• Published 16th May 2020
  • 971 Views, 57 Comments

Kindness and the Seed of Shadow - Raven-Flight

In the moons since her captivity under King Sombra, Fluttershy is expecting a foal. She worries it will be a shadow pony like its father, and what she learns about dark magic drives a wedge between her and Discord.

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Gathering and scattering

They were seated together on the carved stone bench overlooking the lily pond, the warm light of late evening casting the water in gold. For a few precious minutes, neither dared to speak. The golden sky faded to lavender and the brightness of the lilies grew muted when Rarity felt the stillness of the water was finally reflected in the calm of her mind.

“This is where I was when Rainbow Dash brought me the news,” she said quietly.

“It’s a lovely spot,” replied Applejack, staring intently at the water as if afraid she would betray a secret if she looked anywhere else. “Almost as lovely as Fluttershy’s twins. Can you believe she was carryin’ two little foals around all this time? Heavens to Betsy!”

“That mare is stronger than she looks, that’s for certain. I’m just glad Rainbow Dash happened upon her at the right moment!”

“Good old Dash. She must have come straight for me after she got Fluttershy to the hospital. She showed up at the farm panting from exertion and she was so worried and flustered, she near about picked me up and carried me back to Canterlot herself!”

“Oh my!” Rarity interjected.

“I had to buck her in the stomach to get her to stop jitterin’ and hush up! That’s when I told her git on over back to Canterlot by herself, and Pinkie and I hopped on the first train out of Ponyville. Awful lucky we were able to make it in time!”

“I’m glad you did.” Rarity meant just to leave her response at that, but then she worried that Applejack might take it the wrong way and assume she meant she was particularly glad that Applejack, above anypony else, was able to come. Then Rarity realized that “wrong way” was what she did actually mean, deep down, so she blurted “—Because it just wouldn’t have felt right, to have the foals arrive without the squad all there, and no Pinkie Pie party to celebrate them. It’s good you—we all could be there.”

Applejack hummed in agreement, still keeping her eyes locked on the pond. It was beginning to dull into tones of gray in the dim light. Then jerking suddenly, she turned to face Rarity. Both her front hooves were lifted and they stretched halfway toward the unicorn’s own hooves, but then they froze and went to Applejack’s hat instead, lifting it off to place it in her lap. “You know, I… I really...” She slumped. “I really do appreciate all your letters.”

Rarity’s eyes widened but she held Applejack’s gaze, unsure what to think and afraid to breathe.

Applejack continued. “Home just don’t feel like home no more with you—all of you—so far away. I can’t explain it. There at the farm, tendin’ the apples season after season and year after year, it’s the life I’ve wanted since I was a filly and I still want it, but somethin’ about it just ain’t enough anymore. Every time I get one of your letters, though, it helps. For a little while, everythin’ just clicks into place and I feel at peace, but then I remember you’re so far away, and I’ll write you a letter back but it takes so long before I get to know what you’ll say in response. Ya know? I miss bein’ able to converse with you in real time.” Applejack lowered her eyes and wearily turned back to face the lilies again.

Rarity also turned back to the pond, whispering “I know. I miss it too.” Then she dared—did she dare? They were best friends; of course she wouldn’t mind! Then she dared to lean just a little bit to the left, until her white coat pressed into the orange of Applejack’s. There was a pause, but Rarity didn’t feel her friend tensing as she’d worried.

Instead, after a few seconds, Applejack leaned in too, and just barely rested her head against Rarity’s. The earth pony didn’t speak again, but Rarity could hear her friend’s breathing, and it was heavy with emotion.

“We’ll keep writing to each other, and some day, something will work out,” murmured Rarity, slowly letting her head slip down to Applejack’s shoulder and making sure to keep her horn pointed away from any fur. “Much as I love high society, Ponyville is where I became the mare I am now, and I’ve realized that it feels more like home to me than even the most fashionable city. I’ve been thinking lately that, once I get my business established and some good ponies hired to help run it, I might move back to Ponyville someday. It might take a few years, but that’s the hope, anyway.”

“I’d like that,” whispered Applejack, and then silence fell again. The last notes of birdsong drifted away in the cool evening breeze and reflections of stars began to stipple the surface of the pond and mingle with the muted lilies.

And still Rarity and Applejack sat, watching the world drift into slumber, neither of them quite ready to get up and leave behind the moment they’d shared.

Rainbow Dash reclined on a cloud, watching the sun sink toward the ground until she was higher in the sky than it was. She flipped to her back, the better to see the stars as they emerged, and took another bite of the extra slice of cake she’d swiped from the foal-welcoming party.

Two foals. If anypony could have the attention and patience to raise two foals at once, it was Fluttershy. As far as Rainbow Dash was concerned, just one would be enough of a hooffull. Sure, foals were cute and all, and everypony always said that raising foals was one of the most meaningful things one could do in life, but she couldn’t get over the feeling that a foal of her own would just get in her way or slow her down. What would happen to her Wonderbolt career? And what if the foal turned out not to like flying? Would she be scorned by her colleagues? Would she be saddled with the responsibility of figuring out how to support and get along with a foal who had nothing in common with her?

Rainbow Dash shoved the rest of the cake in her mouth. It was milk chocolate with a funfetti frosting filling, and Rainbow tried to clear her mind by savoring its decadence as well as the thought of working all those calories off again at Wonderbolt practice tomorrow. There was no point in worrying about what it would be like to raise her own foal right now anyway. That wouldn’t even be an issue until she found a stallion she could tolerate—if she decided to go after stallions at all. Right now, Rainbow Dash didn’t know what she wanted out of life, aside from rising in the ranks of the Wonderbolts and one day going down in the history books as the greatest flier who ever lived. But she could do all that without a romantic partner. It might be easier that way, anyway.

So that’s it, she decided, watching constellations of legendary heroes venerated by cultural memory blinking into existence out of the night sky. Fluttershy can settle in and enjoy her family life, but I won’t feel any pressure to rush into anything. I’ll foalsit and hang out with the twins from time to time and get a feel for what family life is really like by watching all of them. Then, once I understand it better, the desire to have it myself will come when I’m ready.

Staring at the constellation of a great ancient warrior, Rainbow Dash thoughtfully licked the frosting off her hooves. Or not, and it won’t make any difference to me.

Pinkie Pie noticed Applejack moping as they rode the train together back to Ponyville. She noticed, but for once, she couldn’t find the spark she needed to try to cheer her friend up. Pinkie Pie let Applejack go on moping without interfering, because she was moping too.

In a way, she knew, they were sad about the same thing. It had been so exciting and refreshing for all six friends to be together, partying and hanging out and having a blast again. Aside from the arrival of Fluttershy’s foals, it had been just like old times. But now new responsibilities had beckoned, and they were splitting up again, and this time it was worse because Pinkie Pie was leaving not just her best friends behind, but two brand-new, miraculous, adorable little foals too! She would go back to visit and foalsit and play often, but she could just tell her friend needed to be alone with her new family for a little while as they figured themselves out. Pinkie Pie sighed in melancholy wonder. Fluttershy, a young mother, two beautiful twins, and Discord, who obviously intended to be the father figure in the foals’ lives. And what a fun, exciting father he would be! How adorably in love he and Fluttershy were!

Pinkie Pie sighed again and rested her head on the train window, staring glumly out at the rapidly passing world. That was the main reason she was so sad to leave. She was afraid to admit it to herself, but she knew it was true. She was a little jealous of their love. Pinkie Pie had so much love to give, and she was so anxious for the day she had a partner of her own who could drink it in, breathe it, cherish it, nurture it, and offer their own love in return. How she yearned for that pony she could share her crazy, exciting life with!

Worst of all, Pinkie Pie was pretty sure she was leaving that pony behind, even now. She had tried to confess her affection at the party, but, well, it didn’t work out. Maybe it was not meant to be after all. Her stomach twisted up inside her at that moment, as if nauseated by the very thought. When, when would she get a partner of her own to love?

Wiping a tear from her eye, the mare told herself she had moped enough for one train ride. She was Pinkie Pie, after all! She had a duty to be happy! Cheese Sandwich would be in Ponyville very soon, and she wanted to give him the warmest, cheeriest welcome he had ever received! He was such a good friend to her. There was probably nopony in the world besides him who shared her enthusiasm for—nay, addiction to life, and she couldn’t overstate how amazing it was to her to have found a pony who understood her at that level. Pinkie Pie wanted to be sure not to give Cheese Sandwich anything at all to worry about while he was visiting—least of all her and her personal regrets!

“Hey, sugarcube.” Applejack nudged Pinkie Pie’s side. “You’re lookin’ unusually glum. Everything alright?”

Pinkie Pie startled at the touch, then offered Applejack a limp smile. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. It’s just so sad to leave again, you know?”

“Oh, I know,” Applejack nodded. “Now listen here. Everypony’s allowed to be sad sometimes, even the bright and sunny Pinkie Pie. I’m not gonna ask you to pretend to be cheerful if you’re just not, and there’s no shame in feelin’ that way. Just know that I’m here, and if there’s anything you need to help you work through your sadness, I’m more than willing to provide.”

“Thanks, Applejack. I needed to hear that.” Pinkie Pie paused and her eyes brightened a shade. “And same to you! Don’t think I haven’t noticed you being a pouty grump over there! When we get back, prepare yourself for a whole cartload of cupcakes and confetti and cheering-up! That’s how you can help me, Applejack. Just let me try to help make you smile!”

Applejack summoned a smirk and gave her friend a playful punch in the arm. “Ya got yourself a deal, there, missy!”

With one last, watery-eyed blink, Pinkie Pie pushed her disappointment behind her. Now she had to focus all her concentration on making Applejack happy. And Cheese Sandwich too, when he arrived. Seeing their smiling faces would surely get her out of her funk in no time.

Twilight set down her quill. She had already sketched an outline for her book on shadow ponies and even drafted the introduction since she left the foal-welcoming party. Of course, she hadn’t left the party because she wasn’t enjoying herself; she had just enjoyed herself as much as she could with the thought of starting this book weighing on her. She needed to at least get something down on paper before tomorrow’s royal duties forced all her personal projects to the back of her mind.

Giving her work a final critical skim, Twilight got up and moved to the foot of her bed. A nightgown was waiting there, and she slipped into it with warm satisfaction. The material was soft and cuddly, and the front of it read “File this princess under Zzzzz”. It was the library-themed gift Pinkie Pie had hinted at. Z, of course, was the Library of Congress system letter designation for materials related to library science. It was a cute joke, suggesting that “this princess” prefers to be thought of as a librarian. A sleepy librarian. Twilight hugged herself, enjoying the coziness of the nightgown and pretending Pinkie Pie was there in her arms. The thought her friend had put into this simple gift was really touching! She replayed the scene on the ballroom balcony in her head.


Here! A little thanks for saving us on our adventure to the Crystal Empire!”

She took Pinkie’s package, replying with distraction as she tore open the wrapping. “We weren’t really in any real danger, you know… Oh, wow, Pinkie, I love it!”

Pinkie grinned. “I’m so glad!”

Actually, I might go try it out right now!” She hugged Pinkie. “This party’s been a lot of fun, but I’m bushed, and you know me; I’ve never been one for late nights.” No, that wasn’t quite right. “Not unless I’m on a crazy research binge, anyway. Thank you, Pinkie! Good night!” She turned to go back into the castle.

Twilight, wait!” Pinkie called after her.


I also wanted to tell you I...” It almost looked like Pinkie was blushing, but no, her fur was always that pink. Right? It was so hard to tell in that lighting. “I love you.”

Twilight’s confusion melted away. “I know that! I love you too.” She hugged Pinkie again and felt her friend grow almost feverishly warm at her touch. “The love that binds friends and brought us all together is really incredible. I don’t need any gifts to remind me of that, and I would never take it for granted. Anyway, I’ll see you and Applejack off at the train station tomorrow morning. Good night, and thank you again!”

Was that a thump she heard behind her as she walked away? No, it must have come from in front of her, where the others were all still partying.


What wonderful friends Twilight had! Pinkie Pie was always so thoughtful, and the solidarity they had all shown in the last couple of days as they gathered around Fluttershy and her foals was really inspiring. Celestia knows just how hard it may be for her to raise two half-shadow foals into good ponies. Troublesome as the thought was, Twilight couldn’t feel worried. Fluttershy had proven several times over that her kindness was capable of taming darkness, and if she ever needed help, she had her friends—and even Discord!—right there by her side.

Twilight crawled into her bed. The raising of these two dark magic-infected foals into upstanding citizens of Equestria will make an excellent book unto itself one day, she thought with a smile, and soon she was asleep, and the “Zzzzz” on her nightgown might as well have been a transcription of her contented snoring.