• Published 3rd Dec 2012
  • 4,754 Views, 88 Comments

A Startling Discovery - Silver Hoof

Twilight discovers that she is a direct descendant of Discord

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I'm Related to Who, Now?

Twilight Sparkle, the purple prodigy, trotted into the Family Archives of the Royal Canterlot Library. She wanted to read up on her entire family lineage, in order to discover exactly why she happened to be the most magical pony in Equestria, other than the Princesses of course.

The Sun filtered through the window, casting the gigantic archive of information in a seemingly mystical glow. The books- even the ones that had collected dust and grime over the years- seemed to shimmer in the warm light of Celestia's Sun. Life couldn't have been better for the unicorn mare.

She found her family's book easily. It was listed under 'S' for Sparkle. The unicorn marveled at how these books were organized. The books were enchanted to be listed under the most recent generation's last name. It was so cool! She brought her book to a table by one of the bigger windows and began to read. Flipping through the pages, she found that there was an extremely detailed record of her entire family line. Almost everypony was well documented, down to the color of their eyes. But something was nagging at her as she read.

That's strange. She thought. Most of the ponies in my family are Earth Ponies. Unicorns don't come along until very recently. And most of those Unicorns aren't very magical either. She shrugged her shoulders and sighed. "Oh well." She said aloud. "I guess that I'll have to dig deeper." In all honesty, Twilight was actually thrilled that she would have to continue her research.

She smiled as she turned each individual page, reading off the names of long-since-dead relatives. "Cream Cake, Iron Bind, Caretaker. How can I be a Unicorn with so many Earth Ponies in my family?" She flipped further in the dusty old tome. "Blood Arbiter? Wasn't he a war criminal?" She wondered aloud to herself. So many strange ponies, but none that could even come close to the power that she possessed.

The sun had set long ago, and the Moon's mystical light now shone through the windows. Twilight was about to put the book back up on the shelf, having given up on trying to discover the source of her power, when an envelope fell to the floor from the book. What's this? She thought, lifting the paper with her magic. She read the front of the envelope out loud. "Final Page: Do Not Open Under Any Circumstances!" Twilight sighed. She wasn't one to break the rules, even if she so desperately wanted to know who these ponies were. They were the first ponies ever in her bloodline. I'll just... take the book with me. She told herself. To give a more in-depth study later on. That's the only reason that I am taking this book. She nodded resolutely to herself as she slid the book into her saddlebag. She, then, ran out of the library and out of the castle, determined to get home before being discovered with the book.


Princess Celestia chuckled to herself as she wandered into the Royal Canterlot Library. Twilight must have found a very interesting read. With the way she was blushing, I suspect that she has been browsing the romance novels.

The Princess found herself in the Family Archives. I might as well look up this 'Mister Spanky' that Pinkie Pie told me about in her last letter. He's supposed to be the greatest slapstick comedian in all of Equestrian history.

As she browsed the books, however, something horrendous came to her attention. Right next to Spanky's book was an empty spot, a spot that was supposed to hold Twilight Sparkle's family tree. "No!" Celestia cried. "She must not find out!" She took off like a bullet, practically flying out of the library and down the hall to catch up with her Faithful Student, catching the attention of one of the Royal Guards.

"Is something wrong Princess?" He asked, breaking into a gallop to keep pace with her. As they exited the castle, Celestia turned and nodded to him.

"My student, Twilight Sparkle, has found the book." The guard gasped. "I want you to inform all of the other Royal Guards, Shining Armor included. We must stop her from finding out the truth." The guard nodded and raced in the other direction to inform all the others. Luna help me. I need strength, dear sister, If I am to stop this. The Princess unfurled her wings and took off to the skies. Surely, she could catch up to twilight faster this way. As she did so, she noticed a rumbling coming from the castle, and not ten seconds later, every last guard had poured out of the doors and was following in her wake. Sweet mother of Faust, I know this is an emergency, but they didn't have to bring the whole freaking cavalry!

Well, you did inform that one guard to alert all the others sister. Celestia turned to see Luna by her side. The Night Princess chuckled. Honestly, what else did you expect? Celestia shook her head and flew faster. She desperately had to catch up with her Faithful Student and stop her from reading the last page.


Twilight crashed through the door of her home and dashed up to the comfort and safe confines of her own room and bed. She quickly worked her way under her soft covers, maneuvering into a comfortable position, and took the book out of her saddlebag. With only the slightest trepidation, she peeled open the cover once more and began to read, searching for those details that she may have missed.

About half-way through the book, however, she threw it across the room with a grunt of frustration. That was when Twilight noticed the single, forbidden envelope slip out of in between the pages. The envelope she wasn't supposed to open under any circumstances. The envelope that, no matter how wrong and forbidden it was, was too tempting not to open.

Like a crazed, starving, wild animal, the unicorn pounced at the envelope as though it were prey, and tore it open, freeing the page and leaving the envelope husk on the floor. The crazed joy, however, soon left her upon seeing the page, and was quickly being replaced by a sense of dread and pure terror. Her eyes scanned the page again to make sure that she hadn't read it wrong. Once the accuracy and legitimacy of the page had been confirmed, Twilight fell back on her haunches, dropped the paper, and let loose a throat-ripping screech.

Somewhere in the distance, a crack formed on the base of a statue.