• Published 10th Apr 2020
  • 3,735 Views, 89 Comments

Gryphons Blade: Bannerlord - Damaskus Seraph

A young man is disatisfied with life. Wishing to be like the great men of history, the conqueres of the world. And fate gives him that chance, in a different world, with different rules. And a different body.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Village LIfe

The Sun rises over the east, bathing the village slowly in its gold warming light. Casting long shadows as it banishes the darkness for another day. The beams of light entering the windows of every home and signalling another day of work ahead of them. Verris, slowly stirs in his sleep as the sun shines through his windows lighting up the room. Causing him to sit up and rub his eyes, slowly reopening them to adjust to the light. Letting out a yawn, Verris remembers where he is. Stretching his back and wings, He quickly notices that he did that without thinking. Testing his 'control' of his own body he spreads the wing out, then pulls them against his body again. Flapping them a few times and finally testing their range of motion.

"Another enig.. enigm.. Mystery to somehow figure out." He mumbles getting off his bed and stretching his legs. Pulling out his backpack to take a drink of his water. Putting his leather sack back in his backpack he opens the door to the room, peering out to see if anybody in the house is awake. He quickly notices Grinbeak and his family at a dinner table as his wife walks around the corner probably to the kitchen. Verris steps out of his room and approaches. "Morning Grinbeak."

"Hm? Ah Morning Verris, hope that bed wasn't too uncomfortable for you." Grinbeak pulls out a mat and sets it at the end of the table. "Come sit down were about to have breakfast."

Verris takes a seat, Sitting like a cat or dog would on the mat with the low table. 'Makes sense' Verris thinks to himself. 'Not like a human chair would work for them'. "Thank you, So um Do you have any work I can help you with?"

"Work? Well considering how rough our village has been since the raid id say there's too much work. But why, arent you only staying the night?" Grinbeak takes a swig of water from a wooden mug.

"Well I have nowhere to really go. So I thought I could help around here for a while. Maybe find out where I am, Decide where to go from there."

"Hmm well What skills do you have? Woodworking? Masonry? Blacksmith? Farming?"

Verris realizes he doesn't know anything about any of those besides maybe a trivia fact or two. 'Fuck How can i help them without anything useful to help with.' "Well.. Nothing. To be honest but If you or anyone is willing to teach me I will do my best to help out."

Grinbeak sighs and taps his chin. "Well that doesn't help at all. I guess I could get you to help gather lumber to build new houses. That dont take much skill to do"

"Breakfast is ready!" Grinbeaks wife cheerfully says while putting a plate of fish, bread and various vegetables in front of everybody. "Now eat up Honey you'll need your strength."

The table goes silent as Verris and Grinbeaks family dig into the meal, Verris noticing there's no utensils and goes with tearing apart the fish with his claws and putting the meat into the bread along with the vegetables catching everyone's eye.

"What are you doing?" Grinbeaks daughter asks

"Making a sandwich."

"Whats a sandwich?" Grinbeaks younger son pipes up.

"Oh uh Well when you put meat and things like vegetables in between bread its a sandwich." Verris shows them his roughly cut bread with the fish and vegetables squished between them. "Then you can just grab onto the bread and eat it all in one." Verris takes a bite from it to emphasis the point."

The table remains silent for a second before the four begin tearing their bread in half and making improvised sandwiches with them, Putting as much of the fish and vegetables on it as they can before taking bites.

"Mmmm that's clever, Never thought to put everything together in bread." Grinbeaks wife says excitedly as everybody else is engrossed in eating their newly discovered sandwiches.



Verris drives the ax into the large tree for the tenth time. Finally getting the stubborn trunk to begin cracking under its own weight, The tree slowly falling forward as Verris steps to the side to avoid any debris.

"TIMBERRRR" Verris yells out, Wiping his brow as he walks over to the tree. "So what now?"

"No need to yell, I'm standing right here. Now, You gotta chop the branches off and make them into a separate pile for us to get to. Then well take them all to my workshop so ill turn them into something useful." A large burly gryphon responds, Large woodcutting ax on his shoulder.

"Chopping trees is harder than i thought.." Verris catches his breath and raises his ax, bringing it down on one of the branches, cleaving a large chunk off of it. Then yanking it out to do it again.

"Well what did you expect? It to just burst into useful beams and sticks? Takes effort to do things! But with you working on this we can get extra trees to my workshop, And have more time to work the wood."

"Yeah but Grimwing, You got like three sons, And their all much better at chopping than me."

"Yeah but they gotta repair the buildings and still work the wood we bring back. You being here means one more of them can work the wood instead of chopping." Grimwing drives his ax clean through a thick branch as Verris takes his third swing into the first one finally chopping it off.

"I guess your right. Probably why you guys never put up a palisade." Verris takes a deep breath and raises his ax again.

"Paliwaht? Whats that?"

"Uh a wooden wall. You know like logs sharpened at the top and dug into the ground to make a thick wall." Verris puts his ax down. He cant possibly not heard of a palisade.

"Ah I see, nah were not allowed to do that. The baron would raise our taxes more than he already does if we so much as put a fence around the Village. Bastard says the taxes are for 'fighting bandits' but I ain't never seen a single soldier come out here to defend us. Makes me wonder what hes spending it on."

"Wait so your not allowed to put up walls? Wouldn't that help with the whole bandit problem? And make your town less you know vulnerable for being looted?" Verris looks utterly confused at the logic of this.

"I don't know, The baron is always pulling excuses or reasons as to why we cant do the sensible thing." Grimwing drives his ax down on another branch and tosses it into the growing pile.

Verris Looks towards the village. "But if your baron doesn't even protect you why pay the taxes? If he isn't fighting bandits he must not have an army."

Grimwing stops and looks over to Verris. "Hmmf Everybody thinks about that at least once. But what if he does have an army. Then we not only have to worry about bandits but the baron as well. All for a wall."

"Well obviously he isn't doing his job of protecting you. So why not take things into your own ha- claws."

Grimwing stays silent for a moment. "I guess you have a point. But a if were alone without our barons 'protection'" Grimwing using air quotes, "Then some other baron will march in and take everything not nailed down, then bandits will take everything that is. I don't know where you come from but here you deal with what your given in life. No bother complaining about it." He then hoists his ax up and brings it down on another branch. "You finish this tree ill start on another."

Verris watches Grimwing walk over to another tree to start chopping it down. Grabbing his own ax and looking to the sword at his hip. He thinks to himself. 'If you wont change your lot in life, Then maybe I can.. Somehow." Lifting his ax high and chopping the branch in one swing.


Pulling a cart attached to his waist felt strange to Verris but considering the village doesn't have any pack animals it made sense. Walking into the village and stopping in front of the Grimwings workshop/Home, Verris unlatches himself and waits for one of Grimwings sons or to come out and help him take off the large sections of the tree. Cut in several sections with hand saws.

"Hey your Verris Right?" One of Grimwing sons walks up, sawdust covering his body.

"Yeah whats your name?" He asks as he starts pulling the first log out from cart.

"Beamwing" Beamwing grabs onto the other side of the log and carefully helps Verris put it down on the ground, then rolls it towards a spot for all the lumber, under a roof so to keep them dry.

"So your family are carpenters?" Verris walks back and starts pulling out the second log.

"No no were not carpenters, Were woodworkers. No clue what a carpenter is." He follows Verris and repeats the process.

"Oh its just another word for woodworker where Im from. Do you have blacksmiths?" Verris puts down the second log and rolls it to the other log.

"Yeah we got a blacksmith. Metal worker is what you mean right?"

"Yeah, thats what it is. Maybe I should visit him after were done with these logs."

"Why?" They both grab the third log and hoist it off the cart.

"I found this sword in.. An old building in the woods and it doesn't look like a normal sword. Considering how old the building looked the leather scabbard should have rotted away." Verris and Beamwing set the log down and roll it.

"Interesting. Mind if I see it?" They lift the log to put it on top of the previous two

"Sure, Here." Verris puts the log down and reaches for his hip. Pulling the scabbard off and showing him the pristene leather with the strange symbols on it.

"Hmm im no Tanner but that leather looks very expensive. No clue what those symbols are." Beamwing grabs the sword and attempts to draw it. Only for his face to scowl as he grunts and pull harder and harder.

"Uh are you ok?"

"Yeah" He grunts as he pulls one last time. "I think your sword is stuck." He hands it back to Verris.

Verris grabs it and easily pulls the blade out, Showing is Dark obsidian color.

Beamwing stares in confusing at first then awe, As the dark blade reflects the light from the setting sun. "Whoa, that aint no metal i've seen before. Hey Brothers! Come look at this!" Beamwing yells out to his brothers in the workshop.

"What is it Beam? Were kind of busy still- Woah what is that." One of his brothers remarks as he exits the building with his other brother.

"This is Verris and he says he found this sword somewhere in the woods." Beamwing says

"I don't bury it. You don't just go 'finding' black swords in the middle of nowhere. I think hes pulling your leg." The older brother says as he walks up and looks at the sword. "Still looks weird. Go ask the blacksmith cause i've never seen black violet metal."

"Yeah I was going to after we finished unloading these logs. By the way Grimwing told me something about the local baron not letting you guys build a wall around your village to protect against bandits. Is that true?"

A collective groan comes from the three. The eldest speaks up. "Yeah, We tried convincing him to just let us build a small wall on one side so we could have some degree of protection but hes too afraid that the baron, who probably doesn't even know this village exists, will find out and tax us harder or send an army after us."

"I doubt he even has one considering hes doing nothing about these gods forsaken bandits." Beamwing pipes up. "Even if he did i doubt he would even care. Less complaining from us and bandits might go elsewhere."

"Maybe we could gather everybody in town and make like, a vote or something on whether we should try building a wall around town. If most of us agree then we can at least share the blame if the baron is that much of a prick." Verris leans against the wall to the building, the sun now fully set and the dark shadows overtaking everything.

"Sounds like a good enough idea to me. Lets do that tomorrow, Maybe in the morning we can gather everybody to see if anyone else shares our idea." Beamwing yawns. "Speaking of tomorrow, lets wrap up so we can rest up for tomorrow."


Verris walks back into Grimbeaks home, exhausted from the hard days labor of chopping trees and dragging them in carts. His muscles screaming to lay down and die as his stomach yells louder to eat something before he dies. Upon opening the door and walking in, His nose picks up a near heavenly scent. His body on autopilot he quickly makes his way to the kitchen to find the family around the table with some bowls of stew.

"Ah finally you arrived. Was worried my brother Grimwing worked ya to death."

"Nearly, Clearly I need to build some muscles." Verris Sighs as he sits on the floor in front of the table. "Also hes your brother?"

"Yeah, couldnt you tell by the feathers? Were nearly twins."

"Honey you two are not twins. In fact you have different fathers don't you?" Grimbeaks wife pipes up.

"Ah you didn't have to tell him that. Anyways Verris better eat up, we could hear your stomach from here." Grimwing pours a large bowl of stew and slides it to Verris with a wooden Spoon.

Verris did not need any extra motivation. picking up the spoon and rapidly devouring the bowl till nothing but some of the broth remained. A loud sigh escaping his lips.

"That was amazing. Thank you Miss Beaks, I really needed a good meal after today."

"My pleasure Verris, Now excuse me I have to get these two to rest." Miss Beaks motions to the two nearly asleep kids, picking them up and walking upstairs.

"Oh before i forget, Grimbeak, me and your brothers sons are gathering everybody up in the morning tomorrow so we could discuss something important."

"In town one day and already making changes. I knew there was something about you that I liked. Maybe youll finally convince the neighbors to stop throwing their pig dung in the river."

"Well ill ask them because that does sound very unsanitary. But no this is for something else."

"About what then?"

"Ill tell you tomorrow. I'm going to go pass out on the bed." Verris yawns and steps up, slowly walking to his room, and opening the door. Walking a few more steps before dumping his sword next to the bed and laying down on it, and promptly passing out.


The entire village gathered on rooftops and the road around the village Center surrounding the elders hall. A large building where the decisions of the village were decided by whoever considered themselves to be the leaders. Currently, Verris, and the Wing brothers were inside as everybody outside gathered and waited for the few gryphons left to wake up.

"I think we should let you talk us through this Beamwing." Verris says pacing back and forth inside.

"Why, this is all your idea Verris. Plus you've made some good points." Beam responds looking confused.

"Well I just came into this town two nights ago, and now Im talking about making a big change. Putting a wall around the village which will not only be time consuming but expensive. Having someone who lives in the village come up with the idea will make everyone a bit more receptive to the idea don't you think?"

"He makes a point Beam." Farwing, the youngest brother says while leaning against a wall.

"Your right but I don't know what to say. You made all the reasons why we should last night."

"Just stick with the basics then once you make the main pitch ill step up to answer any questions or give a reason here or two, But trust me, Everyone will like the sound of the idea better if someone they know says it first. Just start out about how the raids keep getting more frequent and the baron isnt doing anything to stop them. After that just say we need to build a wall and how the baron either wont notice, wont care or wont be able to do anything since he probably doesn't even have the ability to do anything about the bandits. Simple."

"Yeah.. Simple.." Beam takes a big breath. "Is everybody here yet Farwing?"

Farwing looks outside through the window. "Yeah I can see the butchers, they always wake up late so if their here everybody is here."

"Well no time like the present eh." Verris gives Beamwing a pat on the shoulder before opening the door to the elevated stage in front of the building. Letting Beamwing walk ahead with him going behind him next to the other two brothers. The square goes silent as everybody Stops their chatter chatter and prepares to listen in on what they have to say.

Beam takes another breath.

"Everybody, we have gathered you all here today to discuss something we all know is necessary. As you all know the bandit raids have been getting worse and more frequent as the weeks and months go on. And the baron has yet to help us at all! While im sure many of you have thought of this idea, my brothers and I, Along with the newcomer Verris have decided to ask you all to come here so we can finally decide whether we should take matters into our own claws. And build a wall around the village to protect ourselves!" Beamwing yells out, projecting his voice so everybody in the village square can hear.

"As you all know the baron forbids this with threatening us with more taxes than he already levies upon us, but When has he ever sent someone here to even check up on us after the many raids by bandits and monsters in the forests. Heck he only ever sends someone when its tax season and we meet them halfway anyways!" Beam Takes a deep breath. "Not only that but its high time we defended ourselves from the bandits. If we build the wall they'll have to fly over it and well be ready with bows. Instead of having to face them off after they just run up to us."

The crowd begins to murmur and talk amongst themselves. With multiple conversations going back and forth between the various families and friends. A few heated arguments break out but are quickly silenced by those nearby. Everybody wanting a civil discussion. As the talking and murmuring Verris steps up and clears his throat, silencing the crowd.

"How about we all vote on it? If majority passes well build it and if you'll go on with life as usual?" Verris proposes, looking around to nodding heads and low murmurs of agreement. "Great now everybody-" Verris is cut off by a loud scream coming from behind the crowd.

Everybody jumps and turns to face whoever is screaming, Only to their horror to find a large band of bandits, holding various children hostage who were left home. Verris spots Grinbeaks own son and daughter among the terrified children. The lead bandit smiles, holding Grinbeaks daughter in his claw with a large knife to her neck.

"Well well look what we have here boys. Seems the soft farmers started growing a backbone! Why don't we teach them a lesson on not messing with the food chain." The bandit leader spits out.

To Be Continued

Author's Note:

Another chapter done. Hope you all enjoy. Please let me know of any mistakes ive made or inconsistencies ive missed. i really appreciate you all reading this and commenting.

Thank you all for liking

Comments ( 42 )

I’m enjoying this

A problem using a wall for protection against enemies who can fly is that they CAN fly. I did see where you addressed that matter by having someone comment that the villagers have bows ready, but that only points out another problem about fighting enemies who can fly: whoever holds the high ground has the advantage.
Of course, you’ve ended this debate with a classic cliffhanger where the enemy has taken hostages, not giving the hero any good choices, now. This story shows promise.:rainbowdetermined2:


My man , ya need an editer to fine tune your words

They're good. Would be a smooth read if ya had someone to right some of the words.

Love it

Flying takes a lot of energy compared to walking. Why do you think birds always walk when they can? Forcing the enemy to fly means their going to be expending more energy to get to you and have lesss to fight with.

Yeah I do I just don’t know anyone who can .

Well calm down sir.

Griffons can walk on clouds, too, remember? :rainbowdetermined2:

"Hmm im no Tanner but that leather looks very expensive. No clue what those symbols are." Beamwing grabs the sword and attempts to draw it. Only for his face to scowl as he grunts and pull harder and harder.

"Uh are you ok?"

"Yeah" He grunts as he pulls one last time. "I think your sword is stuck." He hands it back to Verris.

Verris grabs it and easily pulls the blade out, Showing is Dark obsidian color.

Did this guy just pull out their version of Excalibur by accident?

Oh yeah. forgot about that part.

This is gonna get good fast.

Probably but I hope it won't be some Excalibur or Mjölnir version of "if you are worthy and Self-Righteous "
I hope it's some enchantment that locked Verris as his new owner
His previous owner/master died probably many years ago and his body was close when Verris was picking it up
Maybe enchantment thought that the sword was given away by the previous master

What do you think this sword is?
An obsidian sword or just a black sword from some black metal?

Obsidian can't be used the same way to create a normal sword
Look up youtube, there's a lot of videos showing people that we're able to create something resembling the shape of a sword from obsidian, it will probably crack if something hits it

The best way to use the obsidian to create a sword is to break it (like with flint) and use sharp parts of obsidian and add them as sort of teeth
Example here

Let the violence commence!
Thanks for the update!

dam poeple catch on fast. No wonder hollywood always tries to 'subvert' expectations nowadays with how everybody can call theorize every possible outcome.


No wonder hollywood always tries to 'subvert' expectations

I don't think they even try to look bad to turn out to be better , they just are that low

"Well what did you expect? It to just burst into useful beams and sticks?"
*looks at The Forrest* Ya I kinda did

*a string snaps*

No, i am not angry mister bandit...


This is why we all must pray to the God Man Emperor of Mankind

Just a little video for those who wants to know what you can expect in this game :

Hmm, only two chapters so far, but i'm loving it already. I can't wait to see where this goes.

*record scratch sound effect*
Those bastards are going to pay in blood if they even dare to attempt to slit the children's throats.

Wasnt expecting that ending loving it and im hooked

Lots of grammatical errors, have you thought about joining a "Looking for Editors" group or just asking someone you know?

Not a bad story, but some dialogue feels clunky at times.

yeah i know but havent had time to really work on it recently.

This is the beginning of a new legend of a hero. What kind of legacy this young stranger leaves behind is all up to him and with that. I leave you this song.:raritywink:

As you all know the baron forbids this with threatening us with more taxes than he already levies upon us, but When has he ever sent someone here to even check up on us after the many raids by bandits and monsters in the forests. Heck he only ever sends someone when its tax season and we meet them halfway anyways!" Beam Takes a deep breath. "Not only that but its high time we defended ourselves from the bandits. If we build the wall they'll have to fly over it and well be ready with bows. Instead of having to face them off after they just run up to us."

Throughout history this has been done. It never goes well and usually ends with burning homes broken belongings and hangings. You see, it creates two enemies. The Bandits don't like the idea of anyone being harder to attack. Or even giving them the idea that they can fight at all.

And the second enemy is the local lords, who don't want people getting the idea that taxes or the government aren't necessary. So the towns always get it from both ends.

You know, while some local tax collectors and lords did skim off the top, people forget that taxes didn't all go to the local gov. Much of it was paid to higher governments. The Lord usually didn't keep much and in fact owed his own taxes that he payed for being the local Lord.

The Monk
“Puberty was a curse for those inflicted with it, and boundless amusement for others who survived the process.” -Scarheart

Alright its official, this story cannot be cancelled at least until that bandit who said that is dead. :twilightangry2:

might not be cancelled but i havent worked on it in months

With the pandemic and all its completely understandable dude. 👍

no its just i got college and a job now.

I look forward to more when it's available.

It’s always sad to miss a good story

Yes, finally something good for a change. If you want, I can help give you buffs on weapons, tactics, knowledge. I've studied medieval warfare, and know what to do.

when u updating this peice of art?

can you put canceled on it then


And it got cancelled. Damn, man. Just damn. And this fanfic was just getting good too.:fluttercry:

I’m sorry to disappoint. Maybe one day I’ll finish a series.

man, I hope this gets removed from the cancelled section on day as this is a bloody masterpiece, even if it's only two chapters long, but all one can do it wait sadly.

Don’t get our hopes up. Sorry bout that

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