• Published 21st Aug 2012
  • 16,377 Views, 49 Comments

Scootaloo's Story - Malicious_Magician

Scootalove fic with Rainbow Dash, because we all love Scootaloo.

  • ...

Bonus Chapter

*Dramatic Music* Bonus Chapter, because I felt like adding more :P

It was cloudy, Rainbow Dash knew it wouldn't rain however as that wasn't on today's schedule; although, cloudy fit the atmosphere quite nicely. She and Scootaloo were in a graveyard, but not just any graveyard, it was the permanent residence of Scoots parents, Heat Wave and Low Pressure. Scootaloo, urged on by Rainbow Dash had came to visit for the first time ever. Scootaloo placed down two bouquet’s of flowers on the graves and sat herself down in front of the stones.

"Hi mum, hi dad." Scootaloo said to the two tombstones while Rainbow waited at the gate.

"Well, I suppose I should tell you both I've been adopted. Yeah a shock right, It was by a mare called Rainbow Dash. I've admired her for quite some time and I guess this is like a dream come true. We're pretty much like sisters in every way except blood, she was the one that said I should come visit you two."

The tombstones didn't respond.

"Well I suppose I could tell you about what's happened. I made some friends called Applebloom and Sweetie Belle, so I guess I proved you wrong there mum."

No response.

"We're called the Cutie Mark crusaders and we're trying to find our special talents. It's not easy, we've been trying everything and still nothing." Scootaloo snickered slightly at the memories. "More often than not all we end up with is being covered with tree sap."

No response.

"Well, tree sap and pine needles, mostly. Surprising lack of cuts and bruises though." Scootaloo bit her bottom lip. "Surprising how few they've been while we've been zip lining, scuba diving, falling, crashing and colliding with anything and everything."

No response.

"Less than what you both gave me..."

No response.

"This is ridiculous, why am I here, you two never cared about me, why should I bother with this waste of time?" Scootaloo stood up and was seething with rage.

No response.

"Send me a sign, any sign that you two EVER loved me!" Scootaloo shouted at the gravestones.

No response.

"Just forget it..." Scootaloo was about to walk off before she felt something wet hit her cheek. She brushed it with her hoof.

"Water?" She was hit by another drop, then another. Before long it was raining heavily.

"...water?" Scootaloo looked up at the grey sky throwing down buckets of water.

Scootaloo was suddenly hit by a memory, it was murky and grainy much like the sky. She was walking down a street in ponyville, she couldn't have been older than four years old. It began to rain quite suddenly, and the sky was grey much like today. She was flanked by her mother and father, they were smiling and so was she. Her father wrapped Scootaloo in his wing to stop her getting wet from the rain. Her mother said something to her. Scootaloo couldn't remember what she said, all she saw was her lips move. Soon after she remembered her mother kissing her forehead. The memory ended there. Scootaloo was left bewildered, water trickled down her face but she wasn't sure if it was from tears or the rain.

"Hey Scoots, come here." Rainbow Dash ran up to Scootaloo and wrapped her in her wing.

"What the hay is going on, it wasn't supposed to rain today. Hey Scoots you ok, you look like you've seen a ghost?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Yeah I'm...fine. Let's go now." Scootaloo responded.

"Yeah good idea." Rainbow Dash threw Scootaloo onto her back and flew her home.

Scootaloo didn't tell Rainbow Dash what happened in that graveyard for many years to come, no, that memory was her own.


Months turned to years and Scootaloos relationship with Rainbow Dash didn't falter even once. When the crusaders began to receive their cutie marks Scootaloo was the last to do so. Although she was upset and depressed by the fact that her friends had cutie marks and she didn't, she still had somepony to haul Scoots out of her self wallowing.

"Ow, what was that for?" Scootaloo asked after Rainbow Dash clipped her ear.

"For being so sad, that's why." Rainbow Dash responded with a grin.

"What?" Scootaloo asked, not understanding what Rainbow meant.

"Listen kid." Rainbow Dash sat down on Scootaloos bed with Scoots facing her. "Just because your friends got their cutie mark's first doesn’t mean they aren't your friends anymore." Scootaloo in response to Rainbow's message simply turned around.

"We're not the Cutie Mark Crusaders anymore, so what is-." Scootaloo didn't finish before she received another swift clip on the ear.

"OW, stop it!" Scootaloo shouted.

"Hurts right."

"Yeah, it does!"

"Well how much do you think your friends are hurting." Rainbow Dash responded extra seriously.

"What do you mean?" Scootaloo asked, being taken off guard by Rainbow's sudden change in demeanour.

"Imagine how hurt they would be since their friend is ignoring them, since their friend thinks that they don’t wanna be her friend anymore."

Scootaloo didn't respond.

"Remember on the train back to Ponyville from Shining Armour and Cadance's wedding. Remember how you told them about your past and how their friendship helped you through it. Sweetie Belle said, and I quote 'we're the Cutie Mark Crusaders and nothing is going to change that.' Remember?" Rainbow Dash waited for a reply.

"...how do you know about that?" Scootaloo asked, looking down and feeling rather ashamed.

"I was watching. Now that kind of relationship with friends never fades. Look at me, still with my fellow harmonious elements."

Scootaloo didn't know what to say. She felt so stupid.

"Now get cleaned up, your going to go track down your fellow crusaders, apologise and then make a mess that Rarity has to clean up."

Scootaloo giggled. "Yeah...I guess your right."

"Course I am, now get going, you haven’t left this room all week.

Scootaloo hopped down from her bed and then flew out the window. She had some friends to meet.

Scootaloo had gotten her cutie mark eventually and if anything the relationship with her friends only got stronger due to it. Rainbow Dash had, unsurprisingly, joined the Wonderbolts and was ecstatic. If she was offered the job a few years earlier she would have had to refuse. But Scootaloo was growing up, she had graduated from Cheerilee's school a few years ago now and was in her teenage years. She didn't rely on Rainbow Dash as much as she did and Rainbow was both happy and saddened by this fact, Scootaloo had caring friends, wonderful teachers and even a loving coltfriend. Rainbow Dash still remembered when Scootaloo came home one day all flush faced and babbling on and on about how a colt had kissed her. Rainbow Dash was originally going to track the colt down and punch his lights out before Scootaloo intervened.

"Nonononono you can't!" Scootaloo babbled, putting herself between Rainbow Dash and the door.

"Huh, but that guy kissed you out of nowhere, if he thinks he can do that to my Scootaloo, he's gonna get a face full of hoof."

"Ummm, it wasn't so much him kissing me, more...me kissing him." Scootaloo said, her face flushing with a deep shade of crimson.

Rainbow Dash after recovering from the initial shock grew a rather mischievous smile.

"Soooo, you got a little crush." Rainbow Dash teased.

"Not a LITTLE crush, a B-." Scootaloo slapped her hoof’s across her mouth.

"Ahhhh, I see." Rainbow Dash gleamed.

"Rainbow please-." Scootaloo was cut short.

"Is he a pegasus?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"What-how did...yes." Scootaloo answered.

"Good, I'll get some tea on." Rainbow answered before heading to the kitchen.

"TEA! Rainbow Dash I have a huge problem and-." Scootaloo babbled.

"Trust me, this tea will help your problem." Rainbow retorted.

"What! How does-."

"Hey Scoots could you get the door."

Before Scootaloo could respond she heard a knock on the door followed by a wry grin by Rainbow Dash. Scootaloo gingerly walked up and answered the door revealing a rather nervous pegasus colt. The same one she kissed. How does she do that. Scootaloo thought.

"Oh hey Scootaloo- I was just- I thought maybe- that I could-." He stammered.

"Hey Scootaloo get that nervous wreck in here." Rainbow called from the kitchen.

Scootaloo, without saying a word invited him in and did her best to conceal the deep shade of crimson her face was turning. Soon enough Rainbow returned with a tray of tea and poured them all a cup. At first everypony sat in uncomfortable silence.

"So what's your name kid." Rainbow Dash asked.

"Featherweight m'am." He responded.

"Well Featherweight, Scootaloo would love to go on a date with you."

Both ponies performed a rather comical spit take.


Featherweight. Scootaloo and him dated all throughout their school years and even through flight school. Her friends loved him and he was also quite a half decent flyer. Rainbow Dash, despite being over protective of Scootaloo she could see how happy he made her, and how happy she made him. She gave her approval almost instantly. It was only fitting that the obvious would happen.

"You may now kiss the bride." Princess Celestia spoke.

Scootaloo and Featherweight leaned across and sealed their marriage. The jeers of the crowd filled the room and wedding bells echoed through the halls. Scootaloo was so happy, getting married. Sweetie Belle and Applebloom were crying tears of joy and Twilight; who had so graciously asked the princess to preside over the wedding, was giving tissues to an extremely happy rainbow maned pegasus who wasn't faring much better.

"That blasted colt, if he hurts her I swear I'll rip his wings off." Rainbow Dash choked through her tears.

"Rainbow Dash, look how happy she is, how happy they both are." Twilight assured.

"I know- oh sweet Celestia how she's grown." Rainbow said.

"Ah bet they're gonna be so happy together." Applebloom said wiping off a few stray tears.

The wedding had gone well and with no Changeling invasions. Featherweight and Scootaloo had bought their own house and moved in. Within a mere one and a half years of marriage Scootaloo fell pregnant. The two were overjoyed, they had been trying for two months and were ecstatic it had happened so fast. They invited over everypony to tell them the good news and Scootaloo was lifted into the air by an overjoyed Rainbow Dash.

"Scootaloo that's great." Sweetie Belle said.

"Oh my goodness, Scootaloo, that's wonderful." Applebloom joined the hug and Scootaloo was almost crushed between the two mares.

"Eh Rainbow Dash, Applebloom. Y'all are kinda crushing Scootaloo." Applejack interrupted.

"Oh, sorry." The two mares said in unison.

"Oh sweet Celestia your having a BABY THISISSOAMAZING!" Pinkie Pie tackled Scootaloo into a hug that's strength could only be matched by a certain bull named Iron Will.

"Pinkie try not to crush Scootaloo first." Twilight said while levitating the hyper active pink pony.

"Oh this is simply marvellous. I can still remember when you all were out adventuring and trying to discover your cutie marks." Rarity cringed slightly. "Oh yes...I remember those 'good' old day's."

"Oh my, this is fantastic. I still remember when you, Applebloom and Sweetie Belle came to stay ay my cottage for your sleepover." Fluttershy chipped in.

"Eeyup, those were the days." Applejack said.

The baby was delivered successfully, it was a fire orange pegasus girl. Scootaloo was the happiest she'd ever been and Featherweight was just as happy. Rainbow Dash had been there the whole time and was on the brink of collapsing from exhaustion.

"So what you gonna call her?" She asked.

"Well I was thinking, how about Flare?" Scootaloo asked.

"Flare, I think it sounds beautiful." Featherweight said.

"Flare, sounds cool." Rainbow Dash offered.

"Then it's settled." Scootaloo turned to talk to her newborn foul. "Well flare, your gonna have the coolest rainbow maned pegasus for an aunt. She helped mummy for many years and I just know she'll do the same for you."

Scootaloo kissed her fouls forehead then turned back to her beaming sister. Her sister.

Comments ( 23 )

By the gods tears of joy do exist but how the hell do I turn them off?!?
Will there be a sequel for flare?

1130576 yeah me too, if i havn't read this kind of premise before, seriously always the same, (scoot either orphan or abuse than rd adopts her.) your sad for falling over something that been done a million times (Something thats NOT even cannon, just fanon.)

:fluttershysad: nice

BUT: ""Well flare, your gonna have the coolest rainbow maned pegasus for a grandmother. She helped mummy for many years and I just know she'll do the same for you."
Scootaloo kissed her fouls forehead then turned back to her beaming sister. Her sister.

... don't you mean "Her mother" or "for a aunt"?


Oh yeah that's a good point actually, will have to correct that.

I can imagine that Rainbow Dash would be the sort of mother that colts are terrified of. "She's a Luna-darned Superhero! She takes down Changelings and Griffins for breakfast! She'll kill me if I come anywhere near you, Scootaloo!"

"No she won't! She's a softie really!"


I think if I were to vote for another story, it would be how Scoot got her Cutie Mark and the first post-Cutie Mark adventure for the Crusaders.

"So! I see you three have finally stopped being Blankflanks!"

"What do you want Diamond Tiara?"

"Er... well... I was hoping that you three ruffians could help me out with something...?"

I loved this story, it was beautiful, now you just need to change all the 'foul' to 'foal' because foul sounds like a bird...


So, aside from a number of typos in the first part - mostly a lack of apostrophes on possessives - I found this very heart warming. Mind you, it was quite brief, and quickly paced, but 'twas an enjoyable read nonetheless. Thank you for the lovely one-shot + epilogue. :pinkiesmile:

It's complicated.

Dash's relations to Scoots

Dash and Scoots accept each other has sisters. sister
Dash adopts Scoots. sister and mother
Scoots give birth to Flare. Dash is Flare's aunt/grand mother.

To clarify Dash's relation to Flare; we need to answer one question. Is Dash in relation to Scoots; a sister or a mother?

1132002 i guess (Still gets somewhat repetitive after awhile

A thousand million billion likes!!!

Awwww. This...was....so.....AWESOME!! (And adorable:)

AMAZING, but... featherweight? wth. great ending, but am I missing something, whats the big deal with a red pegasi named flare. espially coronal flare

Ohmisweetcelestia that was adorable!
Though, there were some punctuation and spelling errors I wanted to fix so badly.
Maybe its just because I'm the captain of the Spelling Police.
Beautiful, with or without typos. <3

FAN-F%#$@^&-TASTIC!!! THIS WAS AWESOME!!! :pinkiecrazy::pinkiehappy::rainbowlaugh::scootangel::rainbowkiss::yay:

Overwhelming... adorableness... must... resist... oh who am I kidding, AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!

Great fanfic.

A couple of spelling/grammar mistakes, other than that... FLUFF! :scootangel::heart::rainbowkiss:

I Loved the this story when i only read the first chapter. And i still love the story, but i really feel that this chapter ruins a lot of it.
I mostly just think that if you have a story about shipping (Scootaloo and Featherweight) You shouldn't make such huge time skips. If you make a shipping story or at least a chapter that has a lot of focus on it like this. It really just ruins the story for me when i see that its just little moments we get to see. Everything else is mostly just time skips.

I understand that you can't just write a 50k word story or something like that.
But in my opinion it would be better if you then just didn't make shipping if you didn't go in depth about it.
But anyways. While i really don't like this second chapter. I mostly still just see the first one as a one shot. And as a oneshot, it is one of my favorite Scootadopt fictions i've read :scootangel:

I feel like certain parts of this chapter were a bit unneeded mainly everything after the graveyard scene seemed a bit unneeded.

Rainbow Dash has always been fond of Scootaloo, cheering her on from the sidelines and admiring her with almost religious reverence. But when her parents are absent from the talent show Rainbow Dash learns that this is in fact a common occurrence and begins to suspect that there's more to the filly than she originally thought. She takes it upon herself to find out the truth and help her number one-fan.

I think that you've got Rainbow Dash confused with Scootaloo in the beginning part of this description. Here's what I mean:
Scootaloo has always been fond of Rainbow Dash, cheering her on from the sidelines and admiring her with almost religious reverence. But when Scootaloo's parents are absent from the talent show Rainbow Dash learns that this is in fact a common occurrence and begins to suspect that there's more to the filly than she originally thought. She takes it upon herself to find out the truth and help her number one-fan.
Either that, or take out the following:

admiring her with almost religious reverence.

This describes Scootaloo feelings towards Rainbow Dash, but it does not work in reverse. At least, we have yet to see anything in canon supporting that it works in reverse.


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