• Member Since 20th Aug, 2019
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Why do I write? Because it's fun! :D

Comments ( 18 )

As always, a great fic. Thumbs up (hooves) from me.

This was a good read.

Loved the story and love how you ended it. Can’t wait for more like this in the future!

Just wondering.... do Shadow, and RD by association, still have a bounty on their head in the criminal world?

That's why I can't like and fave the story. There's going to be others coming for him. There's going to be others coming for Rainbow Dash. Twilight really fucked up and them forgiving her and the ending doesn't put enough consequences on her.

My thougths too...
The logical next step, as I see it, is that Twilight figure out that there is more or less two options left now...
1. Shadow, RD and her family cuts all contact and goes into protectiv service. Thus ending their friendship and RD losing her dream as wonderbolt.
2. Twilight somehow miraculously makes the criminal underworld's ability to be a threat to them impotent.
(Twilight becomes a hipocrite by becoming a vigilante herself, and blackmailing/threathen the criminals to stop their hunt)

"Hi egghead. Just stopped by to say goodbye forever."

"What?! Why Rainbow?"

"Because you made it so everypony that wants to get revenge on the 'Ranger' now knows who he is and how they might get their revenge by killing either of us...
So Shadow, me and my family will cease to exist today, when Celestia and Luna cast a permanent transformation spell on us and gives us new identities"

It's too bad Iron Blade died. Because he could've revealed a story to the world. A story of greed, treason, corruption, conspiracy, lies, revenge, sadistic torture, and murder. Like how the royal guards and investigators were working along side the criminal underworld, how all the charges against Shadow Bolt aka The Ranger were all false, how the royal guards and investigators all conspired with the criminal underworld to place these charges on Shadow to make him a criminal to the public, and how they tortured Shadow Bolt, and later tried to assassinate him in an act of vengeance.

As for Twilight, she's still a traitor in my eyes. If she hadn't gone snitching on Shadow Bolt to Shining Armor, then all this would never have happened. I would never forgive Twilight for any of this, as it was unforgivable what she did. The same goes to Shining Armor too, and I feel he was part of the corruption and conspiracy too. Pardon from Princess Celestia or no, both Twilight and Shining Armor had ruined Shadow Bolt's life and reputation forever. Twilight and Shining may not go to prison like Shadow Bolt was going to, but everyone is going to know that they had done, and they're gonna have to live with that fact.
And the other sad part is that the corruption of the royal guards with the criminal underworld will continue with no one and nothing to stand in their way, with Shadow Bolt never being The Ranger hero again. So who and what would stop them now?
But that's just my opinion.

Anyway, it was a good read, and a good sequel.

Great story and can you do a sequel of their wedding ?

Great work. One can only hope Celestia nd Shining Armor work now against the corrouption

Did not plan on making this, but people's reactions was so nice and supportive for the short story I could not help myself

Yep, story ended in previous chapter, this part doesnt change much(but zero comments in all previous chapters.. really support in writing =)

Good story.
But twilight did not betray - she's a simply very stupid (she does not think about the consequences), hoping that her brother could be able to figure out his case with the help of laws, since their system was already broken. Without reliable executors, the laws never worked and will not work, no matter what is written in them.
In the name of good intentions, millions of innocent people have died for nothing, and millions more will die..
Given the presence of magic and the non-interference of the ruler in the writing and execution of laws (removing holes in the laws, checking all involved persons for lies, etc.) .. their world is already lost..
**Although if Сelestia remembers her responsibilities, or at least that her subjects hope for her ... there may still be a chance.. (RIP)
**In the story, the level of corruption and merging of the guards with criminals is simply off scale.

I would have spat all over those officers.

All of that, and more had her friends yelled out in pure confusion, shock, and rage after Rainbow Dash left their room. Twilight felt horrible, it was never meant to have turned out like this. But it had, and now her friend was upset with her, more than upset, she had felt betrayed, and it broke Twilight's heart.

How was she expecting it to turn out?

It would take time, but they would forgive her. Right now, they needed to talk to Rainbow..

I don’t know about that.

Twilight wanted to make it up to Rainbow, to apologize and explain herself, but she was not stupid enough to try it right now.

Didn’t she already do that, and it didn’t work?

Twilight knew it was her turn to speak, and so she said. "Everything Rainbow has told you about Shadow is true, but, the part of me telling about him, and who he was.. It isn't like you think.." Taking a deep breath, Twilight got ready to explain all over what happened. "As you must know, the Ranger was being seen as a criminal.. A vigilante without regard for the law.. So, after he took down the gang's leader, after everything.. I told my brother, who is a captain of the Royal Guard everything.. I did it because I thought it would close the case on the Ranger, give Shadow and Rainbow an official ending without fearing arrest.."

Twilight looked down, feeling tears in her eyes. "I really had no idea they would barge in on him, arrest him.. I thought it would be a simple matter..."

You shouldn’t have told him in the first place.

"Have you spoken to your brother?" Bow asked.

Twilight nodded a little. "He says it's out of his hooves.. I even spoke to Princess Celestia, and she says she won't interfere before he has had his fair trial."

Like always, shining and celestia are useless.

"I'm not ready to forgive you Twilight, not sure I'll ever be ready.. But if you're really sorry, you can help find a way to get Shadow out.."

Wasn’t that what twilight was going to say until rd interrupted her?

Shining glared. "I had to inform them Shadow, what did you think? That you could just break the law with no consequences?"

That’s bullsh*t.

Shadow glared at him. "No consequences? I got beaten, burned, stabbed, I risked my life for this fucking city. And where do you get off lecturing me about rules and law? Didn't I turn a blind eye when you snuck out of the barracks to meet with princess Cadance?" When Shining had nothing to say to that Shadow continued. "Yeah, thought so.."

It be your own people.

After a moment of silence, Shining trotted away. "Listen, I can't stop them from transferring you, but I will make sure you get that lawyer. Your best chance is getting a pardon from princess Celestia."

That won’t mean both if he’s dead.

"This law stuff sure is complicated.." Pinkie mumbled.


Pinkie smiled a bit more, but did not bounce around. It was amazing how serious and down to earth she could be when it really counted.

That, I did not know.

Silver Scribe said it like it was, and Rainbow appreciated it. He seemed to really be invested in this case, and though she liked to know why, she was mostly worried for Shadow at this point.

I would like to know, too.

"Still doesn't matter in the grand scheme of things. Whatever noble intentions he had, he still broke the law." Midnight still was firm on that front, and so Silver simply shook his head. It was not like he disagreed on the crime, just the way he looked at it.

There are two types of people in this world.

"But, your pardon means you can never be the Ranger again.. Princess Celestia was very clear about that. While she appreciate everything you have done, it's time for it to end before other ponies get hurt.."

F*ck Celestia

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