• Published 14th Jun 2020
  • 3,893 Views, 75 Comments

A Herd of Ponies and Ungulates - StatiZkyZ

Six ponies and six familiar creatures from a faraway land interacts in Equestria.

  • ...

The Champion of the Woodlands and the Princess of Friendship

“Now, be a good girl AND UNLEASH CHAOS OUT THERE! Or, whatever it is that you like to do.”

With one more stroke on her head, Paprika flees with great speed away from Fred towards the residents of Ponyville who have no idea what’s coming for them, except one certain pony. As the alpaca’s giggles fade in the distance, Oleander sighed.

“We’ve been on a journey together for quite some time, yet I still have difficulty understanding you, Fred.” The unicorn said as she and her demon companion continued to walk. They’re supposed to go to a place near Ponyville, not exactly the town itself.

“Don’t you worry your pretty head about it, Olly.” The demon chuckled, following the unicorn next to him. “I think you understand me well, but some things that I understand are just not meant to be for you.”

“Is it more of those, how did you put it… Something mortals won’t understand?”

“Hee hee, perhaps.” Fred chuckles again. “You are a smart one, Olly, but if you can’t figure it out, what are the chances that any other mortal can?”

“...Fair enough.” Oleander smiled slightly from the compliment. “We’ll leave it at that for now. Now, where is this place we’re supposed to go?”

Just then, the road they’re walking on splits into two paths, and there’s something very obvious down the road. It seems like a… tower of sorts made entirely from crystals that look like a tree. If it wasn’t made out of rocks or something shiny, it would’ve looked like the houses in the Woodlands the unicorn hailed from. She was told to go to ‘the castle just outside of Ponyville’...

“You know, I have a feeling that’s where we’re supposed to go, but I don’t know, just a hunch. A hint, in case you don’t see it.” Fred said, pointing at the castle.

“Right after you gave me a compliment on my intelligence?” Oleander rolls her eyes at the demon.

“Huh, you took that as a compliment?”

“You owe me a doughnut after this whole charade…”

Unlike the rest of the group of champions, Oleander was asked to meet Princess Luna before going on her journey for an eye to eye talk. At first, she already had a hunch on what it’s going to be about, and she can’t be, rightfully so, more correct.

“What is that book that you wield, champion?” The princess of the night asked her, the very first thing that she said.

“A book called the Unicornomicon.” Oleander replied while flipping the pages. “It’s the source of my power, and where Fred resides.”

“Yes, a very cozy place, if I do say so myself. If only if it’s a bit more spacious...” The demon added. Fred is currently not summoned to the world, thus he stays in the book. Yet, he can still communicate.

“Where did you even get that?” Luna pressed further.

“...With all due respect, princess, that does not matter. Nor I feel it has any relevance.” The unicorn said rather bluntly. “May we just get to the point?”

Luna seems a bit irked by Oleander’s behavior. She’s trying to keep her subjects safe, darn it! The princess’s eyes stare harder at the unicorn, who doesn’t seem to be fazed.

“Then, you know very well I called you here. Dark magic is a dangerous path, even I received the repercussions for using it in the past.”

One of the two leaders of Equestria used dark magic before? Interesting. Wonder if there’s ever some kind of strife between the two princesses about it? Something like a conspiracy that involves the younger sister with dark magic trying to take the throne? Knowing where this was going the moment she stepped into this room, Oleander's mind stars to wonder to that little conspiracy theory she came up with.

“We don’t know what pact you have formed with the demon in the book, but from what we see-- Are you listening?” Luna nudged down the Unicornomicon so she could stare at Oleander’s eyes.

“...Ouch, lady. Your touch hurts my feelings more than my form.” Fred said sarcastically. Even though she knows what this is going to be about, she warned Fred not to try anything funny. Luna is still a princess, and the unicorn is not going to risk some kind of international incident that involves her.

“Again, with all due respect, princess…” Oleander pulled back the book. “None of your words are new. Even my fellow champions have a distaste for my dark magic, but if you ask any of them to testify, I used it to save many lives. I have a feeling you, too, understand that dark magic can be used for good.”

Luna looks down at Oleander with a face that still shows slight distrust. Though, it seems her heart wants to believe Oleander’s words. Why did she become a champion if her magic is harmful? Why did the Council of Ungulates choose her here if they know she’s a risk? The fact that she and her demon hadn’t wreaked havoc is a good sign too.

“...Fine.” Luna turns her head away. “We shall allow you to travel to the Castle of Friendship.”

Bah. The preposterous name aside, Oleander understands if anyone feels unsafe around her, especially in such a peaceful land like Equestria. The stigma of dark magic always follows her, and she’s not a stranger about it at all. Not to mention Fred’s presence, who is, without a better word, a demon following her. Getting the princess’ approval, no matter how forced she is to give it, will still help a lot.

“Most appreciated, princess. Thank you” Oleander bows her head, and slips in a little smile. That certainly will save a lot of time.

“We will give you our trust, dark one, but expect us to keep an eye on you.” Princess Luna said.


One of Luna’s nerves seems to have been struck by those words, her eyes suddenly glare at the floating book. However, before she can do anything, a smack on the Unicornomicon is heard, along with an unimpressed Oleander.

“...Ouch, that hurts my feelings too. Et tu, Olly?”

“Don’t do that again! And don’t call me Olly!”

One train trip later, and here she is. Standing in front of the castle doors with Fred next to her. Though the unicorn doesn’t have too much interest in going into this little meeting, she gave Fred a simple instruction to not touch anything. Thus, he took the liberty to knock on the door before Oleander could do so.

“I’m sure you don’t mind me being the gentleman and do the knocking for you, even though it violates our little agreement.” The demon said. As much as apathetic Oleander is on this trip, where she rather stays at home reading books, she does not want some kind of unpleasant incident to happen just because her demonic companion poked something that shouldn’t be touched by an entity of darkness.

“...Well, I suppose that does no harm…” Oleander turns towards her companion. “And before you think of anything funny, no, that does not make our agreement null and void! Do not touch anything else!”

“...Aww, you’re too quick, and no fun.” Fred seems a bit sad. That was his chance…

Soon enough, the door opened, and out comes a light purple unicorn. Her eyes quickly scan Oleander, before she moves over to Fred, and the sight of the demon causes her to take a few steps back.

“Oh, um… W-Welcome! I didn’t expect two visitors…” She said, chuckling nervously. Oleander simply chuckles at this. It’s only natural to not count Fred as a visitor. However, who is this pony? The princess said she’ll be meeting another alicorn, meaning they’ll have horns and wings, and judging from the other alicorns she had met, probably someone important. This pony is just a simple unicorn.

“I wasn’t expecting a unicorn either.” The dark unicorn said. “Are you one of the alicorn’s retinue?”

“Oh! You must be looking for Twilight then! I’m, uh… Starlight Glimmer! I used to be her student, so… I guess…?”

“I see… Well, is the alicorn here? I would expect to meet her after going through quite the journey.” Oleander said, flipping the pages of her book.

“Same for me. Waiting in that book is boring, you know.” Fred added, though Oleander mentally chided the entity because of the fact that he’s almost always in his book. Right now he’s out in the mortal world simply because he was needed to bring Paprika to her destination safely without her flipping trains off the rails or bringing down the walls of Canterlot.

“Sure! Twilight is inside… Follow me!”

Starlight guided Oleander and Fred through the castle halls, if not a bit nervously. No matter how you look at them, the duo does give this rather imposing aura. A unicorn that’s known as the Champion of the Woodlands that saved the world, but mastering dark magic and having a demon twice her height following behind her. If this is a comic book, the word ‘menacing’ would probably be written around them at all times.

“Interesting, I certainly didn’t expect this castle to be this big. It looks smaller from the outside.” Oleander thought out loud, lifting a bit of the tension away.

“I know… right?” Starlight chuckles. “Takes a while to get used to.”

“Hmph, it’s not so surprising, and I’ve seen better ones.” Fred snicker. “This kind of spatial paradox is not that rare, but there’s this one case where a mere red telephone booth has an interior with infinite possibilities. Now that was impressive.”

“What’s a telephone booth?”

The question comes from both Oleander and Starlight. The former waves her hoof as she looks at Starlight, giving her a small signal not to think about it too much. Starlight also seems to realize quickly, if Oleander, who is Fred’s usual companion doesn’t know what he’s talking about, what are the chances anyone else would get it?

Soon, the two of them reach a rather large circular room, where the walls themselves are turned into big bookshelves. Even Oleander is a bit impressed. There are so many books, not even the library back home can compare.

“Okay, I promise I’ll be back soon with Twilight!” Starlight said before she lights up her horn and teleports away, leaving Oleander alone with Fred.

“Teleportation?” Oleander thought out loud. She thought that it’s always a tricky spell to utilize, even by her who trains herself for years. The unicorn certainly didn’t expect the peace loving ponies to be able to master such spells.

“Heh, she didn’t even need a book for that.” Fred chuckles, making Oleander scoff.

“What are you implying, Fred?”

Before they went into this journey, Oleander and Fred just so happened to discuss how strong the ponies are. Though the demon doesn’t really care, and always thinks Oleander is the strongest ‘pony’, something that irks the unicorn. The Champion of the Woodlands is more curious on the subject, wondering if she can get a chance to research that topic.

“It’s still something you can do, Olly, but this makes them not that too far from your power.” The demon said. “So maybe it won’t be a landslide in your favor like what happened to the predators.”

Although Oleander is known to be really confident in her abilities, unlike when she started her journey as a champion, she’s now less arrogant, and more curious. It’s true that she’s really powerful and she knows that, but lately she seems to enjoy duels more even if it's only to see what her opponents can do. Going on a journey with six champions surprisingly had changed the unicorn a bit.

“I guess we’ll have to see what this is about, and I hope it won’t be as boring as I thought. After traveling through the ocean, I do hope to get a memorable experience here.”

Several seconds pass as Oleander occupies herself looking at the number of books on the shelves, with Fred surprisingly not too interested. At least it’s better to keep an eye on him this way. What did catch his attention is a short flash of magic, revealing that unicorn from before, along with a purple… alicorn.

“Hello!” She said. “You must be… Whoa.”

The alicorn greets Oleander but stops when she sees Fred, making her turn her head up to see his head. Starlight pulls up next to her, whispering unintentionally loud enough that Oleander can hear it.

“I told you it’s a demon! How am I supposed to describe that thing…?”

“Princess Twilight Sparkle?” Oleander is the first to speak again.

`”O-Oh, right! Yes, I am! No need to be so formal though, just call me Twilight.” The mare said with a smile. “You’re the Champion of the Woodlands? Princess Celestia told me to expect you.”

“Correct. My name is Oleander, and this is… I call him Fred.” Oleander nudges her head towards the entity next to her, who simply wiggles his fingers at the princess.

“Well, um, nice to meet you too, Fred.” Twilight nods, albeit a bit nervous. She’s no stranger to an unusual looking entity, but Fred just emits some kind of… pressure. It’s almost like his very presence is corrupting the air with dark magic.

“Now, with the formalities out of the way, may I ask why am I sent here?” Oleander asked, idly flipping the pages of her book briefly. “You were expecting me, yes?”

“Oh, of course!” Twilight turns her head and looks at Starlight who’s behind her. The two mares nod, and Starlight’s horn shoots out a beam that hits the ceiling. The dome shaped room glows cyan briefly as if the magic is creating a layer. Oleander watches with some interest. Something as simple as a magic beam is capable of covering the whole room?

“I think I know what’s coming, and it would be a good idea to prepare yourself, Olly.” Fred said. “From our experience, magic barriers always mean one thing…”

Before Oleander and Fred do anything else, Twilight is seen levitating some books and scrolls near her, while Starlight is seen controlling her breath slightly. The dark unicorn can feel something is up…

“When Princess Celestia informed me that one of Foenum’s champions is going to meet me, I’m so excited!” Twilight said in excitement as she levitates some of the scrolls and books around. “And when I realize the Champion of the Woodlands is a unicorn with magic, I just have to see it for myself!”

Oleander raised an eyebrow. This alicorn is a princess? She might’ve fooled her from how… un-princess like she is. That kind of excitement and monologuing is more like an excited young adult. Still, if her… retinue unicorn is that skilled, to be able to teleport and create a barrier this size this quick, the princess’ potential power intrigues her. She has to be stronger, right?

“I admit that hearing you use dark magic is a bit… worrying. N-Not trying to say it’s bad, though! It’s just--”

“Yes, yes, I’m fully aware of the stigma, especially here.” Oleander waves her hoof dismissively. Fred seems to mumble something, but Oleander continues. “Carry on.”

“...Oh, sorry about that… I mean it’s completely okay if you saved a lot of ponies with it! That means you still have a good heart!” Twilight said. “I, uh, don’t mind it at all! In fact, I was wondering if…”

Before Twilight can continue, Oleander closes her book and eyes, while smiling.

“If I can show you what I’m capable of?”

Of course, that must be the reason. Why else would a barrier be created in the room? She is a champion after all. To this, Twilight seems to smile.

“Exactly! Though, let’s start it slow.” The alicorn turns to her companion. “Starlight?”

Upon hearing her name, the unicorn in question walks forward to face her Foenum counterpart. Twilight starts to write something down on the scrolls she’s levitating with quills.

“Okay, as far as I heard, your magic is very different than ours despite the similarities of our race…” Twilight said, still writing something. Oleander’s face actually brightens up. Finally, someone who speaks her language. None of the other champions are close to her level of intellect…

“Of course it does, and she prefers it that way. Can you imagine her shooting rainbows out from her horn?”

Sadly Fred kinda ruins the mood. Oleander whips her head and gives her demon companion a squint with her eyes.

“Fred! Instead of yapping your mouth, do us all a favor and return to the book. We’re going fair and square for this little… test.”


Unlike Twilight and Starlight, Oleander did not flinch one bit as Fred’s voice turns demonic as he shows his rather… unsettling side, which usually includes his sense of humor. Though eventually, the demon relents. Besides, as strong as Oleander is, she and Fred know that she can’t use his power for too long...

“Alright fine. This rainbow magic is making me uncomfortable anyway…”

With that settled, the demon seemingly vanishes from sight and returns to his residence inside the Unicornomicon. Oleander looks at the two mares, who seem to be a bit stunned, giving them a look telling them to continue.

“O-Oh! Right!” Starlight speaks up. “ Twilight wants to learn about your magic first, so she’d like to see how strong your magic is!”

The unicorn’s magic summons a circular shield, colored cyan and white just like her magic. Just from a glance, Oleander can tell it looks formidable, but why it has a star pattern in the center confuses her. Who has the idea of making their magic spells look fancy? Perhaps it’s because of her use of dark magic, but raw power is more important than having to make the spells look nice.

“You just have to hit Starlight’s shield with your magic, and I’ll observe!” Twilight said, getting a strange device. It looks like a magnifying glass held on by a beam, reassembling something dentists would use to see inside a mouth. Oleander has never seen something like that, but she can guess what it’s for, probably for measurement. When it’s in place, Starlight gives her shield a little lift.

“Whenever you’re ready!”

The unicorn widens her stance, bracing for impact. She can deflect Twilight’s magic bolts if she doesn’t use her full power, previous training had proven that her shield is strong, but not invincible.

“So, it’s just this simple?” Fred speaks through the book. “You’re just going to attack the shield? Sounds too easy for someone like you, Olly.”

The dark unicorn smirks wordlessly. Using her retinue as a target dummy to test her power? Either Twilight had put too much faith in her apprentice, or they’re underestimating the Champion of Foenum. Time to show these Equestrian ponies what she can do! Feeling the raw magic travel to the tip of her horn, Oleander whips her head down and uses the most simple form of magic, her well known Shadow Spark. The projectile flies like a fireball right towards Starlight’s shield, and as it hits it, the shield remains intact, Starlight barely even flinched. Twilight, after seeing the attack, looks at the machine.

“Moderate power, really spread but uneven point of impact…” The alicorn mumbles to herself. “Very raw form of magic, state of matter similar to fire then the usual concentrated plasma…”

Oleander catches on Twilight’s words. How… studious. The unicorn has a sudden hidden desire to sit back with the princess and just talk about subjects that none of her companions would ever understand, but, like her secret love for puppies, she has no desire to say it out loud yet.

“Was that satisfactory? Although keep in mind that I was not even using a fraction of my magic.” She smiles.

“Not a fraction?” Starlight raised an eyebrow, lowering her shield slightly. “I did feel like that can’t be all.”

Usually, Oleander can’t really be bothered to explain every little thing about magic… or anything, really. Considering her companions, Arizona and Paprika just, in the unicorn’s own words, don’t have the capacity to grasp anything more complicated than how a door works. Pom and Tianhuo might listen, but they are not really magic users and are kinda alien to the subject. Meanwhile Velvet would just walk away if she has to listen to any kind of explanation. This time, however, Oleander has a chance to do just that in front of a scholar princess.

“I just used my innate magic, the one that’s inside me. It is already, with a lack of a better word, corrupted, and thus the power is nothing out of the ordinary.” The unicorn then lifts her book so both Twilight and Starlight’s attention is driven to it. “But using the dark magic inside the Unicornomicon, I can power it up to triple of the strength of my magic just now.”

Though Oleander notices that Twilight seems to be intrigued, she notices that Starlight is looking at the princess, seemingly a bit unsure. Heh, perhaps she’s a bit intimidated, after all, she did feel that shadow spark first hoof.

“Oh my, really? Getting magic out of a book? I wish I had a book like that!” Twilight smiles widely. “Show me! Please?”

The princess might be a bit more enthusiastic than she thought, but Oleander takes the request well. The unicorn opens her book and her horn looms closer to the pages. Suddenly, a dark tendril latches itself to Oleander’s horn, almost like smoke wrapping around it, making the unicorn silently gasp. Oh, that feeling of gathering magic… gets her every time. The tendril stays there for several seconds until Oleander closes the book.

“Right. That ought to be all.” Oleander said. “Permission to unleash another shadow spark?”

She looks at Starlight, almost seems like her eye gives a glint. As Twilight moves back to her ‘magic measuring device’, Starlight braces herself again, though she looks a bit worried.

“Okay, I’m ready! Do it!”

In her excitement, Twilight doesn’t consult Starlight whether she’s ready or not. What she just said is enough for Oleander, however. The dark unicorn fires her shadow spark once more, but this time it’s much bigger. Even before the attack connects, Starlight’s eye shrunk. Knowing what will happen, she whips her head up, her horn leaving a trace of a crescent shaped magic, just as Oleander’s spell breaks through her shield, shattering it. However, as it connects against the smaller crescent shaped barrier, it ricochets the dark fireball, making it slam to the barrier instead.

“Now that’s an OP pushblock. Reflecting projectiles?” Fred comments in a nonchalant manner, and only now Twilight realized that might be a bit much on her friend.

“Starlight! Are you alright? Sorry, I thought you can block it, based on our…”

Starlight is on her back, the force of her shield breaking sends her to the floor, but she… chuckles?

“I’m okay, Twilight! I just can’t believe I reacted in time.” The unicorn got to her hooves again. “If you can’t stop something, just deflect it somewhere else!”

“Quick witted.” Oleander nods, even she has to admit that was quite impressive. “Your apprentice seems to lack in pure magic power, but she’s a crafty one, Twilight.”

“That’s... “ Twilight looks a bit stunned. That’s exactly how her practices with Starlight concludes. The unicorn is able to master a lot of spells, making her really versatile. However, when it comes to pure magic strength, Twilight will beat her if she tries hard enough.

“Correct, isn’t it?” Fred interrupts the conversation. “Olly here isn’t just about skill and power, but a smart one too.”

Usually, the dark unicorn will take the praise with delight, but the way Fred said it makes her slightly irritated instead. He doesn’t need to make it sound embarrassing, especially since he called her Olly again!

“Now, Olly, I do think this means you can use a stronger opponent. For example, say, the winged unicorn.” Fred suggested. “I do feel something about her.”

“Me…?” Twilight pointed at herself. “Is it really okay with you, Oleander?”

“I won’t be so confident if I were you…” Starlight added. “Even though Twilight hasn't beaten me… I can’t beat her either.”

Oleander noticed how Starlight smirks ever so briefly. The champion does expect the princess to be a formidable opponent. Her past self would probably accept the challenge after believing in her own invincibility given by her powers. Now though, just because she wants to gain power through experience… she accepts it.

“I’m sure I can handle it. Go ahead Twilight. My Fel Spark shouldn’t trouble you, right?”

“Well, if we must! It’ll be an honor to spar with a champion of Foenum!” Twilight said.

The princess might be kind of a pacifist, but even Oleander can tell the alicorn has considerable magical power. Gathering magic from her book again, the unicorn shows another big shadowy fireball. She expects to at least damage Twilight’s shield with it, but the alicorn’s magic just… takes it. Not even a dent.

“W-What?” The champion looks mildly surprised, before squinting. “Let me try again!”

Another shadow spark is shot, and Twilight’s shield still takes it without much problem. Starlight is watching all this in amusement. Not even her strongest burst of magic can dent Twilight’s shield.

“Olly, if what you’re doing isn’t working, may I offer a more hands on approach?”

Fred offers a solution. If he asked that in the beginning the unicorn would’ve said no, but now she’s a bit curious about what would finally break Twilight’s shield, so she said yes.

“Don’t be too hard on her though, you know what we’re both capable--”


Without another warning, the book opens up and a big, dark claw moves in an arc towards Twilight, as if trying to smash her into the floor. Though Twilight is surprised, she puts even more power on her shield as Fred hits the magical force field with his claw. Despite that, the shield remains intact, just a small scratch remains.

"D-Dear Celestia..." Twilight exhales, casting her shield away once Fred's claw retracts back into the Unicornomicon. "That's some strong magic, the stability required to make something like that into a solid state of matter... And the force of impact..."

"Heh, she really reminds me of you, Olly, or maybe when you're a bit younger. Just like how you would mumble things you've read in a book."

Fred chuckles, much to Oleander's embarrassment. Too much information! Still, that doesn't take her interest away from Twilight. Though Fred's Doom Claw attack isn't unblockable, even with the element of surprise, Twilight's shield takes it like it was nothing. Speaking of her, Twilight smiles and slowly turns into a grin.

"I've never seen that kind of magic!" The alicorn's eyes twinkle, just like whenever she gains new knowledge. "I want to see more! If it's okay with you, Oleander?"

Official permission from the princess to face her? Oleander is all too happy to accept. It's about time she got a worthy opponent! As strong as her fellow champions are, sometimes they're too... predictable. A new kind of opponent is something that she's hoping to get for a while. There's a slight glint on the unicorn's eye before she replies.

"I thought you'd never ask, princess." Oleander raises her book slightly. "Ready to hit the books on the subject of facing the champion of the Woodlands?"

"Hit the books? Oh, ha ha ha!" Twilight let out a laugher, sounding a mixture of the slightest of nerves, genuine happiness, and is that confidence Oleander heard? "I'm always ready! Don't hold back just because I'm a princess! Starlight!"

As her name is called, Starlight stands up at attention.

"Yes, Twilight!"

"Make sure we don't... go too far, okay? Tell me if the barrier might break."

The alicorn gives Starlight a smirk. She knows that face. That's something she would usually show whenever Starlight is about to have a spar with Twilight. Twilight might teach the values of friendship and believes in second chances, but she's still a pony talented in magic capabilities, an alicorn no less. She might as well be the third most powerful pony in the entire Equestria. Knowing what's about to happen, Starlight takes a few steps back. Oh, she wishes she brought popcorn.

"Ok Twilight, you got my word." She looks at Oleander. "Are you ready?"

She doesn't answer in a direct manner, but her words already show her eagerness.

"...Fred, look alive!"

As the sun is starting to go down, Starlight wipes her forehead, which is kinda funny since her task is only to keep watch. However, the magic duel got a bit intense to the point that even the unicorn has to dodge or block things flying towards her.

The barrier is still standing... barely. Cracks are shown in several spots, something that very rarely happens when any equestrian ponies are training their skills inside it. Twilight meanwhile is still standing... barely as well. Her wings are flared open and there are some feathers slightly burnt from magic. Across her lays Oleander, panting as she's laying on the floor with her forehooves clinging on her Unicornomicon in front of her. Both are exhausted, both physically and mentally. That was the most intense magic duel they ever had in their lives. It only stopped because Oleander used too much of her dark magic, causing her to collapse from exhaustion.

If this is the Oleander before she bonded with the other champions, she would never get over this defeat, but thankfully that's not the case. Well, maybe she's a little frustrated that she didn't win, but it's still better than getting defeated.

"I... think there's something... called... too much excitement." Twilight smiles nervously, before coughing. She doesn't look like it, but the alicorn is also at her limit.

Oleander stands up on shaky hooves herself, having to use the Unicornomicon to help herself up.

"Excuse me."

Fred's claw slips out from the book and helps to pull Oleander to her hooves. It's a nice gesture, but Oleander groaned. Not because Fred touches her the wrong way, but it makes her look weak.

"You're welcome, Olly. I know you look annoyed, but there's no shame in getting someone to help."

She doesn't need to be reminded twice, that one time back in Foenum is already enough, and it almost costs her own safety. As much as Fred is... being Fred, sometimes he can give unexpectedly good advice.

"Your... I mean, Fred seems to care a lot about you, doesn't he?" Starlight asks as she tends to Twilight, before going towards the champion to check her condition next.

"We... went back quite a while." Oleander said, lifting her book. "Quite the... life changing experience, I would say."

Starlight casts a minor healing spell on the unicorn, her magic orbs slowly find wounds and healing them. Oleander seems to be more concerned about her shambled mane though, using her hooves to straighten them prim and proper.

"Life changing? You mean... you choose to use dark magic?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, princess. Surely you out of everyone knows how dangerous dark magic can be?" Oleander scoffs, but she shows a soft smile. As naive as Twilight can be by asking that, for some reason, the unicorn finds it a bit funny. "I'm not supposed to even have this fur color, alas, one of the things I have to sacrifice to wield it."

"It can't be just that, right? I don't think anypony will appreciate anyone to use dark magic near them..." Starlight said, mending one of Oleander's hoof before she raises her head to see the unicorn's face. "N-No offense, of course."

"It's what I have to do for the good of the world. Surely you understand." The unicorn said. "I'm willing to keep everyone save, even if that means I have to give something up."

"Even if it means getting out more from your room when you're little?"


Hearing that, Twilight walks next to Oleander, chuckling. Not because of the dark unicorn's past, but because of how... familiar it sounds. "I know it's kinda... embarrassing, but there's the time where we thought that... going outside is something dumb, huh?"

"Oh? Do you know something about that?" Oleander raised an eyebrow

"I sure do." Twilight looks away for a brief moment. "It's... really fun, isn't it? Just spending time reading books alone, learning new things... Thinking that others will just be a distraction... Wonder if I'll be who I am today if I stayed like that."

Oleander seems to be a bit surprised. The princess of friendship... used to be a shut in bookworm? Though the unicorn cringes even recalling her youth, where she just spends the whole day in her house reading books and not wanting to meet anyone else, she finds it ironic that Twilight used to be a very different pony. An anti social bookworm that later became a princess about meeting up with others and forming a bond with them?

Two bookworms who had their lives turned upside down, but for the better.

"Hm hm hm, funny, isn't it?"

"Excuse me?" Twilight raised an eyebrow, to which Oleander flips the pages of the Unicornomicon briefly.

"You and I, our magic can't be any more different. We counter each other, we are literally light and darkness. But to think we came from the very same root, our eagerness to learn." Oleander says with a small smile. "I dare to guess that you're willing to be a princess to help keep everyone else safe?"

"Well, when you put it that way... I guess I do." Twilight said, though a bit uncertain. "I just want everypony here to know the value of friendship, and it's my dream that Equestria lives in harmony with everycreature."

"I can attest." Starlight added, as she finish looking after Oleander. "You fought... me to save the world, and gave me a second chance. You are definitely willing to... go through anything to save everypony..."

The unicorn's voice seems to be on the verge of breaking, but Starlight walks away before Oleander can confirm the cause. She has a good feeling on why though.

"So, Twilight... what did you get from our spar earlier?" Oleander asked

"Oh, a lot! You have been so helpful! Maybe you can tell me what you have learned too?"

"Hmm, why not? The day is still long."

Bonded through their love of knowledge, Twilight and Oleander spend the rest of the day comparing notes or telling something the other doesn't know. Twilight tells Oleander what she knows about Equestria, while Oleander tells Twilight about Foenum. Sometimes their curiosity makes them pursue something together, such as what will the combination of their magic result in. Starlight or Fred would even join them sometimes, though the former can't always stay because she has errands to do, and the demon can't stay in the world for too long.

Oleander wishes she got someone to do this with back when she was younger. Maybe friendship really is magic. Even though she still thinks how cheesy or silly it sounds. The dark unicorn can't deny she feels happy spending time with Twilight.

Author's Note:

Dear lord, this chapter went through so many rewrites, that's why it took so long :pinkiesick:. Admittedly I kinda have to tweak Oleander a bit, so sorry if she's a bit OOC in this chapter.

My personal canon is when it comes to the number and versatility of spells she can do, Starlight got the edge, but when it comes to raw power, Twilight has her beat.

Also, Oleander is probably stronger than Twilight, especially with Fred, but then again, Twilight's real power is never really seen in the show. :twilightoops: