• Published 15th Mar 2020
  • 4,249 Views, 37 Comments

A hero for fun. - Georgdoza

I am dressed as Saitama gets pulled into Equestira

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(23) the Which Queen

I keep going down into the sewers deeper and deeper to find the Hostages and Tastumaski is following behind me with her psychic and she is actually keeping up which, is quite good because, I am going quite fast with my hands as I dig through the concrete to find deeper. I am worrying how Fluttershy is doing down their because, it is all dark and smelly and she must be scared because, while the others can do things with there powers Fluttershy can only talk to animals which can only help if their are rats in the sewers and there are rats but, what help is that to be able to talk to rats after all no offense to her I still like her because she is pretty and cute.

And as I dig I am suddenly digging through nothing because, we have finally arrived outside the tunnel and it is an open room with water coming down from the sides and around is a ring of a platform to walk and the water is watering into the middle and going down to lower where it is even smeeller than before because, this is the central pool it seems and that only can mean that we are closer to the bottom what can I say my father works in the sewers so I know a little bit of it because, of what he has said. That will mean that we are close to the boss and the Hostages. I wonder how it is not the same as the manga because, their is no Orochi here and their is only some other king I forgot his name when I interrogated the monster I think it was Hungrizzard but that is probably true because, I am a hero now and I know things.
Is cool that Tatsumaki is with me. I have always liked her as a hero but though, my favorite is still Metal bat but, she is cool too and she is quite hot if I must say because, of how she is but, also I think her sister Fubuki is hotter because Fubuki has quite big
I am suddenly interrupted when their is a rumbling from below that is not me and it feels like something is moving in the tunnel and I am not knowing what it is but it is getting closer to us Tatsumaki floats behind me with her arms up so that she can use her psychic if she can.

“Get ready their is a something coming” I said.

“I know I can fell it is big” Tatsumaki replied.

From one of the other side of the sewer central pool from another entrance. Suddenly their is a big black bear on the other side and it has seven eyes and it is ready to fight. It never speak but, instead it was opening its mouth and from it is a big ball and it is blue. It fires it out and it breaks the falling water and it breaks the railing to us and then it is at us but, it doesn’t touch because, Tatsukami had stopped it with her psychic and I don’t even kneed to do anything but, it probably wouldn’t even hurt me because, I have the powers of Saitama.

The Big Bear looks surprise but, it tries again and the second ball hit the first ball but, Tatsumaki still holds it there and does nothing I wonder what she has planned for the big balls.

And she release the balls back at the big bear and it hits the bear in the face and it explodes and the bear is knocked to the side but, it is not over and it gets back up and it tries to run at us now instead of firing more balls it probably thinks their is not more point to do it again so it runs at us. I am ready to finish it in one punch but, Tatsumaki uses her psychic first so she can reach it first and it stops and she lifts it up in her psychic and when the Big Bear is floating she twisted it in from the middle and the bears body is turned around on the upper half and it is backwards now and their is no more sound coming from it. But, it is not enough for Tatsumaki and she rolls the bear body up into like when you keep a flore mat and she leaves it in the corner. That was easy.

“Good job I tell her”.

“Yes it was easy” Tatsumaki says.

“Now we should move on to find the Hostages” I replied.

“Yes” she agreed and we go from where Big Bear came from.

We continue to walk and it is boring because, their is no monster around and is just me and Tatsumaki but, it is nice to be with her because, she is hot and she is powerful to keep safe also then, I remember Fluttershy and I cannot keep eyeing Tastumaki because, I like Fluttershy and she is so pretty and cute I cannot abundan her because, they are Hostages below if their is still below to go that is we are quite deep already and maybe we can already be near the bottom and Fluttershy and Sweaty belle are close and all the other Hostages that the monsters have captured.

“Stop” a woman’s voice say and is from ahead.

Their is another monster now. It is a woman with a lower half of a spider and she has only a bra to cover her top and she looks quite sexy then, I stop again, I must think of Fluttershy not other womens. She has scorpion hairs that look like it can pierce. And she is blocking us our path.

“I am witch queen and I was hunted long ago but, now I hunt other humans because, I have gained into a Monster” she said. “You will not go to King Hungrizzard from here”

“We will defeat you easily” I replied.

“Yes we will” Tatsumaki said.

Witch Queen attacked first with her spider legs to move closer and she has a spear which she uses. She speared me and nothing happened. Instead her spear broke off and intwo.

“What how did you do that” Witch queen said.

She try to use her scorpion stinger hair but, I am easily avoiding it and I am below her now. She is surprise and Tatsumaki is also surprise that I can move so fast for someone who is Bald, likely. I punch up and her spider body is blown apart with the legs flying away and her woman top half is flying also and it lands behind me. She is still alive. Somehow

She tries to crawl away but, Tatsumaki floats before her. And she stops.

“I can sense is my sister in here you have interacted with her where eis she? I didn’t know she is also here like some other heroes. Why are we waking up in here?” Tatsumaki asked.

“I will not talk to you” Witch Queen says.

“I will punch you again to kill” I replied.

“Ok I will talk” she agrees.

“What have you done with my Sistet?” Tatsumaki asks.

“I have only tortured her I haven’t done anything else” Witch Queen answered. “She is with the Hostages now she cannot use her powers because, King Hungrizzard has some thing to stop powers”

“Why are we waked up here?” Tatsumaki asked.

“I don’t know why” Witch Queen replied. “The king also doesnot know he has Monsters that have also waked up here I don’t know why don’t kill me I am already defeated you can leave me”

Tatsumaki I know with no surprise picks her up in her psychic and she lifts her. Then she move her hands to both sides and Witch Queen is ripped in half and their is green blood and guts flying in the sewers and she is now dead.

“Good riddance” Tatsumaki said.

“Yes one Monster less to not worry we must go find the Hostages” I replied.

Author's Note:

I hjaven't draw the witch queen and big bear yet but, maybe someone can help me draw them? It would be nice if someone can do art for me