• Published 4th Jul 2020
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My Little Pony: How the Magic of Friendship Grows (Season 1) - Majestical4729

A new series that stars Luster Dawn and her best friends as they attempt to improve friendship.

  • ...

11. Apple House

Author's Note:

Apple House serves as the eleventh episode of the series. The episode and its title are inspired by the animated TV Show, The Loud House.

Summary: The Heroic Ten visit the Apple Bloom and her husband, Tender Taps' family and housemates, who reside in Caramel's former residence, to help the large family become better creatures in order to start a space-saving campaign.

Featured Characters:

Juicy Apple, a teenaged earth pony, Apple Bloom's paternal relative, Apple Orchard and Haystack's only daughter.

Apple Orchard, Juicy Apple's mother and Apple Bloom's paternal relative, who is in her fifties.

Haystack, Juicy Apple's father, the husband of Apple Orchard, and Apple Bloom's paternal relative-by-marriage. Despite not being born a member of the Apple Family, he speaks like a farmer.

Boiled Pear, an elderly Earth Pony. Despite being called 'Grandpa Boiled Pear', he is not the grandfather of any creature, since he is never married. Due to being a member of the Pear Family, he is Apple Bloom's maternal relative.

Pear Sweet, Apple Bloom's eight-years-old maternal relative. Like Luster Dawn, she and her younger sister, Pear Treat were not raised by her parents, but raised by their relatives far away from their parents.

Pear Treat, Apple Bloom's six-year-old maternal relative, Pear Sweet's younger sister.

Tender Apple, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps' first born foal. Similar to her maternal cousin, Big Sugar, she is named after her parents. She is slightly older than her twin brother.

Bright Butter, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps' second-born foal, named after Apple Bloom's parents, Bright Mac and Pear Butter, so that the family can always remember the late ponies.

Dacite, a male adult Diamond Dog. He was involved in the speed dating event in 'Development of Relationships' with Rosa, despite not having any lines in the said chapter/episode. He is named after a type of rock called dacite.

Rosa, a female adult abyssinian. She is named after the scientific name of roses, rosa.

In the Castle Throne Room, books and long scripts of paper were scattered all over the place, with Equestria's newest heroes looking through them.

"Not long after the first speed dating event, we can't doubt that new couples and families will be formed in a not-so distant future," Sunshine Rays reminded every creature.

"And more families mean more buildings and residences are needed!" Falcon Dive pointed out.

"Every reason we are checking on the population and land of Equestria and Beyond to see if we really have enough or not," Volcano added.

"I just hope we have more than we need!" Nature Bloom whimpered.

"But not too much! Too much is not good!" Evergreen stated, "No matter what it is."

"Good news every creature, I figured out that more apartments are being build in the big cities like Manehattan and Las Pegasus, and they probably will be enough to hold one hundred families!" Luster announced.

"One hundred?! That isn't even one tenth of all the families in Equestria and Beyond!" Alkali shrieked.

"Glad to see some creature really knowing her Geography and Social Studies," Volcano commented, earning a glare from every creature, making him gulp, "But still...problems are problems, and solving them is necessary."

"Housing and population problems are serious! We need to do everything in our power to prevent them from happening! Especially before they can even happen!" Luster declared.

"But how are ten creatures going to fix a problem like that?" Krona asked.

"We can just tell Princess Twilight that Equestria and Beyond need more residences and apartments!" Yellow Bright suggested.

"But wouldn't that cost materials and land?" Buffer asked.

"And destroy natural habitats?" Nature Bloom added.

"Now that you mentioned the, idea thrown out the window," Yellow Bight plainly said.

"Or maybe we should invite our families to live in the castle with us? So they can sell their former residents to some creatures?" Falcon Dive suggested.

"But their jobs are in their hometowns! It is really inconvenient for them to go there from here, and come here from there!" Buffer pointed out.

"Or maybe we should open the Castle of Friendship to creatures? As in, make it like a building to house many, like an apartment block in Manhattan?" Evergreen suggested.

"But it doesn't have enough bathrooms if that many creatures live in it! The Tree of Harmony must never had thought of that when it grew this castle," Sunshine Rays protested.

"Well, maybe we should tell Princess Twilight to call off the next speed dating? I mean, we can't have too many creatures!" Yellow Bright suggested.

"But we still NEED those births and future young adults!" Sunshine Rays remonstrated.

"Or maybe we should suggest a law? I mean, a law to prevent having too many births, like, for example, each couple can only have one to two children. Although, triplets or more born at the same time are acceptable." Volcano suggested.

"That is a great idea, Volcano!" Alkali commented.

"But the residence problem is still unsolved," Krona reminded.

Every creature groaned in unison, as they had more thinking to do.

"Just when we could finally take a break from thinking of all these suggestions," Nature Bloom commented.

"If only every creature can reside in the houses and residences that their families already own, so they won't need new ones!" Falcon Dive announced, giving Luster an idea.

"You know what, Falcon Dive? You're a genius! If every creature resides with their families, they won't need new residences!" Luster exclaimed.

"But, wouldn't that makes things very squeezed?" Krona asked.

"Actually, the needs of the residents are not usually the problem: it usually is the wants and desires of the residents, that are the problem." Volcano explained, "I went to Alkali's home before, and even though there were only five hippogriffs, or should I say, used to have five hippogriffs residing there, before Alkali moved away, the place was full of stuff, that were mostly things that aren't needed, or not needed anymore. In other words, they are wants!"

The dragon then turned to his hippogriff best friend, "Sorry I told every creature about your home without your permission."

"It's alright, Volcano, I understand that they need an example!" Alkali assured.

"So the problem is everything they don't need is taking up space! Easy! We can handle that by being selfless and abandoning our desires!" Falcon Dive proudly declared.

"Easy for a fan of selflessness to do so, but not for those who aren't!" Sunshine Rays remarked.

"But, maybe if we taught them selflessness, and our Elements of Purity, they will get rid of everything that they don't need, and free up some space for more creatures in their homes!" Luster figured.

"Now that's the idea every creature needs!" Krona commented.

"I agree and accept the idea," Evergreen announced.

"Told every creature that there is always a bright side," Yellow Bright added.

"So, where shall we start?" Falcon Dive asked.

"In the house in Ponyville with the most creatures living in it: Madam Apple Bloom's house!" Luster declared.

After the series' theme song intro played, Apple Bloom was seen leaving the School of Friendship with her best friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, for home. After crossing the bridge that connected the school with the shore on the other side, the Cutie Mark Crusaders bumped into the newest heroes they knew.

"The Heroic Ten! It's been long since we last saw you!" Apple Bloom greeted.

"Yeah, I mean, we never seem to encounter you after your graduation." Sweetie Belle explained.

"Except for the time when Head-mare Starlight and Vice-head stallion Sunburst took Luster around on a World Tour, we interacted with the nine of you," Scootaloo pointed out.

"Right..." Luster nervously chuckled, before asking Apple Bloom, "So, Madam Apple Bloom, do you still have ten creatures, including yourself, residing in your house?"

"Yeah, only, that house is actually Caramel's, my brother-in-law's, he donated it to members of the Apple Family after marrying my sister Applejack, and moving into the Barn. As soon as I was married to Tender Taps, I moved there with him, and took over being in charge of the house from the relatives who were in charge of it before I came," Apple Bloom explained, "But by the way, back to the main point, there are ten creatures, including myself, living there."

"And there would have been ten creatures living in Carousel Boutique if Button Mash and I lived there, and took our daughter with us." Sweetie Belle added, "But I live with Button and his parents in their residence, so I live in an environment with five creatures, including myself."

"Rumble and I live with my aunts, and our daughter, so that's five creatures in our residence." Scootaloo stated.

"Same as me!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed, hi-hoofing Scootaloo.

"While I'm different, having to live with nine other creatures isn't as good as it sounds," Apple Bloom sadly stated.

"Um, hello? You're talking to ten creatures who live together with four unicorns older than them; Head-mare Starlight, Vice Head-stallion Sunburst, Guidance Counsellor Trixie and Miss Sunset Shimmer!" Falcon Dive told the Earth Pony.

"Hello, you live in a huge castle, while we live in a house!" Apple Bloom reminded.

"Back to the point: living in a house with nine other creatures is hard, isn' it?" Luster asked.

"It is." Apple Bloom sighed, "In a family as big a mine, everything is a competition for wants and needs. We have to race to the bathroom, we have to do a lot of dishwashing every day, we have to clean up, we have a lot of things..."

"That is what we came to talk to you about!" Sunshine Rays told Apple Bloom, "We just decided to teach our virtues to families, and have chosen to start with your big family!"

"Really? You guys are kidding, aren't you?" Scootaloo asked.

"Heroic Ten won't lie! They are helping families learn the Elements of Purity!" Krona responded.

"And we figured that a family like Madam Apple Bloom's would really need it urgently," Nature Bloom pointed out.

"So, is it alright for us to meet your big family and teach them virtues the whole day?" Luster asked.

Apple Bloom thought for a while before responding, "Alright. But just for one day, it is difficult to ensure ten out of ten creatures are all well and available on the one same day in my family."

A few days later, Apple Bloom and her husband Tender Taps led the Heroic Ten to their residence.

"Now remember, things are far from perfect in there," Apple Bloom reminded the creatures.

"So don't be shocked to see what's in there, we know!" Buffer responded.

"Alright, every creature," Apple Bloom announced, "Meet my big family!"

The door opened to reveal a noisy, messy house occupied by Earth Ponies of different ages.

"Wow, you are not kidding..." Evergreen said, staring at what she was seeing.

"Alright, every creature, like I told you the other day, the Heroic Ten will be coming over to..." Apple Bloom began, before being cut off by one of her relatives.

"Visit us! We know, thanks to you, and we're all so excited!"

"Calm down, Juicy Apple, the heroes are here for more than visits!" Apple Bloom reminded her paternal relative.

"Luster Dawn, the star student of Princess Twilight Sparkle, isn't it?" Juicy Apple's mother, Apple Orchard, asked the unicorn.

"Yes...and the biological daughter of the Heads of the School of Friendship," Luster added.

"Volcano and Alkali, you're teachers, aren't you?!" Pear Sweet, one of Apple Bloom's maternal relatives asked the dragon and hippogriff.

"Partially correct: I am the teacher, and Alkali is my teaching assistant whom I rely on to ensure the students pay attention and not fall asleep during class," Volcano corrected.

"And since we're older than you, you better call us Mr. for males, and Miss for females, instead of our names," Alkali pointed out.

"Alright, Miss," Pear Sweet's younger sister, Pear Treat responded, before calling the rest of the Heroic Ten, "And Mr., and Miss, and Miss, and Mr..."

"That's not what I meant!" Alkali panicked and shook her claws and flew after the filly.

Falcon Dive watched the chaos unfold just before he turned his attention to one of Apple Bloom's paternal relatives, Haystack, the father of Juicy Apple.

"Howdy, griffon." the Earth Pony greeted like a farmer.

"It's Falcon Dive, as in, I'm Falcon Dive," the griffon told the adult.

"Ah, Falcon Dive, Element of Selflessness, isn't it?" Haystack asked.

"Yes, and still is." Falcon Dive plainly answered.

"What is all the commotion?!" an old voice asked, before every creature turned to see its owner: Apple Bloom's maternal relative, Boiled Pear.

"Grandpa Boiled Pear, " Tender Taps greeted his in-law, before whispering to the heroes, "Grandpa Boiled Pear is not any creature's grandpa, he never married! We just call him that!"

"Alright...now you have seen the oldest member of the family, it's time for you to meet the two youngest ones!" Apple Bloom told her guests, rushing off to bring her twins.

"Meet Tender Apple, we decided to name her that, after ourselves, just like her cousin Big Sugar was named after his parents." Tender Taps explained.

"And meet her younger twin brother, Bright Butter, named after his maternal grandparents, my parents, Bright Mac and Pear Butter, so we can remember them," Apple Bloom explained.

"They are so...adorable!" Nature Bloom squealed, a second before Alkali was heard panting.

"And this...is Miss Nature Bloom, she's the changeling and Element of Niceness of the Heroic Ten," the hippogriff exhausted told the Pear children, collapsing in tiredness.

"Wow! The Heroic Ten is so...awesome!" Pear Sweet exclaimed.

"I wish our family can be different in species, too! Then we can be like the Heroic Ten!" Pear Treat added.

"I completely advise against that wish! I mean, wanting to change what you biologically are born as isn't right!" Sunshine Rays told the kids.

"Anyway, here's a better introduction of my family members, or should I say, relatives, who reside with me and Tender, excluding ourselves" Apple Bloom began, "From youngest to oldest: Bright Butter, Tender Apple, Pear Treat, Pear Sweet, Juicy Apple, Apple Orchard, Haystack, and Boiled Pear."

"Wow, that's unique!" Yellow Bright commented.

"But, where are Pear Sweet and Pear Treat's parents?" Evergreen asked.

"Well, they live far away in a Pear Farm, they actually have a lot of kids that can't afford to take care of, so they sent some of those kids away to be taken care of their relatives who don't live with them! They sent Pear Sweet and Pear Treat here, when the two were born. Therefore, these Pear sisters were never raised by their biological parents!" Apple Bloom explained.

"I totally know how that feels, experiencing that myself. " Luster declared.

"But, do they ever get to see and remain in contact with their parents?" Buffer asked.

"They do, but not very often, a few times every year." Tender Taps answered.

"That's...so...sad!" Krona declared.

"It's just what happens when you cannot afford to take care of kids: you need to hand them to some creature who can, while you do your job." Luster explained.

"At least it's better than showing that you care about the children more than you care about your job, to the point that you don't care about your job at all." Sunshine Rays pointed out.

"Anyways, Tender and I really appreciate your offer to help our family, Heroic Ten," Apple Bloom gratefully told the ten creatures.

"But unfortunately, we have to go out today, so we can't see how you progress, as in, how you are going to help our family improve...whatever they need to improve on," Tender Taps added.

"But we know that we can trust you ten, especially when you all have been in my Honesty Classes for months, in other words, you are my former students, and I know you all mighty well now," Apple Bloom pointed out.

"We will not let you down," Luster replied.

"Apple Bloom! Tender Taps!" Button Mash, Sweetie Belle's husband, could be heard calling from outside.

"What are you waiting for? We are supposed to go on ou plans, like planned!" Rumble, Scootaloo's husband, added.

"Coming!" Apple Bloom called to the ponies outside, before telling the heroes, "We got to go!"

"Goodbye! Or...see you later?" Yellow Bright responded.

"Whatever, as if choosing between that phrase and clause were important," Sunshine Rays commented.

"And how do you know that one is a phrase, and the other is a clause?" Nature Bloom asked.

"Clauses have subject-verb combination, phrases do not!" Sunshine Rays answered.

"Glad to see some creature not confused, nor wondering the difference between them," Volcano stated.

"Alright, now. All we have to do is get them too..." Luster began instructing her team, before Falcon Dive cut her off.

"Be selfless and abandon all their non-needs to free up space!"

Unfortunately, his sentence was said in a volume loud enough for the residents to hear.

"What?! But...I love my toys!" Pear Treat cried.

"And I love my collection!" Pear Sweet added.

"All my childhood stuff..." Juicy Apple stated.

"And my extra dresses!" Apple Orchard contributed.

"Calm down, every creature,I know it sounds difficult for you, but maybe it won't be once we teach you the Elements of Purity," Evergreen assured.

"You mean your imaginary myth?" Boiled Pear asked.

"How dare you call those virtues, good values, an imaginary myth!" Sunshine Rays instantly confronted the elderly Earth Pony.

"Sunshine?" Buffer called, making the pegasus retreat and nervous chuckle.

"Whoops, sorry, every creature, I must not have mastered patience yet, and you all know me, I have a very intense dislike for immorality."

"Back to the main point, we are not against your desires because we want things our way," Alkali told the Earth Ponies residing in the house.

"Heroic Ten do it, because they want what is BEST for every creature!" Krona declared.

"And that means encouraging you all to change your ways and become who you need to be," Volcano ended.

"What are you talking about? We are fine, getting along with our family!" Haystack asked.

"We may have fights and arguments with each other every week, but we always get along in the end," Apple Orchard stated.

"And we already barely get what we want, living with many others takes away our freedom to get a lot of stuff," Juicy Apple briefly glared at her relatives-by-marriage, before turning back to the heroes, "And getting to keep our favourite toys and objects is all we can ask for."

"And we're keeping them!" Pear Sweet declared.

"Absolutely!" Pear Treat supported her.

Seeing that encouraging the family to change would not be easy, Luster called for a team huddle.

"Alright, every creature, we only have less than twelve hours to change this family for the better, and it sure won't be easy!" Luster told the creatures.

"Maybe we can tell them that we will give whoever has the best personality characteristics today will get a prize? And give them a gem as the prize?" Alkali suggested.

"But that will just get them to think that good deeds are done in order to get rewards, when the good deed being done is the reward," Sunshine Rays remarked.

"Or maybe we should make them see that valuing the Elements of Purity is great and enjoyable?" Yellow Bright asked, "By making it look fun?"

"Good idea, Yellow Bright!" Evergreen praised.

"But one problem: How are we going to make it look fun?" Nature Bloom asked.

"We can always invent a new game," Falcon Dive suggested.

"Good idea! I suggest we create the game, 'Follow the Rules', the winner will be whoever can follow all the rules, without breaking any single one of them!" Sunshine Rays announced.

"What if they detest it and call it boring? No offence, really, but, before Alkali came, my students slept through my classes, probably because they weren't fun." Volcano informed.

So, we ned a good approach," Evergreen figured, "Any creature got an idea?"

"Well, I suggest that we..." Buffer began, before he was cut off by Falcon Dive.

"Spend individual time with them! Each of them! And teach them our Elements of Purity values!"

"but I was suggesting that we..." Buffer began, but he was once again unheard, as Luster praised the griffon.

"That is a great idea!"

"Plus, teaching morality is what I always wanted to do, ever since I was fourteen." Sunshine Rays added.

"But.." was all Buffer could utter as his best friends rushed pass him, to his dismay.

"Buffer, what are you waiting for? We got work to do!" Yellow Bright called.

"Coming!" the buffalo replied.

"Alright, so I have decided, that we go in a circle so no creature will miss out an Element of Purity," Luster explained.

"But how long are we going to be with each family member before we switch?" Nature Bloom asked.

"Fifteen minutes, because in one hour, each member could see four of us! So it takes two and a half hours for them to see us all!" Luster explained.

"But who will be with who at the beginning?" Krona asked.

"And, what order will we be going in?"Yellow Bright added.

"We will be the creatures going around while the family members will be staying in place." Luster explained, "And we will be going in the clockwise order of the Elements of Purity, as in, the order we introduced them."

"Good to know the order, but you still haven't answered the question of who is with who at the beginning," Evergreen pointed out.

"Oh, right," Luster responded, "Now, at the beginning, Krona will be with Boiled Pear, Buffer will be with Bright Butter, Sunshine Rays will be with Tender Apple, Volcano will be with Pear Treat, Nature Bloom will be with Pear Sweet, Alkali will be with Juicy Apple, Evergreen will be with Apple Orchard, Yellow Bright will be with Haystack, while Falcon Dive and I will be observing all of you until the fifteen minutes time is up, and I'll spend time with Boiled Pear, and soon after the next fifteen minutes, Falcon Dive will move up and see Boiled Pear, since Madam Apple Bloom and Mr. Tender Taps aren't here."

"So, it's going in a circle, we can handle that!" Falcon Dive commented.

Meanwhile, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and their husbands were visiting the restaurant, Tasty Treat in Canterlot, which was still ran by Saffron Masala.

After getting a table, the adults started ordering food, after the orders were made, the six ponies started a chat with one another.

"So, every creature, what should we talk about? Can't start nor talk without a topic," Scootaloo asked.

"Well, we can always talk about life, like Rarity visiting me with her kids, but without Spike since he was busy, recently," Sweetie Belle started.

"And how did that visit go?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Normal and nothing special. Regular slice of life," Sweetie Belle groaned.

"Well, things are never slice of life in my ten creatures house," Apple Bloom commented.

"You mean, our ten creatures house," Tender Taps reminded his wife.

Apple Bloom chuckled, "Right, Tender Taps. Now, I was saying, things are never slice of life in our house, with that many creatures living in it. I mean, it's like living in a jungle!"

Flashbacks began as Apple Bloom narrated.

"Every time the infants cry, some creature has to check on them, regardless of what they are doing!"

The scene showed Apple Bloom taking a shower when she heard her babies wailing, before she stepped out of the tub with a tower wrapped around her body.

"Pear Treat and Pear Sweet often get into a lot of mischief,"

The scene showed the fillies running around the house, nearly destroying some fragile jars and plates, which would had fallen to the floor and shattered if it were not for Tender Taps.

"The two Pear sisters always need help with homework, schoolwork, their subjects! Even basic math questions!"

The scene showed Pear Sweet asking Apple Bloom, "Aunt Apple Bloom, what is 9 times 10?"

"Isn't it obvious? 90. Any number that isn't a decimal or a fraction, multiplied by 10, is just putting a zero at the end of it!" Apple Bloom face-hoofed.

"What is a decimal? And what is a fraction?" Pear Sweet asked, before her sister asked.

"Aunt Apple Bloom, do you know what five plus five is?"

"Ten..." Apple Bloom plainly answered.

"Juicy Apple may be a teenager, but she doesn't do any work! Except for her homework!"

The scene showed Juicy Apple in her room, as Tender Taps was at her door, trotting towards her.

"Juicy Apple, can you please sweep the floor today?" Tender Taps asked.

"Sorry, Uncle Tender, I got homework today," Juicy Apple responded.

"That's what you said the last time!" Tender Taps complained.

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid getting more work is just part of my life," Juicy Apple told her uncle, to his annoyance.

"The housewife, Apple Orchard, cannot handle two infants, two fillies and an elderly all at once!"

The scene showed Apple Orchard being overwhelmed by the family members she had to take care of, as they were all in the living room giving her demands.

"Aunt Apple Orchard, can you help us with our homework?" the Pear sisters asked in unison.

"Apple Orchard! Where is my water?" Boiled Pear asked.

The infants suddenly wailed as a horrible smell spread to the surroundings through diffusion.

"What is that awful smell?" Pear Sweet asked.

"Sorry, every creature! Infants first!" Apple Orchard apologised, rushing off to the cradle.

"But... we are all born before they were! So it should be us first!" Pear Treat protested.

"Correction, missy. I'm the oldest creature here, so I should be first, I'm the first-born in this house!" Boiled Pear argued.

"Haystack is not good with understanding instructions,"

The scene showed Apple Orchard and her husband in the living room near the door, with her walking pass him.

"Haystack, can you please take Juicy Apple and the Pear sisters to Sweet Apple Acres the next day?" Apple Orchard asked.

"Sure thing, hon. Is it taking them there tomorrow?" Haystack asked.

"I thought you said sure thing!" Apple Orchard complained.

"Well, I did....but I just wanted to make it really clear..." Haystack struggled to reply.

"And every time when we have cake, pie, or pizza to share..."

The scene showed the family in the Dining Room, sitting on their seats around the Dining Table, just as Apple Bloom came walking in with a plate that had slices of cake on it.

"Last few pieces of cake! Who wants it?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I do!" every creature with the exception of the infants, exclaimed in unison.

"But...we don't have enough to share. Maybe we should cut them into even smaller fractions..." Apple Bloom nervously told her family.

The plate was snatched from Apple Bloom's hoof as the family members fought each other for the final slices, determined to not be the unlucky creature.

"And whenever just one member of the family gets sick, the whole house will be like under lockdown, or...taking disease preventive measures!"

The scene then showed two bored Pear sisters wearing masks as they looked out the living room window.

"Can we please take off our masks?" Pear Sweet asked Tender Taps.

"Sorry, we need to keep wearing them so we won't catch the same illness Grandpa Boiled Pear has!" Tender Taps apologised.

"And we need to wait until he is well?" Pear Treat complained.

"It's for our health," Tender Taps insisted.

The three then turned to see Apple Bloom and Apple Orchard, who were mopping the floor and spraying ammonia around the house to keep it clean.

After all the flashbacks ended, Rumble commented, "Well, try to make the most out of your adventures, because Scootaloo and I don't have something like that everyday."

"They aren't adventures, we experience those things every single day, and got used to it." Tender Taps responded plainly.

"Here's your orders!" Saffron Masala told the six ponies, using her magic to levitate their food onto their table.

"Mmm...smells delicious!" Sweetie Belle commented after bringing her nose up close to smell the scent of the food.

"It's not like anything we ever had back in Ponyville!" Button Mash added.

"Why don't taste it?" Saffron Masala asked.

Sweetie Belle did as Saffron suggested, levitating her (Sweetie Belle's) spoon and scooping a mouthful of food. After sending the food into her mouth and swallowing it, the white-coated unicorn commented, "It tastes...divine!"

"Wow, you really mastered your sister's ways, Sweetie," Button Mash commented.

"Oh, Button, I only talk like she does a few times," Sweetie Belle blushed.

"Anyway, let's just make the most out of our hangout today!" Scootloo reminded her best friends.

"You're right, Scootaloo! Let's just eat and make the most out of today! Plus, the Heroic Ten can probably handle my family," Apple Bloom responded, but she unintentionally said her sentence out loud that Saffron and several customers around them could hear, and cast their attention at the Earth Pony.

"Wait. The Heroic Ten are handling your family?" Saffron asked.

"Well, that's because they wanted to?" Apple Bloom nervously replied.

"What?! Why would they want to choose a family in a village, rather thann a family in the capital city of the kingdom; Canterlot?!" a well-dressed Canterlot unicorn asked.

"Well...they are planning to families virtues..." Apple Bloom stated.

"Then will they come to see our families? I mean...teach our families?" another Canterlot pony asked.

"Well...they do want to teach virtues to families, so...they probably will like it if you want them to teach you..." Apple Bloom answered.

"Then please ask them to teach us!" the customers in the restaurant exclaimed in unison, overwhelming Apple Bloom and her best friends.

"Hey, back when our sisters and our friends were the heroes of Equestria who kept saving it from threats, no creature sees to show so much attention towards them!" Sweetie Belle pointed out.

"Any idea why you would be interested in new heroes who had only saved all of us from a villain once, when the Council of Friendship, who had saved us all a million times before they became the Council, and no creature treated them like heroes!" Scootaloo added.

"We're sorry, nut the Council of Friendship aren't here," one of the customers pointed out.

"Neither as any of the heroic Ten," Tender Taps reminded.

"But the Heroic Ten has been becoming more of the...popular heroes, especially ever since they were featured in the best book in Equestria and Beyond..." another customer began, before Scootaloo sarcastically named the book.

"An Author Meets the Heroic Ten, True Story, based on the events of the Heroic Ten helping the author write a better book than the most popular one before it, because the heroes knew the consequences of having a bad influence being popular."

"And the song they created, about the Real, true best. They really are inspiring," Saffron commented, daydreaming bout the heroes.

"But, the Council of Friendship wrote and published their Friendship Journal and sung for a crowd before!" Sweetie Belle pointed out.

"There is no record or disc or whatever to record their song!" one of the customers remarked.

"And, the Heroic Ten were the creatures who brought that wonderful event that made me meet and get along with my newest friend, Rosa," a Diamond Dog said in a somewhat romantic tone as he embraced his mentioned fried, a female abyssinian.

"Oh, Dacite, we just got along well thanks to them," Rosa reminded.

"Whatever!" Scootaloo interrupted, "Can we just go back to normal? As in, back to having meals here?"

"Right after you promise to take us to see the newest heroes that we are fans of!" one of the customers ran straight up to Apple Bloom, influencing others to queue up behind him.

Meanwhile, in the house, Buffer watched he youngest resident sleeping and sighed.

"Nothing much to do, watching a baby," the buffalo then turned to his pegasus Best Friend, "Sunshine, how is your side going? As in, how things are going?"

"Things are going fine! With Tender Apple asleep, I got plenty of time planning how I'm going to teach the residents here morality! As in, which things are right, or should I say...help them identify what is right and wrong in some situations, and don't you worry, Moonshade Fright is back in the Castle, and won't be showing up here to scare some creature!" was the reply.

"Good to know that things are going good for you so far, and, since you seem to be more available than the others, maybe you can get them too..." Buffer began, before they heard Krona throwing a temper.

"WHAT?! How dare old pony say that!"

"Uh-oh..." Sunshine Rays and Buffer said in unison, rushing in the direction of the sound and finding the two in the elderly's bedroom, with the yak furious at Boiled Pear.

"Yaks should not smash! They'll destroy lots of things faster than we can create them," the elderly said, enraging Krona.

"Yaks smash! Yaks should smash! Yaks smash as a tradition! Yaks always smash!" Krona roared.

"Krona! You only smash sometimes, not really all the time." Buffer pointed out, just before they heard Volcano going crazy.

In the Study Room, Volcano lost his patience, saying his words out loud, "I can't believe it! I have never seen any creature your age not knowing all this basic stuff! You must have went through them a million times with the rest of your class! How can you not know that 1+2+3? Are you dependent on a calculator that you have been using all the time?!"

"Sorry, I just...can't remember this kind of thing..." Pear Treat apologised, just before the dragon's bst friends opened the door.

"Volcano, what is wrong?" Sunshine Rays asked.

"Some creature can't remember the most basic things..." Volcano answered.

Every creature then heard another commotion nearby, as they heard their Best Friend, Alkali crying out.

"I was only trying to help!"

In the hallway upstairs, Falcon Dive confronted his hippogriff Best Friend for teaching Juicy Apple to use her (Alkali's) method of cleaning the floor: Skating on soap bars.

"Seriously, Alkali. You should know that not every creature learnt to skate, and Juicy doesn't have wings like you do! You are lucky that her head and brain and skull are protected by her helmet, but at the same time, not giving her a whole body safety gear is still not good! Especially when you're teaching her to do something that can risk her falling down and breaking her bones!" Falcon Dive scolded.

"I'm sorry, I just thought that if she learnt my method, she wouldn't be so...not into cleaning anymore," Alkali responded.

"Well, well, well. Looks like some creature needs morality lessons so soon," Sunshine Rays commented, as she approached the scene through flying.

"Look out!" Apple Orchard shouted, as she slipped and slid on the hallway floor, crashing into her daughter and pushing them both towards the bathroom, hitting the pipes of the sink, causing the water to flow out like a water jet.

"Sorry, every creature. I was training Madam Apple Orchard to be quick and patient, but she slipped and...you all know," Evergreen apologised from the room Apple Orchard came slipping out of.

"What is going on up there?" Luster could be heard asking from downstairs.

After clearing up the mess, Luster paced around the living room, in front of her best friends and Apple Bloom's family.

"Alright every creature, we only got a few more hours before Madam Apple Bloom and Tender Taps return, so we got to hurry and make progress!"

"We already know that!" Haystack remarked.

"We just need another way to teach these values!" Sunshine Rays stated.

"Well, earlier, I was suggesting that we all teach the whole family at once like teachers in a school does!" Buffer told Luster.

"That's a good idea, Buffer! Why didn't you tall us earlier?" the unicorn responded.

"But I tried to tell you all about it earlier! Anyway, there's more to it than just that, I suggest that we..." Buffer began, but he was cut off by Yellow Bright.

"Teach the family our virtues one by one! In other words, we take turns teaching our Elements of Purity! As in, only one of us teach at a time, while the others stand by and wait for their turn!"

"But..." Buffer tried to say what he wanted o say, but unfortunately, he was ignored.

"Great idea, Yellow Bright! Now, we just need to find out an order, as in, a sequence, that we will go in," Luster declared.

"I know we may usually go in the order we put the Elements of Purity in, but I already prepared for teaching morality, so, may I go first? Please?" Sunshine Rays asked.

"Well, as long as every creature is alright with it," Luster replied.

"Krona needs some time to calm down. Pegasus can go before Krona," Krona told the creatures.

"And since I already started teaching diligence, I'm sure I can go fine, being the second-in-line," Volcano added.

"Well, I usually don't like being the only creature the crowd looks at, but with ou all nearby, I'm sure I can handle it," Nature Bloom figured.

"And don't worry, I will be more careful and check on safety, before I do anything not acceptable..." Alkali nervously chuckled.

"I can teach patience to a whole class of creatures! I do have a job as a mediation teacher after all, and I can patiently wait for my turn," Evergreen assured.

"Positivity is my thing since a long time ago! I can teach that after Evergreen's turn," Yellow Bright stated.

"And I know what I should teach about being selfless!" Falcon Dive claimed.

"Great, now let's get started! The order will be Sunshine, Volcano, Nature, Alkali, Evergreen, Yellow, Falcon, me, Krona then Buffer, before it repeats," Luster announced, "We do not have much time, so we are starting now!"

"Did they all just forget about me?" Buffer asked himself, as he watched his best friends walk pass him to the side of the house.

"Come on, Buffer, give the Apples and Pears some space! They are learning, while you aren't!" Evergreen called.

"Coming!" Buffer replied, joining most o his best friends at the side of the room, watching Sunshine Rays teach from afar.

"Now, the definition of morality is principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong, or good and bad behaviour, but it actually means a lot more than that. It is also knowing and doing what is right, because when you are moral, you care about if something is right or wrong!And will choose right over wrong!" Sunshine Rays explained.

Bored and knowing that his turn was the furthest away, Buffer started to walk towards the door that was the entrance and exit of the house.

"Where is Buffer going?" Krona asked.

"Outside to buy some drinks, I'm getting thirsty, anyway." Buffer answered.

"Alright, then. Just be sure that you can come back before your turn!" Luster called.

"And before we start worrying!" Falcon Dive added.

"Sure!" Buffer replied, before exiting.

Some time later, Buffer returned to Apple Bloom's residence, only to find that a problem had grown in his absence, as his best friends were arguing over who should be allowed to teach the residents that moment.

"They need to learn to be selfless in order to save space!" Falcon Dive argued.

"But they need encouragement to do that!" Alkali protested.

"They need to be diligent and work harder so that they won't need so many books!" Volcano joined in the argument.

"They need to do the right thing!" Sunshine Rays quarrelled.

"Telling the truth is important! The will make them trustworthy and trusted! Integrity should go first!" Krona disagreed with the rest.

"Every creature, stop!" Buffer shouted, catching their attention.

"Oh, hi, Buffer. You're back," Yellow Bright greeted.

"Every creature, what happened?" Buffer asked.

"Well, Sunshine Rays' morality stuff started to become something the family dislike," Krona explained.

"It's not that detestable nor unlovable!" Sunshine Rays furiously remarked.

"I tried to cheer them up by naming some positive things, but then when Grandpa Boiled Pear disagreed with one of my statements, I can't handle things....so Evergreen decided to fill in for me with her patience teachings," Yellow Bright continued.

"But then, the family found meditation uninteresting," Evergreen added.

"So I tried to help by encouraging them with encouraging lessons, that teaches them how to encourage one another..." Alkali contributed.

"The main point is, none of us made it up to fifteen minutes, as we kept on...having setbacks," Volcano pointed out.

"And just started this argument a few minutes before you came," Nature Bloom finished.

"Well, you are lucky I'm back. Because I have listened to you long enough, right now, I'm going to let myself be listened to, and not ignored." Buffer declared, "And here's what I have been trying to say since the start of our virtue teaching: We should teach the family virtues like a teacher teaches a class, but instead of one teacher, we should teach them altogether. Because we know that the Elements of Purity only make us pure and good, when all are present, and not just one."

"That is actually...undeniable," Luster commented.

"And you are right about the Elements of Purity only making us good when all are present and not just one," Sunshine Rays remarked, "I myself learnt that lesson the difficult way..."

"And we are all so sorry that we didn't listen to you," Evergreen apologised.

"And forgot about you when we decided to take turns teaching the whole family," Nature Bloom added.

"That's alright, every creature. Because right now, we got a family to tech!" Buffer announced.

In a montage, Krona and Nature Bloom taught the family how to tell truths in a respectful way so that they would not hurt any creature's feelings. Soon, Nature Bloom and Evergreen taught how to be nice and patient towards others, followed by Sunshine Rays and Falcon Dive, who taught he family what being moral and selfless was about. Soon, Buffer taught what good listening was, creating better harmony among every creature.

Luster Dawn then complimented her best friends, "Well done, every creature. It looks like our. work here is done, the family has improved, and it's all thanks to us," she then turned towards her buffalo Best Friend, "especially you, Buffer."

"No need to compliment, I know that listening doesn't mean just listening to any creature, every creature must not be ignored, including the listener themselves, because they would also have something to say. So at the end of the day, every creature is both, a listener, and some creature listened to!" Buffer declared.

"And thanks to listening, every creature is getting along!" Krona added, watching the family talk harmoniously from afar.

"And I got something to write to my mentor," Luster added, taking out a scroll and quit.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,
Today, my best friends and I learnt and found out that listening is a factor that leads to harmony and goodness in the land. Listeners do not just listen to any creature, they listen to what every creature has to say, including themselves. Followed by a spark of morality, they would do the rightful thing, and listen to whoever they knew was right, and that can either be some creature else, or the listeners themselves. When every creature is listened to, no creature will feel left out, even if their idea was not chosen, because when every creature is listened to, their existence is acknowledged, and when every creature is listened to, a good idea will not be so easily missed out.
Signed, your faithful student,
Luster Dawn

After Luster used her magic to send the letter away, there was a knock on the door.

"They're back!" the Pear sisters exclaimed.

Once the door was opened, Apple Bloom and Tender Taps were revealed on the other side of it, looking exhausted.

"Oh, heavens! Apple Bloom, Tender Taps, what happened to you two?" Apple Orchard asked in a concerned tone.

"It's a long story," Apple Bloom answered.

"And we need to see the Heroic Ten right away," Tender Taps added.

"We are all here, " Luster told the exhausted earth ponies, "So, why would you need us?"

"Well...remember what you said about your virtue-teaching campaign?" Apple Bloom asked.

"You know, saying that you want to teach families virtues?" Tender Taps clarified.

"Oh yeah. And guess what? We just taught your family enough in less than a day of twenty-four hours!" Falcon Dive proudly responded.

"They are now getting rid of mostly everything unneeded to free up space," Evergreen explained.

"Great! But um...do you think that many creatures wanting you to teach their families virtues, is alright?" Tender Taps asked.

"Sure it is alright! We need every creature to have virtues!" Sunshine Rays answered.

"Well...here's that every creature!" Apple Bloom said as she and Tender Taps stepped back to reveal the crowd of customers from Tasty Treat earlier, to the shock of the heroes.

"What?! That's a lot of work for us..." Volcano fainted as he was already tired from all he had that day.

Alkali helped her dragon Best Friend up, being watched by Krona and Buffer, while Falcon Dive face-clawed himself, Sunshine Rays, Evergreen, and Yellow Bright looked overwhelmed, Nature Bloom hid behind her best friends, while Luster Dawn gasped.

"This is going to take a while..." Luster muttered.