• Member Since 25th Aug, 2019
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Don't read anything into it.

Comments ( 17 )

I saw the ending coming, but that didn't make the story any less amazing. :twilightsmile:

Ah, you're very kind. Thanks! I really appreciate you taking the time to read my work. :twilightsmile:

And yeah... Truthfully I'm not sure I wanted it to be too hidden. I could have used a lighter touch in places for sure, but I don't mind that you saw it coming, and I'm glad it didn't detract from the story too much for you.

Thanks, again!

You're welcome! =)

Ah, exams.

I didn't see it coming.
Even rereading it didn't drop any too-obvious hints.


Poor Sugarcoat. You made me feel for her.

Another paperhearts story? Now that's always something to be excited about! Sugarcoat getting some love and character development is excellent too. Your prose continues to be the good stuff.

That's cool too! I'm still not too sure whether I struck the balance right, but I'm glad to hear an opinion from the other end of the spectrum. I appreciate you taking the time to read my work, and I sincerely hope you enjoyed it! :twilightsmile:

Mwahaha! :twilightsheepish: I take some satisfaction in those feels, of course. I'm glad it evoked those for you, and I'm really delighted that you took the time to read my story and let me know. Thanks!

Aw, that's really nice of you to say! You're a star!! :heart: I appreciate you reading my work, especially after so long. I was coated in a fine layer of horsewords dust, that's for sure. Hopefully it won't be so long next time. Thanks again, and I hope you're keeping well!

I am, and I hope you are too.

And I mean, 'star' is in the name. :trixieshiftright:

Solid work, I was engaged all the way through by this character piece with Sugarcoat. And that ending. Wow...

Ah thanks! I really appreciate you having taken the time to read it, and I'm glad the story, and the ending, worked for you! I've not really had the time to write lately, so 1,000 word stories is about my limit. I'm pleased that I can still make something so short enjoyable!

This was a real neat story. I really liked it!

Ah, thank you very much for taking the time to read it! I really appreciate that. Yeah, I enjoyed writing this one; it was fun trying out a different style of prose, and taking on a different universe too.

Cheers for being a reader!

I'm always happy to see the EqG Shadowbolts in stories. Wasn't expecting this particular set of circumstances, but you capture both to a fantastic degree. Excellent little vignette. Thank you for it.

If this was an expanded flashfic (https://www.fimfiction.net/group/212112/folder/56912/expanded-flashfics) then where is the original flashfic? Reading this makes me very curious to see it.
(Partly because I really liked this version.)

Heya. The flashfic version was entered in this round.

Thank you for the kind words too. I enjoyed writing this one, so always pleased to hear people enjoy reading it. :twilightsmile:

A brilliant story with a excellent build up to the final reveal. Nicely done!

Of all the Shadowbolts, Lemon Zest always did strike me as the one most likely to smoke.

Ah, thank you very much. Kind words always mean so much, and I appreciate you taking the time to read one of my stories. Delighted you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

The smoking thing wasn't something I considered across the Sb group as a whole, but on an individual basis I figured it seemed like something Zest would have dabbled in. At any rate, it gave me descriptive opportunities, and I do love descriptive opportunities!

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