• Published 29th Mar 2020
  • 267 Views, 3 Comments

The Alley Outside of 7/11: An Anthology - The Red Parade

A collection of speed writings, discarded and abandoned stories, and other odds and ends. Story details in long description.

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I had plans. I guess we all do. It’s kinda funny to think about, really. It’s like those silly childhood dreams we’ve all had. You know, the ones where we want to be astronauts or soldiers or movie stars or something. Or… maybe you don’t know.

Yeah. Well, life never works out like that, does it? I’ve been thinking about that a lot lately. How we don’t really stop to wonder what’s really stopping us from going there, getting that dream. I mean, sometimes it’s really closer than we think, but we just… let it slip away. Like everything else.

Well, I’ve just been doing some thinking lately. Not like there’s much else I can do. I just want to know that I’ve lived a good life, you know?. But… I’m not feeling it. I’ve been trying, though, looking back at all my memories. But there’s nothing there. Looking back it’s just so…

Yeah! Disenchanting. That’s the word. It’s like, fuck, I could have done so much more with my life. I could have done so much differently. Like, instead of going to that stupid party, maybe I would have remembered to study for that god damned midterm. And maybe I wouldn’t have gotten kicked out of college. And… and maybe I’d die being something more than a 7/11 cashier.

It’s not that I didn’t try. Because I like to think that I did. That’s kind of why I adopted Freddy, too. Best damned friend I could ever ask for. But… you know, he died, and… and that was that. And looking back now, everything I did to try and change the world didn’t really work.

It’s frustrating. Because I really did want to make my life meaningful. But I didn’t. Maybe I wasted too much time. Maybe I wasn’t brave or strong enough, I don’t know. But I guess I just took life for granted. Figured I had a full life ahead of me to become who I want to be.

What, with this? Yeah right. Who’s going to listen to what I have to say anyways? It’s just going to be another fucking sad song, with nothing to say. I mean, if I never listened to those stories, who’s going to? I’ve given up. It’s… it’s too fucking late now.

Look, I… I spent my entire life doing what I was told. They said go to college to get a degree, so I did. They said major in business, so I did. Look how that turned out. They told me to sit down and shut up because I didn’t matter. For a while, I guess I did. But, for real. I’m one person. It’s just stupid to think that I could change the world. I’m fucking nobody.

Just… just go away. I don’t care for what you have to say. You don’t scare me anymore.

Linda? No, I never told her. Why should I? She’d just laugh. She never loved me anyways. Probably because I took her for granted like I did with everything else. So I went out, drank and partied. Look how well that turned out for me.

No. Nothing did. Not the drugs, not the beer, not the smoking. It just made me feel worse. Why do you care? You’re not my psychiatrist.


I don’t know. I mean… I wish I could have done things differently. It’s so funny to think that I could have turned my life around if I knew it was going to end like this. It’s funny, I’ve spent all twenty four years of my life living up to die in a hospital bed.

Huh. I guess I’d tell him to wake up and stop taking things for granted. To sit up and listen to what those at the end have to say.

To those at the end? I dunno. Guess I’d tell them it’s okay, because they can rest now. They don’t have to worry about who they were anymore. I still have to, though. But… not for long. Right? That’s why you’re here, isn’t it?

Tell me one thing. What’s on the other side?

Heh. Oh yeah, I can believe that.

No, I guess I’d rather not know.

I… I guess it wouldn’t hurt.

“Were you talking to me?”

Oh, hey Doc. No. Just… talking to myself. Hey, could you pass me my phone? I need to make a call...