• Published 14th Mar 2020
  • 2,817 Views, 39 Comments

A world of wonders - Mordred Knight Of Cutie

After a rather rough start with the School of Friendship a month ago. All has been going well for the main six and their friends. Until six special students of theirs save something not of their world. A creature know as an... Arrancar.

  • ...

Though, things could have gone better...

Ch.5: Though, things could have gone better…

No plan ever, survives first contact

Today had been a good, ‘HAD’ being the word…

That’s what currently was going through the perfectly reasonable, terrified mind of a mare known as Derpy Hooves or just Derpy for short.

Oh yes, today had been for the most part nice and normal for Pegasus. Derpy, doing everything she usually did when she woke up. Which went a little like this…

Step. 1- Get out of bed and do a few stretches

Step. 2- Go to the bathroom and brush her teeth, followed by a quick shower.

Step. 3- Make her way to her adopted daughter, Dinky’s room to wake her up.

Step. 4- Help Dinky get ready for school or just for the day in general

Step. 5- Start cooking breakfast for her and Dinky

Step.6- Walk Dinky to school, before heading back to get ready for work. (Note: This step depended on the day of the week. If it’s the weekend, Step 6 does not apply)

Step. 7- Let Dinky go out and enjoy herself for the day with her friends/ Enjoy the day off herself if Step.6 is not applicable

So today, just like any other Saturday. Derpy had assumed like always, that it was going to be another normal day for her. So on this particular day, Derpy had decided to maybe get some time to spend with a certain, rather handsome stallion friend of hers that also happens to be a Doctor, with the last name of Hooves.

Not that she was totally crushing on said stallion.NO… not at all. She simply just enjoyed the Doctors friendship. Again no other reason or more for it. Not going to the fact too, that she’d been trying to get the rather obvious stallion to take the hint. That she was sexually attracted to him. Not that she also was trying to also get Dinky a father figure in her life. Since he would make QUIET the catch. Nope, not at all… oh who was Derpy thinking she was fooling.

Of course, that had been her plan, ever since Cranky and Matilda’s wedding. When she and Doc got acquainted because of that day's rather quaint insanity, partially due to her own mistakes she’ll admit. BUT… still, she wanted to get closer to Doc. She was smitten with him. He was sweet, and an gentlemen if not odd. But then again. She was odd too, but he stilled like her despite her oddness. Heck, Doc and Dinky had gotten to know each other pretty well these past years too. Since the man had offered to babysit her foal from time to time.

So it wasn’t too much of a stretch for Derpy to want to try and start a relationship with Doctor Hooves. Followed by possible marriage later on and then happily living out the rest of her days as a loving family of three. Oh, that would be the dream if the stallion wasn’t so darn oblivious. That or he was just REALLY shy about the whole relationship thing with her. Hopefully, it was not the ladder.

Still, that was today’s plan or again ‘HAD’ been today's plan. Because currently today’s plan was more dead than Princess Twilights love life. No offense to her of course. But the little jab aside. Some may be asking exactly WHY today had been ruined.


Yep. That’s what was happening. Now Ponyville was a rather well know center for monster attacks during these past years. But those were usually critters from the Everfree forest or a villain bent on world domination or some other nefarious plan. Those were the normal types of danger that Derpy and the surprisingly still sane…ish citizens of Ponyville had lived through. Always saved at the end by their town heroes.

But this time, it was different. In the most flanking horrifying way mind the language kindly. For you see, the creature attacking was that of nightmares if Derpy was going to be fully honest. Like what would come to mind as a messed up picture, if you’d asked a depressed and broken foal who just saw their family being torn to shreds by Timber Wolfs in front of their very eyes sort of messed up. If that was a correct metaphor to use currently.

For what Derpy saw ripping the head off of one of the many citizens of Ponyville like it was nothing. Was a beast that was half as large as an Ursa Minor when fully standing up. It had bright red skin, a sort of bright red that made it look like its skin had been burnt by the very sun that provided them all warmth. Its legs and arms were thin. In a very creepy manner too, as they looked like they could break at any moment. Though the body was muscular which made it look even more unsettling to those who gazed upon it. The beast sported a long messy brown mane that went down almost to its ankles. But what was the worst. Was the skull like head it had, almost mask like it way too. But the fact it had two beady yellow eyes and sharp jagged teeth proved it was the beast's face. Though it also oddly had a hole in its chest.

The beast had appeared out of thin air. Well more of a dark portal, but the result was a blood bath of gore and mindless killing. It hadn’t even been ten minutes. But Derpy swore she’d seen more death and blood than she’d ever had her whole life so far. That being said, she’d never seen any if barley until today, so let that sink in.

But now nearing ten minutes of this horrific blood bath and Derpy was currently hiding behind a food stall. Making herself as small as she could to not be seen and staying as quiet as she could to not be noticed. Which was hard enough to do, when she kept hearing the screams of sheer terror for another victim the beast got its large hands on and…


Oh dear Celestia no, another one….

Yes, Derpy quickly heard somepony being lifted off the ground, screaming and screaming as Derpy did her best to fight every instinct of hers to help. She hated this as she was forced to listen to the pleads of what she guessed was a Mare.









That Nightmare moon forsaken sound echoed once more, a sound Derpy regretfully was familiar during these few minutes. The sounds of the chewing that came after though, were worst. It was what you’d hear when someone chews bubble gum, expect more… what’s the word soft and liquid like. Over and over again, Derpy was forced to listen to the sounds of the dead Mare’s body being chewed and swallowed by the beast. The smell of iron filled her nose too.

It was funny actually. Derpy until this day, never knew what blood smelled like. Of course, she’d gotten cuts one way or another in her life. That was a normal part of growing up. But every time she’d cut herself by accident. She was quick to patch it up. Never having smelt the iron that resided in the blood. Then whoever would, most of all those she knew. Well by her guess anyways.

But again here and now. She finally learned something new about her own body, learned it from the smell of the dead that were filling the market center. Filled with the dead who had been too scared or injured in the initial attack to run away as most did. Dear Celestia, this was Tartarus wasn’t it?

That must have been it and this was her punishment for Celestia who knows why. Was because she was sin, like how the bullies back when she was but a young filly would tell her every day because of her simply different with her eyes. If it wasn’t then….why….WHY. She’d never done anything wrong in her life, she did all she could to make life better for those she loved and live her life the best she could.

So why….WHY, WHY, WHY WAS THIS HAPPENING. Why was she being forced to listen to the screams and pleads of those around being slaughtered by some nightmare come to life. Maybe…maybe that’s just it… maybe this what she only deserves…maybe she should just die…. No. NO, she couldn’t. She had people who’d miss her. She needed to get away and…..






No…. oh no…..

The beast, Derpy looked up and saw it.

Said the beast looking right down at her, with those yellow beady eyes of its. Fresh drips of blood and pieces of blood coated fur from its last victim; in its jagged teeth could be seen too. But all it did was just look at her, looked and looked. But what made Derp truly horrified of this beast. Wasn’t the appearance of it. No, it was the fact. She could see clearly… a smile.

A son of a Shadow Ponies honest to sunshine’s genuine smile. Like it was taking pleasure, raw pleasure that it was scaring her. It looked almost in glee as it licked its lips at her. Slowly moving its large right hand at her. Like a manticore that was ready to tear into its prey that was staring back at it. The hand slowly came closer to her by the second. But Derpy could only stay frozen from her genuine pure fear.

‘So this how I’m gonna die..’

That was the only thought that went through her mind. Not even thirty years old and her story was about to come to a slow, painful, bloody end. Truly someone even above the princesses must hate her. Hate her very existence for this to be her fate. A twisted reward or joke to someone who did their best to be happy in her life. Derpy could have moved, she knew that. But she also knew, her body just gave out from her fear shocking her motor functions.

Derpy could only cry in silence as she realized. She’d never see her friend's big smiles again. Never deliver another package and bring a smile to someone’s face. Never tell her dear Doc how she felt about him and worst of all…never be able to tell her little sweet daughter Dinky. How much she loves her and how much she means to her. None of that would ever happen or happen again. As death’s hand was closing in closer and closer. Mere inches away now.

Though as she closed her eyes, to not witness her nearing death; like in some way hoping that it would make this beast go away. Derpy simply wished Dinky would live a wonderful rest of her life. She knew that filly of hers was going to a wonderful mare. So as Derpy forced herself to embrace her early death. She realized seconds later. It never came.

No instead she felt a sudden warmth, a burning warmth. Slowly opening her eyes, she saw it was Princess Celestia. Standing in front of her like a guardian angel. But Derpy had, to be honest, instead of the usual Celestia, she saw from time to time on the paper, or from a distance for various different reasons. The Princess Celestia she and everyone else saw always. Was not here.

Instead, Celestia had an; Derpy dare say. Murderous look on her face, her eyes narrowed like the gaze of Griffon ready to kill for a piece of gold. She bared her teeth, like a Dimond Dog warning off intruders. To put it in more simple terms. Princess Celestia, the ruler of the Sun. The mare whose perfect smile warmed the hearts of all around, the very same mare who inspires those near her to become better ponies. Right now, looked absolutely enraged. The sun princess horn, glowing and holding the hands of the beast that had been so close to killing Derpy. Derpy could only watch in shocked silence, as Celestia was the one to finally say something.

“You….you…… VIEL MONSTER!!!”

That was all Celestia had to say, as she flung the beast back into a few stands. The thing kept its footing though, letting out another roar of blood lust. Before charging at the Sun Princess. Celestia herself, already prepped for a fight as she charged right back at the beast. Derpy being the only one who currently witness a rare event. The event of seeing just how skilled the Princess of the Sun was in combat.

It was quick as Celestia and the beast closed in inch by inch in seconds. The beast was the first to strike, as it swung its two large hands at the Sun Princess in a cage like hold to crush her. But as the hands were about to make contact, Celestia used a teleport to dodge the attack. A moment of shock, the beast looked back, seeing Celestia appear once more. But it was too slow, as Celestia tapped into that raw Earth Pony strength. Coupled with a spell that hardened her the golden slippers on her hind hoofs and with on powerful buck. Kicked the beast right in the stomach just above the hole in its chest.

Derpy who still was watching. Swore she hear just a bit of flesh and inners of the beast make a ‘SQUISHHHHH!’ sound, before it crashed against one of the homes. Which broke into rubble upon impact. A large cloud of dust poof into the air as silence followed. But Celestia wasn’t taking chances. Having a spell ready as her horn glowed once more, she semi-slowly walked closer and closer to the dissipating dust cloud. Waiting to see if she’d dealt a killing blow, as much as she regrated doing so as she abhorred killing. This was an expectation like the time a week earlier when a similar if not also very different creature attacked her and her sister. Again silence was all that followed for a few more seconds.

But the beast was smarter than it looked. Since when it took a sudden swing at Celestia. It push the dust right at Celestia as the Sun Princess took a moment to cover her eyes. That moment was when the beast swatted Celestia with its other arm as the sun princess crashed against the ground hard. Her body rolled a few times before stopping from the loss of momentum. Fighting through the pain. Celestia saw the beast charge at her and start swiping its large hands at her wildly.

Swipe after swipe Celestia barely dodged each one, as she used that pegasus magic in her to quicken herself. After the thirteenth swipe. Celestia had enough, as she dodged one more swipe, before moving under it. Then tapping now into her unicorn magic, mixed with her natural Alicorn magic. Fired a condensed beam of pure sun energy right up and under the beast's head. The beast letting out a pained howl as its bone like face started to blacken from the heat. Though the beast was also quite adaptable, as it saw Celestia had exposed herself a little with her current attack. So it took a chance and kneed Celestia in the chest pushing her back on her hooves. Though as she was about to do a counterattack. She scowled from the sudden pain from her chest, where the beast had just hit.

A second didn’t pass when Celestia felt an uneasy feeling down her spine. Before noticing the beast had now lunged at her with the only goal currently of killing her. Celestia doing what she could, summoned a shield around her as the beast landed. It wasn’t even a second later before the beast let out another roar and began beating the shield around Celestia. Each hit made the sun Princess cringe from the strain. But the beast just kept on and on with his flurry of attacks.








By the third set of hits. Celestia was starting to sweat and her shield was sporting multiple cracks at this point. One more hit and she knew she wouldn’t be able to hold the shield anymore. What was taking the others so long she wondered. Unless they got held up somehow… she hoped not. If so then she-




This time, the beast let out a louder blood curling roar. As its hand glowed an ethereal red a bit before it started to swing down once more at Celestia’s shield. Celestia herself knew this would be a life a death choice. Decided to use the rest of her magic on the front of the shield and hope it would be enough. All the while this went on, one still awe struck Derpy watched from the sidelines.

Still, as Celestia held for the inevitable hit, which was nearing inch by inch in seconds. Once she saw an impact about to make contact with the shield. She closed her eyes, hoping that everything would be okay. Though after about a few more seconds. Celestia took notice that no impact had been made. Actually the sounds of a ‘THUD’ echoed a moment later of her realization.

Opening her eyes slowly, she took notice that the beast wasn’t in front of her anymore. No, instead two beings that looked quite similar to Rudbornn stood in front of her. Back turned to her, but the sun princess could tell it was a male and female. They also sported a similar attire color scheme wise and the odd bone like pieces on them too, just like Rudbornn. Celestia was surprised that it seemed to otherworldly beings similar to her own odd guest or the Arrancar. Saved her, but a second later and both Arrancar’s looked back at her. The male smiled widely as he greeted the sun princess.

“Hola, alteza. Se trata de un- (Hello, your highness. It's an-)” The male said before his female companion rather rudely elbowed him in the ribs hard. If his sudden look of pain was any indication, all the while the female scolded the male

“ She probably doesn’t speak that gibberish Dordoni. You moronic oaf!!”

The now known Dordoni seemed to whine a bit. Rubbing his bruised side as he stared back at his female companion before responding. “ That hurt Cirucci. Por qué siempre me pegas?? (Why do you always hit me??)

“Because I feel better doing it you oaf!!!” Cirucci argued, seeming more agitated than before

Though that’s when the two began to just argue and argue right in front of a confused Celestia, alongside Derpy who watched from the side lines. Just as confused as Celestia was. To be honest, to both mares from what they could see. The two acted like an old married couple. It was cute in a way.

But as the two were arguing, Derpy at least took notice of that beast getting back up. From the ruins of yet another home that was destroyed as it crashed into it. Though also that the beast's face, the left cheek to be exact. Was caved in such a way that it kind of made Derpys skin crawl a little at how gross it looked. Despite that queasy feeling, Derpy also realized it was about to leap. Ready to kill the rather distracted trio. Which it did like a second later at blinding speeds. Derpy finally at this moment found her voice again, as she shouted towards the trio in sudden danger.


It was for naught though. As the beast was too close for Celestia, Dordoni, or Cirucci to counter attack. But just as quickly as the beast lunged at the three. Its head suddenly flew off, a small gust of wind occurring before its body crashed into the ground. Flopping around like a broken rag doll right past the trio and stopped near another home mere inches away. The head landed to the left of the trio. Before silence followed.

Utter silence followed. The kind of uneasy type to be exact after what had occurred. No one from Celestia, Derpy to the Arrancar’s had any idea what just happened. That was until they heard a ‘Click’. Looking to their left, all of them. They saw another odd male, one that Celestia knew as she addressed the man.

“R-Rudbornn. Did you…”

Rudbornn on his part. Looked at the beast's head for a moment, giving it a quick poke with his left index finger before looking back at Celestia. The others seeing this man were a bit nervous, more of Dordoni and Cirucci meeting another of their kind. One they oddly felt had much more power than they had themselves. Still, even if they had no idea why they at least were again happy to seem they weren’t alone species wise in this rather so far odd world.

Still, Rudbornn took a moment more or so, before clearing his throat to address Celestia. A bit perplexed at what he'd just done. But he did need to at least say something “I… yes I did. Strange I didn’t know I could do this. I do apologize that I took so long, but when you charged on ahead. Your sister, guards, and I were attacked by…smaller version of well. This dead thing before us.”

“Are they okay??” Celestia quickly asked back. A panic going through her, but also hating herself for being so brash even if she saved one of her dear little ponies

Thankfully for Celestia’s health and slowly growing out of control blood pressure. Rudbornn gave her reassuring nod that they were fine. Celestia herself couldn’t help but be relieved by this news. Though she suddenly remembers the two before her. She would have thanked them, but she decided to first go to her little pony still here and most likely traumatized to a horrific degree on what just happened. Getting up she ran to Derpy.

Meanwhile, the three Arrancar’s stayed where they were, silent before looking at one another. Looking, looking, and looking some more not having any idea on what to even say or ask. Thankfully at least one of them decided to say something, that being Cirucci.

“So…. Hello there, I’m Cirucci Sanderwicci. Got a name handsome?” Cirucci sweetly greeted, deciding to be a bit flirty as if there were only two males of their species here. She’d have to pick Rudbornn for a possible love interest compared to the oaf she’d been stuck with

Rudbornn himself simply stayed silent, looking at Cirucci who herself was feeling a little nervous at the silent stare down from the skull wearing man. Before said man passed right by her, holding his hand up to Dordoni. Before addressing his fellow brother in arms “Rudbornn Chelute, a pleasure to meet you.”

“Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio. Pleasure is mine fellow comrade in arms. HAHA!” Dordoni replied back kindly. Already having had a feeling he and Rudbornn were gonna be good friends. Though Cirucci quickly made her sudden irritation clear moments later

“Hey, bone head. Now you're just being damn rude here. Hey, are listening?!?!”

As Cirucci went on with her tangent towards Rudbornn or now as she called him. ‘Bone head’, said bone head deiced to ignore the annoying woman. But to address his fellow male Arrancar still “So do you remember much yourself Dordoni?”

“Hm…sorry not really my friend. Cirucci and me both woke up in a similar situation or no memories aside from knowing our names and-”

“And the name of our species. Yes the same with me as well, it’s rather concerning honestly. Not to mention frustrating.” Rudbornn cut in, sighing a bit as he was happy to be found by rather nice ponies. But also irritated that he had no memories aside from his own name and the name of what he was, but at least it seemed he wasn’t alone now. Though he already did find the female annoying “So is she always…”

“Si amigo (Yes friend), Cirucci is quite a handful already. But trust me on this. She can be quite sweet too. No hace dano que tambien sea bastante guapa (Doesn't hurt she's quite a looker too.).” Dordoni replied back smirking a little in a good manner, as he patted Rudbornn’s right shoulder letting out another hefty laugh

Rudbornn could only sigh a little at the man’s answer. He could already tell that this was going to be his life now. Annoyances and all, but again at least he wasn’t alone anymore. Still, he could only really sum up that Dordoni was a literal saint to be dealing with a woman like Cirucci their whole time here. But he kept that comment to himself, he’d rather not give the annoying woman anymore to yell about.

So as the three Arrancar were in their own little world, they soon were brought back to the reality of the situation as they heard another set of hoofs coming up. Looking to their right where the sound came from. They saw a pink Alicorn which Dordoni and Cirucci defiantly knew, being Candance who seemed in quite a hurry to catch up to them.

“Finally I….I……” Candance began to say. As she stopped to take a moment to catch her breath, before she lost her breath again seeing…well the aftermath of the beats little massacre “Oh…Oh…Oh…”

Thankfully for the Princess of Love. Someone quickly caught her attention from the horrors before her eyes. That being Celestia who had pretty much a still traumatized Derpy Hooves. Who herself was holding a free hoof Celestia offered her. The grey Pegasus holding the royal hoof like a lifeline. Still, for Candace. It was a welcomed distraction from well… the blood bath before her. Celestia addressed her niece's sudden appearance

“Cadance what…what are you doing here. Not I’m glad you’re not here but… well, I wish you didn’t have to see…”

Cadance only sighed with a shutter. Taking one more forced glance at the sight before her, dear her aunt herself. She was going to need some super extra snuggle time with her hubby once this was done. She’d known the stallion of her life had seen things like this when scouting expeditions went bad.

Well before he became a prince, but she was wondering how he seemed so normal if this was a normal sight. Either way, she looked back to her Aunt who gave her a knowing look and understood. Still, Candace decided to answer back “Well ah… y-you see. Shinning and I wanted to introduce Twilight and her friends to a very important set of friends of our own.”

“You mean those two I assume?” Celestia answered as she pointed her hoof over to where the two Arrancar Candace must have known were with the one she knew

“Huh??” Cadance asked, doing her best to avoid looking at the blood bath and to where Dordoni and Cirucci were. But was shocked when she saw Rudbornn with them “Y-Yeah that’s them. But-”

“Someone I and Luna meet just a while ago too. Tell me do they call themselves…”

“Arrancars. Yes, they do, But w-what does this mean now?” Candance answered, feeling suddenly a little uneasy at the fact it appeared she and Shinning weren’t the only ones who made new friends

Celestia simply sighed, looking at the three Arrancar’s speaking amongst themselves. Though the female looked irritated, then looked at all the blood and death that tainted the quaint town. Before finally looking down at a shivering Derpy Hooves who was still holding onto her hoof like her life depended on it and with a thousand yard stare.

Yes, Celestia already was getting a bad feeling things after today was only going to get possibly worse if the beast that was now dead before them was any indication of that. Looking back to her niece, she was about to speak. Before her ears twitched some, a sudden vibration catching her attention. Derpy for a moment out of her traumatized state of being and Candace both took notice of the sun princess's slight change in demeanor. Derpy was the one to ask the princess exactly what was wrong.

“P-P-Princess Cele-estia wha-”

Though before any more could be said by Derpy. Suddenly a loud ‘BOOM’ echoed just a bit away from the three natives and non-natives. A small dust ball in yet again a new crater could be somewhat seen. Everyone was silent for a moment. Before something or someone came out of it with a rather… interesting ‘Buddy’.

“DIE!!!” Was the voice of a woman that echoed first, before said woman leaped showing it was another rather aggressive Arrancar, aggressive because she was punching what looked to be a mini version of the dead beast; avid that it had green skin of red. But punching its face in with an irritated look

After like two more punches a loud ‘CRUNCH’ echoed, which indicated much to the ponies uneasy. That and watching the newcomer easily just killed this mini beast by caving in its skull. Followed by letting out a quick laugh of victory like she found it rather fun to do or at least she had enjoyed the fight at least. Silence filled the area once more. It was a moment or so later before this new Arrancar finally took notice of the others. Before addressing them in a rather… blunt way.

“Who the hell are you?”

Before anyone could answer. The sounds of someone else coming in from the side near this new Arrancar could be heard. Moments later a student that Celestia and Candance remembered hearing about. One of the non-natives being a Hippogriff called, Silverstream appeared. The young girl seemed out of breath and her wings even spasming a little like she’d used them in a rather frantic manner.

“A….A….Apacci…. come on just walk like-” Silverstream began to say, only to stop as her breath cut short when she gazed upon the bloodbath before her. Wide eyed in horror and looking she was bout to throw up a little. She could barely say anything to what she was seeing “W-W-W-W-What….what…..”

“Hey, hey. Let it out if you need to. Okay, sweetie?” Candace quickly said, moving over to the horrified Hippogriff and wrapping her right wing over the girl's eyes, and pulling her close to at least shield her from now on having to keep seeing the… blood bath before them. A few sniffles could be heard moments later from Silverstream. Much to the Princess of Love's pain for knowing this young girl had just witnessed something she shouldn’t even have seen on accident.

Candace then looked back at Celestia who could only sigh. Both Alicorns having a really good feeling now. That today wasn’t going to be the end of…whatever set off this attack. Then they looked at the ever growing group of Arrancar’s. The one named Apacci stared at the rest who stared back. All in silence, utter and if not somewhat awkward silence.

But yet again before anyone could speak or do anything else. A similar feeling was sensed by most of the individuals there. Aside from the traumatized Derpy and Silverstream for obvious reasons. The Arrancar’s the most affected as they looked right up at the sky. Then followed something as a second after their eyes landed near Celestia. Where yet another set of two Arrancar appeared.

These two were younger looking female Arrancar with blonde and black hair. The blonde holding Sweetie Belle, who had a semi-deep cut on her left. While the black hair one held one of Twilights Students. Ocellus was just covered in cuts on her body. Both wounded out cold as well.

But before anyone could say something, suddenly three older female Arrancar’s appeared too. Holding also, wounded. One being Twilight herself with some blood going down her face and even a slightly bent right wing. The next was Applejack with only a few cuts on her side and back legs, then the last Fluttershy. She only had what looked to be a sprained left wing and a semi-deep cut over her back.

With all the commotion, the ponies at least were in shock at the fact there seemed to be even more Arrancar’s than believed. Silverstream and Derpy though were still in their own state of shock sadly to even take notice. The younger blacked hair Arrancar though spoke up before any questions could be asked.

“A-Are you Princess Celestia?!?”

“I ah…yes I am. But-” Celestia replied back, before the black haired Arrancar once more, cut her off

“N-No time. Our f-friends got hurt. PLEASE HELP THEM. I j-j-just…”

Though as the black haired Arrancar was becoming more and more of a stuttering mess. Celestia slightly in a stern manner. Push her hoof against the girl's mouth to silence her. Thankfully that seemed to calm the black hair Arrancar down; before Celestia responded.

“I understand your panic. Believe me, I do. But I need you to calm down. The hospital is a bit away. But please I ask you and your… friends to set down the wounded with my niece and here. Go to the others of your kind for now and we’ll take care of everything.” Celestia had explained, mostly keeping in her own panic seeing the wounded with these new Arrancar’s

“Others?” The older female Arrancar looked like she could break most of the ponies in half if she wanted to. That and the one holding Applejack asked. Rightfully confused. Celestia simply pointed her left wing to whom she spoke of.

It wasn’t even seconds later before both parties of Arrancar’s noticed one another. Apacci seemed to be familiar with the newcomers as she gave them a slight wave and half smile.

Though as this occurred. Celestia looked around the area once more in disgust from all the blood. Then looked down to the traumatized Derpy, then next to Silverstream who was still shivering as Candace held her close. Then finally she looked to Candace herself. Both Aunt and Niece did not even have to say a word as they realized. Things were about to get much… much… worse. They simply hoped whatever was to come next. Wouldn’t be as bad as today.

Were they so very wrong to have ever believed that.

Things could have gone much better…

That was the sentiment amongst the group of Arrancar’s. Most having been silent so far as they simply been made to watch a day’s worth of the ponies they’d all come to find themselves around. Move the injured into the hospital that was thankfully not too full. Along with the guards taking care of the dead. Which also thankfully hadn’t been TOO bad. Still, quite a few nearing around thirteen. But at least again, it wasn’t too bad in the body count.

The total report for the rest of yesterday up until just an hour ago. Showed that most of the injured were ponies that were harmed were ones that were the closest to the beast when it started to attack. Some others were accounts of running into the Everfree forest, and simply crashing into trees or even being nearly killed by the wildlife. It was a miracle for sure that it wasn’t the case there.

Sadly and more obvious reports for dead. Showed seven stallions, five mares, and one little filly who were unlucky enough to have been either killed by the initial attack. Or by being half eaten by the beast itself for whatever reason. It wasn’t a pretty sight for even the most battle harden of the Royal Guard.

Still. Aside from the reports of those injured, those the Arrancar’s had brought in were doing much better this day. The Princess had a hoof in healing them up first, so they could help with the other injured. But despite the good news there, the group of Arrancar’s that currently sat inside the main hall of the School of Friendship. Didn’t feel quite as happy as they should have or had wanted to.

Though that might be because none of them really didn’t know what to say to one another after such an…eventful yesterday. Thankfully one of the females decided to say something finally. That one being Tier, who cleared her throat getting the other attention. Which worked as they all turned their attention to most likely the oldest of the females in the room.

“Look, I can tell we’re all a bit… uneasy. If not for what occurred yesterday. More of the fact of well… that were all the same. That said. I believe we should introduce ourselves to one another. We are at least for the time being to my belief. The only of our kind, so it’s not like we can afford to be so quiet. Am I not correct?” Tier inquired. Calmly, yet also with a slight hint of nervousness

Not that she was nervous around these others of her kind. More to the fact, she was nervous about what implications of their arrival meant for the future of this new home of theirs. Would this answer her current worries or simply create more uneasiness within herself. But if Tier was being honest, she somewhat hoped that her questions wouldn’t be answered.

Still for a few moments. No one spoke up, even Tiers girls. Seeming to be experiencing their own sudden fits of shyness. Tier sighed a little seeing this might be a bit more difficult than she’d like. Though it was the Rudbornn that finally spoke up amongst his fellow Arrancar’s.

“She is right. Like it or not we’re stuck together and that means we need to get used to each other.” Rudbornn stated as he’d only really learned of Dordoni and Cirucci’s names beforehand. Getting up from his seat and doing a quick half bow, before he addressed himself “I am Rudbornn Chelute. A pleasure to make your acquittances.”

After that, Rudbornn sat back down with silence following behind like before. It wasn’t too long before Loly now stood up, alongside Menoly. Both give each other a nod to ease the other's worry. Before they spoke up.

“Since we're doing this. Then my name is Loly Aivirrne.”

“And I Menoly Mallia. We’re both glad to meet others such as us.” Menoly finished, as she and Loly took a seat. Happy to get their introductions out of the way, it was nerve racking enough with Tier and her girls when they just arrived out of nowhere back at the clubhouse. But now to do it in front of even more again had made the two feel quite nervous

Thankfully by this point. The rest of the Arrancar’s were slowly feeling a bit more comfortable with one another. The next to go was probably the most loudest and enthusiastic out of the bunch when it came to their kind. Yes, that’s right, it was Dordoni. Who, leaped from his seat with his usual big smile.

“Hola amigos. Encantado de conocerlos a todos. Yo paso (Hello friends. Great to meet you all. I go by), Dordoni Alessandro Del Socaccio!!” Dordoni said in his rather unique language and he didn’t even mean to this time. He actually was just really excited to be around so many new Arrancar’s

“Okay, I got like half of that dude….” Loly stated with a deadpanned gaze, as some of the other females gave the man a similar deadpanned stare from the rather long introduction in a foreign language

At this point, Cirucci growled irritably. Standing up next to her oaf of an ally. She elbowed him in his right side yet again and with extra force as Dordoni gasped in pain, clutching the side Cirucci had abused yet again. Cirucci sighed as she cleared her throat to take her turn in this meet and greet ‘Idiot next to me aside. You may all address I as Cirucci Sanderwicci. Be at awe!!”

“And I already can tell. She’s a brat…” Apacci bluntly quipped. Cirucci hearing this glared daggers at the woman seconds later as Apacci smirked seeming to enjoy the reaction out of the bratty Arrancar

To quickly elevate the situation from getting psychical in the most violent of ways. Sung-Sun took her turn to say something. Making, sure her friend…girlfriend… one of those from saying any more to make things tenser again. Standing up, she quickly smiled before holding onto Apacci’s arm and happily snuggling against her dearly beloved a bit.

“And you all will know me as Cyan Sung-Sun or Sung-Sun for short. I apologize for my… others behavior. She’s a bit on the wilder side. Speaking of will you please be kind to introduce yourself to our new friends here?” Sung-Sun sweetly said, as she and Apacci looked to one another. Sung-Sun having none of it as she kept on smiling with a slightly tighter hold of the girl's arm. Apacci realized this wasn’t a request of her… love was that right word... Well anyways, Apacci knew what to do next

“Hehe…r-right…dear. I’m ah…. Emilou Apacci. Sup.”

Apacci then took notice of Mila Rose trying to hold in a snicker, alongside the brat Cirucci and the smaller blonde brat Menoly. Ignoring those two and feeling a slight flare up in anger, she sighed as she looked back seeing that Sung-Sun seemed happy with the answer. As her hold around Apacci’s arm loosened up. Apacci was just happy to not upset her special lady friend.

Meanwhile Mila Rose kept on doing what she could to hold in her laughter at seeing Apacci become whipped by Sung-Sun. It was cute she’ll admit, but SO much funnier on the other hand. The only reason she was able to calm herself, was when she felt her Lady Tier giving her a motherly stare that screamed ‘Behave and introduce yourself young lady’. Mila Rose was smart enough to get herself back under control quickly and then stand up herself now to say hello to their newly found allies. But more to the fact to upset her mother figure.

“I ah… I’m Franceska Mila Rose. That’s really all I got to say!!!”

Once a rather embarrassed Mila sat back down. Feeling some of that uneasy tension leave her systems, though only for it to be placed with embarrassment for saying her name in such a loud manner. She noticed her Lady Tier stand up last to introduce herself.

For everyone looking at her. They’d probably be a bit intimated by the woman. But for Mila even if she was embarrassed and her quote on quote ‘sisters’. Even for simply standing up to address herself. To them, Lady Tier looked like an Angel. A lovely merciful Angel. At the same time, Tier finally did the honors of concluding their little meet and greet before getting to some of the more important subject matters surrounding them as a whole.

“And I am Tier Harribel. I am grateful to meet others of our kind as well. For these past near four days, I was bit… nervous I and my girls here were the only ones.” Tier exclaimed, before sitting back down. But continued with her thoughts “That said. Since we all know one another’s names now, Maybe we should start by telling each other what we remember waking in upon this world for the time at least.”

“Yeah, that’s fair. I mean gonna be honest here, me and Loly were just lucky to be found by the kids. Glad they’re okay too, especially Sweetie Belle. Just hope she doesn’t end up with a scar. Feel bad enough I was probably the reason she got it. If only I’d been more preceptive with those annoying little pests that started attacking.” Menolyexclaimed. Bitter about the events that lead little Sweetie Belle to get hurt in the first place. Loly kindly pulled her into a quick hug

“Hey I told you, Sweetie willing did that to save your life, we can scold her later. So just chill out until then, okay?”

The others just listened to these two as they’d unintentionally voted to go first in this next part of their little group session. Though as they did, Tier at least wondered, just what their allies were talking about currently Twilight office.

What Tier didn’t realize, was that their allies were in…well a similar predicament with their own little meeting going on at the same time.

The current mood was anger and disappointment. More on disappointment th-


Okay, more anger currently than disappointment. Yeah, yeah let's go with that…

For you see. As the Arrancar’s were having their own meet and greet/ discussion amongst themselves. The others who’d come into contact with said Arrancar’s were doing the same.

For the adults had gone first, Celestia and Luna with their part of the story. Then Cadence and Shining Armor with theirs. But as it came to children, that’s when tempers started to flare. Not in anger, but more of disappointment with both gathers groups of youths and what they’d done behind everyone’s backs. being the one to bet the most… vocal with her opinion there. Rather loudly and still doing so currently. Okay, maybe it’s just anger currently…who knows.

“YOU THOUGHT IT WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA TO HIDE THOSE CREATURES WHEN YOU KNEW NOTHING ABOUT THEM!!!” Luna screamed with her royal Canterlot voice. Mostly because she was angry that they did so without taking into full consideration of the dangers. Her disappointment was of the fact, the children didn’t trust the adults around them. To be honest she knew she shouldn’t be considering her own little ‘guest’ but she wasn’t thinking clearly

The children in turn. Being the Young six of Twilights School of Friendship, including a still bandaged Ocellus and a less traumatized if not a bit out of it Silverstream. Alongside the foals of Ponyville that had been on this, also with a sill bandaged Sweetie Belle. All just let the scolding happen.

They knew nothing would get them out of trouble in this situation. Though they all agreed that Luna would make one scary mother. But as Luna ceased her little rant. Silver Spoon was the only one who was able to work up the nerve to say something at least back in their own defense.

“W-We’re sorry…b-but why are we g-getting yelled at if you did the same?” Silver Spoon with as much courage as she could muster up asked. Though immediately regrated doing so as she remembered exactly she was arguing with. She quickly tried to salvage the conversation “W-With respect I mean your majesty!!”

“Hehe. I like her, she’s got spirit.” Candace mused as she found it that rather amusing for filly to say such a thing to a princess even if it was true.

Though she’ll admit to, she was like the rest of the adults. Angry and disappointed with the children, but she didn’t think yelling at them like her Aunt Luna did, was helping with the situation. But she decided to back up her Aunt anyways. Moving closer to the children herself as she gave the lot a friendly smile.

“I’ll admit. It is a little bit hypocritical for us to be yelling at you when we did the same. But the difference between us. Is that were the adults, and we’ve dealt with possible dangerous elements before. You all could have gotten hurt, badly. Speaking of that, I think a certain group of teachers have some words to say o their students.”

With that. Candance gave a nod to Twilight who though still had a few bandages on her, alongside her friends. Gave her sister-in-law a silent thank you nod before she and her friends gave their six students unamused stares. Twilight taking the lead here “Cadance and Luna are correct. You all could have gotten yourselves hurt. If your guest weren’t as friendly as they seem so far. It could have turned out much worse. That said…”

Twilight took a moment to let her anger cool off, as she didn’t want to scream at her students. Her six unique, but also currently rather irresponsible students. She knew they were just being helpful in this situation with these ‘guests’. But she needed to make sure her students understood the severity of this choice of theirs. So taking a deep breath, she continued and did her best to ignore the rather uneasy looks of her students. She was Headmare Twilight mode now.

“Gallus, Silverstream. Sandbar, Yona. Ocellus, Smolder. I will say first we’re happy you are safe and sound. But aside from our relief. We’re all still quite disappointed in you six. Not only for the fact you harbored four potential threats. Within the school no less. Despite the fact, some outside of our school wants the place shut down and this would have given them all they needed for that. But more on the fact, you should know by now to trust us. Instead, you didn’t and I can’t say for the girls. But I have lost a little bit of my own trust in you, and you’re going to have to do quite a bit to get that trust back.”

It was silent after that, as the others who watched could see that Twilight was not enjoying being so stern with her students. Especially Silverstream considering how traumatized she seemed yesterday, even if whatever spell Princess Celestia used seemed to dampen that trama a bit. But they could also tell Twilight had to make her point. The others in Twilights group started their own turns scolding the students. But while that happened. The foals started to have their own little conversation.

“I’m kinda glad I ain’t being scolded like dat.” AppleBloom whispered to her friends, most of them giving her a slight nod of agreement. Though Rumble just had to say something, even if he didn’t mean for it to sound bad for the bow loving filly

“Well for now. I mean your big sister might later on…actually that could go for Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo here too honestly. I mean I’m sure they have something to say in private with each of you.”

As that was said, the CMC members all slumped their heads down. Realizing that their sisters probably were going to scold them later on one on one. Everyone other foal gave the colt a slight judgmental glare. Rumble realizing his mistake simply said a sheepish ‘Sorry’. But the damage was done sadly. Thanks a lot, Rumble.

“Oh girls, don’t listen to mister dummy here. I’m sure it won’t be that bad, but if they do. I know they’re doing out of a place of love.” Dinky mused though she ignored the slightly offended sounding ‘HEY!’ from Rumble as some of the others giggled from that

But as they giggled, the foals hear a stern ‘AHEM’, from Shining Armor who alongside now every other adult were giving them stern looks. The group of foals quickly shut up as Rarity this time took the lead for their own group scolding.

“Don’t think we forgot about you dearies. You’re in just as much trouble as our students are. Even more, since we’ll be having to inform most of your parents of this.” Rarity sternly exclaimed as the kids all let out a groan. But the fashionista wasn’t having it as she stomped hard and loud to keep their focus on her “Ah, ah. No groaning. This is part of your own punishment considering you all were in on this and didn’t think of telling any of us of it!”

“Oh come on!!” Button Mash now yelled, a bit irritated that he, his friends, and even older kids with them were getting punished for helping their new friends out of a bad situation beforehand. Before anyone could argue back with him, the young colt continued with his own little rant “Look we get it. We made a big mistake, but if we didn't help then. At least for me and my friends. Loly and Menoly would have…died probably. They were bleeding out really bad when we found them.”

“Lots and lots of blood….make me shiver still.” Feather Weight added in, shivering a little from the rather bloody state of being he saw with Menoly and Loly in the first time

Pipsqueak and Aura at least shivered in silence at the memories of the rather bloody sight of the two back then. They had never seen that much blood before and prayed to NEVER again see that kind of sight. By this point, Pina Colada and Sweetie Belle decided to chime in too to back up their fellow foal in arms.

Aura being the first, did her best to keep calm before speaking to the adults before her “Y-Yeah Buttons right. We know it was a bad thing to lie, b-but you all have to be honest and admit. T-That most of the adults, even you all can get a bit…”

“Panic filled, freak out-ish, and some other really accurate words for it. But seriously, we were just worried you’d freak out if we showed you them. So come on…just… just give us a break, please. We were scared enough to be found out as it is!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed, glad to have said something to hopefully help the adults see their view even if only a little

The adults all looked to one another. Seeming a bit conflicted now, well more of the fact of starting to understand the children’s point of view here. As they’d all had to admit, most ponies. Especially Pineville’s adult residents. Did have quite the tendency to come to the worst conclusions when it came to newcomers or just panic to near riots at times.

To the point only just a few months ago, many in other cities referred to Ponyville as just ‘That Tainted Place’, Of course, usual from the small mutters or groups of friends that talked. So yeah, maybe they were being a bit too hard on the kids. That and the fact they really just want to help the Arrancar’s was noble as well. Looking at one another, they all looked to Twilight to have the final say. As Ponyville was technically her domain and the older youths were HER students.

Twilight getting the message. Simply nodded back that she understood, before sighing a little to address the children. “I think we understand. That said we’ll still be informing your parents, but we’ll explain that you only were doing what you thought right. Despite our own disappointment with you all, you did do the right thing.”

“But…?” Gallus suddenly asked, as he knew there was no way they weren’t being still punished even a little for what they did

“But nothing else Gallus. For now at least, since you and your friend are our students. We’ll figure out an appropriate not as severe punishment. The rest of you won’t be getting an punishment from us, that’s up to your parents or relatives you live with to decide. Our words or not.”

Once more a series of groans echoed, but no one stopped them this time. They let the children have it as they yes did the right thing. But again, possibly could have caused trouble if their guest weren’t as friendly as they appeared to be. At least with the princess, like Candace said. They could deal with that outcome, but the kids could have been hurt or worse. Thankfully that wasn’t the case.

But as the kids though happy to not be punished, were down a little for being still in slight trouble for their actions. Starlight chimed in now to at least help with their spirits.

“Okay, we understand this isn’t fully fair to you. But if it helps, you can all go and see to our guests. Make sure they’re doing okay. Besides us, adults need to talk some more. How’s that sound?” Starlight suggested, as the big smile on the foal's faces and their own student's faces said enough. Making their way out Starlight smiled a bit seeing the kids looking better. But once they were gone she slowly lost her smile, sighed, and turned her attention back to everyone else left in the room “So. Be honest here. How are we all really feeling about these…guests?”

Yet again it got quiet. Though the rather uneasy looks on most if not all the ponies in the room was evident enough that it wasn’t too great of opinions or at least that’s what it looked like. The first one to say anything, being Pinkie Pie.

“Well… they seem nice. Like the funny mustache guy, he looks like he knows a good party when he sees one. Oh, oh wonder if they like cake if so I wonder what kind of cake. Maybe they like pie too. I should-” Pinkie Pie started to say, going from maybe just a little unsure to now full on her usual sprouting of words and love of sweets. Rainbow Dash already use to this like her friends, placed her hoof over the hyper ponies mouth

“We get it Pinkie. But I don’t know, I don’t really trust em…well most of them. I think like, the two with the kids were fine enough and the mustache one like Pinkie said. The rest, I dunno. They make my feathers twitch a bit. Like really twitch.”

“I… I kind of agree too…” Fluttershy interjected now. Shying away a little when all eyes were on her. Taking a quick deep breath she continued “I-I mean. They do seem kind of nice… a little scary. But nice, they didn’t attack the kids so that’s good…r-right?”

The others thought about that for a moment. Indeed the so called Arrancar’s hadn’t hurt the kids so there was that to help with their image. But there were still too many unknowns there, at least without talking to Arrancar’s themselves. This time it was Applejack who decided to bring up something.

“Speaking of dat. Princesses, Shinning Armor what ya’ll have to say about this. Sides from the ones with the kids. You all had two and one with ya. So….”

Celestia at least let out a heartfelt chuckle. Feeling a little silly for forgetting that tidbit, then again after a thousand years her memory at times could fail her. But she decided to answer back the earth pony first “Hehe. You are correct there Applejack. Rudbornn so far has been nothing more than gentlemen to I and my sister here. Despite his more threatening appearance. He’s a sweet one.”

“Indeed he is. Though keep in mind friends, Celestia and I may be a bit bias here because of our interactions with him, brief ones. But enough to color our own views on him. What of you Candance, Shining Armor.”

“I’ll admit myself. Me and Candace here probably have a similar bias with Dordoni and Cirucci. Not only because they were kind so far with us, even if one was more grumpy than the other. But also because they helped save Flurry Heart here from that foal napper.”

“Still can’t believe that happened. That mare is lucky she wasn’t caught by me…” Twilight in a rare slightly dark moment stated, not having been very happy with the news that she heard on the fact her niece was almost stolen away from home. She sighed, with a small apologetic smile “Sorry. I…I shouldn’t say those sort of things. I just feel bad Flurry had to go through that. I mean she won’t remember most likely. But still…”

“And we don’t blame ya for that egghead. I’d be ticked off too if someone foal napped Scootaloo.” Rainbow replied back, patting her friend on the should as the sisters of the group fully agreed with Rainbow's statement. But once more the conversation was steered back by Cadance

“That aside. Shinning is right Twilight. We can’t really say much because we already like our own two guests plenty. Just like my aunties.”

Twilight could only sigh at this. Having had a feeling those would be their answers. Not that she was mad, she just wanted to make sure these Arrancar’s wouldn’t cause mass panic if someone from Ponyville blabbered about them to travelers or if someone from the other cities discovered them somehow.

Especially if a certain stallion named Neigh Say heard about them, Celestia knows what he’d do if did. Thankfully for Twilight in her small moment of worry, she felt a wing touch her back and looked seeing Cadance smiling down at her. Then the others followed in suit in the forms of reassuring smiles. Taking a calming breather, she decided to say what the plan was for the time being.

“Okay here’s what we’ll do for now. The Arrancar’s will stay here in Ponyville for the time being here in the castle. Before any of you argue, it would be for the best. Considering Ponyville is small enough of town that most don’t pay mind to it. It should be a safe place for our guests to stay at. Still another part of the plan is to hopefully try and get these Arrancar’s to get positive rep with the citizens. So when of we do decide to introduce them to the rest of nation. We can at least have proof they’re friendly. Maybe then some of the more… traditional ponies won’t have too much to say against them. Ugh… to be honest, this is the best plan I can think of right now. But unless the rest of you don’t agree, we can always keep brainstorming.”

“Well, I say it's a good plan Twiley. Flurry will miss her new friends sure, but that doesn’t mean we can’t stop by once in a while.” Shinning Armor stated first. Knowing that his little sister was right on many of her points when it came to the Arrancar’s stay here

Candance happily chuckled in agreement with her husband, while Luna this time chimed in for her and her big sister “Shinning is right. I and my sister agree too. Though don’t be surprised if we maybe pop by more than usual here. Besides it would help mix things up for us even if for a bit.”

“At least the kids will be happy to know their friends get to stay here and new friends too. YAY, I should go get ready to bake a ‘Welcome to Ponyville!!’ cake!!” Pinkie Pie cheered in glee, already thinking up so many ideas for future parties and questions to ask the Arrancar’s

“And I can ask more about their rather exotic attire. I mean I’ll admit the color scheme is a bit dull, but heavens does it look out of this world!!” Rarity exclaimed as she’d found the Arrancar’s attire or at least what she saw when passing by them dashing and like she said; exotic. Applejack rolled her eyes, amused though too at her friend's usual priorities

“Same old Rarity hehe. But shucks, my little sis likes em so they can’t be all that bad I reckon.”

Fluttershy simply nodded with a quiet hum that she was fine with the idea too. While Rainbow Dash seemed a little more hesitant with this plan. Even if she could too for once, understand the reason behind it. Letting out a small sigh, she couldn’t help but be in agreement despite her worries “Fine…but just because they’re guests here. Doesn’t mean I ain’t gonna watch them for trouble.”

“Which none of us would blame you for Rainbow Dash. We appreciate the sentiment, still, I’m in for it to Twilight, besides like the rest of you said. They seem harmless enough.” Starlight interjected as she was sure her old teacher/ friend knew what she was doing even if this plan was more spur of the moment. Twilight always had good plans, despite some of them no going quiet liked she planned

Twilight herself. Only could smile back at the reassurances of her friends and family. Deciding to let the kids have their time with the Arrancar’s. Since she had a feeling they’d be involved quite a bit from now on with their guest. Twilight felt at ease finally after these past two days. So she would herself, for now, enjoy the time she had taken with her friends and family here. Besides with everything she and the girls had faced so far in these past years minus the beast and those smaller beasts. Which were probably the only ones of their kind so no worrying there. But for real, even if something did occur because of their new guest…




What in Equestria’s name, couldn’t they handle by this point in their lives?

Author's Note:

I AM ALIVE!!!, no for real though sorry about this late chapter. I was quite busy these past months for one and two I also was focused on my other fics. But I do hope you enjoy this chapter, I did when writing it. Even if I'm not as happy with the end results with some parts of this chapter. Hopefully, this doesn't seem too rushed, because it wasn't intended to be so. It just kind of came to this sort of conclusion by the time I got done writing. Still, I do again hope you enjoy this chapter.

That aside. If you have any advice or suggestion. You can always PM me and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Anyways until the next chapter. Have good days ahead everyone, I wish you all the best!!! :raritystarry:

P.S: If you're curious about how some things happened in this chapter. You probably know what I'm talking about. But I left it as a mystery for the moment. Later chapters will explain more on that. Anyways again. I wish you all the best days ahead!!

Comments ( 4 )

The story is looking good from a storyline point, but I think you need a proofreader to go over this chapter. There were many spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors. Just as an example I think you only spelled Cadance' s name correctly twice in this entire chapter.

Ah okay, thanks for the heads up. Hope you enjoy the chapters to come.:pinkiehappy:

long time, glad to know this story in not dead

And I am glad to please! :raritystarry:
Sorry about that though. Just lots of IRL stuff.

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