• Published 21st Aug 2012
  • 1,105 Views, 14 Comments

Huntershy - Magicolt808

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The Everfree Forest. An unforgiving place where lonely souls go to die. This is where She ventured for she was on a mission. To feed her pet Lion. Who is this mysterious pony you may ask. Why it’s no other than the ruthless hunter, Fluttershy.

She stealthily moved with the wind and kept to the trees. She snuck around every trap laid out and forgotten for decades, worn with age. As she crept, she kept her spear tightly in her mouth and kept her eyes darting to either side of her, waiting incase of an attack. Sweat fell from her brow, but she ignored it, liking it up with her lips and savoring the saltiness. Her ears flickered and adjusted to the sounds around her. Just then, a sharp crack behind her forced her to spin around and get in attacking stance.

What she saw before her did not faze her. She just narrowed her eyes at the beast and tried to anticipate its next move. After all, the mighty manticore was no beast to be played with. As it moved to its side, so did she in perfect unison. Her eyes never left its gaze and her teeth tightened around the spear in her mouth.

At that moment, the manticore lunged, almost spearing Fluttershy with its sharp stinger. But she dodged it with expert precision and did not break focus. Now was her turn. She swept the spear against the forest floor, sweeping up dust and leaves into the air, blinding her opponent. As the manticore snarled in pain, she took that time to attack. She dove forward with the spear head aimed at the manticores chest. It peirced the soft skin and fur, but did not do anyserious internal damage. Instead, the manticore howled in pain and broke the spear, letting the sharp head stay inside.

As blood oozed out of its chest, fluttershy hopped back, getting a good distance between her and the beast. She heaved heavily and panted as she knew conquering this animal was going to be harder without her main weapon. Nonetheless, she slowly pulled her knife from its sheath and danced in front of the manticore, waiting for it to attack once more. The manticore narrowed its eyes and roared as he charged at her full force. As it lept, she sprinted forward and sliced the belly of the beast as she ran past. The manticore landed and skid across the dirt before roaring agin in pain.

Fluttershy also turned around and snarled as the blood dripped off her blade. Her sweat dripped onto the dirt and made it moist. How was she supposed to defeat this monster? Surely there was a way to kill it before she got hurt. Just then it clicked. As she looked up, she saw the canopy was just high enough for her to fly up. She looked back down and was knocked back as the manticore slammed its head into her front. She flew back and was slammed against a tree by the great paw of the manticore.

Quickly she reacted, slashing at its paw. Once again, it yelped and jumped back, scared of the sharp sting of her blade. Its anger growing and its eyes seeig red, it lunged forward again, showing it’s great white teeth. Fluttershy saw this as her last chance for her victory. She quickly jumped up and flew in the air before diving down hard, forcing the blade into the manticores skull and breaking the bone underneath.

As the beast fell, she gracefully floated off, kicking up dirt as she landed. As she looked back, the eyes of the manticore began shutting, but not before it shed one last tear. Fluttershy closed her eyes and hung her head low. But then she looked back up at the beast and said on thing.

“It had to be done.”

Without hesitation, she got out her skinning knife and began to collect its meat before any scavangers came to clame her prize. She wiped her brow and as she looked at the cloth she used, she became aware of the fact that she was covered in sweat, dirt and blood. She licked her lips and tasted the salty iron of the misxture of blood and sweat. She savored the taste for any hunter could appreciate the taste of their hard work.

As he collected her things, she took one last look at the monster she had killed. She gave one sigh and left to go home. Her legs felt heavy and the prize on he back felt abnormally burdening. But the only thought she had was to feed her new pet lion, Leo.

She neared the edge of the forest and let her feet drag against the ground. She was dead tired and needed to rest. But she would not allow herself to be weak now. She gathered all of her strength and stumled out of the edge of the forest in front of her cottage. It was dark now and the light was coming from one of her windows.

“Angel must have lit it for me.” She thought as a smile came onto her face.

She walked with a new found happiness and continued to be happy until she reached the window itself. To her horror, she could see that a mess had been made and all of her furniture was torn up. She quickly ran inside and covered her mouth in terror. What had happened? What was going on? These thought ran through her head and rang loudly in her ear. Her tears came down in what had become of her house but then another thought hit her like a ton of bricks.

Where are the animals?

She ran all around her house and was unable to find her canaries nor her pigs nor her chickens. Where had they all gone? She was soon answered when she entered her room. As she opened the door, she saw the bed that Angel Bunny slept in. It was blood stained and a trail led out of her window.

Where’s Leo?

Where’s Angel?

The End

Comments ( 13 )

If this is a trollfic, well done. You get a cookie.

:pinkiehappy:ahhhh this was great but you clever bastard now i wish for a squeal :rainbowlaugh: or not either way awesome :yay:

I read the second line, "An unforgiving place where lonely souls go to die.", and was literally laughing so hard, no idea why this made me laugh but whatever. Great fic! How the hell did you make this so fast? :twilightsmile:

Had some epic in it, I say. And I always wondered how she kept those carnivores of hers fed. You found a pretty brilliant solution to that: Monsters, roaming the woods as beast-like morons. Maybe you should have made it a troll instead of a manticore, you know, for poetic justice's sake.

I'm not really convinced about the ending. I guess it makes sense, illustrating the futility of it all. No matter how hard she tries overcoming the paradoxes of being an animal lover who has to kill to feed her babies, in the end she just can't win. In terms of the story-line, though, the ending was pretty random and looked disconnected from what happened previously. Maybe it would have made more sense if you explained that she just got the lion and was still struggling to integrate it. Right now, I just wonder why this hasn't happened a lot earlier

I'll give praise the vocabulary, the word use, and the grammar

The story itself...ehhhhhh
Reaction midway: :rainbowhuh:
Reaction to the ending: :rainbowlaugh:

Oh. This is that story you wrote in less than an hour. I guess it's decent for that, then.

1131446 this is what happens when I write a story in 35 mins without editing or proof reading.

Ahh, glad to finally get a mediocre story once again from you Magic.

Joking aside, not a bad run through for only 35 minutes. You're getting better with your action scenes, but your periods could be spaced out more and replaced with commas. Was a tad shocked when you got Fluttershy to lick the blood rather than just wipe it off. But hey, it flows with the mood and the story.

EDIT: would also like to point out that i totally called it. (You coming back here that is)

Bravo and Encore

I like this, well done.

But man.... DAT ENDING....

NUUUU! Leo, y u no wait like every one else???

That was... quite the surprise ending. I'm not sure what to say about it.


This. right here.

At the end of the trail, Angel eating the lion...

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