• Published 6th Apr 2020
  • 1,164 Views, 4 Comments

Into the Everfree - Kronos11111

(Displaced) ~๐ŸŽถ He lurks out there in the unknown, Seeking those who are far from home, Hoping never to let you return. Oooh, better beware. Oooh, the Beast is out there. Oooh, better be wise, and don't believe his lies. ๐ŸŽถ~

  • ...


I opened my eyes and groaned, "Whe-Where am I?" The last thing I remember was buying the dark lantern to complete my costume. I sat up, looking around at my surroundings. The sun was nearing the end of its daily journey. Trees surrounded me on all sides. It seemed I was in a clearing of sorts. A small stream passed through the center. The lantern I bought rested nearby. I reached out for it before I noticed something. My fingers were freakishly long. I picked up the lantern and walked over to the stream. What I saw could only be a creation from my nightmares. I rushed backwards, screaming my lungs out. My hand landed on some cloth. Looking down I saw a black cloak. I stood up and wrapped it around my form, a hood covering my face in shadow. My entire form was encased in shadow, even if I moved my arms and legs out from it.

'If this is my body then...' I looked over to the lantern, 'My spirit is trapped in there.' I picked up the lantern and peered into the flame. The flame tickled the top of the lantern. If I'm right then it should go out by tomorrow morning. I need to find someone to help keep the flame alight. It was then that I heard rustling behind me. I turned to see something very peculiar. A small pony with yellow fur with a red mane and tail. In its mane was a pink bow.

"This is quite a sight. A pony in a place of fright." I walked over to it till I was towering over it, "Tell me little one. What are you doing in a place of no fun?"

It gulped, "I-I was running away from home." From the voice it was a female. I was surprised that it answered me however. She said that she was running away, but there wasn't any food or supplies.

"Where did you plan to live after today? Were you going to live in a cave?" The fur around her cheeks became a cherry red somehow.

She shook her head, "Why are you rhymin' like Zacora?" I thought for a moment.

"Truly I don't know. It just began to flow. I can stop if you like." She nodded her head, "Then I will. My question still stands. Where did you plan to stay?" She wore a thoughtful look. I took a step back to seem less threatening.

"I don' know where," she sighed, "I just got in a argument with ma sister and ran into the Everfree." I sat down, placing the lantern on the floor.

"What has the argument about?" I was genuinely curious but I was also stalling for time while I thought about the...decision.

"I wanted ma sister and I to compete in the sister unity competition but..." I zoned out and started thinking.

'Should I do this? I mean... I'm contemplating about murdering a child and turning her to a tree.' I glanced at the lantern, 'I do need oil in order to live. Should the flame die out then so too will my spirit. I don't want to die, no one does. But in order to make oil I have to turn her and even other ponies into trees. Now that I really think about it I suppose I'm a kind of immortal. As long as that flame stays alight my body will live.' I looked at the pony, still explaining her situation. 'I have no other option. I'm sorry for what I'm about to do young one.'

"What is your name little one. I don't believe you told me yet." She snapped out of her rant. Her cheeks became red once again.

"O-Oh. My name is Apple Bloom. A proud member of the Apple family."

I chuckled lightly, "Seeing as your a 'proud member of the Apple family' you're no longer angry at your sister?"
She looked downtrodden, "I guess not. I didn't even realize it."

"Then I suppose we should take you home shouldn't we." I stood up, grabbing my lantern. I looked towards the sun. It looked like it would set in about an hour or so. "Which way is your home?" She pointed past me, north of where we were. I hummed in thought, "The sun will set soon. We need to spend the night here."

I looked around for something that could act like a shelter for her. The best I could find was a large rock that helped stop the wind from hitting her. I led her over and we rested under it. It didn't take long before I could hear snoring next to me. I looked down to see the filly curled up into a ball next to me. I got up and walked a few feet away. A tingling sensation entered my palm. I turned around to face her.

'I'm sorry little one. I hope you can forgive me.' I placed my palms on the ground letting what I could only assume is magic flow into the ground. Roots curled their way up the filly's hooves. I cut off the magic and stood up, 'The Edlewood should grow more by the time I get back.' I felt the tears roll down my cheek, 'I shall burn in hell once my flame burns out.'

I grabbed my lantern, heading north to the filly's home. The forest was thicker than I had first thought. Either I wasn't that deep in or my stride had increased but I had made it out in no time. I looked around, using my lantern to help see clearer. I spotted a larger pony with mint green fur. I pointed out at it.

"You!" It looked over at my and cowered in fear. "Fetch me the Apple family! I have found their lost filly!" The pony ran off to what looked like a barn in the distance.

It didn't take very long for the pony to come running back with one more behind them. The new pony had orange fur with a blonde mane and tail. Her eyes a emerald green now redded with tears. The fur on her face wet with fresh tear tracks.

"You found ma sister! Please tell me ya found her!" Her voice was desperate. It pains me to see how she will react.

"Yes, but we must hurry. I fear there may not be much time left." I didn't give her time to react. I simply turned around and went back into the forest. I could hear her follow behind me. Each step I took was heavier than the last. The trees grow taller than I could see. It was like I was in the bottom of the ocean. Yet, It didn't take very long to reach the clearing.

Apple Bloom...The branches had grown to encase her form. All the color had drained from her form. The orange pony can only stand there. I went over and checked her pulse...She was gone. The pony slowly took each step. Tears already flooding her face. There was nothing to be done for her. Though, she didn't need to know that.

"It isn't over yet." I started, "I can put her spirit in the lantern. As long as it stays lit, she lives on...Take on the task of lantern bearer?" I could see her internal struggle.

"Please...Do it." I opened the lantern, facing it towards Apple Bloom. Her body began to glow with a golden light. A ghostly form rose from her body. It flew straight into the lantern. I closed it and placed in front of the orange pony.

"Use the branches to make oil. Only it can keep the lantern can keep the lantern lit." I was silent for a moment, "And be sure to give her body a proper burial." She nodded her head. I helped her break the branches down so they were easier to carry. She placed them along with Apple Bloom on her back. She left the clearing but I stayed behind. Once I was her I was gone I sang a song that I remembered.