• Published 17th Mar 2020
  • 1,687 Views, 215 Comments

Trot Buddies! - shortskirtsandexplosions

After Spring Break ended with their cruise ship crashing, Flash Sentry and Trixie Lulamoon become unwitting "trot buddies" for the journey back home through the Equestrian portals.

  • ...

Trot Buddies

Alright, so this is the plan!” Sunset Shimmer paced before a tall cylindrical mirror. Its surface resembled a rippling blue pond that reflected a distorted version of the mare whenever she passed close by. “Remain with your trot buddies! You'll be entering through the gate two at once! This will save time and make it so that you're not alone when you arrive on the other end! Once there, please—we kindly ask that you don't run off! Yes, we know that you wish to call your superiors or run to your loved ones, but we need to assemble on the other side and make sure everyone's crossed over before we can disperse! This is for everyone's safety! The portral is perfectly safe, but this is still a lot of people to transport all at once and we need to check thoroughly for every precaution! Now, you've made it this far. You've been immeasurably patient and cooperative. I kindly ask that you all take two more steps for me and then it will all be over!”

Trixie leaned towards Flash as the two stood at the back of the crowd, observing the speech.

“You really think this is all safe?” Trixie hissed. “Or perhaps she's downplaying it so as to diffuse our fears of being ripped apart between dimensions?”

Flash squinted. “Who's afraid of being ripped apart between dimensions? We came to Equestria no problem. Why should this be any different?”

“I mean, it's a magic mirror. An Equestrian magic mirror. How do we know it's one hundred percent mishap-free?”

“Are you expecting a mishap?”

“Oh! No! Trixie isn't!”

“Then what's the problem?”

Trixie huffed. “Just that—when Trixie is performing magic—she checks everything more than twice!” She huffed again. “Trixie knows that this isn't a magic act, but still.”

Flash chuckled. “Why are you acting so fussy all of a sudden?”

Trixie gave no reply. She was holding her breath tight—so tight that her blue cheeks puffed noticeably.

Flash shrugged it off, looking back at Sunset giving her speech.

...the sensation of passing through may be a bit alarming, but it'll be no different than how it felt to arrive here. That's a promise—from experience! At least you will be prepared this time! Just ride the turbulence out, and you should arrive on the other side of the mirror in less than ten seconds! Easy Peasy!”

The crowd murmured and stomped their hooves in enthusiastic approval.

Sunset Shimmer smiled. “Thank you for being so agreeable. This is—without a doubt—the best group of people I've ever had the pleasure of working with. It's all of you who made this worthwhile... two hundred and twenty-two of the bravest souls either dimensions have ever had the honor of hosting. I would also like to thank Her Majesty, Princess Twilight Sparkle, for making this last step possible.

The alicorn in question stepped up, flapped her wings, and hovered majestically above the crowd.

“I won't keep you long. Just know that I too am proud, and I personally see you all as honorable Equestrian citizens in my eyes. On behalf of this land, I thank you for your polite conduct, good faith, and inspiring companionship.” A wink, and she gestured a hoof dramatically to the portal. “Now... get the heck out of my Castle before I kick you out!”

The crowd chuckled good-naturedly, loosening up even more. The air of the room was remarkably relaxed and calm for the final step ahead of everyone.

“Rainbow Dash! Twilight!” Sunset called to the two ponies standing beside her. “You've been instrumental in all of this. I have one last request for you two.” She pointed at the portal. “May you please go through first and keep a count on the group arriving through in pairs after you?”

“Aye, Cap'n!” Rainbow saluted, hovering in place with a courageous smirk. “Let's sign the dotted line on this whole mess!”

“I'm right behind you, Rainbow Dash!” Twilight said, glasses rattling as she nodded.

“Very well. Get a move-on, you two.” Sunset said. As the two casually stepped through the portal—vanishing harmlessly beyond—she turned to face the crowd. “Alright! Two by two! Wait thirty seconds after the last pair... then go!” She pointed at two ponies standing nearest to the portal. “Bulk Biceps! Miss Hooves! You're up first!”



Flash took a shuddering breath as the crowd funneled towards the portal. “Can't believe it's all over.”

“It's only been two days, sap-sack.”

“Yeah. But somehow it feels almost like a month.”

“... … ...Trixie agrees that you're not wrong.”

“First thing I'm gonna do is call my folks,” Flash said. “I mean—if supposedly our clothes rematerialize along with our bodies, then shouldn't the stuff we had in our pockets as well?”

“Trixie would hope so. She's not prepared to bare all before the crowd!”

Flash chuckled. “I won't look. I promise.”

“Somehow, Trixie believes you.”

Flash decided to shrug that off.

“So... after Trixie goes home and takes her shower... and sap-sack calls his family... after all that...” Trixie toed at the ground. “... … ...maybe... sometime... someday... one of us could call the other?”

Flash glanced at her.

Just to touch base with one another, since there's hardly been any time to do anything else...”

“...besides get attacked by manticores.”

“And enslaved by diamond dogs.”

“And saved by Sunset and Bulk Biceps.”

“And hidden by stupid shrubbery.”

“And sequestered inside a magic castle.”

“And forced to eat peanut butter treats.”

Flash snorted—the first to break. “You weren't forced to eat peanut butter treats.” He smirked. “I'm pretty sure you chose to do that on your own volition.”

“Trixie never would have done so if Trixie hadn't been so sorely tempted!”

“And what about all that photo-albuming with pretty eyes? Was that just another temptation?”

“... … …”

Flash sighed, looking up at the portal as more pairs marched through, diminishing the crowd. “I'd be happy to exchange phone numbers so we can catch up, Trixie.”

“It's just the right thing to do,” Trixie muttered. “Being trot buddies and all.”

“Even if we won't be having hooves? Or trotting?”

“So? It's helped Trixie out so far.”

Flash glanced at her, eyebrow raised.

“Wh-what Trixie means is...” She cleared her throat. “It's helped us out so far.”

Flash nodded. “No argument from me.”

“Soooooooooo...” Trixie's ears folded back as she lowered her body like a pensive cat. “...trot buddies?” she squeaked.

Flash nodded with a warm breath. “Trot buddies.”

Trixie giggled, returning upright with the tiniest of hops. “Trot buddies!”

Flash looked back towards the portal. He murmured low under his breath: “God help me.”