• Published 4th Apr 2020
  • 839 Views, 6 Comments

Pets, Ponies and Cuddles - lillytheomegawolf

Set the day after May the Best Pet Win! Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash enjoy some time out together with their pets. What starts off as a short pet playdate turns into a fun filled-day together.

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Pets, Ponies and Cuddles

A quick authors note:

I recommend music such as Find a Pet or its remixed version by Odyssey or whatever your favourite tune from season one or two is. Get those classic feels going :pinkiehappy:

Two pegasi sat on a small hill in a meadow on the outskirts of Ponyville. Nearby, a popular napping tree of the famous Rainbow Dash stood proud. However, it was currently vacant. A rabbit raced around the tree and shot back toward the small hill. Halfway up, a tortoise strode along with great purpose, his head held high and a smile upon his face. The rabbit came to a screeching halt in front of the slow creature who very slowly directed his vision to the speedy little creature who had begun tapping his right foot impatiently.

“I wonder what they’re saying…?” Fluttershy mused softly as she watched the bunny gesture wildly. The tortoise nodded ever so slowly and the animal caretaker could imagine him replying with his own relaxed, drawn out speech to the energetic white fluff.

“You know Fluttershy...” Dash spoke softly, her tone unusually pensive.

Fluttershy turned to the mare who’s hoof lay across her withers and hummed softly in answer.

“It’s kinda funny that you have a bunny and I have a turtle, you know?”

“Dash, he’s a tortoise remember? And why would you say that?”

“Well...” Dash giggled rather loudly as Angel bunny rushed off into some bushes and left Tank by his lonesome.

The speedy bunny rushed back and leapt over the smiling tortoise who appeared to react in extreme slow motion, turning so slowly he missed any sight of the receding bunny. Angel leapt from hiding once more and bounded onto the top of the tortoise's shell.

“That right there,” Dash pointed out as her pet became the platform for an impromptu dance. “I’m fast but have a slow but really kind pet. Your... you and have a fast annoying pet who can be a total butt. It’s like we got pets that are our opposites or something.”

Fluttershy nodded in agreement. “Almost like they represent the pony we chose as our partners?”

“Yeah! Wait, I’m not annoying. Not like that bunny…” Dash shot the rabbit a scowl. Angel spotted the blue pegasus’s glance, poked his tongue out then dashed off again.

Fluttershy giggled softly. “Of course you’re not. Although you can be demanding like he is.”

“I’m not demanding.” Dash shot her partner a pointed look.

Fluttershy smiled sweetly back and held the gaze of those vibrant red eyes. The two pegasi gazed into each other's eyes as birds twittered in the trees around them and their pets continued to somewhat play together.

After what felt like a long time of pleasant gazing, Dash broke away to once again gaze at her new pet. “Okay, maybe I can be. But-“

Lip lock broke the speedster’s rebuttal. Fluttershy hummed softly while she nuzzled into her companion’s warm blue coat. “It’s okay Dashie, you’re lucky I love you just the way you are.”

“Good, you should join my fan club then.”

“The one Scootaloo leads?”

Dash grinned at the mention of her young fan. “Yeah.”

“Oh, no. I think it’s best that I let her have her fun.”

Dash glanced carefully at the mare cuddled up to her side. “But I thought you said you’re my number one fan!?”

Fluttershy shot her fillyfriend a reserved look. “Yes, but I do think your ego is already bigger than this town. I don’t need to join the club that insists on making it bigger. Although I bet my brother would love to join that club.”

Dash scowled. “That... no. He was annoying enough as a baby.” The light blue pegasus spotted the light smile upon her mare’s face and felt compelled to further add to her response. “He got worse as he grew up. Just no. And you’re not allowed to tell him about my fan club.”

“I could mention it in my next letter.”

“What? No, come on.”

Fluttershy giggled at the reaction to her offer.

“Wait. You write to your brother?”

Fluttershy nodded as she rolled onto her back, her gaze still fixed upon the pony beside her. “Of course. Don’t you?”

Pink eyes wandered the revealed yellow tummy. It looked so plush and huggable, Rainbow Dash could just cuddle it now. The speedster shook her head to rid herself of such sappy thoughts. “No. Does he reply?”

“Um...” Fluttershy played with her forehooves while her wings spread out on either side of herself.

Dash noticed the changes in her fillyfriend’s demeanour. “He ignores you?”

Yellow forehooves clopped lightly together then lowered as a sigh escaped the shy mare. “He can take his time to reply.”

The speedster’s snout winked up, “so why write to him? He’s a pain in the flank.”

“But he’s still my baby brother and I love him.”

“Have you told him about... us?”

Green eyes grew wide. “Oh, no.”

“Why not? He still has that stupid, annoying thing for me, doesn’t he?”

Fluttershy nodded carefully.

“That why you don’t wanna tell him?”

A little white bunny with an annoyed look upon his face bounded in front of Fluttershy and began waving his arms. The yellow pony rolled over to get a better look at her precious pet. “Oh, I’m sorry Angel. What’s wrong?”

More chitters and gestures followed. Dash ignored the creature in favour of her fillyfriend.

“Tank wants to take a swim? You want to what?” The animal caretaker's eyes grew wide and she sat up, her gaze darted to the tortoise who smiled happily at the pegasus couple.

“What?” Dash spoke up, at a complete loss over what was going on.

As Angel chittered and gestured some more, Fluttershy’s gaze remained fixed upon the little bunny. “I guess you two could...”

With a giant grin, Angel leapt upon the shy pony’s back and jumped up and down, ready for action.

“Care to tell me what’s going on?” Dash tapped a hoof impatiently, unpleased at being left out.

Fluttershy stood slowly careful to ensure the bunny on her back remained there. “Angel wants to play in the stream with Tank.”

Surprise rippled rather comically across the weathermare’s face. “I didn’t know he liked water.”

A smile crept across Fluttershy’s lips. “He’s not all that keen on water, true. But he wants to go for a ride on Tank. Apparently Tank told him how well he can swim and Angel doesn’t believe him.”

“Oh yeah? I bet Tank’s a great swimmer.” Dash pointedly shot back at the proud bunny.

“The stream nearby is slow at this time of year. We could safely play there?” Fluttershy suggested.

“Okay,” Dash leapt up, grabbed her tortoise then made a beeline for the stream in mind.

The speedster touched down beside the relaxed, slow moving waters. The surrounding bush was thick enough to make the spot private while being close enough to the nearby fields in case of an emergency.

Tank’s rotor blades kicked into gear, lifting the tortoise off his owner’s back and onto the ground. Dash quickly released her pet of his flying gear and he began his ever so slow march toward the water. Although it was a mere two strides away for a pony, the slow moving creature was in for quite a walk.

“Dash,” Fluttershy panted as she landed ungainly beside her grinning mare. “That wasn’t a race.”

“So? It was more fun this way.” Dash buzzed with energy, hopeful that her mood could rub off on her fillyfriend.

Fluttershy huffed. “You- you don’t want to take it slowly and enjoy the flight with me?”

“I-” Dash faltered, torn between her desire for speed and her love for the pony who certainly did not share her athletic abilities. “Uh...”

“No. I’m sorry, it’s fine... you can fly as fast as you like... I’m just being selfish.”

Dash sighed and nabbed her fillyfriend in a light hug. “No. You’re fine.”

Fluttershy hugged her fillyfriend back. “But I’m not- I shouldn't hold you up. I do enjoy wanting... That should be good enough?” A rather desperate, fake smile crossed the yellow mare’s face as she tried to face her fillyfriend.

“I know you do. But- ugh... whatever. Let’s just have fun. Okay?”

Fluttershy continued to hold onto her protector.

Rainbow Dash was quick to notice but allowed the moment to drag on. She rubbed the shy pegasus’s back and placed her wings protectively around the lanky yellow pegasus.

After another few quiet moments, Dash became aware of a light tap-tap-tap upon earthy riverside. It didn’t take much effort to spot the rabbit responsible. Dash sighed. “I think your dumb bunny wants something...”

Fluttershy nodded briskly and withdrew shyly from her partner. “Yes, Angel? What can I help you with?”

Meanwhile, Tank had finally reached the water after his long sprint toward its cool, refreshing bounds. He stepped into the water as though in slow motion.

Dash took a deep breath to calm herself. Yes, he really was this slow. But it was fine. He was a great pet.

A little slow. But that was fine. The speedster sat impatiently while her tortoise waded into the water. It was hard to resist picking him up and placing him much further out, yet she resisted.

Finally, Tank made it far enough out that he was able to kick off. Dash waded in beside her pet and was surprised at how quickly the creature began to move once fully in the stream.

At home in the slowly flowing stream Tank moved as though weightless. Across the stream and back he gently sailed, all the while, a giant grin illuminated his face.

“Wow, go Tank! I didn’t know you could move this fast!” Dash cheered while keeping her inner thoughts to herself. He was fast in comparison to his normal self. Still really slow. But not bad considering how slowly he walked on land. She was certainly still happy to have picked him as her pet. His cool charm must be rubbing off or something sappy.

The tortoise swam up to his master. The delighted speedster carefully patted the shell. 

Satisfied, Tank swam over to Fluttershy who remained at the water's edge. “A-are you sure about this?”

As the waterborne tortoise began to nod Angel leapt onto Fluttershy’s back and wandered up to her head. With a precise jump, he propelled himself onto the shell of the tortoise. This cut the green creature off, mid nod as he sank deeper into the shallow stream.

“Angel, be nice and enjoy yourself.”

The bunny nodded rapidly to his caregiver then turned to his ride and began to chitter and gesture.

Without responding, Tank began to swim, a smile upon his face.

As the tortoise cruised along through the flowing waters, the bunny on top struck different poses.

Fluttershy giggled as she waded through the water to join her fillyfriend in the middle of the stream.

Dash noticed the bunny had pulled off one pose as though he were flying. If she didn’t know better, he was impersonating her. The annoying bunny broke out another pose and now Dash was sure she was being made fun of! As she leapt up to give the bunny a good dunking, the speedster found herself cut off by her beautiful yellow fillyfriend.

“Um... if it’s okay with you, can we swim together in the deep spot downriver?”

Dash glanced past her mare and saw the annoying bunny was relaxing on the shell of her pet as though he had always been there. She scowled. Was the cheeky rabbit just being cheeky or was he taunting her?

Beautiful green eyes captured the speedster’s gaze and she forced a grin on to her muzzle. “Or I could shove the clouds above us together and we could go for a dip in the clouds.”

Fluttershy briefly scanned the sky above. “I think the stream is better than those.”

Dash pulled a scowly face. “You calling those clouds useless?”

“No. I’m just saying, those don’t look like the kind of clouds your mother would use for us to swim in.”

Dash groaned. “I’m sure I could make a cool cloud pool out of them. But whatever.”

The complaining speedster jolted with shock as water hit her muzzle. “Hey!”

Fluttershy gazed innocently back, her wings resting upon the flowing water’s surface. “Stop complaining then. ...If you don’t mind.”

“I’m not complaining. I’m just saying I can make a better cloud-” More water hit the proud pony in the face.


“Yes, Dear?” The shy pony smiled sweetly back as she settled her wings upon the cool water once again.

“Do that one more time and I will splash you and then I’ll dunk you.”

“What, like this?” Fluttershy tentatively flicked a few droplets at her marefriend. Her right wing settled back into the water as though it had never moved.

The shy mare giggled at the deadpan look she received. After a quick check to see the two pets were still having fun and were safe in the middle of the stream Fluttershy sank slightly into the water so her mane became wet. The yellow pony whipped her pink mane back to face her special somepony.

Dash blinked a few times as water dripped off her muzzle. “Alright. You’re asking for it, aren’t you?”

“Me?” A yellow forehoof rose and pressed against its owner's chest, as though she were surprised at implicating herself.

“Oh, it can’t be little old me...” Fluttershy stuttered as she sloshed closer till she was nose to nose with her marefriend.

“You know, whatever you're thinking of doing, my reflexes are too fast. I’ll stop you before you can hit me with more water.” The proud pegasus bragged as she stood tall in the stream.

Fluttershy smiled sweetly back, touched noses then laid a kiss upon her sweetheart’s lips.

Rainbow Dash allowed herself to be drawn into the kiss but kept her eyes open in case of any surprises.

The buttery yellow pegasus closed her eyes and fell into the kiss. She wrapped the powerful blue mare in a loose hug as they came closer and closer together.

Rainbow Dash felt her own eyes close as she was drawn into the pleasing feelings that arose as she shared the intimate moment with her lover. Before Dash knew what was happening, she was on her back, in the water with only her mouth and cheeks above the surface.

Fluttershy giggled as she lay on top. “You float very nicely. Does this uh... mean I win?”

“What? No!” Dash flailed about a bit as she pushed her fillyfriend off. Blue hooves failed to find the bottom as the speedster found herself in the deeper section of the stream.

After several moments of mad kicking, Rainbow Dash settled down and shot her mare an annoyed look. They had travelled together downstream further than she thought and were nearby at a sharp bend. “You sneaky mare.”

“Oh, I”m sorry I just thought-”

“No, no, no.” Dash laughed. “You got me good. Now I just gotta find a way to get you back later.”

A tortoise shell broke the conversation for a few moments as Tank cruised right between the couple. Angel bunny was flat out like a lizard in the sun, lying on the hard shell relaxing. The still dry bunny looked as though he was hard at work soaking up the patchy rays from Celestia’s sun that passed through the tree cover. 

Two pairs of pony eyes watched the pair drift past effortlessly.

Dash blinked a few times in surprise. She turned to her saturated fillyfriend. “Wow. Tank really comes alive in the water, doesn’t he?”

“Yes. I’m pleased Angel Bunny is relaxed too. He doesn’t often like water.”

“I wonder...” Dash mused for a few moments. “Could Tank swim if I set up a bank of clouds as a pool?”

“I don’t know...”

“Hmmm...” Dash eyed the duo who rounded the bend and vanished behind a wall of greenery.

“Uh. Maybe we should speed up. I don’t want to lose them Tank or Angel Bunny.”

“Yeah.” Dash agreed as she began to paddle along once more. “Hey, next date with our pets, I wanna see if Tank can swim in clouds like a pegasus. It would be wicked cool if he can!”

“As long as you’re ready to catch him in case he falls though.” 

“Of course.”

“Okay, it’s a date.” Fluttershy smiled brightly as she rounded the corner and spotted the floating shell of Tank swirling around in the shallows in an area with plenty of large bushes close by on the shore. Angel was nowhere in sight.

“Oh no! Angel Bunny!” Fluttershy ungainly hurried through the water till she reached the shore.

“Where are you?” The distressed yellow mare called out as she briskly looked around, panic welling up inside. “Tank, where did he go?”

The tortoise began to respond but stopped.

Fluttershy felt something small land on her back and jumped in shock, “eep!”

“Gotcha!” Dash called out as she held the sneaky rabbit in her forehooves. “Now apologize to Fluttershy! You made her worried.”

Fluttershy span around and smiled with relief. “Oh, it’s okay. I’m just glad he’s okay.”

“But-” Dash gaped as the precious little rabbit was taken off her and cuddled.

Angel poked his tongue out at the blue pegasus who shot him a sullen look back.

“Please try and be more careful Angel, you never know what big, scary animals are around when you’re out here.” Fluttershy lightly chided the bunny.

The pure white bunny shrugged the reprimand off and motioned for a carrot.

“You want to be fed now?”

Brisk nods came from the little white bunny.

Fluttershy carefully placed her pet on the shoreline then turned to her lover. “Do you mind if we return to my place?”

“Only if you feed me too,” Dash replied. While she was annoyed by the small rabbit’s antics, the thought of food did lift the mood.

“Okay.” Fluttershy snuck in close and planted a kiss on the speedster's cheek. “Thank you for being so flexible.”

“Don’t you know it.” Dash winked and playfully slapped the three butterflies with her left wing.


Fluttershy jolted, her eyes wide.


“That was inappropriate.”

The speedster’s muzzle wrinkled in disbelief. “What, why? No pony saw! Besides... we’ve done way more than that out here before.”

“Little Angel Bunny and Tank saw!” Fluttershy protested.

Dash took a step back, further into the water. Her gaze wandered between the smug looking bunny who seemed to enjoy seeing her get told off, her tortoise and her marefriend. “Uh. Okay... well, sorry then. I guess I misread things. I just thought... you know...”

“You thought what?” Fluttershy prodded softly.

“Just me going back to your place... forget about it. I was being stupid. I can see myself off.”

“No. Don’t go. Please?”

Dash froze. There was no way she could say no to that adorable look. “Okay. Are you sure you want to invite me home after I kinda literally hit on you there?”

Fluttershy snuck a quick peck to her fillyfriend’s cheek. “It’s fine. We all make mistakes and we are both still learning. I’ll make us all something nice.”

A rather loud belch echoed around Fluttershy’s cottage as Rainbow Dash lay back on the couch. “That was amazing...” A carrot flew toward the proud pony. She only just ducked in time for the carrot to bounce off the wall behind. 

Angel was quick to collect his prized carrot from the floor. He shot the offending pony a dark look then raced back to his food bowl in the opposite side of the room from the couple.

“Angel. Be nice.” Upon receiving no response from her pet, Fluttershy turned back to her fillyfriend. “And I’m glad you liked it.”

The shy mare rose and collected the two plates from the couples' shared meal. Once the dishes were placed in the sink, the animal caretaker checked on her bunny.

Angel was in the process of carefully checking his last carrot for any defects from its brief flight. Upon spotting his ‘mother’ he rapidly ate the last portion of his meal then smiled innocently up at her.

“Well, I might head off. Take Tank with me. You know...” The speedy pegasus rose and trotted across to her fillyfriend.

“Oh, okay. You don’t want any cuddles before you go?”

Dash noticed the bunny briskly shaking his head. She suppressed a grin as she replied: “Sure. Hey Angel, you can look after Tank for a few more minutes right?”

The bunny shot the arrogant mare an offended look.

“I’ll make you your favourite dinner if you do,” Fluttershy added quietly.

Two white ears perked up. Angel chittered and gestured. Dash stood there, a little lost over the creature's antics as she awaited her fillyfriend’s response.

Fluttershy nodded happily. “Oh, yes, I’ll be sure to have all the right ingredients for that. Yes.”

Satisfied, the small bunny nodded then bounded up to Tank.

“So... cuddles?” Dash asked hopefully.

Fluttershy smiled back. “Okay. Although I might need to quickly visit town after.”

Dash quirked her face into her best questioning look. “Missing something for that brat's banquet?”

“Well, um... yes. It’s not a big deal though.”

As Fluttershy took her first steps toward the bedroom for cuddles Dash tapped her barrel. “Say, you know. If we go to town now, we can spend more time cuddling afterward. You know... just in case I’m too awesome and we end up snuggling the rest of the afternoon and you forget to go out before the shops close.”

The shy pegasus carefully considered the offer for a few moments before she nodded. “Okay.”

Two pegasi wandered the Ponyville market place together. The whole space was alive with ponies going to and from shops and stalls. While a few haggled, most were quick to make their purchase then move on.

“Howdy,” Applejack greeted the pair as they wandered past.

“Hi Applejack,” Dash replied quickly.

“Hi,” Fluttershy softly added.

“Thought you would still be workin’ RD?”

“Na. Easy day today. So I’m hanging out with Fluttershy now.”

“Alright. Well, enjoy.”

“Thanks.” As the prismatic mare was about to continue on her way she paused as her eyes locked on to a particular section of the farmer’s offerings. “Hey...”

Dash strode up to the farmer’s stall and eyed the pies. “I think I might buy one of those pies, please. No. Wait... Two.”

“Alrighty.” Applejack happily packaged the two pies and handed them over to the grinning blue mare.

As the duo wandered off, Fluttershy turned to her fillyfriend. “I could cook for you if you wanted dinner too you know.”

“That would be great. But these are for something else. I thought I might look up where my brother is at. Send him two pies as a late birthday present.”

“You missed his birthday?” Fluttershy replied, surprised by the admission.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “Yeah. It’s fine. He forgot my last two or three.”

Fluttershy furrowed her brow but held her tongue, allowing them to fall into a mostly comfortable silence as she took the lead toward the next stall that carried the next item in her pet’s list of demands.

As the couple walked through the outer section of ponyville toward Fluttershy’s home, Dash couldn’t help but glance around to check how many ponies were around. Although the nearby houses were all quiet and there were few ponies about, she quickly decided it wasn’t worth chancing any kind of special contact with her fillyfriend and continued walking.

The couple passed a few bushes.

Pinkie Pie appeared right in front of the couple. “Hi you two!”

“Hi, Pinkie!” Dash greeted. Blue wings shot out to stabilize the pie package as it rocked side to side on her back. She was surprised, yet not that the random party pony had seemingly come out of nowhere.

“Where did you come from?” Fluttershy asked softly.

“The bakery, you know.” Pinkie Pie grinned back. “How was your date?”

“Our what?” Fluttershy’s eyes grew wide and she glanced at her fillyfriend who was equally shocked by the question.

“The pet play date, you mean.” Dash quickly spoke up. “Yeah, it was cool. I think Tank and Angel might actually be able to get along when Angel isn’t being a jerk.”

“Aaaaaaannnnd?” Pinkie drew the word out as she leaned uncomfortably close to the couple.

“And what? Now you’re being weird, Pinkie,” Dash replied as she withdrew a bit.

The party pony continued to grin, “don’t worry, I won’t tell the others. But I do want to throw you both a yay! for best friends becoming fillyfriend’s party!”

Dash shoved her right forehoof into the loudmouthed party pony’s gob. “And if you keep being that loud, other ponies might start asking questions. It’s bad enough when I get hit on while at the pub and can’t tell them to buck off because I have a filyfriend but-”

“So why don’t you?” Pinkie Pie bounced happily, half a hoof’s reach away.

Dash glanced between her forehoof that was suspended in the air and the mouth of her pink friend. She lowered her leg. “Because neither of us feel ready to tell anypony else, okay.”

“Okie dokie lokie. But when you do feel ready, be sure to tell me so I can plan you both a great big party!”

“Thanks,” Dash replied, happy to have dispelled the immediate threat to her secret relationship. Her attention roamed the surroundings, desperate to not spot anypony else nearby.

“Anyway. I had better be heading home. Angel bunny will be wondering where I am.” Fluttershy softly spoke up.

“Yeah, and I need to pick up Tank. So...” Dash scuffed the road, eager to resume her private journey with her fillyfriend.

Pinkie gazed expectantly at both her friends for a few moments before she gave in to the knowledge that they were wanting to get a move on without her. “Okay, enjoy.”

As Dash took a step to continue upon her journey, her vision was filled with the face of her pink friend.

“Say...” Pinkie whispered kinda loudly. “What do cuddles with your special somepony feel like?”

“Seriously?” Dash pulled her best annoyed face, trying to get her crazy friend to move along already. 

Pinkie withdrew and nodded briskly. “Yep.”
The normally spastic appeared to calm somewhat, “seriously.”

“Well... uh...” Dash glanced over at her fillyfriend who looked as surprised at the question as she felt. The speedster gazed at the few nearby houses and other buildings. She was pleased to see no ponies nearby.

“Okay, don’t ever tell anypony else that I’m saying this but, it’s cool. Like... way cooler than I thought it would be. Right Fluttershy?”

“Oh yes,” the shy pegasus quickly nodded, surprised to find herself drawn into the conversation. “She makes me feel safe and calm and it’s very easy to fall asleep when she holds me just right.”

“Wow... that sounds like pure amazingness.” Pinkie Pie grinned back.

“So... who’s the lucky stallion... or pony.” Fluttershy tentatively asked. “Un-unless you don’t want to tell us, which is-”

Dash shot her fillyfriend an exasperated look. “Fluttershy. What do I keep telling you?”

“To be louder?” Fluttershy tilted her head to the side, ever so cutely.

“No.” Dash felt like facehoofing. The desire to give her fillyfriend a cuddle was growing fast and she desperately tried to force herself to feel more annoyed. Anything to distract from the more personal desires that continued to rise. “To be more assertive. Now’s one of those times. Or...” Rainbow Dash rounded on the unusually serious party pony, “do you not wanna tell us?”

Pinkie grinned back at the expectant speedster. “Yep, it is about somepony... and that ponies name is-” The prankster took a deep breath in readiness as she lent in as though to whisper the name to her friend. “Twilly- bye!”

Dash blinked a few times as her brain processed the new information. “Huh... she’s gone?”

“Yes.” Fluttershy nodded, a smile growing upon her muzzle. “I think we are the first ponies she’s told. She must have been feeling very nervous about sharing that.”

Dash recoiled and shot her marefriend an incredulous look. “Pinkie, nervous? Na.”

“You don’t think she can get nervous?”

“She’s like- the most out there pony in the whole of Ponyville. I don’t see how somepony like her could ever feel shy or nervous. Now come on, I hope Tank is still okay with that little daemon watching him.”

“Dash. Angel is a sweet little bunny,” Fluttershy chided as the pair resumed their journey home.

“Ha,” Dash’s scoff faltered a bit at the look she received. “What? He’s always got it in for me.”

“Well, he’s a real sweetie at heart.” Fluttershy insisted as she picked up the pace a little bit more.

Dash lagged behind for a moment as she tried and failed to comprehend why her mare could possibly think that bunny was sweet.

The two pegasi walked in silence as they passed the last few houses on the edge of town. The road ahead that led toward Fluttershy's home was void of other ponies.

The shy pegasus built up courage to speak for a few moments as she walked before she turned to her fillyfriend. “Oh and Dash.”

“Huh?” The speedy pegasus almost ploughed into the rear of her fillyfriend. “Sorry. you were saying something?”

“Yes. Um... I don’t mean to be ...um... mean. But... please don’t question my choices, like Angel. Because, remember... your one of them.”

“Right. Yeah...”

The shy pegasus turned and resumed her journey, perkier. She had a little extra something in her stride that caused Dash to stand and watch with a grin upon her face for a few seconds.

With a burst of her wings, Dash caught back up and hovered beside her fillyfriend. “But I’m totally your best, most awesome and cool decision, right?”

Fluttershy eyed the airborne pegasus at her side, a light smile upon her face. “Yes, you are.”

“Knew it!” Dash cried out with delight then shot off like a rocket toward her home, pies clutched in her forehooves.

Fluttershy trotted along in peace for a few minutes before speedy pegasus zipped back.

Dash circled around her fillyfriend at a more sedate pace in the hope that her companion would join her in the skies. When nothing of the sort happened, she quickly grew bored and took off into the skies again.

Fluttershy watched each and every maneuver her mare executed. She felt proud of the skills displayed by the pony she had grown up alongside.

Many peaceful moments passed the couple by as the journey home continued. Rainbow Dash would fly off then quickly return to her pink maned companion who continued to happily walk along with full saddlebags. On one such loop, the quietly spoken pony once again voiced a question: “Um... Dash?”

The speedster did a quick loop then landed beside her fillyfriend. “You called the Dash?”

“Um... am I your best um.... most cool whatever you said decision?”

“Yep.” With that, Rainbow Dash took to the skies once more.

Fluttershy smiled peacefully as she watched her fillyfriend zoom around. That single word was enough to make her heart flutter and her insides twinkle with joy.

Two pegasi lay cuddled up in Fluttershy’s bed. The curtains were drawn and it was dark outside.

Dash grinned at the relaxed mare snuggled against her side. “Say... shouldn’t I be getting home?”

“I’m sure no pony will notice if you’re not at home for one night.”

Dash quirked her face, doing her best shot at a silly yet disbelieving look. “Yeah, but it’s not just been one night recently, has it?”

“It has this week...” Fluttershy softly cooed back with a light smile. “I- I don’t mind... and if anypony asks, I’m having a sleepover with my best friend. Just like we did as fillies. We even used to cuddle sometimes... remember?”

Dash grinned. “Sure do. Tank is okay inside?”

Fluttershy nodded then nuzzled up under her protector’s chin. “He is.”

“Cool.” The blue hoof on top pulled her lover a little closer then rose till it came to rest around her precious pegasus’s neck. "We might have to have these sleep overs more often... I think I even sleep better when I’m with you.”

Fluttershy cooed happily. “I always sleep better with you... goodnight sweetie.”

Dash grinned back. “Goodnight snuggly.”

Author's Note:

Well, I blew my brief.
This was supposed to be quick, 1-2k words, set right after the find a pet episode. It was fun to write, even if it expanded to well beyond what I expected it to be.
I hope I nailed the classic feels of season 2.

Revisiting the early days (how has it been just over 8 years already?) and what drew me into the show. One of the standout episodes is the find a pet episode.
Fluttershy knows her Dash so well that right from the get go, her pick was the right one for her best friend (or by my interpretation, fillyfriend) even if Rainbow Dash had to put them all through trails to figure it out for herself.
The song they sang together in the episode was cute and I really enjoyed their interactions throughout the episode. I also intend to work on something short based after the following episode too. A few things caught my eye there, one of which was Dash taking a swim in the clouds and then there is the mysterious mare.
I'll have to see though. This was written as a fun break from my bigger stories more than anything else.

Comments ( 6 )

Why isn't this rated E?

Alright. Fixed.
Simply because I dont normally rate my stories E :twilightsheepish:

Let's get the very easy fixes out of the way first before getting to the meat of the story. There was one time that Pinkie's name didn't have an e at the end. Simple fix. What was weird was that there was a weird sentence in the middle of the story.

Although it was a mere two strides away for a pony, the slow moving creature.

Seems like there was going to be more of that sentence, but it abruptly ended and it didn't continue in the next sentence. Tank did what? No clue.

Otherwise, I loved the story. I haven't listened to that song in a very long while and it brought up a lot of old memories of the show during that season. I don't usually see a lot of Tank and Angel scenes, though I don't usually search for them. Really have to say you wrote them rather well since I could see the show almost use some of those kinds of gags for Angel. Nice to see some connections between this and CA- though with that talk of Soarin' now I'm worried what that might mean for that story. I never connected that Zephyr would be right at home in the RD fan club, but I could weirdly see it with his odd attachment to her. Whenever Pinkie gets a scene I do really enjoy it. This really had that simple, or pretty simple season 2 vibe with just how everything felt. Usually there's something in stories that doesn't feel like a early episode, besides the overall content. Feel, tone, something. This just felt like right after MtBPW so it felt right at home, imo.

Fixes have been dealt with, thank you for pointing them out.
Serves me right for publishing as quickly as I did.

I'm glad the story felt at home in its setting as intended and that it gives some good hints for Crashing Angels and where things may go.

A nice one shot with funniness and cuteness. Found it particularly funny when dash slapped Fluttershy's mark with her wing. :rainbowlaugh:
It was relaxing to read something reminding of the simpler times and early seasons.

And thank you for the comment.
Makes me consider writing the next one I have in mind a bit sooner..

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