• Published 6th Apr 2020
  • 6,280 Views, 33 Comments

The Haunted Nursery - Zubric

An adventure into a haunted house during Nightmare Night leads to a regressing situation for Fluttershy and Rainbow

  • ...

Bed Time

Upon passing through the mirror, they quickly noticed that unlike the old rundown look of the home, this side of the mirror was pristine with no sign of rot or decay anywhere. The brightly coloured walls had dancing flowers and teddy bears. The crib was a bright blue matching the changing table. The ghost mare was quick to step over to the table and coo. “Let's get you two all dressed.”

Rainbow did her best to kick around as she laid down. “No, change us back!’ She yelled, voice high in pitch. Her struggling seemed in vain; however, the ghostly mist seemed more than capable of holding her rump up and unfolding the diaper beneath her. Fluttershy seemed too shocked to fight back at all.

After the ghost nanny paced the foals down on the changing table and went about powdering their rumps quite nicely, Fluttershy kicked about and gave a few cute sneezes while Rainbow Dash coughed a little. The ghost nanny pulled out two simple white diapers before snugly taping them into their cute pampers. Once done, the foals slipped into some rather comfy sleepers. Rainbow blushed upon seeing that her’s was pink while Fluttershy got dressed into a rather lovely bright green pair.

After the two were in their sleepers, the ghost nanny cooed, “alright, let’s have some fun before you two go to sleep?”

Rainbow Dash wanted to fight back, but the nanny quickly picked the two up and floated them over to a playpen full of various toys ranging from blocks to plushies and even simple stack ring toys. “Now go on and play nicely. I’m going to warm up some formula.”

“Nah, uh! No way am I drinking from a baby bottle!” Rainbow whined and kicked as Fluttershy simply crawled over to a rabbit plushie and began to dress it up in some doll clothes. Rainbow turned around and snapped. “Seriously!? Why are you playing with foal toys!”

“Well...we're stuck, and I’m bored, so might as well have fun.”

Rainbow sighed, looking around, “ugh, these toys suck!” She then gasped, seeing her Daring Do doll in a pile. She went over and grabbed it, fixing it up. “Well, at least she had this.”

“Wanna play tea party?” Fluttershy asked meekly.

“Nuh-uh! We're gonna play Daring Do and the cool pyramid!” Rainbow said, waddling to the pile of blocks and began to make a pyramid. “See! Now give me tah snake plush!”

Fluttershy was curious about what Rainbow was doing and hoofed her a snake plush watching Rainbow place the stuffed toy in the middle of the blocks before continuing to build around it. The ghost nanny returned soon with two warm bottles of formula and watched from the doorway as Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy had their plushies run around the pyramid, taking out blocks and trying to find the snake plush.

“Hehe, see I got it!” Rainbow cheered, taking out the snake plush with her hooves. “The great treasure!”

Fluttershy squealed in delight, “yeah, Rainbow ya found it! Tat was lots of fun!”

“Dawww, you two play so well together.” The nanny cooed as she floated over.

Rainbow blushed, realizing she was caught acting like a foal and shook her head. “Uh-Nuh, uh…I not having fun.”

Fluttershy whispered, “uh...I am.”

“We’re not foals!” Rainbow whined, embarrassed that she had been having fun in such a childish manner

“Oh, aren’t you two just adorable,” the nanny cooed, gently scooping them up and moving to the rocking chair. Sitting down, she placed the two on either side before leaning them onto their backs. Once all set, she brings the nipples to their lips. “Don’t be shy drink up.”

It took a moment for the foals to hesitate before latching on and suckling away. They were pleasantly surprised to find the milk was smooth and creamy, full of what foals needed. The entire process was rather soothing for the two. Once the two had finished their bottles, she burped them before moving to a shelf to pick out a pop-up book next. “Now, this is a story about a silly princess who got turned into a foal.”

Rainbow’s eyes went wide, seeing Twilight as the main character and asked, “Hey, did Twily come here too?”

“Oh, yes! She has such a wonderful little foal! She loved being babied so much she comes here once in a while to relax.”

Fluttershy and Rainbow both snickered and giggled as the ghost nanny continued reading the story about how Twilight stumbled into the haunted nursery and was turned into a foal just like they had been. The two pegasi seemed unable to stay focused on the story, continually looking around the nursery or trying to suckle on their hooves.

“No, no hooves are full of germs.” she popped a yellow pacifier into Fluttershy’s mouth and a bright blue one into Rainbow’s. “There isn’t that better?” Her grin grew as she listened to the slow rhythmic suckling that followed

As the story was coming to a close about Twilight sleeping soundly in her diapers, Rainbow blushed, hearing an audible hiss and hoping that the ghost nanny didn’t notice.

“Awww, did Dashie have a little accident? Yes, she did!” She boops the foal’s nose lightly.

Rainbow spat the pacifier from her mouth and whined, “don’t say that out loud! Ya emberassin’ me!”

“Um, I don’t mind knowing you’re soggy,” Fluttershy said, lisping passed her binky while also letting out a giggle.

“Fluttershy!” Rainbow covered her face as it turned red as tomatoes.

The nanny gave her diaper a few solid pats through the onesie before getting up and taking the two back onto the changing table.

“Don’t worry, little Dashie, Fluttershy is a soggy butt too.”

Fluttershy’s cheeks flushed pink as she hid her face with her hooves.

“I-I am, hadn’t noticed.”

The nanny laid the two down, opening the hatches on their sleepers.“Foals aren’t supposed to notice. Now for my two soggy butts, I got Luna-styled nighttime diapers! Hehe! You two didn’t stay dry very long.”

The two kept hiding behind their hooves as the nanny cleaned them up before showing off the thick nighttime diapers. Naturally, Luna’s cutie mark was adorning the seat along with blue leak guards.

Then a phone rang nearby, and the ghost nanny flew over and picked it up. Both foals turned to look in the ghost nanny’s direction with curious looks as the nanny asked, “This is nanny Ghosty; how may I help you?”

She squealed as she heard a super energetic voice. “Oh, Pinkie Pie! How have you been? Are you going potty by yourself now?”

Rainbow and Fluttershy gasped, hearing their friend’s name as the ghost nanny continued their conversation. “Oh, don’t worry, they're here with me all safe and sound. In fact, I just gave them a diaper change, and Rainbow Dash was so fussy.”

Rainbow pouted and whined, “I was not!”

“So, you want to pick them up tomorrow morning?” A brief pause followed as Pinkie replied before the nanny smiled. “Great, I’ll see you then, little pie. Also, do you want to be my little foal too?” They heard hyper jabbering on the other end.“Ok! Let’s do it next week. Be sure to bring Maud Pie with you.”

Ghosty hung up the phone and flew back over to the little foals. “Sorry about that, Pinkie is another regular who comes here often.”

“Why have we never heard of this?” Rainbow protested, feeling very confused.

“Oh, only a few ponies know about this place and most stumble here by accident. Normally they want to come back. I can adjust your ages as well. So if you return for another session, you can be a potty training toddler.” She ruffles Rainbow’s mane playfully.

“So...um...Pinkie said she’ll pick us up in the morning. Does tat mean yah gonna give us breakfast too?”

The ghost nanny pinched Fluttershy’s cheek. “Oh, of course! It’ll be mashed bananas and cream.”

Rainbow eyes went wide for a second. “W-wait, are we goin’ to age back up too? I dun wanna be seen like this!”

“Don’t worry darling after you leave you’ll grow back up into a big strong mare.” Nanny replied, watching as Rainbow let out a relieved sigh.

Fluttershy was a bit embarrassed about her next question as she asked, “so...um...can I set up my next stay?”

“Awww, of course!” Ghost Nanny flew over to a calendar. “Let’s see here, oh! Want to have a playdate with Twilight? She’s coming here next Friday and wants to be an infant as usual.”

“Yeah! Tat sounds like a lot of fun!” Fluttershy exclaimed, bouncing up and down, getting all excited.

The ghost nanny wrote her name down, “alright, dear, you’re all set.” She then flew back over and scooped the foals into the crook of her legs. “Now one more bottle, then it’s bedtime.“

She plopped two smaller bottles of formula into their mouths and watched them cuddle into her soft fur before suckling away on the formula. The warmth from the ghost’s chest felt quite relaxing. They could even hear a heartbeat. She then slowly placed the foals into the crib and tucked them in. After kissing the two on the forehead, the foal’s eyes drooped. Once they were fully closed, she swapped the bottles for pacifiers. Lastly, she gave Rainbow Dash her Daring Do plush and Fluttershy the stuffed rabbit. “There now, sleep tight.”

She then shut off the lights revealing the ceiling to be full of glow-in-the-dark stars and moons with bright blue nightlights glowing around the room; then, with a puff of smoke, the ghost nanny disappeared.

“Oh, yes! They were quite good foals.”

The two pegasi groaned as they slowly woke up from their sleep and groggily looked to the doorway seeing the ghost nanny talking to Pinkie Pie next to the mirror.

“Oh, I'm so happy they came here! Bet Rainbow was super fussy about being babied all night?”

The ghost nanny waved a hoof. “She was so precious, she got fussy a few times last night, but she went back to sleep after a few diaper changes.”

Rainbow’s face turned red again as she scrunched the padding between her legs, hearing it crinkle as she whispered. “Oh...how many times did I use my diapees?”

“Oh, you kept the nanny up all night, waking up almost every two hours you did. You must have driven your mother nutty.” Fluttershy snickered, bouncing on her padded bottom.

“She fed me too much formula! It’s her fault!” Rainbow snapped.

“Oh, look, they’re up!” Pinkie pie exclaimed, bouncing over. “Wow, they’re so cute! And chubby!” Pinkie proceeded to poke at their tummies. ”Did you feed them your special formula, huh?”

Fluttershy blushed as she felt very self-conscious about her weight poking at her chubby cheeks.

“Oh, it’ll go away when they grow up. Would you like to feed them breakfast?”

“Oh, you bet!” Pinkie hoisted the two little pegasi into her back and cooed. “Are you two ready for nummy nums!” She sang, skipping along to the kitchen. Peering out one of the windows only showed a star-filled void.

The two foals groaned as Pinkie did not let up as she set them into high chairs, tying bibs around their necks and making faces at them. She quickly followed it up by bringing over the two small bowls of yellow mush and spooning it up to them. “Come on, open up. Here comes the cloud coming into the weather factory! Woosh!”

The energetic pink mare kept feeding the two the yellow mush shoving it into their mouths, getting it all over their faces and bibs. Fluttershy munched her meal, kicking in her diaper while Rainbow pouted but ate her foal food. She secretly liked it. After they finished, Pinkie took out two bottles of formula. “Alright, one more drink before you become big ponies!” She popped them in their mouths, the two happy guzzling it down while making adorable suckling noises. It was only a moment later before Rainbow made a face as she felt herself soil her diaper without any control face flushed once again. She whined, kicking her legs in frustration.

“Awwww! Rainbow, you wanna diapee change too!”

Fluttershy snickered, pinching her nose. “Dashie, make a stinky hehe.”

“It's not funny!” Rainbow shouted as she kicked about and slammed her hooves on the tray in protest.

Pinkie Pie scooped up the little foalfied daredevil and chirped out, “come on time to get your poopy butt changed!”

Rainbow kicked some more being all flustered, but Fluttershy actually got jealous as she held up her hooves. “I did a poopy too! Wanna, change!”

“Aww, you love being a little foal. Alright, come on! I’m a master at the art of changing diapers!” Pinkie chirped and took the hooves back into the nursery.

As they exited the other side of the mirror, they felt their bodies growing taller and back to normal in about a minute or so. Fluttershy looked astonished, giving her body a quick check making sure all that foal fat was gone while Rainbow stretched out her wings. “Wait, if this nanny is so nice, why are there ghost stories about this place?”

“Because most ponies are too embarrassed to tell the truth,” Pinkie snickered, booping her friends on the nose.

Fluttershy nodded. “Yeah, I can see that...but...I bet a lot of them want to come back in secret. I saw a lot of names on that calendar. Some of them don’t even live in Ponyville.”

“She’s about as organized as me!” Pinkie explained, leading the two to the main doors as the sunlight shined through the still dusty air. The group soon passed by an old photograph upon the wall of a light green mare. She looked happily smiling as she hugged two baby alicorns in her lap. The photo was black and white, but it was obvious that it must be Celestia and Luna.

Upon seeing it, Fluttershy moved to Pinkie Pie and whispered into her ear. “Hey, do Celestia and Luna come here?”

“Yeah, but they have their special dates...though I’m sure I can sneak you in. But you can’t tell anypony else.”

“Ok!” Fluttershy squealed, flying along as Rainbow's cheeks flushed, seeing Spitfire’s name on the calendar and even Daring Do. Having made up her mind, Rainbow Dash smiled. She would definitely be returning but as a toddler next time.

Author's Note:

Hope people don't mind a good ending.
I mean the comic had the bad ending anyway. XD

Comments ( 16 )

This was a strange story. Not bad, just strange.

Awww, I love happy endings :) I would love to visit this ghost! I read the comic and loved it, though I'm not big on dark endings. So this was perfect for me.

Hm, interesting that you decided to give the story a "Good Ending". Makes you wonder what the story is behind this haunted nursery and the ghostly mare who inhabits it. :duck:

Fun stories as always.:heart:

I didn't like the comics ending either. You should make a sequel about more ponies visiting the ghost nanny.

Great chapter. I think you should do a sequel with Fluttershy and Twilight's playdate

Turned into a business model, good end!

That was actually pretty cute! Haha and funny. :twilightsmile:

Will there be sequel?

There really should be a disclaimer about the watersports.

It’s fine. Only light usage. Idk

An interesting twist on the original comic, as several others have said, I'd love to learn more about the ghost mare who IIRC was dubbed Daisy Dreams by the comic writer.

On a separate note, if you can find someone good at editing, this story reads like a first draft in that there were a butt-load of typographical errors. Not hating on you, but it rather killed the immersion at times.

tbf, it kind of was a first draft XD But i've given it a look over now so let me know what yah think.
Grammarly "you have 130 punctuation errors" "Me: -insert two hours of editing -

to avoid filling up the comments section, I'm sending you a critique via DM.

beautiful ending, I am quite inspired to continue my story, though I’m still on the prologue eheh

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