• Published 21st Aug 2012
  • 5,099 Views, 105 Comments

The Wub That Blinds - Shadowswipe

Vinyl Scratch offers you a position singing for her. You haven't sang for years. What could go wrong?

  • ...

The Dream

The alarm is blasting the song of its people as you slowly open your eyes. You reach out a hoof and push a small button on the top of the clock, silencing it. As you slide out of bed you peek out the window, the sun was barely over the horizon. You groan and walk out of your room, towards the bathroom.

After a quick clean up you’re ready to leave. As you head out the door you’re met by a cock-eyed pegasus. She looks at you confused.

“Uh, good morning.” You say. She gives you a big smile.

“Mornin’, here’s your mail.” She picks a bundle of papers out of her bag and hands them to you. You take the bundle by the string and toss it inside.

“Sorry, I’m a little rushed. I’ll look through it later.” You say to the mare. You turn and lock the door, slipping the key in its usual spot.

“Okay, have a good day mister.” The pegasus says before flying off.

You take a deep breath of the early morning air before trotting into the city.

After a quick twenty minutes you make it to Vinyl’s studio. The city was unusually dead this morning; only a few ponies could be seen walking the streets. The air was colder today, indicating winter was coming soon. You shiver slightly as a cold breeze blows past you. As you cross the street in front of Vinyl’s studio, you can’t help but notice the large neon sign was off. Does that mean she’s closed? You think to yourself. You shrug and walk up to the front door, no lights were on inside. You put a hoof on the door and try to open it, but it’s locked.

Suddenly the door begins to glow and you hear it unlock. You push it open and step inside. The door shuts and locks behind you.

“Uh, Vinyl? I’m here!” You call out as you look around the dark and empty studio.

“Yeah, yeah, gimme a sec.” You hear Vinyl call out. The lights in the studio flash on and a door in the far right corner of the room opens. Vinyl lazily walks out, her mane loose and her trademark glasses nowhere to be see. Finally you get a glimpse of her eyes; they were a dark red color. The color of her eyes surprised you; they didn’t match anything about her. You just stared into her eyes, completely ignoring the world around you.

“Uh, you okay dude? You’re staring.” Vinyl says, her voice heavy and tired.

“Yeah, I’m good. Just a little tired.” You reply, trying to avoid the fact that you were staring. You shake your head and walk through the studio, looking at the paintings that adorned the walls.

The paintings were of other pony musicians, most were signed too. Mic The Microphone, Glaze, JackleApp, H8_Seed, General Mumble, they were all there. You see Vinyl watching you out of the corner of your eye.

“Quite the collection you have. I’m guessing you’ve met them all?” You say, trying to break the silence.

“Yeah, every time I meet a famous musician I get them to sign something, and then I get these paintings done.” She explains. She shakes her head a bit then brushes her mane out of her face.

“I see. Since you’re not open this early, why am I here this early?” You ask, turning to face Vinyl Scratch; her red eyes entrancing you.

“Oh I don’t know,” She sighs. “Usually Tombstone helps me set up for the day, but seeing as he’s not here…” She trails off.

“Ah, you need help so you asked me. I see. So what do you need help with?” You ask.

“You can clean up The Pit, it doesn’t have to be spotless it just needs to be accessible.” She says. She rests her head on the front desk and mumbles something to herself.

“Alright, I’ll be down below.” You say before heading to The Pit.

Cleaning The Pit was hard, wires and various cables ran across the floor. You didn’t know what half of the cables were for, but none the less you tidied them up. The work station with the computers was the worst to clean, even more cables running everywhere. The cables seemed to never end.

A few hours passed and you were finally done. Not once did Vinyl come down to try and help, or give you advice as to what cable goes where. A little ticked at that fact you head upstairs to the main room of the studio.

When you reach the top of the stairs you see Vinyl standing at the front desk. As you approach her you hear something, you cock your head to hear it better. Snoring, she was lightly snoring. Truthfully, it was quite adorable. But you had to wake her. You lightly step around the desk and look at her. You felt really bad about what you’re about to do, she looks so peaceful.

“Uh Vinyl, Pit’s clean.” You say, you lightly tap her on the shoulder to wake her. She mumbles a bit then looks up at you, her mane partially covering her face. For a brief moment you actually felt some attraction to this mare, when she looked at you with those eyes your heart seemed to melt.

“Wha? Oh thanks. I owe ya one.” She says, she brushes her mane out of her face and looks at you. “Coffee?”

“No thanks, I think you need it more than I do.” You reply with a chuckle.

“Hehe, yeah I guess so.” She chuckles before heading through the door to her left. When she was out of sight you began to have a little freak out.

“What are you doing? You idiot! She’s a partner, you work with her now. She’s probably with Tombstone anyway. But if she’s not… No! You can’t try anything, keep it professional.” You say to yourself, you watch your tone so Vinyl doesn’t hear you arguing with yourself. You pace around the studio, slightly nervous at your new found feelings.

“Yo, can you come help me with something?!” Vinyl calls from the door.

“Yeah, just a sec.” You call back. You trot over to the door, but you take some deep breaths to calm yourself before going in. When you walk through the door you see a kitchen, a very white kitchen. Everything seemed to sparkle; it was all just so white. You see Vinyl staring at her coffee maker, she looked a little angry.

“What’s the matter?” You ask.

“Coffee maker doesn’t want to work.” She replies.

“Alright, let me take a look at it.” You offer.

“It’s all yours.” She says lazily.

You trot over beside her and look at the coffee maker. It was the same model you had, so this should be an easy fix. You pull the coffee maker close to you for a better look, nothing seems wrong on the outside. You place a hoof on the top and take the lid off.

“You do know there’s no filter, or water, or coffee in here right?” You say with a little chuckle.

“What, I swear I put those in there.” She says defensively.

“It’s no problem, it’s an easy fix.” You say, you push the coffee make back to its spot and put in the filter, then the coffee and lastly the water. You close the lid and turn on the coffee maker.

“There, it’s all good now.” You say, you look over at Vinyl and notice that she’s staring at you.

“What? Oh, um right. The coffee.” She says, she rubs the back of her head with her hoof and blushes slightly. “Tombstone usually makes the coffee, I’ve never used the coffee maker before.”

“That’s fine.” You say. You look around at the kitchen, an awkward silence follows.

“So, uh what are we working on today?” You finally ask, breaking the silence.

“Well let’s see, we need to get your pitch issue worked out and I want to see your vocal range.” She says. She looks over at a clock on the wall. She sighs and looks back at you. “Was I really out for two hours?”

“Yeah, when I came up from The Pit you were snoring away.” You say, a smile forming on your face.

“Really, I’m sorry. Like I said yesterday, I’m a zombie for most of the day.” She says, blushing even more.

Your mind is racing with things to say, all of which would probably get you killed. You just nod your head and look around.

“I’m really sorry, it’s not usually this dead around here.” She says, while pouring a cup of coffee with her magic.

“I don’t care. I kinda like the silence.” You say. “Hey, where’s the music controls? You know, the ones for the studio speakers?”

“They’re down in The Pit. Just pick a song from the computer, it should play up here automatically.” She explains.

You trot out of the kitchen and down to The Pit. You walk up to the control panel and look at the computer screen. The next song on queue was the one you were looking for. You press the green play button in front of you and the song starts playing. You can hear it slightly, but as you walk back to the kitchen it gets louder.

When you return to the kitchen you see Vinyl sitting at the table, she was levitating her coffee cup with her magic. She was bobbing her head to the music.

“Good choice.” She says. She takes a sip of her coffee and sets the cup down on the table. She gestures for you to sit
as well. You sit in the chair across from her.

“Okay, let’s talk business.” She says.

A few hours of talking business and doing various vocal exercises later, you find yourself in the booth again, doing another recording. This was a much more mellow song, a song of many feels, as Vinyl put it. It was a JackleApp song, Autumn, very fitting for the weather outside.

You nod at Vinyl and the song starts playing. This song had a special meaning to you, something you couldn’t explain. As you start singing you close your eyes and visions play in your mind. When you get to the chorus you opened your eyes and looked out at Vinyl. You couldn’t help yourself at this point, your feelings for her were becoming stronger and stronger.

When the song was finished you walked out of the booth and met Vinyl in the control room.

“So, how was it?” You ask.

“Great! It was perfect! I’ve never seen this much improvement in such a short time.” She says excitedly. She swings her chair around and looks at you. Your eyes meet hers and time seems to stop. She blinks a couple times before speaking.

“You know, if you keep this up I might just bring you along to my next show.” She chirps.

“Am I really that good?” You ask.

“Hells yeah you’re that good.” She yells, she was excited and didn’t even try to hide it.

“Well I guess I should be flattered you think so.” You give a little bow with a smirk on your face. Vinyl burst out laughing. You laugh along with her. She takes a peek up at the clock. It read 11:50 PM.

“Holy crap dude, we went overtime, by three hours.” She continued to laugh.

“Well it looks like I must be off. I’ve had fun, I’ll see ya tomorrow.” You say.

“Uh, tomorrow’s no good bro. It’s Sunday, I don’t work on Sundays.” She says between deep breaths.

“Oh, well in that case I’ll see you on Monday.” You reply. You head up the stairs to the studio and make your way to the door. You hear galloping hoofsteps behind you. You turn and see Vinyl running up the stairs and around the front desk. She stops a few feet from you, she’s blushing intensely.

“Uh, wait. I was w-wondering something.” She says, stammering some of her words.

“What’s up?” You respond.

“I was wondering if you wanted to hangout tomorrow night.” She asks shyly.

“Uh, yeah sure. Why not?” You say. Now it was your turn to blush, you could feel your cheeks turning red.

“Um, alright cool. Meet at Sugarcube Corner at six.” She says, her white coat glowing red.

“Will do, see ya there.” You respond. You nervously leave the studio. You look back and see Vinyl watching you. You give her a little smile, she smiles back. You look at the road ahead of you. Not a pony in sight.

By the time you got home it was past midnight. Your mind was racing with questions. You were bouncing with excitement, but at the same time you felt sick due to anxiety. You paced back and forth in your house; you couldn’t sleep with this new found energy.

You look around your house, looking for anything to take your mind off the date. Date, you can’t believe you’re using that word. You resort to reading some crappy books your friends gave you for your birthday. You grab one off the shelf and plop down in on the couch. You start reading the book.

The book was so bad, but it seemed to be doing the trick. You could feel yourself drifting off the more you read. Before long you were completely passed out.

You open your eyes and all you see is white, white everywhere. There was no differentiating between objects. It was all white, no textures, no other colors, no wind, and no sound. It was kinda creepy. You begin to walk forward, but it felt as if you weren’t moving at all. Suddenly sounds filled your ears, hoofsteps. They were loud and they echoed. You looked all around for the source of these hoofsteps, but nothing but white could be seen, until you heard a voice.

The voice was familiar, very familiar. Every time you heard the voice a little bit of white would disappear. Before long all the white had faded away, revealing Vinyl Scratch’s studio. You look around confused, then you spot Vinyl in the corner. She turns her head and looks at you; her mane is loose and wild. She stands and trots up to you. She’s standing only a foot away from you, you could feel her breaths on your coat.

“Vinyl… I-” You’re cut off when her lips touch yours. You pull away shocked.

“Vinyl what are you doing?” You ask, an urgent tone in your voice. She doesn’t respond. She wraps her arms around your neck and pulls you in for another kiss. Your heart nearly explodes when your lips connect again. You wrap one hoof around her and pull her closer, deepening the kiss. You feel her tongue on yours; you move yours around hers like it’s some kind of dance. She breaks the kiss and gasps for air.
She looks at you smiling. All of a sudden you feel a strong tugging from behind, you look over your shoulder and see a light. The light seems to be pulling you in, you look back at Vinyl.

“Vinyl, I lo-” Your cut off by the light, you close your eyes before it engulfs you.

Your eyes shoot open and you look around. You’re in a cold sweat and your heart is pounding. You’re on the couch in your living room. You’re panting, you look over at the clock, and it reads 5:45 AM.

“Well balls. Looks like I have to stay awake now.” You say to yourself. “Why was that a dream? Why couldn’t that have been real?” You ask yourself. You lean your head back. You slowly start to drift off again.