• Published 17th Dec 2011
  • 5,752 Views, 98 Comments

Twist in the Tail: Community Service - Midnightshadow

Spinoff to "A Twist in the Tail" - here we follow Edge as she is sentenced for her crimes...

  • ...

Community Serviced

A Twist in the Tail
Community Service
Part 4

Community Serviced

An MLP:FiM Fanfiction by Midnight Shadow set in the Conversion Bureau Alternate Universe, originally by Blaze

Note: Remember when I said I was writing this just to have fun? Well, this is about as shameless as it gets. When I ship, I ship hard. Please don't take it too seriously.

“Oh come on! Me? Pull that? what do I look like, a mule?” Bedlam snarled, pointing angrily at the plough.

“And what am I, you freak, chopped liver?” Simone fumed, she was still hitched up to it.

“I’ll show you chopped liver you hairless monkey wannabe fake-pony!”

“Enough.” Misses Providence stomped her hoof, once. Simone and Bedlam found themselves quite unable to speak. “That’s better. Now, you two will both pull the plough - and whilst I apologize profusely for you being left there for several hours, that does not mean you can slack off any further."

Simone fumed. Slacking off? She'd been trapped in that Celestia-damned contraption, not... well okay, so she'd been lying down, but she hadn't enjoyed it! Even if the sun had been pleasantly warm and the breeze comfortably cooling.

"Gilda, you are going to go find Miss Edge and, if at all possible, bring her back here.”

“Oh why does she get to use her wings whilst I’ve got to stay down here with little miss no-hands?” Bedlam complained, pointing a hoof-paw at Simone.

“Because these ploughs are made for two, and for two ponies at that. They won’t fit Gilda but they will fit you. Come on, spit spot, it’s character building.”

Bedlam glowered and shrugged herself angrily into the harness. She snarled at Simone, who bared her own teeth and flicked her ears back. Gilda chuckled, but took off quickly at an angry look from Misses Providence, to make her way skywards before the old nag could change her mind.

Gilda spread her wings, beating them mightily as she gained height. She loved flying. She’d never admit it, not even to another griffon, but she loved flying more than almost anything. The freedom, the speed, the power, the one-ness with everything... she hadn’t really meant to steal the applecart. She certainly hadn’t meant to crash it, and while pretty, the fire had been a complete misunderstanding. She did have to admit though, in her heart of hearts, that she had been perhaps a little tiny bit reckless and just the teeniest bit to blame for the whole affair.

Speaking of affairs, she thought to herself, where was that turkey? Pretty little thing she might be, but adept at flying she certainly wasn’t. Pretty, that word stuck in her head. Why had she picked that one? Break her beak but the idiot was... a reject. A quitter, she’d quit her own kind to be one of those lame-o ponies. She was... she was supposed to be a male, right? That’s what she’d said, but right now the minx was female, winged, and very much in heat. It was driving Gilda nuts.

“Alright so she’s pretty. So what. It’s not like you wanna...” Gilda swallowed, and did a barrel-roll to clear her head. She realized she certainly did want to roost with that filly, turkey or not. This was bad. This was awful. No, wait, it was worse than that. Gilda... had a crush.


I’m not walking on clouds, I’m walking on... white grass. Warm snow. Yeah. Solid ground, everything’s alright and nothing hurts. I’m not hundreds of feet above a sheer drop and standing on water vapour at all...

“Edge, did you say your name was? Are you coming?” Spitfire sounded frustrated.

Edge gulped, “Y-yes, I’m coming...” Edge made a single step. Then another. Then a third and a fourth. She peeped her eyes open for a moment, shut them tight as a squeak escaped her lips, and did it again. She squealed and stumbled on one leg, whimpering with fright as she rolled over, deathly afraid she would fall off.

“Oh good grief. Don’t tell me, you’re afraid of falling?”

Edge shook her head, “N-no, I’m kind of afraid of the stop at the bottom.”

"And you've sprained an ankle? On a cloud? Tell me again why Celestia wants you newfoals? Seriously, first time out on a cloud and it's like Soarin here when he forgets to go potty after a show. Legs locked tighter than..."

"Wha'?" Soarin looked up from his contemplation of the alabaster moons of Planet Plot, and scowled after he ran the last few sentences through his brain, "Are you saying I wet the bed?"

"Nah. I'm saying you're excellent at making it rain."

"That only happened that one time! I mean-"

"That was last week."


"What, it's not like I told her about that time at Neighagra Falls where we couldn't tell whether the cloud castle had sprung a leak or-"

"Aww come on! That's not true!"

"Come on, Snowflake, up you get. Spitfire'll take care of you. Soarin'll help, once he stops drooling over your flank."

Spitfire led the way, bantering with the now whining Soarin as she explained about his alleged gross, crass or otherwise shameful secrets and personal habits. The mind is a strange thing - both human and pony - and as Edge started to laugh at poor Soarin's misfortunes, she managed to mostly forget about her ankle as well as that the strange scenery around her was several hundred feet up in the air. It really was like walking on soft, white grass. Clouds in Equestria were soft like cotton wool, warm and fluffy. She could shape and mold them with her hooves and wings. It was just like walking through a valley down below, only the great boiling, rolling plain was of white instead of green and brown.

As she looked, Edge realised that white wasn't actually correct. The sun sparkled through a billion raindrops, shedding colours and illuminating the floating cloud-scape in an almost palpable shower of rainbow lights. It was beyond pretty. It was like some fairytale rendition of an impossible floating castle. All that was missing was a beanstalk, a giant and a talking - Edge ducked as a taloned shape flew overhead.

"Dammit Heracles, stop scaring the newfoals! This one can't even fly!" Spitfire called.

A large, male griffon landed heavily, the cloud around his lion-like rear paws and fore-talons puffing alarmingly, "Hah. Newfoals. At least our newlings, rare as they are, know how to be a griffon. What's this one doing here, then, if she can't even fly?"

"Rescued her!" Soarin puffed out his chest.

"Not without spraining her ankle." sniffed Spitfire.

"Oh aye? Better take her in then, see that she's alright. I see one of those community service bracelets you ponies are so fond of, unless it's some ridiculous newfoal fashion statement."

"It's usually a human thing," Spitfire waved a hoof, "'sides, look at her. She's harmless. And kinda cute."

Edge blushed, and then winced. And then blushed again.

Heracles the griffon rolled his eyes and squawked softly, "I don't know what you see in 'em. Some of 'em are so useless, you'd think old Queenie would beg us to be chowing down on the stragglers. Ain't nothing quite so tasty as eating a little pony now and then."

Edge's bottom lip quivered, tears springing to her eyes.

"Oh get out of it you great plucked chicken, now look what you've done!"

"Pfft, a wet bundle of feathers, that one. I'll tell the chief, you go give her something to calm her down."

"Sshh, calm down Snowflake, that great feathered lump won't eat you. He's a big softy really, just don't say I said so." said Spitfire as she ushered the white pegasus into a small shack made out of rolled and compressed cloudstuff. It had what looked like a red cross on the front, with a staff through the middle, surrounded by a pair of very thin dragons. If Edge had thought about it, she'd have been surprised at that.

"R-really?" Edge pulled a wing around and wiped her nose with it noisily.

"Oh Edge, that's... that's disgusting... come here, let me clean you up a bit. Soarin, shut that door."

Edge snuffled, dancing on her aching hooves and favouring the sprained one, her right front hoof. She looked nervously at the door and window, and back to the mare and stallion before her.

The mare was a striking yellow, with a flame-like mane and tail. She seemed athletic, strong, lithe. Edge's wings shot out as the mare stretched before bending to pick up a small roll of bandages.

"You like what you see?" Spitfire stretched again, flaring her wings out.

Edge gulped, and nodded, before her jaw dropped open and she squeaked out, "No! I mean, uh, yes, I mean..."

Spitfire laughed, "It's like that, huh? Hey Soarin, sorry to disappoint ya, you'll just have to stick with pie."

"Pie? Where?" Soarin turned around, his own wings flaring out as his second-most favourite pastime - pie eating - was discussed.

Edge gulped. The light blue stallion with the fetching, dark blue mane and tail was large and muscular, with a powerful bulk that measured up just fine to Spitfire's more elegant and lithe frame. Her wings shot out, knocking over a lamp of some sort, which promptly vanished into the floor.

"Oh, I see. Play for both teams, huh?

"I... what?" Edge was breathless, staggering slightly backwards, the pain in her forehoof forgotten.

"We've got some time, right Soar?"

"Sure thing Spits."

"If you want, Snowflake?"

Edge gulped, flicking her tail. That curious itch had returned, that burning feeling in her hind quarters, the one that made her shuffle her hind hooves every time a pretty mare looked her way... maybe she could... but... with a stallion too?

"Hey, hey, we won't pressure you into anything, Snowflake, don't worry - you're just... kinda pretty, you know? If you don't want a slice of the Soarin pie, I can have him all to myself and still show you how it's done-"

"Pie?" Soarin grinned again, was there plot and pie on the menu?

"Yeah, kinda like that. We'll take it slow, but if you don't I'll understand, it's just you seem like you're in that sort of way, Snowflake."

"I think," Edge swallowed hard, "I think..."

Spitfire beamed.


Gilda swore loudly. Stupid Cloud Village, no signs, no snacks, no rainbow falls - just shacks and second-hoof weather machinery. And ponies.



"You in there?"

"Get out!"

"Oh for... EDGE!"

"For you, baby, I can be this 'Edge' you speak of..."

Gilda threw a compressed cloud-based fence-post at the last one. Pegasi, huh, always with the... oh no. Sunlight, meet estrus cycle. Edge, meet both of them.


Gilda didn't have to wait long.

"AAAAAAAAaaaaahhhhhhhh!" Edge came screaming along, running for her life. She bowled into the surprised griffon and the pair flipped, as they say, arse over tit to land in a cloud-bank.

"Edge, so help me, I'm going to gut you one of these days. What's wrong now?"

"They were gonna... in the... with a..."

Gilda sighed as she stood up and proceeded to un-kink the pegasus filly, who was so very bent out of shape. "Slow down, what's wrong?"

"I, er, well..." Edge blushed. She felt... kind of stupid, now. They were... kind of... well they'd let her go, but she was feeling kind of overwhelmed when they were proposing...

Gilda raised an eyebrow, "Seriously? You ran away from that? What's wrong with you?"

"Hey! I didn't even tell you what they wanted, yet!"

"Baby, it's written on your muzzle plain as the day is long, and it's so very, very long out here, which is kind of why it's. So. Plain. Come on, that's it, you and me, we're going to have a little 'heart to heart' with these pegasi. Wait, you did say more than one, right? Edge, baby, I like your style..."

"Nice going you pie-fixated lump of feathers."

"You keep sayin' pie and I still don't see any, Spits-"

"And for the last time it's not-"

"Did you say Spitfire?" Gilda asked, as she dragged a recalcitrant Edge into the now rather-cosy sky-shack.

"Hey, even the griffon's have heard of us, Soarin."

"You... you I like. Him, not so much." Gilda pointed a claw first at Spitfire, and then at Soarin, who pouted.

"Hey, I resent-"

"Yeah, yeah. What did you do to my Edgey? I caught her running for her life!"

Spitfire blushed, "She's kinda cute, ya know? And, well, we kinda saved her life, and she's..." Spitfire raised her tail and swayed her hips alluringly. Gilda took the hint.

"You noticed, huh? Of course you noticed. Well, get to it then." The Griffon pushed the pony onto the wide cloud-built bed and nodded from Spitfire towards the now-reclining Edge.

"What?" Edge asked, "Don't I get a say in this?"

"No," Gilda said, rounding on the white pegasus, "you've been prancing about for a week and so help me, you're getting introduced to how they do it over here in Equestria if it kills you. One the bed, now."

Spitfire laughed, "Come on, Snowflake, I'll be gentle. You'll love it."

"And I get to watch. Anypony got a problem with that?"

"Can I watch you?" Soarin asked.

"Sure thing, you can look all you want, but touching'll cost you extra."

"Oh boy." Soarin smiled, his third favourite pastime.

Edge shivered, the yellow mare with the frankly beautiful flame-coloured mane advanced on her, and gently, ever so gently, nibbled a wing. Edge moaned, wings extending as the pegasus preened her.

"Mmm, you like that, huh? Any time it feels bad, you tell me to stop, okay Snowflake?"

"Just keep doing that." Edge hissed, tail raising.

The pony's lips ran across Edge's metacarpus, chewing delicately before carrying on down the outer primaries. Spitfire nuzzled the broad feathers, spreading them and kneading with her muzzle. Edge shuddered, in utter bliss, as she relaxed onto the bed. Her eyes closed and she began to mumble and moan, kicking the air with her hooves and almost mewling.

"You're right, dammit, she's cute. Edge, babe, move over. G wants a slice of the pegasi-pie." Gilda clambered onto the bed, which was rapidly getting crowded. She placed herself above both Edge and Spitfire, wings splayed out, before dropping her beaked head to nip and bite in spots she just knew pegasi found irresistible.

"Pie?" Soarin' asked, standing at attention in more ways than one.

Gilda sighed, looked over at Spitfire, who nodded, and then turned back to the stallion, "Alright, get on in here, but mind where you put that thing..."

Edge whimpered, there was such a large amount of ponyflesh surrounding her, far more than she'd ever had near her before... and it felt so good. She was putty, she was modelling clay, she was... oh Celestia, she was in heaven. Her entire body was on fire, and then there were those soft hooves and those sharp talons and that beak! She'd never expected that a beak could be that... versatile and playful! And then Soarin was close, closer, closer still, and he was... and she was... and then...


Gilda languished on the bed, mission accomplished, in more ways than one. So she liked the ponies, she reasoned, it was just a phase - a sexy, sexy phase. She didn't have a crush on Edge at all, though, no. Not even a tiny bit. Nope. Nothing in those glossy white feathers or that darling yellow mane and tail attracted her in the slightest, it was just... yeah, a symptom of the phase. A bit of fun.

She turned her beak, and nibbled at the little white and yellow pegasus softly. The darling thing whinnied and giggled in her sleep. Gilda warbled happily, wings wrapped around the three snoozing ponies on top of her. She was the biggest hen in the flock, and they all flocked to her. Life was good.

It was then that the balloon came through the floor.

In hindsight, Gilda should probably have found some way to say that she and her quarry were safe, that they'd just be a little while longer up in the clouds before returning back down to the ground, but the view of your own tail feathers always was perfect.

"I hope," Misses Providence said, scowling and glaring at the pretty prone puddle of mostly-ponies, "that you have a good explanation for all this."

Bedlam was trying to contain herself, and failing.

Simone was livid. If her mane and tail hadn't been red before, well, she was certainly seeing red now.

Gilda blushed sheepishly at the three of them, grinning like a cheshire cat, as she tried to get Edge to wake up.

Comments ( 38 )

All my facehoofs, you earned them :rainbowlaugh:
A humorous romp indeed :rainbowlaugh:

WHY CAN"T THAT HAPPEN TO ME?!! WHY?!! Well, at least one girl, that's all I want, but why am I avoided like the plague and Edge gets all...THAT?!! It's really unfair.

She WAS warned about the 11-months-later-thingy.
I DO hope they kept Soarin under control once they took Edge's brain out of comission.. :facehoof:
Oh well.. lets see where this is going :heart:

"Soarin looked up from his contemplation of the alabaster moons of Planet Plot" I found that line hilarious.

On another note somepony seriously needs to work with Soarin and his obsession with pie. You know it's bad when you read a character mention pie and you KNOW the next line when you scroll up is going to be "Pie?" from Soarin.

The only thing that controls Soarin is pie, and I don't think they had enough to go around... or maybe just enough... I guess it depends how you look at it :pinkiecrazy:

PIE! pure pastel possum of pastel pony pleasure plushy plot pie! My favorite!

My own orgy experiences were just kind of 'meh' to tell you the truth, perhaps this is something better read about than actually done. That said: GOOD READING!

Oh, I can't wait for Edge to beg, BEG to be allowed to remain female. Nothing beats multiple orgasms. Word.

Strangely enough, you're probably right. Sex is... mostly in the head to begin with (I mean seriously, hello extended worlds of porn we all know is floating out there), and some things would probably take a lot more... fitting together mentally than physically, so unless it really all works communally first, I'd guess that group sex would be pretty awkward.

You've got to really like someone to want to have sex with them (coff, yeah, I know, I mean... to put that sort of effort in if you're not just screwing like bunnies), so if you happen to think they're a bit boring or you really hate that center parting of theirs, you may find yourself a bit distracted.

not that I'd know, I've never actually been in an orgy! ...But it sure is fun to write about.

I regret nothing! :pinkiehappy: :derpytongue2:

178696 "When I ship, I ship hard."
No shit, appearantly. :twilightblush:

I must say, I'm not really a fan of seeing Soarin portrayed as dump (and you take that a bit further than most), regardless of the whole 'Pie!'-thing. That's just a symptom.
..but not really seeing him becoming a main-character here I can put that behind me though. Obviously his purpose in the story is to serve as a comic act, so go nuts. :raritywink: ..that and save her live to begin with.. and most likely getting her knocked up now. Again, let's see where this is going..
178843 I'm really suprised to see people talk about their sex experience here. In a as-a-matter-of-fact-ly fact-discussion no less.
Well, if there is one thing I'd like to take to the real world from reading FIMfic, it is the mindset of 'it need not be that complicated'. Seeing as that appearantly appiles here, I approve. PS- thank you for the insight.


My thoughts on orgies and group sex -

I haven't had a lot of it, to be honest, just a few orgies in my youth, around college days. In full disclosure, I should mention that sex has never been comfortable for me, emotionally or physically, so it is likely that my attitude is affected but this reality.

That said, what I learned was that a better experience can be had, by far - at least in my opinion - between two and four people who really, genuinely care about each other, and who know each others bodies well, than from any fling or group experience. The reason I would say this is because figuring out what pleases another takes time and practice; every person is different and has different things they prefer. Mapping this all out is not trivial.

Additionally, the emotional component is powerful, and I would have to say that a sexual act (or even a simple massage) is, for me at least, vastly better and more satisfying with someone I have a positive and strong emotional connection with, than with someone I barely know. This is so profound, that once my polyamoric family was formed, we have all been poly-monogamous within our family only, for some 30 years now.

While it is fun to fantasize about wild orgies and spontaneous group events, it has been my experience that they are like poor sugar-free candy to the true savory feast of intimacy with someone loved and adored.

This is my experience, your mileage and clitorage may vary.

Lastly, about being open; I reason it thus - if one isn't mature enough to be able to talk easily about sex, one isn't mature enough to be doing it in the first place.

It just seems logical to me, and by maturity, I do not mean physical age.

But then, I'm just a silly pony, goofing around. Don't mind me.

... :rainbowlaugh::twilightblush: Wow... I'm not sure if I should be saying poor Edge for having NO say in that, or lucky Edge for having no say in it! XD

Well... THAT made the wait worth it! XD YOU REGRET NOTHING!

~ Moonstone, Minstrel of Equestria

Maybe I should of skipped over this one... but meh.

I guess I should answer this - I like Soarin, I love him. He's a great big loveable lump and I've got my tongue so firmly in my cheek in this chapter that it's coming out my ears. He's not dumb, I'm just playing it for laughs - he's enthusiastic and eager but is the funny pony to Spitfire's straight mare play.

This is one story that I'm writing off the cuff (would that be "off the fetlock"?) and whilst I do have a serious story in there somewhere, I'm really not sure how I'll be getting to it. I hope you're having fun, just forgive me when I step on your idea of the characters - you'll know when I really want to be mean and I assure you I don't with Soarin. :pinkiehappy:

Can't win 'em all :fluttercry:

I actually have a serious story (well, more serious) with Soarin in it, in the works - but he still likes pie.

180712 no I liked the chapter just warn me when your good to make it semi-clop or unPG rated.


I take it the joke with the title wasn't caught fast enough? I shall try to remember for next time. Don't worry, this is as un-PG as it gets. Really, I thought it was rather mild. Sorry. :fluttershysad:

18072 Now that you mentioned the title I then put two and two together and figured it out (maybe I should start reading titles) and if that was as mild as it got then dont worry, just dont want to walk into a clop fic and go "Da fu and OMG WHY WOULD THEY... oh... oh... oh my." so ja... keep on writing and space and words and update and stuff. Well I'm going back to making stuff... Bunnana Awwway?

no, no, I won't be writing clop or gore without warning you or anyone else.

In fact, I have three levels of explicit writing:

1) for the most explicit that my "everyone" stuff gets, look no further than chapter 5 here. It will contain funny references, euphamisms, but nothing explicit. You may see mention of kissing and closeness, but that's about it. Basically, at this level, it all happens behind a curtain. You can hear giggling, and it may be clear what's going on, but you won't get a peek.

2) the "teen" level will feature more explicit levels of bodily parts, foul language, gory scenes and intimate occurences, but will stop short of detailed recounting of exploits. Again, it's all behind a curtain - this time the curtain is somewhat see-through, but it is still very much there. For the goriest and cloppiest this level gets, read "big daddy mac" or "tick tock, wind the clock". One is funny, the other is... not.

3) the adult level. I've only written one public story like this, and that is currently held in a top-secret location under guard at all times. No holds barred, no punches pulled, in your face, as explicit as it gets. you have been warned.

So, if it's "everyone", it's really everyone. Blushing and kissing and silliness abound, but not much more. If you can't take that, then sorry. If it's teen, well, I'm assuming you've been round the block a few times. you're probably old enough to know how to download porn, so I'm counting on it that you can a) read and b) can find worse if you want it. Nothing should shock you, but it IS your decision. Adult, well, if you're not able to comprehend what that means you do not deserve to be called an adult. I suggest you run home and ask mommy to change your diapers, in that case, because you'll get no sympathy from me if you read something I mark "adult" and don't like the content.

180751 and now I know. Thanks Midnight, now let me go to bed. :ajsleepy:

I wonder if JaquelinAmyRose over on DA inspired you for a female version of Discord ,if not heres one of her awesome works heh


I love Eris, maybe more than I love Discord - or at least in a different way. I can say she (Eris, whoever created her) did inspire me to create a draconequus, but only insofar as much as I just love the idea of a bunch of misfits trying to find their way through. I want her to be her own character, not merely a Discord/Eris stand-in.

Edge was born a male human, she's actually the character you're supposed to identify with the most, no matter your sex - if you're a male, identify with his origin. If female, with who she now finds herself as. Gilda is who we often want to be - sure of herself and experienced, and just a little bit sassy. Simone is who we often end up thinking we are - a bit vain and frustrated with the world. And Bedlam, well, she's that spirit of chaos that lives inside us all. They're all female because I think it's a fun idea, it doesn't (as far as I know) have any greater symbolism than that - I'm only weakly acquainted with the anima and animus and am not consciously trying to do anything other than shove together a mix of worldly, inept, innocent and mischievous characters and have a bit of fun with them. None of them are openly evil despite the fact they're all more or less criminals, and I prefer playing Discord (and thereby the draconequus) as a powerful and true neutral trickster rather than an actual god of destruction (chaos builds as well as destroys, after all).

So hey, here's me over-thinking myself, even, by answering a question you didn't pose. In short, Bedlam is a female Discord that won't break the play equipment like a god would, and Eris definitely inspired her look. The art came from Chatoyance, and my initial description didn't quite match up... but you know what? I love the look of Eris, so maybe Bedlam should change. After all, she's chaos personified, I'm pretty sure she's powerful enough to defy her own creator's will.

Sheesh no need to get defensive,just wanted to know if the artist was a inspiration...

lol :rainbowlaugh: nah just kidding ,great answer and the characters are as much a symbol as they can get without making them to complex and spending ages on one character at a time

Love such easy going stories ,tired of all the gore and grimdark lately (so much that i just dropped some stories that i was reading heh ), MLP and grimdark just doesnt mix it for me, ill keep that for Rambo and other gore filled movies.

Hey, it's all in good fun :rainbowlaugh:

:twilightoops: :facehoof: :rainbowlaugh: I LOVE THIS STORY!!!

Thumbs up to that! Midnightshadow you rock!

I figure everypony's allowed at least one "ATTAF" story moment... if you laughed, then I did it right.:scootangel:

Looks like Soarin might have put a pie into Edge's oven...ok, I'll stop now. Shipping hard indeed.

I'm enjoying this little story, and hope to see more in the future. I'm interested in seeing where this little jaunt goes.

"When I ship, I ship hard."

Eeeyup. This was same-day-express shipping, holy shazbot.

Err, well that was a fun chapter. I do kinda hope Edge catches, be kinda apropriate, and SOrin, spite his flaws, is not a bad pony, he just tends to focuse a bit too much on pies. Considering at times I do the 'mmmm pie' thing myself, I can't really blame him.
Its not too obvious, but there is at lest one point where it was mentioned that Sorin was in Edge, so, you can guess how far that went, but I do not think Sorin is the type to pull out willingly.

I do hope your planing to finnish this story, its quite plesent.

I grinned like an idiot the entire time.:D

I hope we can expect new chapters of this in the summer break...

just like the original twist in the tail, this story is awesome (for the lulz)

and Edge won't be allowed to go back to his stallion form until his service is over right? ohhh boy, if Soarin' just knocked her up, she's SOOOO gonna stay a female for the remainder of her life

this was certainly interesting (it's been 18+ weeks since I asked... update one of the "twist in the tail"? [you know, when you feel like it])

is this dead? it feels like years since the last uppdate.

Everything I've been writing has been suffering under the yoke of not having enough free time and energy to work on them.

No, it's not dead, but don't hold your breath. Sorry.

1799057 i stoped holding my breath about half a year ago. but i found it in my faves and left a comment.

Since it says cancelled, i'm taking this off my faves. If you ever happen to pick this up again, you'll leave us a blog, won't you? :duck:

It is cancelled. Should that change, then yes, I'll let all y'all know.

2915609 Thought so, thanks! Culling my massive fave's list, don'tcha know. :pinkiecrazy::raritywink:

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