• Published 12th Apr 2020
  • 1,720 Views, 21 Comments

Tangentially Related - Epsilon-Delta

Twilight Sparkle gets a visitor from a dimension tangential to her own.

  • ...

Bizarro Elements of Harmony Activate!

It felt as though it’d been ages since Twilight got some truly alone time, was certain nopony would come bursting into her castle to interrupt her. It was only at moments like these when Twilight indulged on of her secret hobbies.

She locked all the doors and closed all the windows and curtains to the throne room in her crystal castle and went to her throne. She ducked down underneath the crystal map table and opened a secret compartment that (hopefully) only she knew about and pulled out a stack of comics.

Cuddle Core.

Most ponies would say Twilight was too old for these comics, but she still thought they were cute. It was just nopony could ever know about this. Twilight checked on more time to make sure she was completely alone before opening the comic.

And then an interdimensional portal opened on the other side of the room.

“Oh, come on!” Twilight quickly zapped the comic with a spell, disintegrating it.

And what came tumbling out of the portal was herself.

A slightly shorter, unicorn version of Twilight ungracefully fell out of the portal and onto her face a moment after it entered. The rest of Twilight’s friends came pouring out of the portal with even less grace until they were all piled on the ground on the other side of Twilight’s magical map table.

It wasn’t hard to deduce that these weren’t Twilight’s actual friends but alternate versions of them from another dimension.

All six of them were wearing their versions of the elements of harmony. Their Rarity was asleep on the ground, breathing heavily like her nose was clogged up. Their Pinkie Pie had a terrible case of the hiccups, hiccupping with enough force to buck their Fluttershy off her. But other than that they looked mostly normal at first glance.

“Wait! That worked?!” The other Twilight looked around the throne room in amazement. “Something actually worked for once!”

“I do this all the time, remember?” The alternate Rainbow Dash saw Twilight looking at her and gasped. “Omicel she saw me! I can’t believe we’re face to face, but like- HonestlyIfeellikewe’realreadybestfriendsandnowIcanstopsleepinginthe bushesoutsideyourhouseandsleepunderyourbedinsteadandI’llneverleaveyoursideforasingleandwatchyouatalltimesforever!”

As she spoke her words got faster and faster.

“What?” Twilight honestly didn’t catch any of that.

“Ignore her.” The other Twilight grabbed not-Rainbow Dash with her magic and threw the pegasus to the side before approaching Twilight herself. “Or, try to anyway. My name is Bizarro Twilight, that’s Bizarro Rainbow Dash and I know for a fact you’re smart enough to figure out the rest.”

“So your name is literally ‘Bizarro Twilight’? And everypony where you’re from calls themselves bizarro-whoever?” Twilight raised her eyebrow.

“Look, to me it’s weird that you don’t have the word Bizarro in your name.” Bizarro Twilight raised her eyebrow back at Twilight.

“Of course it is.” Twilight knew where this was going now. “And you’re from a dimension where everything is the opposite and therefore you’re evil and want to defeat me. Look, you’re twentieth evil version of me who’s tried to start a fight and it didn’t work out well for any of them. So unless you have a really unique plan-“

“First of all we are way too dysfunctional to ever hope to defeat you, that’s now why I’m here. Second, I’m not from an opposite dimension.” Bizarro Twilight created a holographic chart depicting two circles, touching at a single point. “We’re from a tangential dimension, where everything is only vaguely similar to yours.”

“Um! Actually,” Bizarro Applejack spoke up. “We’re 0.02% off from being a true tangential dimension. We’re a tengantialesque dimension in relation to them.”

“Yeah thanks.” Bizarro Twilight groaned. “Anyway we’re from a very slightly not tangential dimension where everything is similar to yours but not actually the same.”

“Huh,” Twilight tried to think of all the implications of that. “That’s a new one to me, actually. How does that work? Because you look more than a little related to me.”

“Here’s an example,” said Bizarro Twilight. “You’re the element of magic, right? Well I’m the element of UFOs!”

Bizarro Twilight turned so that her flank was visible, allowing Twilight to just now realize that her cutie mark was a flying saucer rather than a starburst. She looked back up at the jewel in the element of… UFOs apparently and saw that too was a saucer.

“What?” Twilight squinted to make sure she was seeing this right. “The element of what?”

“UFOs! It stands for unidentified-“

“I know what I stands for but- what the heck does being the element of UFOs mean? That’s not a virtue.”

“Neither is magic.”

“The element of magic represents-“

“Well UFOs represent things too! The mystery of UFOs teaches us that we need to have faith in the unknown and not rely on reason. But then the advanced UFO technology teaches us that science and reason reign supreme, that we should reject mere faith so that we too can fly through outer space!”

“Those are two diametrically opposed metaphors!” Twilight complained. “You can’t simultaneously hold both of those ideals.”

“Maybe you can’t,” Bizarro Twilight smugly declared. “And that’s why you’re not the element of UFOs. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about. I’m the best at UFOs.”

“How do you be good at UFOs?”

“Well I’ve never successfully identified a single flying object in my entire life!” Bizarro Twilight lifted her head with pride. “Not even Rainbow Dash.”

“Um! Actually,” said Bizarro Applejack. “There was one time six years ago when-“

“Don’t take this away from me!” Bizarro Twilight shouted at her friend.

“Look,” Twilight began rubbing small circles around her temple, “magic and UFOs aren’t even kind of related! They’re completely different!”

“No, they are slightly similar if you think about it. You can’t explain either of them.”

“I can absolutely explain magic!” Twilight brought fifty books about magic “You see all this explanation?!”

“Well I can explain UFOs.”

“But you just said-“

“See, here’s my proof!” Bizarro Twilight took out a photograph and pushed it across the table for Twilight’s consideration.

“Um. Where is-!”

“There!” Bizarro Twilight jabbed one of the pegasi in the photo.

“This is just a pegasus.”

“Yeah, a pegasus from space!” Bizarro Twilight slammed her hoof down on the picture. “Or spacesuses as I like to call them.”

“Okay.” Twilight pushed the photograph back slowly, beginning to realize what she was dealing with here. “Shouldn’t they be called Spacaci though?”

“Um, actually,” Bizarro Applejack spoke up, “in Bizarro Equestria the plural of pegasus really is pegasuses.”

“Okay, that’s just wrong.” Twilight felt her eye twitch.

“Well I think you’re right, Twilight.” Bizarro Fluttershy flew over to Twilight’s side, sitting down next to her. “Her element doesn’t make any sense while yours makes all the sense in the world. I think she’s just jealous that you’re smarter, prettier and stronger than she is. Bizarro Twilight is a total loser with a lame element compared to you.”

“Um-“ Twilight looked over at what she assumed was Bizarro Fluttershy’s friend.

“Don’t listen to her.” Bizarro Twilight waved her friend’s insults away without a care. “Bizarro Fluttershy is the element of sucking up. She goes straight to the most powerful pony in the room and starts licking their boots clean.”

“Well of all the ponies I’ve ever sucked up to you’re the one who deserves it the most,” said Bizarro Fluttershy. “And I’ve sucked up to a lot of ponies. You’re the best, strongest, most powerful and dare I say sexist Twilight in the entire multiverse. You being so amazing is the entire reason we came here. But don’t worry, I won’t hit on you because you’re way out of my league.”

“As much as I hate agreeing with her, Bizarro Fluttershy is right.” Bizarro Twilight sighed “You’re better than me in every way. You are super OP. You’ve defeated hundreds of god-tier enemies and I’ve yet to defeat my way out of my mom’s basement. I heard about how you’ve defeated chaos gods, nightmare gods, changeling queens and even a small child one time.”

“You did?” Twilight asked. “But we’ve never met before and I’ve never been to a tangential-“

“Um! Actually!”

“Okay, tangentialesque dimension. So how did you hear about me?”

“Oh, well Bizarro Rainbow Dash has been stalking you for the past twenty years and she never shuts up about how great you are,” said Bizarro Twilight. “She’s the element of stalking, which is a little like loyalty, right?”

“Wait. What?!

“Yeah, I’m your biggest fan!” Bizarro Rainbow Dash landed on the table in front of Twilight, skipping in place with excitement. “I was there during all your major boss fights, hiding in the bushes. You’re super badass. Remember that time you shot Tirek with that giant freaking laser beam! That was so awesome. I mean, it didn’t work but still! And that time you straight up murdered Sombra? I don’t get why your pet iguana got credit for that, he just dropped the murder weapon you retrieved. Oh, and then you beat up the pony of shadows and-“

“What?! But-“ Twilight felt a chill running through her. Could she have not noticed something like that. “But how long have you been following me?”

“Since we were little fillies!” Bizarro Rainbow Dash got uncomfortably to Twilight, pressing up against her, so a bizarro version of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash was on either side of her. “I feel like we’re already friends! You know, cause I’ve been watching you for so long. I even slept under your bed one time so it’s like we were having a sleep over.”

“Uh.” Twilight’s eye twitched. She teleported across her crystal table over to Rarity’s throne and sat there instead, far away from her stalker. “So why am I not throwing you in jail?”

“Yeah, how could you Bizarro Rainbow Dash?” Bizarro Fluttershy flew over to Twilight’s side once again. “Poor Twilight! I understand you’d want to hang around the most perfect princess who ever existed but annoying her is a crime against the multiverse!”

“Hey, I’m just-“ Bizarro Rainbow Dash tried to follow Twilight, but Twilight quickly created a shield around her, effectively trapping Bizarro Rainbow Dash in a bubble of purple light.

Bizarro Rainbow Dash whimpered, but there was no dimension that would work in.

“You stay there until I deal with the potentially less criminal ponies,” Twilight commanded. “If you try to break out, you’re going straight to the dungeon!”

“Um, actually!” Bizarro Applejack spoke up. “You don’t have a dungeon. The nearest jail is both above ground and not directly attached to the castle, meaning it ain’t a dungeon.”

Twilight glanced sideways at her, wondering how she knew that. Maybe Bizarro Rainbow Dash detailed the Ponyville jail for some reason?

“See that?” Bizarro Twilight glared at Bizarro Applejack. “She does that to everypony! Bizarro Applejack is a fountain of knowledge, but she only shares it when it’s annoying to do so! She’s the element of being annoying and pedantic.”

“Um, actually it’s the element of fact checking.”

Bizarro Pinkie Pie jumped in with a hiccup, happily shoving Bizarro Applejack out of the way.

“And! *hic* Butting in cause I feel left out! *hic* I’m Bizarro Pinkie Pie, the element of hiccups!” Bizarro Pinkie tried to smile but that was interrupted by another hiccup. “The only *hic* thing that makes me happy *hic* in life is giving other ponies *hic* the hiccups!”

Bizarro Pinkie hiccupped again and gave a wide smile.

“But how do you even give somepony the hiccups?” Twilight asked.

“I-“ Bizarro Pinkie hesitated. “I don’t know!”

Bizarro Pinkie fell to the ground, crying and hiccupping uncontrollably.

“Okay, great. I got the complete list now.” Twilight rubbed her forehead while Bizarro Fluttershy patted her on the back reassuringly. “So why are you all-?”

“Um, actually! Nopony’s mentioned that Bizarro Rarity is the element of communicable diseases yet.”

Twilight sighed in frustration.

“Thank you.” Twilight remained calm. “So why are you breaking and entering? And why am I not arresting you for it?”

“Look,” said Bizarro Twilight, :if you want to arrest everypony but me and Bizarro Rarity, that’s fine by me. But our dimension is in peril and you may be the only pony with the power to help us!”

“Really.” Twilight sat up with sudden interest. Given her conversation so far, there was a fifty percent chance that this was just a broken washing machine or something, but there was a chance this was a legitimate threat. “What exactly is happening?”

“It’s like this.” Bizarro Twilight started pacing back and forth, lecturing Twilight just like Twilight would have lectured her. “Our leader, Windmillestia, built billions of windmills which provided us with free electricity and Wi-Fi, earning the love of every bizarro pony. But her sister, the princess of helium-4 isotopes, got jealous because nopony was using helium-4 isotopes to power anything and transformed into the evil Hypnagogic Jerk Moon. She smashed every windmill and banished Windmillestia to the international space station. With the power and internet out, everypony is bored out of their minds. And our new overlord won’t let us use any power source but a helium fusion reactor.”

“I tried explaining to her that this would only exacerbate the problem. Like, how the literal hay am I supposed to build a functional fusion reactor if the entire power grid is down?! But she didn’t listen! I’ve been sending signals into space, begging the space pegasuses to just stop being snobs and give us their fusion technology. But they keep ignoring me!”

“Wait, you guys are still on your version of Nightmare Moon?” Twilight asked. “But that was like eight years ago! I defeated Nightmare Moon in twelve hours. I’m some kind of god now.”

“Yeah! We get it. You’re the most OP Twilight I could find! It took me five years just to get this stupid crown thing.” Bizarro Twilight pointed up at the element of UFOs, still on her head. “And then it took me another two years to realize that the other five elements were in the same room as this one the whole time. But even then, the elements of harmony didn’t give us any superpowers! The space ponies didn’t solve my problems for me, the bizarro elements of harmony didn’t solve my problems for me, so now I only have one option left!”

Bizarro Twilight turned around and pointed at Twilight.

“Begging you to solve my problems for me?” Bizarro Twilight gave an overly sheepish smile.

Twilight waited a minute to make sure she was being serious before talking.

“Look, I don’t-“ Twilight began, but her counterpart wouldn’t allow it.

“Please, please, please!” Bizarro Twilight bowed so low she ended up on her stomach and clutched Twilight’s legs. “Please defeat Hypnagogic Jerk Moon for us! You’re so insanely overpowered compared to anypony in our dimension it’ll take you like five seconds. And then I can go back to playing my MMO and looking up stallion butts on the internet again!”

“You’re better than everypony in our entire stupid dimension combined.” Bizarro Fluttershy started nuzzling Twilight. “If it were up to me, every day would be a national holiday dedicated to you and your perfection. Also I baked you this cake.”

Bizarro Fluttershy put took the cake out of nowhere and put it on the table.

“And if you help us, I can give you irrefutable evidence that aliens walk among us,” Bizarro Twilight offered. “That they exist in my dimension, I mean.”

“And I could move into your house and be your new best friend!” Bizarro Rainbow Dash tapped on the edge of her makeshift prison.

“And I could *hic* give you the *hic* hiccups!” Bizarro Pinkie offered.

“Um, actually,” Bizarro Applejack said, “no you can’t.”

“Why can’t you let me have this one thing?!” Bizarro Pinkie went back to crying and hiccupping on the ground.

Twilight looked over these weirdos. Maybe they were all insane and 20% of them deserved to be in prison, but that didn’t mean their entire dimensions deserved to be enslaved for their idiocy.

“Well, look.” Twilight put the cake down. “I’ll help you.”

“Yes!” Bizarro Twilight jumped into the air and pumped her hoof into the air. “Take that, mom! I can mooch off other ponies forever!”

“But-“ Twilight began.

And all of them but Bizarro Fluttershy groaned and booed in protest at that single word. Even Rarity muttered something in her sleep and twitched a little.

“Come on!” Bizarro Twilight fell back down to her stomach. “I opened a portal to another dimension. I don’t wanna do any more work.”

“Well, I think whatever you’re about to say is wonderful and agree with it completely.” Bizarro Fluttershy nuzzled Twilight yet again.

“I thought what we had was special!” Bizarro Rainbow Dash teared up a little.

Meanwhile, Bizarro Rarity started twitching in her sleep like this was giving her a nightmare.

“None of you even know what I was going to say!”

“Does it involve me getting a job, moving out of my mom’s basement and learning to deal with my own problems?” Bizarro Twilight asked. “And telling me that I shouldn’t spend twelve hours a day playing video games and I need to clean my bed sheets after I have a ‘sleepover’ with Bizarro Rarity and that if I’m going to eat tortilla chips for dinner I should at least dip them in something instead of just eating them straight out of the bag? That sort of thing? Cause that’s what everypony has been saying to me my entire life and it’s never worked for any of them!”

“All of that is good advice, yes.” Twilight nodded her head. “But mostly that learning to deal with your problems yourself thing. I can’t teleport to your dimension every time a villain shows up. But I believe even you can become a hero. The elements of harmony chose you and-“

“Um, actually!” Bizarro Applejack interrupted. “The bizarro elements of harmony chose us.”

“Right. Uh, thank you,” said Twilight. “The bizarro elements of harmony chose the six of you for a reason. It’s clear that the six of you don’t really get along, that’s the reason they don’t work for you. But if you can look past your differences, I’m sure you can become friends, you can become stronger together and then solving your own problems won’t sound so bad anymore.”

“What? Friends? With these weirdos?” Bizarro Twilight pointed back to her not-friends. “No way. Our relationship is strictly professional.”

“Maybe you could all be weird together! I know you’re not the most impressive alternate versions of us I’ve ever seen and frankly at least one of you should be in jail, but that doesn’t mean you can’t strive to be better together. I know you probably think I just happen to be OP, but that’s not true. I used to be a lot more like you, but my friends made me stronger. Friendship is the greatest source of strength in any dimension.”

“Um! Actually,” said Bizarro Applejack. “That’s not necessarily the case. Several dimensions are devoid of life and therefore no friendship exists inside them. Furthermore, our dimension is just tangential enough to yours that we can’t assume friendship in any way powers the bizarro elements of harmony or is connected to magical powers at all. It’s something tangentially related to friendship that activates them.”

Twilight groaned. She was starting to understand why bizarro Twilight disliked this pony so much.

“Look, I’m trying to help you,” said Twilight. “Can you stop being so pedantic and-?“

“No!” Bizarro Twilight put her hoof over Twilight’s mouth. “I think you’re on to something! It’s like she knows everything but only speaks up when it’s annoying. So if telling you how the bizarro elements of harmony work is annoying to you- well keep doing that friendship speech thing!”

Twilight glared back at Bizarro Twilight.

“Oh!” Bizarro Twilight took her hoof off Twilight’s mouth.

“Well, uh-“ Twilight watched Bizarro Applejack carefully. Suddenly this speech felt a bit awkward. “Friendship isn’t just about rainbow lasers. Like the elements of harmony suggest, all of us have our unique virtues which, when combined-“

“Um, actually of the things we’re the elements of are exactly virtues,” Bizarro Applejack interrupted again. “They’re all things ponies would describe as mild inconveniences at the best. The bizarro elements of harmony would also look for something ponies wouldn’t describe as admirable.”

“And what quality is that?” Twilight asked.

But Bizarro Applejack simply stared deadpan at Twilight for an uncomfortable amount of time.

“It’s gotta be annoying!” Bizarro Twilight whispered quickly and harshly. “Keep saying friendship stuff so she can annoy you by interrupting!”

“R-right.” Twilight honestly wasn’t sure if or how she was helping but wanted to see where this was going. “Well regardless of what the bizarro elements of harmony want, you should strive to understand friendship and try to grow to a point where you can help others to-“

“Um! Actually,” said Bizarro Applejack, “if the bizarro elements of harmony aren’t looking for us to embrace friendship then doing do would be detrimental. In fact, embracing the fact that we’re NEETS who can’t do anything without relying on other ponies is exactly what the bizarro elements of harmony want.”

“I don’t think that’s something you should just accept,” said Twilight.

“Wait no.” Bizarro Twilight’s eye sparkled. “That’s it! My whole life I’ve been trying to make the aliens deal with all of my problems for me. From colts to homework, I’ve always avoided dealing with my own problems… because I was meant to have other ponies deal with them for me! Destiny wants me to constantly mooch off others and never get a job!”

“I don’t think-“

The bizarro elements of harmony objected to Twilight’s interruption, flashing brightly. Each of the six began to emit their own light as Bizarro Twilight floated up high into air, the power of the bizarro elements of harmony swirling around her.

“Wait.” Twilight suddenly couldn’t close her jaw. “What?”

“And it’s not just me!” Bizarro Twilight called down the others. “Each of us exemplifies overreliance on other ponies in our own way!”

“Wait,” Twilight struggled to compose her thoughts. “Wait what?”

“When you’re sick other ponies need to take care of you and in the end you only end up getting them sick too.” Bizarro Twilight pointed to the still sleeping Bizarro Rarity who began to float up as well. “By being constantly sick and spreading her disease to others, Bizarro Rarity displays the element of communicable diseases!”

“Twilight?” Bizarro Rarity moaned, finally opening her tired eyes. “Is it time for my soup and cuddles yet?”

“What? L-later Bizarro Rarity!” Twilight blushed slightly. “I’m actually doing something for once!”

Rarity said something that sounded like ‘bleh’ and then sneezed all over Twilight’s crystal table.

“Nopony ever sucks up to the powerless and that’s because the only reason we suck up to other ponies is that we want things from them, things we can’t do for ourselves!” Bizarro Twilight pointed down at her Fluttershy. “By never not kissing the butt of whoever the most powerful pony in the room is, Bizarro Fluttershy displays the element of sucking up!”

Bizarro Fluttershy emitted a pink light and floated up to the others.

“Oh, wow,” Bizarro Fluttershy’s eyes sparkled as she looked at Bizarro Twilight. “Now that you’re absorbing so much cosmic power, I so want to be your friend! I take back all the horrible things I said about you. You rock! Woo hoo!”

“Stalking is just little more than a pathetic attempt to grift yourself to other ponies, then constantly demand attention and emotional support from them because you can’t deal with your own problems on any level! By being creepily obsessed with everypony she meets, Bizarro Rainbow Dash displays the element of stalking!”

“It is true!” Bizarro Rainbow Dash called as she floated up, the power of the bizarro elements of harmony quickly overwhelming and shattering Twilight’s shield. “I have a huge list of things I want you to do, Twilight! But I can’t say any of them in front of Bizarro Fluttershy.”

“Fact checking,” Bizarro Twilight said, “and all critique when you get down to it, stems from an inability to do things yourself! I slave away night and day at my Bizarro Rarilight fanfics only to have Bizarro Applejack point out minor problems like that there’s 800 spelling mistakes in a 5,000 word one-shot or that an 800 year old vampire goddess version of Rarity would never fall for a greasy nerd version of me who still lives with her mom. By relying on others to do all the actual work, Bizarro Applejack is the element of fact-checking.”

“Um, actually I ain’t never said nothing about no fanfics.” Bizarro Applejack floated up towards the others anyway.

Now the only one left was bizarro Pinkie Pie, who looked particularly excited to ascend. She was jumping up and down in the same spot, smiling wildly and hiccupping with each jump

“Hiccups?” Bizarro Twilight looked over to Bizarro Pinkie and hesitated. “Hiccups?! How the buck am I supposed to work with hiccups? That doesn’t fit the theme at all. That doesn’t fit any theme! How is destiny so retarded that it thinks hiccups are-”

The glow around the five of them began to dim and the bizarro ponies started floating back to the ground.

“Whoa wait! Wait!” Bizarro Twilight flailed about in the air, trying to stay up. “Five out of six is pretty good! That’s still like a B on a test, which is higher than I ever got in school! Come on! Just let me have this one thing!”

And that was somehow good enough for the bizarro elements of harmony because the five of them started floating up again. The Bizarro elements of harmony synergized as if all six were active.

“Sweet!” Bizarro Twilight regained her composure. “When at least five of the six of us work together, there’s no problem too big for us to not get somepony else to deal with it for us!”

Bizarro Pinkie jumped around them in circles, hiccupping with each hop, trying to bounce up to where the other five were.

“Wait!” Pinkie flailed her forelegs at the others like she was trying to fly before falling back down. “I can *hic* be a NEET too! I can *hic* quit my job, move back to the scissor farm and start mooching off Bizarro Maud!”

But the bizarro elements of harmony were unmoved.

Bizarro Twilight’s eyes flashed white with light. Light poured out of the bizarro elements of harmony. Twilight could feel the magical energy pouring out of them, on par only with the real elements of harmony. A rainbow of light erupted up from the five of them and then arced into the ground. The light slowly took the shape of a rather tall pony before vanishing in a burst.

What remained was a pony identical to Nightmare Moon, no doubt the dreaded Hypnagogic Jerk Moon.

Hypnagogic Jerk Moon appeared disoriented by her sudden teleportation, taking a moment to look around the room before seeing the bizarro ponies behind her.

“What is this?!” Hypnagogic Jerk Moon demanded of the bizarro ponies. “Why are you not building the fusion reactor?!”

“She’s your problem now, sucker!” Bizarro Twilight shouted at Twilight before the bizarro elements of harmony sucked them back into their own dimension and the five of them vanished.

One last burst of green light erupted from the spot their portal had been just a moment ago, creating some sort of seal. The seal too vanished moments later.

“No!” Bizarro Pinkie slide to the spot where the others vanished with a hiccup, then teared up a little. “That’s what I get for *hic* achieving too much in life.”

“Hm.” Hypnagogic Jerk Moon looked over the area the bizarro ponies vanished from. “It seems the bizarro elements of harmony have created an impenetrable barrier between these two dimensions that I cannot cross. But no matter. It is of no importance which Equestria I conquer!”

Hypnagogic Jerk Moon spread her wings, sending out a ripple of energy that washed over Twilight. For a second, Twilight felt like she was falling and her body spasmed in response. But that only lasted for like a second and she was back to normal.

“Prepare yourself for true terror, little pony!” Hypnagogic Jerk Moon laughed and stepped menacingly towards Twilight, still on Rarity’s throne. “The sun will never rise again and the Hypnagogic jerk will last forever! I will smash every windmill and you will all-!”

Twilight shot a single laser at Hypnagogic Jerk Moon, knocking her to the ground, unconscious and defeated.

“Well that was easy.” Twilight looked down at her hoof. “Am I OP?”

A hiccup that sounded slightly afraid reminded Twilight that there was still one more bizarro pony left.

“Oh no!” Bizarro Pinkie hiccupped and backed up against the wall. “Today is a bad day to be Bizarro Pinkie Pie! *hic*”

“Oh! You’re the only pony who didn’t do anything illegal today,” said Twilight. “So if you want-“

Bizarro Pinkie ran out of the room, screaming and hiccupping as she escaped.

“Eh.” Twilight shrugged. “What harm could she possibly do?”


Author's Note:

True to its name, this story is tangentially related to another one. Can you guess which?

Comments ( 21 )

Ey nice chapter

Oh my. What a crackfic to be reading at 4 am. I love crackfics.

How odd this story be.

No, Twilight. You're only OP on rare occasions when the plot calls for it: most of the time you're unable to handle or flee from threats you should be able to (going by your Top Feats) squash like bugs. The Writers giveth, and the Writers take away.

Love the reference to Final Corruption


Wait is there one? Not even I noticed that.

I may be being dense then

I took

like that there’s 800 spelling mistakes in a 5,000 word one-shot or that an 800 year old vampire goddess version of Rarity would never fall for a greasy nerd version of me who still lives with her mom.

To be a reference, considering twilight only just stopped living with her parents, was top student, and a totally really vampire like, in appearance , Rarity interested

Also the author behind one of my favorite Fio-ish stories? How did I not read your other stories before :pinkiehappy:


Oh! Yeah, I guess that is pretty similar.:derpytongue2:

The reference in the notes was referring to once you go pinkie, though. Bizarro Pinkie is mentioned in that one.

This story is bizarro.

That's pretty much what I was going for.

Tangentially related, I would be lying if I said your username isn't part of the reason I'm following you.

\underbrace{\int_{\text{d} \Omega} \omega = \int_{\Omega} \text{d} \omega}_{\text{Flilyfoolish is a huge nerd}}

Whimsical and entertaining! Thank you for writing it. :twilightsmile:

Très magnifique. :raritystarry: Encore, garçon!

Elements of of Bizarro Harmony.
Pushing troubles onto others so they don't have to do it themselves.

I am The Element of Extremely Erratic Proofreading Comments!

“Um, actually of the things we’re the elements of are exactly virtues,” Bizarro Applejack interrupted again. “They’re all things ponies would describe as mild inconveniences at the best. The bizarro elements of harmony would also look for something ponies wouldn’t describe as admirable.”

aren't ?

“Um! Actually,” said Bizarro Applejack, “if the bizarro elements of harmony aren’t looking for us to embrace friendship then doing do would be detrimental. In fact, embracing the fact that we’re NEETS who can’t do anything without relying on other ponies is exactly what the bizarro elements of harmony want.”

Do -> that ?

“Wait!” Pinkie flailed her forelegs at the others like she was trying to fly before falling back down. “I can *hic* be a NEET too! I can *hic* quit my job, move back to the scissor farm and start mooching off Bizarro Maud!”

- Took me a second, but Rock beats Scissors.

This is excellent.

Celestia: <Hmm, what's new in Equestria today-
Ponyville: *hiccup epidemic*
Celestia: :twilightoops: wat?
Bizarro Pinkie Pie: :twilightblush:

Jeez, if I had bizarro elements of harmony I would possess

Utterly and delightfully absurd. I'm glad I finally got around to reading this one. Let's just hope Bizarro Pinkie Pie finds that Pinkie clone hostel in Manehattan.

“Well I’ve never successfully identified a single flying object in my entire life!” Bizarro Twilight lifted her head with pride. “Not even Rainbow Dash.”

Omg lol

“Um, actually! Nopony’s mentioned that Bizarro Rarity is the element of communicable diseases yet.”

pfffff i love this.

“When you’re sick other ponies need to take care of you and in the end you only end up getting them sick too.” Bizarro Twilight pointed to the still sleeping Bizarro Rarity who began to float up as well. “By being constantly sick and spreading her disease to others, Bizarro Rarity displays the element of communicable diseases!”

I love how this mirror's Twilight's speech to Nightmare Moon

This whole fic is so funny!

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