• Published 23rd Aug 2012
  • 1,441 Views, 7 Comments

Eyes in the Dark! - Slick Dash

Luna descovers a dark place, filled with horror and fear, can she escape and warn her sister?

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Eyes in the dark

"You're sure she's ok? You can be 100% sure?" Cadence asked, her worry obvious by her furrowed brow and redness of her lip from biting it so much.
"Yes Cadence, I'm sure." Replied Celestia soothingly. They were sat in Celestia's quarters, discussing the upcoming wedding, now that the measuring was done, all they needed was a pony to make it and Celestia was just in the process of suggesting a rather talented pony from Ponyville, when Cadence had grown morose. Worrying about her aunt Luna.

"She'll be fine dear," Celestia smiled. "It's only been one night, for all we know she may not have even gone to the forest yet, she could have stayed in Ponyville with Twilight and her friends."
"Hmmm, I guess..." Cadence replied thoughtfully, glancing out of the window, from here you could see across the land, and the scar on the landscape that was the Ever free forest was in plain sight. "I-It's just a... a bad feeling I have..." Celestia opened her mouth to suggest they contacted Twilight to check, when behind them came a flash of dark blue magic.

Celestia whipped around automatically, while Cadence yelped in surprise. It took a second to realise what they were looking at. Luna, battered, bruised and bleeding. She was swaying on the spot panting horribly, her eyes looked unfocused as though she were close to falling asleep.
"LUNA!" The two princesses both cried, running to the ruler of the night. As she reached her, Luna fell into her sisters arms. As soon as she feel her sister, Celestia knew something was wrong, she was shaking uncontrollably, her eyes darting from side to side, as though looking for something.

"Luna? Luna, please talk to me! What happened?" Luna's eyes snapped to her sister, staring madly. Clestia felt as though they were staring right through her, her pupils were tiny dots in her irises, the eyes of a pony who's known true horror. "Luna?" Celestia asked again, shaking her sister gently. "Cadence!" She snapped looking up to her niece, stood there whimpering with worry. "Get the court physician!" Cadence nodded, then made for the door, she only got a few steps away before stopping with worry for her aunt. "GO!" Celestia ordered, Cadence nodded and fled quickly.

"T-Tia!" Celstia's head snapped back to her sister. Who now raised a hoof and held onto her sister's foreleg as though it were her only lifeline! "T-Tia!" She whispered again, her voice trembling with horror.
"I'm here Luna! I'm here..." Celestia cooed, stroking her sister's ethereal mane. She bit back for a moment, then asked what she had to. "W-what happened to you? What did you find?" Luna opened her mouth to speak, but seemed to think better of it, she began to stare at a spot just behind Celestia's head, her pupils seemed to flux, as though looking at something moving in distance from her.

"L-Luna? What is"-
"THE EYES!" Luna suddenly screamed, making Celestia jump in fright. Luna clutched at her sister's leg and screamed again. "THE EYES! THEY EYES IN THE DARK! THEY WERE EVERYWHERE!" Celestia tried to get a glimpse of her sister's face, but she was clung too tightly to the pure white leg to be pried away.
"W-what 'eyes' Luna?" she asked, feeling more helpless than ever before in her life as her sister screamed beneath her with fear.
"THE eyes!" Luna whimpered, suddenly losing all volume to her voice as she looked up to her sister. Her eyes were filled with terrified tears. "Tia..." She whispered. "They're coming for us, they eyes are coming for Canterlot!"

Comments ( 4 )

Words cannot even begin to express how mind blowingly amazing this is. Honestly, you as the author should be PROUD, damn proud of what you have done here. I have seen many great stories on this site, but this has got to be just about the best. :heart:

1144762 :pinkiegasp:you really liked it that much? :pinkiesad2:thankyou, im so happy it got that kind of reaction! :pinkiehappy:

Wonderfully done! :pinkiehappy:
Very descriptive I can almost feel the atmosphere and emotions everypony felt. My only complaint is a few grammar issues and typos, but not enough to hurt the story, bravo!

This story deserves lots of attention. Its great storyline and the way it slots in with the canon storyline filling in most plot holes makes it amazing. The thrill that I got off this story was more than words can explain. The emphasis put into every detail within this word bank is incredible. You deserve lots more credit than what you are getting at the moment. I wouldn't be shocked if this surpasses the likes of 'cupcakes'. I can't put into words how great a thrill I got from my eyes assessing each word. You have made a masterpiece. More glorious than a glory hole. The suspense and build up will put anyone, brony or non brony, on the edge of their seats. This is amazing. You are amazing. You should feel amazing.

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