• Published 22nd Mar 2020
  • 353 Views, 5 Comments

My Little Pony: Achievement Hunter: The Musical - Fanfic27

Ponies parodies the greatest musical of all time

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Prologue/What Are We Doing Twilight?

Author's Note:

Yes, I rushed the intro, because I want to get to the main story already. Side note Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are in eighth grade in my story so they are a little order than in the cartoon. If your wondering, yes they have their cutie marks.

So listen I suck at setting up a story so I decided to skip the boring part and get to the more fun and entertaining part of the story, so I apologize to anyone expecting a complicated and complex intro, deal with it.

I already have the outline for the rest of this story so no need to wait a while for the next chapter, as new chapters will be released weekly.

So hopefully this story does well so I can start prepping my ideas for another story that I want to do.

My idea for my other story if this does well. Remaking Rooster Teeth Animated Adventures, but with characters from MLP

It was a normal day in Ponyville, the sun was shinning bright, and the ponies who live there were going about their day, but for ten ponies and one dragon this complete normal day will turn into the greatest adventure that they've ever been on.

The Mane Six along with Starlight and the CMC were hanging out around the Crystal Map inside the Castle of Friendship, when all of a sudden a magical book appeared before them and sucked them into it.

Then they appeared in the a center of a forest that is opened up so you can see the sky, clouds, and the bright shinning sun.

"Is everypony ok."Twilight asked to her friends

"Yes." everpony else and dragon answered

"Um, Twilight where are we?" Rainbow Dash asked

"It appears we where sucked inside the book." Twilight said

"Well, why are we here?" Starlight asked as she looks at her surroundings.

"I can answer that." a male voice said

"Who said that." Starlight asked while looking around her surroundings, not seeing anyone around. "Did you girls hear that."

"Hear what?" Applejack asked Starlight

"That voice." Starlight said

"What voice?" Twilight asked her student

"We didn't hear anything darling." Rarity said as she went back to talking with her friends

"Great I'm hearing things now." Starlight said to herself

"Your not hearing things, I'm talking just to you directly right now." the male voice said once again

"I think I'm going crazy." Starlight said

"Your not going crazy, I'm the Narrator and if your wondering where I am, I'm everywhere, I have no physical form, but I can make one if I wanted too." the Narrator said

"Then way don't you?" Starlight asked

"Because I like being a disembody voice, it's more fun this way." the Narrator said

"Oh, then if you don't mind could you please make yourself know to my friends?" Starlight asked politely

"Sure, but to be honesty I think your cute when you have no idea what's going on." The Narrator said teasing her.

Starlight, blushing at the comment said "Thanks."

"But, yes I will make sure every one of your friends can hear me, give me a second." The Narrator said

It was quite for a few seconds before the Narrator said out loud so Starlight and her friends could hear him.

"Hello, everypony." the Narrator said to everyone around him.

"Oh my." Rarity said

"Starlight wasn't crazy after all." Rainbow dash said

"Thank You." Starlight said with a smile, then realized what Rainbow said "Hey!"

Hello everyone let me introduce my self I'm The Narrator and I oversee the creation of all books, from beginning to end.

"Wow your like a God?" Pinkie Pie said "Could you make me a book made out of cupcakes!" Pinkie Pie said with a wide smile on her face.

"Maybe later, but your probably all wondering way I trapped you inside this book. You see being trapped inside book for over two thousands years, gets a bit boring at times." The Narrator said

"TWO THOUSANDS!" Everypony plus Spike screamed

"Yes, I was friends with Princess Celestia's and Luna's parents when they were just little foals, before they grew up and married and eventually had the two princess sister you all know and love." The Narrator said

"Really!" Twilight said excitingly

"Really, but I won't be answering who they were or what happened to them, for that is a secret for you ponies to discover on your own, but anyway I thought by taking you inside one of my many magical; books it would provided me with some entertainment." The Narrator explained "So I need you to do something for me before I send you back to your world."

"Ok, what do we need to do to leave?" Twilight asked

"The only way your getting out is by performing a musical of my choosing." The Narrator said

"Oh which musical, The Count of Monte Crisco or how about Hamlet." Twilight said excitedly

The Narrator then said "None of those the musical."

"Oh." Twilight said "Which one?"

"The one that i have in mind combines all different types of music rock, hip hop, rap, country, metal, and others." The Narrator said

"What is it called?" Rarity asked generally curious about this musical that he was talking about.

"It's called Achievement Hunter: The Musical." The Narrator said with a happy tone to it's voice

"Huh?" Starlight asked

"Excuse me?" Rarity said almost live she was offended

"What in Equestria did he say?" Applejack said

"YAY!" said the CMC " Cutie Marks Crusaders Musicians!"

Then Apple Bloom realized something "Wait a minute girls, don't we already have our cutie marks?"

"Yeah, but that just makes this experience even better." Sweetie Belle said

"I agree." Scootaloo said agreeing with her friend

"Yay, Cutie Marks Musicians." They yelled

"What?" Twilight said confused "I've never heard of it, any of you girls heard of it."

Everyone else shook their heads.

"Well Twilight, I thought you should be aware that it's from your friend Sunset's Dimension." The Narrator said

"Oh, that's cool." Twilight said with a smile

"What so what your saying is the only what to escape from here is by remaking a musical that none of us knows or ever heard about. " Rarity said

"Yes that's right." the Narrator said

"But how are we going to do that?" Apple Bloom asked

"I'll explain it, if you want." the Narrator said "Either one or more of you will be performing the songs and you must give it your hundred percent or else you'll be trapped here forever."

Everyone either gulped nervously or had a smile on their face excited to do this.

"The musical begins now, do you want to start it Applejack?" the Narrator said

"What?" Applejack asked "Why me?"

"Because it makes sense according to what I have plan for you ponies..." the narrator said

"Excuse me?' Spike said

...and dragon." the narrator said correcting itself "Oh before you start I forgot to mention only some of you will be singing certain songs that I feel goes either with your personality or is the complete opposite, but let's leave that to be a surprise."

Applejack than sighed and said "Alright fine, let's start this thing."
(Music Starts)
"1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3." Twilight sang

"1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3 ,1, 2, 3." Everypony else sang
Then they stopped and realized that they were singing.

"Wait, why did we just started singing?" Twilight asked

"Because I figure having you preform songs unexpectedly is more amusing than ones that are planned out." the Narrator said

"Oh great." Rainbow Dash said

"Now let's us start this shall we." the Narrator said with a little humor in his voice.

"Fine, but since we're doing this, what do we do now?" Starlight as her friends.

"Mmm, how about you ask Twilight, she smart I'm sure she knows what to do next." the Narrator suggested with a tone to his voice that almost sounds like he's smiling.

"Twilight?" Spike asked "What do we do now?"

"Well.." Twilight tried to talk, but then was interrupted.

"What are we doing Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asked

"I was just about to.." Twilight tried to talk again, but was interrupted once again

'Yeah, Twilight what are we going to do?" Fluttershy asked shyly

"Hey, Twilight what are we doing?" Pinkie Pie asked

Twilight, who just gave up at trying to explain anything, just sat there and sighed.

"Twilight, what are we going to do?" Starlight asked

"Twilight!" Scootaloo said

"Twilight!" Sweetie Belle said

"Twilight!" Apple Bloom said

"What are we doing?" Applejack asked

"Twilight." Rarity said "What are we doing?"
(Music Starts)

"Twilight! Twilight!, What are we doing Twilight?, Twilight! Twilight!, What are we doing Twilight?" Everypony sang

"Are we going to play some Hoofball?" Scootaloo sang

"Perhaps some board games?" Fluttershy sang

"Want me to start the Friendship Games?" Applejack sang

"Have you seen my new Wonderbolt name?" Rainbow Dash sang

"We have enough for the Equestrian Games!" Applebloom sang

"Let's go to the Foal and Filly Fair!" Sweetie Belle sang

"Maybe Nightmare Night, please?" Starlight sang

"Or another Crystal Faire." Apple Bloom sang

"How about Hearts and Hooves Day?" Spike sang

"Winter Wrap Up’s always fun!" Rarity sang

"Or Sisterhooves Social." Starlight sang

"What’s the last game did Rainbow win?" Fluttershy sang

"Hey!" Rainbow Dash yelled

"I’m feeling Hearth's Warming!" Sweetie Belle sang

"I need the Summer Sun!" Pinkie Pie sang

"Let’s do The Trader Exchange!" Rarity sang

"We’ve got Running with the Leaves!" Fluttershy sang

"Twilight, please just tell us, what we’re about to do!" Everypony sang

"Everypony, SHUT. THE. BUCK. UP!" Twilight yelled, then calmly said "We’re doing a musical."
"Ok, that's what were doing, we're doing a bucking musical." Twilight said aggressively to her friends.

"Gees, Twi calm down we were just asking." Rainbow Dash said.

"Yeah, were just having fun." Scootaloo said.

"Girls, you're starting to get on my nerves." Twilight said while rubbing her face with her hooves.

"You think your on each other nerves now, you have no idea what waits ahead for you." the Narrator said with a smile.

To Be Continued?

Next Chapter: Still in the Air.