• Published 19th Apr 2020
  • 379 Views, 1 Comments

The Tale of Equestria's Holy Knight - PrinzEugen

A Holy Knight in the Adrestrian Empire army gets himself sent to Equestria

  • ...

Chapter 2 The Elements of Harmony(Edited)

Part one

White Clouds

The Elements of Harmony

It was early morning, the sun didn't even rise yet, that saw Cerilio already awake. Looks like his morning routine in the army follow him in this world as well. Seeing that all of the Apple familiy was still asleep, he decided that he would read through the faith magic book to see if he can atleast learn one faith magic spell, then head out to do some training and then have a look around town.

He was about to go pick up the book in the bag when he realised it was pitch dark. At first he wanted to light a candle but remember that he didn't know fire spell, so he apoted to just read in the dark. He trained his eyes so that they can adapt in the dark fast since sometime reports came in at this hour or if the enemy decided to attack in the dark. He did saw some kind of lamp but didnt know how to use it.

Okay I think that I will began with the supports first, I'll leave Aura for when I'm outside. Hmmmmm ah here we go, Restore. I always wanted to learn this one. Okay, okay, I see, so its like Heal, Recover and Physic but for effects like poisen, intresting. Ah dammit I need someone to have either poison or someting else so i could test it. Oh well, Next.

He continue to read the book and learned Silence and Fortify but like most faith support magic he needed a live test subject to see if he could cast them and there is no way he is going ask the ponies. He did learn how cast a barrier or Ward as they call it. He aslo read how to warp around but also decided to leave it for when he was outside. Since he already master some advance spells, these were easy for him. He stopped reading when he saw the sun began to rise. He got out of the bed and started to put his armor on. After that he grab the bag with the books and his lance and head for the door. As he got out of his room he began to walk to the living room. Everyone, or in this case everypony, was still asleep. Making sure not wake up anypony, he went outside and to an open field near the farm.

When he reached he put the bag and his lance near a tree and then picked up the book. He reread the part about warp to make sure he understood it. After that he put it down and closed his eyes.

Okay, according to the book, I need to imagine myself the place I want to go and either I have seen that place before or I have been there, seems simple enough. Hmmm lets go back to the house.

He began to concetrated and imagine himself infornt of the house. He started to feel something and then heard a sound. As he open his eyes he saw the house infront of him.

"Yes! I did it! Now to go back where I was."

He imagine himself back where he was and this time he didn't need to close his eyes and in a flash he was back where he was.

"Okay, now with that out of the way lets go for the big one," he said. He grab the book and went to the page that had the intructions about Aura. "Okay it looks like it almost like Abraxas but instead of letting it fall from the heavens, I surround the foe with light. Also, it requires alot of magic so I'll have to master it before I start using it."

He picked a boulder as a test target and began to concentrate and his hand began to glow with magic. then he open it them and cast the spell. Yellow light came from the ground and surrounded the boulder before disintegrating it. After that Cerlio was left panting.

"Okay....just....like....any other advance spell....it lets you worn out....on the first try....going to need some of practice with this one," he said while trying to get catch his breath. he took a minute to relax and after that, he grab his lance and started some practice swings, using the tree as a dummy. He never knew when his skill would be needed. He was doing this for quite sometime now before he stop when he heard his name being call out. He pack up his stuff and started to walk back to the house. He would've use the warp spell he just learned but since he was worn out from his training he decided to just walk back. As he reach he saw Applejack at the door waiting for him.

"There yer are, Ah've been looking for ya, where have you been this mornin'?"

"I woke up early to get some training done and practice some magic."

"Well Ah was going to ask you if ya want to join us for breakfast."

"Well I would love to, thank you very much."

They both went inside the dining room and there Cerilio saw all the Apple family gather around the table. He took a seat and before he could react, he was bombarded with food ramging from pancaked, eggs, bread, apples and many other types food. He did forget to tell them he was an omnivore but that was a topic for another time. He notice that the food here was very sweet compare to the food he had in Fodland.

"Hey Applejack, do you have something I can help you with as a want to a way to say thanks for
everything you done for me?" Cerilio asked her. He always wanted to show his gratitude when ever they help him or show hospitality.

"Don't worry about it sugarcube, we are just thankfull for your help with Apple Bloom. Why don't you go and walk around Ponyville? We're going juts prepare the food for the celebration."

Ponyville, really? And I thought some names of a few villages in Fodland were weird "Are you sure? I dont think ponies have ever seen someone like me before you know? Are you sure they will welcome me?"

"Yes Ah'm sure they will welcome you, especialy a certain pink one," Applejack said to him, reminding her that the pink pony is going to throw a party very soon.

"Well, if you insist then I'll have a look around. You don't mind if I leave my stuff here?"

"No don't worry your stuff is safe with us, Ah don't think any of us can handle weapons anyways," Applejack reassured him.

After they had their breakfast, Cerilio went to his room to put his lance and book bag. He then pick up his two sword and put them on his waist. Even tho the ponies seemed to be very peacefull and friendly, his soldier instinct was telling not to let his guard down just in case. He was attacked once by some villagers in the alliance who claimed to be the pro imperial so who knows if some of the ponies do attack because they think he's dangerous.

After getting his two sword and saying his goodbyes to the Apple family, he started to walk in the town's direction. After some minutes of walking, he walked in the town. The place reminded him of some of the smaller village in Fodland. Some ponies were at their stands selling their products or food. Some were preparing for the celebration. Soon enough some ponies saw him and began to stare at him. He knew this would happen and prepare for the worst, but that never came. Even tho he was a complete stranger and not even a pony, the ponies started to wave at him and say good morning to him. This caught him of guard and he weakly wave back.

Okay, these ponies sure are friendly. And here I thought that they will attack me. Maybe its because of the armor and they think I'm one of their gaurds? Eh, whatever the case, I'll just roll with it.

He continue to walk around and try to familiarise himself with the place. After all this is where he is going to start a new life so he needed to know where everything was. Just then he heard the familiar sound of pegasus wings flapping. He looked up and saw two of them pulling a chariot. The two of them had armor on them. Even tho the armor they had were vastly different then his, he could see why the ponies asume he was a gaurd or that was what he thought.

I always wonder why we never had air chariot. Fódlan did have pegasus but was only use for combat. But then again we could of use them for troop transport. he tought.

As the chariot landed he saw a lavender unicorn with dark blue mane that a one strip of pink and one stripe of purple on the side. She had a symbol on her flank that was a six pointed pink star over a six pointed white star, with five smaller white star surrounding it. Next to the unicorn was a small dragon with purple colored scales. From his chin down his tale, it was light green colored and on his head were some dark green scales. Cerilio got close enough to them but make sure they didn't notice him.

"Maybe the ponies in Ponyvile have interesting things to talk about. Come on Twilight, just try," he heard the little dragon said. Now if this was his first day in this new world Cerilio who have been suprised, but seeing that this world was far different then his, he was half expecting the dragon to talk

"Um....hello?" said the unicorn, still not noticing the holy knigh behind her. When the mare saw them she gasped and ran away. This stunt let the unicorn and the dragon very confused. Even Cerilio was confused, he never saw anybody react like that.

"Well that was interesting all right" the unicorn said as she and the dragon exchanged confused looks.

"Well thats a reaction I never saw someone give to a simple hello," Cerilio said behind them. His voice suprised the dou and they jump in the air. Then they laid their eyes on him.

"Um....what are you? I never seen a something like you before," said the unicorn still looking at him with a bit worry.

"The names Cerilio and I'm a human."

"A 'human'?" the unicorn asked, now more curious then affraid, "I have never heard about them before. And the armor, its not from the Royal Gaurd so what exactly are you? And where do you come from?"

"Uh, Twilight, I know that you have more questions for him but we have to make sure everything is ready for the Smmer Sun Celebration," the dragon said, catching the antention of the unicorn.

"Oh right, thanks you for reminding me Spike. Oh and sorry about that, um, Cerilio?" He nods, "We have to make sure everything for the celebration is ready. By the way are you here for the celebration?"

"Yes I am. I heard that the princess is coming here, so I'm here to meet her and introduce myself to her."

"Well your in luck then," the dragon started "we were sent here to by the princess make sure that everything is checked for the celebration."

"You two are close with the princess?"

"Yes, Twilight is the her personal student and I'm Twilight number one assistant," expressed the drake with pride.

"Well now, thats most intresting. Well let me introduce myself properly this time. Again the name is Cerilio, I'm a human and where I come from I'm a holy knight. And what would your names be?"

"My name is Twilight Sparkle, princess Celestia student and this is Spike. I have many question for you but seeing that we need to take care of this that will have to wait for another time," Twilight said, with a little disappiontment for the last few words.

"Well why don't I go with you guys? I can answer your question along the way."

"Thats a great idea!" Spike said "One extra hoof can make the job much faster. Now then lest see, we could check on the food. The list says that the overseer is Sweet Apple Acres."

"Sweet Apple Acres, that were I'm staying for the time being. I just got from there, come on i can show you where it is."

And so they went. On the way Twilight didn't show any mercy when she asked Cerilio question. Nope, she bombarded him with quetions. Cerilio tried to answer as much as he can telling her where he's from, how Fodland was before the war, while also not mentioning it, and how they also had magic and many other things. Twilight was suprise to here that Fodland magic was very different from equestrian magic.

"So your saying that your magic is mostly for combat?" she ask him.

"Yes, the ones that I learned are for combat anyways, but there are aslo some support, like heal and warp. I have a three books that detailed all the magic known to Fodland, when we are done I can show you it," he said. After he finished that last sentence Twilight eyes went wide. Magic from another world, how could she not accept that. But will the princess allow that since she doesn't even know he's here and he's from another world.

"We're here," said Cerilio, snapping Twilight back to the present. "I wonder if their finish everything, when I left them they were still busy making them."

As they approuch they heard a loud 'yee-how' cry. Cerilio immediately recognizing the voice as Applejack. she ran to a tree a bucked it, making the apples fall in the baskets below. Cerilio was impressed, knowing that back in Fodland the farmers had to pick the apples one by one, which took along time.

"Good afternoon, my name is Twilight Sparkle-" Twilight tries to greet but was cut off when the farm pony grabbed her hoof and started to shake it violently.

"Well hoowdy-doo, Miss Twilight, pleasure makin' your acquaintance. Ah'm Applejack. We here at Sweet Apple Acres sure do like makin' new friends."

"Friends? Actualy I," Twilight tried to say but was stun be the hoofshake. Cerilio tried his best not to laugh. "I don't rememeber you shaking my hand like that when we first met," stated Cerilio, remembering their first meeting.

"Oh, hey there Cerilio, your back earlier then Ah expected," she said, expecting to him to come back a bit later

"Yes, Im accompanying them since they know the princess. It could be also like a tour to get know the town better."

Well then, what can Ah do for you?" Applejack asked Twilight who was still shaking her hoof in the air, not notcing that she was shaking nothing.

"Well I'm in fact here to supervise preperation for the Summer Sun Celebration. And your in charge with the food?" she said after recovering from the shake.

"We sure as sugar are. Would care to sample some?"

"Sure if it doesnt take long," said Twilight, clearly not wanting to be behing schedule.

"You don't mind if I also try some Applejack?" asked Cerilio. He always was one not to reject food but also know for having a big stomach.

"Ofcourse you can sugarcube," she said. Then she went to a triagle and started to ring it. "Soup's on, everypony!" she shouted. Cerilio, Spike and Twilight was then surrounded by a crowd of Earth Ponies.

"Now, why don't Ah introduce y'all to the Apple family. This here's Apple Fritter, Apple Bumkin, Red Gala, Red Delicious Golden Delicious, Carmel Apple, Apple Strudel, Apple Tart, Baked Apples, Apple Brioche, Apple Cinnamon Crisp......" She took a breather in between. "Big Mcintosh, Apple Bloom and Granny Smith, Up'n'attem Granny Smith, we got Guests." She said while stuffing an apple into me and Twilight's mouth. While she named the Apples, they began to put every type of apple desert on the table infront of them. This make the mouth of Cerlio to began watering.

"Why, Ah say you are already part of the family," Applejack finished

"Okay, well I can see the food situation is handle so we will be on our way," said Twilight, not wanting to stay for much longer.

"Aren't ya gonna stay for brunch," said a sad Apple Bloom, giving Twilight 'the eyes'.

"I'm sorry but we awful lot to do," Twilight says while trying her best to resist those puppy eyes. This caused the whole family give a sad 'aww' and lower their head in sadness. Cerilio knows that, no matter how much you try, you can't resist that much pressure. After a moment Twilight gives in.

"Fine," she says in defeat. The mood of the Apples quickly changed from sad to happy in an instant. Cerilio and Spike were happy because they got to eat.

"Then what are we waiting for?!" Cerilio said, almost screaming "Lets dig in!"

"Uh, I ate to much pie," groan Twilight. The Apples showed her no mercy when they offer her pie. For Cerilio however, it was paradise for him. Even tho he ate more than Twilight, he didn't feel any sort of pain or discomfort that come when someone eats to much.

"Oh come on, those pies were the best pies I ever had in a long time. You got to admit, they were delicious," he said to her. Twilight just gave him an annoyed looked and just kept on walking.

"A-anyways, Spike what's next on the list," he asked, not wanting to anger the unicorn more.

"Well," the dragon starts "there should be a pegasus pony name Rainbow Dash clearing the clouds." They look up to see if the sky is clear or being cleared. What they see is a sky full of clouds and no pegasus in sight.

"Well she not doing a very good job is she," said Twilight, being a bit anoyed. Before Cerilio could say anything, something came out of nowhere and slammed in to unicorn, knocking her into some mud, which made her grunt. It was a pegasus with cyan colored coat and had a long and rainbow colored mane. On her flank was a red, yellow and blue lighting bold that came streaking from a cloud.

I think thats Rainbow Dash and, if I'm right, I could why see why they named her that, man some of these names are wierd. By the way what are those symbols I keep seeing on their flank? I think I'll ask Twilight later. he thought to himself. Meanwhile the pegasus got off twilight and saw how mud was alll over her coat.

"He he he um, excuse me. Lemme help you," she said and went to grab a rain cloud and put on Twiligh and jump on it making rain fall on the unicorn. The mud on her was gone, but now she was saoking wet and had anoyed face.

"Oops, I guess I over did it. Um, uh how about this? My very own Rain-Blow Dry!" As the pegasus was speaking she began to fly around around Twilight so fast that it made a rainbow twister appear that blow alll the water and mud that was under her away. After she was done, she landed a few feet away next to them.

"No no. Dont thank me, your quite welcome," said the pegasus, not being aware of the anoyed face she was receiving from Twilight. When she did notice, she was trying her best not to laugh. Why? Well the twister did dry up the unicorn, but left her with a bushy, messy mane. After a few seconds of trying not to laugh, the cyan pegasus burst out in laughter follow by Spike, who aslo saw Twilights mane. Cerilio manage not to follow them, knowing that it might unleashed the wrath of the lavander unicorn.

"Let me guess, your Rainbow Dash?" asked Twilight, still looking anoyed.

"The one and only. Why? You heard of me?" answered Rainbow after she was done laughing.

Yup. I was spot on thought Cerilio berfore he said something. "Well, we heard you were supposed to be keeping the sky cleared," he said. You would think he would be anoyed as well, but years of dealing with arrogant people in the army helped him to stay atleast professional. When Rainbow Dash spotted him, she was confused. She never saw anything like him before. "Uh, what exactly are you?" she asked him.

"Oh, I keep forgetting that I arrived yesterday," Cerilio reminded himself "My name is Cerilio and I'm what you call a human. We can go into detail another time because these two need to know about the weather for the Summer Sun Celebration. Twilight thats your que," he finished, stepping behind the unicorn. Twilight let a out sigh, dropping her anoyed look before turning to the pegasus.

"Yes, thank you. I'm Twilight Sparkle and, as he said, the princess sent me to check on the weather."

After getting her out of her confusion about Cerilio, Rainbow Dash flew up and rested on a cloud. "Yeah that will be a snap. Ill do it in a jiffy, just as soon as I'm done practicing," she said

"Practicing? Practicing for what?"

"The Wonderbolts!" Rainbow says with ecxitment while pointing at poster on the wall, "Their gonna perform at the celebration tomorrow, and I'm gonna show them my stuff."

"So, their a group of pegasus that perfrom for events?" Cerilio ask, seeing that he doesn't know what are the Wonderbolts. Rainbow Dash quickly dash on him, angry that he was so ignorant. Cerilio almost grabs his sword thinking she was about to attack him, but stops himself when she stops right in front of his face.

"They're not just a group of performeres, they're the most talented and fastest flyers in Equestria!," she exclaim, almost shouting in his face.

"I'm new here," Cerilio deadpans. "I'm still learning about this place. So sorry if I didn't know. You sure are a fangirl."

"Oh please," Twilight comes in "they will never accept a pegasus who can't keep the skies clear for one measly day."

"Hey," Rainbow says, turning her attention back to Twilight, "I can clear this sky in ten second flat."

"Prove it"

Not hesitating for one bit, Rainbow Dash began flying through the sky and started bucking and punching the clouds making them dissapear. Her speed catch Cerilio of gaurd, he never saw a pegasus fly that fast. And just like she said, after ten scondes she was done.

"What I say. Ten second flat. I never leave Ponyville hanging." Twilight and Spike were so amazed that their jaws was stayed wide open for a good while, especialy Twilight's. As for Cerilio, he also was amazed but recovered quickly from his shock. Spike aslo recovered from his shock.

"He he, you should see the look on your face. Your a laugh Twilight Sparkle, I can wait to hang out some more."

"Well, that was awesome. Never have I seen a pegasus that fast. You have a lot of potenial Rainbow Dash," Cerilio says to her with a smile.

"Ofcourse it was awesome becuase I'm awesome. Wait, you said that you knew some pegasus but you just arrive here, how is that possible?"

"That is also a story for another time, see you at the celebration?"

Yeah ofcourse, but you gonna have to start telling me about youself." After that she flew away. Cerilio look at his two companions.

"Wow, she's amazing," Spike said, which brought Twilight out of her shock. Cerilio can't help but to chuckle a little. "Indeed she is. Now whats next Spike?" he says to the dragon.

They walk for a bit before arriving at the town hall. it wasn't that far from where they met Rainbow Dash. When they went inside, they were greeted with a decaroted interior.

"Decoration. Beautiful," marvel the drake. Cerilio aslo was awed by the decorations. He never went to any festival, but he has seen paintings of some.

"Yes, the décor coming along nicely," Twilight said as she saw the decorations. "This oughta be quick. I'll be at the libary in no time. Beautiful indeed."

"Not the décor, her." Cerilio then notice that there was a light gray unicorn with purple mane three sapphire on her flank working on the decoration. He aslo notice that the dragon next to him was staring at her like kid who just figure out he has a crush on someone he met for only couple of minutes. Well in this case, a couple of seconds. Cerilio, deciding to bring Spike back to reality, slap him in back of the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" Spike almost shouted while glaring at Cerilio.

"Hey, you were daydreaming about a mare you just met, so I needed to bring you back to reality. I know there is nothing wrong with that, but right now we need you in the here and now."

"Okay, maybe I was daydreaming, but that didn't mean you had to slap. Did you for forget your wearing armor." Cerilio looked at him confused before it hits him. His hand is in metalic armor so ofcourse the slap would be more painfull. He smiled sheepishly. "Hehe, yeah, I might have forgot about that. But thats not the point."

While the two were bickering with each othter, Twilight just rolled her eyes and walked over to the unicorn, seeing that those two would be at it for some time. "Good afternoon-" Twilight tried to introduce herself bu was cut off.

"Just a moment please, I'm in the zone as it were. Oh yes! Sparkle always does the trick, does it not? Why, Rarity, you are a talent," she said while she was placing a sparkling red ribbon on a pole. She then turned to look at the group. "Now how can I help yoooooooahahaaah!" she screamed when she saw Twilight messy mane. Her scream aslo caught the antention of the Spike and Cerilio and they stop arguing to see what was going on. "Oh my stars, darling! Whatever happend to your coiffure?!"

"Oh you mean my mane? Well its a long story, I'm just here to check on the decoration then I;ll be out of you hair," Twilight shrug. But Rarity being one for fashon couldn't let this go so easly.

"Out of my hair? What about your hair?" Rarity then began to drag Twilight, complete ignoring the dragon and human that was right behind her. Spike eyes became hearts again and Cerilio just sigh and walked after them.

"Wait. Where are we going? Help!" exclaimed Twilight.

Its always next to impossible to convince a fashionista to not help you when your hair is that messy Cerilio thought, remembering that in the army there was one who berated him when his cape was all torn from battles.

They were now in Rarity's boutique where Rarity was dressing Twilight in all type of clothes and fixing her mane in different style. Cerlilio leaning on the wall with his eyes closed, waiting for this to be over.

"No...nope...uh-uh. Too green. Too yellow. Too poofy! Not poofy enough! Too frilly. Too...shiny." Rarity went one before finding the perfect dress for Twilight while her mane stayed the same way it was before Rainbow Dash made it a mess. "There. Now then my dear, your were telling me where you from," She said while thighting the dress very thight.

"I've.....been...sent...from.....Canterlot....to," Twlight tried to answer her, but being squeezed like that was making it hard to breath, let alone talk.

"Canterlot! Oh, I am so envious! The glamour, the sophistication! I have always dreamed of living there! I can't wait to hear all about it! We are gonna be the best of friends, you and I... And you there darling," catching Cerilio's atention, "you look like a handsome creature with that shining armor, not the mention that gorgeous cape. Where are there from? They must have been made with the best material around I guess."

"This is standered holy knight armor from my homeland and as for the materials, I don't know, but what I do know is that the materials increases my resistence against magic atttacks."

"Well, all I can say is that your kind has good taste in fashon, you have to tell me all about it one day. A whole new design for my line..."Rarity doose of for a moment. Cerilio cleared his throat to get her antention back. "Well I don't remember most of the fashon form my homeland, so I may not be of much help."

"Oh, don't worry about it dear, when you need some clothes I can take your measurements and make them for you. It would be new a challenge for me."

"I think that would be a good idea since I don't want to wear my armor everyday. I'll let you know." With that Rarity went back to Twilight and her dress. "Emerald?! What was I thinking? Let me get you some rubies instead, that would go much better," she daid before running to get some. Twilight manage to take of the dress and started to run.

"Quick! Before she decided to dye my coat a new color!" Cerilio just chuckle. He grabbed Spike, who was still daydreaming even after his slap from early, and walked after Twilight.

"Wasn't she wonderful" Spike sighed, still daydreamin about Rarity. Cerilio just rolled his eyes, seeing that talking to Spike was a lost cause.

"Focus Casanova, whats next on the list," Twilight said to get the dragon atention. Spike, having been brought back to reality, looked back on the list. "Um, music! Is the last one."

They stopped walking when they heard whispering of music in the distant. Making their way towards it and hiding in a bush, they saw a yellow pegasus with pink mane and three butterfly on her flank leading choir of birds. Cerilio never thought that it was possible but here he is, seeing it his own eyes. "Oh my. Um, stop please, everyone," she said when she notice one blue-jay's rythem was off and flew to it, "uuum. Excuse me sir. I mean no offense, but your rhythm is just a teeny-tiny bit off." the bird noddes and the pegasus flew back to her original spot. "Now, follow me, please. A-one, a-two, a-one two three-"

"Hello!" Twilight said, walking towards the Pegasus and accidentally scaring off the birds in the process. "Oh my, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to frighten your birds. I'm just here to check up on the music and it's sounding beautiful," she said as the Pegasus landed quietly. Then they stood there in awkward silence, none of them saying anything. "I'm Twilight Sparkle," Twilight said in an attempt to break the silence before it returned. "What's your name?"

"Um...I'm Fluttershy," the peagsus said, barely audible. Twilight obviously didn't hear that.

"I'm sorry, what was that?"

"My name is Fluttershy"

"Didn't quite catch that."

Fluttershy simply squealed, not facing Twilight anymore and hiding behind her mane. The awkward silence returned gain as well as her birds.

"Well, um, it looks like your birds are back, so I guess everything's in order. Keep up the good work!" Twilight tried to encourage, only to get more squeaking for in response. She then went back to Spike and Cerilio.

"Well, that was easy," she said to them as they walked form behind the bush they were waiting. "You mean awkward." Cerilio stated pointed out. She reminds me bit of Lady Marianne.

As soon as Flutttershy saw Spike and Cerilio, she gasped loud and rushed to them, bumbing in to Twilight and sending her flying in the process. "A baby-dragon! Oh, i've never seen a baby-dragon, he's sooo cute." Spike turned to Twilighta and Cerilio before crossing his arms, his face full with pride. "Well well well....

"Oh my, he talks. I didn't know dragons could talk. That's just so incredibly wonderful I, I just don't even know what to say!" Fluttershy said in response to Spike talking.

In the mean time, Twilight got up and levitate Spike on her back with her magic, which caught the dragon of gaurd. "Well, in that case we better be going,"

"Wait, wait! What's his name?" Fluttershy started to follow them.

"I'm Spike," Spike answer her with a smile

"Hello Spike, I'm Fluttershy. Wow, a talking dragon," she said, full of wonder. Then she turned her attention to Cerilio. "And what about you? Your a tall one, do you talk to? And what type of creature are you? I have never seen your type before," she asked him, still full of wonder and curiosity.

Ugh, this is getting old real fast. "Yes, I can talk. My name is Cerilio and I'm a human. It's nice to meet you," he answered her with a smile, even tho it was a bit forced. Fluttershy on the other hand(hoof?) was even more curious, it was even starting to rivals Twilight's. "Wow, a whole new type of species that I never heard before is right infront of me. So what do dragon and human talk about?"

"Well what do wanna know?" asked Spike.

"Absolutely everything," Fluttershy told them. This cause Twilight to let out an annoyed 'ugh'. Cerilio felt pity for the unicorn, something was telling him that she was worring about something. For cerilio let it slide, maybe he'll ask her later when they were alone since it look liked something importante. Meanwhile Spike was busy telling Fluttershy his story, to which Cerilio paid very good atention since he wanted to know the young dragon better.

It was late afternoon, the sun was begining to set and Spike was almost done with his story. They were back in Ponyvile, heading towards what looked like a huge treehouse in Cerilio's eyes.

Okay, that must the biggest treehouse I have ever seen in my life!

As they came closer, he saw a book sign, indicating it was a library.

Oh, so it's a library then. That explains the size

"And thats the story of my whole entire life! Wll, up until today. Do you wanna hear about today?" Spike asked after he finished his story.

"Well actually I wanna know about Cerilio as well," Fluttershy told him, as she turn to face Cerilio. Before Cerilio can say anything Twilight jumpes in front of him. "I'm so sorry, how did we get here so fast? This were I'm stayinh while I'm in Ponyvile and my poor baby dragon need his sleep," she lied to get Fluttershy to leave.

"No I don't," Spike protested but was throw of by Twilight and landed hard on the ground.

"See? He's so sweepy he can't even keep his widdle bawance!" Twilight emphasize to get make the act more convincing. Spike was just glaring at her. Fluttershy believed her so she flew and picked Spike up. "Poor little thing, you simply must get him to bed," she said and went in the library with Spike in her hoofs. Twilight and Cerilio went after her and Twilight gently pushed her out.

"Yes yes, we'll get right on that. Well good night," Twilight told her before slammming the door. "Rude much," Spike said, cleary not happy how Twilight treated the pegasus.

"Yeah, Spike is right Twilight, something is on your mind, care to explain?" Cerilio getting a good chance to asked.

"Sorry you two, but I have to convince the Princess that Nightmare Moon is coming, and we're running out of time! I just need to be alone so I can study without a bunch of crazy ponies trying to make friends all the time." Twilight said as she walked around the dark room.

"Nightmare Moon?" Cerilio asked, wanting to know more, but never got the chance as the light turned were turned on, revealing a crowd of ponies.

"SUPRISE!" they all shouted as ballons and confetti rainded down. Twilight was not happy as she let out a groan. Cerilio was about to grab his sword and attack but stop himself when he loooked around and saw the same pink pony that Twilight and Spike first met hopped infront of her. "Surprise! Hi, I'm Pinkie Pie, and I threw this party just for you! Were you surprised? Were ya? Were ya? Huh huh huh?" she said while bouncing around her. Cerilio was beyond confused as to how she was doing that.

"Wer were very suprised, libraries are supposed to be quite," Twilight said, clrealy anoyed.

"Well, that's silly! What kind of welcome party would this be if it were quiet? I mean, duh, bo-ring! Y'see, I saw you when you first got here, remember? You were all "hello" and I was all-" Pinkie gasped deeply, continuing to tell her story as she followed Twilight over to a table with drinks. "remember? Y'see I've never saw you before and if I've never saw you before that means you're new, 'cause I know everypony, and I mean everypony in Ponyville! And don't get me started on your tall creature friend who was keeping his distance from you before he came out talked to you. He arrived yesterday and statyed at Applejack."

Cerilio was dumbfounded, how did she knew that he arrived yesterday and how he was keeping his distance from Twilight and Spike before he inroduced himself to them. This pony was just beyond his understanding.

"And if you're new, that meant you three haven't met anyone yet, and if you haven't met anyone yet, you must not have any friends, and if you don't have any friends then you must be lonely, and that made me so sad, then I had an idea, and that's why I went-" She took a deep breath "I must throw a great big ginormous super-duper spectacular welcome party and invite everyone in Ponyville! See? And now you have lots and lots of friends!" Pinkie Pie finally finished as Twilight turned around, her face red from the hot sauce. Her mane caught fire as she rushed off upstairs. "Aww, she's so happy she's crying!"

Unbenounced to them, Twilight accidently drank hot sauce while Pinkie Pie was talking to her. Spike went to check the bottle and turns out, it was hot sauce. Pinkie meanwhile poured the hot sauce on a cup caked and ate it in one bite. Again Cerilio was dumbfounded. "What? It's good!" explained Pinkie.

Is this pony ment to break every law of reality? he thought, trying his best to understand the pink pony. His thought then went to Twilight. He was wondering how she was doing. After some time, he went upstairs to find her. Opening the door he went in.

"Twilight? Are you in here?"

"What do you want Cerilio?"

"I'm came to check on you. Something has been on your mind, is it about the Nightmare Moon you said when we got in here?"

Twilight sighed. "Yes, it's about that." She levitates a book to him, "Legend has it that on the longest day of the thousandth year, the stars will aid her in her escape and she will bring about everlasting night."

"And that day is today?" Cerilio asks her, to which she nods. "I wanted to learn more about the Elements of Harmony since they defeated her, but silly me. This whole friend-making has kept me from it!" Twilight explained to him. Cerilio was skeptical. "Does the princess know about this?" he asks

"I did told her, but she told me it was an old pony tale. After that she send me here to take care of the preperation for the Summer Sun Celebration. I wish she's right but something is telling that Nighmare Moon is real."

Cerilio was in deep thought

I can't blame her for worrying, this Nightmare Moon does sound like a real threat. Maybe that's the reason why I was sent here? But why would the princess dismiss it for a legend?

"Well there is a chances that this may be a legend," Twilight let out a sigh, "but I'll be on high alert. And if she did turn out to be real, then we'll have to find those Elements of Harmony. Nightmare Moon isn't going to have her eternal night without a fight. I assure you that. On my honor as an imperial holy knight."

Twilight was touched by his resolve. Here was a someone who was from a diffrent world and someone who she just met, was willing to atleats believe some of what she told him and ready to defend Equestria from Nightmare Moon.

"Thank you for believing me. Not even Spike believes me, yet here you who only just met me today is atleast believe some of it."

"Anytime Twilight, I will be here there since this is going to be my new home. Now wait here for a moment." Cerilio then vanished, leaving a purple light. Twilight wonder what just happend but then another purple light came. When Twilight open her eyes, she saw Cerilio now armed with a lance and a bow.

"Now I'm ready," Cerilio says with a smile. Twilight was beyond shocked, he didn't told her that he can teleport. Before she can question him Spike barged in. "Come on you two! It's tme to watch the sunrise!"

Twilight, Spike and Cerilio where now in the city hall. They were part of a massive crowd, waiting for the princess to raise the sun. It was quite for sometime. Then music began playing the spotlight fell on mare with gray mane.

"Fillies and gentlecolts, as mayor of Ponyville, it is my great pleasure to announce the beginning of the Summer Sun Celebration!" she said. This was welcomed with cheers from the crowd except from Twilight. Cerilio just clapped his hands his lance reting on his left shoulder. His bow and arrow was on his back, the cape covering them.

"In just a few moment, our town will witness the magic of the sunsise, and celebrate this, the longest day of the year!" As the mare was giving her speech, Twilight took a glance at the moon. Cerilio saw this and aslo to a glance. The mare on the moon was gone. Twilight became worried and Cerilio went on full alert. He tighten his grip on his lance and adopting a serious expreshon on his face. "And now, it is my great honor to introduce to you the ruler of our land, the very pony who gives us the sun and the moon each and every day, the good, the wise, the bringer of harmony to all of Equestria.......Princess Celestia!" The spot light moved to a higher up balcony as Rarity pulled back the curtains.

When the curtians was pull back, the princess was nowhere to be seen. This cause Cerilio to go on full soldier mode. "This can't be good," he heard Twilight commenting on the situation, her eyes fill with worry.

Remain calm everypony, there must be a reasonable explanation!" the mayor tries to reassured the ponies. This did little to calm them as they began to murmur, wondering what was going on.

"Ooh, ooh, I love guessing games! Is she hiding?" Pinkie Pie began to look around. Rarity went to look at the back, but fond nothing.

"She gone!" she told the crowd. This caused the ponies to gasped in shock and terror. "Oooh she's goood," Pinkie till thinking she was hiding. She the yelp in terror as she saw something on the balcony. Cerilio and all the ponies atention went to the balcony. There was dark blue mist coming form the balcony and the ponies yelp as well. It was as if the night sky came down to earth. Out of the mist, a dark alicorn mare took form and was looking down on the ponies.

"Nightmare Moon," Twilight said with fear. Spike fainted on the spot when he saw her.

So this is Nightmare Moon. Well here goes nothing. Cerilio put his right hand behind his back and began to charge a Thoron spell. Meanwhile the alicorn began to speak.

"Oh, my beloved subjects. Its been to long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces," she said to them. The ponies were cowering in fear.

"What did you do with our princess?!" Rainbow Dash shouted at her and was about to flew to her but Applejack hold her by her tale.

The Alicorn let out a short laugh. "Why, am I not royal enough for you? Don't you know who I am?"

"Ooh, ooh, more guessing games!" Pinkie Pie said, cheerfully. "Um, Hokey Smokes! How about... Queen Meanie! No! Black Snooty, Black Snooty-" She was stopped by Applejack shoving a cupcake in her mouth. Cerilio was far behind the crowd so to catch her by suprise

"Does my crown no longer count now that I have been imprisoned for a thousand years? Did you not recall the legend? Did you not see the signs?" She asked mockingly, expecting nopony to answer.

"I did!" Twilight shouted. "And I know who you are, you're the Mare in the Moon! Nightmare Moon!"

The ponies once more gasped while Nightmare Moon smiled. "Well well well, somepony who remembers me. Then you also know why I'm here," She said towards the unicorn. Twilight went form being brave for a moment to scared again.

"You're here to......to..." she couldn't finish her sentence in her fear and swallowed.

Nightmare Moon once more began to laugh. "Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the night will last forever!" She shouted and began laughing.

"HAAA!" Cerilio let out his Thoron that he was charging towards the alicorn. It hit her hard and she recoiled. It caught her completly of gaurd. The ponies, even Twilight, were shocked. Where did that lighting came from or who is thye one who send it on her.

"Who?! Who dares defy me?!" Nightmare Moon shouted. Cerilio stepped forth and faced her

"I do," Cerilio says in a determined tone, "If you want your eternal night, than you have to go through me."

Nightmare Moon eyed this creature who dared defy her. He has strange magic that was for sure but no matter, she was stronger then him that's for sure, that is what she told herself.

"You are a brave creature, but do you know what you got yourself into?" she told him in a sinister tone.

"Oh, I know alright. Now then, are you gonna stay there or are we gonna duel? Because like I said, you're not getting that eternal night as long as I stand."

"Impudent foal! You will regret facing me!"

Cerilio tooked his battle stance, lance gripped by his both hand and ready himself. Nightmare Moon meanwhile charge her horn and send a blast of magic towards him. Cerilio quickly dodge it by moving to his right, the magic blast exploding were he was standing. Cerilio then warped infront of her ready to slash her with his lance. Nightmare Moon teleported herself out of the way and reappeared in the middle of the city hall. Cerilio warped himself there aswell.

They stood for a moment, just eyeing each other, trying to find a weakness in one another's stance. The alicorn made a sword out her magic and charge at the holy knight. He also charge at her. They began to swinging there weapons at each other and parrying each other attacks. Their battle caused the surrounding pony to look with awe. Here was creature who was going toe to toe with a alicorn, they were starting have hope that he could defeat her. But their hope was crushed when Nightmare Moon made a swing so swift and precise, she disarmed Cerilio and then blasted him magic, sending him into a wall. It was thanks to his armor that he survived since his armor was built to withstand magic attacks. He got up but was barely keeping his footing and was panting heavily.

"See, what did I told you? You will regret ever challenging me," she mocked him while she was walking closer to him. "Now then, any last words before you meet your end?"

"Yeah, I hope you like it when it's cold."

What the alicorn didn't know, was he was charging another spell.

"Your finished!"

(End music)

Nightmare Moon didnt't had a chance to dodge as she was covered by ice, freezing her. The ponies gasped at this. They thought that he could control the weather, somthing that only pegasus could do. Cerilio was now out of breath, he used the last of his energy and magic to cast that Blizzard. Then the ice that was covering Nightmare Moon started to shine until the alicorn within broke free. She was also out of breath given her weakend state she was in when she was trapped on the moon. Cerilio quickly grab his magic bow and took aim.

"This is not the last time we will see each other creature. I will have my revenge and then the night will last forever!" She then took her mist form and disappeared. Cerilio put the bow back behind his cape and went to grab his lance. The ponies meanwhile were just staring at him. He notice this.

"Why are you starring at me for?" he asked them.

"You just fought Nightmare Moon," One said.

"And you made her run away," another told him.

"And you used some crazy weather magic," a pegasus said.

Cerilio just smiled. "I just did what I had to do as a holy knight. My honor wouldn't let me have it any other way," he told them. They began to cheer, most likely because they began to see him as protector or atleast he would help find the princess. Soon he was surrounded by the ponies. He looked around for Twilight and found out she was gone. Knowing her, he thought she went back to the library to find the book about the Elements of Harmony. He thanked everypony for the cheers and went after her.