• Published 23rd Aug 2012
  • 1,182 Views, 15 Comments

All Coals can be Diamonds - Magicolt808

Rarity finds herself in a new state,with new friends and a new life. How will she survive highschool

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Chapter 1: Life anew

Sometime a week ago...

As the ornate Bentley blissfully drove down the smooth road, Rarity stared out the window, observing her new, posh town and environment. The lack of men in suits and fancy sports cars was a poignant reminder of where she was. It was odd not seeing the many characters that filled the roads where she was from. Rarity leaned her head on the window, sulking, as her little sister Belle rambled on about how life in Pattonville would be “Amazingly fun, and “Incredibly Awesome”. Rarity tried to turn her body away from Belle, blocking out her endless talking as she gazed at the surroundings, which were zooming by as nothing but colorful blurs.

“It’s not that bad here Rare...” Rarity’s mother said vibrantly.

Ever since the custody papers went through, Rarity’s mother had been spouting an endless stream of sincere compliments about Pattonville, no matter how much Rarity’s objective attitude brought down her spirits. Her father was less than lyrical to find out his daughter would be living with her mother for some time. It wasn’t that he did not love Rarity, but you only have so much time for a child when you run one of the most extensive businesses in the country.

“Yeah Rarity! Cheer up!” Belle chimed in sentimentally. Belle lived with her mother after the divorce and hadn’t seen Rarity in ages, she was more than ecstatic to be reunited with her.
But how could Rarity share her happiness when she had moved thousands of miles from her friends, her hometown, where she belonged.

“Mom, how long am I going to have to stay here...” Rarity said colloquially.

Rarity’s mother did not reply to her question, but kept driving silently.

Belle moved in front of Rarity’s line of sight, “Do you like my hair Rarity?!” she said. Belle had tried to copy Rarity’s straight, complex hair design, but had instead received a choppy short style.

Rarity turned farther away from Belle, “At least you got the color right...” she said somberly. “But I think whatever you used for reference is a little out dated.”

Belle’s large eyes peered up from under the park purple curls, “You really think so! I did it myself!...It took a few tries but then I finally got it...--”

Rarity tuned out Belle as the car continued driving through the dense fog. The cloudy skies and lack of direct sunlight couldn’t help but put a damper on everything around the town. Everything seemed so slow, so heavy, like the whole town had took a vacation day except for the occasional energetic walker. As the car pulled into a nice closed in neighborhood, Rarity gained some clarity on her situation. In Pattonville, she had a clean slate, she could be a new person, whoever she wanted. She had left behind her old friends, but she could find new, coherent ones.

“Mom, do you think we can stop at the store tomorrow? I wanted to pick up some new school clothes, and I still need some supplies,” Rarity said with eloquence.

“But Rarittttyy...” said Belle, “...mom was going to take me to get registered tomorrow! It’s my first year of highschool and I need to be ready!”

The car pulled into a high cement driveway, “Well Rare, if you can find a way to get to the mall, I can give you the money...but I really do need to register Belle,” their mother said, impartially.

“How would I find a ride?” Rarity thought to herself. Her car had not arrived from her dad’s yet, and unless some random person was feeling benevolent, there was no way for her to get to the mall. The bus being out of the question. It was far too dirty and homely, or so Rarity dogmatically thought. She had always tried to hold herself to a more sophisticated, higher standard. I guess she could just walk, how far could it be?


Very Far. Rarity had to walked a couple long, repetitive blocks on her way down to Pattonville central mall. Although the blocked sun and moist winter air made the journey a lot easier and less sweaty than it would have been, Rarity wasn't used to this kind of physical labour. Back home, her father's chauffeur would drive her anywhere she wanted if she found herself without her car.

As she approached the grassy, cemented paths that led to the main entrance, Rarity looked around at her peers. Other 17 and 18 year old kids were crowded outside Borders and Starbucks, talking and laughing, the cold mist floating around them. Rarity nervously turned into the bookstore, hoping to cut through it and avoid unwanted attention. It was odd not knowing anyone. Peering behind at a group of girls her age, Rarity could almost imagine herself right there, enjoying her time with her friends...if only she made some.

Rarity gracefully swerved around the few people reading and talking quietly, her flowing outfit would have surely caught those other kids attentions, but in here everyone seemed to be too busy. As she exited Borders and entered the main section of the mall, her anxious dread was washed away. This mall was much smaller than the one she was accustomed too, it was also more welcoming. Decorations and statues lined the walls and gave the building a warm feeling that seemed to make the chilly cloud outside much more bearable.

Rarity's eyes scanned the stores until she found that looked amazing. A large clothing store had a plethora of mannequins in elegant beautiful outfits. Rarity walked up to the large glass barrier and stared upon the magnificent dresses. Her eyes, longingly staring at the vibrant clothes on display, her nose almost touching the glass as she leaned in closer.

"They are so beautiful..." said a quiet voice next to Rarity.

Rarity smiled and turned to see a small girl. She knew it wasn’t smart to talk to strangers, but this girls light pink hair and soft eyes were welcoming and reassuring.

Rarity opened her mouth but could not think of anything to say, she just shook her head gently up and down.

The jumped as she noticed Rarity beside her. "Oh! Did I say that out loud?" The small girl said, turning from Rarity and slowly starting to walk away. As her small legs walked carried her away, face red from blushing, something fell out of her pocket. Rarity was about to call out to her when her phone started to vibrate in her pocket.

It turns out the registration was a lot faster and easier than Belle had made it out to be, and that her mother would be there to pick her up soon. Rarity sighed as she walked towards the small object on the ground. It seems that “Faith Shay” had dropped her I.D. after taking off. Noticing the girl went to the same school Rarity was going to be attending, Rarity pocketed the card and planned to give it to her later. Turning away from the dresses, Rarity, walked back towards Borders to leave the mall and wait in the parking lot area. Her mom wouldn’t be there for a while, but she knew the walk wasn't worth it.


Present Time:

Rarity was incredibly joyous when she found out she didn't have to go to her registration day. She had already filled in the paperwork and turned it in, her mother offered to go in and do everything else in person. Rarity took another spoonful of cereal as she watched the morning news in her pajamas. Registration, a bunch of strange kids walking around, it didn't sound all that great. Rarity's mom had insisted she get use to that kind of thing because life wasn't going to be like it was at her last school.

The all girl academy Rarity attended back with her father always kept people at the standard of being better than everyone else, shaping the girls there into "Responsible Women for Today's Society". School started early, ended late, it wasn’t fun at all and Rarity could hardly ever see her dad seeing as he was always working throughout the night.

Rarity didn't mind that though, she was taught that hard work like that was what people should be most proud of. Rarity practiced what she preached, staying up into the early hours of dawn, studying and working.

Belle lazily walked into the living room with a plate of eggs and toast. "I could teach you how to cook sometime," she snickered, eyeing Rarity's bowl of cereal.

Rarity shot Belle a menacing glance, before getting up to take care off her empty dish. Rarity slyly creeped behind Belle in the living room, making her way to the front door, she didn’t feel like hearing any sarcastically annoying jokes. Turning the cold metal knob slowly, she slipped out into the cold morning air, the sprinklers spraying an array of water on the dewy grass and the cloudy sky thickening overhead.

Rarity pressed herself against a wooden pillar holding up the porch roof and began to think. “How could I end up in such a place, after I had worked so hard to become a somebody. After I persevered with adversity and overcame the incredible endeavours I faced. Now...now I am alone again, back at the beginning of the road, forced to pave the path again. Maybe this time around I can be someone new...be...myself...for once.” Rarity began to tear up.

As the cool foggy air and clouds filled the sky, a light drizzle of rain began to pour. Rarity stared longingly at the sky, wishing she knew the answers. What was she going to do in this new and intimidating place? What did her future hold? What was she going to do... As the wet drops landed on her face they trickled into her mouth. The rain was awfully salty today.

Comments ( 15 )

Good stuff, though in the last sentence, I think you want 'awfully' instead of 'offaly'

Keep on writin' :twilightsmile:

By God, that's an adorable picture.....Damn.

If you made this a 2nd person Romance, I would love you. Sadly, it's not. But I'll upvote for picture.

Which author wrote this?

1142795 actually the kinda are diamonds and coal are both composed of carbon when coal is exposed th intense heat and pressure for a long time it becomes diamonds. in other words shut up and let me read.:twilightangry2:


For TL:DR folks: SCIENCE!

I love this! I can't wait to see you make more installments! The picture looks great, and I'm excited to see where you take this.


Who do you think wrote it? (Literal Question, not a Sarcastic Remark)

1143348 I dunno! Mageli or Foxxy?


Mageli isnt in the group anymore, lol.


Life ANEW!
Anew is one word, not two.
Not a big fan of humanized ponies. I will take my leave here...


Also, I don't write humanized fics, I tend to stay away from them

1143400 Really? I didn't know!


Yeah, Magic told me, and I thought it was a good idea. Just because we both run things differently.

Wow People really don't like Humanized Fics, this is the like the worst story I've written apparently.

1143790 It was doing good at first. 9 likes and 0 dislikes. I just don't know what went wrong:derpytongue2:

Good story can't wait till the next chapter. :raritywink:

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