• Published 9th Apr 2020
  • 1,956 Views, 79 Comments

The Trick to Growing Up - Hakuno

When Sunset first got to the human world, she had the help of a girl that happened to be passing by.

  • ...

1- The Girl from the Other World

Chapter 1: The Girl from the Other World

How dare you keep this magic from me?!

Sunset Shimmer’s world exploded in a disorienting array of color and light. Everything spun, then stretched, then expanded and contracted. She felt her body change, transform, as every cell within was bathed and infused with an arcane magic she could barely understand.

It’s selfish of you to keep me from my rightful place!

There was no sound, but her ears buzzed under the scrutiny of a violent, incomprehensible tempest. There was no pain, but there was a constant tingle along her body that made it itch, badly. She twisted and hurled, carried by an unknown force, and she had long forgotten which way was down.

We’ll never get past this because you aren’t seeing how great I deserve to be!

Time was meaningless to Sunset. She couldn’t know if it had been seconds or hours, but she was beginning to understand. It was a sort of tunnel, or more specifically, the magic around her was making it feel like so. Arcane power rushed past her in every direction, infusing and transforming her, feeling almost desperate to finish its work before the tunnel ended.

This is the biggest mistake you’ll make in your entire life.

And suddenly, she hit the ground.

Her world kept spinning as she reoriented herself, blinking away tears and white spots. She was glad to be touching the ground at long last, giving her reference for which way was down. The portal had made a number on her, and she was having trouble keeping herself from barfing. She had always had a bit of motion sickness, but she could easily counter it with a wave of her horn. It seemed that she’d need to recast it again, as soon as she didn’t feel her stomach turning in on itself.

She could feel grass underhoof, but it felt odd. A breeze caressed her, and it was way too cold. She shivered as she looked up, her vision a bit blurry, but she could look past it. The grass didn’t extend too long, trees decorating the place, a pond not too far away with a small bridge crossing it in the middle. She was in a park, it seemed. Past the trees, Sunset could see an array of rectangular buildings of the likes they built in Manehattan, with a hundred lights coming from the windows.

It was night, Sunset realized as she basked in the beauty of the landscape and above. Stars barely visible in the clear sky, the full moon shining brightly and bathing Sunset in its dim light as she tried to pull herself up.

Her forelegs felt weird, thinner, bending at odd angles, and her hoof was… it just felt weird. She looked down, and saw the reason. Her hooves had turned into hands, her arms, her legs, her torso… All of her had transformed.

“What… What am I?” She whispered as she looked at her hand, using the other to inspect her face. Smooth skin, tiny nuzzle, thick lips and… no horn. She gasped and reached her forehead with both hands. No horn! What kind of nightmare was this?!

She shuddered, the freezing wind biting at her skin. She instinctively hugged herself and looked down. Of course the cold felt more pressing, she was completely furless. It was difficult to tell in the dark, but she thought her body was longer and thinner, and there were two prominent bumps in what she assumed would be her chest. What exactly had she turned into?

“Are you ok?” A voice came from her left.

Sunset turned her head and looked up. It was a… something, with a body much like Sunset’s new one. From the voice alone, she assumed the creature was a girl, and she was fully clothed. No wonder, with this cold, Sunset thought. She pointedly noted that the newcomer was standing on her hind legs, much like a minotaur.

“Goodness, why are you naked?” the girl asked and immediately began unbuttoning her thick coat. To Sunset’s surprise, the girl was wearing more clothes underneath. Probably due to the lack of fur? The girl knelt down and wrapped Sunset with the coat. “Do you need me to call your parents? The police?”

The police? Sunset hadn’t considered. But of course, a civilization that could build a city like the one she could see in the distance would need a policing force. She briefly mulled about it. Would it be a good idea to go to the police? She shook her head and looked at the girl. “No, no. I’m fine, thanks,” she said, feeling her voice tremble. Dear Celestia, the cold was becoming too much, even with the coat around her!

“Are you sure?” The girl said, looking around. “You know this isn’t normal, right? You’re naked in the park in the middle of the night!”

“N-Naked?” Sunset asked with a trembling voice. It took her a moment, more than she’d ever be willing to admit, to remember the meaning of that word. After all, ponies normally only wore clothes in formal or special events. “It’s uh… A long story?”

The girl frowned. “Well, I’ve got time.”

Sunset huffed, her breath becoming myst in front of her for a second. “I don’t know if I should tell you, it’s kind of top secret…” And it was, wasn’t it? The only book that talked about the mirror had been in an obscure corner of the library, easy to miss. Shouldn’t more ponies know about it? She looked at the girl again, who had narrowed her eyes. Sunset rolled hers. “Ok, maybe not top secret, but not many know about it, that’s for sure. I didn’t, and I have read maybe half the royal archives.”

The girl only cocked her head.

Sunset hugged the coat tighter as a freezing breeze hit her. She turned to look at the mirror. It… wasn’t a mirror any longer, but a plate of shiny rock embedded in polished, cut stone. A raised horse sculpture sat atop, as if guarding it.

“I come from a different world,” Sunset said, and the tremble in her voice became a bit more erratic. She was far from home in more ways than one. Her stomach grumbled. “That there is the portal. As far as I’m concerned, only the princess and I know about it… and maybe two guards, but they don’t matter.”

The girl looked between the statue and Sunset. “Uh-huh. Say, your head hurts something fierce, by chance?”

Sunset frowned. “I’m not lying. See for yourself, just press your hoo-hand and you’ll see.”

The girl shrugged and stood up to do just that. She pressed her hand on the surface, and it went through, causing the very solid stone to part as if it were water. The girl yelped and stepped back, tripping and falling on her rump. “What the fuck?!”

The curse was foreign to Sunset, but it still made her smile victoriously. “I wouldn’t recommend you cross it right now, though. I caused a bit of a ruckus, and they might be waiting for me to return with my tail between my legs.”

Gaping, the girl turned to Sunset. “What? You… Who are you?”

Sunset’s grin faltered as she shivered again. “The name’s Sunset Shimmer, and I’m…” she became silent as she remembered the last thing she had done in Equestria. “I…” Her voice dropped as an ache started around her temples. “I think I’m a nopony now…”

She felt the girl’s hand on her shoulder and looked up. The girl gave her a kind smile and offered her a hand. “I’m Trixie Lulamoon,” she said as Sunset took her hand. “Are you sure you don’t need any help?”

Sunset let the girl lift her, making her stand on her two hind legs. They wobbled, but she could remain standing. “I… I might require some assistance.” Now that she was standing, the cold immediately began biting at her unprotected legs. She looked around and found a weird looking bag nearby. Apparently, the portal had also transformed her saddlebags into what she could only assume would be the version in this world that would better suit the creatures in it. She only knew it was hers because of her Cutie Mark adorning the center.

“I can pay you,” Sunset added, eyeing her bag. “I brought some money.”

Trixie looked at the bag and reached to it. She pulled once, but the bag didn’t move. “What…” She tried harder, and managed to lift it with her two arms. “What do you have here? Rocks?”

“Money,” Sunset replied, uncertain. Had the portal also transformed her money? If not, would it even be worth anything in this world? She was beginning to think she hadn’t thought things through when she jumped into the mirror.

Trixie huffed and puffed as she adjusted the bag behind her, using the straps to help carry it. “Well, anyway, let’s go. I think we can convince my mom to let you stay the night, at least.”

Sunset nodded. “Thanks.”

They began walking. Sunset had great difficulty keeping her balance. It wasn’t uncommon for ponies to go around on hind legs, but it put too much pressure on the spine, and most ponies only did it in certain circumstances. Now she was supposed to do it all the time? She wondered how long it’d take her to get used to it.

“So, uhh, Sunset, right?” Trixie said as she used a hand to help steady Sunset. “Say I believe the whole thing about the other world. Why were you naked?”

“Oh, we don’t normally wear clothes. Our fur is enough to keep us warm, most of the time.”


Sunset gave Trixie a look. “Yeah, I’m not originally a… whatever you are. I’m a pony, a unicorn.” She looked forward. “I bet I’d have a better time balancing on two legs if I still had my tail.” She couldn’t see her, but Sunset knew Trixie was giving her a distrustful glare. She sighed. “Look, I know how you feel… Kind of. I didn’t know the existence of this world until this afternoon, either.”

“And why did you come?” Trixie asked.

Sunset opened her mouth to reply, but then closed it. She looked up at the dark sky, and could see one, maybe two stars. Why had she come, indeed? To search for whatever Celestia was keeping from her, of course. She had decided she’d unravel the mysteries of this world and show Celestia she was worthy of being her equal- nay, her better!

She didn’t feel superior now, what with barely braving the cold and her lower hooves -that looked like weird hands- hurting for walking bare on dirt, rocks, and asphalt.

She let out a long sigh. “I guess I just wanted to know what it’s like here,” she lied.


They kept walking for a while. Sunset was quickly getting used to walking on two legs, and that only made her feel the cold even more.

“Hey,” Sunset said. “Is this a particularly cold night, or it’s cold season?”

Trixie looked at her, up and down, then straight at her eyes. “It is a cold night, for it being Fall, but it’s also because it just rained a few hours ago. It also has to do with you being-”

“Yeah, yeah, naked,” Sunset cut her off, annoyed. “You made your point quite clear already.”

“Well, forgive me, but being naked outdoors is not only very stupid and dangerous, but I’m pretty sure it’s also illegal.”

Sunset considered this, and was glad it was Trixie who found her and not a police officer. Being raised in Canterlot, and being surrounded by the Royal Guard, Sunset knew a bit about the military and the police, and she knew they were distrusting fellows, always assuming the worst first. She didn’t want to find out if they were the same in this world, at least not firsthoof.

They had reached the city a while ago, and Sunset could finally take a better look at Trixie. The girl’s skin was a light shade of… blue? It was still hard to tell. Her mane was a silvery hue of soft blue with a single darker tuft running across, and it was long enough to reach her rump. The few moments she looked back, Sunset could see that her eyes were a deep violet, like amethysts.

Trixie was wearing what looked like a purple turtleneck sweater, blue pants of a fabric Sunset had never seen before, and heeled purple boots. Sunset had never seen heels so high on any kind of shoes.

“So, what are you?” Sunset asked. “You don’t look like anything I’ve seen before.”

“Hm? Ah, right,” Trixie said. “We’re humans. I guess there aren’t any in your world?”

Sunset shook her head. “No.”

“You said you’re a… pony, is it?” She then giggled.

“What’s so funny about it?!” Sunset snapped.

Trixie covered her mouth with a hand. “Sorry, sorry, it’s just… It sounds so cute!”

Sunset blushed as she frowned. “It’s not cute! I’ll have you know I’m the most powerful unicorn in Equestria!”

“Equestria!” Trixie howled, clutching her sides as tears formed in the corners of her eyes. “Oh, dear! Please, please tell me you named all your cities with horse puns!” When Sunset didn’t reply, she laughed even louder.

“I swear to Celestia, Trixie,” Sunset said with gritted teeth. She would have already walked away with her money, but under the circumstances, she reckoned she’d need the help of a native if she wanted to discover this world’s secret fast.

“Celestia?” Trixie asked as she tried to calm down. “That your god?”

Sunset cocked her head. “God? No, no, Celestia is the ruler of our land. She’s immortal, so many worship her, but she’s certainly not a god.”

“But you swear by her name,” Trixie countered. “That means you worship her, too.”

That felt like a stab in the heart, and Sunset fell silent. Of course, there was a time where she had worshipped the princess. But now, after everything they had lived together, after all that had been happening for the past weeks…

Trixie noticed Sunset’s silence, and finally managed to stop giggling. “Hey, you ok?”

“No, I’m not ok,” Sunset admitted. “I just… I just need a good night’s sleep, is all.”

“Well, fortunately, we’re already here,” Trixie said, and used an arm to show Sunset a tall red building, six stories high. It was a little run down, but Sunset had seen worse, even in Canterlot.

They entered the building and climbed only one set of stairs. The walls were half a washed out shade of green and half a dirty yellow. The steps were a dark wood, mahogany, perhaps, but incredibly run down. Sunset had been to Manehattan once, during the Summer Sun Celebration. Of course, they had stayed at the royal chambers in the town hall, and Sunset hadn’t spared a glance at the rest of the city.

She now wished she had. She wanted so badly to compare the differences and similarities.

“Well, we’re here,” Trixie announced in a low voice and with a huff. Sunset reckoned it was because of her bag. Was it really that heavy in this world, or Trixie was too weak?

They stopped in front of a light brown door. The frame had seen a better time, but the door looked cleaner, new, maybe. Trixie fumbled with her keys, only three, of different sizes, attached to a keychain in the form of a blue moon and a magic wand with a star. Sunset raised an eyebrow. That looked suspiciously similar to a Cutie Mark.

Trixie unlocked the door and slowly opened up.

“Trixie?!” A voice suddenly called from inside, and Trixie tensed up. “Trixie, is that you?” Steps sounded from within, getting closer at an incredible speed.

Trixie barely had time to react when the door was swung open, the keys still lodged in the knob, revealing an older looking human. The voice placed her as female. Her skin was a slightly dark orange shade. Her eyes were a nice deep green, and her mane was a pretty shade of yellow with a lighter tuft running through the length, reaching only her shoulders.

She was also staring down at Trixie with the intensity of a wild cockatrice.

“Do you have any idea what time it is, young lady?!” She yelled. “I was worried sick!”

Trixie was just a couple inches shorter than Sunset, but she seemed even smaller under the scolding. Sunset could only stare.

“Mom! I-I can explain!” Trixie pleaded, then quickly turned to Sunset. “Look, she needs help!” Trixie’s mom glared at Sunset, and the fury immediately evaporated, but the stern authority remained. “I found her in the park, naked and alone,” Trixie explained. “And… Well, it’s going to be difficult to believe, but if you let us in, I can tell you all about it! She just needs a place to stay the night!”

If looks could kill, Trixie would have been dead twice. Her mom’s temper seemed to boil at that, but somehow she kept it at bay. “Come in,” she said, leading the girls inside.

The apartment looked very clean and organized. It was small, but everything seemed to fit perfectly. Immediately upon entering, Sunset could see a dining table, and a bit further there was a living room with two couches and a big black box that sat somewhat ceremously on a black shelf. To her right, an open door let Sunset see a kitchen, and between the living and dining rooms appeared a hallway that could only lead to the bedrooms and bathroom.

“What’s your name?” Trixie’s mom asked Sunset as she led them to the dining table.

“Sunset Shimmer, ma’am,” Sunset replied. She hadn’t thought about how would Trixie’s family react, but she certainly didn’t consider her mother would be so incredibly angry.

“I’m Dandy Lion, you can call me Dandy,” Trixie’s mom said. She then disappeared into the kitchen, but kept talking. “Trixie, start explaining!”

Trixie swallowed, but did just that. It wasn’t a particularly long story, but it was enough to allow for Dandy Lion to bring some mugs with raising steam. Sunset awkwardly accepted hers, fumbling with the mug and barely managing not to spill its contents, and was absolutely delighted to find it was hot cocoa.

“And you expect me to believe this other world nonsense?” Dandy asked as Trixie finished her story.

“Well, yes?” Trixie replied sheepishly. “Mom, I’m not stupid, and you know I never make ridiculous excuses. Why would I suddenly tell you such a story if it wasn’t the honest truth?”

That made Dandy pause, but she still didn’t relent, and instead leaned back and crossed her arms. Trixie sighed and, with effort, placed Sunset’s bag on the table.

“You said this is money, right?” Trixie asked Sunset. “From your world?”

Sunset had been so focused on enjoying her cocoa that she had barely missed the question. “Ah, yes.”

Trixie opened the bag, and immediately her mouth fell agape. “What is it?” Dandy demanded, and Trixie just spun the bag, opening it as much as she could, to let her mom see. The effect was immediate, and very similar to Trixie’s.

“This… This is gold?” Dandy said as she reached for a single golden coin.

Sunset narrowed her eyes. She had never seen anypony react this way to gold. “Yes, it is,” she answered frankly. “Bits are coined mostly with pure gold mixed with an alloy of silver and copper for strength and durability. But they’re, like, 90 percent gold.”

Dandy Lion inspected the coin, which was as wide as two of her fingers. On one side there was a number 1 flanked by quills, upon which were the words “Harmonia Nos Sustinet” -whatever that meant- and a big “BIT” written underneath. On the other side of the coin there was a picture of two winged unicorns circling a sun and moon; above, the words “Equestrian Royal Bank”, and below, the caption “987 TPE”.

“There are gems, too!” Trixie exclaimed as she produced a ruby as large as half the palm of her hand. It shone under the light of the dining room’s light bulb.

Based on their reactions, Sunset assumed they’d be willing to do anything to please her. On the other hoof, perhaps she shouldn’t have let them know just how much she had.

Dandy leaned back again. “Alright… This is what we’ll do.” Both Trixie and Sunset looked at her, and she sighed defeatedly. “Sunset, you can stay the night. No matter what, I can’t let a teen girl like you run around the city after dark, much less naked.” She lifted the coin in front of her and stared at it for five whole seconds before speaking again. “I have a friend that knows about these things. She’ll tell me how much this little coin here is worth. Depending on that, Sunset, we can talk seriously about your situation. After all, you are still a minor.”

“Alri- Wait, a minor?”

“Well, yes,” Dandy said, surprised. “You look no older than Trixie.” Sunset cocked her head, and Dandy cleared her throat. “Uhm… How old are you, dear?”

“I’m thirteen.”

Trixie jumped a little, then slumped down on her seat.

Dandy nodded. “Well, I don’t know about your… ‘world’, but here, you are still five years from being legally an adult. This whole situation is very unorthodox, you must realize, and we can’t afford to do things wrong.”

Sunset had to agree on that regard. No matter what rules, laws, or social expectations she was accustomed to, this world was sure to be different in many more ways than she could even fathom. The sensible thing to do right now was to listen to the natives. Especially if said native was the owner of the house she’d be staying at.

“Sure thing, ma’am,” Sunset replied. “I, uh… I hope my money is worth enough for you to help me out!”

With another sigh, Dandy took the coin to a pocket in her pants and stood up. “Trixie, put that gem back to the bag and show Sunset to the guest room. Hmm. I don’t think we have clothes for her, so please lend her some of yours.”

Trixie reluctantly threw the gem into the bag and stood up. “Sure thing, mom. Come, Sunset, this way,” she said as she closed the bag and hauled it onto her back.

Just as Sunset had suspected, the hallway gave way to four closed doors, two in each side. The walls, like the rest of the house, were painted white, which contrasted nicely with the soft blue tiles on the floor and the dark brown doors. Trixie opened the first one to the left.

“We normally don’t have visitors,” Trixie said as Sunset walked past her, and set the bag on the bed. “But the bed is comfortable… I think.” She huffed and massaged her shoulders. “Anyway, I’ll bring you a pajama set, be right back.” And with that, she got out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Sunset looked around the room. It was pretty small. Then again, the apartment had already seemed too small to her. She considered this as she scanned the white walls, over the empty blue shelf and past the beige wooden wardrobe. Cramped in the farthest corner was a tall, narrow mirror, and Sunset walked up to it.

She could see her reflection, and for the first time, her new appearance. It made sense now, that these humans could live in such small places; walking on two legs made the bodies grow upward, thus they needed less space than ponies. She felt stupid for realizing that only now.

Shaking her head, Sunset took off the coat Trixie had given her and let it drop to the ground.

She gasped and immediately stepped closer to the mirror.

Her udders were on her chest! That was the bumps she saw earlier! What kind of creature had udders on the chest?! She brought her hands to them. They were soft, and they felt exactly the same as if she touched any other part of her body. They were… small? big? She could easily cup them in each hand. Her teats tingled, but otherwise felt quite a bit normal.

This was insane. Why would they need them up there? She made a face as she decided to read about it as soon as possible.

Her head shape and face had also changed. Her eyes were way smaller, like practically the rest of her facial features. Her muzzle, even, had become a tiny bump between her eyes and it kind of reminded her of a slide. Her lips were no longer flat, but thick and a light pink in color, and upon touching them she realized they were also very soft. Her teeth were also different, and arrayed in a very different way. Her ears no longer jutted out from her mane, but rather sat at the sides of her head, small and round.

And speaking of mane, it still had her gorgeous fiery red and yellow pattern, and it felt every bit as soft and silky as she remembered. Her eyes still shone with that beautiful green hue she loved, but it was a bit more difficult to tell with them being their current size. She had noticed both Trixie and her mom had similar proportions to their faces, but only when looking at herself in the mirror did it really dawn on her just how much she had changed.

Her skin was weird, too. It was the same shade of bright yellowish orange as her coat as a pony, and that was really odd. Pony skin was usually a grayish pink with a hint of the coat’s color, and it was a bit rough. This human skin, however, was vibrant like her previous coat, and it was soft to the touch.

She straightened up and placed a hand on her left shoulder. “This is the shoulder…” she said as she moved it in wide circles. “Apparently, being so far from the chest and jutting out to the sides gives great mobility.” She then caressed down to the next joint. “I can feel this is my elbow, but it’s too separated from the shoulder, the humerus is too long.” Next, she slid her fingers down to the next joint, next to the hand, and paused.

“This doesn’t feel like a knee,” she said, moving her hand this way and the other. “So this is where the hand starts…” She inspected her new joint and hand thoroughly with the other. She knew what hands were, and she knew the five appendages were called fingers, but she knew nothing else about them.

She sighed defeatedly and looked back at the mirror, passing her hands on every part of her body she inspected. “What the…” Her barrel was smaller in proportion. And it had a hole in the middle! She carefully dug a finger inside. “Whoa, this is my belly button? It’s so deep!” She moved her finger a bit, and found it to be ticklish, so she decided to move on.

She turned to the side, and found that her barrel was way flatter than as a pony, but it still made a slight curve towards the crotch. Her thighs were farther down, and they felt soft, like the rest of her skin, but firm. She supposed that was normal for thighs in any world.

And... What were those bumps on her rump? As she touched them, she realized they were her buttocks. “They’re huge!” she exclaimed in awe. Why did humans need butts so big?! She turned a bit more, showing her back to the mirror and looking back as much as she could. She used both hands to touch her butt, to see how it behaved in her reflection.

That’s when Trixie entered the room again.

They looked at each other for several seconds, and Sunset noticed how Trixie’s face became a slight shade of red.

Sunset straightened up, and that served as a clue for Trixie to react. The girl cleared her throat and closed the door behind her. “Here’s your pajamas,” Trixie said, obviously trying not to look at Sunset, and put the clothes upon the blue blanket of the bed.

“Thanks,” Sunset said. What a curious reaction, she thought. Was nudity really that big of a deal for humans? She walked up to the clothes, and grabbed the smallest one. It was… What was it? Purple, soft, with three holes. Some kind of pants? Then again, it was incredibly tiny. “What is this?”

Trixie, who had been fidgeting, jumped a little. “Oh, uh… You don’t know what panties are?”

“No, how am I supposed to wear them?”

“That, uh… you don’t…”

Sunset huffed, dropping the ‘panties’, and turned fully to Trixie, who pointedly looked down, her face still red. “I’m from a world where everypony’s naked most of the time. And when we do dress, it’s usually to cover the torso and legs, and only dresses cover the hind legs. Yeah I’ve seen some ponies wear pants, but they’re mostly decorative,” she explained, getting more frustrated as seconds passed. “So no, I don’t know what a panties is and I don’t know how to put it on!”

By the time Sunset had finished talking, Trixie had made a step back and hunched over. “I-I’m sorry. It’s just… weird…”

Sunset snorted and passed a hand through her face, noting it was less uncomfortable than doing it with a hoof. She turned to her bag and opened it, quickly producing the ruby Trixie had grabbed earlier.

Judging by Dandy’s reaction to the gold, Sunset could safely assume that her money was worth a lot more in this world, and if that was true for the gold, who was to say gemstones weren’t equally valuable? Sure, they weren’t worth large sums of bits in Equestria, mainly because they could be grown, and most ponies preferred to use them as decoration rather than currency. But, maybe, humans didn’t have access to many gemstones. Maybe, they were worth a lot more.

Sunset had brought only a small bunch, and this ruby was one of the biggest ones. If she was correct, she could potentially buy her own house just with it. The ruby represented an edge, and only through some studying would Sunset know how sharp it was.

And yet, she decided to give it to Trixie.

“What?” Trixie asked, eyeing the ruby.

Sunset noted Trixie’s look wasn’t one out of greed. No, Trixie could not see the potential worth of the gem; she just thought it was really pretty. “I’m paying you,” Sunset replied, extending her foreleg towards Trixie. “Look, I’m going to be asking a lot of questions you might find stupid or common knowledge, and I will be requiring your assistance for things I’m sure children can do by themselves. So I’m paying for your services upfront. I’m pretty sure this ruby is enough for that.”

Hesitantly, Trixie took the ruby and looked at it. It was quite beautiful. She looked back at Sunset and smiled. “Alright, I’ll help you.” She then gave another look at Sunset’s body, and her blush returned. “A-Anyway,” she said as she took the ruby into a pocket on her pants. “You want to put the panties like they were pants. They are called undergarments because they are under the rest of the clothes.”

Sunset nodded and grabbed the panties again, then lifted a leg to try to put them on… and she lost her balance. She managed to recover before falling, but in order to do so, she had to stomp her leg onto the panties, snatching them from her hands and onto the floor.

It had been quite a long time since Sunset last felt so humiliated.

“Uhm, try sitting on the bed, then put the panties on up to your knees,” Trixie explained. “Then stand up and pull them up all the way.”

“Knees?” Sunset asked, then touched the big joints in her legs. They were her knees! Why on Equestria were they in her hind legs?! She shook her head, deciding to study anatomy first thing in the morning, then proceeded to do as Trixie told her.

The panties were tight, but not uncomfortable. They hugged her hips nicely, and for some strange reason she felt… more protected? What an odd feeling.

The next few minutes were awkward. Sunset fumbled with the clothes, unable to properly coordinate her fingers and hands with her legs and the rest of her body. Trixie explained as best as she could, and Sunset finally managed to don the blue pants and the blue shirt.

“Well, it looks like you’re done,” Trixie said happily. “Let’s go to sleep, and tomorrow I can tell you all about our world and stuff.”

“Sure,” Sunset said as she lifted her bag -it was quite heavy- and put it beside the bed.

Trixie hesitated. “Uhm… G-Good night.”

Sunset nodded. “Night.”

With that, Trixie somehow turned off the light and left the room.

Less than a minute later, Sunset found herself wrapped with the cozy blanket and staring at the ceiling. The pillow was comfortable, but it wasn’t nearly as soft as she was used to, and the mattress was no better.

Was this really the best course of action? Sunset felt her stomach rumble as she considered that maybe she had been too hasty. Maybe she should have tried to best Celestia by becoming more powerful, instead of jumping head first into the unknown, literally.

Maybe this wasn’t the best idea, after all.

Author's Note:

I hope you feel intrigued. All feedback will be greatly appreciated!