact, why don’t AAAAAAALL of you sign it? This is a new canvas baby, it needs to be FILLED” in a swift, Pinkie took out a pink marker out of her hair and was signing the cast and drawing some balloons in it.

Adagio took a notice out of this and turned at Sonata. “Since when are you two friends?”

“Oh, since the Starswirled Music Festival!” Sonata explained. “She came to check us out! and she wanted to know if we were fine and one thing let to another and you HAVE to try her cupcakes Adagio, they are sooooooooooooo gooooood.” Sonata’s mouth started watering remembering Pinkie’s cupcakes “ADAGIO SHE MADE A TACO CUPCAKE AND IT WAS SOOOOO GOOOOD.”

“OOOOOOH I REMEMBER THAT ONE!” Pinkie finished drawing in the girl’s cast “It took a few weeks to get the meat to sugar ratio juuuust right.” She punctuated that part by closing her fingers together very close. “Do you want a cupcake? I don’t have that one but maybe a Provolone Cheese and Peanut Butter one?”

“For realzies?!” Sonata’s mouth was resembling more a waterfall by now, Pinkie dug her hand into her hair and pulled out a weird looking cupcake and offered it to Sonata, where she inhaled the cupcake in one bite. “WOW, you can REALLY taste the provolone cheese!” Sonata moaned between bites.

Adagio and Aria looked at this turn of events with shock and terror in their eyes “Is she like a second Sonata or something? But in pink?” Adagio asked, Aria took the pillow out of Adagio’s hand and once again tried to suffocate herself with it, Adagio noticed this and took the pillow away once more, “You are not gonna let me alone with TWO SONATAS!”

Aria just stared angrily once again at Sunset Shimmer “ONE JOB BITCH AND YOU COULDN’T EVEN DO IT RIGHT!”

“I DIDN'T WANT TO KILL ANYONE ARIA, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!” Sunset responded to the siren, she turned to Pinkie “But I have to know, Pinkie did you go to them after I told you about the-” she looked at the sirens again and went back to Pinkie “- accident?” She finished making air-quotes with her only good hand.

“YEAH!” Pinkie responded, “I thought maybe they changed after the Battle of the bands, a lot of time has passed and even if they are a little bit bitter with us.” She said pointing at the two sisters who were still fighting with the pillow “maybe we could make them know that we are still gonna give them a second chance, like we did with you and all those other evil girls.”

Sonata finished with her cupcake and picked up the conversation “YEAH, we exchanged phones and we have been chatting ever since!”

“Wait” Adagio interrupted, finally taking the pillow out of Aria’s hand and throwing it to the side “So those days that you come back home smelling like you just stepped out of a chocolate factory, you were hanging out with a Rainboom?” Adagio finished pointing to the Pink girl.

“Yep! We even exchange recipes from time to time!” Sonata exclaimed with the biggest smile she could manage

Aria straightened up from her place “So that’s why the food lately was so full of sugar.” She pointed at Adagio “And Adagio gained a few pounds in the last months.”

“I DID NOT!” Adagio retorted “Such a perfect figure as mine is ALWAYS in the perfect measurement.”

Aria smirked at this “Tell that to that pair of jeans that you haven't worn in the last few months.”

A light tremor of giggling, chuckling, and the odd groan made its way through the room. Sunset now noticing the bigger “posterior” the siren sported.

The door knocked and it slowly opened, a doctor entered the room holding a clipboard “Hello girls! I’m Doctor Horse, sorry if I interrupt something important.”

Rarity reassured the Doctor “Don’t worry darling, we were just discussing some things.” she glanced over to Sonata who was now asking her sisters to sign her cast to where Adagio took the marker with a grin and started signing the cast with grace.

The doctor noticed this as well and smiled “Well, I’m happy that at least you are taking this well, I have to say I’m so sorry that you two had to share a room, we have some renovation at the moment and we don’t have a lot of rooms, but you are probably gonna be discharge soon enough so don’t worry.”

He looked over again to the sisters and Aria was now signing Sonata’s cast with such strokes that only the words “murderously” and “violently” could describe them.
“W-Well, I’m not gonna take more of your time.” he started looking at his clipboard and fiddling with the papers in it.

“Miss Sunset Shimmer?” He directed to the red-haired girl in the room, Sunset nodded her head in response. “You have simple fractures in your arm and leg, nothing really serious, those casts aren’t gonna stay more than a few months, some scratches but nothing significant.”

He directed to the sister’s once again “Now, Aria blaze?” Aria responded by crossing her arms with a grunt. The doctor looked rather anxious at this, he coughed. “Ejem, you have a fracture in your ribcage and your ankle is twisted, nothing that a few months of resting can’t fix.” Aria stared at the doctor like it was him who was responsible for her situation, Dr.Horse tried to evade Aria stare and quickly moved on. “N- Now, Sonata Dusk?”

“PRESENT!” Sonata raised her hand like she was in class, Aria grunted at this exchange of events, Dr. horse just smiled and continued “Your wrist was twisted, but nothing serious about it as well, in a few weeks everything should go back to normal.”

He looked back from his clipboard to notice that the girl she was referring to run off to another girl that was hiding behind the cowgirl, probably asking her to sign her cast, he sighed at this “Well, I will probably discharge you two now that everything is looking fine, the nurse should give you your clothes back, but I don’t think they are in a wearable state, maybe one of your friends should get you clean clothes.” He opened the door and started walking outside “I will give you a few hours if by then you are not out I will charge you a night, have a great day!” with that he walked outside and closed the door.

Applejack started taking her keys out of her pockets “Well, ah’ll assume ah should go to pick them up, we came in mah truck, after all, Ah just need the keys from Sunset’s apartment and ah’ll just pick up some clothes.'' She finished by staring at Sunset.

“I don’t have my keys remember?” Sunset responded with a grunt to Applejack.

“I HAVE A COPY!” Pinkie sprung up, she started to fish in her hair and took out a giant ring with hundreds of keys attached to it.

“Pinkie, what is that?!” The fashionable Rarity asked Pinkie with shock.
“These are all my friend’s keys, duh!” She started fumbling with the keys searching for Sunset’s “How could I check if your emergency supplies are in check if I don’t have your keys?”

Sunset was the one this time to interrupt “Because it’s creepy Pinkie! How did you even get a copy of the keys?”

Twilight interrupted “I think we should leave this for later Sunset, we don't exactly have a lot of time and your apartment is not close.”

“Shit, you are right, and I don’t have a lot of money to pay for a night at the hospital, ok just go, please bring me something comfortable, I can’t exactly wear skinny jeans with this.” She finished pointing to her leg.

Rarity took a step in, “No no no no no, even if you are a little-” she looked at Sunset’s leg “-incapacitated, I can’t let you wear anything such as sweat pants.” she said that last part with disgust “Besides, do you have anything besides tight jeans and short skirts?” Sunset’s chicks looked more similar to her hair’s color now.

“If we don’t find anything appropriate we can pass through my house.” She looked at Applejack with flattery eyes, Applejack just shrugged “Fine by me, ah’m just happy to know Sunset is fine.”

“For now!” Aria punctuated from her bed again with an intimidating stare. Applejack just rolled her eyes at this and started walking through the door with Rarity when Adagio started walking behind them.

“Where are you going?” Applejack turned around to face Adagio, “I’m going to pick up some clothes for Aria, what do you think? Where you really gonna leave us stranded after the stunt your friend did?” Adagio smirked at Applejack but she didn’t lower her scowl.

“Now wait just a second, I’m not gonna let you get into ma’h truck, don’t yah have a van or something?”
“Yes, we have one.” Adagio responded, “But we left it a little bit far, as you know, we didn’t exactly come in our vehicle.” Sonata hoped in between the two “Yeah, we came in an ambulance!”

“Yes, Sonata, we came in an ambulance accompanying my unconscious sister.” Adagio finished with a bitter face at Applejack, who just gave up at this and drooped her head. “Fine, I will give you a ride to y’all place.”

With this Adagio grew a victorious smile, and once again they started walking out; Applejack, Rarity, Adagio, and Sonata, wait.

The cowgirl turned again to look at the sisters.

“What?” Sonata asked.

“Why does she come?”

“Because she has the keys.” Adagio answered.

“Why doesn’t she just give you the keys?” This time was Sunset the one to ask.

Adagio turned at the fiery girl “ Well, Shimmer, she is the one with the pockets, and holding the keys the whole way is just a recipe for trouble.”

“WHY DON’T YOU JUST WEAR A PURSE!” Applejack roared at Adagio

“Because, you ignorant cowgirl.” Adagio turned again pointing at Applejack “They are not my style!”

“Mmm, true.” Rarity interjected at this. Applejack turned to look at her friend with shock “What side are ya’h on?!”

“She is not wrong here, a purse? Please, maybe a backpack, but I doubt one would go with her outfit.”

Adagio grinned at her. “Thank you, someone with a sense of fashion around here.” She glanced at Aria and Sonata “I have to be the one always picking and fixing the terrible choices these two make when picking clothes.”

Applejack just turned around again “You know what? A’h don’t care, let's just go.”

Once again they all turned to the door and started walking out of the room, Applejack, Rarity, Adagio, Sonata, and Pinkie.


Applejack turned once more and stared at Pinkie


Applejack raised her eyebrow.

“You are not expecting me to leave Sonata have all the fun, don't you? It’s been a long time since I saw her.” Pinkie finished with a smile.

Applejack sighed, turned and started to walk outside ONCE AGAIN, her, Rarity, Adagio, Sonata and Pinkie pie.

Yeah, that seems right.

Finally, Pinkie walked outside and closed the door behind her, a second later it opened again.

Pinkie peeked into the room “Bye everyone, we will be back in a bit.” She waved with a smile and closed the door once again leaving the rest to wait in the Hospital room.

Author's Note:

I really wanted to write something comedic, instead of dark or tragic, maybe next time.

This story is gonna be more of "I'm gonna put whatever joke pops in my head about the main 7 or Dazzling and try to work around it."

Any Grammar or errors please don't be afraid to put them in the comments, I just hope I don't forget to change them later. :facehoof:

Comments ( 12 )

So far great story and great artwork!

Thank you so much :raritystarry:. I'm glad you liked it. :heart:

Ooh, very interesting... I will be keeping an eye out for more. :raritywink:

Keep up the good work ya silly, and great artwork! :twilightsmile:

Thank you so much as well :twilightblush:. Just trying my best here.
Hope to update soon :pinkiehappy:.

I know this will go off in a comedic manner...but I still kind of want to watch from a safe distance.

………………………………. (sets up a table) place your bets on how long till all the girls finally snap. :ajsmug:

They say a puppy could cheer up the blahs!

This looks pretty good.

“Please, like she could kill you even if she tried, remember the Spanish Inquisition? Not even a bunch of religious freaks could touch you.”

Aria smirked at this remembering better times “That’s because I expected them,

Nice Python reference, looks like a good start.

Reread this, it's still funny.

When I saw the artwork, I imagine my OC, driving a modern pickup truck and sees them stranded, I would say: "Hey girls, fancy a ride with the British Speedfreak?"

I recently came across this story and was hooked. The premise is interesting, I thought the characterization of the girls was good, the humor was funny and I was intrigued by the mystery of the accident. But now I see that it hasn't been updated in four years and now I'm downhearted.

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