• Published 4th May 2020
  • 913 Views, 7 Comments

Target: Mane Six - TheSuperTransformerFan

When Evox hatches the ultimate plan to take over the Morphin Grid, the Mane Six & Power Rangers must band together to stop him once and for all!

  • ...

Part 1: A Coronation Put On Hold

Twilight Sparkle couldn't believe what was happening to her! Her worst fear was coming true… She was going to move back to Canterlot! Which meant that she was leaving Ponyville behind, forever! Or at least that was what it seemed. Running around her soon to be former castle, so much was going through her fragile mind. Boxes containing all of her personal belongings were laying outside of the empty rooms, waiting to be moved.

"Twilight?" Spike commented as he sat on one of said boxes "I'm pretty sure we have everything. There's no need to panic."

"I'll just do another check, Spike! I want to be sure we're not forgetting anything!" Twilight declared as she kept rushing about.

"But we already checked everywhere, twice." Spike pointed out with a groan. But it seemed that, try as he might it seemed Spike couldn't covnince Twilight when she was in one of her moods.

"Aha!" Twilight cried, holding a Power Ponies comic book in her magic aura and placing it in Spike's claws. "A Power Ponies magazine! It was worth a third check after all."

Spike raised an eyebrow as he took the book from her. "But I already read it twice. I don't need to take it to Canterlot."

"No, no, no!" Twilight cried. "You love those magazines, Spike! I'll take them with us! I won't take no for an answer!"

Following Twilight into her now empty grand library, Spike couldn't help but feel more and more sorry for his longtime friend, as well as the pony he looked up to as a big sister. He knew that something was up with Twilight and it wasn't because they were moving back to Canterlot. "No, Twilight," He declared, walking into the library and flying towards Twilight. "I don't really wanna take them with me. I'm becoming older now and I'm not sure whether I want to even collect them anymore. Interests can change."

"But," Twilight protested as her lips quivered. "Does change have to mean that you leave behind everything you love?!" The princess of friendship subsequently collapsed onto a box of books, her face buried into them.

"Uh, you're still not nervous about ruling, are you?" Spike asked, sitting next to Twilight.

"No, it took a while," Twilight answered while sadly rising to her feet. "I've never been so ready for something. But just because I'm ready for the throne in Canterlot, doesn't mean that I want to leave Ponyville behind. It's been my home for years, I have so many memories. It's not like when we lived here and I could go back to Canterlot whenever I wanted to."

Recalling the last great battle with the Power Rangers, their legendary allies and all of Equestria and beyond, Twilight sighed as she tried to fight back the tears on her face. "When we were fighting to save everyone from Chrysalis, Tirek, BellTron and Grogar, and while Cozy Glow defected to our good side, I was too busy to think about it. But now, with everything happening at once…"

"But what?" Spike asked unsure at what his “big sister” was getting at.

"The crowning, the move, having to leave our friends behind," Twilight continued. "I know Celestia said we were going to rule together, but it will still change! Their life is here, we're leaving and they're not! And...and it feels like we're leaving them behind! What if we somehow grow apart?!" Tears were forming in her eyes as she spoke those words. Spike stood there in shock and surprise, for he now fully understood what Twilight was going through.

"Why don't you just tell them how you feel?" Spike suggested, hoping it would be just the thing to cheer Twilight up. "I'm sure they'll feel the same way you do."

Hearing those words from her number one assistant gave Twilight a sense of encouragement. "You're right, Spike," She said while walking over to him and nudging him on the head. "A conversation with a good friend always helps."

Deciding to heed the advice of her no. #1 assistant, Twilight began to seek out her friends. She tried to explain to them how she felt about her transition. First up for her was Applejack, who was overseeing food and drink being sent for the coronation.

"So, you'll make sure nothing will change when I'm in Canterlot?" Twilight asked her first Ponyville friend.

"Of course not!" Applejack firmly replied, looking at her reflection in a shining apple. "Change is natural, just like the seasons. It's part of a farmer's life."

"Yeah, that's true…" Twilight whispered, not wanting to hear what she'd just heard.

"Anyways, I'm busy loadin' up these here boxes and sortin' 'em," continued Applejack. "There's so much more to do now that everyone from outside of Equestria is comin' to the coronation!"

Feeling defeated from Applejack's response, Twilight and Spike headed for Pinkie Pie's party planning cave beneath Sugarcube Corner, looking for a positive response from the upbeat party pony. Any hopes for her to be concerned were immediately dashed by her response.

"Worried? No way!" She bounced all around in her normal fashion. "Unless you're talking about the coronation, then I am worried about that. The cake is baked, but there's so much planning to do…" She then whispered to Twilight also directing her to her pet alligator, Gummy, with a flaming match in his mouth. ''…Mostly I'm worried that Gummy won't do the fireworks properly. It looks like he has it under control but who knows what that gator thinks?"

"But what about after the coronation?" Twilight questioned. "Everything will be different, right?"

"Well duh, I'll be a royal party planner in Canterlot, so I'll have to visit more often!" Pinkie declared before she dug into one of her files. "It'll be different, but I won't mind!"

"I sure hope I won't mind either." Twilight said sadly as she proceeded to Fluttershy's animal sanctuary.

At Fluttershy's sanctuary, Twilight stood as a flock of birds and swans flew around her in a choreographed formation, while two swans gently placed a twig shaped crown on her head.

"Beautifully done, everyone!" Fluttershy told her animal friends. "It'll be amazing! Josephine, if you leave now, we'll reach Canterlot at the same time!"

A flock of doves took to the air on Fluttershy's orders. "Louise and Hubert, you'll be leaving too," She said to two swans. "I know it's far away, but I'll bring enough food so you'll have energy for your performance."

Once the swans were gone, Twilight watched as Fluttershy directed a flock of hummingbirds and butterflies into a birdcage and a glass cage respectively.

"You'll be lifting with me because the trip is too much for your small wings," She said to them, before turning to Twilight and Spike. "Everyone has to be in ship shape for the performance. I'm so glad we could practice once, everyone's so excited. But of course, no one is excited as you, Twilight!"

Twilight stepped back and tried not to flinch.

"Moving to Canterlot and being crowned…that could only mean a huge celebration, right?" Fluttershy asked. "It sounds like a dream come true for you."

"Yeah, I guess so." Twilight nervously laughed.

Twilight and Spike headed to Wonderbolt Headquarters next, where Rainbow Dash was training her fellow Wonderbolts for a specialized aerial performance at the coronation. Twilight was hoping for a better answer than what she'd been hearing so far from her friends.

"Listen, Rainbow Dash," Spitfire spoke up after she and Soarin rose from a cloud put up after a head on collision between them. "I know this is very important to you, and we'd love to do something special for you for the coronation of your friend. But does it really have to be this difficult?"

"Of course! Twilight has to have the best!" Rainbow Dash answered. "And I'm one hundred percent certain we'll succeed at it! You know, as long as we keep trying!" But then Rainbow noticed Twilight standing behind her. "Sorry, Twilight," She briefly apologized. "The bolts and I need to practice a lot more for the coronation. Can't talk now."

Lowering her head in even more sadness, Twilight then proceeded to Carousel Boutique to see Rarity.

"Oh darling, change is a part of fashion," The fashionista unicorn explained as she tied a sash around the bodice of Twilight's dress. "I'm even thinking about starting boutiques for creatures that aren't ponies! New stuff is important, because otherwise everything will be boring."

Rarity then proceeded over to a cage of spiders with stars on their backs.

"As an example," She continued, pulling off a cover and revealing the spiders. "I was inspired to change the design of your dress when I saw the webs of these star spiders. When you're spun, they'll glow! The effect will be amazing!"

Twilight couldn't believe what she was hearing. Even Rarity didn't seem to be treating the upcoming coronation and the changes that came with it seriously. And it was confirmed in her mind by what Rarity said next. "See, sweetie? Change is grandiose!"

Dejected, Twilight returned to her castle library and sat down, tears slowly forming in the corners of her eyes. All her emotions were bottling up inside of her and she couldn't stop them.

"Twilight?" Spike asked with concern. "Starlight will be by in a bit. She wants to give you something before we leave."

Spike then noticed the Power Ponies magazine Twilight had tried to give him earlier. Picking it up, he realized his earlier mistake on it. "And you know what? I think you're right, Twilight! I should take my comics! You can't leave the Power Ponies behind…"

“I don't think the Power Ponies care, Spike. Just like all of our friends.” Twilight said sadly as her friends arrived in the library.

"Hey, Twilight," Applejack greeted. "We wanted to wave you off at the station, but there's still a lot to do."

"You're not joining us on the train?" Spike asked as concern washed over him anew.

Applejack shook her head. "I'm joinin' Big Mac for the order pickin' up and deliverin', otherwise he won't know what to get. He's been busy since his marriage to Sugar Belle, not that I blame him."

"And I have to go back to the Wonderbolts so we can practice the routine one last time." Rainbow Dash added.

"I'm going to join Gummy," Pinkie Pie declared, getting a random thought in her brain. "He says he'll know when the fireworks will start…but there's no one who will believe that! I can't take any chances."

"And I have to get food for the birds that already flew to Canterlot," Fluttershy declared. "If they can't eat, they'll be too tired to perform."

Trying to hold back her emotions further, Twilight got to her feet and slowly left the library. "Well now…I'll be living on my own in Canterlot," She declared, her voice choking up with emotion. "So, I'll take the train alone as well. Goodbye…then…"

With a bitter look on her face, Twilight returned to leaving the library, only for Rarity to cut her off. "Wait, Twilight! You won't have to travel alone, sweetheart. I can give you the Star Spider sash for your gown. But then you'll have to go, because the crowning has to be perfect!"

Unable to hold her emotions in any longer, Twilight finally reached her breaking point and snapped. "BUT THAT'S THE PROBLEM!" she screamed, tears flying out of her eyes. “That's the problem! You're all so worried about making my coronation perfect, but I'm leaving Ponyville and none of you even care!”

Her friends all gasped at what she just said. That didn’t sound right at all! Who was she, and what has she done with their princess friend???

Applejack was the first to break the silence. “Of course we care that you're movin', Twilight.” she said.

“I can't believe you'd think we don't.” Fluttershy said, with her voice filled with shock.

“What could possibly make you think that?” Pinkie Pie asked in agreement with the others.

“I tried to talk to you all about how I was feeling, but you seemed more worried about what you had to do for the coronation.” Twilight tried to object during her friends’ worries about her moving.

“It's true.” Spike said in agreement to what the princess said. “I was there.”

“I suppose it gave us something else to focus on.” Rarity said regretfully.

“I knew you were worried about everything changin'.” Applejack said to her worried. “I guess I thought if I made it seem like everything was okay, it would be.”

“I was just trying to make you feel better. That way I wouldn't feel so terrible.” Fluttershy tried to comfort her friend.

“Before I moved to Ponyville, I didn't really know what friendship was. You've all taught me so much. I can't believe it all might be ending. But when I imagine the future, all I can think about is that we won't be together! I'm literally moving away from you, and it's terrifying!” she spoke to her friends feeling worried, not knowing how the future would turn out, especially since she was moving to Canterlot for her coronation.

“I'm scared, too.” Fluttershy agreed.

“Me, too.” Pinkie said.

“Rattled to the core.” Rarity said, while Applejack replied with “Eeyup.”

“I wouldn't say scared.” Rainbow Dash said. “Buuuut just because I won't say it doesn't mean I don't feel it.”

“I'm going to miss you so much!” Pinkie started to cry.

“I just can't stop thinking about how much things are going to change!” Rarity said sadly as well.

“W... What if we don't see each other?” Rainbow started to cry.

“What if we don't talk as much?” Fluttershy started to cry.

“What if we don't stay friends?!” Applejack blurted out. The entire mane six cried together because they all were worried about not only their friend leaving, but also if they would ever stay friends, and of how the future would turn out for them.

“I know it's weird, but knowing you're all are as upset as I am actually makes me less worried.” Twilight said, feeling less worried and a little better knowing her friends had the same worries as she did.

“That's nice, but you should be more worried about missing the train to Canterlot!” Spike said in alarm, which made everyone jump up into a frenzy and head out the castle in a hurry.

At that moment, Starlight Glimmer was heading up to the castle with a special book that she would give to Twilight. “Sorry, I'm so late.” She apologized. “I actually thought I'd missed you—“

“There's no time!” Spike cut her off as they whizzed past her. Making her fall and the book too. Now, Starlight would have to wait until later to give Twilight her coronation gift, and that bummed her out.

The Mane six headed to the train station, only to find out that the train had left without them! “Oh, no! We missed it!” Twilight said in shock. Just then, she thought of an idea. “But maybe...” she teleported herself AND her friends over to the train. Sure enough, it worked. “Okay. We're on the train. Everything should be fine, right?” Twilight asked, making sure that everything was alright.

“I'd worked out exactly how much time I needed to weave my star spider sash, and now I'm behind!” Rarity said in shock because now, she had to finish Twilight’s dress.

“I hope Big Mac can figure out who gets what deliveries on his own.” Applejack said worriedly as well.

“I don't have the snacks the doves and swans will need to perform after their long flight.” Fluttershy sighed. “I'd better find the food car.”

“And I need to meet the Wonderbolts!” Rainbow Dash said in further worry.

“The only thing I'm worried about is Gummy handling the fireworks display. But I'm sure it's fine.” She said both worried and confident.

“Well, it could always be worse.” Twilight said. And the train came to a sudden stop, because the sheep decided to rest on the tracks!

They finally managed to arrive to Canterlot. Twilight came to where Celestia and Luna were, and both regal rulers were shocked to see her panting like this. “Goodness, Twilight. Are you all right?” Luna asked her a little worried.

“My friends and I had a few hiccups on the way.” She told them. “But everything's fine now.” She smiled nervously.

The two regal princesses chuckled. “We really are both just so proud of you.” Celestia said, proud of her one former faithful student who had made her way up to this one moment. “If you need a moment, that's all right. It is your coronation.”

Just then, the trumpets began to sound. “Although it would be nice to get started.” Luna suggested, wanting to get this coronation over with. “Are you ready?”

NO!” Rarity shouted in fear as she ran up to all three princesses. “She can't possibly be crowned without wearing her coronation gown!”

Twilight was just about to get ready for her coronation when suddenly, she was contacted by her horn. “Hold on.” She said. “I gotta take this.” She answered her message. “Yes? Oh, Commander! What’s the problem?” Twilight was receiving the news Commander Shaw was giving her. “Oh, really?” She asked. “Well, no wonder! Thanks!” She told her. “We’ll be on our way!” She turned to the two regal rulers. “Looks like my coronation will have to wait!” She said bravely. “We’ve got a problem on Earth! See you! Come on, Rarity!” She started to dash out of the castle.

“Of course, Darling!” Rarity said, as she followed her friend out.

“Twilight wait!” Celestia cried out in shock. “What about the coronation? What about the crowning?”

“Just put it on hold for a while!” Twilight called out as she left. “They’ll be fine!”

Both royal sisters started to feel nervous and uneasy as this special occasion would have to come later than they had expected. “I don’t know how we can manage, sister.” Luna said to Celestia worriedly. Celestia looked out and saw many citizens of Equestria and beyond, all waiting for Twilight to be crowned the new ruler. She had the same worried and shocked look that her sister had.

They managed to meet up with their friends as they headed back to for Ponyville. “Twilight! Isn’t your coronation that way?” Pinkie asked in confusion.

“No time for that now!” Twilight said. “We need to head to planet Earth. Commander Shaw wants us!”

“Commander Shaw?” Rainbow Dash asked in wonder and shock. “Why would she need us in such a hurry? Then again, it IS important.”

“Exactly!” Twilight said. “Come on! Let’s go!”

They managed to head back to Ponyville and saw Starlight Glimmer getting back up from her recent encounter with her friends as they were heading to the portal to the rangers world. “Alright! We’re here!” Twilight told her friends. “Now, go! Go! Go!” She said as they all went through the portal. Starlight looked at this confused. “Right, Starlight!” Twilight said. “You too!”

“Me?” Starlight asked confused. “The rangers need us?” Twilight nodded. “Well, in that case...” and with that, she and Twilight both went through the portal to get to Grid Battleforce.


In the Street Fighter Universe, a Martial Arts fighter...Ryu was training a young peach alicorn filly with a blue Shirley Temple mane...Cozy Glow, some basic fighting skills to protect herself and her friends in upcoming battles. The alicorn filly was about to learn another move, when she got a contact on her horn.

“Aah!” She said, losing her balance. She got back up and answered the call. Once she heard the message, she could tell it was urgent. “Sorry, Ryu.” She said, as she got ready to pack up and head to the Power Ranger’s world. “I got Grid Battleforce training. I gotta go! I hope you’ll understand.”

Ryu smiled. “Of course, I understand.” He said. “It’s always important to help your friends. Make sure you tell me everything when you get back.”

“Thanks.” Cozy said. “I will!” And, she went through the portal that led to Grid Battleforce where she would be meeting with Twilight and her friends to help the Power Rangers. It was huge emergency that led to Twilight’s coronation put on hold, but this was a great time to alert the ponies, especially during the middle of a special occasion to save their friends. This would be one huge battle that would decide the fate of the Morphin Grid and Earth...forever!

Author's Note:

And that’s part 1! Twilight’s coronation has been put on hold, and she and her friends, and Cozy Glow have been put in the call to Grid Battleforce to help the rangers! What will happen in the Rangers world on Earth? Find out in part 2!