• Published 3rd Mar 2020
  • 944 Views, 23 Comments

Twilight.EXE: Spirits of Tartarus - Tidal Wave2

A mysterious demon possesses Twilight and 3 victims are in danger.

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Crystal Sanctuary Battle

Spike, Rainbow Dash and Cozy Glow appeared in the Crystal Sanctuary. Cozy took a look around. She really admired the scenery.

“This is the place, Spike?” Cozy asked. “It’s so beautiful! Except for the sky.” The sky was black with dark grey clouds. “So, now what?”

“The Sanctuary is stormy right now.” Spike responded. He thought for a few seconds. “Maybe we can, I don’t know, relax for a while?”

“Relax? No-no-no… I will call the Wonderbolts to this place!” Rainbow claimed.

“No way!” Spike protested. “That psycho will feel them. She can feel everything somehow...”

“Well aren’t you a smart one, Spike?” The 3 looked up and were surprised to see Twilight standing on a floating platform.

“What the!? How did you-”

“Like Spike said, I can feel everything in Equestria. And the Crystal Sanctuary is part of it as well.” Twilight said.

“I knew it!” Cozy shouted. “But I also know there’s one territory you can’t feel!”

“True. But if I kill one of you, the region will increase. And that’s exactly what i’m going to do!” The area glew as Spike and the others were separated. Cozy found herself floating in the air, facing Twilight who had blood dripping from the eyes. The demon opened its mouth revealing rows of sharp yellow teeth, and tentacles were sprouting for her back.


Cozy Glow vs. Twilight

Cozy felt fear, loads of it. But she knew that if she wanted to survive she had to fight! The Demon stretched it’s tentacles toward Cozy who quickly dodged them. Cozy began flying to the creature, dodging everything that came her way. She then ignited her horn and fired a beam of energy at the demon who flinched upon impact. The demon wrapped one its tentacles around Cozy and began choking her.

“Hehehe. This isn’t very nice and cozy is it?” The demon raised her right hoof to strike. Cozy just grinned. Her horn lit up and she was gone. “What? Where is she?”

“Right behind you.” Cozy zapped the demon, wounding it. The creature began firing lasers at the filly who kept teleporting to avoid them. “I. Hate. Your-” Cozy disappeared again and the demon looked around. “-dumb face!” Cozy shouted appearing behind the Demon. The creature quickly punched Cozy in the gut and was about to deliver the killing blow but Cozy impaled the creature in the head with her horn and fired!

The demon started falling toward a platform roaring. After it landed it grew legs like a spider and turned its head to see Rainbow Dash glaring at her.


Rainbow Dash vs. Twilight

The demon grinned and started shooting lasers from its horn. Rainbow was able to dodge easily thanks to her speed. Rainbow began punching and kicking the creature but then got her wing impaled by one of the spider legs. Rainbow screamed as the creature grabbed hold of her.


Spike vs. Twilight

Spike was on the edge of the platform. He was worried when he saw the demon grab Rainbow. Cozy Glow flew next to Spike and landed.

“Rainbow is in danger. What’re we gonna do?” Cozy asked.

“I’ll fly over there and save her!” Spike answered. “Wish me luck!” He took off toward the demon. “Let her go right now!!!” Spike yelled before breathing fire at the beast. The Twilight demon dropped Rainbow Dash who glided to safety.

The demon began to swipe at the baby dragon. Spike dodged and started flying around the creature at supersonic speeds. The demon just thrusted its hoof forward punching Spike, it opened its mouth and ate the dragon.

“Hmmm, dragon meat. Hahahaha- what the?” The demon began to say but started to feel warm. After 5 seconds, the demon caught fire, weakening it. It was at that moment that Spike burst out of its chest, shaking the blood and guts off. The creature fell in flames as Spike flew down to the platform. Rainbow and Cozy quickly ran to him.

“Spike, I’m so glad you’re okay!” Rainbow said.

“If only you saw me; I was pretty cool!” Spike replied.

“Yeah, but it isn’t safe here anymore.” Cozy Glow pointed out. “We need to get out of here!” Suddenly, a portal appeared. Rainbow and Cozy trotted toward it.

“NOOOOOO!!!” The 3 turned to see Twilight flying toward them, but when she was 6 feet away from Spike she face planted on the ground. After 2 seconds, Twilight raised her head, and her eyes were normal. “S-Spike, run!” Twilight shouted. Spike felt terrible seeing Twilight this way. A part of him wanted to help her, another said to do what she said. Spike thought for 2 seconds and made his decision.

“I’m sorry Twilight.” Spike said sadly before going in the portal. Rainbow and Cozy followed before it closed.