• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 732 Views, 2 Comments

The Tale of Thunderhooves - Rune Dancer

A old storyteller comes to Ponyville to share an old legend

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Chapter 1

The winds outside the library howled with flurries of snow and ice, rattling the windows as the fillies and colts found cushions on the floor, each of the younglings chattering in their own little groups before Cheerliee called their attention.

“All right my little ponies, settle down now,” she called out to her students, the room going quiet. “Now today we have a very special guest who has agreed to speak to you all. And Miss Sparkle was kind enough to offer her library for his presentation.” The wind whistled outside as the blizzard renewed itself with fury. “Now our guest is very old, and it’s very important that you all listen very carefully to him. I’ll let Twilight explain.”

Twilight came forward from the corner of the room and looked at the class intently before speaking. “Our guest is a very talented story teller, one who’s traveled far and wide for most of his life. He’s a personal friend of the court, and he actually taught me quite a bit about the legends of Equestria and lands beyond-“ The door of the library opened, letting in the cold wind for a moment as a cloaked figure stepped in. The children screamed as the figure entered, some shouting ‘Monster!’ before the figure closed the door with his magic. The figure turned to the class and the startled teacher and librarian before he threw back the hood of his cloak to reveal a very old unicorn, with a long fuzzy white beard and mustache framing his greying muzzle. His deep sapphire eyes were shrouded behind his fogged up glasses. The old stallion chuckled a bit.

“Monster? Been a few decades since I’ve been called a monster.” He laughed a bit more as he hung his cloak on a nearby rung, revealing his dull red coat and his old leather saddle bags that he promptly floated to the floor next to the door. The next thing he knew he found himself in the embrace of a very excited Twilight Sparkle.

“Fizzban! You made it. I was starting to get worried with the storm and all.” Twilight let her friend go, the old stallion smiled at his student, brushing a lock of his silvery hair from his eyes.

“Twilight Sparkle, my you’ve gotten so big! Of course I made it, I could never miss a opportunity to say hello to my favorite student.” He turned to look at the class, “or tell a story to young foals. Quite a lively bunch aren’t they? How long have you been a teacher?” Twilight laughed a bit.

“Oh I’m not a teacher, I’m just the librarian here in Ponyville. Cheeriliee is the teacher here.” Cheerliee nodded to Fizzban who returned the nod with a flourishing bow. “I suppose it’s time to get started. Unless you need a few minutes, which is perfectly fine, I mean its just a honor to have you here to start with. Can I get you anything? Oh Spike! Go get our guest-“

“Twilight its fine. No need to be nervous my dear. Of course I’m ready, that is if these Fillies and Colts are ready for a grand story! One that has not been heard for many, many decades.” The class cheered at this as Fizzban made his way to the front of the group and selected a small cushion to sit on. “This story is very old children, so old that only a handful of living beings in the lands of Equestria and beyond know it.” By now the class was completely entranced by the old unicorn, including Twilight who sat in the corner, a quill gripped in her magic as she recorded a tale almost as old as Equestria itself.


Long ago children, before the founding of Equestria or pony tribes the world was a wild untamed place. The earth was in its infancy, and life began to stir. All life started simply at first, with all sorts of creatures of wonderful shapes and sizes came and went, being born and lost in the pages of time as is nature’s way. The world was chaotic at best, with the weather running wild and the sun and moon wandering aimlessly throughout the sky. But then children, a great being was born. Her name was Gaia, and she was the first of all pony kind. Gaia was a goddess beautiful to behold, much like our own Princess Celestia and Luna, Her mane was that of the greenest grass and vines, and her coat rippled like sunlight through water. Her horn shone light the brightest flares of the sun and her eyes were gentle violet orbs.

Gaia brought order to the world. With her magic she tamed the sun and moon to rise and fall at her command, and calmed the mighty storms and winds that the raging weather brought forth. Her kindness and strength allowed the earth to flourish, and life began to come forth and multiply. The land became a thing of beauty under the goddess’s kind and gentle rule.

Soon the animals became plenty, populating the earth with their numbers and with their diversity gave rise to the sentient beings of the world. The harsh north came forth the dragons, the proud and mighty race of reptiles that ruled the skies with fire and claw. Living in caves and collecting beautiful gems to eat. To the blazing heat of the south came forth our fellow creatures the zebras and camels, amongst the great insects that dwell within the sands and savannah native to their lands. From the forests came forth the mighty predators such as the manticore and Timber wolf. Their might and instinct hardened by the harsh eat or be eaten philosophy of the forests, the same conditions that we all know the Everfree forest to contain. The Oceans soon teemed with the life of fish and other strange creatures that inhabit the depths of the trenches below the waves. From the high mountain peaks of the coldest mountain ranges came forth the griffins, clever creatures of wing and beak.

And finally my little ponies the warm plains and valleys of the heartland, the land of the goddess herself, gave rise to our ancestors. The tribes of ponies all kept to themselves, enjoying in bliss the fruits of the earth and sky as the goddess herself watched over us. Though she loved all of the creatures of the world, she came to love the ponies of the heartlands much like her own children and guided them during our race’s infancy.

All was well for many generations, all lived in peace and prosperity as all the races of the world grew and learned. It was truly a golden age of peace and harmony between sentient beings and the earth. Gaia watched with pride as all life developed into flourishing cultures.

Then one day, a great ripple of the universe was felt, and from the sky came forth a mighty rift from which descended four new beings unknown to our world. As suddenly as it came, the mighty rift disappeared leaving behind the strange new two legged beings. Gaia in her curiosity sought out these beings, and learned that they called themselves Humans. Gaia questioned the beings, about where they came from and why they were here; when one called Baldar came forth and spoke of their race.

They came from a universe that is much different than our own. They called their land ‘Midgard’ and it once was a land as beautiful as our own. The beings who called themselves humans, lived there and built many great and wondrous things, Gleaming cities and strange devices that allowed humans to live superior to all the beasts of Midgard. They had lived for many millennia, and they’re race had flourished under the guidance of powerful humans that they called ‘Gods’ which watched over their people and guided them much like Gaia who guided her children. For many generations their people had worshipped their gods, relying on them to protect and help their race flourish.

Baldar was once one of these mighty gods, and was sadly the last of them. You see children, after many generations, their people stopped worshipping and asking their gods for help. Humanity started to get the idea that they were superior to all forces in their universe, and that they no longer needed help or guidance from their gods. Soon Humanity forgot their gods and continued their advancement to become the supreme beings of their world. While this seems like a good thing children, it was the first step to disaster. Humanity soon became a grotesque, corrupt race; who’s greed and lust for power soon took over their society. They abused their home, stripping it of all of the resources and things of beauty. Entire forests were cut down, and mountains leveled to make room for their cities of stone and glass. Finally the universe of Midgard could no longer stand the presence of such a vile and corrupt race, and its strange magic that they call “Fate” brought about their end of days. A event they called Ragnarok.

Ragnarok was a cataclysmic event children, humanity watched as one of their old gods rose up and raised their dead to destroy all life of their world. And He succeeded. Their final years were spent, fighting the dead and each other, cleansed from their world. The will of their universe however was not completely unkind, and spared four beings of their world. One god, Baldar led one of their stallions and two of their mares from their world through the great rift, watching as their world finally ceased to exist. Cast upwards into the stars into a new world, a world in its infancy where humanity would have another chance to live.

Upon hearing this tale, our goddess Gaia allowed Baldar and his kin to live upon our world. Letting them live in the lands of the north under the watchful gaze of the dragons. And so children, humanity was given a second chance and they were grateful. Many eons passed, the world living in harmony even with the strange humans. They grew in number, and built small villages as they slowly started to rebuild their race. Generations came and went, and soon Baldar and the other beings that came with him died, leaving their children and their grandchildren, and so forth to flourish with their tribes. Gaia watched them grow, but paid them little heed. After their god Baldar had died, they had tried to pray to Gaia but she did not answer their prayers. Soon humanity grew jealous of the other races of our world, of the love they received from our goddess. They grew bitter even as their king, the demi-god Belig the grandson of Baldar tried to keep his people on a righteous path. But as time passed humanity only grew more and more resentful of our people. Finally one of their champions, a demi-god named Skald challenged their king to rule. Belig accepted, as their ways dictated that only the strongest could lead. They fought for many days, but eventually Belig lost, and was beheaded by Skald. Under the banner of a new king, humanity soon turned down the path of darkness. They forged many weapons and trained many warriors, if they would not be loved by the goddess of the land, they would conquer it. They’re people conquered the lands of the north, slaying many dragons who once watched over and protected humans when they arrived.

Gaia was horrified at the loss of life, and grew angry at the humans. She conjured many storms and cataclysms to destroy humanity, however their people were a hardy race and would not be so easily culled. Soon they turned their eyes to the heartlands and the goddess’s chosen people, the ponies. As the flames of war smoldered, there came forth one single warrior from their lands to our own. This warrior was the son of the old king, and Great grandson of the god that had brought their people to this world from their world of ruin. He came forth to the goddess, beseeching her to allow him refuge in her land, as his people shunned him for speaking against the conquests of the land. The goddess allowed the human to stay, under the condition that he would never raise up a weapon against her people.

The man stayed among our race for many years, learning our ways. He soon became a hero of our people, warding off fell beasts and great cataclysms that befell the land as the world was thrown into disharmony. Soon, even the goddess came to love him as our own. Time went on, and the human taught our race several lessons that once helped his people survive. He taught us how to defend ourselves but also taught us that one should never use their power to oppress. He taught many lessons, each showing us strong virtues such as honesty, honor, hospitality, and other virtues were powerful things that could bring harmony to a people. The goddess watched this and was pleased. The goddess soon fell in love with the warrior, and the warrior returned her love. Their pairing brought much joy to the ponies, who rejoiced that their goddess could find love after existing for so long.

A few more years passed, and soon the humans came forth from the north to conquer our land. The tribes banded together, led by the hero and the goddess to protect all they held dear. The goddess gave a blessing upon the hero, granting him a powerful weapon, a magic hammer that summoned storms and thunder. As the conflict began, the might of the hero inspired the ponies to fight hard. Not just for their land but for their world that the humans so recklessly threw into chaos. Many lives were lost to both sides but the ponies fought on, drawing forth a stalemate with the armies of the humans. Soon a challenge came forth. The evil king Skald, challenged the hero to single combat, of which the victor would decide the outcome. Faced with the choice to fight the king, or watch as more humans and ponies die, the hero accepted, and upon the night of the full moon, the two armies met on the field of battle and watched as the two warriors come forth for their battle. A great shield was erected, trapping the two inside. This was a battle to the death, and neither of them would leave until the other was defeated.

The two mighty warriors clashed, the hammer of the hero bringing forth lighting and thunder against Skalds sword of mighty flames. They fought for many days, neither tiring nor succumbing to their wounds. Upon the dawn of the third day the warriors were still in stalemate, their armies watching in awe at the mighty demi-gods clashed. Soon it became apparent though that Skald, being much older than the hero was beginning to weaken. Soon the evil king realized that victory would not be won on his own power, soon commanded his army to attack. The armies clashed around the great shield as the two clashed, the sounds of death and battle rising into the air as the ground was soon soaked with the blood of men and pony alike. The goddess Gaia tried to stop the battle, and command the armies to cease, but with no avail.

The hero attacked Skald with renewed strength in his anger with the traitorous king. Soon the hero had victory in sight, when came the scream of his beloved as she was set upon by men. Without a thought or hesitation, the hero threw his mighty hammer, shattering the shield with its magic and striking the assailants dead on the spot, saving his love. The evil king Skald then yelled in victory as his sword ran the hero through. The thunder of the hero’s final attack caused human and pony alike to stop and witness the fatal blow. Gaia cried out as her love’s life began to fade. The dark king stood proud and declared his victory, not noticing his mortally wounded adversary stand up and pull the sword from his chest. Everypony watched in awe as the hero with his dying breath took the head of the evil king, before the hero himself fell.

The humans fled the land, and with no king or demi-god to lead them they became little more than squabbling tribes. The ponies of the land lamented the loss of the hero, but nopony’s sorrow matched that of Gaia, who lost the one love her long existence and her savior. In her sorrow, she cast powerful magic, shaking the universe with her might as she called to the soul of her love. No pony knows what beings she conversed with, but she pleaded for the soul of the hero back from these beings. The beings agreed, but for a price. Gaia was to get her lover back, but at the cost of her immortality. Without a second thought she gave her immortality willingly and the beings from beyond the universe held up their bargain. The universe rippled, and the body of the hero was raised to the heavens in a flash of light. Gaia was also taken by this light and soon it dissipated, and two beings descended from the heavens to the earth. One was a mighty alicorn stallion, the hero reborn. His body taking on the color of steel and his mane shone with dark storm clouds. Gaia returned to our world as a Alicorn of great beauty, with a coat of brilliant white and a mane of stars.

The ponies rejoiced at the appearance of their goddess and her love. The hero soon told the ponies that soon, they would have to take care of themselves and the land they had fought so hard to keep out of the clutches of the humans. Years passed after that, and the hero, who soon took on the name of Thunderhooves and Gaia watched as their ponies rebuilt their lives, teaching the lessons and virtues that thunderhooves bestowed upon them to their foals. Humans soon became that of myth, as the last tribes of humanity soon disappeared from the face of the world, with no one to lead them they simply could not survive in a world that dwelled in harmony that they almost destroyed. As years went on, Thunderhooves and Gaia began to grow in age to the dismay of their people. The Ponies feared the loss of their goddess and hero, but soon rejoiced as the pair gave forth two final gifts. Their daughters were born a few years apart, one with a coat of white and the mane of a rainbow, the younger an alicorn of deep blue and black, with a mane of stars like her mother. The two daughters were raised by their parents, and soon learned to take the responsibilities that their mother had so painstakingly upheld since the dawn of time. One daughter learned to guide the sun and to keep the mighty orb of light tamed. The other daughter learned to lead the moon gently and bring forth the stars that graced the night sky. This left only the weather to be controlled, of which Thunderhooves taught the winged Pegasai to take on this duty. Gaia in turn taught the ponies of the earth the talents of growing new life from the earth. Finally they both taught the Unicorns the secrets of magic, and how to harness the power of the universe.

Finally, their duty and fates were complete. And soon after, the two mighty alicorns died. Someponies say they died in each other’s arms, and others say that Thunderhooves died a day before Gaia did. But Everypony agrees on what happened next. Every being of the world wept over the loss of their goddess and her love. For three days they wept, and moved by their tears the daughters of the goddess and her love decided to one last thing for their parents. Using great magic, the sisters cast the forms of their parents into the stars, creating constellations from their bodies so that the two lovers may live eternally in the sky, watching over the beings of the world. The body of Thunderhooves became the constellation of Orion, the mighty warrior who graces the night sky with his strength and mighty belt. Gaia became the constellation of Virgo, the loving mother of her children who watches over us all as night falls.


Fizban wiped a small tear from his eye as he finished his tale, looking at the class of young foals who looked at him with awe and with tears in their eyes from the beauty of the tale. He could hear sniffling coming from the corner as Twilight finished recording the story. “And that my little ponies, is a story that has been passed from many ponies to their children for generation after generation up til my papa told me. It’s a very special story to me, and I’m glad I got to share it with you all.”

A hoof was raised in the back of the class and Fizban nodded to the young filly. “But Mr. Fizban I don’t understand one thing. Why would Thunderhooves fight against his own kind? Sure they were bad, but I can’t imagine fighting against another pony.” There was hushed voices as the old story teller pondered the question.

“A very good question indeed my dear. And I can only offer up this. Some ponies say that the reason he fought was because despite Gaia not blessing or loving his people, he still fell in love with her and believed that she knew what was right. But others including myself believe that his reason was that of a simpler one. I believe he rose up because he realized that humanity were beings who were given a second chance after they destroyed their world, but that second chance didn’t mean that they could do the same to our own. He believed that the moment that humans decided to forsake the call of harmony, that they gave up any chance they had of living with this world. He simply didn’t want the curse of his people to be forced upon our own.” The class looked at him in awe, and soon rays of dusk shined down through the windows. “Well my little ponies, that’s all I have for you. I want you all to think long and hard about my story, and remember it well so that you can tell your foals, and grandfoals.” The class cheered and soon they filtered out the door, Cheerliee smiling before she closed the door behind them all.

Twilight walked up to the old unicorn and hugged him. “Thank you so much Fizban. Your story was amazing. I have one question though.” Fizban looked at his former student with a raised eyebrow. “The daughters of Thunderhooves and Gaia… are they who I think they are?”

Fizban chuckled a bit and ran his hoof through Twilights hair and messing with it playfully. “That my dear is a conclusion I will let you draw. I’m just an old story teller, I don’t know if it’s true or not. I only know that the lessons it teaches are worth passing on.” Twilight looked a bit perplexed and then shook her head.

“You always were a strange one. Come to think of it where did you learn this story?” Fizban laughed again.

“Oh Twilight, always so full of questions. But that’s a tale for another time.” The old unicorn stretched his legs as he watched as the sun finally set behind the horizon of freshly fallen snow, and watched as the stars began to shine, looking down upon the land of Equestria and the lands beyond.

This story just kinda wrote itself during a free-write of mine, I'd thought it would be nice to put it up and see how folks reacted to it. I like old legends and such so it seemed kinda fitting that a old storyteller could tell something so shrouded in myth and maybe a bit of history.

My Little Pony Friendship is magic is owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust. I in no way shape or form own any of the characters, ideas, settings that they lay claim to just the original content.

Comments ( 2 )

Thumbs up from me. This was a nice read from me, although I must ask something:

The class cheered and soon they filtered out the door, Cheerliee smiling before she closed the door behind them all.

Um...wasn't there a blizzard happening outside? They willingly walked outside in a blizzard, where they could freeze to death? I'm not sure if this is worth looking at, and I am exaggerating, but it just stuck out to me.

There weren't any persistent errors I saw in terms of spelling or grammar, though there were a few here and there.

Again, this was a pleasant read. Tahnk you for sharing this.

@ Not Worthy. Yea i could have been a bit more descriptive to say that the blizzard stopped. a small facehoof moment for me :ajbemused:javascript:smilie(':facehoof:'); I'm glad you liked it however, and I might do a few more stories like this for free-writes. Right now i'm working on a bigger story that will be my first real fic instead of random free-writes or oneshots.

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