• Published 24th Apr 2020
  • 1,529 Views, 11 Comments

Awkward Meetings - James Pwyll

Rarity encounters an unexpected, and rather unwanted face among her new Canterlot friends

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Awkward Meetings

"I must say, Miss rarity, for one I had never even heard of until now, you're rubbing elbows with this city's greats as though you were practically born and bred among them," Fancypants remarked.

Rarity, never one to turn down a compliment, blushed slightly to her older companion's words. "Oh shush! You're just saying that!"

But the aristocratic stallion shook his head. "Not at all. Why, even my wife has nothing but fine things to say about you, and believe me, it takes quite a bit to impress her." The two shared a quick laugh, interrupted when a nearby waiter came along and silently offered them both a tray with a few tiny snacks on it. "Ah, very good. My thanks," Fancypants declared as he levitated two particularly scrumptious-looking treats off the tray. One was offered to Rarity of course, who graciously accepted it, and after having downed his own, Fancypants glanced around the rest of the immediate area. Many of the city's nobles and higher-ups had come here, and were of course doing the usual gossip-about-town they were so known for, but the real delight of this place was the balcony they'd found themselves on, as it had a magnificent view of the rest of Canterlot. Fancypants, taking a moment to enjoy this sight, gave a firm but approving nod before turning to his latest guest. "I do hate to leave a Lady alone, but..."

Rarity, understanding him immediately, gave him a quick shoo gesture. "Oh, there's no worry. You've got people to meet after all. I assure you, Mr Fancy, I can find plenty of enjoyment for myself without you." Seeing Fancypants give her a quick bow of his head, Rarity watched as he made his way over to some of the other aristocrats who had arrived for this little balcony party they'd set up. Finally by herself for the first time in a long while, Rarity let out a sigh, then smiled genuinely as she too looked out to the rest of Canterlot. It was no secret why she enjoyed being here. This was, after all, the peak of Pony society, and to merely look upon the great spires of the capital always left a pony in awe, as was the case with Rarity. Though her enjoyment was somewhat dampened by the sudden sound of somepony slurping their drink to her right a bit too loudly, causing her smile to fade a little. "Come now, Rarity," she said to herself. "One doesn't do to make a scene over small and unimportant matters such as loud drinking." But then the slurping just got louder and louder, to the point where even other guests started to look like they disapproved of it. Eventually, after taking a deep breath, Rarity had heard enough. "Alright...perhaps a few words would do much to dissuade the...oh...oh dear."

Her tone was more than justified, as she now looked on in concern at a stallion not too far away from where she had been standing. A tall, white unicorn with a top of excellently-kept blonde mane. A stallion who, unfortunately, she'd had the dubious honor of having met once before. Prince Blueblood, noted noble and several-times winner of all those magazines that like to say who the most eligible bachelor in the land was. And Rarity herself simply could not stand the guy, as evidenced by the grimace she now wore. But, though every fibre of her being wanted nothing more than to look away and have nothing to do with him, there was another part of her that was singing a very different tune. One that told her to steel herself, march on over there and give that entitled stallion a piece of her mind. After much internal debate, the fashionista decided that the latter would, if nothing else, be the more satisfying option. Besides, it was better than just letting him continue slurping at least. So, after having finished her tiny snack, she walked on over, taking a quick moment to adjust her hat, before clearing her throat. Blueblood, who hadn't even turned towards her, spoke up regardless. "Ah, about time somepony came to attend me. I believe one of those tiny salmon rolls will no nicely, thank you."

Frowning, Rarity maintained her composure. "I assure, you, Sir Blueblood, you shall receive no snacks from me today."

Hearing that voice, the stallion froze up, as though some terrible memory was resurfacing for him after a long time. Slowly, his eyes turned, and eventually they settled on the unhappy-looking mare beside him. The two stared at one another for the longest time, but it was clear that Blueblood was uncomfortable being here right now. Rarity wasn't too happy about it either, but she stayed quiet, at least for now. After a while though, and after an especially loud gulp, Blueblood finally broke the silence between them. "So...um...Miss Rarity. It's...been quite a wile."

To that, Rarity arched an eyebrow. "If I recall, the Gala was only a few months ago." She paused, then looked to the side. "Though admittedly it did feel longer." Looking back to him, she put on her frown again. "I confess, I had not expected to see you here."

Recovering slightly, Blueblood spoke with a touch more confidence. "Nor I you."

Rarity gestured to the crowds a short distance away. "Mr Fancypants was good enough to invite me. Yourself?"

Blueblood gave a single nod. "Oh, I'm always likely to be found at functions such as this one."

Rarity's eyes narrowed. "I'll be sure to keep that in mind."

Another silence, after which Blueblood, now looking uncomfortable again, adjusted his collar a little before speaking up. "So...have your companions been keeping well?"

Rarity looked to him with incredulity. "I had no idea the wellbeing of my friends was something you cared that much for, given your remarks about 'commoners' the last time we met."

Blueblood winced, looking like he severely wanted to be doing anything other than talking to her right now. "Yes...My words on that night were...hardly befitting of a stallion of my station."

Rarity scoffed to that admission. "Forgive me for saying so, your Highness, but I find it hard to believe that you would feel in any way remorseful for your past behaviour."

A slow nod from Blueblood. "I do not blame you for thinking like that. At the time, I felt like the most important stallion in the world. A Prince. Wealthy. Desired by mares all across Equestria..." He paused again here, looking to Rarity briefly. "I think you can personally attest to having been in that particular category for a time." Seeing her look at least a little bit embarrassed, Blueblood continued. "It really felt like I had everything going for me. And then..." Slowly, he turned to face her."Then you came along."

In response to that, Rarity once more assumed her frown. "Oh shall I assume that this is the point where you blame me for having mistreated you and ruined your night?"

Blueblood looked stone-faced for a time, but then shook his head. "On the contrary. Your words and actions towards me were something of a wake-up call. Until that moment I had known nothing but praise from my peers and associates. Mares and stallions who had naught but good to say about me or to me. You, on the other hoof, are perhaps the first pony I have ever met who spoke to me in...well...the way that you did." He looked away, resting his hoof upon the side of the balcony. "Never before had I had anypony speak to me like that, and when the party was over and I at last had a chance to clean myself off..." Unbeknown to him, Rarity actually looked a little smug on that one. "...I got to thinking. Why? Why would that mare speak to me like that? Why would she seem so upset at being in my presence? Nopony else feels that way, right? Nopony has grievances towards me like that, right?" He hung his head. "I couldn't make sense of it, so...I eventually went to my Auntie over the matter."

Here, Rarity seemed surprised. "You...spoke to Princess Celestia about it?"

Blueblood nodded. "I never mentioned your name of course. Mostly because, well...I'd actually forgotten it." He avoided looking at her, largely due to him knowing full well that a remark like that wouldn't earn him any brownie points anytime soon. "I told her of my uncomfortable evening, and I was stunned to find her having actually enjoyed the night. Called it 'the most exciting Gala she'd known for some time', if I recall. When it came time to discuss my problems, she was actually straight-to-the-point on the matter. Told me it was no fault of yours, but of mine." He looked back to Rarity. "But she did it in that usual way of hers. You know the one."

Rarity nodded, a sly smile on her face. "Oh, where she describes a situation then leaves it open-ended where you have to fill in the blanks and realise she was talking about you the whole time?"

Blueblood nodded back. "Yes, that's the one alright. She set me in front of a mirror, told me to look at my reflection, then asked me to recite to myself all the things I said to you during the Gala. That was it. Recall as best I can everything that left my mouth during our unpleasant time together."

Here, Rarity started to smirk slightly. "Oh? And how did that little encounter go?"

Blueblood grumbled slightly. "Not...pleasantly. I tried thinking hard on everything I said, and tried imagining the tone in which I'd said it, and my Aunt seemed satisfied I was getting it right, but...when I saw my reflection 'speak' to me, as it were, it felt...what's the word?"

Rarity's smirk grew a little. "Rude? Uncouth? Downright boorish perhaps?"

A long sigh escaped the noble. "All of the above, I fear. Seeing oneself and one's words back at them, it...it was not the impression I really thought I was giving."

"Oh? And pray tell, what impression did you think you were giving?" Rarity asked.

Blueblood nervously scratched the back of his head. "That...that I was of the upper class? That I was of a more refined breed? That I was...um..."

"That you were better?" Rarity suggested.

Shame came to the Prince. "An apt remark, I believe." There was quiet between them, with the exception of the chatter from the other assembled ponies nearby, but when it ended Blueblood looked Rarity right in the eye. "Miss...I erred that night. I acted below my station and utterly disgraced myself. I cannot undo what was done or what was said, either to you or to your companions, but I ask that I mean to make up for it. Whatever it is you deem necessary for me to be better, I shall do, no questions asked."

Now, Rarity had expected many things from this stallion after meeting him again, but this sort of apology had not been one of them. So taken aback was she that she was momentarily speechless. But, let it never be said that she could not find composure quickly, and after briefly brushing down her outfit, she cleared her throat and spoke in that refined manner she was so known for. "Well...I'd say the apology is a good start. But going forward you must learn not to see others as lesser than yourself. No matter where hey come from or what 'breeding' you may see in them, they are nevertheless ponies who are just as worthy of your respect and your attention as any of the aristocrats you see here at this party."

Blueblood nodded, his face serious. "Yes...my Auntie said as much last time I saw her."

Rarity smiled. "The Princess gives good advice, as my friend Twilight could easily tell you." Then a look of shame came to Rarity, as if recalling some unpleasant moment herself. Seeing the curious way Blueblood was looking to her, Rarity waved him off. "Oh, do not fret, Blueblood. Let's focus on the now. You seek to improve? Well, let's see how well you do when you and I go back to the crowd," she suggested, gesturing to the nearby ponies.

Blueblood, for the first time in this meeting, smiled, giving her a big bow. " My Lady, I will endeavour to be as humble as the stallion you once hoped me to be."

Rarity, in response, looked to him with mischievous incredulity. "We shall see, your Highness...we shall see."

Author's Note:

So I was re-watching Sweet and Elite the other day, and it occurred to me that we actually see Rarity and Blueblood in the same groups during the big montage song of that episode. When I first saw it all those years ago, I never thought much of it, just having him there to fill up the shot like a bunch of other characters. But looking back on it, it did imply some sort of reconciliation between the two, since I couldn't really imagine Rarity being comfortable around the guy otherwise 😏

Comments ( 11 )

Hehe. Not a bad take on a possible burying-the-hatchet at all. :twilightsmile: I really like the idea for how Celestia apparently helped Blueblood to some sort of realization about his behavior, that feels pretty in-character for her.

Not bad. Blueblood does have some potential, on the vanishingly rare occasion that he chooses to exercise it.

Not much I can say other than excellent job on the exchanges, characterizations and general wrap-up in this "Sweet and Elite"-set one-shot. Yeah, I could definitely see a scene like this between Rarity and Blueblood.

Yeah I always found that funny back then. Man is a blast from the past

It's always good to see more character development for someone like Blueblood.

Seeing Blueblood in the crowd shots during "Sweet and Elite" always did raise my curiosity as to whether or not he mended his ways. This is a very possible way for it him and Rarity to make amends.

I feel like you need to run through this for some quick editing fix-ups again. There's homophone confusion at a couple of points and some of the paragraphs are needlessly excessive in size when it doesn't suit the style. I would recommend splitting this up. Other than that, this is a nice, positive dose of a slice of life. Thank you for sharing.

This is a pretty good story. An interesting take on the reason behind Prince Blueblood's cameo alongside Rarity in Season Two's "Sweet and Elite". Your depiction of the interaction between Rarity and Prince Blueblood is actually quite entertaining.

I never really paid much attention to Prince Blueblood as a character since he never made a significant reappearance on the show beyond his debut in Season One's "The Best Night Ever". Nevertheless, I found it enjoyable to find the occasional fanfic and fanart which depicts Blueblood in a slightly-positive manner beyond his common depiction among the fandom as a "hate sink"-type character.

I'm curious. Have you ever read IDW's Friends Forever #26 written by Jeremy Whitley? It is interesting that the comic gave a balanced portrayal of Blueblood as a narcissistic and snobby twit who is nevertheless a competent and clever diplomat who can be charming and charismatic when he wants to be and ends up becoming friends with Shining Armor.

On the very slim chance that Prince Blueblood reappears in a significant role in IDW's Season 10 comic books, I hope the comics will expand on his depiction in Friends Forever #26 by again presenting him as an arrogant yet useful and somewhat-loveable snob whom we can grudgingly accept and tolerate.

Again, great job with this story!

10199943 I've only read a few of the FiM comics, and that one wasn't one of them unfortunately :twilightsheepish:

Rather good wee story. Some good ideas there and I think this could lead somewhere..

And then Twi showed up and danced. Blueblood felt the need to comment but suffered a nervous breakdown when he couldn’t think of a single polite utterance. Twilight’s moves became incredibly popular among the rebellious youth of Canterlot as a result.

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