• Published 16th Mar 2020
  • 663 Views, 4 Comments

I'm a loser - SC14

Sweetie is on top of the world. All sort of fans, attention and money. But, even with everything she has one orange pegasus won't leave her mind.

  • ...

Without her

Sweetie Belle trudged through the streets of Fillydelphia. It had been a rather long week for the pop star. Not that her career was falling apart or anything rather, somepony had snuck their way back into her mind, a pony that Sweetie had not seen in years a childhood friend that turned out to be a vital part of her biggest regret.

Scootaloo. Why didn't she just tell her? Even if Scootaloo didn't return her feelings it still would have been better than not telling her at all. Sweetie had these thoughts before but never had her childhood crush comeback this hard. She sighed if she had just confessed to Scootaloo before she left to join The three idols none of this would be happening. She had been hiding her crush on Scootaloo since the fourth grade and to her knowledge, only Rarity knew even though she was pretty sure Cheerliee had figured her out. Another part of her regret was that she never told Apple Bloom, She was Sweetie's best friend how could she just not tell her? Sweetie only had one answer for her questions Stupid kid.

She looked at the ground and let out another sigh. Even if she wanted to blame her younger self for all of the pain this situation was causing her she knew that she has had every opportunity to find Scootaloo and tell her. She could mail her backstage passes or she could just go find her it wouldn't be that hard. She knew that if the chance to confess her feelings presented itself she would take it in a heartbeat even if it meant throwing away her dreams in the process. While that might sound extreme Sweetie Bell couldn't help it she just felt like a loser without Scootaloo.

"Maybe I should talk to someone" Sweetie muttered. At this point, she just wanted to get everything off her chest to anyone that would listen and give her guidance of some kind. Anything would help at this point.

Sweetie decided that she had to talk to someone about her feelings. And she couldn't think of anyone better in Fillydelphia than Minuette, She was a good listener and was smart about these types of things. She took a right down the street that led to Minuettes fabulous dentistry. Sweetie knew that Minuette was still probably there cleaning up shop.

Sweetie shakily raised her hoof and knocked on the door causing the small Closed sigh to clatter against the glass door. She saw Minuette come into view and smile at her. Sweetie offered a weak smile to the blue mare.

"Sweetie Belle! Its been so long!" Minuette said as she opened the door for the white unicorn. Sweetie simply smiled and gave her a nod as she walked into the dentistry. "What brings you here so late?" Minuette questioned. Sweetie took a seat on one of the chairs in the lobby.

"I-I just wanted to talk to you" Sweetie Stammered. Truth be told she was still pretty embarrassed to talk about her feeling towards the orange pegasus.

Minuette raised her eyebrow. "About what?" She inquired. Sweetie knew that she shouldn't take to long Minuette wanted to get home and sleep too.

"W-Well I-I just... I don't know!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed. She hadn't been in this situation before considering Rarity had figured out about her little crush by reading her diary while she was at school, which Sweetie still held against her.

"Are you alright sweetie?" Minuette said as she took a seat beside the white unicorn. Sweetie knew that she shouldn't beat around the bush.

"I-I wanted to talk to you about love," Sweetie said sadly. She knew that Minuette was pretty experienced when it came to love even if it didn't seem like it.

"Oh?" Minuette said, Suprised. "What seems to be troubling you?" She asked caringly. Sweetie sat there for a second trying to formulate a good answer.

"D-Do you remember my friend Scootaloo?" Sweetie asked. She wasn't looking at Minuette but she just knew that she was smirking.

"Of course I do Sweetie," Minuette said. Sweetie knew that Minuette could tell what she was about to say but, it helped if she said it herself.

"W-Well I kind of like her" Sweetie said trying to hold back tears. She wasn't sure why she wanted to cry but, she did.

"What's wrong with that?" Minuette questioned. Sweetie Belle didn't want to tell her as she feared that she might start crying. But, she knew that she had to tell her the problem she was facing.

"W-Well I have liked her since the fourth grade" Sweetie stammered. She considered it a miracle that she didn't break down right then.

"Its never too late," Minuette said simply. Sweetie Belle didn't lookup.

"Yes, it is. She probably has forgotten about me" Sweetie said. She couldn't hold it back anymore and started crying. She felt Minuett wrap her hoof around her back. Sweetie felt a hoof slide under her chin and bring her to make eye contact with the blue mare.

"Its never too late Sweetie. Just go find her and do it" Minuette said in a surprisingly Serious tone. "There is no way Scootaloo could ever forget you," She said offering a small smile. Sweetie sniffled and gave Minuette a small smile.

"T-Thank you," Sweetie said past her tears. Sweetie suddenly felt something exhaustion, She had been out and about all-day and recording songs along the way. She fought as hard as she could to stay awake but in the end, she couldn't win, and she slowly drifted off to sleep.

Sweetie slowly opened her eyes and nearly jumped out of her chair as she realized where she was. She had fallen asleep in Minuette's shop! She noticed a laughing Minuette out of the corner of her eye. Sweetie looked at her and offered a sheepish grin.

"Sorry," Sweetie said trying to hide her embarrassment. This elicited a chuckle from Minuette.

"You slept the entire night here," Minuette said with a goofy grin. 'I knew that!' Sweetie thought she looked back at Minuette. "Do you remember what I told you last night?" Minuette asked.

Sweetie nodded. Minuette raised her eyebrow as if telling Sweetie to prove it. "You told me to go find Scootaloo and tell her how I feel," Sweetie said still unsure about the advice she had been given.

"And that's exactly what I want you to go and do" Minuette commanded softly. Sweetie looked at her with a confused look.

"And how do you propose I do that" Sweetie Belle said in an uncertain tone. Does she know something I don't?' Sweetie thought. Judging by the look Minuette was giving her, She definitely knew something.

"Just walk around. Love is closer than you think" Minuette said with a wink. Sweetie wanted to question but, she figured it was best to just forget about it.

"Ok Thanks, Minuette!" Sweetie said as she walked to the exit of the dentistry. Minuette followed her and flipped the sign to open as Sweetie left the establishment.

"Anytime Sweetie!" Minuette called out as Sweetie walked away from the blue mare. Sweetie didn't know where she was going but, she figured she should just take Minuette's advice and just wander around until she either found Scootaloo or just got bored.

As Sweetie rounded the corner she ran into somepony. She took a few steps back before saying. "I'm sorry!" She extended her hoof before looking down. She was shocked at who she saw. "S-Scootaloo?" She said, Bewildered. Scootaloo looked up at Sweetie Belle, her eyes widening as she saw the unicorn she thought she would never see again.

"Sweetie Belle!" Scootaloo practically shouted. Sweetie smiled down at Scootaloo. 'I guess Minuette was right' Sweetie said, internally laughing at the funny situation.

"It's been a while Scoots," Sweetie said as she helped the orange pegasus off the ground. Scootaloo smiled and nodded. "So... Uh do you maybe want to go to lunch? And catch up a little" Sweetie asked hopefully.

Scootaloo chuckled. "I would love to Sweetie," She said with a big smile on her face. They sat there staring at each other for a moment. "Well, you know all the good places around here," Scootaloo said with a laugh.

"Oh uh right. There is a really good place just around the corner" Sweetie said. She was struggling to talk, Just like she always had when she was around Scootaloo. It was her biggest obstacle when it came to hiding her feelings from well pretty much everypony.

"Lead the way," Scootaloo said. Sweetie nodded and started to make her way towards Haystacks with Scootaloo following close behind. They walked in silence to the sandwich shop.

"Here we are!" Sweetie exclaimed. She opened the door and signaled for Scootaloo to walk through. Scootaloo nodded and walked in with Sweetie following her.

"Welcome to haystacks," The host said with a smile. "Right this way," She said cheerfully.

"Could you seat us in the back please?" Sweetie asked politely. She mare nodded and continued to walk into the restaurant. Sweetie could see Scootaloo raise her eyebrow out of her peripheral vision. She shook her head. It was best if she was secluded it would draw less attention if Scootaloo were to reject. 'Quit thinking like that!' Sweetie mentally scolded herself. She knew that having negative thoughts would not help her confess her feelings.

The mare stopped at a table in the back corner and set down the menus and offered another friendly smile. "My name is White Diamond. If you need anything just holler!" The yellow mare said before turning to walk off. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle took the seat opposite of one other.

They sat there in silence before Sweetie Belle decided it was time. "S-Scootaloo" She stammered. She couldn't bring herself to say it just yet. Scootaloo gave her a suspicious look.

"Yeah?" Scootaloo asked with a raised eyebrow. Sweetie looked down to gather her bearings before she spoke again.

"There is something I need to tell you. Something I should have told you years ago" Sweetie said, trying to buy time to get herself together. She looked up to see Scootaloo giving her a motion to continue. "W-Well I uh... Why is this so hard" Sweetie Mumbled to herself. She looked up to see Scootaloo giving her a confused but impatient look. "I-I love you," She said looking down she didn't want to see the look Scootaloo was giving her.

"R-Really?" Scootaloo said, shocked. Sweetie finally lifted her head to make eye contact. To prevent herself from crying in public she just nodded at Scootaloo. "Sweetie I" Scootaloo stammered. She didn't know what to say either. "Sweetie I love you too!" Scootaloo finally blurted out. Sweetie's head shot up to look at Scootaloo.

"R-Really?" Sweetie questioned. At this point, she was just hoping that this wasn't some kind of dream or a very mean prank.

"Yes! I never thought I would get the chance to tell you!" Scootaloo said sounding like she was on the verge of tears. Sweetie practically jumped over the table to hug Scootaloo.

"I did too!" Sweetie said, burying her face into Scootaloo's mane.

Sweetie Belle pulled her head out of Scootaloo's mane and closed the distance between their lips, not caring who saw. Because all that mattered was the untold love story that was finally unfolding.

Author's Note:

Well, this was fun. Should I have worked on Running With the wind? or Hopeful? Or any of the other 6 stories that I haven't published? Probably but, It was a cute little idea I got while listening to Loser of the year by Simple Plan and also probably got some inspiration from Magic which is stuck in my head. And I just felt like I needed a Scootabelle story even if it has been hinted at in one or two of my stories. Overall I think it is a nice little one-shot, better than SOS:raritywink: (But still horribly cliche :twilightblush:).
I would love to hear your thoughts on this!
Thank you for reading!

Comments ( 4 )

That was a little fast, too much stuff happening for 2k words. And the lack of punctuation marks makes this story kinda hard to read. Maybe get an editor for that? Even MS Word spell check can fix most of it.
Other than that, a good ship. Keep going!

Thank you, friend.

It was a good idea/premise, but just as it was said before - it felt rushed. It's hard to invest in characters and a storyline if everything just whips by. Some ideas how that might be remedied: Show Sweeties life. One or two scenes as an introduction. They don't have to be huge, just let us see what her daily life looks like. Have her go on stage and be awesome, but once the spotlight shuts down, she becomes miserable thinking about past mistakes - something like that.
Once she decides: Okay, I can't go on like this... show a little more introspection. Her thought process that ultimately leads her to Minuette. Why her? Do these two have a history? How do they know each other? Why does she confide in her?
Sweetie falling asleep there was... a really weird transition, I have to say. A little jarring. Imagine yourself falling asleep in a chair. Don't mind the rest of the situation - just falling asleep in a chair and sleeping there for an entire night. You'd be groggy as hell the next morning, wouldn't you? And again, a little more introspection: Why didn't Minuette wake her up?
Why was Scoots there? Obviously, an explanation doesn't have to be given - it could just be a coincidence. But even a single sentence or paragraph about her visiting friends in the neighborhood or something like that would do wonders.
Which brings us to the final scene, the restaurant. At this point, you've (somewhat) established Sweetie Belle being lonely/desperate, so her confessing and immediately jumping into a kiss might work, buuut - Scoots immediately going for it could use some explanation as well. Again, maybe a little introspection, thought processes, maybe a flashback scene or something. Ain't necessary, but would certainly help.

There's a couple of minor spelling mistakes here and there, but they aren't as jarring as the stories pace.

I hope this doesn't discourage you. As I initially said - it's a good idea. It has potential.
I hope this comment might be somewhat useful.

Thanks, and I'm glad you commented. You pointed out some flaws in the story (I seem to struggle to pick flaws out of my own stories). I probably should go back and fix this story up a little bit. And no you didnt discourage me, I know I'm not a great writer as I'm still working my way up. Again, thanks for the comment and the insight!

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