• Published 14th Apr 2020
  • 11,036 Views, 305 Comments

Twilight sparkle lord of death - Dark1777

The story begins on the day of the wedding rehearsal between BBBFF of twilight captain shining amor and princess mi amore cadenza.

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Chapter 19: the corrosion of dark void

At Canterlot Hospital

In the recovery room, Princess Cadence was sleeping on bed, all of which had caused her body to suffer so much both mentally and physically. Main five, Princess Celestia, Shining Armor stood around Princess Cadence's bed, Shining Armor walked over to bed and sat down, he looked at his fiancée with worried and regretful face. "If I had listened to Twily, Cady wouldn't have suffered as much" said Shining Armor while staring intently at his fiancée.

Princess Celestia sighed and said "we all do, Shining Armor... Luckily aside from her skin injuries, she didn't have any more serious injuries... I dare not think of what Queen Changeling could have done to her..."

Main five and Spike bowed their heads in shame, whole hospital room fell silent, only the sound of the heart rate monitor placed next to Princess Cadence's bed. Suddenly the door opened, and Princess Luna come in. All ponies in the room turned to look at her, "how's it going?" Princess Celestia asked.

"All is well, sis. I have finished discussing with your royal guards and my night guards, although there were some objections from your guards at first, but finally They all agreed to let my night guard train them, in addition, they also agreed to let captain of night guard temporarily take the position of captain of the day guard until we can find another pony suitable for that position" Princess Luna explained the situation.

Princess Luna turned to look at Cadence with concern, she asked "how is she?"

"doctor said she only has skin wounds, exhaustion and lack of sleep, but other than that there is no serious damage, just rest for a few days she will fully recover, but just to be sure, he said she should stay in hospital one night" Princess Celestia explained.

The room fell silent again, suddenly Princess Cadence began to move in her sleep, she grimaced and shook her head like she was having a nightmare, all ponies in the room quickly approached the princess's bed. Rainbow Dash flew out of the room quickly to find doctor, Shining Armor gripped Cadence's hoof, he looked at her worriedly.

Princess Cadence began to say in her sleep "n... No... Twilight... Please,... Let me help you... My magic... can help you... Uh!... Ah!... No... Please don't go... I... I can do it..."

"Cady!", "Cadence!", "Princess!" Shining Armor, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Main Five, Spike try to call Princess Cadence to pull her out of nightmare.

the door opened, Rainbow Dash entered, behind was the doctor with four nurses, doctor and nurse walked towards Princess Cadence's bed, he used magic to calm her down, but His magic was quickly broken. He said nervously in surprise "it's not okay, I can't calm her down, whatever nightmare is bothering her it's really strong!" doctor said in fear.

"I will enter her dream!" Princess Luna said with a determined face. She walked over to her niece's bed and began using her magic to enter Cadence's dreams.

In Princess Cadence's Dream

Princess Cadence was standing in front of Twilight, cold gray eyes staring at her. Cadence quickly ran over to Twilight, she began to cry and begged "Twilight! Please I can help you,... I just need... Use my magic one more time... My love magic can fill that void..." Cadence didn't wait for Twilight to answer, she quickly used her love magic, her eyes closed, her face contorted as she tried to use her magic to repair Twilight's heart "ah!... Just... Just... Ah!... A little bit more... I... Definitely... Will... Successful.... Ah!!!"

Cadence's magic was exhausted, and she still couldn't repair Twilight's heart. "Give up, you can't do it, this is my fate, and there isn't anything you can do to change it, goodbye Cadence" Twilight in the dream said the last thing and turned away leave.

"No!... Hold on... Please don't go... Huhu... Stay... Please" Cadence chases after Twilight to stop her from leaving, but Twilight is gone. Cadence sat down helplessly, surrounded by nothing but endless darkness. She continued to cry

"Hic... I'm useless... I couldn't save her... If I had been stronger... Hic... All of this wouldn't happened... Hic... If I had been stronger... T... Twilight wouldn't have suffered that curse... If I had been stronger I could have saved Twilight.. . Huhuhu..." Princess Cadence began to sink into her own despair, she did not realize that she was sinking in the dark puddles at her feet, the auras of darkness gradually enveloped her like They were probably swallowing her.

Suddenly a flash of light flashed, Princess Luna appeared, Princess Luna was horrified at scene before her eyes, around her there was nothing but endless darkness 'what the hell?... Is this inside of our niece's nightmare? I've never seen any nightmare like this... There's nothing here but endless darkness... This place is so cold... And... Filled with despair'

Princess Luna goes around looking for her niece, suddenly she hears a cry, she walks towards direction of cry, as soon as she finds out source of crying she is horrified to see in front of her eyes sat princess Cadence crying, beneath her feet was a dark puddle with dark flames burning around the puddle, dark veins from the puddle wrapped around her, her body sinking into the dark puddle at her feet, but Princess Cadence didn't notice it, she continued to cry, her eyes filled with despair.

Princess Luna quickly escaped her horror, she ran to Cadence and tried to use her magic to dispel the dark veins and dark puddles at her granddaughter's feet... However, no matter how hard she tried, her magic was completely useless against the darkness that was slowly engulfing her niece, she panicked as she watched her niece's body slowly sink into the darkness at her feet 'h ... How is it possible?... My magic doesn't work... What is this thing!?...'

Princess Luna desperately shook Cadence's shoulder and called out to her "Cadence! Cadence! Can you hear me!? Cadence! You have to get out of this thing! Don't let them drown you! This is just a nightmare! It not real! Cadence!!!" no matter how loudly she called out, princess Cadence ignored her. 'It's not OK! She can't hear me! Whatever is bothering her must have something to do with these abominations,' Princess Luna thought as she looked at the dark puddles and veins at Cadence's feet.

Meanwhile, Princess Cadence was deep in her own desperate thoughts. She cried while whispering hateful words to herself "hic... You are useless Mi Amore Cadenza! Hic... How could you let yourself be taken away by that insect so easily like that?... You can't even fight back, or even get out of that cave on your own... Hic... If you can get out of that cave on your own... Twilight wouldn't be the same now... If you were stronger... You could have saved her... How can you claim to be her older sister, when you can't do anything to help her... You're useless... You don't deserve to be saved... It would be better if you disappeared forever..." after Cadence said those words, the dark flames burned surroundings of her seat quickly spread throughout her dream space, her body sinking faster into the dark puddle.

Princess Luna witnessed what was happening in her niece's dream, she looked down in horror at the dark flames burning around her, she quickly created a magical shield to protect herself from the flames. In the dark, she used her magic once more to try to pull Cadence out of the despair that was taking over her, she called Cadence's name.

"Cadence! You have to get out of this! This isn't real! You're not useless! Think about what you've done! You've helped a lot of ponies in the past, you're not weak! Wake up Cadence! Together we'll find a way to help Twilight Sparkle! Don't let despair overwhelm you! Twilight won't want this to happen to you!!!! C-" before she could say anything more, the flames of darkness began to burn fiercely, a dark aura enveloped her "niece!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she shouted as she was enveloped in dark aura, and after the dark aura disappeared Princess Luna also disappeared from Cadence's dreams.

Inside the hospital room

All ponies were looking at Princess Cadence and Princess Luna with horror and anguish, they had heard Cadence's desperate words spoken in her dream, and painful expressions on Luna's face. Suddenly Princess Luna woke up and shouted "Cadence!!!" she breathed heavily and fell to the floor, all the ponies ran over to her and helped her up.

"Are you okay princess? What's wrong princess!? Have you met Cady? Is she okay?" Shining Armor asked worriedly. He didn't know what had happened in Cadence's dream, but he had a hunch that something very bad was happening.

"I... I have to go back there!" Princess Luna struggled to get up, she tried once more to connect with her niece's dream, but just as she began to link up with Cadence's dream, a dark aura appeared from Cadence's horn and Break the magic of Princess Luna.

"I... Impossible! I can't connect to her dream!... Something is blocking her dream!" Princess Luna looked at Cadence in horror and fear.

"W... What do you mean?... Did something happen? Wasn't it just a normal nightmare?" Princess Celestia asked tremblingly.

"I... I don't know either... But I can't enter her dreams... Something is blocking the entrance to her dreams... But more importantly, it's her in danger!... There's something very dark inside her dream" said Princess Luna while trying to use magic again to enter Cadence's dream, but the result remained Unfortunately, as soon as her magic reached Cadence's horn, it was cut off by black aura.

"D... Dark... B... But Cadence has never been exposed to dark magic... How could darkness invade her mind!?" Princess Celestia panicked at the thought that her granddaughter might be possessed by dark magic, she was so hurt and desperate to see Twilight sink into darkness, she couldn't bear the thought of lost her niece in the claw of darkness.

Princess Luna began to get exhausted after many attempts to enter Cadence's dream, she sat on the floor and breathed heavily, she tried to continue casting spells but her horn only lit up a little then quickly went off, She was completely exhausted. "I... I don't think it's dark magic, sis... It's unlike any dark magic we've known before,... It's... It's very dark, cold and filled with despair... That thing wasn't trying to make her a slave to darkness... I... I'm not sure... B... But I think it's... Eating her soul..." said Princess Luna as she recalled Cadence's form slowly sinking into the dark water.

"E... Eat?... W... What are you talking about... P... Princess?..." Shining Armor said trembling, he started to unsteady, his eyes caught His head faded as tears flowed from his eyes.

Princess Celestia widened her eyes, tears started to flow, Main Five and Spike were shocked to hear what Princess Luna just said. "In her dreams there was nothing but endless darkness, I saw her so desperate, her eyes were so empty... She kept whispering about how she useless and weakness when let herself be captured by Queen Changeling and unable to save Twilight... The more desperate she became, the faster she sank into the dark puddle, and after she said she wanted to disappear forever, the dark flames spread, I tried calling her and using my magic to pull her out of the nightmare but all to no avail... Finally a dark aura envelop me and banish me from her dreams... And now it seems to have locked the door of her dream... I... If this continues... Her soul will be devoured by that thing!" Princess Luna said in a trembling voice, tears began to flow.

Shining Armor, Princess Celestia, Main Five, Spike aghast, they quickly ran over to Cadence, try to wake her up, they knew what the endless darkness in Cadence's nightmare is, Cadence saw it in Twilight's heart when trying to repair her heart, they don't know how or why that terrible curse could infect Cadence.

"niece!!!", "Cady!!!", "Princess Cadence!!!" Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Shining Armor, Main Five, Spike try to wake Cadence "Cady!! Please!! You have to wake up!!", "wake up niece!! Don't let it engulf you !!!", "come on princess, get out of it!!!". No matter how much they try, princess Cadence still doesn't wake up, princess Celestia tries to use her magic to pull Cadence out of sleep, she closes her eyes, tries to focus magic on her horn, tears her face dripped onto the floor, her yellow magic enveloped Cadence's body, she used all her strength to pull Cadence out of sleep, but dark aura enveloped Cadence's body and shattered Princess Celestia's magic.

When her magic was shattered by dark aura, Princess Celestia's body flew backwards and hit the wall behind her, she fell down in pain, all ponies in the room rushed to help her up. "Princess Celestia!!", "sister!!"

"Are you okay, sister?" Princess Luna asked worriedly.

"I... I'm fine... B... But my magic doesn't work... That thing is so strong... Cadence... How could all this happen.. First, it made Twilight's heart empty and dark... And now it want to eat Cadence's soul... H... How could I let this happen right in front of my eyes... Huhu" Princess Celestia cried in regret, with one mistake she lost Twilight, and now her niece. All ponies in the room bowed their heads sadly, just a few hours ago they lost Twilight and now they are about to lose Princess Cadence again.