• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 15,768 Views, 1,834 Comments

Battle of the Blanks - HumanSVD

Human in Story of the Blanks. Has some violence and swearing. Meant for teen and up.

  • ...

Human: viable possibility...

Apple Bloom was currently standing there looking at Konrad and Ruby, who looked very happy together. Apple Bloom was happy that Konrad, Ruby, Luna, and she were all together away from the Blood Hooves and Apple Bloom had no doubt that this year's Nightmare Night Celebration was going to be a good one since Princess Luna seemed very happy. Well…that is until she mentioned that Konrad and Ruby were each other's special somepony.

"Now ah wonder why Luna made that face when Ah mentioned they were each other's special somepony? Doesn't anypony think finding love is a good thing? Ah don't understand it at all."

Konrad was now standing there with a scared look on his face, and Apple Bloom didn't understand it at all. There wasn't anything to be afraid of as far as she was concerned. Ruby on the other hoof seemed very happy holding onto Konrad, resting her head on his neck with her eyes closed. And Apple Bloom knew why she felt that way.

"Ah don't blame her at all. He really is a nice feller and he was very comfy to hold onto. Ah felt very safe holding onto him."

Ruby just kept relaxing on his neck until she raised it for a few seconds with her ghost eyes open. Ruby appeared to be looking at Princess Luna, giving some weird smile for some reason. Apple Bloom turned to look at Princess Luna, who now had a very angry look on her face. Had she done this during Nightmare Night, she would have been scared, but the Blood Hooves were now her biggest fear.

"Darn Blood Hooves! They tried to hurt Konrad, Princess Luna, and me! Ah hope he gets all of them zombies! Now why is she mad?"

Apple Bloom then turned her attention back to the wonderful couple in front of her and saw that Ruby was resting her head on Konrad's neck again, ever so happy. This made Apple Bloom 'DAWWW' on the inside for a little bit, but Konrad's look of fear on his face ruined the moment. This wasn't boding well for the little filly, as she not only wanted them to be happy together, but she also wanted to get her cutie mark!

"Now Konrad, don't be so embarrassed! Ruby likes you and now that Ah think about it…does he have a cutie mark? Ah'm sure he'd like the join the Cutie Mark Crusaders, with him it will be fun gettin' our cutie marks.

For a few seconds, nopony said anything and it was starting to make Apple Bloom worry a bit. There was something going on that she couldn't quite put her hoof on, but so far was unable to figure it out. After a few more seconds, Konrad slowly made his way out of the water with a weak smile on his face. He then spoke to Luna,

"Uhh….Hi Luna! I see you brought my stuff…thanks for that."

"Stuff? Konrad must have left a lot of it behind to save me. He really is a good friend and it was nice for Princess Luna to bring it back. Are those more of his weapons? That one with the red thingy looks cool.

Apple Bloom's thoughts were interrupted as Konrad suddenly without warning dropped Ruby. She hit the ground rather rough on her flanks, making a sound of,


This made Apple Bloom remember how she hit her own flank on Konrad's box earlier in his truck.

"Ouch! Ah now how that feels. He must have got tired holding her cause Ah know he wouldn't just drop her like that on purpose."

Apple Bloom looked at Princess Luna for a second and saw a slight, but brief smile on her face. This made Apple Bloom wonder why she would even find such a thing funny. Maybe it was grown up humor? Apple Bloom looked at Ruby who was starting to get up and asked a question to nopony in particular,

"What…what happened?"

"Konrad accidentally dropped you Ruby, and he is warm and comfy isn't he?"

"Oh yes...He definitely was for sure." Spoke Ruby as she got up and walked to Konrad's side.

Ruby then gave off that same weird smile again as she stood next to Konrad. Apple Bloom noticed that Princess Luna was looking angrier, and it didn't make any since why she would be mad. Konrad then walked forward towards Princess Luna, giving off his same weak smile as if he was nervous talking to her.

"I can tell that my stuff is heavy for you, why don't I just get that off you." said Konrad.

Princess Luna then quickly took of his stuff starting with the weapon that had the red thingy and the other one that was long with a telescope on it. When that was done, she took off his vest thing that appeared to hold more of the red thingies. Apple Bloom was very curious as to what they were and wanted to ask Konrad what they were. Remembering what he said about his weapons earlier, she decided that it wasn't the right time to ask him to look at it, or touch it.

"He doesn't want me hurt, and Ah understand that. At least he can tell me about that it is."

Konrad quickly grabbed his weapons and stuff while Apple Bloom noticed that he seemed to feel a bit better holding it. And why he seemed that way, Apple Bloom could only guess.

"Must be so he can get those Blood Hooves. Those darn zombies! Ah wish Ah can help him get those Blood Hooves, especially what they've done to Ruby and me!"

Apple Bloom really just felt like she could buck something right now as she was mad at what they had done. They killed Ruby and made her a ghost all because of a Cutie Mark. They also turned her mommy into one of them, and it was good thing that she had helped her escape. Apple Bloom wondered what they had done to her as she left Sunny Town and hoped that she would be okay, but wasn't counting on it.

Trying to stop herself from becoming angry, she looked at Konrad as he spoke to Princess Luna.

"So Luna…um…"

"YES?" replied Luna.

"Now why the hay is she talking like that? It's not Nightmare Night yet."

"Are you hungry?"

At the thought of hunger, Apple Bloom remembered the Pop Tarts that Konrad gave her earlier. The thing was so different than anything she had ever eaten, and it was awesome when she ate it. The best she could describe it was that it was like a cookie and an apple fritter flattened together. And it was so delicious that she couldn't wait to have another one. Tiny little Pop Tarts started to dance around her head, as if begging Apple Bloom "Eat us! Eat us!"

"MMM…Pop Tarts…Princess Luna will like 'em for sure! What pony wouldn't?"

"Yes…we require nutrition. Thou hast sustenance available?" replied Luna turning her attention to Konrad.

Eager at the thought of getting more of Konrad's human food, Apple Bloom couldn't wait to get her hooves on some more of it and show Princess Luna is cool food.

"He sure does! Konrad, give her one of them pop tarts. Ah now you'll like 'em for sure!"

"Pop Tarts?" asked Luna raising her eye brow at Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom's excitement in was starting to rise even more, and continued to tout Konrad's food as if it were the best thing since Apple Pie.

"There the best human food Ah ever had! It tasted just like the apples mah family grows, and Konrad?"

"Yes Apple Bloom?"

"Can Ah have some more pleeasse?"

Apple Bloom then gave off her look at always seemed work on him. She really wanted more of his food, and hope that he would give her some more. And Apple Bloom's efforts to convince him weren't necessary as he gave off a happy smile and replied to her.

"Of course you can Apple Bloom. Now, why don't we just make our way towards the ruins and we'll have some food. Sounds like a plan to me, right ladies?"

"You bet Konrad!"

"Alright! Ah guess Ah didn't need to do that, but still it nice to know it works."

"Sounds like plan to me." Said Ruby, while walking back up to Konrad's side.

For some reason, Princess Luna quickly walked between Ruby and Konrad, pushing her out of the way. Ruby was lightly pushed aside, and gave off a look that gave Apple Bloom that she was offended.

"Hmph!" grunted Ruby with an annoyed look towards Princes Luna.

Princess Luna on the other hoof gave a stare at Ruby, and it was something alright. It reminded her of the stare Fluttershy had used when she and her fellow CMC members acted out of line. This stare however wasn't one of being stern, but rather one that was scary.

"Dang! Now why is she doing that to Ruby? That was kinda rude for Princess Luna to do that. Ah guess she is scared of the Blood Hooves too and wants to be near Konrad for protection, but really, can't she understand that he can already protect all of us? And can't she see that Ruby likes Konrad? Ah just don't understand grownups sometime."

"Well then…follow me ladies and 'my' Princess." Said Konrad.

Apple Bloom was again clueless and confused as the innuendo being exchange between the mares and the man. Konrad has emphasized the word 'my' for some reason and Apple Bloom was doing her best to understand what was going on. Unfortunately for her, she just couldn't figure it out.

"Now why is he talking like that? This is starting to make mah head hurt."

Ruby then spoke up while walking ahead in front of Konrad by a few hooves.

"Oh don't worry Konrad! I'll take the lead."

Apple Bloom understood why Ruby had taken the task to lead Konrad. It was because of her special talent!

"If there's anypony that can find things, it's Ruby! She found Konrad for me and he really is cool! They belong together Ah just can tell! Though…why is she standing in front of Konrad that way?"

Then Apple Bloom heard Princess Luna say something, though she only caught the word 'my' before it became harder to hear the rest. And what Princess Luna did next was very confusing. The Princess of the Moon started to walk very funny towards Ruby, with her flanks moving very strange. It almost seemed like she was having difficulty walking, but she turned her head and gave Konrad a smile.

"Now why is she walking like that? It seems like she's about to fall on her hind legs!"

Apple Bloom was now even more confused at the way both Princess Luna and Ruby were acting. There were walking funny, talking funny, and standing funny, but fortunately for the little filly Konrad spoke to her turning her attention away from the mares.

"Hey Apple Bloom."

Apple Bloom took one more look at the mares who were whispering something to each other. Unable to make out what they were saying, she turned her head towards Konrad.

"Yes Konrad?"

"It's going to get pretty steep up ahead, would you like to ride on my back again?"

Now that was something she wanted to hear about, aside from the pop tarts. He had offered hold her once again, and she jumped at the opportunity to hold onto her new friend that made her feel safe.

"Sure! That's sounds fun! Thank you."

"No problem."

Konrad then lowered himself on his two legs, enough that she was able to jump on him with ease. She wrapped her hind legs around his back and her front legs around his shoulders. Princess Luna and Ruby were now looking at both of them and Apple Bloom could tell that they both approved of Konrad's generosity. That was until they both looked at each other with an angry look directed at each other. Then it finally hit Apple Bloom that they didn't like each other.

"Why do they dislike each other? Did something happen that Ah missed? Maybe Konrad knows."

"Umm Luna and Ruby?" said Konrad addressing the mares.

Both of them instantly turned their heads smiling at him as if he were the best thing in the all of Equestria. And Apple Bloom would agree if that's what they thought; Konrad was really cool!

"Would you kindly lead the way?" asked Konrad.

"Sure thing 'my' Knight." said Luna, again saying the word 'my' in another funny way.

"No problem Konrad, I'll find it for you." Said Ruby with confidence in finding the way towards the ruins.

Before the Mares in front moved forward, they gave off another set of mean looks to each other. Konrad then moved forward ahead as they began to lead the way. Unable to no longer stand the confusion at the behavior she observed, she lightly tapped Konrad on the neck to get his attention. He turned his head towards the direction a little bit and she whispered into his ear,

"Konrad, why are Ruby and Princess Luna acting weird?"

"Uhh….Well, Apple Bloom…you see Luna is just a bit uncomfortable around Ruby because she is a ghost. Even though Ruby is nice, it's kinda hard become comfortable around somepony you've never seen before. Not everpony can become friends instantly."

This made Apple Bloom a little bit sad, as she liked both Ruby and Luna. Sure Princess Luna was a bit scary, but she did make Nightmare Night a fun celebration, and Ruby helped he get away from Sunny Town. That and she helped her find Konrad, a new and cool friend.

"Awww…that's sad. Ah thought they'd become friends. Ah hope they'll get along later."

"Me too Apple Bloom, me too." Replied Konrad.

Apple Bloom then decided to simply rest her head on Konrad's neck, ignoring the scene unfolding before her. She closed her eyes for a little bit, and started to imagine being back at Ponyville in time for the Nightmare Night Celebration. She saw her sister Apple Jack and Big Mac along with Konrad and Ruby, who were now each other's special somepony. And there was Princess Luna scaring her friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle.

And then there was the big Moon cake that Mr. and Mrs. Cake made last year. It had dark blue frosting, with dark chocolate, with nice light texture; hay the whole cake was so good it just couldn't be a lie.

As Apple Bloom was thinking of wonderful things that she hope to see she popped her head up at the sudden sound of somepony falling down. It was Ruby, who was on the ground covered in leaves.

"Ruby! Are you okay?"

Ruby popped her head up, with her muzzle full of leaves, and spat them out. She looked at Princess Luna with an angry face and Princess Luna simply gave off a look of 'it's not my fault', while waving her less than sparkly mane.

"Yes Apple Bloom…I'm okay…I just didn't see the rock that was there." Said Ruby.

"Oh well Ah'm glad that you're okay. Well Konrad, ain't you gonna be a gentlecolt and help her up?"

Konrad just sighed a bit and walked over to Ruby to help her up. Apple Bloom saw Princes Luna give off a look of disapproval, and turned to see Ruby looking at Konrad. She was blushing at the sight of him and Apple Bloom found it to be very romantic.

"Awww…go Ruby! Go get him!"

After helping Ruby get up on her hooves, Konrad started to walk his way back over to Princess Luna. Ruby quickly followed getting up to Konrad's side. And that's when the weird behavior began again as Princess Luna did the same. Ruby in returned got closer again too, and so did Luna…again. Apple Bloom could see the look in their eyes as they were starting to squeeze Konrad on the sides.

Apple Bloom could hear Konrad start to struggle to breathe as they began to squish him.

"Uh ladies…you're…crushing me…can't breathe!" said Konrad who was barely able to speak.

"Oh I'm so sorry Konrad! I didn't mean to do so. I was just so scared about the Blood Hooves."

"They are scary fellers for sure; Ah thought Ah was going to become one of them! Thank Celestia, or I should say Konrad and Ruby that it didn't happen."

"Oh don't worry Ruby, he will take protect us just like he has protected 'me'." Said Luna who was now saying the word 'me' all funny like.

"Well…that's good to know…now let me lead the way…again." Said Ruby.

Apple Bloom watched Ruby get back in front of Konrad like she did earlier, and Princess Luna did the same as well. This was something Apple Blood had a bad feeling about and was curious as to know how far ahead the ruins would be.

"Are we there yet?" asked Apple Bloom.

"No Apple Bloom, it's just a little bit ahead. Don't worry; we'll get there soon enough."

"Okay, Ah'm just a little bit tired and hungry that's all."

"Hey when we get there you can have all the pop tarts I got."

"Thank you!"

It was very comforting to Apple Bloom knowing that he was there to protect her. She lowered her head on his neck and got comfy holding him even tighter than before while resting her eyes. His skin, although a bit sweaty, was nice to hold onto, and he was warm too. It didn't even matter to Apple Bloom that he wasn't a pony for the book in her school was completely wrong about what humans were. Konrad was nice, cool, and his food was awesome and she couldn't wait to show everypony what an awesome Human he was.

"Ah really made two good friends today, Ah just wished that none of us had to deal with those zombies. It's a good thing that Sweetie Belle ain't here; Ah just can't imagine what would have happened. Ah hope Ah gets to see mah family again, but with Ruby, Princess Luna and Konrad with me, Ah ain't scared no more."

As Apple Bloom reassured herself about her safety with Konrad and the Mares, she started to smell something really funky. At first she was afraid it was the ammonia salt thing that Konrad used earlier, but realized that it didn't match the same scent. This one was different as if reminded her of a stinky sweat of some sort. It was very new and she had no idea what it could be. It was a good thing that it wasn't the same smell as one of the Blood Hooves, because she would have gotten scared real quick.

As reassuring Konrad was, the Blood Hooves would always be a permanent part of her memory. Unable to determine what the smell was, she at least tried to find out where it was coming from. The scent wasn't coming from Konrad's green bag, nor was it from his neck. It turned out that it was specifically coming from his back, and Apple Bloom asked Konrad opening her eyes.

"Konrad, what's that smell coming from your back? It smells weird, and funky?"

Apple Bloom could feel and hear Konrad look around while smelling the scent. He seized up all of a sudden, as if he knew what it was. But his reply claimed otherwise,

"I don't know Apple Bloom, but I'm sure the ruins aren't that far way."

"Well…seems like he knows what it is, but…what the hay! It's not important…just stinky that's all."

After Konrad answered her question, Princess Luna began to search for the scent near Konrad. Princess Luna froze when she found it and immediately made the same strange face that she did after Apple Bloom told her about Konrad and Ruby. Her face immediately began to get angry again and Princess Luna turned to face Ruby, as if it was somehow her fault.

But Ruby's reaction was very different from what Apple Bloom expected. Ruby's face blushed and her ears lowered, indicating that it was indeed somehow her fault. Prince Luna lifted her muzzle up a bit and motioned for Konrad to follow her pointing her muzzle in the direction of where they originally walking. And Konrad immediately made his way towards Princess Luna, leaving Ruby there by herself all embarrassed.

There was now something going on that none of the grown-ups wanted Apple Bloom to know about. Between the angry faces between Ruby and Princess Luna, and their funny walking, combined with the stinky scent, Apple Bloom wished they were just at the ruins already. Apple Bloom then thought to herself,

"Pony feathers! Are all grown-ups like this? Ah don't want to act like that when Ah grow up. Ah mean why were Ruby and Princess Luna walking all funny anyway? That seemed pretty embarrassing to me. Ah just wish that everypony would just get along."

Apple Bloom turned her head toward Ruby, who still had the embarrassed look on her face, and was now seeming kinda sad. This was something Apple Bloom could not allow for Ruby had helped her escape Sunny Town, help her find Konrad, and now it was time for Apple Bloom to do the same for her. She was going to help Ruby win Konrad's heart. Apple Bloom smiled at Ruby as she made eye contact, and waved with one of her front hooves.

Apple Bloom was silently telling Ruby to not give up and don't stay behind. Ruby evidently found the meaning that Apple Bloom was giving and it made sense that she would find the meaning, for her special talent was finding things. But instead of walking up to his side or getting in front of him, Ruby merely just got closer to Konrad's back, and was looking at his…feet?

"Why is she looking at his feet? Whatever, grown-up stuff is weird."

Apple Bloom turned her head back towards the front and saw Princess Luna walking the same way that she did earlier. It really was very silly for the Princess to walk that way and Apple Bloom couldn't remember when or if she even did walk like that last year. This was something she just couldn't take anymore, with exception to the Blood Hooves, this was just the most awful thing she had seen all night, and rested her head on Konrad's neck again closing her eyes.

"Yup. Grown-ups are weird, Ah don't get it…oh well. Now Ah wonder if all of his pop tarts taste like apples or does he have other flavors. OH! There might be a Pop Tart Cutie Mark! AH can't wait to try some more!"

And there laid Apple Bloom resting on Konrad's back, tuning out the adult behavior, and strange smell around. The only thing that was on her mind at the moment was tiny little pop tarts swirling around her head. It made the little filly smile as she hugged Konrad once more, feeling ever safe on his back.


Holding on to Konrad was just a pony heavenly thing for Ruby. His neck was very nice and she absolutely loved the feel of his skin. For the first time ever, she was rubbing up against a stallion that she was attracted to, only this was a man. The whole sensation was something she never felt before and her body was clearly telling her that he was so worth it. What made it even better was that she was flaunting it in front of that spoiled Princess's face, laying her claim to Konrad.

"Yes Princess Luna, he is mine, and you can't have him. You can only wish to hold him like this."

But her heavenly break was soon interrupted as she suddenly fell without warning from Konrad. She landed on her rear end and it was quite a surprise.

"OOF!" squeaked Ruby in a very effeminate voice.

She opened her eyes to see Princess Luna smirking a bit before returning to her cold expression glaring at Konrad. That didn't sit well with Ruby one bit.

"How dare you glare at this wonderful man Konrad is! You don't deserve 'your' so called Knight."

Ruby then made her way to get up off the ground as her flanks were sore from the impact.

"What…what happened?" asked Ruby.

Apple Bloom immediately answered Ruby,

"Konrad accidentally dropped you Ruby, and he is warm and comfy isn't he?"

Now that was something Ruby definitely agreed on and took the opportunity to make that fact very clear to Princess Luna. Getting up on her legs and slowly walking towards Konrad's left side she said,

"Oh yes…He definitely was for sure."

And to driver her point even further, she gave off her smirk that Konrad seemed to like when she did it earlier. Ruby's intended subtle jab was very effective at driving the Princess angrier as her face grew darker.

"How do you like that Princess? I got him right under my hoof, and there's nothing you can do about it."

Ruby wasn't paying attention to Konrad's facial expression, but if she had, Ruby would have seen his uncomfortable state of mind. Konrad then walked forward towards Princess Luna and said,

"I can tell that my stuff is heavy for you, why don't I just get that off you." Said Konrad.

"Now there's my big human…considerate towards everypony, though I wonder why she even bothered carrying his stuff. Doesn't seem something that Royalty would…ah…your trying to get him to favor you over me. Well it's not going to work spoiled Alicorn."

Princess Luna immediately got rid of Konrad's weapons and equipment when he mentioned getting it off of her. Ruby took this as sign that Princess Luna was giving up hope that her attempts to win Konrad over were fruitless and that the rivalry for his heart as all but over. After Luna completely removed his stuff, Konrad began to gather it up and re-equip himself. Konrad also seemed to relax a bit once his personal equipment was on his nice human body.

"It must be a man thing to carry weapons and stuff…this is so making me more attracted to him. He definitely is a good protector for sure… I only wish that it was possible to have foals with him, even if I was alive."

"So Luna…um…" spoke Konrad.

"YES?" replied Luna.

"Oh great, if she yells at him at all, I won't allow it period, and there's no way she'll be able to hurt me…just cause pain though."

"Are you hungry?" asked Konrad.

Luna's demeanor completely changed from being angry to one of interest. It would seem at she was hungry indeed.

"Yes…we require nutrition. Thou hast sustenance available?" replied Luna turning her attention to Konrad.

"Ugh, more royal talk. I guess I didn't miss much out of Sunny Town if that's how they talk."

Apple Bloom eagerly and cheerfully spoke up at the talk of food, something Ruby remembered.

"He sure does! Konrad, give her one of them pop tarts. Ah now you'll like 'em for sure!" interjected Apple Bloom.

"Pop Tarts?" asked Luna raising her eye brow at Apple Bloom.

"There the best human food Ah ever had! It tasted just like the apples mah family grows, and Konrad?"

"Yes Apple Bloom?"

"Can Ah have some more pleeasse?"

Ruby observed Apple Bloom giving a pleading look in hopes that he would give her some food. Konrad simply smiled in return and said,

"Of course you can Apple Bloom. Now, why don't we just make our way towards the ruins and we'll have some food. Sounds like a plan to me, right ladies?"

"Better than standing here having to defend my interests in Konrad. It's a good thing I put her notion that he belongs to her to rest…just like he put those bastards to rest."

"You bet Konrad!" said Apple Bloom.

"Sounds like plan to me." Agreed Ruby.

As she made her way to Konrad's right side, Princess Luna suddenly walked between her and Konrad, pushing Ruby squarely out of Konrad's reach.

"Hmph!" grunted Ruby in annoyance.

And before she could say anything, Princess Luna made very clear to Ruby that her fight for Konrad was far from over. In a sly tone, Princess Luna replied,

"That certainly sounds like a plan indeed. When we get there, 'we' should have a talk, there's a lot of questions that I want answered. Please lead the way 'my' Knight."

And to drive her point even further, Princess Luna got even closer to Konrad. Close enough in fact that she was starting to brush up against his side and gave off a smug look.


Princess Luna, as if almost sensing her thoughts, gave her a very cold stare, and it actually sent a slight chill down her back. Not wanting to falter or show any weakness, she glared right back at the Selene Princess.

"Well then…follow me ladies and 'my' Princess." Said Konrad.

Ruby immediately caught the emphasis on the word 'my' again, just as he did when he was in the water with Apple Bloom. Immediately, Ruby began to try and interpret what and why he meant by the emphasis on the word 'my'.

"Why is he doing that? Does he not know that I want him? I thought I made myself clear. It must be because of her cold demeanor. Yeah that's it."

Then Ruby got a wonderful idea, she would not only lead the way towards the ruin, but she would also flaunt her wonderful flanks right in his face. It was good idea too, since he Konrad would have to focus on her and not Luna.

"Oh don't worry Konrad! I'll take the lead." Said Ruby with confidence.

Ruby casually walked her way towards Konrad's front and stood a few hooves in front of him. She made sure that he got a full view of her plot and Ruby was now feeling confident at her wonderful plan. She would only hope that Konrad would pay attention and find her attractive.

"Of course he does! Apple Bloom was very sure of it, and it's a pity that I still need Princess Luna's help, but I'm still not going to let her take him away from me. I did after all find him first."

Then Ruby could hear Luna mutter something, but was unable to catch all of it. She had muttered "My Plot" before the rest of it became inaudible. Ruby turned her head to see what Princess Luna was doing and saw her copy the same idea she came up with. Princess Luna, however, threw in a twist so to speak. As Princess Luna slowly made her way to the front, she turned and gave Konrad a seductive smile and began to sway her own plot right in front of him.

Seeing this irked Ruby, but she nonetheless kept her composure. Ruby turned her head towards Konrad, who was now very uncomfortable.

"Poor Konrad, he's just trying to not to be rude and hurt her feelings. He really is a gentlecolt."

Konrad then turned his head towards Apple Bloom and spoke,

"Hey Apple Bloom."

"Yes Konrad?" replied Apple Bloom.

Ruby's interruption was quickly interrupted as Princess Luna whispered something to her.

"Konrad is mine you foul spirit. You would do well to accept that fact."

"You wish spoiled Princess! I saw him first, and I got to hold him." Retorted Ruby.

"For your information, he gave me a massage…it was how Apple Bloom put it? Warm and comfy?"

Princess Luna then gave off the same smirk that Ruby did.

Doing her best to ignore the Princess, Ruby turned her head to Apple Bloom who had a confused look on her face. She clearly had no clue as to the adult situation that was taking place before her, and Ruby felt bad that she was here watching Princess Luna and her trying to win the affection of Konrad. He really was 'something' and Ruby was certainly not going to let him get away, not when she needed his help to end the curse.

"It's going to get pretty steep up ahead, would you like to ride on my back again?"

"Sure! That's sounds fun! Thank you."

"No problem."

Konrad lowered his legs for Apple Bloom to jump on. It was practically the same things he did for apple bloom before crossing the river.

"What a nice thing he did for her. He has been nothing short what I expected him to be. So brave, and compassionate, he's now doing the same for her! Oh Konrad…"

At this point Apple Bloom immediately jumped on Konrad, smiling and relaxing on his neck. The little filly was so at peace holding him, and it greatly reminded Ruby of the dream she had with her imaginary daughter and son, something she would probably never see. And it was an unfortunate thing Ruby did not think about, for if the curse was lifted, what would happen to her spirit?

Would she be forever doomed to wonder or would she finally crossover to Pony Heaven? Would Konrad even go to Pony Heaven if he died after the curse was lifted, and even if she didn't crossover yet, could they even have a life together?

"One thing is for certain, I will never know unless I try and he is everything I wanted in a mate. I just never expected to go for one that was myth. Those stories about humans are so far completely right, and he is just…one step at a time Ruby. Apple Bloom needs to get home first, and as for you Princess Luna…he is still mine!"

After taking one last look at the cute sight in front of her, she turned her head to Princess Luna. Ruby gave her a glare of her ghostly yellow eyes, signaling to her that the fight for Konrad was not over by a longshot. Princess Luna merely pulled the same stare that she did when she walked up to him. The glaring match was interrupted when Konrad spoke up,

"Umm Luna and Ruby?"

Ruby immediately turned her head to look at Konrad, the true desire of her heart. The sight of Konrad holding Apple Bloom was just so wonderful that she couldn't help but smile.

"Would you kindly lead the way?" asked Konrad.

"Sure thing 'my' Knight." said Luna.

"Ugh, not the 'my' thing again."

"No problem Konrad, I'll find it for you." Said Ruby.

Turning to face Princess Luna one more time, Ruby glared again while thinking,

"Spoiled Princess."

Ruby then turned forward, walking straight to the ruins. Ruby had come across the old place a few times trying to hide from Blood Clop. For the most part it was a good hiding spot, but Blood Clop was clever and had sometimes managed to trick Ruby in various ways. Ruby really wanted Konrad to just blow that bastard away, and Ruby was now starting to feel very bad for getting him involved in something that wasn't even his problem.

Apple Bloom on the other hand was an accident, and Ruby was just curious as to who the filly was. Apple Bloom reminder Ruby about her in a lot ways when she was younger. Curious, fully of energy, and…

"Innocent…just like I was. I wish none of this had ever happened. I wish Apple Bloom was home…I wish Konrad was here holding me in his arms."

Ruby had no idea how she was going to break the truth about Sunny Town and the Blanks, why she was a ghost that could be harmed without dying and why she brought him into this situation. Ruby could only hope that he would understand and help her, for she just couldn't live this type of life anymore…that is if you could call it a life.

Ruby contemplation was interrupted as she turned her head to noticed that Konrad was in a trance looking at Princess Luna's plot. She was swaying it back and for and his eyes seem to be captivated by it. This made Ruby ticked off and Princess Luna simply smirked at Ruby, giving of a silent challenge of 'beat that'.

"Two can play at that game spoiled Princess."

Ruby began to slowly sway her plot like Princess Luna, but was disappointed to see that Konrad's attention was still focused on Luna's Plot, with a smile starting to form on his face. This was something Ruby would not allow and copied Luna's sway with a little style of her own. She swayed her plot but with her orange highlighted tail moving more freely to catch his attention.

And Ruby was satisfied with the result for his attention was now on her plot and Konrad was smiling at her plot. He seemed to be observing the features of her plot, and it gave Ruby confidence in her ability to win Konrad's affection.

"Yes Konrad…this is what you truly want…and it's all yours! Just ask and you'll get it!"

This made Princess Luna very angry as she glared at Ruby.

"U jelly Luna? Like I said, I saw him first."

But Princess Luna wasn't done yet, as she swayed her plot a lot more. To Ruby it seemed that she was becoming desperate in getting Konrad's attention and this amused Ruby.

"Wow, just give up…already…no…"

Ruby was now looking at Konrad and noticed that he was looking at Princess Luna's plot, with an even bigger smile. Princess Luna then looked at Ruby, and just barely whispered to her,

"Beat that foul spirit."

Deciding that now was enough of this little game going back and forth, Ruby prepared to sway again with more effort…except something different happened.

Ruby's right front hoof made contact with a rock that she didn't see, causing her to trip and roll on the ground. The surprise of falling down during her attempt to get Konrad's attention cause her to open her muzzle and receive numerous leaves. Angry that she had fallen, Ruby immediately turned her attention to Princess Luna, who was now giggling at her. And the add insult to injury, she turned her head to Konrad and gave him a seductive wink.

She glared angrily at Princess Luna and was on the verge of shouting curses towards the Alicorn, but remembered that Apple Bloom was still there as she spoke up to her.

"Ruby! Are you okay?"

"Keep calm girl, losing your temper won't help at all."

Spitting out the leaves and glaring at Princess Luna, who merely just dismissed her, Ruby responded to Apple Bloom, and did her best to keep her anger in check.

"Yes Apple Bloom…I'm okay…I just didn't see the rock that was there."

"Oh well Ah'm glad that you're okay. Well Konrad, ain't you gonna be a gentlecolt and help her up?"

"Oh Apple Bloom! You're such a good friend, and Konrad is a gentlecolt for sure."

Konrad made his way over to Ruby still holding this stuff and Apple Bloom on his back. He didn't seem particularly happy about helping her up. Maybe it was because he was tired of holding the weight on his body? Or was it because of the stress of the Blood Hooves? Whatever the case, Konrad held out his hand and Ruby held out her hoof.

Ruby could feel the warmth and comfort of his fingers and locked her eyes with his. They were just a blue from the moment she saw him up close and Ruby couldn't but help blush. And to her surprise, Konrad was actually smiling back at her!

"I knew it! He does find me attractive! So I do have a chance with him. I guess I'll just have to keep doing my best for his heart, though explaining what's going on to him is going to be tough."

Ruby was now standing on her hooves next to Konrad, and continued to look at him blushing some more. Konrad then turned to make his way back over to Princess Luna, but Ruby was not going to let her be the only one next to him. Ruby walked up to Konrad's left side and got close to him. Princess Luna saw this and pretty much copied the same thing she did.

"How many times do you have to get the message? He finds me attractive more than you!"

As if to drive that point to her, she got even closer to Konrad, and enjoyed rubbing up against him. Princess Luna did the same thing too on his right side, and rubbed up against his right arm.

"He's mine not yours, get over it!"

Ruby got even close to Konrad and so did Luna, until Konrad spoke up having difficulty at the same time.

"Uh ladies…you're…crushing me…can't breathe!"

This was something Ruby didn't want to do at all and she was rather embarrassed at causing Konrad discomfort. Backing away from Konrad to give him space she replied,

"Oh I'm so sorry Konrad! I didn't mean to do so. I was just so scared about the Blood Hooves."

"Okay, that part was a lie, but I really am sorry for squishing you. Spoiled Princess…"

"Oh don't worry Ruby, he will take protect us just like he has protected 'me'."


Ruby stopped herself from thinking such a bad thing, for it really wasn't her fault that she was chased by the Blood Hooves. Ruby would also need her help as well to end the curse and she couldn't very well accomplish that by making her a complete enemy when she wasn't really a true one to begin with.

"But still, I'm not just going to let you think you can take him just because he saved you like a knight. I swear if there's one thing I don't like about Royalty, it's their entitled attitude."

Then Apple Bloom spoke up as if she was very bored with what was taking place in front of her.

"Are we there yet?"

"No Apple Bloom, it's just a little bit ahead. Don't worry, we'll get there soon enough."

"Okay, Ah'm just a little bit tired and hungry that's all."

"Hey when we get there you can have all the pop tarts I got."

"Thank you!"

Ruby saw Apple Bloom smile, rest her head on Konrad's shoulder and hugged his back tighter than before. It was a very sweet moment that Ruby just couldn't ignore, and it was another reminder of how good Konrad was with children. Not only was he a protector, but he was a compassionate man as well, showing genuine fondness for the little filly.

"My heart for him is all his now, I just wish he could see that. Oh Konrad, you're so wonderful and what a rare treasure you are. He truly is the best thing that I have ever found with my special talent."

Ruby's anger towards Princess Luna was now gone as she just could not ignore the wonderful sight before her. Ruby smiled at Konrad care for Apple Bloom and prepared to continue walking forward to the ruins that lay ahead. That was until Apple Bloom spoke up.

"Konrad, what's that smell coming from your back? It smells weird, and funky?"

Ruby began to quietly detect where the scent was coming from. Apple Bloom said it was on Konrad's back but she could tell it was coming from another direction. Ruby was able to detect the scent coming from her…

"Oh no! What have I done?! I was in heat and that sensation I was feeling was my Marehood fondling him! Oh dear! This has never happened to me before and while I was on his back…Oh no Apple Bloom on his back!"

Ruby observed Konrad as he began to sniff the scent in question and his eyes lit up brighter than her own ghostly eyes.

"Oh great, he knows what it is too! I'm so sorry Konrad, I'm ever so sorry!"

Ruby was now becoming greatly embarrassed, but did her best to prevent the others from noticing her emotion. Konrad spoke up after a two seconds of his discovery,

"I don't know Apple Bloom, but I'm sure the ruins aren't that far way."

"At least he doesn't want to point it out. That's nice of him making sure Apple Bloom doesn't know what's really going on. He's trying to protect not just her life but her innocence as well. I…don't deserve him."

And to make matters worse, Princess Luna began to smell the air in search for the scent. The look on her face contorted to shock at first, then Princess Luna turned to Ruby giving her a shock of 'You should be ashamed of yourself'. And become ashamed Ruby did, as she could feel her face blush with embarrassment and shame looking at the ground, not able to look Konrad in the eyes.

Ruby did noticed however that Princess Luna motioned for Konrad to follow her, which he did. As Konrad made his way past Ruby, she looked up and saw Apple Bloom, who was surprisingly smiling at her while waving her left hoof. And Ruby could tell that the little filly was encouraging her to continue her pursuit of Konrad's heart.

"She still thinks I have a chance with him? I…guess I do. I'll do my best to control my urges next time, and my anger to Princess Luna. Konrad, I'm not giving up on you, not when I saw the look you gave me."

Remembering Konrad's smile towards her, she started to follow him and pressed forward. Ruby then couldn't but help look at his strange shoes and wondered if his feet were the same like the stories said they were.

"I can't believe I'm thinking about something so trivial like his feet, when there are more important things to take care of. But still…if he wants me to, I can take care of his feet, and help him relax. If he were my mate, I would certainly take care of his needs."

And Ruby continued to look at his shoes, wondering what his feet looked like. A thought popped into her head of Konrad relaxing on a couch in her imaginary home from the dream she had. Katja and Blau Streifen were playing a game of chess in front of the warm fireplace having fun while Ruby tended to Konrad's worn out feet using her hooves to massage him.

"I wish I could have a family with him, if only I wasn't dead…I only want a happy ending to this curse and I hope it will be with him."

With one final moment of her dream thought, Ruby imagined that Konrad leaned in to give her a very passionate kiss as her loving mate while her children reeled back going "EEWWW!".


Grey Hoof was standing near the party tables watching over the gathering crowd of Blood Hooves. Grey Hoof was rather proud at his accomplishments of saving Sunny Town and his fellow friends from the Plague of the Mark. All of these Blood Hooves were very unique and he remembered all of their names, their skills, and their desire to have fun. And just like that, 6 of them were no more, taken away by this Human.

"I never would have thought a myth like him would be true. I remember the stories about them as a young colt, more specifically their war like tendencies…how true that one seems to be."

And that was what Grey Hoof was really scared of, a rampaging human with unknown weapons that can destroy his friends just like that. As far as he knew, they were more powerful than magic itself. Grey Hoof had seen maybe only one or two in his entire life, and what they did caught his attention when he was much younger, but from what this human was something else. He simply only had a few stories and second hoof accounts to work with in regards of forming a plan to save Sunny Town from this human.

"And he came out of nowhere…out of nowhere. How the hay can he even exist? Leave it up to Ruby to find something to plague us, that stupid mark of hers was and still is a bad sign. After all these years, I was starting to feel a bit guilty for having to end her life, but now that she goes and bring this…human out of who nowhere to destroy Sunny Town?! This I cannot allow, and my most trusted friend Blood Clop will bring him here. And what a wonderful introduction it will be."

At this point Grey Hoof could see numerous Blood Hooves gather around the party table, with some of them confused, but mostly annoyed. He didn't blame them at all for last year's party was very exhausting as everypony had so much fun dancing and drinking Three Leaf's punch. This was something he wanted to keep and now he was going to have to ask them to put their new lives on the line to protect the Town. Grey Hoof would have done it himself if he could leave the Town, but the voice said that he and the original inhabitants needed to stay in Sunny Town to protect it.

And he couldn't agree with it more, for they were the ones who knew every single square hoof, and were in a better position to protect it. Still, he didn't like the fact that Ruby had potentially found a way to permanently end the party and all of Sunny Town. At first he didn't think much of the human when Blood Clop had first told him of Necro Hoof's fate along with his family. For the most part, he assumed that the human's carriage was the primary tool and that the human was nothing more than lucky to have stuck a cheap shot against them.

But that changed when Blood Clop returned with Ruby, who had admitted to being involved with his appearance. Not only was Ruby's involvement scary, but his weapons were a definite threat to his friends. To make matters worse, he had a Princess with him. If she escaped with him, she would no doubt bring Guards to come and torch the place. This was something he just couldn't allow.

There was a plus to all this though, if they could stop the human and the Alicorn, then they would have very powerful friends indeed. The Alicorn was really only important in stopping or preventing from escaping, but the human was something Grey Hoof was very interested in. He wanted to know why some strange weapons were more dangerous than her magic, and more importantly where he came from. There definitely had to be more of them and if any of kind came to look for him, they would no doubt be just as powerful as him and possibly bring more of his strange weapons.

Grey Hoof then turned his attention to Blood Clop and Crimson Tail as they stood in front of the crowd next to the party tables. They were supposed to be dancing right now, having fun and eating food, but this was a very urgent matter that needed to be taken care of.

"Everypony listen up!" shouted Blood Clop.

All of the Blood Hooves that were mingling around the party table became silent and turned their attention to Blood Clop. Crimson Tail walked up next to Blood Clop and nodded her head in what Grey Hoof guessed was some form of silent encouragement. As he nodded his head back to her, Grey Hoof noticed something. It was how he looked at her, and then it hit Grey Hoof why Blood Clop was looking at her that way.

"They're each other's special somepony? That didn't take long, she's only been here two years. I hope they're happy with each other, and I hope nopony else gets hurt from the human."

"You are all probably wondering why you have been awakened early, and I assure you that it is a good reason."

Several Blood Hooves snorted while other's yawned, clearly showing that they were happy being awakened. Grey Hoof could only sympathize with them, but he had no doubt they would understand the situation at hoof.

"There currently is something in the forest that threatens the peace of Sunny Town, and we will need as many hooves to stop it." Said Blood Clop.

Now the Blood Hooves were looking around at each other, confused as to what this threat could be. Most of them were already protected from the mark and they weren't afraid of it, and Ruby was only an annoyance ever since Grey Hoof started the Blood Hooves.

"And I know you are all wondering what that threat could be, and I must warn you that it is something you might find hard to believe, but you will once I, no, we will tell you about." Said Blood Clop as he motioned Crimson Tail to come closer to him.

"A human…something very little known about in reality and only known completely in fiction. A difficult and confusing foe indeed."

"Where should we begin?... Yes, first of all earlier today Crimson Tail and I were chasing Ruby through Everfree Forest."

Everypony then snorted in anger at the mention of Ruby and no doubt that they assumed that she was the threat. This was immediately dispelled when Blood Clop continued.

"No my friends, it is not Ruby who is the threat, is something far more dangerous and mysterious. Where was I? Ah yes, as we were closing in on Ruby, she used what we assume was her cursed ability to bring in outside assistance to help ruin the party."

The Blood Hooves were now starting to get angry, as it was clear their eyes were getting a much darker red, and their teeth showing more. But they had no idea what Blood Clop was going to say next, and it would completely throw them off.

"That threat came in the form of a being that was once thought of as a myth like us, but unlike the falseness of us being evil, this mythical creature that was often thought of as a powerful, intelligent, and being of goodness known as…a Human."

The entire Blood Hooves demeanor immediately changed from angry to one of shock and disbelief. Almost everypony of Sunny Town knew what humans were, as they were a very popular bedtime story for when they were nothing but colts and fillies. The stories often portrayed them as masters of technology, wielding items of great power forged from great machines, and ingenuity.

"Human; viable possibility, impressive technical potential." thought Grey Hoof.

Not only were they great inventors, but they were great warriors with the tales giving descriptions of their fierce fighting spirit and cunning ability.

"Human; viable possibility, aggression factor useful if controlled." thought Grey Hoof.

This human, as Ruby put it 'something', made Grey Hoof wonder if she meant it by another meaning. Shrugging off that ridiculous possibility, he then focused on what this human who apparently had some of the same qualities as the stories claimed. And it reminded Grey Hoof as to why he wanted the human alive.

"Yes my fellow friends, a human is here in Everfree forest somewhere lurking about in cooperation with Ruby. No doubt she will ask him for help to end the party, but that is not even the half of it!"

And that exclamation Blood Clop made them gasp, as they couldn't fathom what could possibly be worse than the fact that a myth was true. Crimson Tail stepped forward and address the group of Blood Hooves.

"Among his presence is an Alicorn Princess of Equestria!

"Alicorn: Reliance upon magic for defense and mundane tasks shows weakness. Potential limited."

"This human…prevented Necro Hoof and his family from giving her the gift, but running them over with a strange ponyless carriage!"

More Blood Hooves gasped and a few mares in the group started to sob a bit at the news of Necro Hoof and his family finally being put to rest on bad terms. The other Blood Hooves that didn't gasp, glared their eyes even darker in anger at the news of Necro Hoof and his family. Those that did gasp started to ask spontaneous questions.

"How can a carriage pull itself?"

"How big is this human?"

"How can a human be more of a threat than an Alicorn?"

As Grey Hoof was about to silence them, Blood Clop beat him to the punch so to speak.

"Friends! I will answer them as best as I can, but for now be silent!"

And be silent the Blood Hooves were as they wanted to know more about this human.

"I really would like to know more about him too, as I wonder if he has the mark…he must be shown the right path."

"The human not only controls a ponyless carriage, but has weapons of great power that neither I nor anypony knows who they work. And unfortunately, several of our own friends have been put to rest by him, both by his carriage and his weapons."

Blood Clop then motioned for several of the other Blood Hooves to bring our Scab Flank and Blood Shot's remains for everypony to observed. They were carrying their bodies out into the open and gently laid them down. The mares in the group immediately started to cry for the loss of their friends, while the Stallions were snorting in extreme anger.

"I know this hurts you my friends, but it is necessary for you to see the truth. If we don't stop the human and the Alicorn, then our entire town could be endanger and there would be more party!"

All Blood Hooves gasped at this and were frozen in fear.

"Okay Blood Clop, now give them encouragement."

"But fear not my friends for the threat is not without its weaknesses! After we performed an ambush, which unfortunately failed to catch them, were able to render not only the carriage useless, but we were able to render the Alicorn unconscious after the human crashed due to Crimson Tail's heroic actions!"

And Crimson Tail raised her head in pride at her accomplishment of causing the human's carriage to crash. Blood Clop continued,

"Not only did she cause the carriage to crash, but she survived the human's weapons!"

All of the Blood Hooves gasped not in fear, but in awe at her accomplishment at surviving the human's destructive weapons.

Crimson Tail walked forward and address the crown, speaking in a rather angry tone,

"Yes my friends, the human attacked me with one of his weapons that was no bigger than a hoof, and ironically, it blew three of my hooves off. These hooves that you see on me are not mine, but are Mitta's. After all these years, she turned on our fellow Sunny Town ponies, but letting a filly who wandered into town escape from the wonderful gift."

And go into shock again they did, which Grey Hoof was pleased that they were understanding the severity of the situation and were just as passionate about the safety of Sunny Town. But the Blood Hooves quickly turned angry at the news of Mitta's betrayal.

"How could she do that?!" asked one Blood Hoof mare in the back.

"She choose her cursed daughter over her true friends. Grey Hoof and the others did what they had to do because it was necessary, but Ruby's actions afterward are not justified, and now she is vengeful with the mark permanently corrupting her mind. Nopony wants to be cursed with the mark, but it happened long ago, and we are lucky to have made friends with Grey Hoof, for his gift of protection and happiness is all we ever need."

All of the Blood Hooves nodded in agreement as what Crimson Tail had said, and Grey Hoof couldn't be any more proud that how she made that point clear.

"Blood Clop, you chose a good Marefriend. I hope she survives the task of bringing the human here."

"Not only is the human severely limited in transportation, but his ally the Alicorn is weak and not awake. Now is the time to capture both of them and the filly out there. If we don't work hard together, then the Princess could escape and bring Guards to Sunny Town and RUIN THE PARTY!" shouted Crimson Tail at the end.

Now all of the Blood Hooves were snorting in anger at the human and Ruby, for they perceived that it was both their fault.

"And they are right about that too." Thought Grey Hoof.

Blood Clop step forward and motioned for the other Blood Hooves to take away the remains of Scab Flank and Blood Shot before they went out of control in anger.

"My friends, we will be moving out soon and search for the human and his companions on the other side of the river. There is a ruin that we will search, and if they have cut the bridge to the other side than we will made one of our own. We will have to be careful however as one of his weapons is capable of putting us to rest at a long distance. Be assured that we will bring him, the filly, and the Alicorn here and give them the gift. Now before we get our plan in order, does anypony have any questions?"

All of the ponies were silent for a good ten seconds until one stallion spoke up and asked the question,

"What is the human's name?"

This was something Grey Hoof definitely wanted to know, for if he was going to give him the gift, he wanted to know his original name before he was given a better one.

Both Blood Clop and Crimson Tail's eyes glowed a very dark red before Blood Clop answered in a very dark tone.

"Everypony…his name is Konrad Ford…and rest assured that we WILL stop him, and the others."

Crimson Tail was now standing close to Blood Clop, staring at him and nodding in agreement. Everypony was now hoof stomping in approval at Blood Clop's resolution after glowing their eyes dark red upon hearing Konrad's name.

"Konrad Ford, you cannot stop us. We are the inhabitants of Sunny Town and you cannot stop us, Konrad Ford You will become our friend, this I can tell, for we are the Harbinger of your protection."

And that was the last thought Grey Hoof had before he hoof stomped in approval of Blood Clop and Crimson Tail. This human Konrad Ford will indeed become a Blood Hoof, or in this case a Blood Hand. Grey Hoof wondered more about what Konrad would look like after he would be converted into a Blood Hand. Perhaps he would be more powerful than Grey Hoof himself, and wondered how tough his form would be compared to theirs. He concluded that he would be powerful indeed.

"Human; viable possibility, impressive genetic malleability."

Grey hoof stomped even more at the possibility of making a new and unique friend as well as saving him from the mark.


Yeah! I got out another chapter before taking my leave! Rest assured the next chapter will be up soon as...yup you guessed it, work has already been started on it. While the mares are fighting each other for their special somepony I mean man, the bad guys are a stirring up trouble. There will be action around the corner and we'll also see how the mane six are holding up. I hope you guys like this and let me know what you think. Any questions you got about the story, just send me pm and I'll respond as fast and thorough as possible. Cheers!