• Published 11th May 2020
  • 2,887 Views, 4 Comments

Lard in Translation - MetalBrony20

Trixie has decided to visit Starlight at the Castle of Friendship, but can't find her. An inquisitive look around the castle leads to some rather unexpected and fattening results for herself and a rival.

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The only chapter

Author's Note:

Hello again. It’s been awhile, but I finally finished another fic! I hope you enjoy this short story.

It was the afternoon in the town of Ponyville, ponies were finishing up for the day and going back home from work or finishing up from school. One such individual was determined to spend it with her friend, Starlight Glimmer. Pushing open the door to the great crystal castle, she had let herself in, entering the lobby.

“Hello? Anypony in here?” voice rang out in the near empty halls. This voice belonged to none other than the self-proclaimed Great and Powerful Trixie, and the halls in question belonged to her Rival/Friend, Twilight Sparkle. “Seriously, for a Princess of Equestria, she really doesn’t even act like she has any standing amongst the royals. Trixie gets that she is modest, but would it kill her to hire some guards or guides to navigate this crystal maze?” Currently, she was wandering with little aim. Most of the time she was here, she had Starlight guide her around the place, or Spike would take her to Starlight. She had been waiting in the main hall for either one of them for some time already. Well, for all of around 5 minutes before her patience wore thin.

Shaking her head, she trotted on, the sharp clops of her hooves on the crystalline floor echoing around her. She turned left, right, left again, following the unceasing halls. Glancing to side, she noticed a small door, tucked somewhat out of the way. What struck her as odd was how isolated it was, seeming to be hiding in the shadows. Shrugging she pushed it open. Greeting her was what appeared to be a small library. “Really? The huge library, filled with enough literature to crush a grown dragon isn’t enough for her? When in Equestria would she even need to use this? Might as well take a peek.”

The inside was rather sparsely furnished. The room itself was rather large, both longer and wider than her caravan several times over, though only a little taller. Most of the walls were cover in shelving, though only partially filled with a myriad of books, in varying sizes and conditions. A large desk was situated along the wall opposite the entrance, a couple scraps of paper littering the surface. In the center of the room, a large dull purple rug lay in the middle, Abyssinian if she wasn't mistaken. As she walked further into the room, magical lamps on the wall ignited, bathing the room in light.

“Huh, so a personal, private library. Trixie wouldn’t expect less from such a nerdy mare.” Her eyes flicked back over to the shelves, taking note of something odd. They seemed to be in a myriad of languages, some vaguely familiar to Trixie, some completely unknown. Some were written in the Equestrian Alphabet, whilst some were writing with unfamiliar runes, glyphs, and scratches. She could swear that one of the book’s writing was flickering between multiple symbols, never staying the same, almost as if the book as alive with enchanted energy.

Glancing around, she took note of a lectern in the corner of the room, a large tome propped open. Trotting over to it, she noted it was covered in a deluge of sticky notes, each covered in Twilights writing. Picking it up in her cool blue magic, she inspected the piece. The cover itself was mostly gray with some dull sploches of colour, suggesting it once had a colourful illustration on the front, now lost to time. A small smirk graced her lips. “Well well well. What secrets can the Great and Powerful Trixie find in here now?” She squinted at the note on the cover, translating the otherwise illegible runes that it was written in. “Trayns-foymative Psyells? I wonder what it could possibly be?”

Chuckling, she flicked it open. Page after page of instructions for a multitude of spells and incantations she hadn’t the foggiest idea on their use. The rough translations provided were somewhat useful, though she was still mystified why you would need spells such as ‘Turn into a Tree’ or ‘Organic to Metallic’, the latter of which featured an illustration of a pony, face locked in terror as half of their form was turned into metal.

Looking at the notes poking out of the top of the book, she noticed it was divided into rough chapters. Glancing through them, she found one more interesting section. “Body manipulation, that sounds a little ominous…”. Flicking to it, she noted how the titles of each spell was more related with changing specific organic parts and altering them, rather than replacing the entire body with another material. “Bone Remover, Lung Extensions, Ear Grower, Asset Expander, Wei… Wait, what…” She paused, looking back to the latter title. Glancing through the sticky notes, she could see that parts of Twilight’s writing was choppy and disjointed. “Designed to expand certain parts of the body… works by adding more…” Annoyed, she glanced at the text behind the note, and saw that quite a lot of the description had been faded and scuffed. Looking at the small illustration gave no real indication on how the spell worked either.

The picture only showed what appeared to be the behind of a pony, which between the images got progressively larger. Any indication there was more to the image was lost however, as the majority was too faded and blurry to see clearly. The description of how actually perform the spell was in good shape, however. Reading through the notes, she performed the actions slowly, completing more and more of the spell process as she continued. Her focus was almost entirely devoted to the page, her mind enraptured about the possibilities of what a spell like this could do, regardless of how vague the description was.

“WHAT IN EQUESTRIA ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!” The sudden shout brought a yelp for Trixie’s lips, as her eyes flicked up to the annoyed looking Alicorn. The book fell from her magic grip, clattering to the floor. In the same moment, the spell she had been weaving exploded from her horn and flew towards Twilight, a great blue mass of energy surging forwards. Just as it was about to strike Twilight, a shield materialised before her, though slightly too late. Around half of the spell collided with Twilight, whilst the rest was cut off by the barrier, instead reflected back at the now wide-eyed Trixie. The blast struck both mares, forcefully pushing them back, Trixie colliding with the desk. Blinded from the blast of light Trixie blinked to try and remove the spots in her eyes. Looking back over to Twilight, she was in a similar state, rubbing her eyes with a hoof.

“Why did you do that!” Came the first thing out of the Alicorns mouth, her face contorted into anger.

“Trixie was surprised by your shouting! You shouldn’t interrupt spell casting, you should know that, being Celestia’s student and all!”

“Yes well, maybe you shouldn’t be poking around in my private study, looking at poorly understood spells, some of which are incredibly dangerous!”

“Well, Trixie made sure to look at the non-dangerous ones, I assure you! Besides, if this is private, why don’t you have a lock on the door, or even a ‘Private’ sign?”

“That may be true, but does this tiny little study far away from the entrance hall look like a public place to you? That’s beside the point though. What spell did you cast anyway, because we may have some issues depending on…”.

“It’s fine Sparkle, it was only the ‘asset growth’ spell, I’m sure nothing too bad will…” Trixie was suddenly cut off, as a long, rolling gurgling came from both her stomach and Twilights. Then she felt it. An odd prickling in her skin, which spread rapidly around her body. Then, she began to feel a sudden feeling of her middle being dragged towards the ground. Looking down, she saw as her normally trim belly began to puff outwards. Putting a hoof to it, Trixie could feel it grow and grow, her now malleable flesh oozing over her hoof. A similar feeling was felt in her hind quarters, as her skinny bottom began to inflate outwards, her cutie marks expanding outwards like a drawing on a balloon.

Across from her, Twilight wasn’t fairing much better either. Her once skinny middle had developed a pot belly that continued to swell larger, the sheer weight of it causing it to sag down to past her knees. On her back, a juicy roll of flab puffed up, followed by another, beginning to sandwich her wings between them both. This was complimented as her belly split into rolls, which were now pressing her legs apart. Behind her, her butt puffed up like rising dough, getting progressively larger as they began to cover her upper thighs. Whilst her plot cheeks expanded, so too did the cheeks on her face, becoming squash ball, then tennis ball sized. This was accompanied by an extra chin pooching out, sagging onto her widening neck. Looking down, feeling her neck and chins squashed together, Twilight could just see her legs over the curve of her belly and chest. Like molasses, she watched in fascination as the pair of limbs slowly grew outwards, her upper leg fat sagging down over her knees and onto her cannons, making them look almost mushroom like in shape.

By now, the two mares were easily over 500 lbs apiece. Not used to such a great weight, they collapsed onto the ground, Twilight laying on her roll marred stomach. Trixie took a similar approach, laying down on her own slightly smaller gut. As this was happening, her rear bloated wider and wider, forcing Trixie’s belly to squash sideways. “What in the hay is this spell?” Twilight cried out, her voice deepened slightly from the veritable tire of blubber surrounding her neck, bouncing from her sudden outburst.

“Don’t ask Trixie! It only said that it expanded certain parts of body, not turn you into a blob of lard!” she retorted, feeling her now immobile body spread like melting ice cream across the floor. Between the two mares, their bodies were coping differently to the sudden influx of calories. Whilst Twilights fat seemed to be mostly evenly distributed, Trixie’s butt seemed to be absorbing a good deal of weight. Two huge mounds of plot were rising and pushing out ever wider, smooshing into the desk behind her, whilst pushing the rest of her body forwards towards Twilight.

By now, the weight gain had ramped up in speed. The two mares seemed to explode outwards, as new rolls and folds were created every few seconds as their bodies blimped up. Twilights wings were buried between the two heavy slabs of blubber ringing her back. Her blobby belly, nearly as large as a single mattress, began to push her upwards, whilst spreading ever further outwards, forcing her legs apart as the flab pressed into them. Reluctantly, and with some effort, she lifted her legs onto her waterbed like stomach, watching with muted horror as her hooves sunk deeply into the doughy mass of flab. Behind her, her ass was no longer rounded, instead deforming under the deluge of blubber into a sagging, and wrinkled mass as fat continued to pour onto them, allowing them to splay out on the floor, her cutie mark becoming horrifically deformed as folds and creases marred them.

Across from her, Trixie seemed to stay more rounded in her shape. Her now titanic butt, around half the size of her caravan, towered above her. Her own belly continued to plump up, forming two huge rolls thicker than a dragon’s arm, though much, much softer and squishier as they pushed out sideways. Wide bingo wings swaddled her forehooves, muffin topping over her joints onto her cannons to create ham sized clumps of blubber. Her rear hooves were practically drowned by her colossal rear end and her large tree trunk sized thighs. Grunting, she twitched one of her legs, causing the great round blue orbs of ass flab to wobble and undulate like the ocean, causing the desk to let out an ominous creek as the wood was strained to the max, before splintering with a sickening crack.

As the mountain of butt blubber came crashing down to the floor, there was a heavy thud and a slap of flesh meeting crystal, shaking the room, causing haphazardly positioned books to tumble from their shelves, landing on the floor and on the distinctly blobby mares. The sudden jolt made both mares jelly like bodies wobble about, folds and rolls crashing against one another, propagating the movement throughout their forms. And still they grew. Thick, juicy rolls of adipose oozed across the cool floor, the edge of Twilights belly beginning to cover the rug. Twilight could feel her mane being pushed higher up as the now pillow thick roll of neck flab continued to bloat, pressing firmly against her back fat, which in turn was squashing into her overblown plot. Trixie could feel her tail becoming stuck in her great ass-crack, her near football sized cheeks tinting red as her cutie marks ballooned wider to become larger than an entire pony. Suddenly, as soon as it had started, the spell ended.

“Is, is it over?” Twilight spoke with some difficulty, her words muffled and deepened by the sheer mass of flab pressing against her neck, her jowls bobbing in time to her talking. Cautiously, she tried to push herself off the ground, to no avail. Her fore legs couldn’t stretch past her belly flab, same as her rear legs, a great slab of blorpy belly fat blocking them, as well as the sheer weight of her now jumbo bean bag sized plot preventing her from so much as lifting her poor thickened limbs. Twitching her wings got no results, the heavy back rolls trapping the feathered appendages from moving, let along flapping.

“Yes, Trixie believes so.” Even with her forehooves touching the ground, she could not hope to move, not with a booty that could rival some dragon’s in sheer scale. With great effort, she reached a hoof to her face, her joints stiff. Her hoof met a puffy, swollen complexion. It squished into bloated, rounded cheeks and accordion like neck rolls, leading down to a flabby chest and swollen bingo wings, squishing into the floor.

“I can’t believe this. One moment you’re just going into your personal study, ready to translate some ancient, lost knowledge. The next, some random unicorn breaks in and casts an unknown, untested spell that turns said random unicorn and me into giant wobbling blobs!”

Looking up from her expanded form, she shot a glare back at the beached alicorn. “Oh, I’m sorry. Trixie thinks you should make a map or hire someponies to guard this place instead of letting anypony just walk in and get lost in these rooms. Trixie thinks you should be more considerate, you overblown cow!”

Twilight snorted indignantly. “Me? More considerate? Oh that’s rich coming from the mare who exploits her only friend to get back at me. And besides, you’re not much better in the weight department, you jiggling blue pig blob.”

“Oh puh-lease! That was a long time ago. Why is it that anything that has to do with you has to do with friendship? And besides blubber butt, Trixie thinks you look more like a pig, what with your coat colour and everything?”

“Of course most things I do are related to friendship. I’m the Princess of Friendship for Celestia’s sake. And really, what pig have you seen that’s lavender purple, you blubbery blimp? Unless you…”

“ENOUGH! You two, what in the hay happened here?” Blinking, the two obese blobs looked to where the voice had come from, straining to turn their heavy, roll drowned necks. Starlight was standing in the doorway, her face awash with a mixture of emotions. “I want the whole story, no interruptions or squabbling from either of you”. The obese pair exchanged glances, then began.

After explaining their story, with a noticeable amount of exasperated sighs coming from Starlight, they located the book, which just so happened to be lodged under one of Trixies belly rolls, leading to an awkward amount of lifting with magic and shifting her immense mass to pluck the tome from under her corpulence. What followed next was a few tense minutes of Starlight flicking through the pages, seeming to get progressively more and more annoyed, squinting at the book, before she exhaled a sigh of relief.

“Luckily for you two, it seems it wears off in 12 hours, so you should be fine by tomorrow morning. It was lucky that you happened to cast the Weight gain spell on the next page, rather than some other horrifying spell.” Snapping the book shut, she placed it on the self-next to her. “Before you ask, no, I’m not going to look after you two. I’m tired after that project you made me do all day Twi, so I’ll just be having an early night. I’ll see you two in the morning”. With that, she trotted out the door, leaving the blobs alone.

“So, now what, blubber butt?” Trixie mused. Her response came in the form of a spell being charged, then released, the distinctive pop of teleportation ringing in her ears as hundreds of pounds of immobile purple alicorn left in an instant, leaving Trixie alone.

“Well, that was rude!”

Comments ( 4 )

The descriptions of the expanding size of Starlight and Twilight were absolutely hilarious. And the fact that Starlight just left them to their devices...:pinkiehappy:

That was great loved the discriptoins of their growing bodies. The dialogue between Trixie and twilight was Fun.

Great story I hope the next one you do is a Starlight and Twilight one keep up the good work

:rainbowlaugh: I don't think Trixie has any right to be calling Twilight "blubber butt" considering how huge her ass is.

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