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Chapter 1: Beginning


Gilda was walking on the street completely bored. The school was closed for a week for disinfection. She didn't have anything to do.

"Ugh, boring," she said. She started walking around. Suddenly she saw Fluttershy, who was standing near the shop with bags of food. Gilda decided to make a joke on her. She quickly approached her and knock her out. She dragged her to the dark alley, took the phone, dialed the number and waited. When someone said "hello," Gilda said: "Hi Suri Polomare, how are you doing?"

"I am fine. What do you want? I'm a little busy here."

"Meet me near the pet shop and drag Lighting Dust with you."

"Why? For what?"

"You'll see."

After a few minutes, both of them arrived. LD asked: "What do you want? I hope it's interesting."

"Oh, believe me. It is interesting." She pointed to unconscious Fluttershy.

"What did you do?" asked SP.

"No worries, she's sleeping. I was thinking about making a prank on her. What're your ideas?" Everyone began thinking.

"Maybe we can feed her with meat."

"No, she can choke."

"Write something on her face."

"We had already done that last week and the principal left us for a stupid friendship lesson."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about it." Three girls were thinking for a few minutes. Suddenly SP said:

"Wait, I came up with a great idea."

"So tell us about it."

"There is a city named "Los Santos" about 7 miles from here. We can leave Fluttershy there. I heard there are many criminals in that place."

"Are you sure that she won't be hurt?"

"Pfft, no worries, we will just leave her there for one day. Then we will take her back." After a few seconds, everyone agreed and dragged Fluttershy to the car.

Los Santos

Gilda, Suri Polomare, and Lighting Dust put still unconscious Fluttershy near the trashcan, headed to the car and drove away. After a few seconds, Fluttershy woke up: "Ugh, my head. What happened?"

She got up on her legs, came out from the alley and saw that she wasn't in her town anymore. She suddenly remembered that someone knocked her out and that familiar voice. "Glida." thought Fluttershy to herself. She began walking around to find something or someone who can help her. But the luck wasn't on her side. When she was catching a taxi, everybody refused to drive so far. Thinking that she'll never get to home make her sad. She began crying silently, sitting on the bench. Suddenly he heard:

"SHIT! HOW MANY TIMES I NEED TO DESTROY THEIR BASES SO THEY COULD FINALLY UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS MY CLIENT FOR FUCK SAKE!?" She turned and saw the owner of the voice. It was a slim man in a dirty white T-shirt and blue jeans. He had brown eyes and rare dark brown thinning hair. He was sitting in the truck (Red Bodhi) and he had a tattoo, which says "cut here". He was very angry and talking to someone on the phone:

"Alright Ron, listen. Now, drag yourself with a box of dynamite, guns, and Molotov to my trailer. We will have a good conversation. And by good conversation, I mean SHOOT OFF THEIR FUCKING BRAINS AND BLOW UP THEIR LABS! Bye." a man put down his phone and wanted to drive to strip club, but she saw a woman with light pink hair crying on the bench. He wasn't carrying about other feelings and he usually would just pass away, but something told him to talk with her. He got off his truck and asked the girl why she cried. He approached her and said:

"Excuse me, ma'am, why are you crying?"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to bother you. It's nothing serious. I will be fine." said Fluttershy through tears. The man was surprised by such politeness. Nobody won't tell him such things if he doesn't threaten them.

"Listen, you are crying and I want to know why. Can you please tell me?"

After a few seconds, Fluttershy said:

"I was buying the food for my pets. Suddenly the bully from my school, her name is Gilda, knocked me out and left me here. I don't know where I am and nobody wants to drive me home." said Fluttershy and continued crying. The man sat on the bench and put his hand on the girl's shoulder.

"Calm down. I think that your friends will notice that you're missing and will find you or at least your parents."

"I don't think so. I am living alone. My school was closed for a week since today. There will be disinfection from insects. And my friends drove away for camping."

"Ugh, shit." said the man. Suddenly he came up with an idea: "Well, I have some problems with competitors in business. But you can live with me. I have enough space for you."

"Really? Thank you so much," said Fluttershy, wiping the tears from her face. She got up and hugged the man. He hugged her back and he felt something inside him. The feeling that he didn't feel so long. He broke a hug and said: "Alright, there's my truck. We will drive to my trailer. I will leave you for a few hours."

"Thanks and no worries, I won't bother you," said Fluttershy. She took a seat in the truck, while the man sat on the driver's seat and started the car. Suddenly Fluttershy asked: "Sorry, we didn't even introduce yourselves. My name is Fluttershy. And what is your name?"

The man turned on the radio and said: "Name is Trevor. Trevor Philips." With those words, the truck drove away to Trevor's house.


Gilda, Suri Polomare and Lighting Dust came back to the city and were sitting at the table near the cafe. They were drinking coffee and eating donuts. Suddenly Suri Polomare asked:

"Are you sure that was a good idea?"

Gilda looked at her and said:

"Pfft, no worries. We left her in that town only for one day. And I think she has already caught the taxi and now she's driving home."

"Yeah, but tomorrow we should find her. If principal will know about it, we will clean the school for the whole year," said Lighting Dust.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Hey girls, I heard that there will be a party in the night club. What do you think?"

"When will the party begin?"

"Tonight." Gilda and Lighting Dust looked at each other and nodded.

"Yeah. Now I need to wear something for the party. See you soon girls." With those words, Suri ran away. Glida and Dust continued eating when suddenly they realized something:

"Wait! Who will pay for the meal?" shouted Gilda.