• Member Since 4th May, 2017
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago

Cackling Moron

"Fluff" in the same way what collects under the sofa is fluff.


Ponies and humans have been happily writing letters back and forth for as long as anyone can remember - it's great fun! Neither can visit the other though, sadly. Just the rules, sorry!

Well, at least until Puddlejumper - cleverclogs that she is - figures out a way of visiting her human penpal Ben for fun, japes and general good-timesitude.

Only not. Because it does not work out like that.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 123 )

At a guess, nasty cross-species disease?

Damn, guess NASA has biological protection protocols for a reason.

Still, what kind of disease would just... act so quickly?

The goopy, melty disease from Kansen. Maybe. Ponies simply incapable of surviving on this side in this story. Or not. It's not especially important. Means to an end.

Looks like incompatible physics rather than disease. Manifested by the mucous membranes going first followed by sturdier tissues.

This was good, reminds me of H.p. Lovecraft. Now this might be just me, or this could be intentional but it feels like most of your human MCs in your storys tend to ramble... alot.

Heh, think you might have identified an aspect of my style there - I'm all self-conscious now!

This story made me sad. I think you achieved your goal. Well done.

Not really something that exists to be 'enjoyed' but I did it and I've put it here and people can do what they think best.

Or was it a more technical dislike? As I would also get that

No, it was a good story. I just don't like it.

I'm not particularly electric about it, in hindsight. Poor Puddlejumper.

Though, weirdly, had it been the human who'd melted I wouldn't feel as bad. Probably says something about me, but there you go...

Fucking ow. That hurt!



Well. That happened. I think I'm going to regret remembering this.




Good story nonetheless.

You know, I was curious how you'd react...

I think I need a drink and a lie down.

This feels rather like my non-pony fare leaking into my fluff.

I started on here to do hugs! And less...this!

Ah, variety is good I guess...

Good story, very well written, I especially appreciate the panic shown through the differing tempo in the written word - though I don't know if that was on purpose or not.
All that said, I hate you now.

I can't ever unread that.
Truly a most prophetic title.

As intentional as anything I do can be said to be...

Was trying to be as upfront as possible with this one.

I caught that Stargate reference

I made a Stargate reference?! That's a new one!

Puddle jumper is the name of the ships they use in Stargate Atlantis to cross through the gates

You know, you'd think I'd be all over Stargate what with me being a huge nerd, but other than watching the film years ago I've never really seen any of it.

Puddlejumper is a recursive reference to something else I did and no-one else has seen, a joke entirely for my own benefit. Another case of going somewhere and awful things happening.

I'm going to skip this one, no offense.
You are an extremely good writer, so your fluff is extra fluffy, your cute is extra adorkable, and your sad is extra depressing.

That's fair.

I have no idea how sad lands, really. I just put in the few things that actually get to me.

They also used the name "puddlejumpers" for dimensional travel, and I'm pretty sure they did it long before Stargate Atlantis was even a thing. If your "non-pony fare" is the SCP Foundation, well, there have been rather a lot of crossovers along those lines, so...

I stumbled across the SCP stuff years back and thought it was very cool. I turn away and now there's, like, over three thousand of the bloody things. And games! It all happened while I was looking somewhere else!

Story of my life.

Oh that was dark. Like. Wow. I did not expect that.

God, Twilight's going to be so upset...

me fucking heart mate, you fucking shot my heart with feels ammunition

I would recomend watching it. A pretty optimistic scifi series like trek second generation. Most scifi today is pretty dark and depressing. Both SG1(before S6) and Atlantis are good in my opinion.

BTW good story and I agree it's pretty sad at the end.

Humans in Equestria don't melt. They BURN.

+1 on Stargate SG1. Well written series and some creative concepts.
McGiver wouldn't play the part and kept turning it down until they gave him free run to play Oneal however he wanted to. Hence why Oneal has a personality in the show.

As for the story, Another nice one from you.

The Monk
“To say that Twilight Sparkle went bugfuck would be like saying the Incredible Hulk had some mild anger management issues.” -DustTraveller

... Not lighthearted fluff? Someone hacked your account. :(

Potentially not far off, this is pretty similar to a 'what if' someone did about what would happen if your DNA was removed from your body. Likely due to Earth's absence of magic, her genetic material stopped happening.

Conversely, magic may overexcite human cells, causing them to... well, explode

Somewhat sad. More dark, I think.

This sort of thing slips out sometimes.

It was hard enough putting one extra tag on here, I've hit my limit.

Everyone's upset! I'm upset and I did it! And I'm an unfeeling, shambling heap of clay in the crude shape of a man!

I always thought there should be 'the fantasy dies in reality' kind of stories and this is probably the first one I've ever read.

It was a bit sad, but the implications are actually really cool imo. Like, what if a human goes to Equestria and it's not just that our reality is incompatible, but that our reality overwrites their magic, i.e. their world. I think it could be an interesting tale!

Oh also I like your story! The pacing made sense and I loved that they sorta clashed a bit at the start but let each other keep their jabs. Felt like the good, awkward chemistry of two people who've never met and likely wouldn't have been friends if not for letters, meeting for the first time to have fun.


I've always rather liked the idea of a human dragging a pall of mundanity with them that just smothers magic, but that's me. Sure there's a use for that somewhere.

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