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Chapter 1: Sunlight, In a world of heroes

Sunlight opened his eyes, awoke by his pet, who was pecking on his head.

“Hi, Cinder, he said. Good morning! Wait, aren’t you supposed to be with Fluttershy’s?”

He got up and looked around him. He noticed he was not in his chamber anymore.

“Wait, why i am doing here? What is that place?” he asked out loud.

He saw Sunset Shimmer, also lying on the ground at 10 meters of him.

“Sunset!!! He said, running in his direction. Sister!! Wake up!!”

She opened her eyes and saw Sunlight's face.

“Sunlight? Wait, what are you doing in my room?!” she shouted, surprised.

She then realized she was not in her room anymore when she looked around her.

“What the hell, she said. Can you explain me why i am in the middle of a place i don’t know!!?”

Sunlight helped her to get up then explained he had no idea of where they were. They also noticed their skin color were different, a sort of beige and their body appearance was different. Sunlight had gained more muscles and was taller, he was looking like an athlete. On her side, Sunset saw that her body was skinnier, taller, but that her ass and breast had got thicker and bigger. If Sunlight was satisfied by his new appearance, Sunset was not and was complaining about being too attractive and looking like a mannequin. But they quickly changed of subject.

“So, you are not the one who did that, said Sunset. First is to find where we are!”

They started to walk side by side. In their way, they saw many signs with names of towns they never heard of.

“Metropolis, said Sunset, reading a sign in front of her. That must be a town and that mean only one thing...”

“...We could have been teleported in another dimension, said Sunlight, finishing her phrase. I propose we head to this town to get some answers”

“Good idea, but on foot, that will be a long way” she said.

“Who told you we were going to walk? He said.

“What do you mean?” she asked.

Sunlight checked if he had on his neck the Phoenix Talisman and luckily, he was still having it. He took Sunset in his arm and activated the relic. Bird-like wings appeared on his back.

“Why don’t using these wings instead of your rocket boots?” she asked.

“Rocket boots are not made for such a long distance and also, i doubt they can support both of us” he answered.

They took flight and at almost 1 kilometer of the city, Sunlight landed on the ground and removed the magic wings. They walked for a good 30 minutes and arrived at the entrance of the town.

“Wow, this is amazing!! Said Sunlight when he see the buildings. Never saw something so advanced!”

“So, what is the plan?” asked Sunset.

Sunlight didn't answered to her question. He was distracted by a fight in the sky. On all the televisions screens, a reporter was filming a fight between 2 people. Sunlight suddenly smiled when he realized that could be a superhero vs supervillain battle.

“There is a superhero fighting a bad guy!! He said, excited. Do you realize what that mean?”

“No..., What does that mean?” she said.

“We have been teleported in a sort of superhero universe!! He said to her. Finally my biggest dream came true!!”

On the screens, Sunlight saw the name of the two persons fighting. The man with the blue costume and the red cape was called Superman and was seeming to be the good guy. The guy in a robotic suit Superman was fighting was named Lex Luthor and was probably the bad guy. Sunlight removed his clothes and revealed his costume under them. He put his mask on and used his rocket boots to leave the ground. He came closer of the battle scene to have a better view and saw that the man with the hi-tech suit was gaining on the other man with the cape.

”Oh no!! He is going to loose!” thought Sunlight when he see Superman throw against a building

Sunset used her geode to make appear her new superhero costume, which included with a mask, and flew in direction of Sunlight.

”What are you doing here? She told him mentally. This is too dangerous to stay close of them!!”

”How did you joined me?” he asked to her.

”The geode give me the flight ability when activated, like with your talisman, she answered. Come on, let’s get out of there!!”

Sunlight saw Lex Luthor having the advantage against Superman. Without even thinking, he activated his boots and flew in direction of the evildoer.

“Sunlight!! Said Sunset. No!!”

“You lost, Superman, said the madman to him. The energy bubble i used to trap you was made of Cryptonite, he said, it is alimented by a reactor inside my armor, do you like it? And now that you are at my mercy, i will finish you once and for all!!”

“Double Blast!!!” yelled Sunlight, throwing two rays of fire at Lex Luthor with his hands.

“What? Who!?” he said.

He was stroke by the attack and sent against a building.

“Wow, i can’t believe i actually attacked a supervillain!!! So awesome!!!” he said, excited.

Lex Luthor flew in his direction and grabbed Sunlight by the neck.

“You will pay for that, fool, he said to him. No one attack me without...”

“Cinder, Attack!!” yelled Sunlight.

She covered herself with fire and stroke Lex Luthor in his face, making him release Sunlight.

“Thank you, Cinder” he said to her.

“Enough, said Luthor. Do you think you have a chance to beat me?”

“Do you want me to answer this question?” answered Sunlight.

Luthor was paralyzed by something entering his mind. Sunset joined the fight and was immobilizing the villain with her psychics powers. But Luthor was resisting and blocking her powers

“He have a really tough mind, she said to Sunlight. I won’t hold him much longer!!”

Luckily, Superman had recovered his energy and destroyed Lex’s armor reactor. Sunset stopped using her mind control due to fatigue.

“My armor, no!! Damn you, Superman!!” said Lex Luthor.

“This is over” said Superman, ripping off the man from the rest of his armor.

He delivered Luthor to the police and returned to look for the two young heroes who helped him.

“You two were courageous, he said. I let my guard down against him and he tricked me. Are you superheroes too?”

“Well, Yeah, answered Sunlight. My sister and me always wanted to be superheroes and today, we decided to realize that dream!”

“Well, thank you for your help, he said. I owe you one for saving me”

“You did all the job, said Sunset. We just well, distracted him...”

“Don't be so modest, he said. Beside, You two should come with me, I have to present you someone”

The two heroes followed Superman to the H.Q of the Justice league.

“Wow, you even have a H.Q!!” said Sunlight.

“This is the main Headquarter of the Justice league, said Superman. We also have another one in space. The Justice League are composed of a team of the most powerful heroes of this planet. Our League protect the Earth”

“So, If you are so many in this league, why nobody came help you?” asked Sunset to Superman.

“They all have their own enemies to fight and own problems to solve, he answered. But when the menace is too big for one of us to handle, this is when the Justice League assemble!”

Someone suddenly arrived from nowhere, with a bat-like black costume.

“I am here, Cla... I mean, Superman, said the man. I was already heading to Metropolis when i saw you were fighting Lex. I saw these two actually rescue you. Who are they?”

He walked in direction of the two siblings. They were slightly intimidated by him.

“You acted courageously today, he said. But attacking Lex Luthor like that was dangerous for two novices like you, he could have killed you.”

“I am not a novice, said Sunlight. And neither is my sister one too. Why did you think we could be novices"

“You are young, answered the man. Which mean you probably don't have a lot of experience on the field. Beside. I am Batman, protector of Gotham, People call me the Dark Knight or the Vengeance in Black or the Shadow of the Night”

“Stop it, Bru...I mean, Batman, said Superman. Beside, i was thinking you would be the best person to train these young heroes to become stronger...”

“So, you want me to train these two kids, uh? He said. I know the perfect place, to the hands of Starfire, they will be well formed.”

He looked at Sunlight's costume

“Hum, said Batman, Your costume is flashy, and it lack of technology. Kinda like Supes one”

"Not everyone need to have gadget on their costume, Bats" said Superman.

“My costume was enhanced with magic, said Sunlight. Why would i need technology when i have magic?”

Sunlight then explained to the two heroes the nature of is powers about fire/heat absorption and control of magic and more especially Fire. Sunset introduced herself as a gifted magician who used psychic abilities in battles. Batman had already wrote that in the bank of files of heroes. (in the intention of being able to counter them if they became villains or mind controlled)

“My superhero name is...Sunblast, said the young man. My real name thought will be a little bit weird for you. My real name is...Sunlight Blaze.”

Batman didn't have a reaction and simply added this to the data bank.

“My name is Sunset Shimmer, she said. My superhero name is...Uh...”

“Her hero name is uh... Solaris” said Sunlight.

Batman then proposed to bring the two in Gotham city.

“I hope you can stand a dark ambiance, said Batman to the two young heroes. Because Gotham is not for everyone. His criminality level his the highest in the world and they happen on a daily basis.”

Sunlight’s phoenix was fast enough to compete with Batman’s Batmobile. Sunlight told to him she was a phoenix and also her loyal pet.

“A phoenix? Said the detective. I thought these creatures where legends. But i have seen magical creatures, godly beings and aliens before, so i am not surprised of seeing a mythological bird.”

“You saw aliens?” asked Sunset.

“Two of my friends are aliens, And you met one of them sooner” he answered.

“Superman is an alien? Said Sunlight. For real?!!”

They finally arrived to Gotham, who was like Batman described it: Dark.

“The contrast is so...Huge, said Sunset. Metropolis was radiating of light and happiness, but Gotham radiate of darkness and sadness. I can feel the fear, despair and hopelessness of its population.”

“Me too i can feel that, and i don’t even have psychics powers” said Sunlight.

Batman told the two siblings to put on headbands in front of their eyes.

“I am sorry to ask you that, said Batman. But i have to take that precaution, this is not personal.”

The two heroes didn't asked questions. They finally felt the car stop. Then Batman took off their headbands.

“You can keep your masks if you want, he said. This place is sure, i present you the Batcave.”

Sunset removed hers, but not Sunlight. A old man arrived, dressed like a butler.

“Master is back, said the old man. And he brought with him two guest. I present myself: I am Alfred, the personal butler of Mr.Batman.”

“He is more than that, said Batman. He is the one who raised me and taught me of to be a Vigilante. He his like a father for me”

“So, to make short, said Sunlight, he his your butler, best friend and tutor. I am wondering who is the real master...”

Alfred had a little smirk.

“I respect Master Batman as much as he respect me, said the butler. But to be honest, without me, that place would look like a real cave! Do you two want something?Don't be shy.”

“Uh, said Sunset. I think i am fine, thank you.”

“I’m fine too” said Sunlight.

“Like you want, said Alfred. Do Master need something? A drink?”

“Not for the moment, Alfred, he answered. I will call you if i need something”

The butler disappeared using an elevator.

“I sent a message to the Titans, said Batman. I told them you will be here in 2 hours. We will take the Batmobile to head to the Titan Tower”

The 3 heroes got inside the car and Batman put on them the sames headbands and removed them once they got outside the cave. They were rolling for a long time when they saw a tower in form of t at the horizon. They knew that was the tower Batman talked about. They finally arrived in front of the building and were greeted by 3 members. The tallest, dressed of light purple, came to welcome Batman and the two other heroes.

“This is the two i talked you about, said Batman. Do you think your team can take care of them?”

“Most of the members of this team are between 14 and 17 years olds. That will be a change to welcome young adults in our team. They are both close of 21, right?”

“Yes, Answered Batman. I sent you two files containing their datas sooner.”

“I already read them, said a young boy. You two look not so bad, but i can’t say the same thing about your names.”

“Be nice, Damian, said the tall woman. My name is Starfire, i am the leader of the Teen Titans, and the young boy here is Damian Wayne aka Red Robin. The other boy on my left is Garfield, aka Beast Boy. The rest of the team is inside the tower, i will present them to you and you to them.”

Batman disappeared without saying anything. Starfire brought the two siblings inside the tower.

Author's Note:

In this story, the timeline is based on DC Animated movies and series (who are more dark serious and good, like example,Justice leagues animated movies, Batman Unlimited trilogy, Superman animated movies) that include the Teens Titans of this same timeline(Example, Teen Titans: The Judas Contract or Teen Titan Vs Justice League)

That will not include Teen Titan go! (that series is shit), DC Superhero girls( that was my first idea, but the number of plot ideas are limited), Justice League Action, Young justice league and other series playing on cartoons channels

For the age of Sunlight and Sunset, they both have 21.