• Member Since 24th Mar, 2020
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“Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster..." - Friedrich W. Nietzsche.

Comments ( 96 )

This is very interesting, I'm excited to see where it will go

Thanks! Glad you are enjoying it so far!

Sorry about the rather slow pacing, but we've got plenty of ground to cover. I've got BIG plans for the overall plot of the story and am looking at somewhere around six acts total.

Sorry for taking so much time to respond to the story, I am really busy with some projects at the moment and then I just got Netflix that I watch while working, it's hard I can't listen to the story like I usually can with my PC.

For the story I thing the setup is very interesting and I do like the premise of it, from what I can see it looks heavily influenced by gears of war but with your own twists on it. from the sound of the story their is not remnant Equestrian government or actually organized leadership left, which means that no one can build any new tec anymore and that the pony race is pretty much condemned to extinction very soon if these things managed to overwhelmed and destroy the crown's authority. I wonder if these creature are just a symptoms of a larger problem and that they are just a smaller threat then they seem? I wonder is their number of these creature are still growing on their own or his they are severely limited but the number of victims their can grabs, I wonder wonder what they feed on to stay alive if they don't actually eat their kills like that to consume them. So I take that he let that mare be rapped and killed, if I understand it right?

No problem. I'm just glad you are enjoying it so far and are interested enough to begin to try and piece together the bigger picture.

Gears wasn't at the top of my influence list, but yeah I can see what you mean by it. The strange sci-fi tech was just beginning to see the light of day in the higher ranks of the Royal Guard. The ATS suit that Storm wears is a custom variant of the elite guard Suits. (Yes I stole the helmet assemble and HUD from Dead Space. Fucking love that series.) He has made some of his own modifications to it that you will see more of in the future.

No, Maverick and Storm are probably some of the few sane ones left and knew how fucked up it was to kill a pregnant mare and the foal growing inside. The yellow stallion hosting the snuffing was presumably a slave owner who managed to get himself known or feared enough to gain a small following or guards that surrounded the stage. I kind of left it open to the readers interpretation of how they freed her, but basically they killed the guards and the stallion. With nowhere else to go and feeling bad about the mare's foals, they let her join their group of survivors.

I might go back in and make that more clear. Chapter 3 was kinda rushed on a burst of inspiration and lack of sleep.

things looks interesting, I wonder if the pie sisters had helped to hold off the threat at bay for a long time before everything started to fall apart.

I can't answer that here, but I am thinking about writing a few one shots of survivor stories in this universe. I would do it in the main story, but I'm trying to focus on Storm and Rainbow's perspectives.

This chapter was very nice, can't wait to see more

Sorry for the delay on commenting I got really wrapped up on netflix this month. Interesting chapter the writing was very different, from the cynical tone and darkness of the previous one with the more optimist hopeful tone, which I think is a good addition to offset each other. I wonder if the is actually happening in the very distant past or that time travel was used to sent this 'message' to Twilight to see with the best hope of getting her attention? Looking forward to the next chapter, keep up the good work.

Well stay tuned. The real "fun" starts next chapter and onward! The format and tone of the story will be similar to chapter five from now on out. The mood will depend on if it is a future/past chapter or the general events happening within said chapter.

This is updated, a good and bad thing. Good because it means it is not dead, bad because now I'll be waiting anxiously for the next chapter.

interesting chapter, I wonder how RP will deal with her new situation?

Yeah. Sorry about the gap in chapters. I try to update this story every 2 weeks at the earliest and monthly at the lastest. But I'd rather put off time for a good chapter then release something uninspired and rushed. This one took longer cause I have something special in the works too...

Oh, don't worry. You'll get to see some "interesting" interactions next chapter. Lets just say she might be in over her head with what this world can throw at her and the others.

You got me with that twist.

Somehow, I knew it. A group like that dosen't survive long without casualties, and a guy who has lived that long in a place like that is bound to have PTSD.

Oh yeah, they aren't exactly on top of the wasteland in the numbers and supplies department, but they made it for a while keeping to themselves in the secluded lighthouse and typically only Storm went out to scavenge so they didn't draw any attention. Let's just say that the reason his friends are absent is a morbid one and that Storm has had a whole life filled with things to give him trauma - something that will be seen more often as the story goes on.

There's plenty more where that came from. There's a lot about Storm and his past that will come out as this goes on and believe me when I say most of it is not pleasant.

That's an accurate reaction if both of them had seen or were to ever know about this chapters ending. Wink wink.

Gotta love that Maretallica.

Yeah, the name is cheesy, but it fit more than the human version for this.

Now I like where this is going.

Sorry for missing out on so many chapters, I was busy with other things and couldn't get around to reading the updates. So far I have been impressed by the plot twist of his family being killed and showing that they guy might not be as nearly as sound of mind as we might have first thought. I do find the story really getting interesting after that point. Keep it up.

Wait is this an alternate Equestria timeline or was Rarity sent in the past just as RD was, I am curious to know? Time has passed that his for sure based off Stormy's recollection. Overall this was an interesting chapter and it's nice to see that Ponyville still has some semblance of a community and not just a warlord with his harem and lackeys. I will be very much looking forward to the next installment of this story. For Ra and RD I would hazard that they will be a very instance moment of reuniting and having an alternate POV on what happened and comparing notes followed with some sobs and Ra forcibly washing Stormy in a bath and probably shave off his beard, which I am sure he will reciprocate the gesture.

I'm afraid that I can't answer the timeline question. Its very confusing at the moment but that is done on purpose. You and all other readers know just as much as Rainbow and Storm do and will learn more as they learn more. Don't get too excited about Ponyville's seemingly innocent status. Nopony made it this far without getting blood on their hooves - something that will be explored more next chapter. And Rarity will definitely be getting them both looking nice for the gathering hinted at with the banner, but something tells me she won't last long trying to get Storm to do either of those things.
I'm really enjoying writing this story so far. It's helped me distract myself from some personal issues and its nice being able to entertain others in addition.

so it's a town of face stealers that might also absorb the memories and mannerisms of the ponies they become?

Sadly (but thankfully for Storm and Rainbow) the townsfolk are actual ponies. But this doesn't mean they aren't hiding more than meets the eye. After all, living with monsters for long enough makes one prone to becoming one.

then the other option I can think of is that this festival they're going to be having involves masks made from the dead ponies they used to know or something morbid like that.

Sorry for taking so much time to respond, I was very busy with commissions. As for that chapter it was very interesting I like the interaction between the characters and the tidbits about Twilight still being around does give some hope even if the source of the information comes off as dubious at best. For the corps, I am not entirely sure what they are, it doesn't have some hoe the hallmark of the rarity for the precision part, or maybe Nurse Red Heart, but I can't entirely think of of a horrible reason why they would need to kill of strip off the face like that, unless it is a form or mask more magical lure for victims to come and I am not entirely sure Rarity was turned into one of those monsters as she seems way to calculating to be one of those insane creatures, and would have guesses that they would have eaten all the flesh as to not let it go to wast, not even charaons and would have made a better job at hiding the courses especially Carousel boutique of all things, I would have expected it to be preserved for Rarity's sake. So it could be that it is a monsters that is actually protecting, or rather sheporting Ponyville to lure outsiders and make them complicit in luring unsuspecting victims and have their guard down give them to the monster, and uses Ponyville like a doll house of sorts. Still the lack of security is still concerning, I could get that the ponies are probably linked, or some of them to a telepathic monster and/or the ponyville ponies are actually all dead as animated corpses of some sort , and for some reason need other ponies skin to either stay alive or maintain the illusion of being normal ponies, which I am guessing that the festive has something to do with it. If Rarity is the actual monster, and is capable or reasoning, I could imagine that she might actually want to keep RD alive because of her like to a pass of better days for her, or that she intends to use RP to try to restore the world to what it used to be or at least restore Rarity to what she was once and is willing to serve as safe harbor for her for supplies and rest.

Wow. You've got a lot of interesting theories with a few of them even being earlier ideas for the community, but I'm afraid you'll just have to wait and see the horrifying truth. Rarity didn't have a choice to preserve Carousel Boutique because the walls were being put up long before she was in power, but at least someone found a use for it. She also does have plans for Rainbow - and possibly Storm if the topic of his friends surface in earshot of Rarity during the Remembrance Festival, which is seemingly self explanatory on the surface.

Well I am not wholly convinced that what ever is happening in ponyville has anything to do with being a trap by monsters, or that they do some form of tribute of sacrifice to keep the town safe as it seem that the corps skin they are using is to restore know ponies that have transformed to be back to themselves or just capture random ones in hopes of transferring their soul or spirit into those monster bodies and have them mimic the souls previous bodies, but they have to either look like the intended trap soul in, and apparently they need someone to recognize them as the pony they are intended resemble in order to capture the soul inside. I wonder if this also happen to rarity and Sweetybelle and that is what is Ra's ultimat goal.

It makes me wonder if all the ponies in ponyville are actually all same type of monsters that roam Equestria but with 'saine' pony souls inside so they are largely ignored by all the roaming monsters and just have to worry about roaming raiders who make the mistake of thinking they are easy target which they use to restore or replace ponies dead loved ones?

Or could it be that Rarity intend on using RD soul or something as a means to protect ponyville too, at least they know how Scoodaloo looked like so it's a relatively easy thing to do for them apparently .

The faces remind me of the Faceless Men that serve the God of Death in Game of Thrones, and A Song of Ice and Fire.

Im already getting reminded of "Dead Space" and "Prey" when i read this story.

Both are heavy inspirations indeed. I take it you are enjoying the story so far?

Never watched Game of Thrones. I've been wanting to but right now Supernatural and My Name is Earl are taking up all my TV time.

Sorry about the late response. Internet has been flighty, spent some time away from the house, and other shit got in the way. The answer for all of your great and interesting theories lies in the next chapter which will be released tomorrow as of typing this message.

The Faceless Men can cut off someone's face and wear it to change into them with weird death magic.

You see, this is why people play the murder hobo in these kinds of games, any attempt to aid those in the world around you will end in misery, heartbreak, and bullet wounds.

Not me i try to go pure Paragon in my games

Okay so Rarity wasn't in charge for that long then and Ponyville was relatively safe and well managed by Mare Mayor; though I would have wished for a more in story exposition on that matter and not an author's note. I think Storm could have done a brief overview of what he knew of ponyville, as little he could tell from what little interest he had with other factions, sense last he visited and could compare then and now, and hear his complaints on the lack of security measures and having someone to collaborate with his opinions. What I don't way is why ponyville seem to have kept her as leader and let her stay in power, even with her enforcers rewarding them, they would probably would have been more on the ponyvillines side much more then rarity, sense they all know each other? This couldn't have happen unless the whole town was in on it to one extent to another, in indulging Rarity's insane hobby even if they did respect her at one point. So I am guessing that it stands to reason that there is another pony that was actually holding reigns of ponyville, quietly at least and that rarity was just the figure hear; so it's probably one of the enforces or her aids but couldn't legitimate their taking over just like that. So I take it that storm was perfect tool to get rid of Rarity for them and keep their hooves clean of all of this while storm and RD will take the fall. From the looks of it the damned are created from those parasites that we have scene on two occasions, so it stands to reason that Storm and other survivors are probably mostly aware of how ponies get corrupted into monsters. I take it that those parasites can live for very long in between hosts to infect, nor more then a few minutes and it's what is preventing them for just just sneaking in at night and infect settlements like these.

Comment posted by CreativeCorpseStories deleted Jul 23rd, 2020

Storm didn't really have a choice - or so he thinks. There were so many rushed factors that forced him to make quick decisions rather than smart ones. First, he has to make it to Rainbow before whatever this "Transition" was. Second, he has to make it before the group finds him and attracts reinforcements and Damned with all the noise. And third, he isn't going to take the chance that they would surrender and try to catch him off guard like so many had before. Hell, the only reason he accepts Planning's help is because he doesn't have a lot of time to think it out and is fully prepared to gut her should he get stabbed in the back.

You opened my eyes to a few things today and I want to say thank you for that. I was too focused on rushing a chapter out that I didn't consider all the elements such as plot holes or future info/storytelling. I can fit everything I said in the authors note (which has been changed and altered) for a conversation next chapter. I should have expected things like this to happen when writing a story of this scale on my first try but that's no excuse. I've got a new system in play to avoid that in the future. So just to recap, the old authors note and it's info are retconned and will be told properly next chapter. I'm glad to have readers like you who take the time to question and challenge the story even more than the one who is writing it. So, thank you and I hope you enjoy it even more moving forward.

Well this was an interesting chapter, it was nice to see the full context of what Rarity did and how Ponyville took it without actually approving of it, but just resign to it. It was nice seeing a little board history of how the Damned managed to destroy Equestria in the first place in one massive overwhelming horde and seemingly dissolving after no more resistance could be mustered anymore, at least it helped stopped the constant bleak outlook ofeverything without hearing any context on how Equestria fell apart with all the chaos of those times. I can understand that he didn't want to remember better days because of all the pain. keep it up

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