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The Loner

The world of fantasy is where I feel at home, where I can write whatever I want and not feel judged by the world


Comments ( 58 )

Damn. They'll kill him with a dull guillotine blade.

Is this going to turn into a revolution? Cause I love to see that happen.

I ask again. Revolution, or not?

Hmmm, It might. you guys will just have to wait and see.

You will find out when I get to starting the flashback. Your question shall be answered then, and no Fluttershy and Honor aren't a thing, and neither were Honor and Carl. Trixie is his new prison gf, but with him dying they are through.

I know there's a lot happening, but it will mellow out

Sorry readers it has taken so long for a new chapter, I have been very busy with RL at the moment. I am currently back to writing on it until I get it done or RL demands my attention again.

Well I'm certainly looking forward to the next chapter. Good luck with it.

If you read it all, it hints who was killed in one of the chapters

When is the next update

It is going to be in a little while when I finish the next chapter on The Curse of Undeath.

How did the human end up how did the human end up in Equestria

Will he Able to get back home

Don't worry, I will do a flashback after a few more chapters. I will cover how he got there, as for if he will get back home...wait and see.

Alright it has been two weeks when are you going to update

Sorry, have been distracted by other projects. I will put out a new chapter within a week.

When is the Next update

Sorry if I am messing up with the mood and emotions a bit, I am not in a dark emotional thinking mood at the moment. If I can improve it somehow, let me know.

No man I’m sorry I’ll just be patient take as long as you need you are just human remember just post stories whenever you’re ready don’t feel like I’m rushing you you don’t have to be on the schedule sorry again

what do ya mean? What's wrong with it?

I had to keep a little hope in there just so I could smash it and show just how far up shit creek he is without a paddle lol

So... I’m assuming this story is dead?

No, not dead. Just having to put it aside for the time being because I hit a wall with it, I am working on other stories. I am getting flickers of ideas on how to fix The Survivor though, so that may come back from hiatus soon...like within a few months.

Flurry Heart was the one who died, it is clearly stated somewhere in chapter 2, 3, or 4.

I sigh and hang my head at the obvious lie and eat my lunch, feeling depressed that I am unable to shower regularly. After eating my food I set the tray back in the slot for the guard to take and go back to reading a book by Star Swirl The Bearded that most ponies refuse to read because of its title: Dark Times. I read a passage that catches my attention that reads, ' I once had a dream that was like a nightmare, I was in Canterlot at the back of a very large angry mob of ponies that were actually wanting somepony to die. It was truly terrifying because execution is something that was banned throughout all Equestria, yet for this one pony they brought it back for his crimes. I tried all I could to get the Princesses attention so I could inform them that the pony was innocent of the crime that they supposedly committed. It was all in vain because after they said their last words, the blade of the guillotine fell upon his head. That is when the true horror show started, I will never forget how red the moon became right after he died...or what happened after that. '

Please tell me it’s something bad.

After about five minutes of jogging down the halls passing maids and royal guards who all scowl at me and some of the maids turn to look at me just to spit in my face and then call me a murderer or butcher and go back to what they were doing.

I would have cursed them out.

I try to ignore the glares, the insults, and the few ponies that spit on me and turn to the left to continue jogging down the halls. I look ahead of me and watch where I am going as I make my way towards the princesses.

I’m whooping a**.

She sighs audibly in frustration and returns to glaring at me then says, "I was telling you that we argued over your punishment for the crime and have decided that you shall be executed by the guillotine. It was not easy to come to this decision, but was the only one fitting for the severity of your crime of murdering a pony that every citizen of Equestria knew, loved and will sorely miss her. You have angered many ponies with your claim that she tried to kill herself, causing many riots and unrest in many cities that we are struggling to get back under control. The death penalty and executions have been forbidden in Equestria for nine hundred years. Even my sister and me shall dearly miss the alicorn that you killed, you shall be executed in two months. You have that time to get your affairs in order, now get out of our sight monster ."

F*ck you.

I jog through the throne room doors and look at each of the guards' shocked faces as they watch me jog down the halls back the way I came. I pass by several maids who throw food or shit at me, some even spit on my face and call me names like monster, murderer, or even butcher.

We would have to fight.

Pinkie's mane and tail deflate a little at hearing that and looks back at her with squinty eyes and responds, "You mean where that monster is?"

F*ck you.

Honor Trail recalls what her daughter said a little earlier and sighs saying, "I wish it was a happy event that caused you to get your cutie mark, Star Light. Now you won't have the chance to meet your father for the first time, now you can only meet him before he dies."

No way.

Several miles away hidden inside of a cave sits the Tree of Harmony, a robin sits upon the branch and takes off when the tree groans and one of its branches cracks and falls to the ground and shatters as the light coming from the tree darkens a bit.

Uh oh.

Applejack listens to their conversation and says, "I hear ya, ahm upset about her death too. I jus wish that the Element of Honesty would be able to tell if he was being truthful or not, maybe we can go visit him and try again?"

If I was him I wouldn’t tell you guys sh*t.

Rarity attempts to improve the mood a little bit saying, "I think it would be worth a chance to see if it would work, we should also visit him to try to make amends with him. You know we haven't gone to see him once since he was sent to prison, we weren't very good friends to him when he needed somepony."

Amends my a**.

Pinkie Pie smiles and says, "We can take him a cake saying Sorry we weren't very nice to you, and it sucks that you don't have much longer to live, but we will try to make it up to you for not being there. "

I would have threw that cake back at them.


Then you might as well kill me.

Rainbow shifts anxiously back and forth, really wanting to know what it was that she saw so they all could fight it and says, "What did you see, Princess? We all will fight and defeat it together!"

Rainbow Dash, you don’t want no smoke.

Luna closes the doors after Applejack and senses a pony in despair coming through a different door, she heads for it and is about to turn the handle when she hears the pony's voice yells at her, "Stay out you monstrous Princess, I HATE YOU AND I HOPE YOU DIE!" and then she watches as bars fall down and lock her out of Trixie's dream. She then hangs her head in sorrow as tears make their way down her cheeks, and continues down the path towards the door that is barely hanging on.

Didn’t know that was possible.

Death looks to the one who spoke and loudly grumbles out in anger, "The majority of my manners died with my six billion brothers and sisters."

I can make a lot of jokes out of this. Most being sex jokes.

Celestia begins to walk forward towards the prisoner as she starts to hear him sobbing and sees his shoulders shaking and says to him, "Carl Knoxx, I apologize for what you have gone through. I still cannot forgive you for killing Flurry Heart, and you shall still be executed."

Oh boy.

Twilight steps up next and says, "I am sorry for not visiting you once I learned that you killed my niece. I just cannot bring myself to have anything to do with someone that killed one of my family members." She then turns around to head back when she feels a slight pain coming from her entire body, then grows and explodes into excruciating pain for a brief second when it disappears as the Element of Magic appears before her and explodes into powder and falls to the ground.

I suggest you guys stop talking.

Luna watches in horror as the elements appear from their representatives, causing them to scream in pain momentarily and fall to pieces in front of them, leaving them all speechless. After a few moments, she finally says, "Oh. My. God. What have we done...?"

That’s bad.

Twilight hangs her head and sadly says, "I'm sorry Princess, but it would take too much time to repair the friendship. Time is something that he does not have much of right now. I have read the laws and it says that once the verdict is passed, it would require significant proof that the individual is indeed innocent to stop or delay the execution. I am sorry to say, but both you and Celestia's hooves are tied in that matter."

So they can’t do anything?

Apple Bloom rushes to Star Light's side and places her hooves on both of her shoulders saying, "H-hey there Star Light, ahm sure we can figure this out. C'mon an calm down, stop an take a deep breath. Hold it fer a few seconds, then let it out an talk a bit slower. Yer talkin' as fast as Scootaloo was when she drank some Red Bull."

Wow, they know what Red Bull is?

A few minutes pass by in silence when Fluttershy and Luna hang their heads and start to sob, speaking incoherently. Twilight's mane frizzes out of control as her eyes shrink to pinpricks as she rapidly says, "Oh it's no big deal, it's that the Tree of Harmony is dead and it's just the end of the BUCKING WORLD! But no, no, everything is going to be just fine, cause we'll grow a new Tree of Harmony and fix everything. Those guys will come here and stop all this craziness when they see how nice and peaceful this world is."

Yup, they are f*cked.

Thank you for the entertaining comments to sections of the story Pete100, I hope you are liking and enjoying the story so far. BY THE WAY THANK YOU ALL FOR THE FEATURES SO FAR.

Ok, I am so confused.

You’re very welcome and I am. Also, you might want to hit the reply button when wanting to reply to a comment.

Oh, lol my bad. I was just speaking to everyone that read my story and featured it, how does that work btw?

Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Apr 23rd, 2021

It’s ok, I’ve seen it happen multiple times. Also, I think the way it works is if you have enough views or likes, but I could be wrong.

This next chapter will be the last one, as I have just had an idea on what the next sequel should be about. This last chapter will be out tonight as soon as I finish it up, and will begin on the sequel yet to be named.

Sorry all, changed a minor detail at the tail end, refresh so it makes better sense!

Can't wait for the sequel. I am actually wondering what had they brought upon Equis with their action.

I sit on my bed speaking with a pony, taking care of my Will. I then take a breath and then begin to list off items and say, "To my daughter Star Light, I leave the only real thing I hold any value to. A family heirloom dating back to some time around the start of the Revolutionary War in 1775. A book telling the complete history of The United States of America, and three quarters of all of the bits in my bank accounts. To Celestia, I leave the deserts cookbook. To Luna, I leave the bedtime story books. To Twilight, I leave my baby blanket. To Applejack, I leave the rusty horse shoe that is hanging on the wall in the closet. To Rarity, I leave the broken strand of pearls that belonged to my mother. To Rainbow Dash, I leave the book 'Common Sense' written by Thomas Paine. To Pinkie Pie, I leave the whoopi cushion. Be sure to hold it in the air as you present it, then take a knife or scissors and cut a slit in it so she can't enjoy it. To Fluttershy, I leave the crop in the closet. And to Spike, I leave my rare gem collection. To Ember, I leave the fire extinguisher. To Starlight Glimmer, I leave the souvenir Declaration of Independence. As for the rest of what I own, excluding the furniture, appliances and the house, I want given to those truly in need of it. The house, the furniture and appliances are to be given to a homeless family that need it. The remaining bits in my accounts and what is found in the house, are to be donated to the orphanages. That just about finishes the Will, right?"

Why would he leave them that stuff?

She flinches slightly at the hurtful comment, then clears her throat and says, "I just thought that I should come down and see you one last time. Is there anything that I can do for you to make you more comfortable?"

You can die with me.

I glare at her and say, "Well I didn't do it, I am in here and don't have any magic, the only real 'magical' ability I have is to get a pony to pass out from excessive orgasms, so what do you expect me to do about it? You better pray that something bad doesn't come your way or you all are going to get your asses kicked into your brains."

That’s actually a good magical ability.

She gets up close to the bars and then whisper yells, "I couldn't help it, I haven't gotten any in a thousand years!"

God damn.

Celestia's mane smokes a little, then narrows her eyes at him and says, "For your information, I was definitely not a virgin and you did not nearly fuck me into a coma. That was my sister you did that to, she was unconscious for two whole days after you finished fucking her senseless!"

Can I fist bump him before he dies?

Her mane starts to flare up and she stomps a hoof in frustration saying, "OHHHHH I will be so glad to be rid of a nuisance like you in a couple of weeks!" She then turns around and storms away from the cell.

Keep that same energy.

I laugh and watch her run away and yell to her, "Oh god, the shaking, THE SHAKING!! Lookout Equestria, Fat Ass Chelly is running, Brace for earthquakes!" I then hear her start to openly cry as the door slides closed behind her and cross one more thing to do off my bucket list and say, Humiliate Celestia and make her cry...check! That means only one more thing is left to do before my bucket list is complete, then it will be to just wait for the end."

What’s the last thing on his bucket list?

Just then Discord's head pokes through the wall and says, "Don't worry about that, I will gladly take the blame for that. I enjoy annoying Celestia when the opportunity arises, she already has a grudge against me for replacing one of her cakes with one that had a heavy herbal mixture that makes a pony's body purge all the excess gas in them. She was farting up a storm all day long in the throne room, she was so mad that her mane actually started burning." He then sighs and says, "I will miss the epic pranks you pull every April 1st my friend, farewell Carl."

I love discord.

Honor Trail smirks and answers, "She actually agreed to it, because somepony wrecked the platform where the guillotine was on and it will take all day for them to repair it. There is one condition for your visit to Canterlot, you must have an escort of twelve heavily armed palace guards and you must wear shackles."

Why twelve?

Sassy looks at Rarity and quickly says to her, "Carl Knoxx is visiting Canterlot before he dies, go get a white rose. This is his final visit before his execution, everypony is placing a white rose on the ground when he walks past them."


A couple of hours passes by as I walk through the streets, seeing the main 6 up ahead with a few others carrying white roses in their mouths except for Twilight and Rainbow who are just carrying rose stems with just the base of the flower left at the top and chuckle lightly softly saying, "I guess those two really aren't happy with me because they ate the petals and left the buds behind."

Applejack looks to Twilight and Rainbow saying, "That wasn't very nice of ya two doin' that to the flower, ya should feel ashamed for doin' that."


Twilight looks to Applejack and says, "I still hate him for taking my niece away from my family and I, who is that filly that is with them?"


The princess narrows her eyes and watches her as they pass in front of her thinking, ' How interesting to learn that you have a daughter, very interesting indeed. '

So help god, if she try’s anything I will turn her into an earth pony.

Star Light then smiles and says, "Let's make it a long dinner, we can have the bill sent to the princesses."

I love her.

Star yawns briefly and says, "I ate a little too much, I am going to head home and take a short nap. I will be there when you go dad, then I can at least say goodbye to you." She then goes up to her dad and hugs him before saying, "I will see you later tonight dad." She then turns around and starts to make her way home with a smile on her face at having a dinner with her complete family.

Why would she walk home alone?

Is the sequel going to have the consequences when Shining Armor should've been the one to be executed because he was the one f****** his own flesh & blood daughter and responsible for causing her mental demise to having jump off and kill herself? Whoa ho boy, the revelation of truth when Twilight and Cadence won't look at him ever again.

I did read the chapter. I just don’t know what that emoji is.


It's obviously the "Very Furious/Pissed Off" expression. And if you really read the last chapter? You should know why I'm so angry!!!

Ohh. You’d actually be surprised how many different things that means.

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