• Published 16th May 2020
  • 5,674 Views, 57 Comments

Fun and Friendship or Invasion and Destruction? A My Little Pony Movie x Beerus Crossover! - MarlonCalpe4000

Beerus arrives at the King of All's Palace where Present and Future Lord Zeno gives Beerus an honorable exile for his retirement in Equestria. He gets teleported in the city of Canterlot for the first ever Friendship Festival is going to take place.

  • ...

Somewhere in the middle of Nowhere.. Enter Klugetown!

At Klugetown

When they got to the city, they soon found out it was a retched hive of scum and villainy. They had to be cautious. They place was filled with shady to bizarre characters.

As he was walking with the group Beerus sniff the air with a dark tone to his voice. "Ahhh... Nice.. It smells like home". "Umm Lord Beerus...? What do you mean?" Starlight asked. "This place looks and smells like my home universe, This place is nothing compared to the planets I've been through, as I've said... I have survived far harsher environments compared to this place".

"Just out of curiosity, Trixie wants to know whats it like back in your alien home planet... universe...whatever..." Asked Trixie. "Well planets that serve no purpose whatsoever whether it has life or none at all gets destroyed by me, no questions asked but the ones that are valuable to other life forms get traded in for money". Beerus says with a low dark tone to his voice that made everypony else except Trixie and Starlight backed away from him a bit every time they see Lord Beerus with the red glow in his pupils and fire around his eyes. "Trading planets is a very profitable business back in my outer dimension because you always need land to support every life form".

"WOW... Trixie is quite intrigued hearing this for a villain of an alien like you! Trixie meant no offense". Trixie suddenly wields back as she suddenly covers her mouth with her hooves and gives Beerus a nervous smile. "None taken..." Beerus sighs as they keep walking when.. "HEY LOOK!! THAT GUYS SELLING CHURROS!!!" As Beerus pointed to a Churros Stand being watched over by a fish creature.

Soon everypony and everycreature is eating churros on the side of the street next to the food stand.

Beerus is happily eating his churros while dipping it in his large cup of chocolate syrup being held up by his tail while Starlight and Trixie are feeding each other churros. Spike is getting his churros coated with small gems while the Mane 6 are just munching happily on more sticks of churros while dipping them in chocolate syrup especially Twilight and Pinkie Pie who felt like they died and went to Elysium since they haven't a treat of a delicacy like this before!

"Don't worry, little one, we'll let ya go!" Said a Random Pig Creature as his partner holds a large sack of bits in his arm. "To the highest bidder!" Says his partner as a crowd of laugh and cheer with them as they pull out their pouch and sacks of bits as well as thick stacks and bundles of the Storm Bucks Currency. "Very Nice! Hahahahaha!!" Says the leader of the hogs.

"Storm King bobbleheads!!" Called out one of the fish creature vendors from his stand where he was also selling Storm King Plushies, Action Figures, Posters, and other merch courtesy of the Evil Satyr Dictator. "Ooohh!! Pretty!!" Pinkie was about to bounce to where that gift shop was when she felt her tail suddenly being pulled by Twilight's magic. "No! No! No! No! No! We've already wasted enough time here Pinkie! We have to get going and find the queen of the.."

"Ooh. Hey! You with the horn, you selling?" Asks another creature pointing to Twilight as she and her friends started to get scared while Beerus looks like he was bored out of his mind. This vendor was selling different horns from different kinds of ponies and other sorts of dead wildlife. Whether he scavenged them from cemeteries or how he acquired them, We may never know.

Fluttershy trots over to some Bird Cages where she heard birds squawking loudly like they are calling out for help. "Ooh! Hello there my birdies! Don't worry! I'll let you out as soon as possible! You'll be free once more!" Fluttershy gives her new feathered friends a warm smile that seems to calm them down as she gives them her leftover churros sticks.

“Hi there.” Twilight said to a Pushkin trying to stack some barrels but they fell over. “Oh I'm sorry. Let me help you with that.” Twilight said using her magic to re stack the barrels. Meanwhile a few feet away from them, a Anthropomorphic Cat who was light brown and wore a red coat took notice of what was happening.

“HEY, NO MAGIC AROUND MY MERCHANDISE!!” He yelled as the ponies started screaming and running off to the other side of the street. Beerus was the only one who didn’t ran as the purple feline starts walking forward to confront him. "I find you dreadfully annoying.." Beerus states as he looks at the Pushkin with an intimidating look. The God of Destruction looks at him straight into the eye with his pupils glowing bright red as fire starts to burn from his eyelids and a purple aura appears making him look shinier and fierce looking as the earth starts shaking causing several creatures on the streets to get knocked out from the God's terrifying power.

"Beerus please... Don't do this... For the safety of everycreature here and all the lives that are at steak... PLEASE..!!" Twilight yells pleading as she starts to tear up pulls Spike closer to her chest while the rest of her friends starts cowering beside her. "Don't worry Twilight.. Im doing this for you.. This turtle or whatever the hell he is doesn't know how to either RESPECT and APPRECIATE..." Beerus says in a loud harsh tone as Applejack turns to Twilight putting her hooves on the friend's shoulder and looks at her in the eye. "I think Beerus will just knock some sense into that there fella how not to mess with us if he ain't got no respect! Now i know that you think he don't show it that much but i know that he's telling the truth about keeping his promise to ya Twi, Yah just gotta trust the guy..". "Okay Applejack... Thanks for letting me understand.." Twilight gives Applejack a small smile and gives her a warm hug while Pinkie starts cheering for Beerus while wearing a cheerleader's outfit complete with props. "Go! Go! Go! You can do it!!"

"Don't get so cocky you Feline Bastard!!!" The Pushkin pulls out a spiked bat and proceeds to bash the purple feline god on the head but Beerus easily dodges and uses instant transmission to appear behind the Pushkin as he immediately knocks him down with a pressure-point jab in the shoulder rendering him unconscious. Disappointed by the subsequent lack of challenge, Beerus walks back to his friends while whistling what seems to be "Pinkie's Parasprite Polka".

"WHAAAT??!!!" Shouted everycreature in the area who were too shocked... Frozen in fear turning all white and unable to comprehend what just happened.

Everypony and everycreature just stood there mouth agape at the sight of such extreme scale of power in a street brawl which wasn't even a fight to begin with except Pinkie Pie who had a grin. "Come on lets go..!!" Beerus waves his hands forward as the rest of our heroes follow him still astonished about what just happened. "Y...Yes oh Great and Powerful Beerus!!!" Trixie suddenly yells out while following suit which gets a smile from Beerus.

Meanwhile a few feet away from them a anthropomorphic cat who was light brown and wore a red coat took notice of what was happening. "Hmmm... Cornish Rex and six multicolored ponies... Very interesting..."

"Okay. We just gotta stick together." Twilight told the others. "Be careful who you talk to. And try to blend in".

Then some of the locals got into a fight.

"Can I have your attention please?! Huh?! Can anypony take us to the Queen of the Hippos?!" Pinkie yelled.

“Oh boy....” Beerus said while Twilight groaned.

"You want something? You gotta give something!" Mori said.

“Well how about a big warm hug from a grateful pony friend?” She asked but the fish refused, so she continued asking. random creatures. “How about this comb I never used? A picture of my sister, Maud? This breath mint? Seriously buddy, help me help you.” But the pig belches letting out rancid breath causing Pinkie to faint.

“Pinkie, you can’t just take off.” Twilight whispered to Pinkie through clenched teeth. “You don’t need to announce to-”

“Relax Twilight.” Pinkie told her. “I got it under control.”

“How much for the giant gecko? Louise asked while more creatures started crowding around the group. "Huh?" The Mane Six asked around whos the gecko these strange creatures are reffering to. “Who are you calling a gecko!?” Spike told off Louise. "Uh, Spike isn't for sale". Twilight says with a deadpan look.

“I want that fancy purple hair!” Vera said. “I’ll give you two storm bucks for it!”

“Two Storm Bucks? It’s worth more than that!” Rarity said in offense while Twilight looked confused as they come across various creatures bidding against each other.

"Gimme that pink one!" A deer creature asked while two pig creatures are looking like they are about to start a brawl. "I'll take the blue one!" One pig creature yells out. " No! want the blue one!" Says his opponent as he prepared to duke it out with this other fat hog. "I need that lizard!" Yelled Louise while two strange creatures fights over to bid for Pinkie Pie's stuff. "I'll take that picture of your sister!" The Deer Creature pushes aside the monster as he tries to outbid this scrawny fellow. "I want all seven for my collection!"

Play for an authentic experience!

Everyone kept crowding around wanting each of them for something as Beerus who starts to get really angry as a vein starts to pop his forehead emits an invisible wave of ki from his palm knocking out the fishmen as well as the other creatures surrounding them and rendering them unconscious as they crashed into different barrels, crates, cages, leaving the town buildings with a variety of broken walls and windows.

"Okay.... Uuhhmm... Everybody just leave the Cornish Rex i guess..." Says a random fish creature as the rest of the citizens were too paralyzed with fear try to step back from the commotion thats currently going on.

A light brown cat wearing a red coat steps in and decides to neutralize the situation. "Back up, everyone! Back it up! Y'all in some serious danger! Now you didn't touch any of them, did you? Just look at all those colors! You think that's natural? They're infected with "pastelis coloritis".

"Now, you listen here, fella, there ain't—" Applejack tried to say before the cat covered her mouth with his tail.


Everyone turned to look at Pinkie Pie, who had broken off from the group, and was now setting up a stage complete with colorful lights, banners, streamers, smoke fog machines, speakers as well as wireless microphones and headsets for everyone which she conjured up from nowhere using her Mysterious Fourth Wall Breaking Powers.

While Pinkie Pie finished setting up the stage for her Impromptu concert, Starlight and Trixie teamed up to set up the fireworks which Trixie has conveniently hid under her hat for some reason much to the confusion of Beerus and everypony else especially the residents of Klugetown.

"Pinkie what are you..?!" Twilight gets cut off as Pinkie pushes her to the center of the stage and gives her the introduction cue cards. "Can you please just do this for me Twilight? Friendship isn't just for us but everycreature needs to learn the Magic of Friendship!" Pinkie puts her right forehoof on Twilight's shoulder and shows her the current surroundings. "When we leave our home and run into this town, However bad they may be..These creatures are poverty stricken Twilight!! Seriously.. Don't you think they've been through enough already..?!" Pinkie sighs and gives Twilight that serious look saying she wants to do this. "Your right Pinkie! Friendship should be spread to everypony and everycreature out there! Its my duty as the Princess of Friendship! And... I know because... Thats what Princess Celestia would have wanted..." Twilight sighs before she felt a hoof on her shoulder as Pinkie Pie gives her a sad smile. "Alright Pinkie lets do this!! All of these creatures deserve the Magic of Friendship and we are going to give it to them while were here!!" After a moment of anticipation, the crowd cheers loudly as Twilight begins to speak with enthusiasm.

"Welcome everyone to this year's Friendship Festival Super Play! Uhh... Written.. Directed... and.. Produced by Pinkie Pie!" All the residents of Klugetown claps and cheers loudly, some of them even whistling as Twilight steps off the stage as Pinkie Pie steps to the center stage and pulls out a movie projector showing the events of Pinkie Pride as she starts to sing holding the mic in her hooves and giving the audience a sincere smile as Beerus sits at the side of the stage while eating cheese flavored popcorn and a soda with bendy straw courtesy of Pinkie.

"Your seat is right over there sir!" The fish creature Mori says acting as a Ticket Clerk as the Random Porcupine walks off to join the rest of the audience that were holding pink light sticks, banners with Pinkie's face on it as well as slogans saying "We Love You Pinkie!" and the other creatures who were holding sign boards saying "Go Pinkie!" or "Pinkie Pie 4 the Win!" as well as holding Pinkie Pie figures and plush toys. Fish Man and Land Creatures alike flock over to the gift shop which is just a wooden stand now selling Pinkie Pie bobbleheads and other merch. The Storm King brands however were thrown into the fire for hobos to warm their cold claws on.

The crowd of fish creatures as well as land dwellers cheer loudly after Pinkie Pie finished her heartfelt solo as the pink mare gestures the rest of the Mane 6 to come on stage to sing one final song for every creature out there about the truth of friendship. Each of the ponies hold unto a microphone as the projector flashes the events of Magical Mystery Cure on the white screen spread across the stage.

While Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Fluttershy were taking turns in singing their part, The Fish Creatures and Land Dwellers of Klugetown start to put their arms in one another's shoulder in a huge group concert hug, some of them even shedding tears at the heartwarming scene before them.

The concert ended as Spike lits up the fireworks set up by Trixie and Starlight causing the sky to light up in different colors as Rainbow Dash performs a Sonic Rainboom. The crowd of Fish men and Land Dwellers were simply astonished as they erupted into a thunderous applause, throwing flowers to the Mane 6 and some of them even cheering and whistling loudly in the crowd as Fluttershy releases all the birds in the cages with a key from Pinkie Pie as they all fly away into the sky in a display of colorful feathers.

Play for an authentic experience!

After the "Friendship Festival Super Play!" concert, Everycreature assuming from the depths of the sea as well as the land creatures enjoyed the party. "Wow this party is great!" Said one of the fish creatures. "Yeah! The food smells really good!" Replied his land dweller friend who was a porcupine. There were fish creatures who enjoyed playing in the shooting gallery and winning plush toys of the pony heroes. Other fish creatures were eating at the food stalls enjoying pop corn, peanut brittle, chocolate bars, pretzels, churros, hay fries, hay dogs, hayburgers, waffles etc. Land dwellers like deers were enjoying the cupcakes, ice cream, tarts, caramel flan, doughnuts as well as other tasty treats made by Pinkie Pie with their sea friends. On the other side of the party Fish Creatures were getting together on the photo booth set up by Rarity as she helps them fit into different outfits and costumes for a picture perfect photo as Trixie was performing some magic in front of the residents with some assistance from her best friend Starlight and Beerus who reluctantly agrees just because he gets to enjoy the best food along the way. Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Twilight, Spike and Pinkie just sit down on the ground for a nice picnic celebration for a job well done.

After the party was over Capper walks up to the gang of heroes who were just about ready to leave to resume their mission.

Capper’s the name, charming’s my game.” The light brown cat said. Rarity was charmed indeed but spike was jealous of him.

"Beerus the Destroyer. God of Destruction from the 7th Universe of the Outer Dimension. Charmed to meet you". Beerus takes a step towards Capper as the two felines look like are about to take a standoff as they stare each other down with narrowed eyes each to their faces.

"Abbysinian Cat" Beerus says through clenched teeth.

"What a lucky guess to your description of my species, Cornish Rex.." Capper says with a low growl to his voice as the two look like they are going to fight it out.

The ponies and the baby dragon closed their eyes, afraid of what might be the outcome of this fight but it turns out that they are going to shake hands.

"Its so nice to see another cat in the bag here such as yourself" Beerus smiles as he shakes Capper's hand.

"Likewise Lord Beerus, Someone with your power and strength needs a certain degree of respect, especially someone who's willing to put his life on the line for his friends.". Capper says as he bows down in front of Lord Beerus.

Lord Beerus and Capper firmly shakes each other's hands one more time before the purple feline heads off to talk to Starlight and Trixie.

"Your quite charming!" Rarity says as she giggles while Spike huffs in annoyance obviously showing signs of jealousy of Rarity's interactions with Capper.

“Hi!” Starlight greeted.

“So.. The Great and Powerful Trixie wants to know what kind of guys like you doing in a town like this?” Trixie asked.

Capper glances off to the side and sighs. "Last i checked me and my friend Chummy were managing this Kibble Stand in order to pay some debts i had with a certain gang.. And thats when the Storm King invaded the Kingdom of Abbysinia and we lost everything..."

“Sorry to hear that Capper.” Starlight said putting her hoof towards Capper's chest to give him a hug which made him feel a bit better.

“Uhhh are you sure about these guys?” Twilight whispered. “I don’t know if we should trust them.”

“Well they seem nice enough.” Starlight said optimistically.

“Besides We could definitely use a friend out here.” Pinkie agreed.

Capper then came to them as he prepares to sing a little number."You know what? Little Cotton Candy Hair is right. And, if I do say so myself..."

They soon headed up to Capper’s place where everypony and everycreature made themselves comfortable. "Welcome, my little ponies, to my little manor".

"Ooh! A sort of a roco-hobo-Bohemian hodgepodge". Rarity said admiring the warm and cozy lounge of Capper's.

"Apologies for the state of my litter box. I wasn't expecting guests." Capper says as he tries to the dust off some of the furniture around them especially the seats.

"Ooh! So many fun breakables!" Pinkie Pie starts looking around at the antiques displayed.

"Y'all sure y'all want the Hippos?" Capper asked confused. "Yessirree! The Queen of the Hippos!" Pinkie Pie answered with a grin. "Not like the Queen of the Lions, or Tigers, or Bears?"

"Oh my!" Fluttershy was surprised to hear that there was a Queen of the Lions, Tigers or Bears around from Capper.

Twilight did some browsing while the other stared chatting with each other. "Huh? Whats this?" Twilight wonders as she sees a book that might be helpful to their quest, Unknowing that Needy was at a pay phone.

“Hello operator? Get me Verko.” Needy said.

"I know where you are Tempest Shadow.. I can sense your Ki all the way from here.. No enemy in my sights escape me Tempest.. Never forget that..! Before this war is over im going to take you down.." Beerus... Twilight says in a worried tone as she hears the purple feline's voice crystal clear even if was in a low tone.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

What do you think will happen next in this deviation? Find out in the next chapter!

Dragon Ball is created by Akira Toriyama.
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is created by our Lovely Lauren Faust.