• Published 26th Apr 2020
  • 2,593 Views, 70 Comments

Expedition to the Cloudbreak Islands - Starglider

Ponies and friends set out to explore legendary floating islands, travelling in two experimental airships capable of piercing the permenant storm wall. A new world awaits them, populated by strange creatures and filled with unknown magic.

  • ...


Clashing Gale, leader of the ill-fated Storm Piercer team and newly minted batpony, darted and glided through the jungle. He still missed his feathers, but he had to admit these new wings let him pull off aerobatic tricks that had been out of reach before. The magical soda was starting to wear off - his forelegs were visible as ghostly outlines - but he was nearly clear of the main island. The stallion could only hope Cloud Cutter was close behind. A few more minutes weaving around the massive floating boulders and suspended streams of the outlying delta, and the Second Chance came into view.

Glancing back, there was no sign of sphinxes in pursuit, and... there, a flapping purple shape that could only be his pegasus companion. She was hard to spot amongst the foliage, but stood out as she crossed one of the churning watercourses. Ahead was the copter, parked on one of the many outlying islets south of the jungle. The pair formed up and glided down as one, landing near the bonfire Blaze had started. Nutmeg Inferno was making good use of it, reheating the thermal crystals that powered the little ship.

"How long to we give them before- ah there you are!" Reef Skimmer called out, slowly opening his eyes as the ponies drew near. Determined not to let the spooky pegasus surprise him again, the hippogriff had been focusing on the strange impressions he'd been getting since the lesser pearls from his amulet had ended up fused to his head. When he ignored all the sights and sounds and focused on the unseen, the two scraps of unlife stood out in sharp contrast to the riot of life surrounding them. Then there was that little tornado somehow contained within a pony named Azure Feather, and a kirin that seemed so immersed in technology that she might as well be an extension of the engines.

Set Sail had been sitting near the fire, but the brown-blue pegasus mare but she scrambled up immediately as the scouting party returned. “What—” she asked Cloud Cutter, but the purple pegasus just ran past her to the copter

“Ink. Need ink,” she said by way of explanation, flapping up to the deck to rifle through the cargo pit.

The (acting!) captain hardly missed a beat as she turned to the batpony stallion. “What happened?” she asked, “Did you reach Summer? Is she alright? Are the sphinxes alright?”

In truth Clashing Gale landed rather heavily, still getting used to the slightly different aerodynamics of the new form. Still, it was better than crashing, that was for sure. The batpony had to admit - there was nothing like returning to the home base after a mission. Doing it without even being scratched? Bonus. Just one problem, though... "Mission was a successful failure... we didn't rescue Summer Scribe, but... neither of us were hurt, and I'm pretty sure we weren't detected..."

Blinking in confusion, Set Sail said, “Rescue her? The mission was to check on her, and inform her of the situation, and only to rescue her if things go absolutely horribly wrong. I’m glad you aren’t hurt. Did you manage to reach her?”

"We did," Clashing Gale replied swiftly. "We had a discussion as well. It seems the sphinxes are still unaware of Summer's presence - and she was able to teach us a thing or two about the island as well." His voice faltered, as if he wasn't sure of his memory, but Cloud Cutter had re-emerged with an ink-tipped quill in her mouth... oh good, she was taking care of it. Indeed the purple mare was hunched over one of Summer Scribe's notebooks, silently transcribing the directions they'd received in the pyramid.

“She had something to teach you?” Set Sail asked, puzzled but relieved, “Did she overhear the sphinxes saying something important? What was it?”

Clashing Gale and Cloud Cutter reported their infiltration and encounter with Summer Scribe as best they could, prodded along by their captain's nervous questions. Summer's condition, her idea of making a sphinx golem to masquerade as 'The Oracle', the suggestion to infiltrate the northern pyramid via old mining tunnels and the rather disturbing news that she could be extracted at any time - but only via swapping her mind with a willing body donor.

Cloud Cutter described the magical tripwires the sphinxes had set up, while Clashing noted the guards posted inside. Finally they confirmed they'd talked Summer out of doing anything rash, at least for now, and decided against trying to sneak her avatar past the guardians. The unicorn had seemed in remarkably high spirits given her situation.

“Well that’s...” Set Sail's began weakly, staring off into the sky as she tried to process the rush of new information.

“...something I’ve never seen before!” Blaze trails broke in. The green-and-red earth mare jumped up and hurried over to the group, eager to interrogate Clashing herself. “In all my days... A statue that can suck you in and it’s full of ancient knowledge? And those sphinxes don’t even know about it? Why didn’t it just swap her mind the first time? How old did she say the statue is? Where is she getting all that clay to make pottery out of?”

The batpony was quiet for several moments before replying: "All I can say is... it seems Summer's element is Earth - which explains how she can create ceramic golems from nothing, like Azure can create a windstorm or Reef, an absolute torrent of water..." He wondered if Nutmeg, or for that matter himself had the power to manifest anything...

"Indeed!" Reef nodded eagerly to Clashing. "I performed a little experiment on the flight over, on the notion that this water jet business might be transference from a local source rather than creation ex nihlo - had no problem washing down the deck, so if it is the former, the range must be a dozen kilometres at least. Haven't noticed any drop in local humidity, so-" The griff shook his head; probably not the time for such trivia. "Anyway, this plan of impersonating the sphinxes' spiritual leader, well... it's awfully... Summer Scribe, if you catch my drift? Though... do we have any other prospects for her retrieval?"

“Oh huh,” Blaze mused, slightly mollified, “I wonder if it’s because she’s in the statue or if Earth’s just her thing.”

Azure Feather listened quietly to the report, relief filling her face when she heard that her friend remained safe. The two undead-infused ponies had done fine work, likely better than she would have - stealth was never really her thing. She was about to inquire about the mine tunnels before Blaze Trails launched into her interrogation; Azure smiled as the barrage of questions put the bat-pony off his game.

“I-it’s a good chance for us,” Set Sail finally declared uncertainly, “Befriending the sphinxes. If Summer Scribe has truly discovered their... very strange form of a library, which not even they know how to use, she could help them a lot, and if we’re friends with her... it’d give us a chance to show our good intentions too. I can’t say fooling them into thinking she’s their spiritual leader is a good idea, but Reef was saying—" she turned to look up at the hippogriff.

"I remember you were saying earlier that the sphinxes didn’t seem troubled by the notion of deceit or cruelty of the sphinx of Equestrian legend. So maybe it wouldn’t be the... end of the world to fool them like that. But creatures here have a hard enough time trusting strangers as-is. If Summer tries to do something like that, I can’t exactly stop her, but I think we ourselves should... stick with trying to befriend them. Is that too uhm... unassertive? Does anypony else have any thoughts on this?”

Clashing Gale shrugged lightly. "You know my feelings on the issue. We need to get Summer Scribe back with us, anything else that happens... well, it's a price worth paying."

Azure Feather finally spoke up, shaking her head. "While I'll agree that getting Summer Scribe back with us is of high priority, so is friendship. Especially with the prospect of a major battle looming in the near future." She stared off to the southern horizon... oh, the drow's turn would come soon.

"Pretending to be a different creature can be ok sometimes!" Nutmeg chipped in. "If... you have a really good reason I mean," she added, looking down in embarrassment. "I mean there was that incident in Manehattan where Gearshift and I had to, uh... but then there was that other time where somepony pretended to be me and... oh. I suppose it can turn out pretty badly." She turned away, her expression downcast.

“Oh sure, a—” Blaze Trails said with a warm smile to the red-ruffed kirin. Her smile hesitated as the kirin turned away from the group. “No honey, it’s true!” the mare said, trotting over to Nutmeg, “A good disguise can go a long way. You gotta be ready for when the truth comes out, but that doesn’t mean you can’t keep yourself safe. I’m goin’ right back to apologise to those kitties, and I spent the whole day sneaking away from ‘em! It’s all about revealing yourself on your own terms.”

"Really?" Nutmeg looked like she needed a hug, but was reluctant to let Blaze touch her. "But impersonating another pony is a crime in Equestria! Or... it can be, maybe only if you're mean about it. If the sphinxes are mean does that really make it ok?"

Forehoof lifted, Blaze certainly looked like she wanted to hug the other mare, but gave the kirin her space. "It's only a crime if they press charges," she said with a sheepish smile, "But it's actually totally legal to impersonate a creature, as long as isn’t anypony real. You kirin aren’t gonna get in any trouble for that stage-acting you do.”

"Oh of course, stage acting!" Nutmeg said brightly. "Everypony loves that!" She rubbed her flank affectionately against Blaze for a moment before springing back in shock. Blaze gave the kirin a bemused look, then laughed quietly and settled to her haunches.

'Back to the subject at hoof,' Azure thought, shaking her head again to clear her thoughts, then taking a step towards the spooky pegasus. "So, Cloud Cutter... um, what's that you were sketching back there as we landed?" Her voice was level, mildly curious, hoping for a reply yet not trying to pry. She'd let her ally speak her mind.

Cloud Cutter slid the edge of the parchment between her feathers to hold it in place as she extended the wing towards Azure. “Just something Summer asked me to remember. I wanted to write it down as soon as possible. These are directions to something she called a ‘Molekin’ tunnel, which supposedly connects directly to the northern pyramid from underneath. She said we could shut down the laser that way, and allow the sharks to get at those pillars.”

“Oh good!” Set Sail said, poking her nose in the way, “She would have knowledge of that, wouldn’t she? What did she say the pyramid was for, and why it was turned on? Is it protecting the columns for any reason, or just a mistake? What did she say the columns were there for?”

“She... didn’t explain that,” Cloud Cutter replied uncomfortably, “She just told us how to reach the pyramid from underneath, so that we could shut it down, and get the Land sharks on our side, and nothing else.”

"The sphinxes requested a meeting in two weeks. Time to shore up their defences, it seems." Reef Skimmer mused. "Hard to imagine Summer sitting tight for that long, but if she does have a library to read... hmm. Well we can't sit on our tailfeathers that long. If we are going to take a crack at that doom ray monument, shall we ask permission first or beg forgiveness afterwards? I suppose it depends if the cats treat it as a deadly nuisance or a treasured tourist attraction." He gave Clashing a meaningful look: "I don't suppose Summer enlightened you on that point?"

Clashing Gale shook his head slowly. "No, Reef, I'm sorry, we didn't get any information on the pyramid itself." In hindsight he should've asked more questions: a few more minutes wouldn't have hurt, hidden in the alcove as they were, but... he'd just been so glad to see Summer and then so focused on the fear of being discovered.

Azure Feather was rather less enthusiastic: "The fact that we don't know what it's for is a problem. Could be a defence mechanism, could be just a out-of-control ancient device, could have some bizarre purpose we can't guess at. Summer, however, she's got that library... she could find out, given time, right?" She paced around uncomfortably in a tight circle before continuing. "I just don't think it's a good idea to rush into a decision which could permanently damage our reputation with the sphinxes."

Set Sail fish-mouthed for a moment, then wiped a hoof down her own face, groaning, “Ok... we’ll table that for now, until we learn more about the pyramid.”

Cloud Cutter shrugged, and folded her wing.

"Another crack at talking to the cats then?" Reef Skimmer nodded. "Very well Captain. Didn't Glue Type mention a proper settlement with docks or some such? Maybe that's the key, approach as if we were merchants come to trade." The big griff dipped his head: "In retrospect barrelling into their hunting grounds as if we owned the place was a little brash."

“She did, in fact,” Set Sail said thoughtfully, “But why would the map label it as an 'Abandoned City', if there was anypony there to trade with? And why did you barrel into their hunting grounds? I thought all you did was trespass on their temple.”

"Oh, one means in the generalised sense." Reef said, making an expansive gesture with one wing. "Wild cougars range over 100 square kilometres you know. A whole tribe of talking ones... one imagines they think of this whole island as their hunting ground. Minus any territory claimed by the sphinxes, that is."

"Shouldn't we wait a bit?" Azure began. "They did say two weeks, and it's only going to have been three days..." Her voice trailed off - in truth she didn't like the idea of doing nothing for a fortnight either. Clashing Gale held his tongue. He didn't like all this speculation - he'd give his opinion when it mattered - or if the Captain asked.

Looking thoughtfully at Azure, Reef added: "Ah, you think perhaps the sphinxes were speaking for the other felines as well? I confess I've been thinking of them as separate societies, but we don't really know how these species interact."

“We are planning on possibly trying to visit the sphinxes today,” Set Sail told Azure, “You’re right though, we are going to stay very clear of their pyramid until they feel safe again. Or until... they need our help with something.”

Azure just stared, blinked in surprise a few times, trying to process the information. "Another visit today... I see. Well, I'm not going to question it, Captain." Not openly, at the very least. "They said two weeks. Going now would be two, technically three visits in three days." At least there was agreement about the pyramid...

Set Sail put a hoof to her lips and said in a little amusement, "Ssh. Only one visit, remember? The other visit didn't happen at all."

Azure shrugged and shook her head. She had voiced her concern: an alliance with the sphinxes was highly desirable, and they shouldn't risk it out of impatience.

"Uh, I... so, Captain!" Nutmeg spoke up, nodding to the copter. "Got the crystals all topped off and ready to go. Where do you want me to fly her? "

“Oh uh, I suppose a more strategic location might be called for,” Set Sail said, looking at the floating cliffs surrounding them, “A few kilometres isn't far, but it would be nice if we could be a little closer to the abandoned city. We're not going to risk another forbidden and/or accursed place like that, but if we skirt the edge of it, we should be able to reach that... fishing village, or whatever it is."

"Then we... introduce ourselves to any who approach us, and if it looks like those bipedal cats are going to be trouble... I take off, with Blaze and retreat to the copter. So... maybe we could move to one of the little islands around that dome? Keep the copter below view from the ground on your way there of course.”

Nutmeg blinked owlishly, then stared at the expanse of air and floating boulders between their position and the main island. "But there's no path... oh, you're going to carry us?" A nervous glance at Blaze Trails, then Reef Skimmer. "You're the Captain, Captain. I'll start her up." The kirin swiped the crystals out of the blazing fire without so much as flinching, before springing up onto the deck of the copter and disappearing into the engine space.

Blaze Trails just smiled, watching the enthusiastic lil' thing go

Reef Skimmer looked embarrassed as usual, as his legs morphed into clusters of blue tentacles. He kept away from the others, refusing to meet their gaze as he put out the bonfire with a spray of summoned water.

“Creating water from nothing sure is convenient,” Set Sail said happily, nuzzling Reef with her cheek in passing, before trotting onto the copter. The kirin engineer vanished into its underbelly with the fire crystals floating behind her, reinstalling them in the boiler and readying for launch.

Azure Feather nodded in relief - it seems like they wouldn't be aggravating the sphinxes today after all. Clashing Gale nodded as well: the conversation seemed to have concluded, and it was time to depart once again... "I'll be on the foredeck, Captain." He bowed to the pegasus, shook out his wings, and heading up to take his position next to the forward harpoon launcher.

The dual rotors spun up and the repurposed drow copter lifted off. Set Sail was back at the helm, steering the aircraft directly away from the jungle and any sphinxes concealed within, before wheeling around to bear north again, making for the western arm of the cross-shaped island. In the centre was a small lake, perhaps a kilometre across, fringed by trees and boasting a sizable village on one bank. Between them and the lake was an expanse of gently rolling grassland dotted with stands of trees and the occasional rocky outcropping.

Dominating the area was a shimmering bubble similar to the one they'd seem on the gillfolk's island. The magical barrier distorted their view of the interior, but it seemed like a lusher version of the surrounding landscape: grass so green it seemed to glow, beneath curiously shaped trees and what might be oversized mushrooms. On the far side of the lake a much larger settlement could be made out, overgrown and at least partially fallen to ruin. The outlying island was further still, a single isolated peak capped with a sizable structure they couldn't quite make out from this distance.

The pegasus decided to scope out the terrain before picking a spot to land - with the crystals freshly charged, they could afford to take their time. She guided the copter west and then north, following the edge of the island. They passed the mouth of the river, watching the water tumble over the edge and vanish into nothing. Then everycreature aboard was treated to a closer look at the city... which proved not to be as abandoned as the map claimed. A mismatched jumble of stone and wooden buildings in a riot of clashing architectural styles, it was certainly in bad shape, with many structures collapsed or looking like they were about to.

Yet... creatures were moving down there, travelling in ones and twos through rubble-strewn streets or crossing the remaining catwalks and skybridges that had once joined most of the buildings. Most of the fields ringing the city had long since gone back to nature, visible only in outline, but a few were still cultivated. As they came around to the northern side of the peninsula, a dramatic construction came into view: a chain of suspension bridges spanning almost two kilometres, linking the main island to its smaller companion. Though the chains were rusty and covered in creepers where they approached land, the deck seemed intact, and wide enough for two carts to pass side to side.

Near the south end of the bridge was a complex of air docks that must have rivalled Vanhoover's, though the collapsed rooves of the warehouses and broken-off ends of several piers made it clear it was no longer maintained. To the north the bridge joined a wide cobbled road that spiralled up and around the smaller island, threading through trees and standing stones that might be sculptures. At the top was a substantial stone structure, glints of brass still showing through the moss covering its central dome. No shrieking siren this time, but with the noise the copter's intermeshing rotors put out, it was all but certain the felines knew they were coming.

"Mental note: get another balloon," Set Sail grumbled, staring balefully up at those noisy rotors.

Nutmeg Inferno had long since emerged from the engine room to stare eagerly at the scenery. A hurt look crossed her scaled face at the Captain's remark. "Oh... maybe I could look into some kind of stealth mode." The kirin stared into space, cheering up almost immediately as she considered the possibilities. "Or maybe a spy mode!"

“What's the difference?” Blaze Trails asked curiously of the kirin.

Nutmeg stared into space again, then smiled at Blaze, saying "You know I'm not sure! But 'spy mode' sounds more exciting, don't you think?"

"How about 'sneaky mode'?'" Blaze suggested with a giggle.

"'Sneaky mode'! That's so pony!" Nutmeg nodded happily.

Ears dropping bashfully, Blaze replied, "Guilty as charged."

“Whatever it is, I’m putting the copter down... somewhere hopefully out of reach,” Set Sail said, bringing their ship down to a gentle halt on the side of the tiny islet facing away from the main island. Two whole trees of cover. She jumped out then, and beckoned to everyone else with a broad brown wing.

"Quite," Reef Skimmer said, though his beak cracked open: he was glad to see the crew in high spirits, Nutmeg especially. "Will you mares be needing a lift?"

The explorers assembled on the forward deck, Azure Feather and Clashing Gale standing at attention, waiting for the Captain's order. Neither looked happy at the prospect of another trip into the Abyssinian's (or rather, Fellissian's) home turf. The batpony was first to speak up: "What's the plan and where do you need me?"

'Took the words right out of my mouth,' Azure thought.

“Yeah... good idea Reef, let’s just make sure we’re on this,” Set Sail said, “I’ve got Blaze. Azure has Nutmeg. The rest of us can fly out if there’s trouble. Who’s going to go with Blaze to the village then, and who’s going to stay here with the copter?”

"Oh, err..." Reef glanced at Azure; now that he thought about it, they hadn't included that whole 'nearly dropping Sprocket' incident in the last debriefing. "...are you up for it Azure? It's not far, but..." he trailed off.

"I'm eventually going to have to manage, aren't I?" Azure shrugged a bit, chuckling. "Sure, I'm on it."

"I'll stay here with the copter," Clashing Gale chipped in as well. "Creatures around here don't seem to like me or Cloud Cutter too much..." He added under his breath: "...can't imagine why..."

"Really?" Set Sail said in honest surprise to Clashing, "But you look so... I mean to say, um... s-sure. You stay with the copter. If we're not back in an hour, you come looking for us. And yes Cee-Cee should stay back too, in case her sneakiness is needed." The purple pegasus's ears folded back at that, but she made no verbal protest. "Um... assuming you wanna explore the village, Nutmeg?" Set Sail concluded.

"Of course!" Nutmeg nodded. "The city's structures are in bad shape but maybe there's still some technology inside them!" A frown crossed the kirin's face. "That needs fixing, I mean!" Turning to Azure, she said nervously: "You're not made of goo are you? Oh no I suppose that's a Water thing... but you're not gonna put me in a tornado or anything, right?"

"I gave her some pointers on how to just carry a pony, the other day," Cloud Cutter offered helpfully, "Blasting them into the air with her wingbeats is no more, I'm afraid."

"Well, great!" Nutmeg said, the smile back on her face. She ambled over to a clear space and stood with her feet apart, in a helpful 'ready to act like luggage' pose.

Azure braced herself for a tough flight. As much as Cloud Cutter tried to be helpful and encouraging, it was hard to forget having to drop Sprocket in mid-air. If the doctor hadn't been there... granted, her air magic had improved since then, but... She hoped kirin weren't as heavy as ponies - they certainly looked lighter-built - otherwise this would be a bad day.

Set Sail and Azure Feather lifted into the air, carrying their payloads of earth pony and kirin respectively. Alas Nutmeg Inferno proved surprisingly heavy for her size - heavier than Sprocket, even - and Azure had to flap as hard as she could to keep them both airborne. The two spooky ponies watched silently as their companions headed for the main island, dwarfed by the enormous grey bird following them like an eagle-shaped thundercloud: Reef Skimmer, taking the shape of a roc once again.

“Follow the breeze, c’mon!” Set Sail called back, leading them coasting around to a steady southwards path, occasionally flapping to gain altitude, but for the most part just slicing through the sky, with nothing but an impossibly deep expanse of air below them. She made swiftly for the main island, not even 500 meters away. Slipping into the forest, Set Sail released the nervous Blaze Trails to land firmly on solid ground, then winged around to face Azure and Nutmeg struggling along behind her and... was that Reef Skimmer?!

If flying with Sprocket was a nightmare... now Azure was in Tartarus. Cloud Cutter had explained about pushing her magic into things she was touching - a skilled pegasus could make a whole air carriage virtually weightless - but that trick seemed of need a lot of practice. Azure's wings flapped hard as she struggled to maintain altitude, said breeze being the only thing keeping her aloft. She stared folornly at the approaching trees... where could she land without accidentally ripping her wings off?

With a final desperate exertion Azure swooped down like a thrown stone, before pulling up just enough to clear the cliffs forming the edge of the island. Alas the rocks blocked her view of the oncoming trees until it was too late. She promptly released Nutmeg Inferno, leaving the kirin to fall from about three ponies up, and clumsily back-winged for all she was worth. It wasn't enough: Azure ended up greeting the oncoming trunk with her face. Fortunately the undergrowth broke her fall: the blue pegasus flopped into some bushes in a tumble of legs and feathers.

Nutmeg landed heavily on four hooves, buried up to her ankles in the earth, shaken but apparently intact. "I-I didn't think you would... I-I'm not air-droppable!" she spluttered between rapid breaths.

Reef Skimmer could be seen overhead through the gaps in the canopy; oblivious to the disastrous landing, his deep avian voice called down "No sign of incoming felines... let's meet up in that clearing ahead!"

Any outrage Set Sail felt was dwarfed by alarm, as the kirin went plummeting and Azure took a tumble. “Azure! Are you alright??” she asked, zipping down to the fallen pegasus and landing beside her.

A second attempt at carrying a pony... and a second crash. She berated herself for flying more like a sickened breezie than the pegasus she was. Damn it all. Azure slowly picked herself up, tapping each hoof on the ground to ensure no significant damage was done. One, two, three and four... good. Wings were next, lots of feathers out of place, vanes unzipped and twigs stuck through, but no real damage. Nothing more than scratches... and a whole lot of dignity lost. "I'm all right, Captain..."

"Y-your wings they were acting like... I mean..." Set Sail said, looking at Azure in a panic, "I mean, it's good there are no scratches. I—I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd have a problem—Nutmeg!" The captain went charging over to Nutmeg, nosing worriedly at the kirin saying, "Well at least you landed in soft soil. Are you okay? It was only a six foot drop or so, I think?"

The kirin thrashed ineffectively "J-Just a b-bit... uh. G-Give me a moment." Nutmeg stuttered, then closed her eyes for several seconds. When she opened them again, it was if she'd briefly forgotten where she was. "Oh! Captain Set Sail! And Azure Feather... oh no, is she hurt?" She tried to move, then looked at her feet. "Oh. I seem to be stuck."

Azure hung her head as the Captain panicked over her well-being and Nutmeg had some kind of episode. It was all too clear: she'd failed to get her friend across safely. She just shook her head quietly as she turned to assess Nutmeg's situation: still ankle-deep in the soil.

"Are you... alright?" Set Sail asked in confusion at Nutmeg's puzzlement, "You seemed a bit uhm, shaken? Hold on." She grabbed the kirin around the waist, and with another strong wingbeat pulled her up out of the dirt into the air, then set her lightly down again.

"Oh! Thank you Set Sail." Nutmeg said, staring around and clearly not quite with it. "I'm... I'm Nutmeg Inferno. And I'm fine. I'm great actually!"

Snickering, Set Sail said, “Yes, yes I know you're Nutmeg, not Alright. I think you're just fine.”

A goofy smile was plastered on the kirin's muzzle. "Blaze Trails! Azure Feather?! How are you?"

“Over here.” Blaze called out to the kirin. She'd trotted over to the other pegasus, looking her over: “Just checking in with Azure. Needs her feathers straightened out, but otherwise everything seems hunky-dory.” She turned to Azure, saying with concern, "That was quite a spill you took there. Still trying to work out the kinks with carrying another pony, huh?"

Azure could only nod and grunt, finally answering with a simple "Yeah." Some pegasus she was.

Four quadrupeds emerged from the forest: first the red-ruffed brown kirin still kicking crusted mud off her legs, with a green-furred and red-maned earth pony mare close alongside, shooting the kirin a concerned look now and again. Two bird-winged ponies followed: a brown-and-blue mare with a green kerchief tied around her head, trotting next to a pink-maned, azure-coated guardpony.

Following the island’s edge, they paused at the sight of a gigantic meadow, rimmed on three sides by woodland and the island edge on the fourth. It put them very much in mind of Blissful Pastures: familiar fluffy sheep pranced around the field, chewing serenely at grass tufts in their mouth. Among them were very large porcines, rooting at the ground and chewing on bushes, their ponderous pink bodies dividing up the clusters of wooly white.

With her mind on the map, indicating a road leading from the field southwards to the main road, Set Sail murmured, “Here we go. They’ll definitely see us after this. That is if they haven’t...” she looked up at Reef Skimmer, circling overhead in roc form “...noticed him yet.”

Blaze Trails smirked, impressed by their flying guardian, then shrugged at the futility of stealth. "They'd notice us sooner or later no matter what we did - dang cats stalked me all the way back to camp, and I tried everything I could think of to throw 'em off. This is their territory and we're just guests. Figure it's only a matter of time, so what'll we say this time? No intrudin' on sacred ruins this time?"

Azure Feather was still brooding about her lacklustre attempt at carrying Nutmeg, one that earned her a crash and Nutmeg a fall that she was lucky to escape injury from. The whole business didn't sit well with her - the landsharks were reckless mercenaries, that was bad enough but at least they had some serious industry and impressive weapons. What did these cats have, other than hostility? At least the sphinxes had given a good first impression. Yet... she was only on the expedition to guard the other ponies. If the Captain wanted to talk to these two-legged cougars, she had no right to object.

"Not noticing a massive bird like him?" Azure remarked, with a stiff chuckle. "They'd have to be blind. Best case scenario, he's a distraction. Worst case scenario, they have eyes on us already. Honestly I don't know where you're even going to start with the diplomacy..."

“It’s just like Blaze said,” Set Sail explained, “We need to apologize for accidentally trespassing on their sacred grounds. And hopefully learn more about them that way, maybe even make friends.” With a grimace Azure’s way, she agreed, “We’re certainly not trying to hide, but Reef is certainly being a bit...”

Beyond the captain, Azure saw the elephant-sized grey raptor spiralling down to meet them, sending sheep bleating as the ran for the treeline while pigs squealed and tried to hide in their sties, piling up in a mass of squirming pink bodies as they all tried to fit through the entrances at once.

“...obtuse about it,” Set Sail concluded with a facehoof.

Azure couldn't help but sigh: "Not good."

"Ladies!" the enormous eagle called out, "One hopes you enjoyed your little trot through the woods. I, erm... ah. Apologies for all the commotion," Reef Skimmer shouted over the din,"...but I do believe we've been spotted." He managed to land without using his water jets, leaving the meadow with only giant-sized bird footprints, then gestured with a wing at the path to the village. As he spoke, a startled feline had turned tail and fled for the safety of the settlement.

“So much for a low profile,” Set Sail groaned, watching the biped flee. Looking into Reef's eagle eyes, she said, “We need you to back us up. We’re going into what might be enemy territory, and they might try to capture us, or even punish us for no reason, so the four of us are going to take a nice quiet walk to the village, while you keep overhead, waiting for me to come up and give you the all clear, or one of us to shoot off one of Nutmeg’s flares, in which case you come down with water guns blazing, alright?”

“You know I can make them work underwater if I can get some ammonium nitrate!” Nutmeg pointed out helpfully.

The monstrously oversized bird stared down at the pegasus, beak slightly open. "Understood, Captain! Sound tactics. One had best get back in the air then..." After a take-off run that took him half way to the edge of the island and wingbeats powerful enough to strip leaves off the nearby bushes, the transformed griff was climbing up to resume his station overhead. By this point the sheep were long gone, while several pigs had managed to offend each other enough that they began to fight among themselves, heedless of the predator above.

Blaze Trails twitched her ears, watching the cat scampering into the distance; no doubt to get backup. "Hrmmm, well, it was bound to happen sooner or later, so we may as well get it over and done with." She appreciated having a proper plan this time: Reef on standby, their leader determined to talk it out rather than running like they were guilty of something. Her tail flicked as she nodded to Set Sail: "So, you'll be taking point with the negotiations, then? Suck up, emphasise we're not a threat, we have a common enemy, how can we help each other, whatever angle we can take? If we can get 'em to see us as equals, what a relief that'd be..."

“I’d be happy at this point for them not to see us as food,” Set Sail said to Blaze with a sigh. The pegasus mare stepped briskly out into the sunny meadow saying, “C’mon, let’s get as far as we can towards the village before they send the welcoming committee our way.”

Azure was less optimistic, watching the treeline warily. Yes, the ponies had backup in the form of an avian who probably knew his elemental powers better than she knew her own. He was virtually made of water, after all. But there was no telling what the cat was doing. Calling backup? Cowering in fear? Having the Captain take charge of negotiations was definitely better than letting the guard do it, but... All she had to do was stay ready and try and keep things from going south.

The four eased past the sheep on the meadow, keeping a wary distance from those now very wary pigs, then trotting quickly down the dirt trail once they reached it. Into the forest they returned, the trees rising to either side of the trail, until reaching a wider, more well beaten path leading right to the suspiciously unabandoned abandoned city, and left to what was marked on their map only as 'Village'.

“Alright, this way,” Set Sail said curtly, taking a left turn.

“We’re not going to the city?” Nutmeg uttered in dismay, halfway through turning right.

“Too many walls,” Set Sail said, “We’re going to the village, by that little lake. Come on!”

“But a village won’t have any ancient artifacts, or lost technologies or anything!” Nutmeg protested, “There’s a whole metropolis ripe for exploring this way!”

“We’re here to apologize, and make friends, not explore, and not steal any of their precious artifacts,” Set Sail said with a huff, “I’m surprised at you Nutmeg. I think that Tech magic might be getting to your head!”

“Oh, y-yeah, oh right, sorry uhm,” Nutmeg said, the kirin flinching at the thought.

“Just come on,” Set Sail said nervously, “I can already hear them galloping this way. With any luck they only saw Reef as a threat, so just keep out of their way if they don't bother us.”

Blaze Trails chuckled and sighed with Set Sail as they trotted together. "Setting our expectations low, but I guess we take what we can get." Ears perked, she listens and looks into the distance, anxious to see if the cats came with weapons raised or just curious.

"Keep out of their way if they don't bother us, but that's a coin flip, I'd say. It's any creature's guess what these predators are thinking." Fortunately Grenelda wasn't around to object to Azure's gloomy assessment.

Sure enough three of the felines came into view, running with a fluid grace quite unlike the bulky storm beasts Set Sail remembered. Two of them wore elaborate armour of metal plates and supple leather, enamelled and embroidered with bright colours and elaborate patterns. Clearly warriors, each had a bow in hand and some kind of blades in sheathes on their back. Trailing behind and huffing as he struggled to keep up was a cat in simple green tunic, likely the same one that had fled the scene a few minutes earlier.

The lead cat immediately spotted the equines coming their way and slowed to a walk, eyeing them curiously. "Haven'a seen beasties like these 'bout the island. Got some new stock in Lucky?" she called back to the trailing cat.

"Nuh.. no... huh. Nothing o' mine. Pretty looking things though ain't they?" he said, admiring the new arrivals. "Wonder where-"

"Couple got wings there," the second armoured cat interrupted, eyeing the ponies with a distinctly predatory gaze. "Might've flew in behind this birdie monster yer squealing 'bout? Hah, betya they taste like candy..." He licked his lips.

Blaze Trail whispered over to Set Sail: "Hrmm, looked like they're here rarin' for a fight. Let's try to not give them the excuse." Her ears pricked as she overheard the distinctly... ravenous talk. The earth mare frowned: just the way the cats were looking at them was unnerving! She waves a hoof, lifting it and calling out; "'Ehy! No need to eat us. We're critters just like you, and we'd like to say hi, sit down, friendly chat, all that."

"Right! Not beasts, sorry! And not food!" Set Sails said stiffly, staring at the cat creatures with her wings half spread.

"We're here to make friends!" Nutmeg added helpfully, waving a two toed forehoof their way.

Azure Feather neither waved nor spoke: her eyes were locked onto the warriors facing them. All this talk about friendship, it only worked when things started on the right hoof... and it didn't look like they had here. Quietly she tensed, wings unfurled and wind magic ready... oh, these creatures would have a bad day if things went hostile now.

"Oh yer talking creatures! Sorry I am, not seen yer like about these parts!" The lead cat stared at the four ponies curiously. "You two are kinda like little sphinxes, ain't you? But you..." she gestured to Blaze "ain't got no wings and yer more like... some sorta deer?"

Blaze Trails looked herself over, suddenly self-conscious. "...Well, no, I'm a pony. Earth pony - the ones with wings are pegasi," she jabbed a hoof at Set Sail for emphasis.

"I'm like some sorta deer!" Nutmeg said cheerfully, "Though I'm not sure what the scales are for. You'd think that I would know that, but I don't!"

The unarmed cat pushed through to the front, grimacing at his companion's bluntness then smiling nervously at the visitors. "Don't mind Wild, she don't meet many friendly creatures, know what I mean? You wanna talk some? That sounds just grand to me! Lucky Bet, please to meet-"

He was interrupted by a harsh laugh from the other guard. "So which one's the bird monster Lucky? Oh it must've been quite the scene, flying goats come down to see what yer doin' and frighten ya clean outta yer fur."

Blaze Trails couldn't help but chuckle at Nutmeg, shaking her head. At least she's harmless, right? 'Less she turns into a nirik at least. She was about to continue greeting the cats when the rude one laughter cut her off. The earth mare considering her options for a moment - it was probably best if they didn't go 'yeah, we have a big water monster bodyguard just in case you decide to attack us' right off the bat, right? Keep it casual: "Hey, hey, it's ok if he was scared. A little caution takes you a long way, right?" She pointed a hoof at herself: "Blaze Trails, at your service."

That was just about the last thing the Air Elemental expected. From 'tasty wings' to 'are you deer?' - were felines just inherently fickle? Azure took a step back, letting Set Sail handle the negotiations as was agreed... ugh. A little caution goes a long way... isn't that the truth. Her wings relaxed just a little as she forced herself to calm down.

"No Doub, I swear it weren't like that!" the unarmed cat whined. "There was a feckin' huge bird all ready to scoop up... uh... uh ma hogs! Uh... Blaze Trails, ya say? Lucky Bet. So.. wouldya mind taking a littl' break just here, 'cause I gotta go stop 'em fightin'-" This time he was interrupted by a trio of ear-splitting bangs, accompanied by flashes of coloured light from above, quickly followed by an equally deafening screech. Lucky clamped his paws over his ears, while the two cat warriors shared a glance before loping forward, around the ponies and towards the field where the livestock were again cowering.

Blaze's ears flinched at the bangs... then shot straight up. "The heck?! Sorry, hang on, I gotta see this." That must be Reef... under attack? Did he need help? Either way, this wasn't something she could overlook - she went galloping back to the meadow to check out the situation.

“Ohh that’s not good,” Set Sail said, looking direly overhead, “Azure, can you go check on him, tell him we’re okay if he’s still up there, and let us know, if he’s crashed somewhere? I should have told him not to come... Blaze where are you—?!" the captain squawked as the earth pony took off back the way they came.

Azure could hardly have not noticed what just happened! The sudden bangs took her by surprise, and that screech... it had her covering her ears as well, and made it all too obvious what was going on. The doctor, their aerial guard, was at least in trouble, if not worse! Set Sail's order matched her instincts exactly: "You got it, Captain." The blue pegasus was soon rising into the air, scanning the sky furiously for signs of the massive bird...

Blaze galloped along behind the sprinting cats for only ten seconds or so before yet another strange creature came into view. She'd seen its like before, as sculptures outside the abandoned magic school, and in brief glimpses when she was on the run. Like a centaur: a two-part body with four legs on the ground and two reserved for grasping and carrying, but thoroughly feline. Like the female she'd hid from earlier, this one carried a long staff that crackled with magic, although it seemed newer and more ornate.

"Wild! Double! Just the cats for the ocassion!" the felitaur rumbled in a deep stallion's voice. "Put a little show on for the beast, a touch of sound and fury to encourage it to go elsewhere, but it seems more enraged than discouraged. I do fear we might have a thunderbird looking to dine on Lucky's hogs, even if it is an odd looking one." The creature seemed more excited than scared, which Blaze could understand given his powerfully muscled body and obvious magical talent.

Meanwhile Azure had cleared the tree line and sighted Reef Skimmer. The giant avian seemed unharmed if a little dishevelled, wheeling about and glaring daggers at the irritant below. "Azure! Look alive, the damn thing's taking pot shots!" he called over. "What's the word from Sails, do we teach those kitties a lesson?"

Azure was quick to reply, fully expecting another volley of shots to come - she wasn't party to the conversation at ground level. "Heard, Doc!" She called out. "Word from Captain is diplomacy is still on! They looked like they were ready to fight, but seemed to think better of it..." She finished, as she flew over to the great raptor. "And I'm going to be honest... as a pony... I don't get it..." Reef was a predator, or at least half-predator... though maybe it would take a griffon to understand these felines.

Back on the ground Blaze Trails blinked, her eyes going wide at the sight of Reef Skimmer being fended off by one of the natives! There was a sinking feeling in her throat: that was her friend they were shooting at - even worse, what if Reef shot back and blew the whole damn meet-and-greet to hell! So despite her nerves she tried to be tactful: "Well, hang on now! You don't know he's after your hogs in the first place, err, is this a common occurrence you have to deal with 'round here...?"

"Thunderbird?" The lead cat cringed as she got a good look at the huge bird. "You gotta zap it 'Dream, 'fore it zaps us. Beak and claws on somethin' that size ain't no joke to start with, but lightnin', that's somethin' else... are ya listen' ta me?" The felitaur wasn't, his attention instead taken by the green equine.

Set Sail and Nutmeg galloped up, not far behind Blaze Trails. The blue and brown pegasus stopped short at the sight of Reef Skimmer and Azure cruising around overhead, the latter flitting around the former's ponderous form. “Zap it?” she squeaked as the lead cat's words sunk in. “Lighting?! No!” Jumping in front of the big cat-like centaur, Set Sail shouted urgently, “No zapping! No zapping. Just wait! I got this.”

Then she went galloping off towards the bird soaring overhead. Set Sail didn’t have this; she was going to ruin everything, but she didn’t know what else to do. She didn’t have time to argue with him up there. She didn’t know how long that strange cat creature with the staff would hesitate at the behest of a complete stranger. The pegasus skidded to a halt as close to the edge of the island as she dared, so that the sheep and pigs would at least have plenty of room to run away.

Spreading her wings to lend her strength, Set Sail shouted up into the sky at the top of her lungs “Reef Skimmer!!” Then all she could do was fold her wings and look up at the soaring roc, hoping that Reef would hear her, and see her sitting down here on her haunches, and then do what she needed him to do.

Blaze Trails blinks a bit as Set Sail's impromptu plan is hatched... but she thinks she gets it, so she plays along, standing in front of the felitaur as well and waving a hoof. "Juuust a sec here, we'll get this sorted out, sorry for the inconvenience..."

Azure would soon speak up as she would hear the Captain's cry. "That's... definitely the Captain's down there, Doctor... looks like she's summoning you. Maybe we should get down there and see what's really going on?" she suggested, looking to the shape-shifted hippogriff. This was turning out to be quite the trip.

Reef Skimmer watched the ponies galloping around down there, no doubt spooked by the terribly annoying magic. The captain was shouting... something. A warning? A plea for aid? None of them seemed injured, but perhaps the larger creature was charging up a more powerful attack? "Indeed, I'd best get down there. Azure Feather, would you do a griff a favour and stand ready to blast that big one, should it make a move with that staff again?"

Azure nodded softly to the Doctor's request, a simple one she could easily fulfill if the conditions proved it needed. "I can do that, no problem."

"Splendid." At her nod, Reef banked around and came in for a rather heavy landing in front of Set Sail, ruffling fur and feathers as he back-winged to a halt. He glared disdainfully at the two cats who'd raised bows and nooked arrows, before watching intently to see what the centaur-like creature would do.

Talk, it seemed: "Now here's a curious scene, to be sure," he purred. Looking warily at the grey roc, then down at Blaze Trails, the cat-taur asked "I don't suppose you forgot to put your horn on this morning, little horse?" A smile that showed a great many sharp teeth - Blaze wasn't sure if that was deliberate. "How about you tell old Everdream just exactly what's going on here?"

"Mmm.... yeah, proverbial cat's out of the bag, I reckon we're all about to talk anyway," Blaze said carefully. "That bird you were trying to spook is Reef Skimmer, and he's with us. So let's try to be polite about this, alright? He's no wild animal and you don't need to blast him, or us for that matter." She tipped her head, doing her best to stay calm and keep a poker-face. If worse comes to worst, she could at least run like Tartarus while Set Sail concocted a backup plan. "We good, then?"

"Now that does depend on the specifics of what you're doing here on Fellis," Everdream purred to Blaze, his staff still at the ready. "It seems we're in the season for visitors of the stranger sort, not traders no but sharks that dance with death, griffons that pry and elves that circle and spy."

Meanwhile Set Sail trembled a moment, then leapt forward, hugging Reef around his stupid huge bird neck. “Oh thank Celestia,” she sighed in relief against him, then pushing back to stand before her friend. “Reef, you were flying too close to the livestock of these creatures,” she told him seriously, “That’s why they were attacking you. They thought you were a beast, looking to make off with one of their pigs. Everything else is fine - they were quite friendly after we introduced ourselves. I was just so worried that I told you to fly overhead hoping it would keep you safe, not even thinking they would think you were some sort of large predatory bird.”

"Well one is by and large an avian, especially so just this moment, and a species of obligate carnivores can hardly be prejudiced against predators now can they?" Reef said indignantly, once again managing to slip past the thrust of the Captain's argument.

“They can't be prejudiced at predators, but they can fight with them over their food,” Set Sail said patiently, “Just... take your smaller form, if you would. I think I can... well Blaze probably knows the details better than me, but I think we can explain what’s going on, and get along with these bipedal cats just fine. At least we can find out more about this island, and maybe even the pyramid.” She hesitated, glancing back over her shoulder briefly before adding, “Err... one of them wasn’t a two-legger actually. I didn’t get a good look at him, things were happening kind of fast down here.”

"Oh, Sails..." Reef said, gingerly caressing the pegasus with one oversized wing. "You have the whole friendship process well underway then? Of course you do. One was rather... concerned, what with magic going off and you hidden under the trees there, but... it seems, no need for a silly griff after all."

Blaze Trails was thinking hard - she was certainly bearing the brunt of talking. Oh well, here went nothing: "Really when it comes down to... we're kind of refugees. We're stuck in a strange hostile place and trying to carve out somethin' safe for ourselves and find friends to stand by. The drow are breathing down our necks and if they decide they don't like the looks of us it's all over. We're hardly in a mood to make enemies - we're bad enough off as-is!" She sighed dramatically! "So, I hope you can accept peace with us?"

Wild Draw was still watching the thunderbird - at first it seemed like the little winged horse was suicidally attempting to strangle the beast with her legs, but the bird reciprocated by putting a wing around her and it became clear the gesture was friendly. Wild Draw lowered her bow, but wasn't ready to invite these strange creatures to tea just yet.

"We sure don't be lookin' for more ways to get into a scrap," she told Blaze Trails, "but this here is our land, for a thousand years and more, and we'll fight to the last cat... if needing be. So... you tell me what yer meanin' by refugee. How many of yer kind be needin' a home?

"Yeah, ya got wings, 'least enough of ya to fly the rest around it seems, so not like you gotta come here." Double Blind added dubiously.

Blaze Trails nodded reassuringly: "Don't worry, it's not this land in particular we need to settle in - we just don't really have any place to call our own 'round here yet. Right now we just need safe passage and the assurance that you won't stick us with those arrows and spells of yours the moment you decide you don't like how we look."

From above, Azure watched in relief as the doctor landed and the Captain smiled and hugged him. It seemed like the gathering of her squad and the cat tribe - two and four legged varieties - would be peaceful after all. The blue pegasus circled again, sensing the winds around her and letting the flow of air over her feathers calm her mind, then glided down to land near the others.

"I take it hostilities won't be in the cards here, Captain?" she asked. If talk of refugees was now underway, then things were going a lot better than she expected... yet even if things seemed peaceful, she needed to keep her guard up. Celestia knew these cats could switch moods in an instant.

“I’m doing my best, Azure. I hope it’ll be enough,” Set Sail said. She glanced at her companion, self-conscious as usual as he slowly squeezed back into hippogriff form. “Now um... let’s give Reef his err, privacy. We have a lot to explain to those creatures back there.”

Azure nodded back, her muzzle curling into a small, quiet smile. "Yeah, can't argue with that line of thought. Between you and Blaze - I think you've got this." A little chuckle: "Come on, let's go see how they're doing. Maybe we're aren't going to be invited to tea anytime soon, but at this rate... you never know." One could hope, right?

Author's Note:

This story is a collaboration between myself (playing Reef Skimmer and all the cats), Ferret (playing Set Sail), Patashu (playing Blaze Trails) and Spearmint (playing Azure Feather), based on an online RP. I took Nutmeg up to the landing, Ferret from the meadow scene onwards.

This chapter is a combination of the 46th and 47th sessions: Patashu couldn't make the former, and I was pretty tired for the latter so they were short sessions. Diplomacy with the anthro mountain lions and magic-tossing felitaurs goes somewhat better this time despite Reef Skimmer's best efforts. Of course if the ponies want a real Spy Mode they'll have to ask the dirt sharks.